




Module 1 Unit 1

1. 好朋友就是能和你分享快乐和忧伤的人。(share…with)

2. 如果你们两停止争斗并努力好好相处,我将不胜感激。(be grateful, get along with)

3. 这是他第一次用电子邮件与笔友交流。(the first time, communicate with)

4. 爱好是不会让你感到厌倦的——你投入的时间越长,乐趣越

多。 (the more… the more; devote to; get tired of)


(face to face; even if;entirely)

6.根据新闻报道,是天气决定神舟七号发射的准确时间。(according to, it is ….that 强调句 )


1. A best friend is someone who can share happiness and sorrow with you.

2. I would be grateful if the two of you stopped fighting and tried to get along with ea ch other.

3. This is the first time he has used e-mail to communicate with his pen pal.

4. A hobby is something that you never get tired of—the more time you devote to it, the more fun you have.

5. Because of the Internet it is now entirely possible for people to communicate face to face, even if they are in different parts of the world.

6. According to the news report, it is the weather that will determine the exact launc

h time of Shenzhou Seven.

Module 1 Unit 2

1.现在, 每年有超过100万的旅客来广州观光旅游. (at present, more than)

2. 他们的友谊是建立在多年相互开放沟通的基础上的. (base on, communication)

3. 世界淡水资源十分有限,因此我们必须充分利用。 (make use of, resources)

4. 我将十分乐意参加任何能丰富我对世界认识的讨论。(take part in, enrich)

5. 不管你相不相信, 我们已经逐渐地可以用英语流利地表达自己

了. (believe it or not, gradually, express, fluently)

6. 实际上学好英语有很多简单的方法, 例如看英文电视或和外国朋友在线聊

天。 (actually, a number of, such as)

7. 即使这工作要花掉我六个星期的时间,我仍决心要完成这份工

作。 (even if, determined )

8. 政府应该尽快想出更好的办法来解决高油价所带来的问题. (come up with, petrol)

9. 全体同学都要准时参加明天举行的会议. (request)


1. At present, more than one million visitors travel to Guangzhou every year.

2. Their relationship was based on/ upon years of open communication with each ot her.

3. The world’s fresh water resources are very limited so we must make good use of them.

4. I will gladly take part in any discussion that enriches my knowledge of the world.

5. Believe it or not, we have gradually become able to express ourselves fluently in English.

6. Actually, there are a number of simple ways to improve your English, such as wat ching English TV shows and chatting with foreign friends online.

7. Even if it takes me six weeks, I am determined to finish the job.

8. The government should come up with a better solution to the problems caused by the high price of petrol.

9. All students are requested to attend the meeting to be held tomorrow on time.

Module 1 Unit 3

1. 杰克给了我一个坚定的眼神,这眼神表明他不会改变主意,也不会屈服。(determine, change one’s mind, give in)

2. 花了一周时间才把衣物和药品送达灾区。(transport)

3. 那个老人很固执,病了还拒绝搬到他女儿家中住。(stubborn)

4. 请耐心点。火车十分钟后到。(be doing 表将来)


1. Jack gave me a determined look, which showed me that he would neither change his mind nor give in.

2. It took one week to transport clothes and medicine to the disaster-hit area.

3. The old man was stubborn and refused to move in with his daughter after he bec ame ill.

4. Please be patient. The train is arriving in ten minutes.

Module 1 Unit 4

1. 好像他的事业就快要结束了。(It seems/ seemed that…, at an end)

2. 百分之六十的旅客宁愿住在窗朝南的房间。(用定语从句)

3. 消防员没有多考虑个人的安危,像平常一样将困在大火中的人员援救出

来.(think little of, rescue, be trapped in)

4. 在村庄的东边有一幢蓝顶的白房子。(on the east, with )

5.听完他的话,那个可怜的女孩泪水夺眶而出,冲出门外。(burst, rush out )


1. It seems that his career is at an end.

2. Sixty percent of the travelers prefer to live in the rooms whose windows face sout h.

3. The firefighters thought little of their personal safety and as usual rescued the peo ple who were trapped in the fire.

4. On the east side of the village there is a small white house with a blue roof.

5. After hearing his words, the poor girl burst into tears and rushed out from the roo m.

Module 1 Unit 5

1. 一些人破门设法从失火的房子里逃了出来。(escape from; by doing sth)

2. 上一次考试考砸了之后,那个男孩向父母许诺今后会努力学习。(After doing…)

3. 我在小学的时候就认识他---- 事实上我们那时在同一个年级。(as a matter of fact)

4. 德兰修女(Mother Teresa) 把自己毕生的精力都倾注在照顾穷苦人之上。

(devote …to…)

5. 有好几个商店,你可以在那里买你想买的东西。。(介词+which)

6. 约翰要给捡到他钱包的出租司机一百元作为酬劳。(reward; wallet; who)


1. Some people managed to escape from the burning building by breaking down the doors.

2. After doing such a poor job in the last exam, the boy promised his parents he wou ld study much harder in the future.

3. I knew him when we were in primary school- as a matter of fact we were in the sa me grade.

4. Mother Teresa has devoted all her life to caring for the poor.

5. There are several stores in which you can buy the items you want.

6. John wanted to give 100 yuan as a reward to the taxi driver who had found his wa llet.

Module 2 Unit 1

1. 除非我们净化我们的环境,否则人类可能将无法生存。(clean up, survive)

2. 这时目前为止我所看过的最好的电影中的一部。

3. 他已决定去巴黎渡假,而不去伦敦。( rather than )

4. 我家门前的漂亮新车是我邻居的,不是我的。 ( belong to )

5. 她给我们食物和衣服,没有要求任何回报,这一切都让我们很感

激。 (in return; which; grateful )

6. 他那么粗鲁地和老板说话,难怪会被解雇。 ( no wonder )


1. Unless we clean up our environment, human beings may not survive.

2. This is one of the best films that I have ever seen.

3. He has decided to go to Paris for his holiday rather than London.

4. The beautiful new car in front of my home belongs to my neighbour not me.

5. She gave us food and clothes and asked for nothing in return, which made us ver y grateful.

6. He talked so rudely to his boss. No wonder he was fired.

Module 2 Unit 2

1. 当午餐的铃声敲响的时候, 学生们一个接一个走出教室。(one after another)

2. 经理不在时, 他负责这个商店. (in charge of)

3. 他最终向警察承认他也加入了犯罪活动。(admit, take part in, crime)

4. 他训练了很长的一段时间,所以获得比赛的胜利是他应得的。(deserve, so)

