

乐山市 2019 年初中学业水平考试


第二部分英语知识运用(共 2 节,满分30 分)

第一节语法和词汇知识(共15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分)

从A、B、C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

6.–I’m afraid I can’t do well in the running race. I might let my classmates down.

–. You don’t need to push yourself too hard.

A. What a pity

B. Take it easy

C. It’s a pleasure

7.–Where is Monica? I can’t find her anywhere.

–She be in the library. She loves reading books when she is free.

A. must

B. need

C. can’t

8.–Allan, I found a red eraser under your chair. Is it yours?

–Oh, yes. It’s. Thank you, Mike.

A. me

B. my

C. mine

9.–What are you looking for?

–I’m looking for the storybook you lent to me last week.

A. who

B. which

C. when

10.–are the students in your class?

–Most of them are only fourteen.

A. How long

B. How many

C. How old

11.Bike sharing is very useful in our daily life it still has some disadvantages.

A. unless

B. because

C. although

12.–Look, Linda. The flowers in our classroom came out in one night.

–I can’t believe it. They are beautiful and colorful. They great.

A. sound

B. smell

C. taste

13.–You’d better take an umbrella. The weather report says it in the afternoon.

–Thank you. I will put one in my bag.

A. will rain

B. rains

C. is raining

14.–Do you have this T-shirt in a different color?

–I’m afraid not. It only comes red.

A. of

B. in

C. for

15.–I went to see you yesterday evening. But you weren’t in. Where were you then?

–I a walk by the lake with my father.

A. was having

B. am having

C. have had

16.–Can you kick the ball to end of the football field?

–It’s hard for me. I t hink few goalkeepers can make it.

A. another

B. the other

C. other

17.–What should I do, doctor?

–healthy, you should take more exercise.

A. Keep

B. Keeping

C. To keep

18.–It’s already 7:50. If you want to get to the meeting on time, you must , Jack.

–I see. I’ll walk quickly.

A. hurry up

B. ring up

C. stay up

19.is quite easy for people to find any place in the world with the help of online maps.

A. That

B. It

C. One

20.–I’m doing a survey. Could you tell me ?

–Sure. I usually go to work at 7:00 am.

A.when do you go to work

B.how you go to work

C.when you go to work

第二节完形填空(共15 小题;每小题 1 分, 满分15 分)

阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从36~50 各题所给的三个或四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


A small village was being troubled by a lion. It would come out at night and kill people, as well as kill their chickens and cows.

One day, the village leader sent a 36 to a great hunter(猎人), Jones, asking him to come and kill the lion. Jones agreed and began to take action. Jones spent several 37 waiting for the lion, but it never came out.

Finally, Jones told the village leader to kill a cow and give him its skin( 皮). He would 38 the skin and pretend (假装) to be a cow so that the lion would come out. This way, he could get a chance to kill the lion. After putting the cow’s skin over his shoulders, Jones wen t to a farm to wait for the lion.

In the middle of the night, the villagers 39 to the sound of shouting coming from the farm. They thought Jones was in danger and quickly ran to the farm. When they arrived, they saw Jones 40 on the ground, crying in pain. There was no sign of the lion at all.

“What happened, Jones? Where is the lion? Did you get hurt?” asked the village leader. “Forget the lion!” Jones shouted. “Who 41 the bull(公牛) out?”

36.A. map

37.A. days B. message

B. mornings

C. gift

C. nights

38. A. wear B. use C. eat

39. A. stopped B. woke C. listened

40. A. lying B. standing C. jumping

41. A. let B. ask C. drive


A group of boys gathered around a tree. “What a tall tree!” they said to each other. “It would be 42 to climb to the top!”

The group of boys then decided to play a game to see who could climb to the top of the tree 43 . Their mothers were sitting not far away, looking on at their children as they 44 .

One of the climbers was an 8-year-old boy named David. He was the shortest child in the group. Nobody thought he would 45 the competition.

Then the game started. All of the boys tried their best to climb as 46 as they could. Although they all made it halfway up the tree before David did, he reached the top of the tree fastest 47 .

His mother was proud to see this. She asked him, “David, how did you 48 to reach the top of the tree so quickly?”

“It was easy,” David said. “The other children kept looking down as they climbed. When they realized how high they were, they got scared(恐惧的) and were afraid of 49 down. I, however, looked only 50 . When I saw how close I was, I kept going higher and higher until I reached the top.”

It is true in life that if we just keep going forward without looking back, we are more likely to reach our goals(目标).

42.A. useful

43.A. last

44.A. studied B. possible

B. finally

B. played

C. crazy

C. first

C. jumped

D. exciting

D. really

D. discussed

45. A. win B. enter C. like D. hold

46. A. well B. safely C. carefully D. high

47. A. as well B. in the end C. as usual D. in time

48. A. manage B. hope C. imagine D. agree

49. A. looking B. climbing C. falling D. going

50. A. down B. over C. out D. up

第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分)

第一节(共15 小题;每小题2 分,满分30 分)



My teacher s aid to a student: “Give me your phone.”

We all looked in surprise. Kyle, a student who I never saw text in class, gave the teacher his phone.

When the teacher left, two students who I often saw text in class started boasting about how they sent text messages and never got caught.

