英语改错题 技巧

英语改错题 技巧
英语改错题 技巧

英语改错题 技巧短文改错对考生的要求较高,是对语言知识综合运用能力的考查,考生在该项上往往失分较多,那么如何做好改错题,结合自己数年的教学经验,笔者认为要想在短文改错上取得理想的成绩,除了平时打好基础外,在应考时还要做到以下几点:一、先通读全文。认真阅读短文,在做题之前确保已经弄清原文大意。根据短文大意和上下文逻辑关系,对文章进行逐字逐句的分析,检查句子的结构是否完整,语气是否连贯,启承转合是否符合文意等。二.综合运用所学语言知识,根据各行不同的错误情况分别进行答题(即改词、加词或减词)。在短文改错中常出现的错误主要有以下几类:

1. 名词:单复数用错,可数与不可数名词的混用。大多数短文改错都会有此类的错误。如:

Happy birthday, Peter, and many happy return of the day! (2000 北京春考),此句中return 虽然可以作可数名词也可做不可数名词,但此处显然为可数名词,故应用其复数,returns 。(1)On the way up I was busy taking picture since the scenery was so beautiful. 81(NMET 2002)句中picture 应为pictures (2)Their word were a great encouragement to me. 85(NMET 2003)句中word 应为words (3) …but after class we become stranger at…83 (NMET 2004) 句中stranger 应为strangers 2. 动词:时态和语态,常出现在总体时态为过去或现在时,中间杂有不适的另一时态的现象;或是及物动词后无宾语,或是不及物动词后加了宾语;需要接ing 形式的接了to ,或相反等。如:(1)Around the world young people are spending a lot of money in listening pop music. 本句中listen 是不及物动词,不能直接接宾语,应在其后加to 。、管路敷设技术通过管线敷设技术,不仅可以解决吊顶层配置不规范问题,而且可保障各类管路习题到位。在管路敷设过程中,要加强看护关于管路高中资料试卷连接管口处理高中资料试卷弯扁度固定盒位置保护层防腐跨接地线弯曲半径标高等,要求技术交底。管线敷设技术中包含线槽、管架等多项方式,为解决高中语文电气课件中管壁薄、接口不严等问题,合理利用管线敷设技术。线缆敷设原则:在分线盒处,当不同电压回路交叉时,应采用金属隔板进行隔开处理;同一线槽内,强电回路须同时切断习题电源,线缆敷设完毕,要进行检查和检测处理。、电气课件中调试对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料试卷相互作用与相互关系,根据生产工艺高中资料试卷要求,对电气设备进行空载与带负荷下高中资料试卷调控试验;对设备进行调整使其在正常工况下与过度工作下都可以正常工作;对于继电保护进行整核对定值,审核与校对图纸,编写复杂设备与装置高中资料试卷调试方案,编写重要设备高中资料试卷试验方案以及系统启动方案;对整套启动过程中高中资料试卷电气设备进行调试工作并且进行过关运行高中资料试卷技术指导。对于调试过程中高中资料试卷技术问题,作为调试人员,需要在事前掌握图纸资料、设备制造厂家出具高中资料试卷试验报告与相关技术资料,并且了解现场设备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。


(2)She liked it very much and reads it to the class. All said the story was a good one.84(NMET 2003)

句中reads 应为过去式read

(3)As we climbed the mountain, we fed monkeys, visiting temples and told stories.80(NMET 2002)

此句visiting 应为visited (4)One day I wrote a little story and showed to my teacher. 83 (NMET 2003)此句中showed 是及物动词,其后要加it 作其宾语。(5)Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself on paper as I was learning to express me in simple English. 81 (NMET 2003)

句中talk 应为talking, 因为enjoy 后接doing.

3. 形容词副词:常出现需形容词的地方用了副词或相反;关系副词where, when, why 等的缺失或错用,如:(1) I would describe myself as shy and quietly. 77(NMET 2004)

句中副词quietly 应改为形容词quiet (2) It was about noon ˇwe arrived at the foot of the mountain. 78 (NMET 2002)

此句we 的前面缺了关系副词when, when 在此处引导一个时间状语从句。

(3) I live in Beijing, where is the capital of China. 89 (NMET 1997) 此句中,where 应改为which,因为关系副词不能在句中定语从句中做主语。

4. 介词:主要是介词的多余或缺失,错用。这一部分需要平时多多积累,弄清常用介词的搭配。


(1)We must keep in mind that we play for the team instead ˇourselves.92 (NMET 1998) 此句中instead 和ourselves 之间需加上of, 因为instead 是副词,本身不可以接名词。

(2) I was so tired that I fell asleep at the moment my head touched the pillow. 85(NMET 2002)句中at 多余。