5. 在大部分西方国家,商店明码实价,不能讨价还价。(bargain)


1. When the bell rang for lunch the students came out of classroom one after anothe r.

2. He was left in charge of the shop while the manager was away.

3. He finally admitted to the police that he had taken part in the crime as well.

4. He’s been training for a long time, so he deserved to win the race.

5. In most western countries store prices are fixed and people cannot bargain

Module 2 Unit 3

1. 尽管多数人都认为他的目标不切实际,他确信他可以通过努力达成目标。(achieve; goal)

2. 由于新一轮抛售的波浪,股市出现了进一步的下跌。

(as a result of, there be, a further fall)

3. 随着社会和经济的发展,不可避免地会有新问题产生。(arise)

4. 她将会公开露脸,为她最新的小说签名。(appearance, sign)

5. 这个母亲正看护着她熟睡的孩子。(watch over)


1. Although most people considered his goal to be unrealistic, he was sure that he c ould achieve it with hard work.

2. As a result of a fresh wave of selling, there was a further fall in the stock market.

3. New problems will inevitably arise as our society and economy develop.

4. She will be making a public appearance, signing copies of her latest novel.

5. The mother is watching over her sleeping child now.

Module 2 Unit 4

1. 由于人类的过度猎捕,许多动物都已经灭绝了。( die out,)

2. 飞机安全着陆之后,一些人喜笑颜开,而另一些人欣慰地哭了。

(burst into laughter; while; cry in relief)

3. 开车的时候,你应该注意路标。( pay attention to; road signs)

4. 香烟含有很多影响健康的化学成分,这是众所周知的事实。

(contain; chemicals; affect)

5. 政府提出了一项新的政策,旨在保护城市里一些重要的历史遗迹。

( put forward, preserve )

6. 根据气象报告,今天将会是一个晴朗的日子。( according to)


1. Because of over-hunting by human beings, many animals have died out.

2. After the plane landed safely, some people burst into laughter while others cried i n relief.

3. While driving, you should pay attention to the road signs.

4. It is a well known fact that cigarettes contain many chemicals that will affect your health.

5. The government has put forward a new policy aimed at preserving the city’s impo rtant historic sites.

6. According to the weather report, it will be sunny today.

Module 2 Unit 5

1. 我梦想将来的某一天能周游全世界。(dream of)

2. 说实话,我要在公共场合演讲还是太紧张了。(to be honest;too… to)


(passers-by; so that; earn; extra)

4. 我很独立,不喜欢依赖别人来获得帮助。(be independent; rely on )

5. 在我还没来得及熟悉这个乐队的音乐之前,他们就解散了。

( have the chance to; get familiar with; break up;)

6. 除了自信,她还非常漂亮也非常敏感。(in addition to; confident; attractive; sensitive)

7. 我将与你的友谊视为是最重要的。(above all else)


1. I dream of traveling around the world one day in future.

2. To be honest, I’m too nervous to give a speech in public.

3. Sometimes he plays his guitar to passers-by in the street or subway so that he ca n earn some extra money.

4. I am independent and don’t like to rely on others for help.

5. Before I had the chance to get familiar with their music, the band broke up.

6. In addition to being confident, she is also attractive and sensitive.

7. I value your friendship above all else.

Module 3 Unit 1

1. 这间医院是为了纪念孙中山先生而建的。 (in memory of)

2. 孩子们盼望着万圣节,在那时候他们可以盛装打扮并互相捉弄。

(look forward to; dress up; play tricks on)

3. 他已经答应参加今天的会议,所以我肯定他在会议上出现,因为他是一个守诺言的人。(keep one’s word)

4. 大家都很清楚他在撒谎。(obvious)

5. 她的相貌令他想起他亲爱的母亲。他母亲多年前已经去世。(remind … of …,定语从句)

6. 他屏住气,一头扎进河里。(hold one’s breath)

7. 农民们正在地里收割庄稼时,就在那时他们听到了溺水女孩在呼救。(gather; drown)

8. 如果你想获得她的原谅,就必须真诚地道歉。(apologize; forgive)

9. 他们一获得许可就马上出发去灾区。(set off; permission)


1. The hospital was built in memory of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

2. Children always look forward to Halloween when they can dress up and play trick s on each other.

3. He has promised to attend today’s meeting so I’m sure that he will come because he is a man who always keeps his word.

4. It was obvious to everyone that he was lying.

5. Her face reminded him of his dear mother, who had passed away many years ear lier.

6. He held his breath and dived headlong into the river.

7. The farmers were gathering crops in the field when they heard the drowning girl c alling for help.

8. If you want her to forgive you, you should sincerely apologize.

9. They set off for the disaster-stricken/ hit area as soon as they got the permission.

Module 3 Unit 2

1. 如果你时常请教老师的话,你将会受益匪浅。 (benefit,consult (with))

2. 他认为自己能够逃过学习而考试,但最后他失败了。( get away with )

3. 除非你保持均衡的饮食,否则将会增加体重。 (a balanced diet, put on weight )

4. 他对家乡的巨变十分惊讶。(amaze)

5. 在做了一个令人惊叹的演讲之后,他又赢回了同事们的支持。(win back…)

6. 他谋求良好生活的能力受到了他缺乏教育的限制。

(earn a good living, be limited by; lack of)

7. 在搬进新房子之前,他扔掉了不需要的东西。(throw…away)

8. 他最大的优点也是他最严重的缺点。

9. 这两姐妹一定是吵架了,因为他们互不理睬。(must have done)


1. You will benefit greatly if you regularly consult (with) your teacher.

2. He thought he could get away with not studying for the exam, but in the end he fai led.

3. Unless you keep a balanced diet, you will put on weight.

4. He was amazed at the great changes that had taken place in his hometown.

5. After making a wonderful speech, he was able to win back the support of his colle agues.

6. His ability to earn a good living is limited by his lack of education.

7. Before moving into the new house, he threw away the things he didn’t need.

8. His greatest strength is also his most serious weakness.

9. The sisters must have had an argument, for they are no longer talking to each oth er.

Module 3 Unit 3

1. 这篇新闻报道是完全根据实际情况写的。(base…on)

2. 父母去世后,他由他的姐姐抚养长大。(bring up)

3. 咱们应该怎样处理这些废报纸?(do with)

4. 如果天气允许的话,我们将在树林里野餐。(permit)

5. 当我到达的时候,我发现门被关上了。(find+宾语+补语)

6. 没人能对他的旷课做出解释。(account for)