“Kyle, you stupid! I put my phone under my desk so it looks like I’m looking at my textbooks,” one of them said.

“Isn’t it funny that we always text and never get caught?” the other one laughed.

They must have thought they were smart, because they never got caught and Kyle did. But which situation is worse: getting caught, or getting away with it? Rules are there for a reason.

These two students might not get caught, but neither of them had good grades. They didn’t pay any attention to the class, and I think they will keep doing this.

People don’t just break big rules and get thrown into jail(监狱) overnight. They take it one step at a time. Kyle might have gotten caught, but at least he learned a good lesson. He will not break the ru les in the future, so he will learn more in class and stay out of trouble. It’s smarter not to break small rules.

51.Why did the teacher ask Kyle to give up his phone?

A.Because she wanted to find out what Kyle just texted.

B.Because Kyle was playing with his phone in class.

C.Because the students wanted to see Kyle’s new phone.

52.What does the underlined word “boasting” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. 吹嘘

B. 讨论

C. 报告

53.The two students in the writer’s class felt quite because they were never caught by the


A. surprised

B. calm

C. proud

54.In the future, the two students might .

A.pay more attention in class

B.keep texting during class

C.not break any rules again

55.From the story, we know that the writer .

A.doesn’t think Kyle is a good student

B.thinks getting caught in class is worse

C.thinks the two students might break bigger rules


When he was nine years old, American boy Milo Cress had a question: How many plastic straws(吸管) do Americans use every day?

He quickly learned there wasn’t a simple answer. The boy tried to wo rk it out himself. Through lots of research, Cress found out that Americans use about 500 million straws every day. In hopes of reducing plastic waste, he founded the Be Straw Free project in 2011.

Cress started the project in his hometown – Burlington, Vermont. He asked a local restaurant to stop offering straws with every drink order. It was a simple change. However, it would save money. And by doing that, the restaurant would cut down on its straw use by 50 percent.

For the years that followed, Cress tried to spread his project across the United States. More and more restaurants agreed to join. They stop providing the customer with a straw unless he or she asks for one. Last April, Seattle became the first American city to completely ban ( 禁止) plastic straws.

Plastic pollution has been one of the most serious problems today. According to scientists, more than eight million tons of plastic end up in the ocean each year. Plastic straws are especially terrible. They make it easy for people to get comfortable with single-use plastics.

After his project became popular, Cress took his findings on the road. He has since spoken to tens of thousands of students around the world. He wants to encourage more people to say no to plastic straws.

“Focusing(聚焦) on straw s is one simple step we all could take,” Cress says. “And it makes me feel that I, as a kid, could make a difference, too.”

56.When did Milo Cress start to care about the problem of straws?

A. Ten years ago.

B. In the year 2011.

C. In the year that he was 9.

57.Cress started the Be Straw Free project in order to .

A.get a good score in science at his school

B.encourage people to reduce plastic waste

C.become a famous person in his hometown

58.What did Cress ask a restaurant in Burlington to do?

A.Stop offering straws to its customers.

B.Prevent people from using straws to drink.

C.Count the number of straws it uses every day.

59.Plastic straws are especially terrible because .

A.they are the most serious problem today

B.scientists pay little attention to their influence

C.they help people get used to using single-use plastics

60.Over the years, Cress has .

① spread his project across the United States

② asked Seattle to completely ban plastic bags

③ counted the plastic straws in the ocean every year

④ spoken to teens around the world about plastic waste

A. ①③

B. ②③

C. ①④


What subject do you worry about the most at school? Many students worry about math. Some students can’t sleep well the day before a math exam. Others may feel very nervous during the exam itself. But there might be a way to make the subject less stressful(压力大的).

“For people who are worried about math, posture (姿势) makes a big difference,” Erik Peper from San Francisco State University told the Daily Mail. That’s right – sitting up straight can help you do better on math exams.

Scientists tested 125 college students. They asked them to do a simple math exam while sitting in a slumped-over (趴倒的) posture, or sitting up straight. After the test, 56 percent of students said the exam was easier to do if they were sitting up straight.

Slumping over is a defensive(戒备的) posture. It can bring about bad memories in the body and brain. This can stop you from thinking clearly, Peper said.

Students who were not nervous about taking the math exam did not necessarily benefit(受益) from better posture. But they did find that doing math while slumped over was more difficult, Science Daily reported.

Good posture isn’t just helpful for taking math exams. Sportspeople, musicians and public speakers can all benefit from better posture. When you feel stressed out, you can also try to sit up straight or stand tall. It can help you feel more certain and focus better.

61.What posture can make people feel less stressed during math exams?

A. Sitting up straight.

B. Hanging your head.

C. Lying on your back.

D. Raising one hand.

62.What did the scientists ask the college students to do during the test?

A.To do sit-ups.

B.To count numbers.

C.To think carefully.

D.To sit in different postures.

63.How many students in the test benefited from the better posture?

A. All the 125 students.

B. Less than half of them.

C. 56 percent of them.

D. None of the students.

64.The fourth paragraph is written to explain .

A.why slumping over makes exams harder to do

B.why slumping over is bad for one’s health

C.why some people slump over during exams

D.why people are nervous during math exams

65.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. Slump over to Take Exams

B. Sit up to Do Math

C. Better Posture for Nervous Students

D. Good Advice for Better Exams

第二节(共5 小题;每小题2 分,满分10 分)



A.Then, the drone will fly to the person.