(3) The main problem was in that I always thought in Chinese… 77(NMET 2003)句中in 多余。

(4) I’m a newcomer here of a small town. 76(NMET 2004)句中of 应改为from 5. 主谓一致性:第三人称单数漏掉s ,或主语为复数,谓语动词用了单数;再就是就近原则对主语的影响。Now my picture and the prize is hanging in the library.(NMET 2000)此句中主语是my picture and the prize, is 应改为are.6. 冠词:定冠词the 的多余或缺失,如季节,月份,星期,球类及三餐活动,称呼头衔前等不能加the 的地方加了the ,或是same 等常和the 一起使用的词却漏税掉了the ;a, an 的混用,特别注意:hour, honest 等虽然首字母不是元音字母,但其发音却是以元音素开头,故用an ,而useful, university, European, one-hour 等虽然首字母是元音字母,但却以辅音音素开头,故用a 。如:As everyone knows, it’s ˇfamous mountain with all kinds of plants and animals. 76

(NMET 2002)

此处famous 前应加上冠词a

7. 数词:主要是序数词与基数词的混用和错用,如分数的分子大于一时分母没有用复数等,基数词的复数形式如几百hundreds of ,几千thousands of 漏掉了s ,或是当其前有具体数字或several 时加了复数,如seven hundred ,写作seven hundreds 。


8. 连词:不合句中的逻辑关系。如需转折连词(如but)的时候用了承接连词(so),或相反等等。如:

(1)The food was expensive and the service was good. 84(NMET 2002)

根据句意,此句中连词and 应改为 but 。

(2) I am trying to improve the situation since it doesn’t seem to work. 84 (NMET 2004)

此句中since 应改为but 。

9. 代词:主要是代词的格与数的错用。如男性用了女性代词,单数用了复数代词或相反;应当用形容词性的物主代词用了宾格,主格或相反,关系代词的错用或缺失。如只能用that 引导的用了其它,或在不能用that 的地方却用了that ,或是在“介词+关系代词”结构中漏掉了介词等。如:(1) …I always thought in Chinese and tried to translate anything into English. 78(NMET 2003)此句中不定代词anything 应改为everything (2) I was learning to express me in simple English. 82(NMET 2003)此句中me 应改为其反身代词myself 。10. 常用固定短语或固定用法用错。(1)Before my classmates, it seems always difficult for me to do things well as them.78(NMET 2004)此句中,well 前应加as ,as well as 是固定搭配

(2)Like most of my schoolmates, I have neither brothers nor sisters---in any other words , I’m an only child . (NMET 2001)

此句中,in any other words 应改为in other words ,属固定短语。

(3)Can you tell me about what I should do? 85(NMET 2004)


应去掉about ,tell sb+wh 从句,是固定用法,而tell sb.+ of/about后需接sth.



高考英语短文改错的解题技巧与方法 摘要:短文改错是近年高考英语测试题中的一个必考题。其目的是考查学生综合运用英语的准确性,测试考生发现、判断纠正文章错误的能力。 关键词:短文改错准确性上下文正确理解行文逻辑 短文改错题是目前高考英语的必考项目,也是平时期中、期末考试的必考题型,短文改错是融语法知识与语言技能为一体的综合性英语试题,旨在考查学生对语言的发现,判断,纠正文章中错误的能力以及对词汇、语法和语篇三要素的把握能力。短文改错其实并非难题,但得分率不高。究其原因,主要与学生对短文改错的特点和做题方法有很大的关系。 一.短文改错设置的错误的主要类型 短文改错设置的错误的主要类型有:⑴名词的单复数;⑵动词的词态和语态;⑶非谓语动词;⑷介词的搭配;⑸主谓一致性;⑹不定冠词与定冠词;⑺固定词组的搭配;⑻行文逻辑一致性;⑼词性的混淆;⑽同义词辨异;⑾连词的误用;⑿代词的格与数;⒀句子成份残缺等。归纳为语法错误、词汇错误和上下文关系错误。这些错误大致涉及以下几个方面:(一)一致性问题 所涉及的一致性问题主要包括主谓一致、时态、语态一致、代词指代一致、名词的数与格的一致、句式结构与语意一致、行文关系的一致。例如:主谓不一致 eg: There were a football game on TV last Saturday evening. 讲解:原句中a football game决定了谓语动词必须用单数,所以应该把were改为was。 (二)词性问题 词性问题不单单是识别的问题,能够说出所给单词的词性,并不说明能够在句中找出用错词性的地方。其主要目的是检测考生是否真正了解主要词类的语法作用及其在句中的经常性位置,如名词在句中一般作主语、宾语、表语,动词作谓语,形容词充当表语、定语和宾补,而副词则充当状语,修饰形容词、动词乃至句子。 名词主要考察能力:单复数混用和出题形式: 单复数混用 eg: Helen is seve nteen year old. She is very busy. 讲解:“年龄多大了”应该为复数形式,应此应该把year改为years。注意:代词单复数混用类似。 eg: As for a friendship, we can readily find them in our classmates and other people ar ound us. 讲解:显然因该把them改为it,指代前面提及的friendship。此句话意思是“就友谊来说,我们可以很容易地从我们的同学和周围的人中找到。” 形容词/副词主要考察能力:两者之间是否混用。 出题形式:形容词与副词混用。即该用形容词的地方原文用了副词,该用副词的地方原文用了形容词。 ①副词代替正确形容词出现在文章当中 eg: During the football season, Helen is much busier than usually. 讲解:很明显“与平时相比较更忙”,因此需要把usually改为usual。 ②形容词代替正确副词出现在文章当中 eg: As the time clock showed one minute an d forty-two seconds left in the game, she began cheering excited,“Come on-get going!”