7. 我决定还是求稳不要冒险。(take a chance;rather than)


1. This news report is based entirely on facts.

2. After his parents died, he was brought up by his elder sister.

3. What shall we do with the waste paper?

4. We will have a picnic in the woods, weather permitting.

5. When I arrived, I found the door closed.

6. Nobody could account for his absence from school.

7. I decided to play it safe rather than take a chance.

Module3 Unit4

1. 既然你已经通过了驾驶考试,你就可以独自开车了。(now that)

2. 是什么事使他不能参加我们的会议仍然是个谜。(prevent…from)

3. 昨天晚会的气氛非常欢快,每一个人都度过了美好的时光。(atmosphere; joyful)

4. 当他意识到他可以及时到达赶上飞机时,他终于振奋起来。(in time;cheer up)

5. 听说她生了一个如此大的男婴,我们都感到非常惊讶。(give birth to)

6. 我经常感到疑惑,为什么有些家长允许自己的孩子观看暴力影片。(wonder; allow)

7. 美国最大银行的倒闭引发了(set off)连锁的破产现象(bankruptcies),导致了许多人失去了自己的家园。 (lead to, a chain action;)


1. Now that you have passed the driving test, you can drive on your own.

2. What prevented him from attending our meeting still remains a mystery.

3. The atmosphere at the party yesterday was very joyful and everyone had a great time.

4. He finally cheered up when he realized he would arrive in time to catch the plane.

5. We were amazed to hear that she had given birth to such a large baby boy.

6. I often wonder why some parents allow their children to watch violent movies.

7. The collapse of America’s largest bank set off a chain reaction of bankruptcies an

d led to many peopl

e losing their homes.

Module3 Unit5

1. 外面的噪音不断,我无法安下心来学习。(settle down)

2. 这个6岁的小孩有讲故事的天赋。(have a gift for)

3. 北京市民的良好素质与志愿者的热情给参加奥运会的外国运动员留下了深刻的印象。(impress)

4. 他拒绝证实他们下个月将举行婚礼的传闻。 (confirm)

5 这幅画是传统与现代的结合。( a mixture; the traditional; the modern)

6. 站在塔顶上,我仍能看到远处的山 ( in the distance)


1. With so much noise outside, I couldn’t settle down to study.

2. This 6-year-old boy has a gift for telling stories.

3. The well-behaved Beijing citizens and enthusiastic volunteers greatly impressed t he foreign athletes who attended the Olympic Games.

4. He refused to confirm the rumor that they would hold the wedding ceremony next month.

5. This painting is a mixture of the traditional and the modern.

6. Standing at the top of the tower, I could see the mountains in the distance.

Module 4 Unit 1

1. 他不需要很多钱,并且很乐于过着简单的生活。(lead a … life)

2. 四代同堂是中国一个值得骄傲的传统习俗。(tradition, generation)

3. 老师在讲台前不用看就可以知道哪个学生表现不好。(without doing, behave)

4. 如果我们一定要按时完成的话,我们就必须坚持工作。(carry on)

5. 当我离开超市的时候,我碰巧遇见了我的老朋友。(come across)

6. 老师的话促使我比以前更努力工作。(inspire)

7. 保护环境是首要考虑的问题。(consideration)

8. 直到回到家我才发现我把钥匙留在办公室了。(only+状语倒装)

9. 听取老师的意见,我在英语学习上取得了快速进步。(V+ing 作状语)


1. He doesn’t need much money and is happy to lead a simple life.

2. It is a proud tradition in China to have four generations living under one roof.

3. Without looking up from her desk the teacher knew which student was behaving b adly.

4. We must carry on working if we are to finish on time.

5. I came across my friend by chance when I was leaving the supermarket.

6. My teacher’s words inspired me to work harder than ever before.

7. Protecting environment is everyone’s prime consideration.

8. I realized I had left my keys at work only after returning home.

9. By following the teacher’s advice I was able to quickly improve my English.

Module 4 Unit 2

1. 多亏了每一个人的辛勤努力,表演取得了巨大的成功。(thanks to)

2. 吉姆悄悄溜进房间,没有打扰父母。(without disturbing)

3. 我宁愿为理想奋斗,不愿意放弃而他日后悔。(would rather…than; struggle for)

4. 美国总统来华访问,希望改善两国之间的关系。(with the hope of…)

5. 正是那个司机的粗心导致了这场车祸。( lead to, 用上强调句)

6. 在经历了多年的奋斗之后,他们建立起了自己的公司并变得富有。



1. Thanks to everyone’s hard work, the performance was a great success.

2. Jim slipped into the room without disturbing his parents.

3. I would rather struggle for my dream than give it up and regret it later in my life.

4. The president of the USA paid a visit to China with the hope of improving the relat ionship between the two countries.

5. It was the driver’s carelessness that led to the car accident.

6. After many years of struggle, they were able to build up their business and becom

e rich.

7. We were annoyed because she refused to tell us what she did over the weekend.

Module 4 Unit 3

1. 过去他们很贫困,根本谈不上度假。( too…to…, badly off )

2. 在老师的帮助下,我终于克服了困难。(overcome)

3. 他是一个很有趣的男孩,经常用他的笑话带给我们许多欢乐。(entertain sb. with sth.)

4. 我对一切记忆犹新,好像是昨天发生的。( as if…)

5. 据报道,10,000吨含有三聚氰胺(melamine)的三鹿婴幼儿奶粉已被销毁。(现在分词作定语)

6. 许多北京残奥会的故事非常感人,很多人都感动得流泪。(现在分词作表语,过去分词做表语)

7. 我觉得很奇怪他如此少睡眠却能够如此努力工作。

(find it (形式宾语) + adj. + that引导的宾语从句,with)


1. In the past, they were too badly off to afford a holiday.

2. I was able to overcome the problem with the help of my teacher.

3. He is a very funny boy and often entertains us with his jokes.

4. I remember everything as if it happened yesterday.

5. It is reported that 10,000 tons of Sanlu baby milk powder containing melamine ha ve been destroyed.

6. Stories from the Beijing Paralympics were so emotional that many people were m oved to tears.

7. I find it strange that he is able to work so hard with so little sleep.

Module 4 Unit 4

1.一般而言,你在学习一门新的语言的时候总避免不了要犯错误。(in general, avoid)

2. 在政府和人民的帮助下,汶川地区最终定能重建家园。(it is likely that;recover)

3. 去年暑假我去了乡村度假。与村民们在一起我感到非常地自在,也非常满意那里的生活。

4. 历史上,中国人民总是英勇保卫家乡,抵抗外国侵略者。(defend… against)

5. 很兴奋昨晚在音乐会的现场看到了谢庭锋的真人。(现在分词作表语)

6. 树叶变黄,意味着秋天来临。(approach)


1. In general, you cannot avoid making mistakes when you learn a new language.

2. With the help of the people and the government it is likely that Wenchuan will eve ntually recover.

3. I spent my holiday in the countryside last summer. I felt at ease with the village pe ople and was content with my life there.

