



Option Explicit

Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

Sub Tmr()

'Just in the eventuality that you click the start button twice

'isRunning stores the current state of the macro

'TRUE = Running; FALSE = Idle

Static isRunning As Boolean

If isRunning = True Then



isRunning = True

Dim TMinus As Integer

Dim xtime As Date

xtime = Now

'On Slide 1, Shape 1 is the textbox

With ActivePresentation.Slides(1)

.Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Ladies & Gentlemen." & vbCrLf & _ "Please be seated. We are about to begin."

With .Shapes(1)

'Countdown in seconds

TMinus = 120

Do While (TMinus > -1)

' Suspend program execution for 1 second (1000 milliseconds)

Sleep 1000

xtime = Now

.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Format(TimeValue(Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss")) - _ TimeSerial(Hour(Now), Minute(Now), Second(Now) + TMinus), "hh:mm:ss") TMinus = TMinus - 1

' Very crucial else the display won't refresh itself



End With

' 3-2-1-0 Blast off and move to the next slide or any slide for that matter SlideShowWindows(1).View.GotoSlide (2)

isRunning = False

.Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Click here to start countdown"


End With

End If

End Sub


Sub DeleteNote()

Dim actppt As Presentation

Dim pptcount As Integer

Dim iChose As Integer

Dim bDelete As Boolean

Dim sMsgBox As String

Dim dirpath As String

Dim txtstring As String

sMsgBox = "运行该宏之前,请先作好备份!继续吗?"

iChoice = MsgBox(sMsgBox, vbYesNo, "备份提醒")

If iChoice = vbNo Then

Exit Sub

End If

sMsgBox = "导出备注后,需要删除PPT备注吗?"

iChoice = MsgBox(sMsgBox, vbYesNo, "导出注释")

If iChoice = vbNo Then

bDelete = False


bDelete = True

End If

Set actppt = Application.ActivePresentation

dirpath = actppt.Path & "\" & https://www.360docs.net/doc/b34373833.html, & " 的备注.txt"

pptcount = actppt.Slides.Count


Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set a = fs.CreateTextFile(dirpath, True)


With actppt

For i = 1 To pptcount

txtstring = .Slides(i).NotesPage.Shapes.Placeholders(2).TextFrame.TextRange.Text If (bDelete) Then

.Slides(i).NotesPage.Shapes.Placeholders(2).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = ""

End If

a.writeline (.Slides(i).SlideIndex)

a.writeline (txtstring)

a.writeline ("")

Next i

End With


End Sub

Using SetTimer/KillTimer API

Option Explicit

'API Declarations

Declare Function SetTimer Lib "user32" _

(ByVal hwnd As Long, _

ByVal nIDEvent As Long, _

ByVal uElapse As Long, _

ByVal lpTimerFunc As Long) As Long

Declare Function KillTimer Lib "user32" _

(ByVal hwnd As Long, _

ByVal nIDEvent As Long) As Long

' Public Variables

Public SecondCtr As Integer

Public TimerID As Long

Public bTimerState As Boolean

Sub TimerOnOff()

If bTimerState = False Then

TimerID = SetTimer(0, 0, 1000, AddressOf TimerProc)

If TimerID = 0 Then

MsgBox "Unable to create the timer", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error"

Exit Sub

End If

bTimerState = True


TimerID = KillTimer(0, TimerID)

If TimerID = 0 Then

MsgBox "Unable to stop the timer", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error"

End If

bTimerState = False

End If

End Sub

' The defined routine gets called every nnnn milliseconds.

Sub TimerProc(ByVal hwnd As Long, _

ByVal uMsg As Long, _

ByVal idEvent As Long, _

ByVal dwTime As Long)

SecondCtr = SecondCtr + 1

ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = CStr(SecondCtr) End Sub


Option Explicit

Sub HowToUseIt()

Call SetTableBorder(ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(1).Table)

End Sub

Sub SetTableBorder(oTable As Table)

Dim I As Integer

With oTable

For I = 1 To .Rows.Count

With .Rows(I).Cells(1).Borders(ppBorderLeft)

.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 153, 51)

.Weight = 10

End With

With .Rows(I).Cells(.Rows(I).Cells.Count).Borders(ppBorderRight)

.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 153, 51)

.Weight = 10

End With

Next I

For I = 1 To .Columns.Count

With .Columns(I).Cells(1).Borders(ppBorderTop)

.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 153, 51)

.Weight = 10

End With

With .Columns(I).Cells(.Columns(I).Cells.Count).Borders(ppBorderBottom) .ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 153, 51)

.Weight = 10

End With

Next I

End With

End Sub


Sub DelHiddenSlide()

Dim sld As Slide, shp As Shape, found As Boolean


found = False

For Each sld In ActivePresentation.Slides

If sld.SlideShowTransition.Hidden = msoTrue Then

found = True


End If


Loop While found = True

End Sub


Dim strFileName As String

' Both I & J are used as counters

Dim I As Integer

Dim J As Integer

' Working on the active presentation.