B.But they have other uses now.

C.Luckily the drone tracked (追踪) him down in 20 minutes.

D.Drones can serve people coffee.

E.Drones can also save lives.

Drones (无人机) can do a lot of things for us, taking photos, delivering (递送) things from packages(包裹) to pizzas to beer and following wild animals. 66

Can you believe it? 67 US company IBM has made this kind of drone. It can deliver coffee to sleepy people. The drone can know when to bring a cup of coffee by studying a person’s personal information. 68 There is a special device (设备) under the drone. It helps the drone to give coffee. The drone can als o learn about someone’s coffee-drinking habits and tell when someone need next cup of coffee.

69 One company in Africa use drones to deliver medicine and blood fast and save many people’s lives. The drones are able to fly at speeds of up to 60 mp h and when they are within a minute of the destination(目的地), the doctors receive a text and wait nearby. The drone drops off the package and then returns to its home.

A 92-year-old hunter in Virginia was lost and had to spend a night in the woods. The police searched for him all night but failed to find him. 70 Also, drones helped firefighters know about the fire in wildfire fight.

第二卷( 非选择题,共50 分)

第四部分写作(共四节,满分50 分)

第一节词汇(共 5 小题;每小题1 分,满分 5 分)


71.Could you please speak more (慢慢地)? I’m afraid I can’t quite follow you.

72.It’s so hot here. Would you mind (打开) the windows for me?

73.The world’s longest cross-sea bridge—the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is considered as

“one of the seven (奇迹) of the modern world” by some people.

74.The workers are angry that they haven’t got their (money given for doing a job)

for the last month.

75.After so long without any word from David, Mary was starting to (give up) hope.

第二节完成句子(共5 小题;每小题2 分,满分10 分)


76.He followed his doctor’s advice to live on some low-fat food. (对划线部分提问)

advice he follow to live on some low-fat food?

77.Read the book carefully, and you will not make mistakes. (改为同义句)

read the book carefully, you will not make mistakes.


Remember to give me a call before you set off so that I can know when to you .


Would you please the computer? I need to send an email.


It’s almost summer vacation. I just can’t to go holiday with my family.

第三节完成短文和对话(共10 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分15 分)


One day, Mr. and Mrs. Smith are celebrating their 81 (sixty) birthday. They got 82 (marry) 30 years ago.

During the party an angel (天使) turns up. “You’ve been such a 83 (love) couple for 30 years. I will give you one wish each,” the angel says.

Mrs. Smith wants 84 (travel) around the world. The angel waves her wand (手杖) and boom (隆地一声)! Mrs. Smith has the tickets in her hand.

Next, it is Mr. Smith’s turn. He thinks for a moment. “Well, I’d like to have a woman 30 years 85 (young) than me,” he says shyly.

The angel lifts up her wand, and boom! He turns 90.


A: Excuse me, have you been waiting long?

B: About ten minutes.

A: Do you know whether the No. 7 bus 86 ?

B: Not yet. I’m waiting for the bus myself. It’s also a little late.

A: Good, thanks.

B: You are 87 , are you?

A: No, I’m a stranger. I’m from Germany.

B: Wow, your English is very good. 88

A: Nine months.

B: Just nine months? That’s excellent.

A: Thank you, but there’re still a lot for me to learn.

B: How long are you going to stay in this country?

A: Another two months. Then I’ll have to 89 Germany to start work.

B: My daughter went to Germany five months ago. She is a doctor, you know.

A: Really? What does she think of Germany?

B: It’s beautiful. She likes it very much.

A: Oh, look! Here comes 90 .

第四节书面表达(满分20 分)

为了让学生吃到更加营养、安全的食品,政府出台了陪餐制,要求从4 月1 日起,学校领导陪同学生用餐。请你根据以下要点,给校报英语专栏写一篇短文,谈谈自己的看法。





注意:1.词数80 词左右;开头已给出,不计入总词数;


3.参考词汇:规定regulation (n.);食堂cafeteria (n.);营养的nutritious (adj.)

A new food safety regulation was put into use on April 1 to improve nutrition and food safety in schools. It asks the school managers to eat with students in their cafeterias.

乐山市2019 年初中学业水平考试


第一卷(满分 100 分)

第一部分听力(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)

1~5 ACBAB 6~10 ABCAC 11~15 ABCBA 16~20 CBABA

第二部分英语知识运用(共 30 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 30 分)

21~25 BACBC 26~30 C BABA 31~35 BCABC

36~40 BCABA 41~45 CDCBA 46~50 DBACD

第三部分阅读理解(共20 小题;每小题2 分,满分40 分)

51~55 BACBC 56~60 CBACC 61~65 ADCAB

66~70 BDAEC

第二卷(满分 50 分)


第一节词汇(共 5 小题;每小题1 分,满分 5 分)

71. slowly 72. opening 73. wonders 74. pay / salary 75. lose

第二节完成句子(共 5 小题;每小题2 分,满分10 分)

76. Whose; did 77. If you 78. pick; up 79. turn on 80. wait; on

第三节完成短文和对话(共10 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分15 分)

81. 60th/ sixtieth 82. married 83. loving / lovely 84. to travel 85. younger

86. has gone by / passed by 87. not a local 88. How long have you learned English?