4. In history, the Chinese people always defended their motherland against the forei gn invaders bravely.

5. It was exciting to see Xie Tingfeng live in concert last night.

6. When the tree leaves turn yellow, we know that autumn is approaching.

Module 4 Unit5

1.我喜欢在森林里漫步和亲近自然的感觉。(get close to)

2.法国以其精美的食品和葡萄酒驰名。(be famous for)

3.你应该提前定火车票,这样你就可以节省一些钱。( in advance;so)

4.学校为学生提供了现代化的教学设施。(provide sth. for sb.; teaching facilities)


6.不论发生什么事情,我将永远都不会放弃。 (No matter…)


(make an apology to sb for…; without doing …)

8.莎士比亚不仅是个有名的剧作家也是个非常优秀的演员。(Not only句

首…but also…)

9.有些学生喜欢和朋友一起学习,其他学生喜欢独自学习。(some…, others …)

10.他的工作时间表如此繁忙,难怪他这么疲惫。(with + 名词作状语,

it is no wonder(主句)


1.I love walking in the forest and getting close to nature.

2.France is famous for its fine food and wine.

3.You should book the train ticket in advance so you can save some money.

4.The school provides modern teaching facilities for its students.

5.It is much cheaper and easier to preserve our environment than to try and repair it.

6.No matter what may happen, I will never give up.

7.He made an apology to the teacher for being late and the teacher accepted it wit hout saying a word.

8.Not only was Shakespeare a famous playwright, but he was also an excellent ac tor.

9. Some students enjoy studying with their friends while others prefer studying alone .

10. With such a busy work schedule, it is no wonder that he always looks so tired.

1. 看起来一些自然灾害应归咎于全球变暖。(seem; be to blame for )

2. 专家提出的计划得到了政府的认可。(put forward;)

3. 只有愿意发挥想象,你才能读得进这本书。(only if…; be absorbed in)

4. 每次试着去办公室找他,我总是被告知他在开会。(every time)

5. 他一脸焦虑地宣布经济危机将会造成许多失业。(with…; announce; lead to)

6. 他每天晚上帮助同学复习了一个月,防止了他不能通过考试。


7. 别在太阳下晒得太久,否则你会被晒伤。(expose… to)

8. 除了作为一种有趣而且有益的运动外,游泳还是一项很有用的技能。

(apart from;)

9. 在收集到所有证据之前,那个侦察拒绝下定论。(not…until…;draw a conclusion)


1.It seems that global warming could be to blame for the natural disasters.

2.The project put forward by experts has been accepted by the government.

3.Only if you are willing to use your imagination will you be able to become abs orbed in this book.

4.Every time I try to visit him in his office I’m told he is in a meeting.

5.With a worried look on his face he announced that the economic crisis would lea d to the loss of many jobs.

6.He was able to prevent his classmate from failing the exam by helping him to stu dy every night for one month.

7.Don’t expose yourself to the sun for too long or you will get sunburned.

8.Apart from being fun and good exercise, swimming is also a very useful skill.

9.The detective refused to draw a conclusion until he had collected all the evidence

1. 我的早餐包括巧克力饼干和牛奶。(consist of)

2. 值得称赞的是,史密斯先生不乐意卷入他的生意伙伴的邪恶计划。(to one’s credit)

3. 为了图方便, 我把参考书放在书桌前。(for convenience)

4. 他安排了会议,但最后非常失望的是会议几乎没有任何收获。(arrange; achieve)

5. 因为我漏了下其中一种重要的材料,我的蛋糕味道不是很好。(leave out)

6. 我希望我刚才所讲的能澄清情况。(I hope what…; clarify)


1. My breakfast consists of chocolate-covered biscuits and milk.

2. To his credit, Mr. Smith was unwilling to get involved in the evil plans of his busin ess partner.

3. I keep my reference books near my desk for convenience.

4. He had arranged the meeting and was very disappointed when, in the end, it achi eved almost nothing.

5. Because I left out one of the most important ingredients, my cake did not taste ve ry nice.

6. I hope what I just told you has clarified the situation.

Module 5 Unit 3

1. 我为占用了老师那么多时间而向她道歉。(take up)

2. 她出生于北京的一个工人家庭,5岁就开始打乒乓球。(过去分词作状语)

3. 在一天辛苦工作之后,Mrs. Jones 感到筋疲力尽,她上楼时好像一名迟暮的老人。(so … that …; as if)

4. 在股票市场亏损了所有的资产之后,他过了好多年才在资金方面恢复过来。(before…;be back on one’s feet)

5. 世上的一切事情都在不断地发生着变化。

6. 我们应该乐观向上,永远对生活保持一种积极的态度。(be optimistic)




1. I apologized to my teacher for taking up so much of her time.

2. Born into a worker’s family in Beijing, she began to play table tennis at the age of five.

3. After a day’s hard work, Mrs. Jones was so exhausted that she climbed the stairs as if she was an old woman.

4. After losing all his money in the stock market it was many years before the man c an get back on his feet financially.

5. Everything in the world is constantly changing.

6. We should be optimistic and always keep a positive attitude towards life.

7. The police found that the bus driver was to blame for the accident.

8. In the future, we hope we can develop a system where waste can be recycled in an environmentally friendly way.

Module 5 Unit 4

1. 只有当你经历了很多磨难后, 你才知道幸福的可贵。

(only if)

2. 过去五年来,他一直致力于发展他的事业。

(concentrate ... on)


( Meanwhile, depend on)

4. 我不仅对摄影感兴趣,而且在大学里我还专修过摄影课来提高我的技术。

(not only…but…)

5. 老实说,为了如期完成这项任务,我两天两夜都没睡觉。(so as to,

before the deadline)

6. 他被指控杀人,确认后被宣判死罪。(be accused of, convince)

7. 这个记者被派去报道一个受贿官员的有关新闻。



1. Only if you experience much hardship can you value happiness.

2. For the last 5 years he has concentrated all his efforts on developing his business .

3. The final decision will depend on next year’s economic conditions but in the mean while we should continue working normally.

