




I am convinced that few books are as good as this one. To be honest, I hadn’t maintained that this book would appeal me before I read it. However, I was absorbed in the book from the first chapter to the last one. Why this book has appealed to me that much? I asked myself. This book is not my type of reading for only romantic books could draw my attention suessfully. Then I came into a conclusion that it is the friendship and familyship fascinated me.

To the world you are one person, but to the person who loves you, you are the world. Amir was Hassan’s world. Amir’s name had been the first word Hassan spoke. Hassan threatened brutal Assef for the sake of Amir. Hassan never failed to run the kite to please Amir. Hassan sacrificed himself for Amir’s house. These are more than a friend would do. Only those who loves you so much could challenge himself to do what Hassan did to Amir.To Hassan, Amir was not only a mere friend but a brother. He loved

Amir more than anything else. Even after Amir betrayed him, he still told his son proudly“Agan Amir is my best friend”.Maybe for Hassan “for you, a thousand times over” has another meaning, which is not just kite running for Amir but he will do anything for Amir.

If Hassan could be described as an angel, then Amir was just a person. I did hate Amir for he watched Hassan be raped and did nothing, for he made Hassan leave his born-place, for he aimed Hassan with fruit(even though he actually tried to make himself get punished). Amir didn’t deserve what Hassan did to him. I thought his meanness caused Hassan’s tragedy. But after I finished the book, I realized it is not Hassan’s tragedy, it is Amir’s. For what he had done to Hassan, he had led a live with regret and suffered endless sleepless nights. His going back to Afghanistan is not only a journey physically but a journey to atonement. Hassan’s son, his nephew saved, Amir’s sin was finally washed. Like the life of circle, Amir ran kite for his miserable nephew.As Hassan did to him, he said “for you , a thousand times over” to Sohrab.Though the book doesn’t give us an aurate ending whether Sohrab came into life again.

I am sure love can cure everything. Only when Sohrab lives a happy life as Hassan hoped can Amir’s sin washed up.

The friendship between Hassan and Amir moved me. I believe All the people who read it is going to be touched just as I am. This book does make me think the good and the bad ,what’s wrong and what’s right, the cruelty of war . Few books can exert an influence on people nowadays, this book sure does.


Several years ago,from joyo,I bought the book "the kite runner" which ranked first on best sellers volume.First reading the book,I was totally moved and even cried for the sad story.This year,I knew it has been adapted into a movie.After seeing the movie,I read again this book and gained some new views.

The novel begins a story about two boys.Amir is born in a rich family.Hassan is his servant as well as close friend.They both lose mother from birth and grow up like brothers.Hassan is very loyal to Amiar,but Amiar sells him.Many years

later,Amir has settled down in America for years and established a family,but Hassan died for protecting Amir's luxury house in Afghanistan and leave an

orphan.Aidentally,Amir gets to know a big secret and decides to atone for his crime that hound around him from childhood. Reading it again,most of my original views has changed.

At the first place,I have a feeling of being cheated by the writer.The novel first attracted me before because it set its plot in a special environment---Afghanistan which even I often got news about from TV and newspaper,I knew the country utterly ignorant except wars and terrorism.So I wanted to understand more about the calamitous country.However,I am disappointed by the novel which just use a special background environment to tell a so-called travel of human nature .The theme of the novel should be atonement if it was taken off flowery coat.Bad gay like Amir and and good gay like Hassan,adding some the present best sellers' polular elements like bastard,forming the main contents. In fact,the kite runner impressed me deeply and it just depends on sensational words.Besides,what makes me most dislike is that the writer,an Afghan-American,contorted some political elements for American advantages.The history background only make the affair of Russia invading and Taliban dictators go into particulars,but not mention America's ignominious role in this politics.Why Taliban dictators are so unruly?Why Russia invaded Afghanistan in 1979?Why Afghan people still live in poor condition nowadays?America,a main actor is disposed of in this novel.

At the second place,the characters all serve to a tacky theme-atonement and birth secrects.When the birth secrects are exposed,the atonement travel begins.When the atonement finishes,the story finishes.

I even feel I am wrapped around the American media's little finger.Many celebrities and book concerns writed good ments,which helped it ranke first on sales volume for several times and made readers think it must get widely praised and then bought it without doubt finally.

Though I think the disadvantages are more than advatages,pared with the back atonement part,I like the front part that describes the pure friendship and innocent childhood between two boys.The description about the culture of kite in Afghanistan is excellent.

As a first book of the writer,it is resonable that the novel has some deficiencies.I hope his next and next works can more and more perfect.