With ActivePresentation

'Display the input box with the default 'Titles.Txt'

strFileName = InputBox("Enter a filename to export slide titles", "Provide filename...", "Titles.txt") 'Check if the user has pressed Cancel (Inputbox returns a zero length string)

If strFileName = "" Then

Exit Sub

End If

' Do some good housekeeping and check for the existence of the file.

' Ask the user for further directions in case it does. : )

If Dir(.Path & "\" & strFileName) <> "" Then

If MsgBox(strFileName & " already exists. Overwrite it?", _

vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Warning") = vbNo Then

Exit Sub

End If

End If

' Open the file for exporting the slide titles. File is created in the same folder as the open presentation. ' If the Presentation is a new one (No path) then it will get created in the Root Folder

Open .Path & "\" & strFileName For Output As #1

For I = 1 To .Slides.Count

' Returns TRUE if there is a TitlePlaceholder

If .Slides(I).Shapes.HasTitle Then

' Now loop thru the PlaceHolders and pick the text from the TitlePlaceHolder

For J = 1 To .Slides(I).Shapes.Placeholders.Count

With .Slides(I).Shapes.Placeholders.Item(J)

If .PlaceholderFormat.Type = ppPlaceholderTitle Then

' Just inserted for debugging purposes...

Debug.Print .TextFrame.TextRange

' Write the title text to the output file

Print #1, .TextFrame.TextRange

End If

End With

Next J

End If

Next I

'Close the open file

Close #1

End With

End Sub

Locate specific text and format the shape containing it

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------

' Copyright ?1999-2007, Shyam Pillai, All Rights Reserved.

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------

' You are free to use this code within your own applications, add-ins,

' documents etc but you are expressly forbidden from selling or

' otherwise distributing this source code without prior consent.

' This includes both posting free demo projects made from this ' code as well as reproducing the code in text or html format. ' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Option Explicit

' Searches for the specified text in all types of shapes

' and formats the box containing it.

' The shape reference is passed to pick up the formating

' of the desired shape for highlighting

Sub FindTextAndHighlightShape(SearchString As String, _ oHighlightShape As Shape)

Dim oSld As Slide

Dim oShp As Shape

Dim oTxtRng As TextRange

Dim oTmpRng As TextRange

On Error Resume Next

Set oSld = SlideShowWindows(1).View.Slide

For Each oShp In oSld.Shapes

' I am looking for beveled autoshape since these contain the ' text and formatting and hence should be excluded from the ' search

If oShp.Type = msoAutoShape Then

If oShp.AutoShapeType = msoShapeBevel Then

GoTo NextShape

End If

End If

If oShp.HasTextFrame Then

If oShp.TextFrame.HasText Then

Set oTxtRng = oShp.TextFrame.TextRange

Set oTmpRng = oTxtRng.Find(SearchString, , , True)

If Not oTmpRng Is Nothing Then




With oShp.Fill

.Visible = False

.Transparency = 0#

End With

End If

End If

End If


Next oShp

End Sub

' Assign this macro to the shapes containing the search text. Sub ClickHere(oShp As Shape)

' oShp contains reference to the shape that was clicked

' to fire the macro.

' The text in the shape is passed to the search routine.

Call FindTextAndHighlightShape(oShp.TextFrame.TextRange.Text, oShp) Call RefreshSlide

End Sub

Sub RefreshSlide()

On Error Resume Next

With SlideShowWindows(1).View

.GotoSlide .CurrentShowPosition

End With

End Sub

Locate and highlight instances of a specific word

Locate specific text and format the shape containing it.

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------

' Copyright ?1999-2007, Shyam Pillai, All Rights Reserved.

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------

' You are free to use this code within your own applications, add-ins,

' documents etc but you are expressly forbidden from selling or

' otherwise distributing this source code without prior consent.

' This includes both posting free demo projects made from this

' code as well as reproducing the code in text or html format.

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Option Explicit

' Searches for the specified text in all types of shapes

' and highlights only the text.