4. Not only am I interested in photography, but I took a course at university to impro ve my skills.

5. To tell the truth, I stayed up for 2 days and nights so as to finish the task before th

e deadline.

6. He was accused of murder, convinced and sentenced to death.

7. The journalist was sent to cover the news about an official who took bribes.

Module 5 Unit 5

1. 在某人受伤时,懂得急救知识能发挥重要的作用。

(It is…that; a knowledge of; make a difference)

2. 虽然这里有许多书,但我找不到我想要的那本。(put one’s hands on; a number of)

3. 晚会上的一切都已经摆放好了,我们终于可以放松休息一下了。(in place)

4. 毫无疑问,她具有优秀网球运动员的天赋,但她必须愿意苦练。

(There is no doubt that…)

5. 为了阻止火灾蔓延, 你应当中断电源。 (cut off; prevent from)

6. 这个公司为顾客提供各式服务。 ( provide sth for sb ; a variety of)

7. 除非你用一块不会粘着皮肤的干净绷带,否则你的伤口会受感染。

(get +p.p. ; unless; stick to)

8. 他很感激我为他做的一切并把我当最好的朋友对待。(be grateful to; treat)



1. It is a knowledge of first aid that can make a real difference when someone is hurt .

2. Although there are a large number of books here, I couldn’t put my hands on the one I wanted.

3. Everything is in place for the party so we can finally relax and have a rest.

4. There is no doubt that she has the natural talent to be a great tennis player, but s he must be willing to work hard.

5. You should cut off the electricity supply to prevent the fire from spreading.

6. This company provides a variety of services for its customers.

7. Your wound may get infected unless you use a clean bandage that will not stick t o the skin.

8. He was very grateful to me for what I had done for him and treated me as his best friend.

9. The headmaster presented him with the award for excellent students.


1.为了保持健康,我叔叔经常早起去锻炼。(in order to; frequently; take exercise) 2. 比起开车,我同桌更喜欢骑自行车。(prefer to do rather than do) 3. 这是我哥第二次用英语和别人交流。(this is the second time that…) 4.即使我们发现完成这个任务有点难,我们还是提前完成了它。(even if; schedule;it形式宾语) 5. 信不信由你,没有标准英语这样东西。 6.我们班主任是一个很容易相处的人,因为她可靠,诚实且关心别人。(get along with;care about) 7.曾经我梦想成为一名科学家,但现在我对医学变得痴迷。(there was a time; dream of; be crazy about) 8.自从2008年来,安吉县的汽车数量增长迅速。(ever since; the number of;increase) 9.圣诞节快到了,孩子们迫不及待想庆祝了。 10.老师坚持我们写日记来记下这次有趣的经历。(insist; keep a diary; set down) 11. 就我而言,环境对一个人的成长起着重要的作用(in my view; growth; environment; play a part)。 12. 我堂姐星期五要去西湖。这是她第三次去那里了。(be doing; this is the … time that…) 13. 他坚定的表情告诉我们,谁都无法改变他的想法。(change one’s mind) 14、妈妈坚持认为我应该在10点以前睡觉。(insist) 15、地震发生的时候我叔叔正在楼上睡觉。(when) 16、一旦她来组织这次活动,你就知道她是一个很固执但很有决心的人。(once; determined)


苏教版必修五重点句子翻译 《陈情表》 1、祖母刘愍臣孤弱,躬亲抚养。 祖母刘氏可怜我孤单弱小,亲自抚养。 2、既无伯叔,终鲜兄弟;门衰祚薄,晚有儿息。 既没有叔叔伯伯也,没有哥哥弟弟;门庭衰微福分又浅,很晚才得到儿子。 3、臣欲奉召奔驰,则刘病日笃;欲苟顺私情,则告诉不许。 我想手捧召书马上赶路,只因刘氏的病日重一日,想姑且迁就私情,但是报告申诉又得不到准许。 4、但以刘日薄西山,气息奄奄,人命危浅,朝不虑夕。 只因为祖母刘氏已像接近西山的落日,只剩一缕将断的气息,生命十分危险,已经处于朝不保夕的境地。 5、愿陛下矜愍愚诚,听臣微志,庶刘侥幸,保卒余年。 祈望陛下能体恤我愚拙至诚之心,满足我微不足道的心愿,或许祖母刘氏能因此侥幸,最终得以安度余年。 6、臣不胜犬马怖惧之情,谨拜表以闻。 我怀着像犬马一样不胜恐惧的心情,谨此上表禀告。 7、臣以险衅,夙遭闵凶,生孩六月,慈父见背。 我因命运不好,小时候就遭遇到了不幸,刚出生六个月,我慈爱的父亲就不幸去世了8、臣少多疾病,九岁不行 我小的时候经常有病,九岁时还不会走路。 9、寻蒙国恩,除臣洗马。 不久又蒙受国家恩命,任命我为洗马。 10、臣具以表闻,辞不就职。 我全部用表章上报,加以推辞不去就职 11、过蒙拔擢,宠命优渥,岂敢盘桓,有所希冀! 过分承蒙提拔,而且恩命十分优厚,怎敢犹豫不决另有所图呢? 12、更相为命,是以区区不能废远。 因此我诚挚的内心实在是不忍废弃奉养祖母而远行。 《项脊轩志》 1、其后二年,余久卧病无聊,乃使人复葺南阁子,其制稍异于前。 又过了两年,我因久卧病榻,心情无聊,于是叫人再次整修南阁子,式样与以前稍有不同。 2、庭有枇杷树,吾妻死之年所手植也,今已亭亭如盖矣。 庭院中有一棵枇杷树,是我妻子在她去世那一年亲手栽种的,现在已长得高大挺拔,像伞盖一样了。 3、借书满架,偃仰啸歌,冥然兀坐,万簌有声。 借来书放满了架子,在这里安居休息,长啸或吟唱,静静地独自坐着,可以听到自然界的所有声音。 4、迨诸父异爨,内外多置小门墙,往往而是。 等到叔父伯父分家了,室内外添置了许多小门,到处都是。 5、庭中始为篱,已为墙,凡再变矣。 庭中开始用篱笆隔开然后用墙隔离,一共变动了两次。


Module 2 Unit 1 1.除非我们净化我们的环境,否则人类可能将无法生存。(clean up, survive) 2.这时目前为止我所看过的最好的电影中的一部。 3.他已决定去巴黎渡假,而不去伦敦。( rather than ) 4.我家门前的漂亮新车是我邻居的,不是我的。( belong to ) 5.她给我们食物和衣服,没有要求任何回报,这一切都让我们很感 激。(in return; which; grateful ) 6.他那么粗鲁地和老板说话,难怪会被解雇。( no wonder ) Keys: 1. Unless we clean up our environment, human beings may not survive. 2. This is one of the best films that I have ever seen. 3. He has decided t o go to Paris for his holiday rather than London. 4. The beautiful new car in front of my home belongs to my neighbour not me. 5. She gave us food and clothes and asked for nothing in return , which made us very grateful. 6. He talked so rudely to his boss. No wonder he was fired.