追风筝的人读后感500字范文 《追风筝的人》是一本具有浓重的异域风情的书,这本书有许多令人感动值得揣摩的方面。下面是由为大家带来的“追风筝的人读后感500字”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 “为你,千千万万遍。”这是看完这本书后铭记脑海的一句话。没有万语千言,哈桑用寥寥几个字向我们阐述了最真挚的友谊。 阿富汗,这个曾经在我脑海中只留下荒芜战争场景的国度,却在阅读完这本书之后让我有了重新的认识。在书中,我看到了最最真实的阿富汗——一个有欢乐、有悲伤、有良知亦有邪恶的国度,一个人性化的国度。无可否认,哈桑和阿米尔这段友谊,是千千万万阿富汗人的缩影,是千千万万段友谊的缩影。也许不尽相同,但却有着共同的出发点——为了朋友而义无反顾! 哈桑为阿米尔追到了蓝色的风筝,也因为那一只风筝被欺负、被蹂躏,却依旧毫无怨言。反观之,少年的阿米尔在这段友谊中却担当着一个狠心的角色,忽视哈桑的付出、陷害哈桑甚至害得他不得不选择离开。故事的结局是令人意外的,阿米尔等来的是哈桑逝去的消息,一别成永别,留下的、只是满满的悔恨。阿米尔只能移情,成为为哈桑的儿子追风筝的人。

故事的结局并不完美,但却是最扣我心弦的一个。 错过、悔过,才能懂得珍惜、学会守候! 我国著名文学家鲁迅先生也曾说过:“友谊是两颗心真诚相待,而不是一颗心对另一颗心敲打。”哈桑正是用他自己的方式实践了“友谊”之词。 友谊是一棵树,只有以真诚去浇灌,才能开出灿烂的花朵。 让我们静静等待、那一朵花开…… 《追风筝的人》,一本好评如潮的书。短短几年时间,该书已在全球销量超过800万,一本好书不一定畅销,一本畅销的书也不一定是好书,但《追风筝的人》绝对是一本既畅销又极具可读性的书。该书讲述的是在阿富汗,那片饱受战争摧残的土地上,两个小伙伴的故事,确切的说是两个兄弟间的故事。对于阿富汗,或许太多的中国人都是很陌生的,而作为美国人来说,给那片国土上的一些人带来了一段难以遗忘的惨痛记忆,但对于阿富汗,他们也存在着诸多的疑问,虽然美国人在阿富汗的战争中取得他们所谓的胜利。而作为一名出生在阿富汗,移民到美国的作家,阿富汗的根依旧保留在他心中,血液里是割不断的阿富汗情节。写一本关于那片国土上的故事,对于作者

追风筝的人读后感2000字左右 追风筝的人读后感300字左右

追风筝的人读后感2000字左右追风筝的人读后感300字左 右 【--合同书】 《追风筝的人》是第一部长篇小说,是美国xx年的排名第三的畅销书。的,供参考! 等风筝的人是及其美丽而又令人心碎的故事,带给心灵久久无法平息的震撼。爱、内疚、恐惧、羞耻、友谊、赎罪..也许每段人生都会有这些体验,而这些也是生活中的重要主题——几乎在书中都得到了体现。如果你是哈桑,你会为朋友付出一切吗?哈桑确实做了,从义无反顾的为阿米尔挺身而出,到为他追回那只风筝,再到包容他的过错,体谅他的痛苦,最终到自己的生命如断线风筝一般飞去,而在阿米尔的赎罪中,他为索拉博所做的一切,救他、照料他、等待他敞开心扉,都与哈桑曾经的付出一样。 风筝是全书的主线,它象征着亲情、友情,也象征着他人格中不可缺少的部分,只有追到了,他才能成为自己期许的样子。 真正伟大的小说在表现人物的同时也反应他们所处的社会,本书正式这样,在战火、暴力、死亡充斥的地方,人性的光辉更加美丽,情感也越发动人。

俗话说,好人有好报,可是为阿米尔奉献了大半生的哈桑,最终也没能逃过战乱的厄运,当军队看中这桩老宅,想要据为已有时,哈桑据理力争。为了他的信仰,他的挚爱,他的阿米尔少爷,这一次,他牺牲了自己的生命;再一次,也是最后一次,他无私的奉献了自己的一切。 看着哈桑中枪倒地的文字,我好像看到了那个纯朴的少年,一脸微笑,微笑的看着那帮张牙舞爪的恶魔,在他们面前,哈桑才是真正的强者,一个心灵上无所畏惧的勇者。时至今日,他终于实现了自己的诺言,为他的阿米尔少儿奉献了自己的一切,自己唯一的生命。 为你,千千万万遍。 大多数人只能苟且的度过平庸的一生,临终时并没有因为碌碌无为而悔恨,他们一生都活在了自我编织的美好谎言里。但是啊,阿米尔走上了一条自我救赎的道路。这是一条艰难,痛苦的道路,唯有少数人能坚持并且完成。阿米尔回到了自己的故乡,那个弥漫着硝烟的阿富汗,疾病和死亡随时和降临,阿米尔在这里寻找着哈桑的遗孤,当他带着哈桑的孩子放弃风筝的那一刹那,他也放飞了自己的灵魂。