89. go back to / return to 90. the bus

五、One possible version:

A new food safety regulation was put into use on April 1 to improve nutrition and food safety in schools. It asks the school managers to eat with students in their cafeterias.

Thanks to the regulation, something great has taken place in our school. First, we eat healthier and safer than before. Second, if there is any problem about food safety or other, our school leaders are able to know and solve it quickly. Also, the cafeteria workers are trying to provide different kinds of food for us. In other words, our parents needn’t worry about our diet any more.

We teenagers are still young and need to grow healthy, so I think the new regulation is really good and necessary. I hope it will be carried on forever.


二○一六年初中毕业暨升学考试 第I卷(选择题共55分) 一、英语知识运用(共两节,满分25分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. My host family is taking me to ________ English film festival next weekend. A. an B. a C. the D. 不填 2. —What do you call your father’s sisters? —_______. A. Uncles B. Cousins C. Aunts D. Parents 3. A 100-year-old man ran a marathon in Toronto on Sunday. He became the ________ person to complete the long-distance running in the world. A. youngest B. best C. biggest D. oldest 4. —What does your new English teacher look like? —She is a pretty lady ________ long hair. A. at B. for C. with D. of 5. —Do you need a new dictionary, Susan? —No, Mum. My uncle bought me ________ yesterday. A. one B. it C. the one D. another 6. My friend Frank sings well, and he is _______ good at playing guitar. A. not B. also C. yet D. too 7. As one of the school rules, middle school students are not ________ to smoke. A. ordered B. refused C. allowed D. forbidden 8. —Have you ever seen the movie 2012? —Yes, but I don’t believe ________ the year 2012 will see the end of the world. A. that B. what C. how D. if 9. Some of the students are nearsighted _______ they spend too much time watching TV or playing online games. A. when B. though C. because D. unless 10. —Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the People’s Park? —Walk along this road and turn right, and the park is on your right. You _______miss it. A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. may not D. won’t 11. Our foreign teacher Mr Green ________ us English since three years ago. A. has taught B. is teaching C. taught D. teaches 12. —Steve, ________do you play basketball after school? —Twice a week. It can keep me healthy.


四川省乐山市2018年中考语文真题试题 语文基础知识 1. 下列词语中加点字的注音有错误的一项是() A. 簌簌sù 驯良xùn 颤巍巍chàn 参差不齐cēn B. 圆弧hú 绽开zhàn 口头禅chán 锐不可当dāng C. 宽恕shù 鬈发quán 中轴线zhóu 一拍即合jí D. 炽痛zhì 臆测yì 脂粉奁lián 恃才放旷shì 【答案】D 【解析】此题考查学生对字音的掌握情况,这就要求学生平时的学习中注意字音的识记和积累,特别是形近字、多音字。做注音题,要熟悉汉语拼音规则,同时可根据形声字的声旁来推断它的读音。D项“炽痛”读作“chì”。 2. 下列词语书写完全正确的一项是() A. 气慨里程碑宽宏大量锋芒毕露 B. 萧瑟笑吟吟物竟天择随机应变 C. 坍塌城隍庙唯唯连声人情练达 D. 次第秫秸秆引经据典洗耳躬听 【答案】C 【解析】此题考查学生对字形的掌握情况,对汉字字形的正确书写能力。这就要求学生平时的学习中注意字形的识记和积累,特别是形近字。辨析字形既要注意平时的积累,也要联系整个词语的意思。A项“气慨”写作“气概”;B项“物竟天择”写作“物竞天择”;D项“洗耳躬听”写作“洗耳恭听”。 3. 下列句子中加点词使用不恰当的一项是() A. 秀丽壮美的山川,神秘繁茂的森林,湛蓝高远的天空,都是大自然给我们的馈赠。 B. 羽毛球飞到了树枝上,小明故意逞能,噌噌噌地爬了上去,球没捡到人却下不来了。 C. 著名演员王刚把和珅这个老谋深算的角色演得入木三分,给观众们留下了深刻的印象。 D. 美国特朗普政府实施制裁“中兴通讯”、发动中美贸易战、打击叙利亚政府等举措,其实是他们根深蒂固的霸权主义思想在作祟。 【答案】C 【解析】本题考查词语的使用。学生要明确词语的意思及用法,在具体语境中体会词语使用的正确与否。词语在句中要使语言表达更准确,简洁,要和句子所表达的感情色彩相一致。C项“入木三分”形容书法极


2018年四川省内江市中考英语真题及答案 A卷(选择题满分100分) 第一部分听力(第三节;满分35分) 答题时,先将答案划在试卷上。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将你的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。 1.Where does the conversation take place? A.In a shop.B.In a restaurant. C.In a bookstore. 2.What did the woman want to do this morning? A.Visit the man. B.Have a talk with the man. C.Make a plan for the weekend. 3.What does the woman mean? A.She won t go to dance with Lucy. B.She wants the man to go with Lucy. C.Lucy has to finish the project this evening. 4.How did Sherry feel in the past when speaking to the class? A.Proud.B.Worried. C.Interested. 5.What are the speakers talking about? A.Teenagers family members. B.Teenagers housework. C.Teenagers family life. 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 听下面3段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。在听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8三个小题。 6.How can the woman go to the zoo?