' The TextRange is passed to apply the formatting

' of the text for highlighting

Sub FindTextAndHighlightShape(SearchString As String, _ oHighlightTextRange As TextRange)

Dim oSld As Slide

Dim oShp As Shape

Dim oTxtRng As TextRange

Dim oTmpRng As TextRange

On Error Resume Next

Set oSld = SlideShowWindows(1).View.Slide

For Each oShp In oSld.Shapes

' I am looking for beveled autoshape since these contain the

' text and formatting and hence should be excluded from the

' search

If oShp.Type = msoAutoShape Then

If oShp.AutoShapeType = msoShapeBevel Then

GoTo NextShape

End If

End If

If oShp.HasTextFrame Then

If oShp.TextFrame.HasText Then

' One needs to locate the text as well as iterate

' for multiple instances of the text

Set oTxtRng = oShp.TextFrame.TextRange

Set oTmpRng = oTxtRng.Find(SearchString, , , True)

Do While Not oTmpRng Is Nothing

' Highlight the text with the desired color

oTmpRng.Font.Color = oHighlightTextRange.Font.Color

Set oTmpRng = oTxtRng.Find(SearchString, _

After:=oTmpRng.Start + oTmpRng.Length, _



End If

End If


Next oShp

End Sub

' Assign this macro to the shapes containing the search text.

Sub ClickHere(oShp As Shape)

' oShp contains reference to the shape that was clicked

' to fire the macro.

' The text in the shape is passed to the search routine.

' The text range contains the text formating to be applied

' while highlighting the found text.

Call FindTextAndHighlightShape(oShp.TextFrame.TextRange.Text, _


Call RefreshSlide

End Sub

Sub RefreshSlide()

On Error Resume Next

With SlideShowWindows(1).View

.GotoSlide .CurrentShowPosition

End With

End Sub

Set table border colour

No direct methods are available to set the table border property for native PowerPoint tables. However since the PowerPoint table just special collection of shapes, you can create a simple wrapper to achieve it. This can be extended to apply various border styles.

' ---------------------------------------------------------------------' Copyright ?1999-2007 Shyam Pillai. All Rights Reserved.' ---------------------------------------------------------------------' You are free to use this code within your own applications, add-ins,' documents etc but you are expressly forbidden from selling or ' otherwise distributing this source code without prior consent.' This includes both posting free demo projects made from this' code as well as reproducing the code in text or html format.' ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Option Explicit

Sub HowToUseIt()

Call SetTableBorder(ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(1).Table)

Sub SetTableBorder(oTable As Table)

Dim I As Integer

With oTable

For I = 1 To .Rows.Count

With .Rows(I).Cells(1).Borders(ppBorderLeft)

.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)

.Weight = 5

End With

With .Rows(I).Cells(.Rows(I).Cells.Count).Borders(ppBorderRight)

.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)

.Weight = 5

End With

Next I

For I = 1 To .Columns.Count

With .Columns(I).Cells(1).Borders(ppBorderTop)

.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)

.Weight = 5

End With


.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)

.Weight = 5

End With

Next I

End With

End Sub

Native PowerPoint Table in PowerPoint 2000 or later

Sub NativeTable()

Dim pptSlide As Slide

Dim pptShape As Shape

Dim pptPres As Presentation

Dim iRow As Integer

Dim iColumn As Integer

Dim oShapeInsideTable As Shape

Set pptPres = ActivePresentation

With pptPres

Set pptSlide = .Slides.Add(.Slides.Count, ppLayoutBlank)

End With

With pptSlide.Shapes

Set pptShape = .AddTable(NumRows:=3, NumColumns:=5, Left:=30, Top:=110, Width:=660, Height:=320) End With

With pptShape.Table

For iRow = 1 To .Rows.Count

For iColumn = 1 To .Columns.Count

With .Cell(iRow, iColumn).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange

.Text = "杰堂论坛"

.Name = "Verdana"

.Size = "14"

.Bold = msoTrue

End With

End With

Next iColumn

Next iRow

End With

' You can treat the table as a grouped shape too. Note that the

' items within the table have indices in reverse order.