追风筝的人读书笔记4篇 追风筝的人读书笔记这是一部扣人心弦的感人之作,读之,让我懂得一个人撒谎并不可怕,可怕的是撒谎的人从不感到羞愧,甚至认为理所当然;读之,让我理解在家庭和友谊、背叛和救赎之间该何去何从……它带给我的感触远远超过了所有我看过的小说加起来的。 阿米尔--小说的主人公,虽然他也曾懦弱过,害怕过,甚至为此伤害到对自己最好的朋友。但是最终他战胜了内心,战胜了自己,我想他会成为他的爸爸心目中所希望的那样,做一个真正的男子汉。哈桑,一个低等的下人,一个生来就被人取笑的人,一个可以任人打骂的仆人(要知道在那个年代的等级观念还是很高的)。可是,相对很多所谓的上层人来说他又是那么的高贵,不可侵犯。他的那句“为你,千千万万遍!”即使至死也从未违背,也让我为之肃然起敬!阿米尔的爸爸,是一个典型的阿富汗人,虽然年轻时犯过错,可是,他终其一生,都在为其赎罪,即使为了不相干的人付出生命,也从不却步…他们都是可爱的人。他们热爱生养自己的土地,即使在那时已满目疮痍,也无时无刻的不在牵挂着。我们都知道阿富汗现如今还存在各种各样的问题,可是,我相信一切都会过去,因为和平的脚步势不可挡! 在这部感人至深的小说里面,风筝是象征性的。它既可以是亲情、友情、爱情,也可以是正直、善良、诚实。其实,

每个人心中都有一只属于自己的风筝,它引领着我们不断翱翔;它带领我们走出心中的牢笼,直至完全光明! 追风筝的人读书笔记《追风筝的人》笔触清淡,表达感情温婉含蓄,叙述笔调沉静中暗含忧伤。它关注了亲情、友情与爱情,感恩与救赎,真相与谎言……在复杂变动的历史大背景下,以一种从容平和的静美心态讲述了一个枝节复杂而情节动人的故事。 作者极具功力的情节架构、叙事才能、形象塑造、对话组织、场景再现,使这部作品具有高度的思考价值和文学质感。近似于完美的细节描摹十分精确,使人情不自禁地产生身临其境的幻觉,被深深吸引而难以自拔。全部的阅读使人身心浸润其间,并时时击节感叹,让人无法拒绝自然传递的巨大感染力。 我是在飞机上读完《追风筝的人》这本书的。起初没想到情节会这么多变曲折,会随着情节的快乐而高兴,悲伤而难过,一切都是那么自然。由于坐在飞机上,很多时候表情不能那么丰富,这点还真是痛苦,早知道应该在家看这本书,想哭就哭想笑就笑,多么舒畅啊! 当我看到阿米尔舍命从暴政下救走哈桑的独子、自己的侄儿索拉博时,我明晰了“风筝”的涵义,一种感动像在我面前豁然打开一个光明粲然的世界,内心的牺牲崇拜被再次引燃,有了为一个人牺牲的精神,我想这也是一种快乐。


The Kite Runner I read this book in the winter holiday,and now I am going to read it again ,for the good book deserve several reading.Well,The Kite Runner move me so much,and it make me think a lot.In this esssay,I just talk about two of them. “For you,a thousand times over.”There is no double that friendship will be the first and the most important point. We are easily moved by Hassan’s loyalty to Amir,that’s because we are difficult to meet someone who is willing to devote to us for a thousand times over without any complain. The friendship in our real world is companyde with benefit ,which is very differenr from the friendship described in the novel. Althought I don’t think highly of the such unilaterally devotion ,I still appreciate Hassan’s dev otion and magnanimity to his good friend.The real friendship is what Hassan give to Amir:when you are happy,I may be here to share your happiness; when you need me,I must be in your side to help you; and when you hurt me ,I am easily to forgive you; and even though you leave me, I still keep you in my mind. It make me sad to see Amir’s unbravery and irresponsibility when his friend need him.Actually I tend to believe that Amir didn’t regar d Hassan as his friend but just a pleasant and loyal servant when I read the first half of the novel.But Amir can’t forget his hurt to Hassan,and try his hard to make up in the latter part of the book, which change his afterlife,and the fate of Hassan’s poor son.So I begin to understand Amir’s friendship to Hassan.If he think Hassan is unimportant,he will not take the embarrassed memory to heart,and will not come back to


