


l__ght(轻的 h__ __vy(重的 br__ken(坏的 p__ck__t(口袋 h__rd(困难的


1.take it to China_______

2.buy you a new one______

3.big and light

4.at the Department Store__

5.this black bag______

6.easy for you

7.too big for you_______

8.this one in white________

9.heavy for him 10.look at_______


( 1.A.broken B.nice C.pocket ( 2.A.blue B.new C.black ( 3.A.bring B.take C.wheel ( 4.A.can B.buy C.will ( 5. A.light B.heavy C.pockets


( 1. A.boat B.coat C.now ( 2. A.hard B.warm C.car ( 3. A.boy B.toy C.play

( 4. A.easy B.heavy C. Please ( 5. A.white B.high C.big

五、根据要求写单词(10分 love(形容词 ___ heavy(反义词 ___ difficult(近义词__ _ I ’ ll(完整形式___ It’ s got(完整形式 _____

六、单项选择(20分 ( 1.Look ___ your book, please. A.in B.on C.at

( 2.The blue bag is easy ___ you. A.to B.for C.of

( 3.You can’ t ___ the broken bag ___ China. A.take … to B.take… for C. took...to

( 4.The red dress is ____ small for me . A.so B.too C.to

( 5.Do you like the blue ___? A.one B.a C.an

( 6.The small bag ___ got two wheels. A.has B.have C.had

( 7.English is hard ____ the little boy. A.to B.at C.for

( 8.The girl ___ red is Lingling. A.on B.in C.with

( 9.The T-shirt has got a cat ___ it. A.in B.on C.with

( 10.Try this one ___ white. A.for B.on C.in

七、选择正确的选项 (10分 1. 你打算买走某个东西, 你会说 A.I’ ll take it. B. Here you are. 2. 如果你想问售货员有没有白色的包 , 你会说 A.I want to buy a white bag. B. Have you got a white bag?

3. 如果你想建议别人试穿某件衣服,你会说 A.Try this one, please. B.Why not this one?

4. 如果你是售货员,见到顾客时,你应该说 A.Can I help you? B. How do you do?

5. 当别人说谢谢你时,你应该说A.Don’ t thank me. B. That’ s all right


1.this/ is/ blue/ and/ big /one /light(.

2.it / for/ will /easy /be /you(.

3.it’ s/ for/ big/ you/ too(.

4.have/ got/ small/ a /one/ you(?

5.got/ it’ s/ a /on /it /panda(.

九、选词填空(10分 with to too in for

1.It ’ s ____ heavy for you.

2.Try that one ____ black.

3.You can take it ____ China.

4.It ’ ll be easy _____ you.

5.It’ s easy _____ a computer.

十、阅读短文,判断对(T 错(F (10分

I ’ m Lucy. My old bike is broken. I can’ t ride it to school. So my mother bought a new one for me t oday. It’ s small but beautiful. It’ s blue. It’ s my favourite colour. It has

got a big basket(车筐 . I can put my bag in it. I can ride my new bike to school from Monday to Friday.I’ m very happy.

( 1.Lucy’ s old bike is broken.( 2.Lucy’ s father bought her a new bike.

( 3.Lucy’ sfavourite colour is red.( 4.Lucy’ s new bike has got a basket.

( 5.Lucy rides her new bike to school .


2019年五年级下册英语试卷及答案 姓名:得分: 一、听录音,选出你听到的单词或词组。(20分) ()1 A、spring B、summer C、fall ()2 A、March B、May C、April ()3 A、eat breakfast B、eat lunch C、eat dinner ()4 A、7:30 B、8:30 C、9:30 ()5 A、drinking B、eating C、having ()6 A、fly kites B、plant trees C、make a snowman ()7 A、nice B、sweet C、good ()8 A、go hiking B、go shopping C、go fishing ()9 A、go to bed B、go to school C、go to work ()10 A、first B、second C、third 二、选出不同类的单词。(20分) ()1 A、winter B、cool C、spring D、summer ()2 A、cool B、cold C、warm D、walk ()3 A、skate B、swim C、climb D、season ()4 A、first B、two C、second D、third ()5 A、May B、July C、Sunday D、June 三、找出单词的正确译文,将其标号填入前面的括号内。(10分) ( ) 1.spring A.春天B.季节 C.夏天 ( ) 2.morning A.下午B.中午 C.上午 ( ) 3.May A.五月B.三月 C.六月 ( ) 4.write a letter A.写报告B.写信 C.写电子邮件 ( ) 5.swim A.游泳 B.荡秋千C.跑步 ( ) 6.usually A.通常 B.一般 C.经常 ( ) 7.evening A.晚上 B.早上 C.中午 ( ) 8.have a picnic A.数昆虫 B.举行野餐 C.做实验 ( ) 9.drink water A.打架 B.讲话 C.喝水 ( ) 10.twelfth A.十二 B.第十二 C.第二十 四、选择填空。(共20分) ( )1. My parents usually get up ________ 6:40. A. on B. in C. at


