

八年级上册英语句子Module 1

1. 你何不把正确的拼写和语法写在出错的地方?

And why don’t you write down the correct spelling and grammar next to the mistakes?

2. 还有什么吗?What else?

3. 许多人在讲英语时不好意思,所以,在开口前,深吸一口气,笑一笑。

Many people are shy when they speak English, so before you begin, take a deep breath and smile.

4. 微笑总能起作用的。Smiling always helps.

5. 每天查看你的单词本是个好主意。

I t’s a good idea to check your vocabulary notebook every day.

6. 用英语听收音机或读报纸如何呢?

How about listening to the radio or reading a newspaper in English?

7. 尽量不要翻译每个词。Try not to translate every word.

8. 她可以帮助我做作业。She can help me with my homework.

9. 许多学生征求提高英语水平的建议。

Many students ask for advice about improving their English.

10. 把它们写在纸上,贴在你的卧室。

Write them on pieces of paper and place them in your bedroom.

11. 这花费很长时间. It takes a long time.

12. 她在她的学校的乐队演奏,而且他们要在中国开一些音乐会。

She plays in her school orchestra, and they’re doing some concerts in China.

13. 这是学习英语的好方法。This is a great way to learn English.

14. 我认为每一个应该有个笔友,并互相写电子邮件信息。

I think everyone should have a pen friend and write email messages to each other.

15. 当你购物时,总计下英语单词,或者说出你看到的每件东西的英文名如何呢?

When you are shopping, how about counting the English words, or saying the English names for everything you see?

16. 和你的朋友谈论电影或歌曲,并猜新单词的意思。

Talk about the film or song with your friends, and guess the meaning of the new words.


1. 啊哈,你猜怎么着!Well, guess what!

2. 头等奖是你梦想的到英国度假。

The first prize is the holiday of your dreams in England.

3. 韩力曾经去过美国的旧金山。Han Li has been to San Francisco in USA.

4. 你梦寐以求的假期。The holiday at your dreams.

5. 你觉得怎么样?What do you reckon?

6. 他在全国各地举办音乐会,音乐会的票总是销售一空。

He’s given concerts all over China and the tickets have always sold out..

7. 听起来好极了。It sounds brilliant.

8. 我期望有一天能环游世界。I expect to travel around the world.

9. 你曾经有“梦想实现”吗?

Have you ever had a “dream come true”?

10. Sally 邀请我去英国和她一起呆一天。

Sally has invited me to stay with her in England one day.

11. 王明与2000多名观众一起去参加过在北京举行的刘欢音乐会。

Wang Ming has been to Liu Huan concert in Beijing with more than 2000 people.

12. 北京以其烤鸭而著名。Beijing is famous for its roast ducks.

13. 客舱内是禁止吸烟的。Smoking is not allowed in the cabin.

14. 因为大雾原因,飞机不能起飞。The plane can’t take off because of the thick fog.

15. 春节是中国的传统节日。The Spring Festival is traditional festival in China.


1. 你在干什么?What are you up to?

2. 地球是行星,它绕着太阳转。还有八颗行星也围绕着太阳转. The Earth is a planet

and it goes around the Sun.Eight other planets also go around.

3. 宇宙中有这么多的恒星,我们是孤独的吗?太空中还有其他的生命吗?

With so many stars in the universe, are we alone, or is there life out there in space.

4. 把它给给我的家人看看To show it to my family.

5. 花了几个月的时间才到那里It has taken several months to get there.

6. 大明有什么作业吗?What homework has Daming got?

7. 你认为大明的行为怎么样?What do think of Daming’s action?

8. 科学家们认为数百年以前地球上已经生命存在。

Scientists think that there has been life on Earth for millions of years.

9. 北京是中最大的城市之一Beijing is one of the biggest cities in China

10. 房间里没有人No one is in the room.

11. 我们班大多数学生骑自行车上学。

Most of the students in our class go to school by school.

12. 茶跟咖啡你更喜欢哪一样?Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?

13. 他们用其他的太空船做了什么?What have they made with the other spacecraft?

14. 它将与明年返回地球。It’s coming back to Earth next year.

15. 我在学校刚读完了一本极好的书I’ve just finished reading a great book at school.

16. 汤姆写的和玛丽写的一样好Tom writes as carefully as Mary.

17. 这河水太深,孩子们不能在河里游泳。

The river is so deep that the children can’t swim in it.

The river is too deep for the children to swim in

18. 他对英语表现出了极厚的兴趣He shows much interest in English.

Module 4

1. 但是我和她相处得很好。But I get on well with her.

2. 刘三子是一个八岁的男孩,他住在湖南的一个村子里。

Liu Sanzi is an eight-year-old boy from a village in Hunan Province.

3. 在希望工程的帮助下,他们现在可以上学了。

Now they can go to school with the help of Project Hope.

4. 因为有了希望工程,成千上万的孩子们过上了更好的生活。

Because of Project Hope, thousands of children have better lives.

5. 他的父母希望他辍学。His parents want him to drop out of school.

6. 在过去的15年中,这个工程已经筹集了善款,支付了乡村2500000个穷孩子的教


In the last 15 years this project has raised money and paid for the education of 2.5 million poor students in the countryside.

7. 去年沈,一个男孩去一个没有电,只有几本书的学校上学。

Last year Shen, a boy went to a school with no electricity and only a few books. 8. 大多数中国人听说过希望工程,捐过钱。

Most people in China have heard of Project Hope and have given money.

9. 帮助穷孩子上学。Helping poor children go to school.

10. 我和他相处的好,我们喜欢一样的东西。

11. I get on well with her, we like the same things.

12. 当你参观国家的时候,学习外语会更容易。

It’s easier to learn a foreign language when you visit the country.

13. 这是为穷孩子所建的学校。It’s a school for poor children.