追风筝的人读后感700字左右范文追风筝的人读后感 寒假里,我用闲暇时间阅读了这本《追风筝的人》。这是美国作家卡勒德·胡塞尼的代表作,同时也是他的第一本小说。我很喜欢这本书,因为它写得很细腻,也很感人。 12岁的阿富汗富家少爷阿米尔与仆人哈桑情同手足,十分要好。然而在阿富汗的风筝比赛中,阿米尔和哈桑赢得了这次比赛,阿米尔也得到了父亲的关怀。但这次追风筝比赛也打破了宁静的一切。阿米尔亲眼看见了哈桑被阿塞夫教训。他本来可以帮助哈桑,去找大人,就像哈森经常帮助他一样。可是他并没有,因为他胆小怕事,十分懦弱。他就这样把哈森落在了那个小巷子里。从此,他处处躲避哈桑,最后还赶走了哈森。后来,自己也跟父亲远离阿富汗,带着罪恶感去了美国。 父亲去世后,他回到了阿富汗,可是,一个惊人秘密被揭开。阿米尔与哈森竟是同父异母的兄弟。那一瞬间,他似乎理解了过去父亲的做法,而他,竟用最恶毒的手段伤害了哈森,并把他赶走。反省后,他决心找回原来善良的自己。最后他收留了哈森的儿子,带他去了美国。 在这本感人至深的小说里面,风筝是是一种象征,它既可以代表亲情、友情、爱情,也可以代表是正直、善良、诚实。对阿米尔来说,风筝所代表的就是他人格中必不可少的部分,只有追到了,他才能成

为自我期许的阿米尔。 书中那些善良的人,如哈桑能一如既往的为朋友付出,是不计前嫌地付出,还有在艰难的困境中,从不失望从不沮丧,坚忍,刻苦耐劳,这么正面的人物形象在日常生活中已经很少见了,也许他并不适合当时功利的社会形势,但是却传递了正能量,带给我们奋进的力量,触动我们内心柔软的一面。 也许故事的结局并不完美,也许有些许苦涩与酸楚。但人生就是这样,错过,然后再用一生来挽回。因为,每个人都是自己人生路上的追光者。 《追风筝的人》读后感 “我追。”读完最后一句,我合上书本,静静地感受泪水湿润眼眶的余温。我无法形容内心复杂的感受,就像迷失在纵横交错的叉路口,不安的旋晕;像飞虫落入蜘蛛网,无力的挣扎;像踩在玻璃碎片上,穿透脚心的疼痛,像望着地平线埋下最后一缕光明,不舍与惋惜。第一次那么靠近一个陌生人——阿富汗。不再是45°低头,睁开双眼,瞧,塔利班,本·拉登和恐怖主义。而是站到了它的左边,离心更近的地方。45°仰望天空,微笑,看,那些以前飞扬在阿富上空的风筝,那些执着的单纯的追风筝的人。 追风筝的人——哈桑 哈桑,他是追风筝的好手,他追风筝的时候从来不用看着天空,大家经常说他追着风筝的影子。其它他只是……知道。是的,他知道。他知道风筝飞向哪里,他会拼了命地去追,甚至愿为此付出生命的代


Khaled Hosseini is an Afghan-American writer. Though he has few works, every of his works can move people and gain praise. Because of his experience during childhood, he always uses the war of Afghanistan as the background of his novels. And he is good at giving a symbolic meaning to an objective thing to express profound meanings. If we want to understand his novels deeply, it is essential for us to make a thorough research on the symbols and images in his works. The Kite Runner is Hosseini’s first novel which makes known for us. It also is the first English novel written by an Afghan writer. In this novel, Hosseini use many images to express indictment of the war and revelation of racial and religious issues. More importantly, this novel reflects the human nature and the salvation of humanity, especially the handling of the image of the kite. After reading this novel, the author of the paper develops a deep interest in The Kite Runner. What strikes the author most is the symbolism in this novel. Therefore, the author is going to make a thorough research on the symbolism in The Kite Runner.


《追风筝的人》读后感100字精选7篇 追风筝的人也许给了我们一个机会。当我们已长大,足以面对一前的时侯,在U个人学会自我省悟的时侯,看到这本书,是一种善意的提醒。为了灵魂的安宁,我们应该去找回,应该去挽救。 下面小编为大家收集整理了“《追风筝的人》读后感100字”,欢迎阅读与借鉴! 《追风筝的人》读后感100字1 不是挥手告别,不是转身离去,而是我与风筝,与我们的风筝,再相见。——题记 “为你,千千万万遍。”因为这一句话,亿万读者从此记住了这个人——卡勒德胡塞尼;因为这句话,多少书友记住了这本书的名字《追风筝的人》。 看到这一段时,我心里挺看不起阿米尔。为什么好朋友有难不为他挺身而出呢?为什么要为了一己之利把生活了十几年的好友赶走呢?怎么能心安理得地继续享受自己的生活呢? 《追风筝的人》读后感100字2 这是一本令人震撼的小说,看完后也让我有很多感想,其实,我们每个人的心里都应该有一个属于自己的风筝,它可以代表亲情、友情、爱情,也可以是正直、善良。 对阿米尔来说,风筝隐喻他人格中必不可少的部分,只有追到了,他才能成为健全的人,成为他自我期许的阿米尔。小说开头和结尾重叠在一起,成为两幅相似的画面:广漠的天空,雪花飘落,空气寒冷而清澈,追风筝的孩子们欢笑着奔跑,追逐飞逝的光影。这一幕在不同的地域,不同的两代人之间反复地上演着,但每一次的重复之间,生活都发生着剧烈的变化,这幅画面也随着主人公命运的变化被不断染上新的颜色,从孩童天真的视野堕入世事变迁的悲哀之中。 《追风筝的人》读后感100字3 第一次读《追风筝的人》,就有一股强烈的,似曾相识的感觉。那,不就是我吗? 早已读过这本书的他,一看到这本精美橙色封面的《追风筝的人》,心领神