五年级英语下册教学计划 一、教学内容分析: 本册教材供小学五年级下学期使用,共有10个学习模块(20个单元)和1个复习模块组成。每个模块分两个单元,第一单元是新知识呈现和运用部分,侧重语言的交际功能,旨在培养学生的听说能力;第二单元是新知识的巩固和扩展部分,提供若干任务型(Task-based)练习,包括一首歌谣或小诗。学习歌谣或小诗的目的在于:培养学生的语感和节奏感;调高发音的正确性;通过这些英语国家儿童所熟知的歌谣介绍一定的西方文化知识。并通过对前一课主要内容的回顾而引出重点句型的教学,旨在培养学生的读写能力,并帮助学生进一步掌握主要的语言结构。在掌握重点语言之后加强学生在应用方面的综合操练,通过多种形式引导学生复习巩固所学的语言知识,提高运用语言的能力。课文中呈现了一些新的语法内容,但不要求教师讲解语法理论,更不要求学生掌握语法理论,而是要求学生在理解的基础上初步学会运用这些语句,希望各位教师在教学过程中注意。本册涉及Changing, Grandparents,English Food, Library, Decisions, Travel, Communications, Discussions, Letters from Abroad, Preparations 等10个内容的话题。本册的单词仍以与学生学习、生活密切相关的词汇为主,较上册教材来说这册教材的单词量相对来说比较多,学生学习起来有一定的难度,学生将要学习、掌握单词建议表中的140个四会单词、4首歌曲、7首韵句和2首诗歌,要求学生在学习时不只是单纯认读、翻译单个的单词,还应该能实际运用,在语境中感悟其含义。除此以外,课文中部分的单词、词组和句式只是为了语境的需要而设置的,可视学生能力情况而掌握。教学材料有短文、对话、书信等,囊括一般现在时和一般过去时等语法现象,以及字母组合在单词中的发音等语音内容,了解简单的拼读规则。另外,本册涉及到的语法项目大部分都为一般过去式,还有个别两个模块为will引导将来时及be going to…引导的将来式,还有一般现在时。对于本册来说过去式仍是本册的教学重点,但出现了一般将来时,对于他只要求学生理解其意,教师不做语法结构的分析上的重点讲解。,此外,本书最后收录有1个课外阅读故事,供教师和学生根据具体教学情况和兴趣自由选择使用,不作教学要求。 二、学生分析 本册书的教授对象是小学五年级的学生,他们具备一定的英语知识,也具有了一定的自学能力和语言组织能力,但是在灵活应用上还有欠缺;这一年龄阶段的孩子好胜心强,集体荣誉感也强,因此在设计上应采用任务型教学,所设计的内容面向全体学生,由易到难,让学生在愉快的氛围中从不同程度得到提升。采用灵活多样的教学方法,防止过多的机械操练。把握学生的心理因素,创设一个宽松、愉悦、安全的学习氛围。设计多层次的教学内容,实行多层次的教学,确保不同层次的学生在原有的基础基础上都有进步。加强对学生正确的学习态度以及学习毅力的培养,从而达到培养学生综合运用语言能力的目的,激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,增强自信心。五年级下册是小学阶段学生学习英语的一个顶峰阶段,也是学生能否顺利从听、说为中心转向以读、写为中心过渡的一个关键阶段。随着读写要求的提高,在这个阶段,应该让学生从以活动为主的动态学习逐渐过渡到以读写为主的较为静态的学习,因此在课堂上要逐步减弱活动式学习的分量,逐步加大课堂中阅读与书写的分量。由于学生已有一定英语知识和英语学习能力的积累,在教学中,可适当放手让学生独立完成学习任务,促进他们综合能