高考英语短文改错破题技巧(1) 短文改错题中的常见错误类型 1.动词: (1)主要考察能力:时态语态错误、主谓是否一致(第三人称单数)、动词的非谓语形式、固定搭配错误等。在改错题中,动词方面的考查比例较大。 (2)出题形式: ①时态混用 ie, Then the trouble started. We can not open the door. So we asked the policeman for help. ②主谓不一致 ie, There were a football game on TV last Saturday evening. ③固定搭配 ie, I have given up somke. The dog doesn’t like the smell. 练习:1. The air keeps the balloon up was escaping quickly and the balloon ... 2. I just want to thank you for helping me becoming a different person. 3. How about join us? The camp is at the foot of a small hill. 4. I’ll send my friend Charlie meet you at the airport. 2. 时态、语态方面的错误 这类错误主要为现在时态与过去时态、主动语态与被动语态的误用。做题时,应注意把握文中动词时态的呼应规律,注意把握诸个并列动词的时态、语态的呼应规律。例如: 1. We had guests last night who have not stayed in a B&B hotel before. 2. Today,I got a letter that said I had been admitting to a college. 3. We hung a sign on the front door that was read: “We’re having dinner ...” 4.... sometimes all that is need is someone to rely on. 5. I’ll send my friend Charlie to meet you at the airport when you arrived. 3.主谓一致方面的错误 这类错误主要指主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词形式的错误。因此做题时,要注意谓语动词的形式要和句子主语在人称和数上保持一致。例如: 1. “I just want to know what the sign say.” 2. Anyone can borrow books if he or she wish. 3. Here are the information about Manchester University. 4. What may surprise you are that I’m going to ... 4.名词: (1)主要考察能力:名词单复数形式的误用,可数名词与不可数名词的错误,名词所有格中“’s”的误置等。 (2)出题形式: 单复数混用ie, Helen is seventeen year old. She is very busy. 讲解:“年龄多大了”应该为复数形式,应此应该把year改为years。


专题练习一 A (2017·山西省大同市灵丘县模拟) The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military book __1__(date) from the 5th century BC.__2__ (write) by the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu (“Master Sun”,also spelled Sunzi), the book consists of 13 chapters, each of __3__ is devoted to one aspect of warfare. It is__4__ (common) thought of __5__ a great work on military strategy and tactics(战术). It __6__ (place) at the head of China's Seven Military Classics in 1080 by Emperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty , __7__ it has long been the most influential strategy text in East Asia. It has had__8__ influence on Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy and beyond. Its first complete English translation was completed and published by Lionel Giles in 1910. __9__ (leader) such as Mao Zedong, General V o Nguyen Giap, General Douglas MacArthur and so on have drawn__10__ (inspire) from the work. 答案与解析 文章介绍了“孙子兵法”这本中国古代杰出的军事作品,以及对后人的影响。 1.dating考查非谓语动词。此处dating from是现在分词短语作定语,修饰book。 2.Written考查非谓语动词。分析句式可知,write和句子主语the book 之间是被动关系,故用过去分词形式表示被动。 3.which考查关系代词。根据句式可知,此处是一个非限制性