Module 5

1. 这是谁创作的?Who’s it by ?

2. 她不喜欢流行音乐,是吧?对,她不喜欢。

--She doesn’t like pop music, does she ? ---No, she doesn’t.

3. 别再烦我们了(让我们清静一会吧)!Give us a break !

4. 那究竟是什么音乐?What on earth is that?

5. 和他的父亲相比,儿子……更加成功,更受人们的欢迎。

The son …was even more successful and popular than his father.

6. 他创作了400多支圆舞曲,最著名的是《蓝色多瑙河》。

He wrote more than 400 waltzes and his most famous one was The Blue Danube.

7. 维也纳是多瑙河上一个美丽古老的城市。

Vienna is a beautiful old city on the river Danube.

8. 在他不到六岁,他不仅弹奏钢琴,还拉小提琴和管风琴。

Before he was six he played not only the piano, but also the violin and the organ.

9. 在他12岁时,他写了他的第一首歌剧,为古典乐队写了成千上百的美丽的曲子。

He wrote his first opera at the age of 12 and hundreds of beautiful pieces of music

for the classical orchestra.

10. 埃尔维斯是一个很棒的歌手,他决定为他制作唱片。

Elvis was a great singer and decided to make records for him.

11. 他上学从不迟到,是吗?He is never late for school, is he?

12. 多好的天气啊,是吧?What fine weather, isn’t it ?

Module 6

1. 她看了几眼姐姐的书,发现书上既没有插图又没有对话。

Once or twice she looked into her sister’s book, but it had no pictures or conversations in it .

2. “没有插图、没有对话的书有什么用?”

“What is a book for,” thought Alice, “without pictures or conversations?’

3 她正在想着做一个雏菊花环,突然,一只粉色眼睛的小白兔从她的身边跑过。

She was thinking of making a daisy chain when suddenly a white rabbit with pink eyes ran by her

4 她从没见过兔子有兜,也没有见过兔子看表,因此就跟着那只兔子跑过田野。

She never saw a rabbit with a pocket or a watch, so she ran across the field after it.

5 她看到了兔子钻进树篱下面一个挺大的兔子洞里。

She saw it go down a large rabbit hole under the hedge.

6 爱丽丝没有什么事可做。Alice had nothing to do .

7 爱丽丝掉进一个兔子洞穴,进入了它们奇特的世界。

Alice fell down a rabbit hole and went into their strange world.

8 每个英国的男孩女孩都读过。Every boy and girl in Britain has read it.

9 爱丽丝非常疲倦。Alice was getting very tired.

10 当兔子从口袋里掏出一块表看时间时,爱丽丝跳了起来。

When the rabbit took a watch out of its pocket and looked at it,Alice got up.


1.它的味道尝起来太浓了。It taste too strong..

2.恐怕我不喜欢奶酪。I’m afraid I don’t like cheese.

3.她长的什么样子?What’s she like?

4.你一定要把我介绍给她。You must introduce me to her.

5.它摸起来很柔软,很舒服。It feels very soft and comfortable.


Thank you for your last message, it was great to hear from you.

7.我还喜欢运动,特别是打网球. I enjoy sports as well, especially tennis.

8. 她听起来很棒,而且她看起来很漂亮。

She sounds really nice, and she looks very pretty.

9.谢谢你告诉我你喜欢做的事情。Thanks for telling me about what you like doing. 10,当我说中文的时候,我觉得紧张。I feel nervous when I speak English.


We are going to the airport to meet my friend Sally from London.

12.我们将回到这里吃点东西。We are coming back here to have something to eat.


I’m quite tall with short fair hair, and I wear glasses.


My brother is captain of the school tennis team—I’m very proud of him!


I hope you can recognize me from my photo when I arrive at the airport.

Module 8


Go along the red street to Buckingham Palace .The Queen lives here.

2.伦敦塔是这座城市最古老的宫殿。The Tower of London is the city’s oldest palace.


4.You are now back where you started, at the square.

5.Lingling,给我展示你的北京的地图。Show me your map of Beijing, Lingling.

6.我怎么到达紫禁城?How do I get to the Forbidden City?

7.直走。它在天安门广场对面。Go straight ahead. It’s opposite Tian’anmen Square.

8.穿过广场。向左转到长安街,然后向右转到长街。Go across the square. Turns left into

Chang’an Jie and then turn right into Chang Jie.

9.你可以告诉我去公园的路吗?Can you tell me the way to a park?


I think there’s an entran ce on the corner of Chang Jie and Wenjin Jie

11.我可以在哪里购物?Where can I do some shopping?

12.它有点安静。It’s kind of quiet.


Opposite is the National Gallery, a museum with lots of famous paintings.


It takes you 135 metres above the River Thames.


You can see most of London on a clear day.

16.坐船沿着河回去。Take the boat back along the river.


Get off the boat and go past the station and walk along the street.


We are standing in the middle of London.


When you are tired, the best way to see London is by boat.

20.欢迎来这次短暂的伦敦旅行。Welcome to this short tour of London.


As you go along the river, the London Eye is on your right.

Module 9

1. 但是想起那些濒危动物来,真让人伤心。

But it’s sad to think about all those animals in danger.

2. 我们的村庄和农场越来越大,我们剥夺了他们的土地和森林。Our villages and farms

are growing bigger, and we’re taking away their lands and forests.

3.它们主要以竹子为食,每天每只熊猫要吃很多的竹子。They mainly live on bamboo,

and each panda needs to eat a lot of bamboo every day.

4. 拯救大熊猫的道路依旧十分漫长。There is still a long way to go to save the panda.

5. 了解卧龙大熊猫自然保护区的知识很有趣。

It was interesting to learn about the Wolong Panda Reserve.

6. 想起那些濒危动物让人很难过。Itˊs sad to think about all those animals in danger.