外研版五年级上册英语期末检测试题及答案 一听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分) (A)1AhearBhairChis (A)2AkindBkiteCKate (C)3AyouBthinkCcatch (C)4AdeafBblindCsausage (B)5AshowBexerciseCschool (T)1Dogsareveryuseful. (F)2Akindgirlhelpstheoldman. (T)3Hecan’tsee. (F)4Whattimeisitnow? (T)5Youcanplayfootballwell. 笔试部分 一手拉手成为好朋友(20分) ()1playfootballwella跳的高 ()2runfastb接球接的好 ()3jumphighc传球传的好 ()4catchtheballwelld帮很多忙 ()5passtheballwelle跑的快 ()7doalotg八点半 ()9helpthefirefighterI做很多

()10halfpasteightj香肠和面包 二快乐三选一(20分) ()1Canyouplaybasketball? AYes,IcanBNo,IcanCNo,Idon’t ()2Linglingcanplaybasketball_______? AwellBniceCgood ()3Sheisgood____football. AinBatCon ()4Thismanisblind.Hecan’t_______ AsayBseeChear ()5Thisgirlis_____Shecan’thear. AblindBdeafCyoung ()6Dogsarevery_________. AuseBusesCuseful ()7Myschoolstarts______eighto’clock. AinBatCon ()8Igetupathalf____seven. AtoBinCpast. ()9whattimeisitnow? AIt’snineo’clock. BIt’satnineo’clock CIt’snineclock ()10let’stakemy______rope.


(人教版)小学五年级英语下册期末测试卷 听力部分:(共30分) 一、听录音,选出你听到的单词或词组。(10分) ()1 A、spring B、summer C、fall ()2 A、March B、May C、April ()3 A、eat breakfast B、eat lunch C、eat dinner ()4 A、7:30 B、8:30 C、9:30 ()5 A、drinking B、eating C、having ()6 A、fly kites B、plant trees C、make a snowman ()7 A、nice B、sweet C、good ()8 A、go hiking B、go shopping C、go fishing ()9 A、go to bed B、go to school C、go to work ()10 A、first B、second C、third 二、听音,完成句子。(10分) 1、Look, what is my mother doing? She’s________________ 2、Chen Jie and Amy are ___________________. 3、Hello _____________ , Can I speak to ChenJie, please ? 4、Her grandpa is _____________________ 5、When is your birthday?______________________. 三、听问句,选答句。(10分) ()1. A. There are four seasons in a year. B. Spring is my favourite season. ()2. A. It's June 21st. B. It's Thursday. ()3. A. No. He's playing football. B. Yes. He's very tall. ()4. A. My mom is a doctor. B. Sure. Hold on, please. ()5. A. They are cooking dinner. B. She is answering the phone. 笔试部分:(共70分) 一、选出不同类的单词。(10分) ()1 A、winter B、cool C、spring D、summer ()2 A、cool B、cold C、warm D、walk ()3 A、skate B、swim C、climb D、season ()4 A、first B、two C、second D、third


外研版(一起)五年级英语下册期末考试按住ctrl键点击查看更多小学五年级资源 一、根据汉语意思,用正确的形式写出单词。10% 1.There is a big_____________(操场) now. 2.It's an________________(请柬) to my birthday party. 3.This T-shirt isn't his. It's_____________(她的). 4.Sam's team______________(赢) yesterday. 5.They are ____________(复活节帽子) . 6. Let's________________________ (发一封电子邮件) to Amy. 6.English children __________________(围坐在桌旁). 7. He was a _____________________. (笛子演奏者) 7.Yesterday Zara ______________(不能) go out. 8.Your bag is ________________(坏了) . 8.You ______________(不应该) be late. 9. My grandma worked in ______________________(一间办公室). 9.My birthday is on 2nd of_____________(五月). 10. You can ________________(归还) CDs in many English libraries. 10.He can't sing very____________________(好). 二、词形转换10% 1. run (现在分词)__________ 2.get(过去式)_______ 3.child(复数)____________ 4.family(复数)_______ 5.scare(形容词)__________ 6. wear(过去式) 7. England(形容词)________ 8. cut(过去式) 9.sell (反义词)________ 10. play(名词) 11.let's(完全形式)__________ 12. send(过去式) 13.took(原形)__________ 14. photo(复数) 15.my(名词性物主代词)___________ 三、选择适当的介词填空(可重复使用)10% on for from over to about at in English children can have fun _____________break time. 1. They sell food ______________lots of countries. 2.Daming is going to have a birthday party___________Saturday. 3.Friday. 4. We go to school Monday 5. Every day, we go to school_____________foot.