短文改错对考生的要求较高,是对语言知识综合运用能力的考查,检测考生发现、判断、纠正文章错误 的能力,进而考查学生的词法、句法及行文逻辑等方面的水平。考生在该项上往往失分较多,对该题感 到束手无策。但是,如果解题时能从有效掌握解题思路、出题规律及破解题目关键两大处入手,此类题 目就会迎刃而解。 短文改错解题思路和检查原则 1. 句中各部分的结构是否完整,特别是每个句子要有动词; 2. 谓语动词的时态、语态; 3. 非谓语动词的用法; 4. 名词的单、复数,格的使用是否正确; 5. 定冠词和不定冠词是否正确; 6. 代词的格和性的使用是否有误; 7. 定语从句中关系代词、关系副词是否准确无误; 8. 并列句中的并列连词、主从复合句中的从属连词用的是否得当。 短文改错解题四原则 改动以最少为原则; 虚词以添加或删除为原则; 实词以改变词形为原则; 以保持句子原意为原则。 解题注意要点和能力培养 1. 核对错项时,若的确有一时难以改出的地方,可以参考所改动项是否基本符合“1:1:8”的比例。即多一词1个,缺词1个,错词8个。 2. 核对改正的语法项目是否有重复。因为短文改错往往覆盖面广,一般不会出现重复考查某个语法点的现 象。 3. 核对答题符号是否规范,位置是否准确,看看有无遗漏符号、忽略字母大小写和拼写等问题。

解题思路(三步解题法) 第一步:快速浏览全文,把握文章的主要时态、人称及文章的主旨大意,顺便标记自己一眼就能看出的错 误。 第二步:细读文章,找出错误并改正。一般要结合文章的上下文以及出题规律来做题。 第三步:代入正确答案通读全文,看其是否通顺。 出题规律及破解关键 高考短文改错一般会在以下八个方面进行设题。 1. 动词:主要考查时态、主谓一致和固定搭配。例如: ①时态混用 Then the trouble started. We can’t open the door. So we asked the policeman for help. 。) (很显然此段的主时态是一般过去式,因此应把can’t改为couldn’t ②主谓不一致 There were a football game on TV last Saturday evening. (a football game决定了谓语动词用单数,故应该把were改为was。) ③固定搭配 He had little money left, so he had to give up buy the computer. (give up doing sth.是固定用法,故动词buy应该改为buying。) 2. 名词:主要考查单复数混用。例如: Helen is seventeen year old. She is very busy. (表示“年龄多大了”应该为复数形式,故应把year改为years。) 3. 形容词/副词:主要考查两者之间是否混用。例如: ①副词代替正确形容词 During the football season, Helen is much busier than usually. (很明显是“与平时相比较更忙”,因此需要把usually改为usual。) ②形容词代替正确副词 As the time clock showed one minute and forty-two seconds left in the game, she began cheering excited, “Come on —get going!” (显然应把excited改为excitedly,用来修饰动词cheer。) 4. 介词:主要考查固定搭配,特别是动词和介词的搭配。例如: ①介词遗漏 I’m sure you will get rid the sorrow and unhappiness caused by the disaster. (get rid of 是固定搭配,意为“摆脱,除去”。) ②介词多余 My wife is also happy because of I have given up smoking.


高考英语短文改错题 一、短文改错的复习重点 1.考生必须熟悉设错方式:多词、少词、错词。 ⑴多词现象大多出现在冠词、介词、助动词、连词、语义重复及行文逻辑等方面。 ⑵少词现象主要出现在冠词、介词、副词、助动词、不定式符号to、连词等。 ⑶错词现象主要在冠词、介词、名词单复数、动词时态、非谓语动词、主谓一致、代词、连词、词形。 2.考生平时应加强基本功训练,用一个“错题集”本把自己或同学在书面表达中出现的错误归纳一下,以便考前复习。 短文改错与书面表达一样,最能反映一个人的语言功底。考生在该题上失分最厉害,因为此题而影响英语总成绩的占大多数。 二、对全文的宏观把握 学生应把改错内容当作一篇小短文来理解,这样能对短文有个宏观把握,对上下文有全面的了解。 在理解篇章的基础上逐句审读,分析判断,上下兼顾,把明显的、拿的准的题先做完,这样可以缩小包围圈,也有助于对全文的进一步理解。 三、从语法角度审查 1.查看时态是否一致

My favorite sport is football. I was a member of our football team. 全文都是用的一般现在时,此句中的was显然与上下文语境不符,应改为am。 2.查看主谓是否一致 Anyone may borrow books, and it cost nothing to borrow them. cost应改为costs,因其主语是it(为形式主语),且上下文均为一般现在时。 3.查指代是否一致 The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home.句中的主语the Smiths表的是Smith一家人,因此指示代词his应改为their。 4.查平行结构是否平行一致。 由and, or, but, either...or..., neither...nor..., not only...but also..., as well as等并列连词和词组连接的结构可称为平行结构。 It was very kind of them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home. 句中的drove显然与and前面的to meet不平行,应改为drive。 5.查名词的单复数与修饰词语或上下文是否一致。 We study quite a few subject, such as Maths, Chinese... quite a few 只能修饰复数名词,故subject应改为subjects。 6.查行文逻辑是否一致。