英语试卷 第1页(共20页) 英语试卷 第2页(共20页) 绝密★启用前 江苏省宿迁市2013年中考英语试卷 英 语 (满分:120分 考试时间:120分钟) 第一卷(选择题 共60分) 一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( )1. My cousin Andy can play ________ piano very well, but he isn’t good at playing ________ basketball. A. the; the B. /; the C. the; / D. /; / ( )2. —Is this ________ new book, Shirley? —No, it isn’t. Maybe it’s ________. A. your; his B. your; him C. yours; his D. yours; him ( )3. Helen didn’t know anything about it ________ her father told her. A. if B. because C. after D. until ( )4. The cake ________ delicious. I can’t wait to eat it. A. feels B. sounds C. becomes D. smells ( )5. —Did you sleep well last night? —Oh, no. ________ noise outside the hotel almost drove me mad. A. Too much B. Much too C. Too many D. So many ( )6. ________ of the coats ________ made of cotton. They feel comfortable. A. Two-thirds; is B. Two-thirds; are C. Two-third; is D. Two –third; are ( )7. —Excuse me, is Mr Green in the office? —No. He ________ Singapore for a meeting. He will be back in a few days. A. have gone to B. has gone to C. have been to D. has been to ( )8. —Were you sick after six hours’ journey on the coach? —Of course. I ________ quickly as soon as it stopped. A. got up B. got on C. got off D. got to ( )9. It’s dangerous ________ a close look at the tiger in the zoo. A. for us taking B. of us to take C. of us taking D. for us to take ( )10. At present, lots of people would rather ________ in the country because there is ________ pollution in the city. A. live; more B. to live; less C. live; less D. to live; more ( )11. It’s reported that the Chinese government provides free milk powder (奶粉) ________ children in poor areas. A. with B. for C. to D. by ( )12. The lady in the sitting room ________ be over sixty. She looks so young. A. can’t B. must C. may D. needn’t ( )13. —Bob, please tell me ________. —In South Hill School. A. where will the match be held B. where the match will be held C. when will the match be held D. when the match will be held ( )14. —I phoned you at 5:00 yesterday afternoon, but nobody answered me. —Sorry. I ________ the flowers in the garden at that time. A. was watering B. am watering C. water D. will water ( )15. —If you’re free tonight, how about having dinner together? — ________. A. It doesn’t matter B. That’s all right C. All right D. Not at all 二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和D )中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 One night, a little swallow flew over the city. He was very 16 and wanted to have a good sleep in the city. When he saw the Statue of the Happy Prince (王子), he flew down and got ready to sleep 17 the feet of the Happy Prince. Just as he was putting his head under his wing, some 18 fell on him. He thought it was raining. But when he looked 19 , he found the sky was 20 clear and bright that he could see lots of stars. Suddenly, he saw some tears were running down the Prince ’s golden 21 . ------------- 在 --------------------此 -------------------- 卷--------------------上 -------------------- 答-------------------- 题--------------------无 -------------------- 效---------------- 毕业学校_____________ 姓名________________ 考生号________________ ________________ ___________


绍兴市2017年中考英语试题及答案 试卷Ⅰ(选择题共70分) (一)听力部分(共25分) 一、听力(本题有15小题,第一节每小题1分;第二、三节每小题2分,共计25分)第一节:听小对话,回答问题。 1. What would Susan like to drink? A. Tea. B. Cold water. C. Coffee. 2. Who is sleeping at home? A. Tom’s brother. B. Tom’s father. C. Tom’s mother. 3. What does the woman mean? A. She’ll eat out with the man. B. She’ll play tennis with the man. C. She’ll go swimming with the man. 4. How is the weather tomorrow? A. Cloudy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny. 5. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a bookstore. B. In a post office. C. In a restaurant. 第二节:听较长对话,回答问题。 第下面一段对话,回答第6—7小题。 6. Why does Lucy look unhappy? A. Because her cat is sick. B. Because her cat is old. C. Because her cat is lost. 7. Where are Lucy and Alex probably going? A. To the hospital. B. To the zoo. C. To the school. 听下面一段对话,回答第8—10小题。 8. How did Matt and Nancy go to New York for a holiday? A. By cay. B. By plane. C. By ship. 9. Where did Matt and Nancy stay while travelling in New York? A. In a hotel. B. At their friend’s house. C. In a university. 10. What did Matt and Nancy do every day in Central Park? A. They took a walk. B. They rode a bike. C. They watched birds. 第三节:听独白,回答问题。 11. Which class does Tara like best? A. Art history. B. Business English. C. Computer science. 12. What does Tara first do after breakfast? A. Meet her friends. B. Review her lessons. C. Check her e-mail. 13. Where does Alice come from? A. Sydney. B. Moscow. C. Toronto. 14. When does Tara get home from work every day? A. At 4:30 p.m. B. At 11:00 p.m. C. At 11:30 p.m. 15. How is Tara’s life? A. Easy. B. Busy. C. Dull. (二)笔试部分(共45分) 二、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)