Module 2 Unit 2 1. 当午餐的铃声敲响的时候, 学生们一个接一个走出教室。(one after another) 2. 经理不在时, 他负责这个商店. (in charge of) 3. 他最终向警察承认他也加入了犯罪活动。(admit, take part in, crime) 4. 他训练了很长的一段时间,所以获得比赛的胜利是他应得的。(deserve, so) 5. 在大部分西方国家,商店明码实价,不能讨价还价。(bargain) Keys: 1.When the bell rang for lunch the students came o ut of classroom one after another. 2.He was left in charge of the shop while the man ager was away. 3.He finally admitted to the police that he had take n part in the crime as well. 4.He’s been training for a long time,so he deserved to win the race.


高中语文必修一文言文翻译重点句 1 ?君子曰:学不可以已。青,取之于蓝而青于蓝;冰,水为之而寒于水。 君子说:学习不可以停止。靛青是从蓝草中提取的,但是颜色比蓝草要更深;冰是水毀成的,但是比水更冷。 2.故木受绳则直,金就砺则利,君子博学而日参省乎己,则知明而行无过矣。所以木材经墨线画过就直了,金属刀剑拿到磨刀石上就锋利了,君子广博地学习并且每天对自己检验反省,就能智慧明达,行为没有过错了。 3?君子生非异也,善假于物也。 君子的天赋不長和一般人不同,是他们善于借助客观条件啊。 4?蟹六跪而二螯,非蛇缮之穴无可寄托者,用心躁也。 螃蟹有六只脚和两只钳夹,除了蛇洞和鳍洞就没有可以藏身的地方,是因为用心浮躁。 5?吾尝终日而思矣,不如须臾之所学也;吾尝跋而望矣,不如登高之博见也。 我曾经整天地思考,不如片刻学习的收获大;我曾提起脚后跟远望,不如登上高处看见的围广。 6、蚓无爪牙之利,筋骨之强,上食埃土,下饮黄泉,用心一也。 蚯蚓没有锋利的爪牙、坚强的筋骨,却能向上吃泥土,向下引地下水,是因为用心专一。 《师说》 1?师者,所以传道受业解惑也。 老师是传授道理、教授学业、解释疑难的人。

2?吾师道也,夫庸知其年之先后生于吾乎? 我学习的是道理,哪里要了解他的年龄是比我大还小呢? 3?是故无贵无贱,无长无少,道之所存,师之所存也。 因此,无论地位高贵还是地位低贱,不论年长还是年少,道存在的地方,也是老师存在的地方。 4?古之圣人,其出人也远矣,犹且从师而问焉;今之众人,其下圣人也亦远矣,而耻学于师。 古代的圣人,他们超过一般人很远,还要跟从老师向老师请教;现在的许多人,他们比圣人差的远了,却以向老师学习为耻。 5. 是故圣益圣,愚益愚。圣人之所以为圣,愚人之所以为愚,其皆出于此乎?所以圣人更加圣明,愚蠢的人就更加愚蠢,圣人之所以成为圣人,愚人之所以成为愚人,大概都是由于这个缘故吧。 6?彼童子之师,授之书而习其句读者,非吾所谓传其道解其惑者也。 那些教育儿童的老师,教孩子们读书,让他们学会停顿断句的,并非我所说的传授道理、解释疑难的老师。 7?问之,则曰:彼与彼年相若也,道相似也。位卑则足羞,官盛则近谀。问那些嘲笑者,他们就说/那个人与某人年龄相近,修养和学业也差不多。” 以地位低的人为师,就认为耻辱,称地位髙的人为师就被认为谄媚。 8. 巫医乐师百工之人,君子不齿,今其智乃反不能及,其可怪也欤? 巫师、医生、乐师及各种工匠,士大夫一族是不屑一提的,现在士大夫的认识反而赶不上他们,这不是很奇怪吗? 9. 是故弟子不必不如师,师不必贤于弟子。闻道有先后,术业有专攻,如是而


1、臣以险衅,夙遭闵凶。生孩六月,慈父见背。 2、祖母刘愍臣孤弱,躬亲抚养。 3、外无期功强近之亲,内无应门五尺之僮 4、前太守臣逵察臣孝廉;后刺史臣荣举臣秀才。 5、诏书特下,拜臣郎中,寻蒙国恩,除臣洗马。 6、猥以微贱,当侍东宫,非臣陨首所能上报。 7、臣欲奉诏奔驰,则刘病日笃,欲苟顺私情,则告诉不许。 8、今臣亡国贱俘,至微至陋,过蒙拔擢,宠命优渥,岂敢盘桓,有所希冀! 9、臣无祖母,无以至今日,祖母无臣,无以终余年。 10、是以区区不能废远。 11、臣之辛苦,非独蜀之人士及二州牧伯所见明知,皇天后土实所共鉴。 12、臣生当陨首,死当结草。 13、前辟四窗,垣墙周庭,以当南日,日影反照,室始洞然。 14、庭中始为篱,已为墙,凡再变矣。 15、余自束发读书轩中,一日,大母过余曰:“吾儿,久不见若影,何竟日默默在此,大类女郎 也?”比去,以手阖门,自语曰:“吾家读书久不效,儿之成,则可待乎!” 16、轩凡四遭火,得不焚,殆有神护者。 17、若望仆不相师,而用流俗人之言。 18、人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛,用之所趋异也。 19、夫人情莫不贪生恶死,念父母,顾妻子;至激于义理者不然,乃有所不得已也。 20、古者富贵而名摩灭,不可胜记,唯倜傥非常之人称焉。