7. 杀死鲸和象来获取他们的肉根本就是不对的。

It just isnˊt right to kill whales or elephants for their meat.

8. 发现鲸处境很危险你感到震惊吗?

9. Are you surprised to find out that whales are in danger?

10.我们要帮助动物生活在安全的环境里。We need to help the animals live in peace.

11.很多人决定不去想这件事。Many people decide not to think about it.

12. 它们的水不适宜饮用…Their water isnˊt good to drink…

13.政府正在努力拯救大熊猫。Our government is working hard to save pandas.

14. 有30多个大熊猫自然保护区。

There are more than 30 nature reserves to protect pandas.

15. 许多动物没有地方生存。Many animals have no place to live in.

16. 熊猫能够生存的土地越来越少。So pandas have less and less land to live on..

17. 政府已制定了一个保护大熊猫的新计划。

The government has made a new plan to help pandas.

18. 最难的是阻止人们猎杀它们。The difficulty is to stop people killing them.


1. 萨莉最大的爱好是音乐Sally’s main interest is music.

2. 我想看看茶馆,所以我的父母同意带我们去哪。

I want to see the teahouse,so my parents agreed to take us.

3. 我设法理解它,但那几乎不可能。I try to understand it,but it was almost impossible.

4. 我们仅仅打算喝点茶,但是我们决定呆两个小时。

We only planned to have some tea,but we decided to stay for two hours.

5. 他特别因他的剧本茶馆而著名。He is especially famous for his play, teahouse.

6. 没什么特别的。Not especially.

7. 这部戏展示中国观众在1898和1945年之间的生活。

The play shows the audience life in China between 1989 and 1945.

8. 故事发生在老北京的一间茶馆里。

It takes place in a teahouse in old Beijing.

9. 它向我们讲述了王利发及他的顾客的故事。

It tells the story about Wang Lifa and his customers.

10. 最后,它向老北京和它的人们说再见。

Finally, it says goodbye to old Beijing and its people.

11. 最后,他带观众到1945年的抗日战争末。

Finally,it brings the audience to the end of the Anti-Japenese War in 1945.

12. 他的父母送他去北京的师范学校并且他学习教书。

His parents sent him to the Teacher’s School in Beijing and he learned to teach. 13. 老舍的茶馆热烈欢迎来自中国和全世界的每一个人。

Lao She T eahouse gives a wonderful welcome to everyone from China and from all over the world.

14. 他被誉为“人民艺术家”和“语言大师”

He was named a “People’s Artist” and a “Great Master of Language”.

15. 如果你喜欢京剧、民乐、杂技或是魔术,你可以在这个茶馆里欣赏到这些节目。

If you like Beijing Opera,folk music,acrobatics or magic shows,you can enjoy them in the teahouse.

Module 11

1.嗨,你们这些人!Hey, you lot !

2.好了,走吧!Come on , better get going !

3.最好的计划是9月份去新英格兰。The best plan is to arrive in New England in Sep.


It’s a good idea to bring your camera because you may want to take photos of the autumn leaves.


In Texas and the southeast , there are storms from time to time in summer and fall.

6.我们正在为好买礼物。We’re going shopping for her present.

7.也许天气恰好不冷。It may not even be cold.

8.天气可能相当冷,但或许干燥。It may be quite cool , but it’ll probably be dry.


New York and Washington D.C.are good places to visit in May or October.

10.在10月见到太阳很好。It’s nice to see the Sun in December.

11.天气将整天黑暗、冰泠。It’ll be dark all day and freezing cold.

12.那么什么时候是参观美国的最好时间. So when’s the best time to visit the USA?.


In the northwest , it isn’t very cold , but there’s a lot of rain , so bring an umbrella.


Bring your swimsuit because you might want to swim in the sea.

15.你打算给玲玲买什么礼物?What are you going to buy for Lingling’s present?


1. 在美国,当有人给你一个礼物时,你一定要立刻将它打开。

In the USA,when someone gives you a present,youmust open it immediately.

2. 并且你必须用红纸包裹红包,因为那是吉利的

And you must wrap hongbao in red paper because it’s lucky.

3. 你不准在中国新年的第一天力作任何打扫。

You must n’t do any cleaning on the first day of the Chinese New Year.

4. 当你和年长的人说话时,你必须说先生或女士但你可以对你的朋友直呼其名

You must say Mr and Mrs when you speak to older people,but you can use first names with your friends.

5. 茶不仅仅是一种饮料,而且也是一顿在四点左右的间食。

Tea is not just a dringk but a light meal at around 4 pm.

6. 6你必须倒茶,然后倒奶——你不能先放奶再放茶。

You must pour the tea ,then the milk ---you can’t put the milk in first then the tea.

7. 7在公共汽车或火车上,別的乘客都很安靜,而你不准講話聲太大。In buses or

trains,the other passengers are very quiet,and you mustn’t talk too loudly.

8. 并且你不会经常在街道里听到人们大叫大喊。

And you don’t often hear people shouting in the sreet.

9. 男人和女人在婚礼的前一天晚上不能见到彼此。

The man and the woman can’t see each other the night before the wedding.

10. 比方说,你总是在第一次见到人们时和他们握手For example,you usually shake

hands with people when you meet them for the first time.

11. 然后女方不准准时到达教堂,而是晚几分钟

Then the woman mustn’t arrive at the church on time but a few minutes late.

12. 在婚礼后的晚会上,女方将她的花扔过她的肩膀。接到花的女孩将是下一个结婚的!

At the party after the wedding,the woman throws her flowers over her shoulder.The girl who catches them will be next to get married!