高中生《追风筝的人》读后感3000字左右 《追风筝的人》这部小说出版于2003年,是阿富汗斯坦作家卡勒德·胡赛尼的作品下面是橙子为大家整理收集的《追风筝的人》读后感3000字,欢迎大家阅读! 《追风筝的人》读后感3000字 我是个生活过的清清淡淡各方面都不出众的女子,唯一有些不同就是看书并且收藏书,在这方面有着近乎执拗的坚持,别人家的男朋友给女朋友买各种礼物买衣服买包包买化妆品,我告诉男朋友说只要他给我买书就好,要是没钱了就好好努力争取以后写书卖了再给我买书,结婚了一定要给我装一间大书房专门放我的书,然后他就笑我傻,说“到时候我再给你的书柜贴上老公与书概不外借”,他说这样就可以避免别人把我的书弄损或者丢了,虽然笑他瞎贫,但是我想大概也只有真正意趣相投的人才能懂对方那些看似执拗的坚持吧。我记得他买给我的第一本书是《追风筝的人》,那本书以前只看过电子书,一直印象深刻,当我真真切切拿在手里再看的时候简直爱不忍释,尤其是书中主人公阿米尔的仆人(实际上同父异母的兄弟)哈桑对他说的那句话“为你,千千万万遍。”感人至深,几乎触动灵魂,所以我特别想在这里和他分享这部作品带给我的冲击和感动。 这部小说出版于2003年,是阿富汗斯坦作家卡勒德·胡赛尼的作品,作者以主人公成长过程中经历的人和事以及心理变化为主线展开,讲述了一个少年因无知懦弱背叛了对自己无比忠诚的仆人兼玩伴而无法原谅自己,到长大成熟之后最终经朋友劝说设法救回玩伴之子

并抚养,使内心得到救赎的故事。 故事的开始是主人公阿米尔的朋友也是长辈拉辛汗从巴基斯坦打来电话告诉阿米尔说想见他,并告诉他在那里有再次成为好人的路,唤起了他心里那些童年时代最美好的记忆以及十二岁那年冬天之后一直藏在心里并折磨自己的罪恶。 他出生于喀布尔(阿富汗首都城市)北部最繁华的新兴城区富人家庭,那时候父亲还是喀布尔人人尊敬的巨贾,他住着被称为当地最华丽的屋宇,而哈桑是在他母亲死于难产后他父亲占有了与之从小一起长大的仆人阿里之妻生下的孩子,哈桑的母亲在哈桑七天大的时候跟江湖艺人跑了,阿米尔的父亲便找来喂养阿米尔的乳母喂养哈桑,当然那时候的阿米尔并不知道这些,只知道哈桑是他的仆人,住在他家花园南边枇杷树下的破泥屋里,小时候他喜欢爬上家里车道边的白杨树上玩儿,有时会怂恿哈桑用弹弓将胡桃射向邻居家独眼的德国牧羊犬,阿里总是告诉他们喝过同一个人乳汁长大的人就是兄弟,那时候他们在同一个地方迈出第一步,在同一个地方学会说第一句话,他第一次说话时念的是爸爸,而哈桑会说话时念的第一个名字是阿米尔,从此他便成为哈桑生命里最重要的人,所以尽管哈桑从无恶作剧的想法,但如果他要求,哈桑便听从,往往恶作剧被发现了总是哈桑代他受过。他被邻家孩子欺负时也是哈桑挺身而出保护他。他还记得1973年那次政变,他们只听到枪声,第二天通过喀布尔的电台知道君主立宪制已成为历史,哈桑并不知道什么是政变,什么是君主立宪,什么是共和,只以为共和就是要自己和父亲走,直到他告诉哈桑不会被送


追风筝的人读后感10篇 《追风筝的人》是阿富汗斯坦作家卡勒德·胡赛尼的第一部小说,讲述了一个富家少年与家中仆人关于风筝的故事,关于人性的背叛与救赎。下面是橙子为大家整理的《追风筝的人》读后感,希望对大家有帮助。 追风筝的人读后感300字 读完《追风筝的人》“这本书之后,有一句话铭记在我的脑海中:为你,千千万万遍。没有万语千言,哈桑用寥寥几个字向我们阐述了最真挚的友谊。 阿富汗,这个曾经在我脑海中只留下荒芜战争场景的国度,却在阅读完这本书之后让我有了重新的认识。在书中,我看到了最最真实的阿富汗——一个有欢乐、有悲伤、有良知亦有邪恶的国度,一个人性化的国度。无可否认,哈桑和阿米尔这段友谊,是千千万万阿富汗人的缩影,是千千万万段友谊的缩影。也许不尽相同,但却有着共同的出发点——为了朋友而义无反顾! 哈桑为阿米尔追到了蓝色的风筝,也因为那一只风筝被欺负、被蹂躏,却依旧毫无怨言。反观之,少年的阿米尔在这段友谊中却担当着一个狠心的角色,忽视哈桑的付出、陷害哈桑甚至害得他不得不选择离开。故事的结局是令人意外的,阿米尔等来的是哈桑逝去的消息,一别成永别,留下的、只是满满的悔恨。阿米尔只能移情,成为为哈桑的儿子追风筝的人。 故事的结局并不完美,但却是最扣我心弦的一个。