高考英语短文改错答题技巧+20条复习要诀 导读:教书育人楷模,更好地指导自己的学习,让自己不断成长。让我们一起到本人一起学习吧!下面本人网的本人给 你们带来了《高考英语短文改错答题技巧+20条复习要诀》供 考生们参考。 高考英语一轮复习的20条学习要诀 第一要诀:收听英语气象报告 有些教学录音带为配合初学者的学习,故意放慢语速,这对英语听力的训练是不够的。如果听语速正常的英语,初学者又会感到力不从心。英语气象报告的速度虽快,但词汇简单固定,内容单纯,重复的可能性大,而且在生活中随时都可以印证,是听力入门的好教材。 第二要诀:收听中国国际广播电台的英语广播 中国国际广播电台(China Radio International)每 天早上7:00-8:00,中午11:00-12:00各有一小时的英语节目。内容包括国内外新闻剪报集锦和各类系列的专题报道。除了英语标准流利的国内播音员担任广播之外,也有向外侨或访客就某一话题而做的录音访问。内容广泛,但词汇较简单,语速亦适中,可以藉此训练或增进英语的听力。 第三要诀:善用录音带锻炼听说能力 有些学习者总是习惯于一边看书一边听磁带,把磁带当成阅读的辅助工具,这样打不到锻炼听力的目的。录音带应该是以听说能力的训练为主。学习者要选用与自己能力相适应的听力磁带,不要急于求成,以免产生受挫心理。先反复聆听

磁带内容,起先只要抓住梗概,多听几次后,对细节的了解便越来越多。听力较差的人,可先阅读课文,然后再集中精力领会每段每句的意思。这样练习有助于培养倾听时注意力的集中,使您的听力迅速进步。 第四要诀:听正常语速的英语,才能加速听力的进步 很多广播教学和听力教材总是为了配合听众或学习者的程度而故意放慢语速,这虽是无可厚非的变通方法,但也会产生一些不良的副作用。例如:1.听惯了语速放慢的英语,在与外国人的实际交往中,就很难适应,甚至听不懂他们用正常语速讲的英语。2. 故意放慢语速时,通常会把一句中每个词 都清楚的读出来,但在正常的会话中会出现很多同化(assimilation),减弱(reduction),连音(liaision)的现象。所以,听语速正常的英语对于听力和会话极为重要。 第五要诀:从网络上学习原版英语 现在的网络已经很发达了,上面有很多英语学习资源。听,说,读,写都可以在网络上面完成,还可以无限次的重复,直到你学会为之。但网络上面的资源也是良莠不齐,要你自己去发现适合你学习的网站。如何找到有价值的学习网站,其实也不是很困难,现在有很多资源集锦的网站。 第六要诀:和朋友表演影片情节 在英语学习中,我们经常会与朋友或同学相约用英语交谈来提高英语会话能力,但经常感到自己的语言贫乏,所谈内容有限。现在不妨试试这种方法:配合前节所讲的“从电视,电影中学习英语”,先依据电影情节节选一个或多个片段,个人选定一个角色,然后在影片看熟之后试着把台词誊录成文字并背下来,最后进行排练表演。经常做这种练习,不仅对英语会话和听力大有好处,而且对语法和写作也是很好的锻炼。


【解题技巧】 1、通读全文,了解短文大意,把握全篇的时态、人称及行文逻辑,尤其是有的行文逻辑方面的错误在看单句时难以发现错误(比如前文用mike,后文代词用she等)。在通读全文时把一些容易的错误先改好,再进行分句改错。 2、分局阅读,逐行找错。在完成第一步后,要进行逐行主句的改错。这是要对文中的词法、句法和语篇角度着重分析和特别注意。 3、最后把改好的短文再阅读一遍,检查答案是否正确,感觉是否还有不妥之处,最终形成定稿。 【考查要点】 1 词法的测试: 2 定冠词和不定冠词的用法,即a, an, the三者的转化与增减。例:A beauty of the West Lake is more than I can describe.正解:A--The 3 名词的单复数和名词所有格。 例:More than one students can’t take in it.正解:students—student 4 动词的时态、语态、语气,情态动词和非谓语动词。

例:He is good at sing songs.正解:sing—singing 5 人称代词的格、物主代词、指示代词、连接代词、不定代词等用法。 例:The book is her.正解:her—hers 6 词性的变化。 例:John deep believed that the God knows everything.正解:deep—deeply 7 并列连词、从属连词的用法。 例:She insisted that the boy told was a lie.正解:that—what 8 形容词、副词以及比较级与最高级的用法。 例:They all exacting by the exacted news.正解:exacting—exacted ; exacted—exacting 9 固定搭配与习惯用法。 例:It happened all of sudden.正解:of 后加a 11、句法的测试: 12 考察英语的一致性现象,主要包括:主谓不一致、代词不一致、