八年级英语上册翻译句子整理 Unit5 据我所知,他将外出三个月。As far as I know,he will be away for three months. 我们教室有30米宽50米长。Our classroom is 30 meters wide and 50 meters long. 这个省的人口有一千万。The population of this province is ten million. 关于今天的旅行,请随意问任何问题。Feel free to ask me anything on today’s tour. 校长总是第一个到校。Headmaster is always the first one to get to school. 爬山运动是世界上最危险的运动之一。 Mountain climbing is one of the world’s most dangerous sports. 长城有多长?How long is the Great Wall? 我们应尽可能保护那些处于危险中的动物。 We should protect the animals in danger as possible as we can. 有不到2000只熊猫生活在剩余的森林里。 There are fewer than 2000 pandas living in the remaining forest 学生们正在为这次考试做准备。The students are preparing for the exam. 我大约一星期后就回来。I’ll be back in a week or so. 这座桥有多长?大约100米。How long is the bridge? It’s about one hundred meters long. 我们的老师总是第一个到校。Our teacher is always the first one to get to school. 这个大厅是我们教室的5倍。This hall is four times bigger than our classroom. 他们把森林里的树砍倒了。They cut down the trees in the forest. 在过去,很多人死于饥饿。In the past,many people died of hunger. 外面有一个妇女在扫地。There is a woman sweeping the floor. 你知道中国是最古老的国家之一吗? Do you know China is one of the most ancient countries? 黄河是中国第二长河。The yellow river is the second longest river in China. 中国的人口比印度的人口多。The population of China is larger than that of India. 中国有超过5000年的历史,它比美国的历史要长的多。 China is more than 5000 years old. It has a much longer history than the US. 尼罗河比世界上任何一条其它河流都长。 The Nile is longer than any other river in the world. 世界上没有和太平洋一样大的海洋。No ocean in the world is as big as the Pacific Ocean. 面对危险,他很勇敢。He is brave in the face of danger.


班级姓名 1. 你认识著名的足球运动员大卫·贝克汉姆吗? Do you know the famous ____ _____, David Beckham 2.他在1922年开始打嗝 He in1922。 3.你是从来不会由于年龄太小而不能做某事的。 You are never ____young start things off. 4梅兰芳首次表演京剧时年仅十岁。 years old. 5.中国体操运动员刘17岁就在世界锦标赛上赢得一枚金 牌。 Liu Xuan , the Chinese _________ the World championships when she was 17. 6长大后,我要做我想做的事情。 When l ____ ____,I’m going to____ _____ I____ ____ 7我要搬到某个有趣的地方。 I’m going to find a____ _____ ____. 8首先,我要找个兼职工作,干上一两年并积攒些钱。 First,I’m going to find a ____ ____for____ _____ _____ _____and_____some money. 9同时,我要学习法语。 I’m going to study French ____ _____ _____ ______. 10我要用这些钱买个大房子并周游世界。 I’m going to by a big house ____ _____ _____and going to _____ _____ ____the world. 11把热水倒进果汁机。 _____the hot water ______ the blender. 12“我们需要多少佐料?”-____ ____ ____ do we need? “两茶匙。”-____ ____ 13.在做果汁之前,检查一下所有的原料。 14.这儿有三明治的制作方法。


人教版八年级上册英语课文句子汇总 1. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax. (3-1-A) 2. I think talking to someone helps a lot. (3-10-B) 3. “I will always remember to share my problems in the future!” Laura says. (3-10-B) 4. “Problems and worries are normal in life,” says Laura. (3-10-B) 5. A special day in the United States is Thanksgiving. (3-8-B) 6. After that, cook them for 30 minutes. (3-8-A) 7. All kinds of people join these shows. (3-4-B) 8. All these shows have one thing in common. (3-4-B) 9. Although many students like to watch sports, game shows are the most popular. (3-2-B) 10. Although there are differences, most resolutions have one thing in common. (3- 6-B) 11. Because of the bad weather, we couldn't see anything below. (3-1-B) 12. Eighty-five percent watch TV every day! (3-2-B) 13. One great thing about them is that they give people a way to make their dreams come true. (3-4-B) 14. The winner always gets a very good prize. (3-4-B) 15. Twenty percent do not exercise at all. (3-2-B) 16. Are you free next week? (3-2-A) 17. As I’m sure you know by now, our favorite teacher, Ms. Steen, is leaving soon to go back to the US. (3-9-B) 18. At this time, people also remember the first travelers from England who came to live in America about 400 years ago. (3-8-B) 19. Bring Ms. Steen to the party without telling her so that she can be surprised. (3- 9-B) 20. I think friends are like books------you don't need a lot of them as long as they're good. (3-3-B) 21. One very famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon. (3-5-B) 22. Who can play the piano the best or sing the most beautifully? 23. Buy food and drinks. (3-9-B) (3-4-B) 24. Can you come to my house on Saturday? 25. Can you come to the party? 26. Can you hang out with us on Monday night? 27. Catch you on Monday! (3-9-A) (3-9-B) (3-9-A) (3-9-A) 28. Did you do anything special last month? 29. Did you go anywhere interesting? (3-1-A) (3-1-A) 30. Did you like the singing competition yesterday, Anna? 31. Did you see Huangguoshu Waterfall? (3-1-A) 32. Do you know what a resolution is? (3-6-B) (3-3-A) 33. Do you think you will have your own robots? (3-7-B) 34. Everyone is good at something, but some people are talented. (3-4-B) 35. Everyone should play a part in saving the earth. (3-7-A)