新标准英语三年级起点第六册教案 Module 1 Changing Unit 1 We lived in a small house. Teaching objectives: 1.Words and phrases: life, different, ago, any, television, us, grandchildren, lady. 2. Sentences: There weren't any buses. We lived in a small house. There are lots of buses and cars. We live in a big house. 3. Grammar: Compare the life. Teaching properties: cards, pictures, Tape-recorder. Teaching procedures: 一.Warming up 1.Greeting 2.Talking about: holiday and changing of you. 二.Lead in T: In the winter holiday, you had a lot of changes. Now you are older and cleverer .I am very glad to see your changes. And write ‘changing' on the blackboard. Tell students ‘Everything is changing. No change, no progresses. 三.New teaching 1.Show some old photos and say: Look, life was very different many years ago .But how was it different? Today, we will learn how to compare past and present life.


新人教版五年级下册英语第一单元测试卷 姓名 ________ 分数_________ 一、找出不同类的单词。(5分) 1.( ) A:Saturday B:Sunday C:Thursday D:weekend 2.( ) A:play football B:play basketball C:play the piano D:play baseball 3.( ) A:go to school B:go home C:get up D:in the morning 4.( ) A:when B:what C:why D:we 5.( ) A:usually B:often C:English D:sometimes 二、选择,并将序号写在括号里。(30分) 1.()I usually go _____ with my mother. 2.()We have Chinese, English and PE ______ the morning. 3.()Thank you for ______ me about your day. 4.()Can I ask you_____ questions? 5.()---What do you do? ---______ am Chinese. ’m ten. ’m a student. 6.()---When do you go to bed at night? ---I go to bed ___ 9:30. 7.()The weather report ____ it’s going to rain tomorrow. 8.()---_____? ----It’s 10:30. ’s the time? the time? ’s time? 9.()______ books do you have? about many much 10.()---Thank you. ---_____ 're welcome. thanks. . 11.()What do you do on the weekend? 10:00 . often visit my grandparents. the morning. 12.( )Let's go shopping together next Saturday. ,I do. . .


五年级英语(上册)期末测试题 听力部分 、选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填入括号中。 ( ( )1. A. wonderful )2. A. bored B. beautiful B. angry C. surprise C. happy D. careful D. hungry ( )3. A . feeling B. thi nking C. goi ng D. feel ( )4.A. anything B. nothing C. someth ing D. everythi ng ( )5 . A. win B. won C. winner D. with 听问题,选答案。 学校 班级 姓名 等级 书写 2. We backlast Sun day. 3. Let ' s makea 4. Don't .What 'the 5. This girl is .Shecan‘ _

四、听句子,选择正确的答语,将其序号写在题前括号内。 )1. Who wrote the letter? A. Daming B. Lingling ( )1. A. No, I can' .t B. Yes, shecan. ( )2. A. No, I don ' t. B. No, I 'm ot. ( )3. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I don ' t. ( )4. A. Yes, please. B. Yes, I can. ( )5. A. I went to the London Eye. 三、听句子, 填入所缺单词, 将句子补充完整。 B. Yes, I did. 1. Yesterday I anice cream.