2020新高考英语新题型练习11 语法填空短文改错应用文写作读后续写(1)(含答案)

语法填空短文改错应用文写作读后续写(1) 语法填空 (湖北省十堰市2020年高三上学期元月调研) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Nezha is the subject of the latest cartoon film, which 61 (official) opened in cinemas in China on July 26. Nezha has got wonderful reviews and is rated higher than Monkey King : Hero is Back. Since July 26, the film 62 (earn) more than 140 million yuan at the box office, and the film has a score of 8. 8 63 (point) (out of 10) on China's largest filming rating site, Douban. Yang Yu, 64 is the director of it, made up his mind 65 (produce) a film on the theme of breaking old rules and changing fate. Yang chose Nezha as his character, the 66 (combine) of the rebellious (叛逆的)but straight youth. The film is loosely based on the Chinese novel The Investiture of the Gods.In the novel, Nezha is born during the Shang dynasty and is famous 67 fighting against the Dragon King. It took Yang Yu two years to polish the script, and the film was in production for three years. It is 68 most complex cartoon production ever 69 (make) in China. It has more than 1 ,300 special effects shots, and it took over 20 Chinese special effects studios, 70(employ) more than 1, 600 people, to realize the film's fairy tale setting, the mysterious Dragon King's palace. One spectacular scene alone took two months to complete. 短文改错 (湖北省十堰市2020年高三上学期元月调研考试) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 Dear Peter, I am pleasing to tell you that we have returned to China safely. I'm writing to express our appreciations for your reception.


高中英语短文改错超详细解题技巧 一短文改错的复习重点 1、考生必须熟悉设错方式:多词、少词、错词。 ⑴ 多词现象大多出现在冠词、介词、助动词、连词、语义重复及行文逻辑等方面。 ⑵ 少词现象主要出现在冠词、介词、副词、助动词、不定式符号to、连词等。 ⑶ 错词现象主要在冠词、介词、名词单复数、动词时态、非谓语动词、主谓一致、 代词、连词、词形。 2、考生平时应加强基本功训练,用一个“错题集”本把自己或同学在书面表达中出 现的错误归纳一下,以便考前复习。 二对全文的宏观把握 学生应把改错内容当作一篇小短文来理解,这样能对短文有个宏观把握,对上下文有 全面的了解。 在理解篇章的基础上逐句审读,分析判断,上下兼顾,把明显的、拿的准的题先做完,这样可以缩小包围圈,也有助于对全文的进一步理解。 三从语法角度审查 1、查看时态是否一致。 My favorite sport is football. I was a member of our football team. 全文都 是用的一般现在时,此句中的was显然与上下文语境不符,应改为am。 2、查看主谓是否一致。 Anyone may borrow books, and it cost nothing to borrow them. cost应改为costs,因其主语是it为形式主语,且上下文均为一般现在时。 3、查指代是否一致。 The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home.句中的主语the Smiths表的 是Smith一家人,因此指示代词his应改为their。 4、查平行结构是否平行一致。 由and, or, but, either...or..., neither...nor..., not only...but also..., as well as等并列连词和词组连接的结构可称为平行结构。


高中英语短文改错答题 技巧总结 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

高中英语短文改错技巧总结 短文改错口诀: 动词形,名词数; 注意形和副; 非谓动词细辨别; 习惯用法要记住; 句子成分多分析; 逻辑错误须关注。 一. 动词形 主要包括两类错误:动词的时态和语态错误,以及主、谓不一致的错误。例如: My favorite sport are football. (is) Now my picture and prize is hanging in the library. (are) 上述两例分别属于时态错误和主、谓不一致错误。找出此类错误的关键是树立牢固的时态概念,注意短文内容发生或存在的时间,保持时间概念的一致性。 二. 名词数 指名词单、复数形式的用法错误。常表现为将名词复数写成单数。例如: …so that I’ll get good marks in all my subject. (subjects) 三. 区分形和副 及区分形容词和副词在句子中的作用和具体用法。这也是高考短文改错的常考点。例如: I’m sure we’ll have a wonderfully time together. (wonderful) Unfortunate, there are too many people in my family. (Unfortunately)