With pptShape.GroupItems.Range(Array(1, 2, 3))

With .Fill

.Visible = True

.BackColor.SchemeColor = ppFill

End With

With .TextFrame.TextRange.Font

.Italic = True

.Color.RGB = RGB(125, 0, 125)

End With

End With

' Let's look at how to merge cells in a native PowerPoint table

With pptShape.Table

' Insert a row at the top of the table and set it's height

.Rows.Add BeforeRow:=1

.Rows(1).Height = 30

' Now merge all the cells of the Top row

.Cell(1, 1).Merge .Cell(1, 5)

' Tip: To manipulate properties of individual cells in the table

' get a reference to the shape which represents the cell

' and then manipulate it just as any PowerPoint auto shape

' Now grab a reference of the shape which represents the merged cell Set oShapeInsideTable = .Cell(1, 1).Shape

With oShapeInsideTable

With .TextFrame.TextRange

.Text = "Table of contents"

.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignCenter

With .Font

.Bold = True

.Size = 20

End With

End With

With .Fill

.Patterned (msoPatternDashedHorizontal)

.ForeColor.SchemeColor = ppShadow

.BackColor.RGB = RGB(213, 156, 87)

.Visible = True

End With

End With

End With

End Sub

快速合并PPTOption Explicit

Sub CopyWithSourceFormating()

Dim oSource As Presentation

Dim oTarget As Presentation

Dim oSlide As Slide

Dim dlgOpen As FileDialog

Dim bMasterShapes As Boolean

Set oTarget = ActivePresentation

Set dlgOpen = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen) With dlgOpen

.AllowMultiSelect = False


.Filters.Add "Presentations", "*.ppt,*.pps"

.Title = "Select Presentation to import"

If .Show = -1 Then

Set oSource = Presentations.Open(.SelectedItems(1), , , False) End If

If oSource Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

End With

For Each oSlide In oSource.Slides


With oTarget.Slides.Paste

.Design = oSlide.Design

' Apply the color scheme only after you have applied

' the design, else it won't give the desired results.

.ColorScheme = oSlide.ColorScheme

' Additional processing for slides which don't follow

' the master background

If oSlide.FollowMasterBackground = False Then

.FollowMasterBackground = False

With .Background.Fill

.Visible = oSlide.Background.Fill.Visible

.ForeColor = oSlide.Background.Fill.ForeColor

.BackColor = oSlide.Background.Fill.BackColor

End With

Select Case oSlide.Background.Fill.Type

Case Is = msoFillTextured

Select Case oSlide.Background.Fill.TextureType

Case Is = msoTexturePreset

.Background.Fill.PresetTextured _


Case Is = msoTextureUserDefined

' TextureName gives only the filename

' and not the path to the custom texture file used.

' We could do it the same way we handle picture fill. End Select

Case Is = msoFillSolid

.Background.Fill.Transparency = 0#


Case Is = msoFillPicture

' No way to get the picture so export the slide image. With oSlide

If .Shapes.Count>0 Then .Shapes.Range.Visible=False bMasterShapes = .DisplayMasterShapes

.DisplayMasterShapes = False

.Export oSource.Path & .SlideID & ".png", "PNG" End With

https://www.360docs.net/doc/b34373833.html,erPicture _

oSource.Path & oSlide.SlideID & ".png"

Kill (oSource.Path & oSlide.SlideID & ".png")

With oSlide

.DisplayMasterShapes = bMasterShapes

If .Shapes.Count>0 Then .Shapes.Range.Visible= True End With

Case Is = msoFillPatterned

.Background.Fill.Patterned _


Case Is = msoFillGradient

Select Case oSlide.Background.Fill.GradientColorType Case Is = msoGradientTwoColors

.Background.Fill.TwoColorGradient _

oSlide.Background.Fill.GradientStyle, _


Case Is = msoGradientPresetColors

.Background.Fill.PresetGradient _

oSlide.Background.Fill.GradientStyle, _

oSlide.Background.Fill.GradientVariant, _


Case Is = msoGradientOneColor

.Background.Fill.OneColorGradient _

oSlide.Background.Fill.GradientStyle, _

oSlide.Background.Fill.GradientVariant, _


End Select

Case Is = msoFillBackground

' Only applicable to shapes.

End Select

End If

End With

Next oSlide


Set oSource = Nothing

End Sub


Office系统中的主要程序几乎都有内置的能自动运行的宏,可对于PowerPoint,我查看了所能收集到的所有资料,包括微软的官方网站及其Office开发资源网站MSDN上的中英文资料,都说它不具有自动运行的宏,最后又“白度”中国,“Google”世界,再“Yahoo”全球,还是没有找到说PowerPoint 有自动运行宏的资料,有的只有说在PowerPoint的Add-In(加载项)插件中有自动化运行的宏Auto_Open 和Auto_Close。


Sub OnSlideShowPageChange()

MsgBox "I love you, PowerPoint."