五年级下册英语试卷 班别_________ 姓名____________分数___ ______ 一、补全对话。(每空2分,共10分) A: ________________________________ B: I like summer best. Because my birthday is in summe r. A:_________________________________ B: It’sin June. A:_________________________________ B: I often go shopping withmymotheronmyb irthday. SometimesI goswimming.______________________________ A: Mybirthday isin winter.So I like winter best. B:_______________________________ A: It’s very cold. yat home.Many friends come to my home.We singand dance.SometimesI have a picnic with my parents. Tomorrow is my birthday. I amcleaning the roomnow.Mymomis making a birthday cake for me.I will be happytomorrow. ( )1.Jack’s birthday isin summer. ()2.Usually I have a birthday party on my birthda


外研版五年级下册英语单词 姓名 Module 1 还,仍然 (电视或广播)节目 女士,夫人 生活 不同的 以前 采访者 足够的 电视机 (grandchild的复数形式) (外)孙子;(外)孙女 改变,变化 夜晚,夜间 工作;劳动;干活儿 田地 火,炉火 (用于否定句中)也不,也没 收音机 电话 不能(全称及缩写) 写 希望 Module 2 (learn的过去式)学习 (teach的过去式)教,讲授 语言

(write的过去式)写 舞蹈演员 外国的 (study的过去式)学习 努力地 Module 3 汉堡包 英国(式)的 早餐,早饭 午餐,午饭 三明治 炸鱼加炸薯条 传统的 食品;菜肴 很,非常起航教育资料☆请用心记忆,按时完成!(红色字体为短语) (give的过去式)给 今夜,今晚Module 4 图书馆 学生 (send的过去式)发送,寄 激光唱片,光盘 主意,想法 放,安放 架子 重的,沉的 词典;字典 卡片 图书卡,借书证 邀请

错误的 哎呀 信息 电子书 项目 介绍,指南,手册 电影 又,还,也 方法,方式 关于 话题 Module 5 轻的 困难的,费力的 坏的,破的 百货商店 口袋,兜 雨伞 售货员,营业员 轮子 容易的,不费力的 选择要;选择购买 太,过于 试,尝试 美丽的,可爱的;令人愉快的 Module 6 月亮,月球 到达 西,西部 母亲;父亲;家长 停留 七月 南,南部 记得 六月

东,东部 最好的 北,北部 休息 休息一下 (ride的过去式)骑Module 7 傍晚,晚上 近日暮的;近深夜的;时间不早的 工人 制造厂;工厂 早的 出租车 一刻钟 (距整点)差…… 焦虑,担心Module 8 纸 中国人的 如此,这样 词,字 (d r a w的过去式)画 (cut的过去式)剪,切,割 张,片,块 (用颜料)绘画,着色 (put的过去式)放,安放 小木棍,小木条 (tie的过去式)扎上,系上 线,绳子 Module 9 笑 (wear的过去式)穿


2020-2021学年第一学期期末测试 五年级英语试题 学校________ 班级________ 姓名________ 成绩________ 一、单选题 1.选择下列单词中不同类的单词() A. south B. north C. cloud 2.当你的妈妈送给了你一份你喜欢的礼物, 你会说: A. You fee l happy. B. I feel happy. C. She feels happy. 3.Who will take the parents the meeting room? A. for B. at C. to 4.选出下列单词中不同类的单词 A. Mr B. meet C. Miss 5.找出下列不同类的单词 A. sofa B. bed C. bedroom D. chair 6.—Did the old lady dance twenty years ago? —________ A. Yes,she was. B. Yes,she did. C. No,she can't. 7.选出下列单词中不同类的单词 A. cute B. cool C. I 8.The light is green now. Let's ________. A. go B. wait C. stop 9.Qu Yuan many nice poems in his life. A. write B. writes C. wrote D. written 10.Look at the light. It is red. Let's . A. go B. wait C. stop 11.sorry A. woman B. box C. women 12.—Who is this?