需要注意的是,形容词多用来做定、表、补语等,而副词只能在句子中作状语,修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子。第一例中的wonderful作定语修饰time,第二句的Unfortunately作状语修饰整个句子。 四. 非谓动词细辨别 这是考查最多的错误形式之一。主要有分词和动名词类错误,也包括不定式类错误。例如: …in my spare time, but now I am interesting in football. (interested) Play football not only makes us grow up tall and strong but also … (playing) My parents love me… and will do all they can ∧make sure… (to) 上述二、三例分别是动名词作主语,和不定式作目的状语。一般的,现在分词有主动态和进行时的含义,而过去分词具有被动态和完成时的含义,不定式有将来时态的含义。 五. 习惯用法要记住 主要考查习惯搭配方面的基础知识。这也是历年高考的常考点,其错误表现形式主要有三种:多词、少词和搭配错误。例如: It was very kind for them to meet me at the railway station and… (of) We must keep in mind that we play for the team instead ∧ ourselves. (of) 六. 句子成分多分析 不同的句子成分要用不同的词类;不同的语景要选择不同的词语。这些都有待我们对句子结构和句子成分作细致的分析,才能找出用词不当的错误。例如: They ∧eager to know everything about China and… (were) I live in Beijing, where is the capital of China. (which) 第一例漏掉了谓语动词were,这是受害于习惯的影响而导致的错误;第二例则是词类与它在句子中的成分不相符,where是副词,不能作主语。 七. 逻辑错误须关注 与句子的上、下文不一致,甚至相矛盾,属于逻辑性错误。如称谓上的张冠李戴,人名、地名、时间、方位等方面的错误,常是这类错误的考查对象。例如:


下列各题中均有一处错误,请指出并改正。 1.They flying kites in the park now. A B C D 2.Would you please not to make any noise?The baby has just fallen asleep. A B C D 3.Few of them can drive,can't they? A B C D 4.His father had lots of moneys,so he could buy everything for him. A B C D 5.What a bad weather!It's raining hard. A B C D 6.You can sing in English,and so does he. A B C D 7.Why not ask for help when you are with trouble? A B C D 8.Ann didn't know how work out the problem in class. A B C D 9.The Shutes are enjoying to live in the country. A B C D 10.The children will go to the zoo if it won't rain tomorrow. A B C D 11.Mary felt happily because her aunt gave her a present. A B C D 12.Could you guess where did I put the ball? A B C D 13.What about to play cards now? A B C D 14.At first the child was sad.But he stopped to cry when he saw his mother. A B C D


高中英语短文改错技巧总结 短文改错口诀: 动词形,名词数; 注意形和副; 非谓动词细辨别; 习惯用法要记住; 句子成分多分析; 逻辑错误须关注。 一. 动词形 主要包括两类错误:动词的时态和语态错误,以及主、谓不一致的错误。例如:My favorite sport are football. (is) Now my picture and prize is hanging in the library. (are) 上述两例分别属于时态错误和主、谓不一致错误。找出此类错误的关键是树立牢固的时态概念,注意短文内容发生或存在的时间,保持时间概念的一致性。 二. 名词数 指名词单、复数形式的用法错误。常表现为将名词复数写成单数。例如: …so that I’ll get good marks in all my subject. (subjects) 三. 区分形和副 及区分形容词和副词在句子中的作用和具体用法。这也是高考短文改错的常考点。例如:I’m sure we’ll have a wonderfully time together. (wonderful) Unfortunate, there are too many people in my family. (Unfortunately) 需要注意的是,形容词多用来做定、表、补语等,而副词只能在句子中作状语,修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子。第一例中的wonderful作定语修饰time,第二句的Unfortunately作状语修饰整个句子。 四. 非谓动词细辨别 这是考查最多的错误形式之一。主要有分词和动名词类错误,也包括不定式类错误。例如:…in my spare time, but now I am interesting in football. (interested)

高考全国卷II时态-(语法填空-改错)练习题 (1)

动词的时态改错 I. A级单项单句改错 1. The teacher told that the sun rose in the east. 2. I will speak to him when I will see him next Sunday. 3. I will get everything ready before my boss come back. 4. Does your mother has lunch at home? 5. He was writing a letter at the moment, I believe. 6. He can't be waiting us. 7. I am looking at the sky, and I see a strange star. 8. I haven't seen her since two months. 9. She went to Beijing several times. 10. Jane is doing some cleaning this time yesterday. B级单项单句改错 1. If it won't rain, we will go to visit the zoo. 2. The new secretary will supposed to report to the manager as soon as she arrives. 3. When I was at college I spoken three foreign languages, but I had forgotten all except a few words of each. 4. The police found that the house has been broken into and a lot of things stolen. 5. The volleyball match will be put off if it rain. 6. Mary is making a dress when she cut her finger. 7. This is the first time I had been here. 8. You can join the club when you will get a bit older. 9. Mother promised she will buy me a bike. 10. ---- We could have walked to the station. It was so near. ---- Yes. A taxi wasn't at all necessary. III. A级综合单句改错 1. She found her book this morning, but now she lost her pen. 2. I was going to bed when the telephone rang. 3. When I got to the station, the bus has left. 4. There will going to be an English evening tonight. 5. " Where is Jack?"" He has been to NewYork." 6. I saw that our teacher still working at eleven o'clock last night. 7. Will you bring it to the party the next Sunday? 8. Who come to school earliest in your class every morning? 9. He decides not to go to the office, for he has been very tire. 10. The doctor advised him to take more rest, but he didn't listen him. B级综合单句改错