二○一六年初中毕业暨升学考试 第I卷(选择题共55分) 一、英语知识运用(共两节,满分25分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1.Myhost family istaking me to ________English film festivalnextweek end. A.an B. a C.the D.不填 2. ?—What do you call your father’s sisters? ?—_______. A. Uncles B. CousinsC. Aunts ?D.Parent s 3.?A100-year-old manran a marathonin Toronto on Sunday. He becamethe ________ p erson to complete the long-distancerunning in the world. ?A.youngest B.bestC. biggest ?D.oldest 4. ?—What doesyour new English teacher looklike? ?—Sheisa prettylady ________ long hair. ?A. at B. for C.with D.of 5. —Do you need a new dictionary, Susan? ?—No, Mum. Myuncle bought me ________yesterday. A.one B. itC.the one D.another 6. Myfriend Frank sings well,and he is _______goodatplayingguitar. ?A.not ?B.also C. yet?D. too 7.?As one ofthe school rules, middleschool students are not________to smoke. A.orderedB. refused C.allowed ?D.forbidden 8. —Have you everseen themovie 2012? —Yes,but I don’t believe ________the year 2012 will see the end of the world. A.that ?B. what?C. how D.if 9. ?Some of the studentsare nearsighted _______ they spend too muchtime watching TV or playingonline games. A.when ?B. though ?C. because ?D.unless 10.?—Excuseme,can you tell me the way tothePeople’sPark? ?—Walk alongthisroad and turnright,and thepark is on your right. You_______miss it. ?A.needn’t ?B. mustn’t C. maynot D.won’t


成都市二○一八年高中阶段教育学校统一招生考试、 (含成都市初中毕业会考) 英语 A卷(共100分) 第一部分听力(共30小题;计30分) 一、听句子,根据所听到的内容选择正确答语。每小题念两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分;计5分) 1. A. Thank you B. You're kind C. I'm happy 2. A. No, you can't B. Yes, please C. You're welcome 3. A. Good idea B. I think so C. Enjoy yourself. 4. A. That sounds fun B. I agree with you C. Good luck 5. A. Oh, I see B. That's right C. Sure, I'd love to 二、听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片,答题卡上只需填涂代表图片的字母。每小题念两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分;计5分) A B C D E 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 三、听对话,根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。每小题念两遍。(共10小题,每小题1分;计10分) 11. A. By bus B. By bike. C. On foot 12. A. He played basketball B. He flew kite C. He went to the movies 13. A. The music club B. The chess club C. The art club 14. A. Gina B. Mike C. Jane 15. A. At10:30pm B. At 11: 00 pm C. At 11:30 pm 16. A. Review the lessons B. Go to the concert C. Take an exam. 17. A. Interesting. B. Boring. C. Enjoyable.


江苏省宿迁中考英语试卷 (总分:90分时间:90分钟) 第Ⅰ卷 (选择题,共50分) 一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. At ________ age of 17, Guan Xiaotong played in the movie The Left Ear. A. a B. an C. the D. / 1. C 2. — When will our guests arrive at the airport? — ________ the evening of this Saturday. A. At B. Of C. In D. On 2. D 3. — I'd like some more apple juice. — Sorry, there's ________ left. A. nothing B. none C. few D. a few 3. B 4. The car was out of ________ and hit a tree by the road. A. danger B. breath C. control D. practice

4. C 5. — Excuse me, is this the way to No. 10 Middle School? — Oh, sorry. I'm not sure. But it ________ be. A. must B. should C. need D. may 5. D 6. I heard Tom ________ when I walked past his room yesterday. A. sing B. singing C. to sing D. sang 6. B 7. UNICEF was ________ in 1946 to improve children's lives after World War Ⅱ. A. given up B. put up C. set up D. got up 7. C 8. The model Sydney Opera House looks ________ the real one in Australia. A. as wonderful as B. as wonderfully as C. so wonderful as D. so wonderfully as 8. A 9. — Can you tell me ________? I want to pay a visit to him. — He just lives opposite our school. A. where does Jim live B. where did Jim live C. where Jim lives D. where Jim lived 9. C


乐山市初中2020届毕业会考和升学考试 生物 第I卷(选择题共50分) 一、选择题(每小题2分,共50分) 1.下列哪种现象不是生物对环境的适应 A.河边垂柳的树枝长向了河心 B。仙人掌的叶变成刺 C.秋天大雁南飞越冬 D。蚯蚓在土壤中括动,可使土壤疏松 答案:D 2.下列细胞结构属于动、植物细胞共有的是 ①:细胞壁②细胞膜③细胞质④细胞核⑤线粒体⑥叶绿体 A.③⑤⑥ B。②③④⑤ C。③④⑤⑥ D。①②③④ 答案:B 3.在低倍镜下观察时视野内所见的图像是“上”和“6“那么载玻片上的图形是 A“上”和“6” B”下”和“9“ C。“”和“9'” D“”和“6” 答案:C 4.某生物的卵细胞中含12条染色体,该生物受精卵细胞分裂后形成的子细胞中,染色体数目是 A.12对 B。 12条 C。24对 D。6条 答案:A 5.将颗粒饱满的种子分为甲、乙两组,在251C左右温度分别播种,甲组种在潮湿肥沃的土壤里,乙组种在潮湿贫瘠的土壤里,这两组种子发芽的情况是 A.乙先发芽 B。甲先发芽 C。同时发芽 D。都不发芽 答案:C 6.下列有关光合作用的叙述中,不正确的是 A.光合作用的条件之一是必须要有光照 B。光合作用是一切生物生存的根本保障 C.光合作用的场所是叶绿体 D。绿色植物所有的器官都能进行光合作用 答案:D 7.为了提高温室中的蔬菜产量,应将温度控制为 A.白天比晚上高 B。晚上比白天高 C。晚上和白天都高 D。晚上和白天都低