完成句子专练——新人教八下英语期末复习我们才按 时完成了工作。, 幸亏有你的帮助1. your help, we finished the work on time. 我坚信你会很快走出困境。2. the difficult situation soon. I’m sure that you can我想我以同样的姿势一动不动地坐得太久了。3. .for too long without ________ I think I sat_________ ________ ________ ________ 作为一名登山者,阿伦习惯于冒险。4. As a mountain climber, Aron ________ ________ ________ ________ risks. 我想把我在动物医院工作的计 划推迟到明年夏天。5. my plan to work in an animal hospital ________ next summer. I want to________ ________ 6. me such a cute pet dog. Thank you 谢谢你送给我一只这么可爱的宠物狗。网络使我们在家里购物成为 可能。7. The Internet for us to buy things at home. 帮助别人使 我感到愉快。8. me feel happy. 约翰常去看望养老院里的老人并使 他们高兴起来。9. John often goes . ande’s homethe old people at the old peopl 我想把这些书捐赠给贫困山区的孩子们。10. I’d like to to the children in the poor mountain areas. these books ? 这个周末我可以和朋 友们一起去远足吗11. go hiking with my friends this weekend? 我得 整理床铺。, 每天早晨起床后12. after getting up every morning. I


人教新目标八年级英语上册Unit5翻译句子练习你想要看什么?我想要看脱口秀。 他想要看什么?他想要看肥皂剧。 你想要看体育节目吗?做出肯定回答。 她想要看才艺节目吗?做出否定回答。 你对新闻节目怎么看?我不喜欢。(how) 你对足球节目怎么看?我不介意。(what) 我无法忍受游戏节目。 约翰无法忍受看电视。 沙拉无法忍受你不知道她的名字。 我真的很介意你每天玩电脑游戏。 你介意我站在这里吗? 我不介意帮助你。 你计划今晚看足球比赛吗?做出肯定回答。 他们计划明天去旅行吗?你今晚计划看什么?我计划看一场脱口秀。 沙拉计划看什么?她计划看情景喜剧。 你期望从喜剧中学到什么?你可以学到一些很棒的笑话。 我期望今晚看新闻。 她期望我帮助她打扫房间。 我曾经期望你可以停下来去做作业。 你为什么喜欢看电视?因为我希望弄清楚世界上正发生什么。我必须弄清楚你做了什么。 我想要弄清楚你的家离你学校有多远。 意译:发生什么事啦? 新闻比游戏节目更有教育意义。 你今天上课时做了什么? 让我们举行一次关于旅行的讨论吧。 我上个月和我的同学们举行了一次讨论。 接下来将会发生什么?

发生了什么? 约翰碰巧在打扫教室。 我将来有一天会成为一名记者。(become)这趟旅行是令人享受的。(过去) 你对我怎么看? 我总是替他人着想。 你需要思考一下你的人生。 米老鼠是最著名的动画角色之一。 她在教室出现了。 我将于2018年10月1日到达武汉。 米老鼠在20世纪30年代非常的成功。 你必须面对任何的危险。 我只是一个寻常人。 对我来说每天阅读一小时是常见的。 不幸的是,我现在不得不离开去上海了。我会做很多事,比如弹钢琴,踢足球与打篮球。现在你准备好回家了吗? 我昨天赢得了一场足球比赛。 我计划下个月赢得一份很棒的奖品。 米奇也有一双大耳朵。 多么简单的一个问题呀。 她给她儿子穿上了衣服后就出门了。


Unit 1 1.Long time no see. 好久不见。 2.We took quite a few photos there. 我们在那儿拍了相当多的照片。 3.I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax. 大部分时间我只是呆在家里阅读和放松。 4.No one was here. 没有人在这儿。 5.Did you buy anything special? 你买了什么特别的东西吗? 6.It was my first time there. 这是我第一次去那儿。 7.I bought something for my parents, but nothing for myself. 我买了一些东西给我父母,但是没有给自己 买。 8.I didn’t really see anything I liked.我真的没有看到什么我喜欢的东西。 9.The only problem was that there was nothing much to 唯一的问题是,晚上除了阅读,无事可做。 do in the evening but read. Still no one seemed to be bored. 但似乎还是没人感到烦闷。 10.What activities do you find enjoyable? 什么活动你觉得令人愉快的吗? 11.I felt like I was a bird. 我感觉自己是只鸟。 12.I wonder what life was like here in the past. I really 我想知道过去这儿的生活是什么样的, enjoyed walking around the town. 我真的很喜欢在镇子里四处走走。 13.What a difference a day makes! 一天的差异是多么大呀! 14.We wanted to walk up to the top, but then it started raining 我们本想走到山顶,但后来有点下雨了, a little so we decided to take the train. 所以我们决定乘火车去。 15.Because of the bad weather, we couldn’t see anything below.因为糟糕的天气,底下的东西我们什么都看 不到。 16.Sounds great! 听起来很棒! 17.We were wet and cold because we forgot to bring an umbrella. 我们又冷又湿因为我们忘了带伞。 18.And that’s not all! 那还不是全部。 19.Everyone jumped up and down in excitement. 每个人都兴奋地跳来跳去。 Unit 2 1.What do you usually do on weekends? 周末你通常做什么? 2.I often go to the movies. 我经常去看电影。 3.Next week is quite full for me. 下一周我相当忙。 4.They often help with housework. 他们经常帮着做家务。 5.He hardly ever watches TV. 他几乎从不看电视。 6.Does Sue eat a healthy breakfast? Sue吃健康早餐吗? 7.What can you do to improve your English? 你能做什么来提高你的英语? 8.My mother wants me to drink it. She says it’s我妈妈想我喝它。她说这对我的健康有好处 good for my health. 9.How many hours do you sleep every night? 你每天晚上睡几个小时? https://www.360docs.net/doc/b2482979.html,st month we asked our students about their 上个月我们问了我们的学生关于 free time activities. 他们业余活动的问题。 11.Here are the results. 结果如下。 12.Twenty percent do not exercise at all. 20%的学生根本不运动。 13.Most students use it for fun and not for homework. 大部分学生用电脑来娱乐而不是为了作业 14.The answers to our questions about watching television 对我们提出的有关看电视的问题的 were also interesting. 答案也颇有意思。 15.Although many students like to watch sports, game shows 虽然许多学生喜欢看体育节目,但 are the most popular. 游戏类节目确实最受欢迎的。


