Exam pre1

Exam pre1
Exam pre1

TVM Functions in EXCEL

Order of Variables = (Rate, Nper, Pmt, PV, Fv, Type, Guess)

Future Value = FV (Rate, Nper, Pmt, PV, Type)

Present Value = PV (rate, nper, pmt, fv, type) (PV代入计算其他时看正负)

No. of Periods = NPER (rate, pmt, PV, fv, type) (要根据要求代入全部周期如5年*12=60个月)

Payment = PMT (rate, nper, PV, fv, type)

Rate = RATE (nper, pmt, PV, fv, type, guess) (计算每个周期的率如年率12%/12个月=1%月率) –pv

Type 0 or omitted at the end of the period 1 at the beginning of the period


1. Year

2. Account balance at beg. Year

3. Deposit at beginning of year

4. Interest earned during year

5. Total in account end of year


A: NPV function: (Homework 1 Exercise 1)

NPV:=NPV (Discount Rate, Cash flow (year 1): Cash Flow (year n)) +Cash Flow (year 0)

Use Data Table to compute from discount rate of 0%, 4%, 8%… 48%

1. 第一列Discount rate 从空格,然后是0%,然后到要求的48%

2. 第二列 NPV 空格的右方填入:=正常计算出来的NPV

3. TABLE: 全选,数据,假设分析,数据表,引用列,只输入Discount rate

4. 插入,散点图,带图表和数据划线的散点图选择数据进行编辑数据名称为NPV,X轴为从0%开始的NPV 到48%,Y轴为从NPV开始的所有NPV。

Internal rate of return of the project:=IRR(Cash flow(year 0):Cash flow(year n))


B: FV TABLE & FV FUNCTION: (homework 1 Exercise 2)

注意审题:end or beg or middle, 以month 还是year 作为period, interest 怎么compound

Interest compound: EAR: =effect (rate, n)代入FV的公式里

Deposit paid in the middle: EPMT: =PMT*((1+EAR) ^ (rest period/total period)

C: Retirement:及 table需要计算: (Homework 1 Exercise 3)

Number of months: =现在距退休的year*12

Yearly Rate=告知

Monthly interest rate: =yearly rate/12

Monthly deposit: =pmt () n=month, monthly rate, unknown=blank, fv=-required amount, type

Annual deposit to savings=monthly deposit*12

Data table: rate, monthly payment,

D: Mortgage to finance the purchase: (Homework 1 Exercise 4) PMT Function

Form: Monthly payment: =pmt () Mortgage rate is monthly compounded rate=year rate/12

1. Monthly Periods: from 1 to n year*12

2. Principal at beg of period: 1. =mortgage principal 2…=prin cipal at end of last period

3. Mortgage payment=$monthly $payment same

4. Interest paid: =IPMT ($Monthly $rate, period, $n $month,-$mortgage $principal)

5. Repayment for principal: =PPMT ($Monthly $rate, period, $n $month,-$mortgage $principal)

6. Principal at end of period: = Principal at beg of period-Repayment for principal

E: RATE function (using IRR function) annual interest rate (Homework 1 Exercise 5)

Loan principal告知

Monthly repayment告知

Number of months=year*12

Monthly interest rate: =rate (n=month, -pmt, PV=loan principal)

Annual interest rate: = ((1+Monthly interest rate) ^12)-1

To get IRR need the table: =IRR (pmt in table (month 0): pmt in table (month n*12))

1. Month 0 to n*12

2. PMT: Loan principal (month 0). –Monthly payment (from month 1 to month n*12)

F: How long to pay off loan. Use loan table. (Homework 1 Exercise 6)

Loan amount告知

Interest rate告知

Annual payment 告知

How long to pay off the loan? =NPER (rate=yearly rate, -pmt=-annual payment, PV=Loan amount)

Loan table:


Account balance Beginning: Loan amount for y1 and Account balance end last period for others

Annual deposit Beginning: =$annual $payment 因为不是完全的8年,所以最后一个period如第8年,取=account balance end last period(即period 7)+annual interest paid(period 8).

Annual Interest paid: =account balance beginning* $interest $rate

Account Balance End: =Account balances beg-(annual deposit beg-annual interest paid)

G: Continuously compounded discount rate. (Homework 1 Exercise 7)

(Use 365-day per year convention)

1. Present value each year: =EXP (-$continuously compounded discount $rate *Date)*Cash flow

Present Value: =sum (PV (date 1): PV (date n))

2. Time (years) from today: =DATEDIF ($date today, date, "d")/365

Present value each year: = EXP (-$c c discount $rate *time from today)*cash flow

Present value: = sum (PV (date 1): PV (date n))

H: Savings amount (Homework 1 Exercise 8)

1. Compounded interest rate =EFFECT (stated (nominal) annual interest rate, npery)

Npery: daily=365, monthly=12, yearly=1.

FV: =FV (rate=c interest rate, n=year, pmt=0, PV=-savings amount)

2. 两年不同,第一年为R1 第二年为R2compounded semiannually

Compounded interest rate= (1+R1/2) ^2*(1+R2/2) ^2-1

FV: = savings amount *(1+ Compounded interest rate)

I: Savings amount (Homework 1 Exercise 9)

1. 求C interest rate 一样以annual nominal 求出的是annual ear 在计算PV时所以要/12

Pre=PV (rate=Compounded interest rate /12, n=year*12,pmt=savings amount,没有,type=0或1)

2. Interest is compounded continuously: Compound Interest =LN (1+ Interest Rate)

J: Grade (Homework 1 Exercise 10)F4绝对引用

1.根据给出grade range制作表格,如0对应F,以分界点作为第一列,等级作为第二列。

2. =VLOOKUP (分数,$选择自己做的分数成绩对照表:$选择第几列作显示,是否绝对或近值)

K: 求值公式(Homework 1Exercise 11)包括

1. Average: =Average (:) Median: =Median (:)

2. =Large/small (不仅要选择区域,最后还要选择第几个,如,最大第一个,就填1)

3. =Max/Min(只要选择区域就行)

4. Sample variance: =var (:) /9

5. Population variance: =varp (:) /10

6. Sample standard deviation: =stdev (:)

7. Population standard deviation: =stdevp(:)

8. CORRELATION: =CORREL (x:x, y:y) return

9. Covariance: =COVAR(x:x,y:y)

10. Regression intercept: =INTERCEPT

11. Regression slope: =SLOPE

12. Regression r-squared: =RSQ y=rs*x+ri r2=rr 数据,数据分析,回归

13. =rank(选数据,$选:表格) =count(:) =counta(:) =countif(数据,条件)见EXCEL 33.

L: IRR guess (Homework 1 Exercise 12)


1. 在一个单元格里分行:[Alt]+ [Enter]

2. =DATEDIF(第一个日子,第二个日子,"?")?=m month, d day, y year

3. =XIRR(第一个pmt :最后一个pmt,第一个时间:最后一个时间)需要加载ADD-IN VBA

XIRR computes the daily internal rate of return

4. =XNPV(RATE,VALUE第一个:最后一个,时间第一个:最后一个)