21、亦欲以究天人之际,通古今之变,成一家之言。 22、仆诚以著此书,藏之名山,传之其人,通邑大都,则仆偿前辱之责(zhài). 23、今虽欲自雕琢,曼辞以自饰,无益,于俗不信,适足取辱耳。 24、屈原既放,游于江潭,行吟泽畔,颜色憔悴,形容枯槁。 25、举世皆浊我独清,众人皆醉我独醒,是以见放。 26、何故深思高举,自令放为?” 27、安能以身之察察,受物之汶汶者乎! 28、怒而飞,其翼若垂天之云。 29、去以六月息者也。 30、天之苍苍,其正色邪?其远而无所至极邪? 31、奚以之九万里而南为? 32、之二虫又何知? 33、彼且奚适也? 34、且举世誉之而不加劝,举世非之而不加沮,定乎内外之分,辩乎荣辱之境,斯已矣。 35、故夫知效一官,行比一乡,德合一君,而征一国者,其自视也亦若此矣。 36、会于会稽山阴之兰亭,修禊事也 37、所以游目骋怀,足以极视听之娱,信可乐也。 38、当其欣于所遇,暂得于己,快然自足,不知老之将至; 39、向之所欣,俯仰之间,已为陈迹,犹不能不以之兴怀;况修短随化,终期于尽。 40、固知一死生为虚诞,齐彭殇为妄作。


1.贰:从属二主)并且在与晋国结盟的情况下又与楚国结盟。 2.【敢:岂敢(怎敢);执事:敬称,您】怎敢拿这件事来麻烦您? 3. 远:边远的国家)越过别的国家把边远的地方当做边邑。 4.(厚:变雄厚;薄:变薄弱)邻国的势力雄厚了,您秦国的势力也就相对削弱了。 5.且君尝为晋君赐矣:(为:给予;赐,恩惠,好处)况且您曾经给予晋惠公恩惠。 6. 许君焦、瑕,朝济而夕设版焉:(晋惠公)许诺给您焦、瑕两邑,(但他)早上(渡过黄河)上 8.(第一个“封”:使……成为疆界;肆:扩张;第二个“封”:疆 (微:没有;夫人:这个人)没有这个人的力量,我就不会到这个地位(或。 :(因:依仗,依靠;敝:损害)依靠人家的力量反过来伤害人家,不仁慈; 11.(与:结交;“知”通“智”,明智)失掉了自己所结交的(同盟国), 12.(易:替代):用战乱来改变出兵时的整肃,是不勇武的。 13.吾其还也(其:还是):我们还是回去吧! 1.:(谒:请)即使没有太子说的这番话,我也希望向您请求赴秦了。 2.(更:改变)希望您再想想(考虑)别的办法吧! 正常语序为:顾不知计所出耳)(顾:只,仅仅):只是不知道报仇的计策 (然则:既然这样,那么;见:被;陵:欺侮,凌辱): 4.樊於期偏袒扼腕而进曰:!”:(乃今:如今)樊於期脱下一只衣袖,露出一只胳膊,抓着自己的手腕走上前说:“这是我日日夜夜咬牙切齿拍自己的胸膛表示痛心啊,如今得以听到教诲。 5.(函:用匣子):于是就收拾安放樊於期的首级,用匣子 6.(为:准备):于是准备行装派荆轲(赴秦)。 7. wǔ,逆,迎着]视:人们不敢迎着目光看(他)。 ※8. 荆轲有所待,欲与俱,其人居远未来,而为留待:荆轲等待着一个朋友,想要同(他)一起 。 9. ?丹请先遣秦武阳!”(迟:认为…迟缓):过了些时候(荆轲)还没有出发,太子嫌(他)动身晚了,怀疑他有了改变初衷和后悔的念头,就又请求他说:“日子已经不多了,荆卿难道不打算启程吗?请让我先 10.通“返”,返回)者,竖子也:现在去了而不能回来复命的,那是没出息的人! 11.(“决”通“诀”,诀别,告别):那就请让我(现在和你们)告辞诀别。 12.(荆轲)就上路了。 13.[zhǐ]之声:荆轲应和着唱歌,发出变徵的声调。


高二必修五重点句子翻译 泰兴市济川路高级中学高二语文组:蔡德培 《陈情表》 1、祖母刘愍臣孤弱,躬亲抚养。 祖母刘氏可怜我孤单弱小,亲自抚养。 2、既无伯叔,终鲜兄弟;门衰祚薄,晚有儿息。 既没有叔叔伯伯也,没有哥哥弟弟;门庭衰微福分又浅,很晚才得到儿子。 3、臣欲奉召奔驰,则刘病日笃;欲苟顺私情,则告诉不许。 我想手捧召书马上赶路,只因刘氏的病日重一日,想姑且迁就私情,但是报告申诉又得不到准许。 4、但以刘日薄西山,气息奄奄,人命危浅,朝不虑夕。 只因为祖母刘氏已像接近西山的落日,只剩一缕将断的气息,生命十分危险,已经处于朝不保夕的境地。 5、愿陛下矜愍愚诚,听臣微志,庶刘侥幸,保卒余年。 祈望陛下能体恤我愚拙至诚之心,满足我微不足道的心愿,或许祖母刘氏能因此侥幸,最终得以安度余年。 6、臣不胜犬马怖惧之情,谨拜表以闻。 我怀着像犬马一样不胜恐惧的心情,谨此上表禀告。 《项脊轩志》 1、其后二年,余久卧病无聊,乃使人复葺南阁子,其制稍异于前。 又过了两年,我因久卧病榻,心情无聊,于是叫人再次整修南阁子,式样与以前稍有不同。 2、庭有枇杷树,吾妻死之年所手植也,今已亭亭如盖矣。 庭院中有一棵枇杷树,是我妻子在她去世那一年亲手栽种的,现在已长得高大挺拔,像伞盖一样了。 《报任安书》 1、意气勤勤恳恳,若望仆不相师,而用流俗人之言。 2、而世又能与死节者比,特以为智穷罪极,不能自免,卒就死耳。 3、古今一体,安在其不辱也? 4、夫人情莫不贪生恶死,念父母,顾妻子,至激于义理者不然,乃有所不得已 也。 人之常情都是爱惜生命、厌恶死亡,顾念父母妻儿的,至于被道义激发的人就不是这样了,是因为他们有不得已的地方啊。 5、所以隐忍苟活,幽于粪土之中而不辞者,恨私心有所不尽,鄙陋没世,而文 采不表于后也。 我忍辱偷生,被除关污秽的牢房里而不肯去死的原因,是遗憾自己的心愿尚未实现,如果平平庸庸地死去,文章就不能在后世流传。 6、此人皆有所郁结,不得通其道,故述往事,思来者。 这些人都是心情有郁结,不能行其道,所以追述往事,启发后人。 7、亦欲以究天人之际,通古今之变,成一家之言。 也是想以此探究天道与人事之间的关系,弄通古今变化的规律,成为一家之说。 8、是以肠一日而九回,居则忽忽若有所亡,出则不知所如往。 《渔父》