8.下列各项中,哪项不是青春期可能出现的正常生理现象A.睡梦中出现遗精现象 B。学习期间常出现近视 C.初潮期月经周期不规律 D。行经期间身体抵抗力下降答案:B 9.下列有关生物多样性的说法,正确的是 A.生物多样性仅指生物种类的多样性 B.每一个生物个体都是一个十分丰富的基因库 C.生物种类的多样性实质上是基因的多样性 D.我国是世界上生物多样性最丰富的国家 答案:C 10.体循环和肺循环的共同规律是 A.心房→动脉→身体各器官→静脉→心室 B.心室→动脉→身体各器官→静脉→心房 C.心室→静脉→身体各器官→动脉→心房 D.心房→静脉→身件各器官→动脉→心室 答案:B 11.绿色植物在光下能进行的生命活动是 ①光合作用②呼吸作用③蒸腾作用④吸收水和无机盐A.① B. ①② C。①②③ D。①②③④ 答案:D 12.下列各项中,与预防近视无关的是 A.不在晚上读书写字 B。读、写姿势正确 C.看书小时后远眺几分钟 D。认真做眼保健操 答案:A 13.下列各组性状中,不属于相对性状的是 A .人的有耳垂和无耳垂 B。豌豆的高茎和矮茎 C.人的双眼皮和单眼皮 D。豚鼠的长毛和卷毛


教学资料范本 【2020最新】四川省中考英语试题(解析版) 编辑:__________________ 时间:__________________

一、单选题(共10小题) 1.—Sally, may I use your iPad? _________ is broken. —OK, here you are. A.Your B.Yours C.Mine D.My 2.When I got into the room, Green was talking _________ the phone. A.on B.wit C.to D.in 3.Bob took a photo of his girlfriend while she _________ at the party.A.dances B.was dancing C.has danced D.is dancing 4.A new school _________ last year in my hometown. A.set up B.sets up C.is set up D.was set up 5.—Would you like some more noodles, Celia? —Yes, just _________, please. A.a few B.few C.a little D.little 6.y.We have already done _________ of the work. A.two-three B.two-third C.two-thirds D.second-three 7.We stopped _________, but there was not any sound. A.to listen B.listens



2016年宿迁市中考试卷(总分:85分) 第一卷选择题(共50分) 一.单项选择 1.---Have you read a book called “The Merchant of Venice”? ---Yes. _______ book is very interesting. A.An B. A C.The D./ 2.The 31st Olympic Games will take place _______August 5, 2016. A.at B. of C.in D.on 3.Which sign of the following means “No Smoking”? A. B. C. D. 4.---Do you know whose iPhone6s this is?---Let me see. Oh, it’s _______. A.hers B.her C.him D.their

5.I can’t go with you. I _______stay at home until my parents come back. A.can B.may C.must D.could 6.---_______ is it from Suqian to Jiuzhai valley? ---About 1,200 kilometers away. But I’m not sure. A.How often B.How soon C.How long D. How far 7.When the man went through the forest alone, he lost his _______ and felt afraid. A.task B.work C.way D.job 8.Wearing white can help people _______when they feel stressed. A.calm down B.write down C.break down D.turn down 9.---Did you watch the China’s Military Parade on TV?---Yes. _______ great it was! A.How B.What C.How a D. What a 10.---What do you think of the movie


2019武汉英语中考真题及答案 英语试卷 第一卷(选择题共85分) 第一部分听力部分 听力测试(共三节) 第一节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5个问题,每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题,你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题,每个问题仅读一遍。 ( )1. A. A nice plate. B. Delicious. C. For Kate. ( )2. A. A black cat. B. Very heavy. C. It’s black. ( )3. A. In the meeting room. B. At eight thirty. C. For about one hour. ( )4. A. It’s a nice one. B. The smaller one. C. High in the sky. ( )5. A. This afternoon. B. With Jenny. C. In the office. 第二节(共7小题,每小题1分,满分7分) 听下面7段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题,你都有时间来作答和阅读下一小题。每个问题仅读一遍。 ( )6. Who sings well? A. Mary. B. Kate. C. The classmates. ( )7. How will the man probably go to the hotel? A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By subway. ( )8. What happened to the boy? A. He was late for school. B. He went to see a doctor. C. His father left him alone home.