八年级下英语完成句子 1.我爷爷希望自己活到100岁。 My grandfather hopes she can __ ___ ___ 100 years old. 2.人们将不再用钱,一切均是免费的。 People ____ use money,everything will ____ ____. 3.从现在起五年内,你打算做什么?What are you going to do ___ ___ ____now? 4.一百年后人们还将会用纸吗?___ people ____ paper ____ 100 years? 5.未来的城市将会更拥挤。The cities in the future ____ ____ ____ ____. 6.学生将会在家里电脑上学习。Students will study ____ ____ at home. 7.我不喜欢一个人住。I don’t like ____ _____. 8.他的梦想会实现的。His dream will ____ ______. 9.机器人永远不会觉得乏味。Robots will ____ ____ ____. 10.当你到北京时给我打电话。____ ____ ____when you get to Beijing. 11.人们将更少地乘坐地铁。People will use the subway ___ 12.这事对你来说可能听上去没有什么意思。This ____________________you. 13.他改变了来自北京的杨蕾的生活。It____ Yang Lei’s life _____ Beijing. 14.他与他的的朋友相处很融洽。She is ___________________ her friends. 15.教育部每年派100位志愿者到中国的农村去任教。 The Ministry of Edu cation ________ in China’s rural areas every year. 16.我的表弟和我同龄。My cousin is ______________me. 17.稀薄的空气使她感觉不好受。The thin air ____________. 18.另一方面,我不知道如何使用电脑。 ___ ___ ____ ____,I don’t know how to use the computer. 19.幸运的是,她妈妈同意女儿的决定。 s decision. ____, her mother ____ her daughter’ 20.他的爸妈都是医生。___ his father ___ mother ___ doctors. 21.杨蕾说她能开阔她的学生的视野。Yang Lei said she __________________. 22.我们应尽可能多说英语。We should speak English____ _____ ____ _____. 23.他们帮忙做家务,还做最令人不愉快的工作。 They _____do the housework, and do __________ job. 24.她说她喜欢给孩子们的生活带来好的影响。 She said she likes _______________ the children’s lives. 25.如果努力学习,你就回取得好成绩。If you ___ ___, you ___ ___ good ____. 26.你认为明天会下雨吗?Do you think _____________ tomorrow. 27.在20至50年后,机器人将能够和人谈话。 Robots will __________ talk to people in 25__50 years. 28.我将和我最好的朋友住在一所公寓里 I___ live in an ___ with my _____friends. 29.他如果玩电脑游戏太久了,他的父母会不高兴。 If she ____ computer games too much, her parents ___ ____ unhappy. 30.在1929年以前,电影没有声音。____1929, ____ _____ no sound in movies. 31.我们打算用较少的钱和人来做这项工作。 We are going to do the work___ __money and ___people. 32.五年后,他们会有更多的空闲时间吗?


初二英语句子翻译练习及答案 有关初二英语句子翻译精选练习及答案 句子翻译 ________________________________________________________ ________________ 7.每个人都得参加反污染的活动。 ________________________________________________________ ________________ 8.她能自己做这事儿,她已不再是小孩了。 ________________________________________________________ ________________ 9.东北很冷,但在那儿滑雪真是有趣。 ________________________________________________________ ________________ 10.它由金属制成,并且确实很高。 ________________________________________________________ ________________ 答案 6.Becauseitrainedheavily,wedidn’thaveagoodtimeatthepark yesterday. 7.Everyone初中物理hastojoinintheactivityagainstpollution.

8.Shecandoitbyherself.Sheisnotachildanymore. 9.It’scoldinthenortheast,butit’sreallyinterestingtoski there. 10.It’smadeofmetal,andit’sr eallytall.


新人教版八年级英语(上)重点单词短语句子归纳 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 一、重点短语 1.去度假go on vacation 2.待在家里stay at home 3.去爬山go to the mountains 4.去海滩go to the beach 5.参观博物馆visit museums 6.去参观夏令营go to summer camp 7.相当多quite a few 8.为……而学习study for 9.出去go out 10.大部分时间most of the time 11.尝起来很好吃taste good 12.玩得高兴have a good time 13.当然of course 14.给……的感觉;感受到feel like 15.去购物go shopping 16. 在过去in the past 17.四处走走walk around 18.因为because of 19.一碗……one bowl of…20.第二天the next day 21.喝茶drink tea 22.找出;查明find out 23.继续go on 24.照相take photos 25.重要的事something important 26.上上下下up and down 27.出来come up 二、重点句型及考点 1. 为某人买某物buy sth. for sb. / buy sb. sth. 2. 尝起来……taste + adj. 3. 看起来……look+ adj. 4. 除了……之外什么都没有nothing…but+动词原形 5.看起来……seem+(to be)+ adj. 6. 到达某地arrive in+大地点/ arrive at+小地点 7. 决定去做某事decide to do sth. 8. 尝试做某事try doing sth . 尽力去做某事try to do sth. 9. 忘记做过某事forget doing sth. 忘记做某事forget to do sth. 10. 喜欢做某事enjoy doing sth. 11. 想去做某事want to do sth. 12. 开始做某事start doing sth. 13. 停止做某事stop doing sth. 14. 不喜欢做某事dislike doing sth. 15. 继续做某事keep doing sth. 16. 为什么不做……呢?Why not do. sth.? 17. 如此……以至于……so+adj.+that+从句18. 告诉某人(不要)做某事tell sb. (not) to do sth Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 一、根据汉语写短语。 1. 多久一次how often 2. 几乎不hardly ever 3. 至少;不少于at least 4. 摇摆舞swing dance 5. 垃圾食品junk food 6. 多少how many 7. 例如;像……这样such as 8. 少于less than 9. 百分之十五fifteen percent 10. 上网go online 11. 对……有好处be good for 12. 多余more than 13. 看电视watch TV 14. 许多好习惯a lot of good habits 15. 去看牙医go to the dentist 16. 一周一两次once or twice a week 二、根据所给英语翻译句子。 1. ---你周末通常都干些什么?---我总是锻炼。(weekend; exercise) ---What do you usually do on weekends? ---I always exercise. 2. 他们经常帮忙做家务。(housework) They often help with housework. 3. ---他多久看一次电视?---他几乎不看电视。(how often) ---How often does he watch TV. --- He hardly ever watches TV.