追风筝的人读后感200字 刚刚读完《追风筝的人》前6章,我感受最深的就是一个男孩需要的父爱。 第六章写了男孩阿米尔虽然喜欢与仆人的孩子哈桑一起玩,但是他更想亲近自己的父亲,他希望与父亲待在一起说话,所以,他父亲要和他出去时,他都不要哈桑。文章描写到阿米尔写了一篇文章,想给他父亲看,他父亲却看也不看一下。还有,阿米尔问他父亲问题,他父亲总是“嗯、嗯”地,不回答,阿米尔就很失望。而哈桑比阿米尔能干,打水漂打的多、跑得也比阿米尔快,阿米尔的父亲也经常搂哈桑,因此,阿米尔很生气,就不喜欢哈桑了。 由此可见,父爱的重要性,孩子不能失去父爱,父爱对孩子很重要,它能使孩子感到温暖、感到父亲对他的重视。阿米尔希望父亲用胡子扎他的脸,虽然很疼,但是却能感受到爱,所以也值得。 追风筝的人读后感300字 继多年以前读《北京人在纽约》我还是第二次一口气读完一本小说,中间舍不得停歇,一打开就不愿意放下,甚至除开阅读就无暇顾及其他,上次这样是打开《你在天堂遇见的五个人》,相对《你》而言,这本《追》我觉得文学性更强一些,同时他的篇幅也是《你》的四倍。合上书页,我一看表,竟是零晨2点多了,此时正应是酣睡之时,就算未睡,此时也应该是睡意正浓之时,可是我仍沉浸于小说之中,站在主人公放风筝之处,凝视着远方,体味着各种感情,任泪水顺着脸滂沱,眼前时而浮现出哈桑,时而是他父亲,时而是索拉博—


《追风筝的人》读后感 《追风筝的人》读后感 这本书我刚刚在当当网订下,还没收到.今天浏览武志红老师的博客时看到他写的读后感,说真的,有点后悔我不应该在还没看到书之前就看了他的,一个心理学专家的读后感.我不知道这会不会让我自己开始读这个故事时无法完全投入自己的内心,不过他写得太好了,在"洞察"方面是我现在无法企及的高度,忍不住要转过来和朋友一起分享. 爱的炮灰《追风筝的人》读后感 对于总是在奉献的羔羊,我们会有意无意地推动它走向这样一个结局:彻底为自己献身。否则,便只有我们为它献身,因为它此前的奉献是如此之重,我们已无法承担。 所以,在小说、电影和电视中,我们常看到这样的局面勇于献身者,最后的结局常是彻底献身。 在我看来,第一流的小说必须具备一个特质:情感的真实。 具备这一特质后,一部小说的情节不管多曲折、奇幻甚至荒诞,读起来都不会有堵塞感。 因而,钱钟书的《围城》未被我列入第一流的小说,因为小说中一些关键情节的推进缺乏情感的真实,譬如局部的真理勾引方鸿渐、唐晓芙爱上方鸿渐和方鸿渐爱上孙柔嘉,这几个情节中的情感描绘都缺乏真实感,让我觉得相当突兀。

相比之下,美裔阿富汗人卡德勒胡塞尼的《追风筝的人》就具备情感的真实这一特质。 这部小说讲的是两个阿富汗少年的故事,阿米尔是少爷,而 小他一岁的、天生便是兔唇的哈桑是仆人,他们都失去了妈妈, 阿米尔的妈妈生阿米尔时死于难产,哈桑的妈妈则在哈桑出生几 天后跟一群江湖艺人私奔了。这两个男孩吃一个奶妈的奶长大, 拥有似乎牢不可破的情谊。然而,当哈桑为捍卫阿米尔的荣誉而 被人凌辱时,阿米尔却选择了逃避。不仅如此,阿米尔还设计将 哈桑驱逐出自己家门。后来,已移居美国并成为知名小说家的阿 米尔接到一个电话,电话那边是阿米尔父亲的好友拉辛汗,他说 哈桑已死,他要阿米尔回阿富汗,要他将哈桑的儿子索拉博从战 乱中的阿富汗带出来,不仅是因为他以前辜负了哈桑,还因为哈 桑是阿米尔的同父异母的弟弟 在胡塞尼的这部小说中,高潮一个接一个,但不管情节多么 令人震惊,它们似乎都是可信的,因为伴随着的细致的心理描写 会令你感觉到这一切的发生仿佛都是必然。 例如,小说末尾的一个高潮11岁的索拉博的自杀,看似离奇,但假若你沉到索拉博的世界里,站在他的角度上,想象你便是他,那时你会明白,自杀是这个遭受了太多磨难的小男孩再自然不过 的选择。 忠诚的爱你就要甘愿做我的炮灰 决定为《追风筝的人》写一篇书评前,我在豆瓣网上读了大量