历年中考数学试卷89 四川乐山

2015年四川省乐山市中考数学试卷 一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项符合题目要求. 1.3的相反数是( ) A . ﹣3 B . 3 C . ﹣ 3 1 D . 3 1 2.下列几何体中,正视图是矩形的是( ) A . B . C . D . 3.某班开展1分钟仰卧起坐比赛活动,5名同学的成绩如下(单位:个):37、38、40、40、42.这组数据的众数是( ) A . 37 B . 38 C . 40 D . 42 4.下列说法不一定成立的是( ) A . 若a >b ,则a+c >b+c B . 若a+c >b+c ,则a >b C . 若a >b ,则a 2 c >b 2 c D . 若a 2c >b 2 c ,则a >b 5.如图,l 1∥l 2∥l 3,两条直线与这三条平行线分别交于点A 、B 、C 和D 、E 、F .已知2 3 BC AB ,则 DF DE 的值为( ) A . 2 3 B . 3 2 C . 52 D . 5 3 6.二次函数y=﹣2 x +2x+4的最大值为( ) A . 3 B . 4 C . 5 D . 6 7.如图,已知△ABC 的三个顶点均在格点上,则cosA 的值为( )

A . 3 3 B . 5 5 C . 3 3 2 D . 5 5 2 8.电影《刘三姐》中,秀才和刘三姐对歌的场面十分精彩.罗秀才唱到:“三百条狗交给你,一少三多四下分, 不要双数要单数,看你怎样分得均?”刘三姐示意舟妹来答,舟妹唱道: “九十九条打猎去,九十九条看羊来,九十九条守门口,剩下三条财主请来当奴才.”若用数学方法解决罗秀才提出的问题,设“一少”的狗有x 条,“三多”的狗有y 条,则解此问题所列关系式正确的是( ) A . B . C . D . 9.已知二次函数y=ax 2+bx+c 的图象如图所示,记m=|a ﹣b+c|+|2a+b+c|,n=|a+b+c|+|2a ﹣b ﹣c|.则下列选项正确的是( ) A . m <n B . m >n C . m=n D . m 、n 的大小关系不能确定 10.10.如图,已知直线y= 4 3 x ﹣3与x 轴、y 轴分别交于A 、B 两点,P 是以C (0,1)为圆心,1为半径的圆上一动点,连结PA 、PB .则△PAB 面积的最大值是( )


秘密 二○二○年初中学业水平考试 英语试卷 注意事项:1. 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分150分。 2. 答题前将姓名、座位号、身份证号、准考证号填在答题卡指定位置。 3. 所有解答内容均需涂、写在答题卡上。 4. 选择题须用2B铅笔将答题卡相应题号对应选项涂黑,若需改动,须擦净另涂。 5. 非选择题在答题卡对应题号位置用0.5毫米黑色字迹笔书写。 第一部分:听(共两节;满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段短对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。 1. Whose dictionary is this? A. Linda’s. B. Bob’s. C. Amy’s. 2. H ow’s the weather now? A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy. 3. How often does the girl usually help kids? A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Every day. 4. What does Alice have to do every morning? A. Practice the guitar. B. Do her homework. C. Help her mother. 5. What feeling does the girl’s tone (语调) show? A. Excitement. B. Surprise. C. Pleasure. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段长对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至第7两个小题。现在你有10秒钟的时间阅读下面两个小题。


2018年宿迁市中考英语试题 第一卷(选择题,共60分) 一、(2018·江苏宿迁)单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 l. (2018·江苏宿迁) There will be __________ talk on good manners at the school hall this afternoon. A. the B. an C. a D. / 1. C 考查冠词辨析。句意:今天下午在学校大厅将有“一个”关于礼仪的谈话。此处并没有特指,应用不定冠词,而“talk”是以元音开头,应用不定冠词a。故选C。 2. (2018·江苏宿迁) The Dragon Boat Festival falls __________ May or June every year. A. in B. on C. at D. between 2. A 考查介词辨析。句意:端午节每年在五月或者六月。在某个月应用介词in。故选A。 3. (2018·江苏宿迁) —Excuse me, I want some books, but I can't find a bookshop here. —I know __________ on my way home. Come with me, please. A. this B. one C. it D. that 3. B 考查代词辨析。句意:——打扰一下,我想要买些书,但是在这我找不到书店?——我知道在我回家的路上有“一个”,请跟我来。this这个;one一个;it它;that那个。此处没有特指哪一个,只是说有一个书店。故选B。 4. (2018·江苏宿迁) Wu Wei, a young artist, has received high __________ from the art community for this sculptures. A. pride B. praise C. promise D. progress 4. B 考查名词辨析。句意:吴伟,一个年轻的艺术家,因为他的雕塑品在艺术界获得了很高的评价(即赞扬)。pride骄傲,自豪;praise赞扬,称赞;promise承诺;progress 进步。分析四个选项可知“赞扬”符合句意,故选B。 5. (2018·江苏宿迁) —__________ do you visit your grandparents, Timmy? —Once a week. A. How many B. How long C. How much D. How often 5. D 考查疑问词组辨析。句意:——Timmy,你多久去看你的爷爷奶奶一次?——一周一次。How many多少,多可数名词提问;How long多长,对长度或时间提问;How much多少,对不可数名词或价钱提问;How often多久一次,对频率提问。根据答句“Once a week”可知是对频率提问。故选D。 6. (2018·江苏宿迁) —I saw John in the park this morning. —It __________ be him. He has gone to Hong Kong. A. can’t B. can C. mustn’t D.