八年级英语上册完成句子专练 Unit 1 Topic 1 1.我们打算去打篮球。 We _______ _______ _______ to play basketball. 2.我希望你能来为我们加油。 I hope you will come to ______ ______ ______. 3.在周日我们和三班将有一场篮球赛 ______ ______ ______ ______ ________a basketball game against Class Three on 4.和游泳相比我更喜欢滑冰。I ______ skating ______ swimming. 5我将会加入学校的足球队。 I ______ ______ the school football team. 6.你长大了将干什么? What is she going to be when she _____ ______? 7.他每天花半个小时在体育馆锻炼。 She ______ half an hour _______ in the gym every day. 8.篮球全世界流行。 Basketball is popular ______ _____ the world. 9.每天跑步是一种保持健康的好方式。 Running every day is a good way _____ _____ ______. 10他昨天和他的队友抵达了北京。 He ______ _____Beijing with his teammates yesterday. 11.如果明天下雨,我们将不去博物馆。 If it rains, we _______ ________ to the museum tomorrow. Topic 2 1.请你教我,好吗?Would you mind ______ ______ ? 2.你介意我开窗吗? Would you mind ______ ______ the window? 3..请你不要乱扔瓶子,好吗? Could you please not _______bottles _______. 4.康康,向Michael 道个歉怎样? Kangkang, what about ______ ______ _______ Michael. 5.我对我说的话感到很抱歉。 I ______ ______ _______what I said. 6.你们一定会玩得很开心。 You ______ ______ ______have more fun. 7.篮球是世界上最流行的运动之一。 Basketball is ______ ______ the most popular _______ around the world. 8.糟糕的天气可能会阻碍我们打篮球。 The bad weather may _______ us ______ ______ basketball. 9.我将参加学校的跳远和跳高。(三种表达) I'll ______ ______ the long jump and the high jump. (be) I'll ______ ______ the long jump and the high jump. (join) I'll ______ ______ ______ the long jump and the high jump. (take) 10.这是我第一次去北京。It's ______ ______ ______to go to Beijing.


1. 你看起来不舒服,你怎么了? 2. 她看起来忧愁的,她怎么了? 3. 我感觉不舒服。 4. 我感冒了。 5. 我胃痛。 6. 我背疼。 7. 他生病了。 8. 他生病住院了。 9. 我昨天说话太多并且没有喝足够的水。因此我嗓子疼。 10. 我的头感到非常热。我可能发烧了。我应该量量体温。 11. 我认为你应该躺下来休息。 12. 你应该喝带有蜂蜜的热茶。 13. 我牙痛,我应该看牙医并且拍个片子。 14. 我切伤了我自己,我应该在伤口上放一些药。 15. 我头疼了并且我不能动我的脖子。 16. 我应该做什么? 17. 我整个周末都玩电脑游戏。 18. 你需要远离电脑休息。 19. 我认为你一同样的姿势一动不动地做的太久了。 20. 假如你的头和脖子仍旧疼,你应该去看医生。 21. 在昨天9 点钟,26 路公共汽车正沿着中山路行驶,就在那时,司机看到一个老人正躺在路边。 22. 在老人旁边的一个妇女正在大叫。

23. 司机不假思索的停下来。 24. 司机下了车问那个妇女发生了什么? 25. 她说那个老人心脏病犯了并且应该立刻送他到医院。 26. 司机意识到他必须马上行动。 27. 他告诉乘客他必须带那个男人到医院。 28. 他期待所有的乘客下车去等下一趟公交。但是让他吃惊的是,他们都同意跟他一起送老人到医院。 29. 乘客们帮助司机把老人移到车上。 30. 多亏司机的帮助,老人被及时的救了。 31. 当今,许多人不想帮助别人因为他们不想惹麻烦。这的确让人很悲哀。 32. 这个司机不考虑他自己,他只是考虑挽救生命。 33. 昨天,一辆公交撞了一个老人。 34. 老人被及时送到了医院。 35. 司机非常惊奇乘客们同意和他一起到医院。 36. 你认为这个司机做的对吗? 37. 许多人不想帮助别人,因为他们害怕惹麻烦。 38. 昨天,当我打篮球的时候,我伤了我的腿。 39. 你应该看医生拍一个X 光片。 40. 我踢足球的时候跌倒了,我伤了我自己。 41. 你应该回家好好休息。 42. 当你不小心用小刀切伤了手指的时候,你应该在凉水底下冲洗他。然后把药放到伤口上。最后,用一个绷带包扎它。 43. 假如你流了鼻血,首先把头低下,然后摁住你鼻子的两边。 44. 假如你头部受到撞击,你应该去医院拍一个片子然后休息几天。