The kite runner After I finished this book, I can’t speak out one word . My heart was heavily depressed as same as when Amir heard that Hassan was his brother . I think it’s a sad story, but from some angles , it’s a turn. Hassan was too loyal ,which shocked me many times at the when they were in Afghanistan. ’I won’t’ ,no matter how his master hit him, he won’t fight. ‘yes, I did.’ I was really annoyed when I read that Hassan admitted to stealing Amir’s watch, how can there be such a foolish man in the world ! I said to myself. ‘For you, a thousand times over.’ Three times in the whole novel, brief but meaningful, kind and loyal. Every time I read the sentence, stayed at the page for a moment with a silent thinking, chewing the sentence over and over again. Hassan, he was willing to sacrifice for Amir no matter what has happened between them. He can lie to his respectful host in order to help Amir to plant himself, but we all know that he hasn't lied even once. He even can eat mud if he wants him to. He hadn't any complaints despite he knew Amir didn't come out when Amir has witnessed it all. What a pity that he and his wife was killed by gun of the local greedy officers, leading Sohrab to be an orphan. As for Amir, The former part , in one hand, I felt shame about his cowardly and selfish, his unmoral behave made me feel awful. But on the other hand, I Sympathized for his guilt and weak to tell out the truth or face Hassan . The later part gave us a brave and responsible Amir, who came back to Afghanistan where was covered with ruins and shell without any hesitation. He began his redemption road. His house witnessed the big chance around the town, damaged house, dead wood and hungry people, which made him firmly believe that they have gone a wrong way and also

追风筝的人 论文 英文

For You a Thousand Times over ——The Kite Runner ABSTRACT: The Kite Runner is a moving story and a mixture of love, fear, guilty, atonement and so on. For a long time, it makes the books we read lost their color. Maybe all of us more or less had done something as Amir did before, we are too young to understand others feelings when we broke their heart into pieces. We may feel guilty and miserable for what we have done. But there is no use to cry over spilt milk. What we really should do is to face the reality and like Amir, to atone for ourselves. Key words: love, fear, guilty, atonement This is a wonderful, beautiful epic of a novel. I am convinced that few books are as good as this one. To be honest, I hadn’t maintained that this book would appeal me before I read it. However, I was absorbed in the book from the first chapter to the last one. Why this book has appealed to me that much? I asked myself. This book is not my type of reading for only romantic books could draw my attention successfully. Then I came into a conclusion that it is the friendship and family value fascinated me. Set in Afghanistan and the United States between the 1970s to the present day, it is a heartbreaking tale of a young boy, Amir, and his best friend who are torn apart. This is a classic word-of-mouth novel and is sure to become as universally loved. Twelve year old Amir is desperate to win the approval of his father Baba, one of the richest and most respected merchants in Kabul. He has failed to do so through academia or brawn, but the one area where they connect is the annual kite fighting tournament. Amir is determined not just to win the competition but to run the last kite and bring it home triumphantly, to prove to his father that he has the makings of a man. His loyal friend Hassan is the best kite runner that Amir has ever seen, and he promises to help him - for Hassan always helps Amir out of trouble. But this is 1970s Afghanistan. Hassan is taunted and jeered at by Amir's school friends; he is merely a servant living in a shack at the back of Amir's house. So why does Amir feel such envy towards his friend? Then, what happens to Hassan on the afternoon of the tournament is to shatter all their lives, and define their futures. To the world you are one person, but to the person who loves you, you are the world. Amir was Hassan’s world. Amir’s name had been the first word Hassan spoke. Hassan threatened brutal Assef for the sake of Amir. Hassan never failed to run the kite to please Amir. Hassan sacrificed himself for A mir’s house. These are more than a friend would do. Only those who love you so much could challenge themselves to do what Hassan did to Amir. To Hassan, Amir was not only a mere friend but a brother. He loved Amir more than anything else. Even after Amir betrayed him, he still told his son proudly “Amir is my best friend”.Maybe for Hassan “for you, a thousand times over” has another meaning, which is not just kite running for Amir but he will do anything for Amir. If Hassan could be described as an angel, then Amir was just a person. I did hate Amir for he watched Hassan be raped and did nothing, for he made Hassan leave his born-place, for he aimed Hassan with fruit (even though he actually tried to make himself get punished). Amir did not deserve what Hassan did to him. I thought his meanness caused Hassan’s tragedy. But after I finished the book, I realized it is not Hassan’s tragedy, it is Amir’s. For what he had done to Hassan, he had led a live with regret and suffered endless sleepless nights. His going back to