and the good en vir onment in the foreig n fast-food cha ins eve n though there exist some pote ntial risks . Do you ever won der why you yaw n? Why do you ope n your mouth wide and take a deep breath? Well, a scie ntist at the Un iversity of Maryla nd is searchi ng for the an swer. Professor Robert Provine has bee n study ing yaw ning for the past two years. But he says he still does not know 31 people yawn. In fact, no one seems to know much about it. Professor Provine 'tudents have helped him find out more about yawning. They agreed to 32_ (watch) while sitting alone in small rooms. In the rooms, they watched television programs, or pictures of people yaw ning. Or they just sat and 33 (th ink) about yaw ning. Stude nts also kept records of whe n they yaw ned throughout the day. The professor says he has lear ned 34 nu mber of things from these experime nts. He says yaw ning seems lin ked in some way to sleep ing. His stude nts yaw ned most just before sleeping or 35 waking from sleep. He also found that people yawn much when they are _36 (bore ) or not in terested in what they are doing. Now, Professor Provine is pla nning future experime nts to help him find the purpose of yaw ning. He said there is some evide nee 37 yaw ning is lin ked to 38 (excite). Yaw ning is com mon among runners 39 (wait) to begi n a race. It is also com mon among people wait ing to make a speech. Professor Provine says he is most in terested in lear ning why see ing some one yaw n makes others yaw n as well. He says almost anything conn ected with yaw ning can make people yaw n. As a matter of fact, I found 40 yaw ning a lot as I prepared this report. I won der if heari ng it can make you yawn. If it does, excuse me, if you did yawn, write and tell me. Traditional Chinese culture places much emphasis on food Considered to be an important part of each day eating is far beyond simply 1 (meet)a need However people are living in a fast-paced society now so they hardly have time to enjoy their food They need fast food That is 2 China ' s fafehod market expands A foreig n fast-food restaura nt 3 ( call)KFC arrived in Chi na first quickly followed by 4 such as Pizza Hut and McDonald . 's 5 the development of China foreign fast-food chains are realizing high-speed growth in china However these “junk Although En glish is not as old as Chin ese, 36 is spoke n by many people around the world every day. En glish speakersare always maki ng new words and we should be able to know where most words come from. Sometimes, 37 , no one may really know where a word comes from. Did you ever think about why hamburgers are called hamburgers, 38( especia ) when they are not made of ham? About a hun dred years ago, some men went to America 39 Europe. They came from a big city in Germa ny called Hamburg. They did not speak good En glish, but they ate good food. Some America ns saw them eat ing round pieces of beef. Never had they seen such 40 strange way. They couldn ' help 41 (ask )the Germa ns what it was. The Germa ns did not un dersta nd the questi on and an swered, “ We came from Hamburg. ” One of these America ns owned a restaura nt, and had an idea. He made up 42 mi nd to do somethi ng n ew. He cooked some round pieces of the beef like 43 the men from Hamburg ate and 44 (sell ) it quite a few countries around the world. Whether this story is true or no t, it certai nly is 45 (in teres ). (四) When I was growing up, I do not recall hearing the words “love you” from my father. Whe n your father n ever says _ 31 __ to you whe n you are a child, it gets tougher and tougher for him __ 32 ___ (say) those words as he gets ___ 33 __ (old). To tell the truth, I could not hon estly remember __ 34 __ I had last said those words to him either. I decided to set my ego (自我)aside and make the first move. _______ 35 __ some hesitation, in our next phone conversation I blurted out 突然说出)the words, “ Dad …I love you! ” There was a sile nee at the __ 36 __ end and he ____ 37 _ (awkward) replied, back at you! ” I laughed and said, “ Dad J know you love me, and when you are ready, I know you 38 __ (say) what you want to say. ” A few weeks later, Dad concluded our phone conversation ___ 39 ___ t he words, “ PaulI love you. ” I was at work duri ng this conv ersati on and the teawere rolli ng dow n my cheeks __ 40 __ I fin ally “ heard ” the love. As we both sat there in tears we realized that this speci foods ” 6 ( criticize)by health experts for long because they can t provide baiaDm e dt had take n our father-s on relati on ship to a new level. nutrition . The experts also show that some foreign fast food contains 7 food coloring Suda n 1 8 can cause can cer In fact China has many of its own traditional fast-food dishes mong them dumplings soybea n milk and no odles are the most popular __ 9 ( compare)with foreig n fast food those traditional ones are 10 ( health). But many Chinese still enjoy the special taste (五 ) 语法填空 高二英语语法填空和短文改错专项练习