八年级英语上册必背句子 第一单元:Where did you go on vacati on? I. Lo ng time no see. 好久不见。 2. Did you go any where in terest in g? 你去了有趣的地方吗? 3.1 went to Guizhou with my family. 我和家人一起去了贵州。 4. We took quite a few photos there. 我们在那里拍了不少的照片。 5. Did you do an ythi ng special last mon th? 上个月你做了什么特别的事吗? 6. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax. 我大部分时间只是呆在家里读书休息。 7. How did you like it? = How did you feel about it? = What did you think of it? 你觉得它怎么样? 8. The only problem was that there was nothing much to do in the evening but read. 唯一的问题是晚上除了读书没什么事可做。9. No one seemed to be bored. 没有人看起来无聊。 10. I arrived in Pe nang in Malaysia this morni ng with my family. 今天早上我和家人到达了马来西亚的槟城。II. It was sunny and hot, so we decided to go to the beach n ear our hotel. 天气晴朗而又炎热,因此我们决定去旅馆附近的海滩。 12. My sister and I tried paraglidi ng. 姐姐和我尝试了滑翔伞运动。 13. I felt like I was a bird. 我感觉自己就像一只小鸟。 14. I wo nder what life was like here in the past. 我想知道在这儿过去的生活是什么样的。 15. I really enjoyed walk ing around the town. 我真的很喜欢在镇上到处走走。 16. What a differe nee a day makes! 一天的变化有多大啊! 17. We waited over an hour for the train because there too many people. 因为人太多,我们等了一个多小时的火车。 18. Because of the bad weather, we couldn ' t see anything below. 因为坏天气,我们没能看到下面的任何景色。 19. My father did n ' t bring eno ugh mon ey, so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish. 我爸爸没带足够的钱,所以我们仅吃了一碗米饭和一些鱼。 20. The food tasted great because I was so hun gry. 这些食物尝起来真好,因为我们很饿。 21. We were wet and cold because we forgot to bring an umbrella. 因为我们忘了带伞所以又冷又饿。 22. Every one in our class took a bag with some food and water. 我们班的每一个人都随身带了装有食物和水的袋子。 23. My legs were so tired that I wan ted to stop. 我的腿太累了以至于我都想停下来。


1.停止吃快餐食品,每天吃早餐。 Stop eating ________ ________ and have breakfast every day. 2.我每天锻炼,身体状况非常好。 I take exercise every day and now I am _______ ____________ ___________. 3.我腿疼,浑身很热。 My legs hurt and I was hot ________ __________. 4.我们应该参加学校的各种活动。 We should ________ ________ _______ all kinds of school activities. 5.上周我妈妈感冒了。My mother ________ ______ _______ last week. 6.让我量一量你的体温。 Let me _________ _________ ________________. 7.快餐中缺乏维生素和矿物质。________ ________ is very poor in vitamins and minerals. 8.淋到了一场雨,他全身都湿了。 Caught in a rain, he was wet ______ ________. 9.他感觉不舒服,去看医生了。He _______ _________ and went to see the doctor. 10.玲玲昨天肚子不舒服,没去上学。 Lingling had a ___________ _______ and didn't go to school


八年级上重点句型 Unit 1 1.Long time no see.好久不见。 2.We took quite a few photos there.我们在那儿拍了相当多的照片。 3.I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax.大部分时间我只是呆在家里阅读和放松。 4.No one was here.没有人在这儿。 5.Did you buy anything special?你买了什么特别的东西吗? 6.It was my first time there.这是我第一次去那儿。 7.I bought something for my parents, but nothing for myself.我买了一些东西给我父母,但是没有给自己买。 8.I didn’t really see anything I liked.我真的没有看到什么我喜欢的东西。 9.The only problem was that there was nothing much to 唯一的问题是,晚上除了阅读,无事可做。 do in the evening but read. Still no one seemed to be bored.但似乎还是没人感到烦闷。 10.What activities do you find enjoyable?什么活动你觉得令人愉快的吗? 11.I felt like I was a bird.我感觉自己是只鸟。 12.I wonder what life was like here in the past. I really我想知道过去这儿的生活是什么样的, enjoyed walking around the town.我真的很喜欢在镇子里四处走走。 13.What a difference a day makes!一天的差异是多么大呀! 14.We wanted to walk up to the top, but then it started raining我们本想走到山顶,但后来有点下雨了, a littleso we decided to take the train.所以我们决定乘火车去。 15.Because of the bad weather, we couldn’t see anything below.因为糟糕的天气,底下的东西我们什么都看不到。 16.Sounds great!听起来很棒! 17.We were wet and cold because we forgot to bring an umbrella.我们又冷又湿因为我们忘了带伞。 18.And that’s not all!那还不是全部。 19.Everyone jumped up and down in excitement.每个人都兴奋地跳来跳去。 Unit 2 1.What do you usually do on weekends?周末你通常做什么? 2.I often go to the movies.我经常去看电影。 3.Next week is quite full for me.下一周我相当忙。 4.They often help with housework.他们经常帮着做家务。 5.He hardly ever watches TV.他几乎从不看电视。 6.Does Sue eat a healthy breakfast?Sue吃健康早餐吗? 7.What can you do to improve your English?你能做什么来提高你的英语? 8.My mother wants me to drink it. She says it’s我妈妈想我喝它。她说这对我的健康有好处 good for my health. 9.How many hours do you sleep every night?你每天晚上睡几个小时? https://www.360docs.net/doc/b2482979.html,st month we asked our students about their上个月我们问了我们的学生关于 free time activities.他们业余活动的问题。 11.Here are the results.结果如下。 12.Twenty percent do not exercise at all.20%的学生根本不运动。 13.Most students use it for fun and not for homework.大部分学生用电脑来娱乐而不是为了作业 14.The answers to our questions about watching television对我们提出的有关看电视的问题的 were also interesting.答案也颇有意思。 15.Although many students like to watch sports, game shows虽然许多学生喜欢看体育节目,但 are the most popular.游戏类节目确实最受欢迎的。 16.It is good to relax by using the Internet.上网是一个很好的放松方式。 17.The best way to relax is through exercise.最好的放松方式是通过运动。