追风筝的人英语读后感 《追风筝的人》讲述了12岁的阿富汗富家少爷阿米尔与他父亲仆人儿子哈桑之间的友情故事,下面是留学 网为您整理的《追风筝的人》英语读后感3篇,供您参考! 【追风筝的人英语读后感一】 Several years ago,from joyo,I bought the book the kite runner which ranked first on best sellers volume.First reading the book,I was totally moved and even cried for the sad story.This year,I knew it has been adapted into a movie.After seeing the movie,I read again this book and gained some new views. The novel begins a story about two boys.Amir is born in a rich family.Hassan is his servant as well as close friend.They both lose mother from birth and grow up like brothers.Hassan is very loyal to Amiar,but Amiar sells him.Many years later,Amir has settled down in America for years and established a family,but Hassan died for protecting Amirs luxury house in Afghanistan and leave an orphan.Accidentally,Amir gets to know a big secret


追风筝的人读后感2000字范文 《追风筝的人》借阿富汗近代战争悲剧这一骨架,镶嵌了一部关于父与子、罪与赎、爱与背叛的故事,读来令人荡气回肠,久久难忘。下面为大家了追风筝的人读后感2000字范文,欢迎阅读参考! 一个同事递给我一本书说:“现在还看书吗?建议你看看这本《追风筝的人》(卡勒德·胡赛尼著),看了才知道真正的阿富汗和阿富汗人。”于是我带着好奇心从这本小说走进了阿富汗和阿富汗人的世界。 荒凉的戈壁、起伏的山岳、繁华的街市、一望无边的枯树林、满天飘飞的风筝……两个男孩形影不离,勾肩搭背,打闹玩耍。他们一个是普什图族的富家少爷,叫阿米尔,一个是哈扎里族仆人阿里的孩子,叫哈桑。哈桑不爱说话,憨厚老实,他有生理缺陷,“嘴唇从中间裂开”,也许正是这一点加上他的身份,小主人并没有从内心喜欢他。但哈桑依然对主人忠心耿耿,每当那些邻居的孩子欺负他,总是哈桑挺身而出,将他们挡回去。 喀布尔有个传统民俗:追风筝。放飞的风筝在空中追逐,孩子们施展技艺,尽力用玻璃线将别人的风筝线割断,然后追赶飘落的风筝作为战利品。有一天,当阿米尔追到战利品时,被阿塞夫三个恶棍围住索要,阿米尔很害怕,而身边的哈桑却猛然掏出弹弓对准高大的阿塞夫。弱者吓退了强者,卑微者保护了高贵者。 一年一度的风筝大会再次到来。阿米尔在哈桑的帮助下幸运地赢得了风筝大赛的殊荣,当哈桑追到那只败落的蓝风筝,再次被那三个恶棍围堵,他遭到强暴。阿米尔目睹整个过程,不但没有施以援救,

反而选择了逃离。哈桑为了小主人,独自承受着精神和肉体的双重伤害,选择了沉默,隐忍。然而更大的伤害却是小主人阿米尔。他开始躲着哈桑,萌生了让哈桑离开庄园的想法,好为自己的懦弱无能寻求解脱。阿米尔把自己的手表放到哈桑床铺上,以此来证明哈桑是个盗窃犯。阿里无法忍受阿米尔对其儿子的诬蔑,为了尊严,他选择了离开。虽然阿米尔爸爸一再真诚的挽留,阿里还是决定带着哈桑离开了这个他们衣食所寄的庄园,连同他们两家四十年的友谊。 没有任何辩解,沉默,隐忍。读到这里,我感叹不已,也许这就是一个弱势者面对冤屈和不公所能作出的无奈回应。即便受到不公平对待,哈桑依然坚守着真诚与善良。他说过一句可以让人掉泪的话:“为你,千千万万遍。”我又由此看到隐忍的内心却有着强大的精神力量。我国唐代人李翱讲了一个寓言:说有两匹马并驾而行,一匹骏马,一匹瘦马。骏马仗着力量强大咬破瘦马长鬃之颈,使其流血不止。瘦马若无其事,仍行走自如。骏马回家后却浑身颤抖,水草不沾。原来它因为咬了弱马而感到羞愧。瘦马在受侵犯时虽然没有还击,却产生了比体力更大的力量,那就是精神的力量。忍让可以感化卑劣,宽容可以唤醒良知。 作为一个富家少爷,阿米尔对哈桑的感情从最初开始便是矛盾着的,有着阶级意识的普什图人和哈扎拉人,永远只能是主仆关系,不能成为朋友。这,在阿米尔内心世界里一直是一条难以逾越的鸿沟。所以,他在没有人的时候才和哈桑玩;所以,他不会让哈桑在有客人的时候出现;所以,他很久很久不敢承认自己和哈桑的友谊。