End Sub

点击“保存”按钮,保存文档,文件名如Test.ppt(PowerPoint 2007中为Test.pptm),返回幻灯片编辑视图,按F5键进行放映,我们首先会看到一个显示“I love you, PowerPoint.”的消息框,点击确定后,放映第一张幻灯片,再点击鼠标左键,放映到第二张,也会出现同样的消息框,后面各张的放映的情形也是这样。这说明我们的宏在放映时及放映过程中被正确地执行了,还说明这个宏是在放映时就自动运行,以后只要有幻灯片切换都会被激发而运行。根据它的特性,只要是在幻灯片放映开始时就要完成的任务,或是放映过程中需要不断重复做的处理都可以交给它来完成。同时,这个宏也很适合用来对PowerPoint放映环境进行初始化设置,不过应做一下改进,因为初始化只需要一次,反复做会浪费系统资源,改进后的示例代码如下:

Sub OnSlideShowPageChange()

If ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.CurrentShowPosition = 1 ThenMsgBox "I love you, PowerPoint."

End If

End Sub

再保存后运行,怎么样,是不是只在放映开始时出现一次消息框,以后幻灯片再切换就看不到消息框了,我们的目的达到了,今后在实际开发中只是放映过程中要反复执行的代码块就放在Sub OnSlideShowPageChange()和End Sub之间,即代替掉“If Then End If”语句块,凡是开始放映时只需运行一次的代码块就放在

If ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.CurrentShowPosition = 1 Then和End If之间,即把MsgBox "I love you,PowerPoint."语句替换成我们自己的代码块就行了。

三、OnSlideShowTerminate宏的使用现在我们再来研究一下OnSlideShowTerminate宏的用法,还是用前面建立的PowerPoint实列文档Test.ppt,打开文档后在VBA编辑器窗口中输入下面的代码:Sub OnSlideShowTerminate()

MsgBox "Good bye, and take care!" "

End Sub

保存后返回PowerPoint幻灯片编辑视图,按F5进行放映,在放映开始出现显示“I love you, PowerPoint.”消息框,这是OnSlideShowPageChange宏的功劳,前面已讲过,点“确定”后继续播放直至结束,我们又会看到一个写着“Good bye, and take care!”的消息框,现在是OnSlideShowTerminate 宏在起作用。由此我们可以看出,OnSlideShowTerminate宏只在结束幻灯片放映时被激活发挥作用,用它我们可以处理放映完成后的环境清理工作,只要把我们的相关代码放在Sub OnSlideShowTerminate()和End Sub中间替换掉MsgBox "Good bye, and take care!"语句就OK了。

PowerPoint是一个非常易用的多媒体制作平台,只需要很少的编程就能制作出非常优秀出色的课件,如果再运用好OnSlideShowPageChange和OnSlideShowTerminate这两个在放映时能自动运行的宏,就更能如虎添翼,使我们的课件更专业更完美,使PowerPoint成为老师们手中最强大的多媒体制作利器。(文中的代码在PowerPoint 2000—2007中测试通过。)



在硬盘的任意位置(如F盘根目录)新建一个名为“Background”的文件夹,然后将需要操作到PPT 课件中的背景图片复制到该文件夹,并对所有的背景图片进行重命名,图片文件名的格式为“1.jpg”、“2.jpg”、“3.jpg”……

启动PowerPoint 2003/2007,然后单击“工具→宏→Visual Basic 编辑器”命令,打开“Visual Basic 编辑器”窗口,然后右击该窗口左边的“VBAProject”,选择“操作→模块”命令,操作一个代码模块【注:有三种代码模块,分别是:用户窗体、模块和类模块,选择“模块”即可】,然后在右边的代码窗口中输入相应代码【注:稍后给出】,关闭“Visual Basic编辑器”窗口,上边输入的模块代码就会自动保存,最后单击菜单“文件→保存”命令,将PPT演示文稿保存到"F:Background”目录下,文件名为“批量操作背景图片.ppt”。

小提示:在我们提供的代码中,“https://www.360docs.net/doc/b34373833.html,erPicture "F:Background" &i &".jpg"表示操作到幻灯片中的背景图片保存在“F:Background”目录下,背景图片的格式为jpg,如有不同,请自行更改。





Sub InsertPic()

Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To ActivePresentation.Slides.Count


With ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange

.FollowMasterBackground = msoFalse

https://www.360docs.net/doc/b34373833.html,erPicture "F:Background" &i &".jpg"

End With


End Sub