外研版五年级下册英语期末复习重点 第六模块重点:of course(当然),photos of China(中国的照片),in the west of…(在……西部),last year(去年),in July(在七月),ride a horse(骑马),Li people(黎族人),have a lovely time(度过一段美好的时光),a lot of(许多)。have got(拥有),every year(每年),in June(在六月) 1、Where did you go for your holidays?你去哪里度假了? 2、It’s in the east/west/south/north of…它在……的东/西/南/北部。 3、In July,Lingling went to Xinjiang with her parents.在七月,玲玲和她的父母一起去了新疆。 第七模块重点:a computer message(一条电脑信息),from…to…(从……到……),a good idea(一个好主意/办法),click on(点击),at week(在工作),at the office(在办公室),be home(回家,在家),see your letter(待会儿见),make a poster(制作海报), 1、I am working very hard at the office.(我正在办公室努力地工作。) 2、I will be home at seven o’clock.(我将在七点钟回家。) 第八模块重点:come quickly(快点来),on the phone(在电话上/里),go to America(去美国),in the summer(在夏天),take…for…(给……带……)a dragon kite(一只龙风筝),the same as(和……一样)make suggestions(提建议) What about/How about…? ......怎么样? 1、What about a dragon kite?(一只龙风筝怎么样?) Why don’t you…? 你为什么不…… 2、why don’t you give him a kite?(你为什么不送给他一只风筝呢?) 第九模块重点:in English(用英语),last week(上周),a children theatre(儿童剧院),tell jokes(讲笑话),lots of (许多的)Chinese History(中国历史),in the evening(在晚上) 描述过去的动作和状态: The men wore women’s clothes.(男人穿着女人的衣服。) We laughed a lot.(我们开怀大笑。) 谈论将来发生的事情: 1、We are going to see you in three weeks.三周后我们就要见面了。 2、He’s going to ask you some questions.他打算问你一些问题。 第十模块重点:feel nervous(感到紧张),make a list(列一张清单),go to the airport(去机场),speak English(讲英语),at the airport(在机场),by plane(乘飞机) 含有be going to 的特殊疑问句: 1、Where are you going to go?你打算去哪里? 2、When are you going to go?你打算什么时候去? 3、What are you going to do?你打算做什么? 完全形式:didn’t—did not,let’s—let us,I’ll—I will,don’t—do not I’ve—I have,It’s—It is 单复数:my(我的)—our,man(男人)—men,women(女人)—woman 单数第三人称形式(单三形式):have—has,do—does,go—goes, 主宾格:I(宾格)me,we(宾格)us they(宾格)them 比较级:big—bigger,small—smaller 过去式:am/is (是)—was,are(是)—were,go(去)—went,buy(买)—bought,eat(吃)—ate,have/has (有,吃)—had,teach(教)—taught,drink(喝)—drank,learn(学习)—learnt,give(给)—gave,ride(骑)—rode,wear(穿)—wore,make(做)—made,tell(告诉)—told 近反义词:same(反)different,light(反)heavy,hard(反)easy


2016-2017 年人教版小学英语五年级下册期中测试卷 一、单项选择。 (每题 2 分,共 20 分) ( ) 1. do you do on the weekend? A. When B. What C. How ( ) 2..I usually have Chinese class ____ the morning and eat lunch ___ noon . A. at ; at B.in ;in C. in; at ( ) 3.I like spring. Because I can . A. sleep B. swim C. plant trees ( ) 4.It '__s ___ . It 'co s ld and snowy . A. spring B. fall C. winter ( ) 5 .A: _______ do you have lunch ? B: At noon . A. How B. What C. When ( ) 6. What 's the date ? -- _____ A. Tuesday B. November C. May 4th ( ) 7. --Why do you like summer? -- _______ I can swim . A. Because B. What C. Which ( ) 8.-What are you doing ? - _______ . A. I 'm read a book . B. I 'm sending grandpa an e-card . C. I can make a birthday card. ( ) 9. There are three ________ in June. A. birthday B. month C. birthdays ( ) 10.--When is _______ ? --- It ' s September 10th . A. Mother ' sDay B. woman 's Day C. Teacher 's Day 二、连词成句。 (每题 3 分,共 15 分) 1. weekend do What do on the you ? 2. I play sports usually the in afternoon. Today is June 2nd..It 's Sunday .It 's Amy 's birthday. She gets up early at 6:00 in the morning . A fter a quike breakfast ,her parents take her to the People 's Park. They take many photos.In th e afternoon,her father buys( 买 ) a big birthday cake for her .Chen jie and Sarah make a beautif ul card for her . They eat the birthday cake together . Amy is very happy. ( ) 1.What day is it today ?A. It 'S s unday . B.It 'Ju s ne. C.It 'A s my 's birthday. ( )2. What 's the date ? A. It 'Ju s ne . B. It 'S s unday . C.It 'Ju s ne 2nd. ( )3. What do Chen jie and Sarah make for Amy? A. a big birthday cake . B. a beautiful card. C. Many photos ( )4.Is it Chen jie 's birthday today?A. Yes , it is B. No, sheisn ' tC. . No , it isn ' t. ( )5. Is Amy very happy today? A. No, she isn ' tB.. Yes, she is C. Yes, shiesn 't 五年级下册英语试题答案 一、 单项选择。(每题2分,共20分) 3. do you best Which season like ? 5. your birthday when is ? 三、从右栏中找出 正确的答案填入括号内。 ( ) 1.When do you eat breakfast ? 2. What 'sthe date today ? 3. Why do you like winter ? 4. What 's your favourite season ? 5. Is your birthday in July ? 四、阅读 理解。 (每题 3 分,共 15 分) 4. I sleep a long time because can . (每题 2 分,共 10 分) A.It 's April 30th. B. Because I can skate . ( ) C. I eat breakfast at 6:30 ( ) D. Yes , it is . ( ) E. Summer .


t have a about her life many years ago .She cooked on a fire .She didn' )Modle 1 We lived in a small house .( )Lingling is still in English with Sam and Amy .(

t have a telephone .She worked in the ''s a programme about China . television or a radio .She didnAmy : Look ,Lingling !It )Come and watch .( t read or write . 'fields .She couldn )Lingling : I'm coming .(Life was very different in China many years ago . Old lady : I miss my grandmother .I miss you ,too . )( I hope you are well . )Interviewer : How was it different .( )Old lady : There weren't any buses .( Lingling )There weren't any televisions .( )We lived in a small house .( ) Module 2 She learnt English . ( We didn't have enough food .() ) ) Sam: Who are they, lingling ? ( Interviewer : How about now ?( ) Old lady : There are lots of buses and cars .( ) Lingling: They're my grandparents . ( ) ) Sam: Who's this ? ( We live in a big house . (


外研版五年级上册英语期末测试题 一、从下列各组中找出不是同一类的单词. ( )1.A. green B. bike C. blue D.red ( )2.A. juice B. football C. basketball D.skip ( )3.A. hers B. mine C. them D.yours ( )4.A. book B. bag C. window D.pencil ( )5.A. banana B. angry C. apple D.pear 二、英汉互译。 1、when________ 2、home________ 3、before________ 4、mountain ________ 5、bored_______ 6. in a hurry ________ 7、等候_____________ 8、在绳子上 ______________ 9、购物单 _____________ 10、接球__________________ 三、选择题。 ()1、We ______back last Sunday. A、come B came C comes ()2、We visited lots ___ places. A、of B、at C、in ()3、---What’s the matter? ---________ A、OK B、Thank you. C、Nothing. ( )4、This man is____. He can’t hear. A、deaf B、 blind C、kind

( )5、Whose pen is this? It’s ____. A、my B、me C、mine ( )6、There ___ many books on the desk. A、was B、is C、are ()7.Yesterday I had ice cream. A. a B. an C. the ()8.There are twenty-five_______in the class. A.child B.student C.children ()9. —Did Lingling go to the park? — . A. Yes,she did B. No, she did C. Yes, she do ()10. How cheese do you want? A. many B. much C. big 四、选出下列问句的答语,并将答案编号填在题前括号内。 ( )1、How much milk do you want ? ( )2、Do you like American food ? ( )3、Can we have a dog? ? ( )4、What time does school start? ( )5、Are you feeling sad? A、No, you can’t. B、My school starts at eight o’clock. C、No, I’m not. D、Three bottles, please!


外研版五年级英语下册全册教案 We lived in a small house、Teaching objectives: 1、Words and phrases: life, different, ago, any, television, us, grandchildren, lady、 2、 Sentences: There weren’t any buses、 We lived in a small house、There are lots of buses and cars、 We live in a big house、 3、Grammar:Compare the life、Teaching properties: cards, pictures, Tape-recorder、Teaching procedures:一、 Warming up 1、Greeting 2、 Talking about: holiday and changing of you、二、Lead inT: In the winter holiday, you had a lot of changes、 Now you are older and cleverer 、I am very glad to see your changes、And write ‘changing’ on the blackboard、Tell students ‘Everything is changing、 No change, no progresses、三、 New teaching 1、Show some old photos and say: Look, life was very different many years ago 、But how was it different? Today, we will learn how to compare past and present life、2、 Listen to the tape and underline the new words、3、 Teach the new words、a、 Show some new word