1.君子博学而日参省乎己,则知明而行无过矣。 君子广博地学习而且每天检查反省自己,就能智慧明达并且行为没有过错了。 2.君子生非异也,善假于物也。 君子的天赋和一般人没有不同,只是他们善于借助外物罢了。 3.蚓无爪牙之利,筋骨之强,上食埃土,下饮黄泉,用心一也。 蚯蚓没有锋利的爪子和牙齿,强健的筋骨,却能向上吞食尘土,向下喝地下的泉水,是因为用心专一。 4.木直中绳,輮以为轮,其曲中规。 木材直得符合拉直的墨线,用糅的工艺把它制成车轮,它的弯度就合乎圆规的标准了。 5.虽有槁暴,不复挺者,輮使之然也。 即使又被风吹日晒而干枯了,不会再挺直,是因为用火烤使它成为这样的。 6.吾师道也,夫庸知其年之先后生于吾乎? 我以道为师,哪里用得着知道他的年龄比我大还是小呢? 7.圣人之所以为圣,愚人之所以为愚,其皆出于此乎? 圣人成为圣人的原因,愚人成为愚人的原因,大概都是由于这个缘故吧? 8.位卑则足羞,官盛则近谀。 以地位低的人为师,就足以感到羞耻;以官大的人为师,就被认为近于谄媚。 9.句读之不知,惑之不解,或师焉,或不焉,小学而大遗,吾未见其明也。 不明句读,不解决疑惑,有的从师,有的不从师,小的学了,大的却丢了,我没有看到他的明达之处。 10.彼童子之师,授之书而习其句读者,非无所谓传其道解其惑者也。 那些孩子的老师,教他读书,学习书中的文句,并不是我所说的传授那些道理解答那些疑难问题的老师。 11.余嘉其能行古道,作《师说》以贻之。 我赞赏他能履行古人之道,写《师说》来送给他。 12.少焉,月出于东山之上,徘徊于斗牛之间。 不一会儿,月亮从东山之上升起,在斗宿和牛宿之间缓慢地移动。 13.纵一苇之所如,凌万顷之茫然。 我们任凭苇叶般的小船在茫茫万顷的江面上自由飘动,越过浩荡渺远的江面。 14.固一世之雄也,而今安在哉?


外研版高一英语必修一课文逐句翻译 1.必修一MODULE 1 My First Day at Senior High升入高中的第一天 My name is Li Kang. I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing. 我叫李康,住在离北京不远的石家庄市,它是河北省的首府。It is the capital city of Hebei Province. Today is my first day at Senior High school and I'm writing down my thoughts about it. 今天是我升入高中的第一天,现在我就写写我这一天的感想。 My new school is very good and I can see why. The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing. 我的新学校非常好,理由如下,老师们很热情、很友好,而且教室很棒。Every room has a computer with a special screen, almost as big as a cinema screen. 每间教室部配备有一台电脑,电脑屏幕是像电影院屏幕大小差不多的特殊屏幕。The teachers write on the computer, and their words appear on the screen behind them. 老师在电脑上写字,这些字就出现在老师身后的屏幕上。The screens also show photographs, text and information from websites. They're brilliant! 屏幕也能显示照片、文本以及网站下载的信息。真是太棒了!The English class is really interesting. 英语课很有趣。The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms Shen.老师是一位姓沈的非常热心的女士。We're using a new textbook and Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. 由于我们使用的是新课本,沈老师的教学方法跟初中老师完全不一样。She thinks that reading comprehension is important, but we speak a lot in class, too. 她认为阅读理解很重要,而我们在课堂上说得也很多。And we have fun. I don't think I will be bored in Ms Shen's class! 我们过得很快乐。我认为上沈


《劝学》 1、青,取之于蓝而青于蓝;冰,水为之而寒于水。 靛青,是从蓝草中提取的,但是比蓝草的颜色还要青;冰,是水凝结而成的,却比水还要寒冷。 2、君子博学而日参省乎已,则知明而行无过矣。 君子广泛地学习,并且每天检验反省自己,那么他就会聪明多智,并且行为就不会有过错了。 3、假舆马者,非利足也,而致千里。 借助车马的人,并不是脚走得快,但是可以到达千里之外。 4、假舟楫者,非能水也,而绝江河。 借助舟船的人,并不是会游泳,但是可以横渡江河。 5、君子生非异也,善假于物也。 君子的本性跟一般人没什么不同,只是君子善于借助外物罢了。 6、积善成德,而神明自得,圣心备焉。 积累善行养成高尚的品德,那么精神和智慧就得到提升,圣人的心境由此具备。 7、故不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。 所以不积累一步半步的行程,就没有办法达到千里之外;不积累细小的流水,就没有办法汇成江河大海。 8、锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。 用刀雕刻一下就停止,那么腐朽的木头也刻不断;用刀雕刻永不停止,那么金石也能雕刻成功。 《师说》 9、师者,所以传道受业解惑也。 老师,是靠他来传授道理、教授学业、解释疑难问题的人。

10、惑而不从师,其为惑也,终不解矣。 有了疑惑却不跟随老师学习,那些成为疑难的问题,就始终不能解决。 11、人非生而知之者,孰能无惑? 人不是生下来就懂得道理的,谁能没有疑惑? 12、吾师道也,夫庸知其年之先后生于吾乎! 我学习道理,哪里要了解他的年龄比我大还是小呢? 13、生乎吾前,其闻道也固先乎吾。 出生在我之前的人,他得知真理本来比我早。 14、是故无贵无贱,无长无少,道之所存,师之所存也。 因此无论地位显贵还是地位低下,无论年纪大的还是年纪小的,(只要是)道理存在的地方,就是老师存在的地方。 15、圣人之所以为圣,愚人之所以为愚,其皆出于此乎? 圣人成为圣人的原因,愚人成为愚人的原因,大概都是由于这个原因而引起的吧? 16、彼童子之师,授之书而习其句读者,非吾所谓传其道解其惑者也。 那些孩子们的老师,是教孩子读书来帮助他们断句的,尚不是我所说的给人传授道理、给人解释疑惑的老师。 17、位卑则足羞,官盛则近谀。 以地位低的人为师,那是很使人丢脸的事,以官位高的人为师,就近于谄媚。” 18、巫医、乐师、百工之人,君子不齿,今其智乃反不能及,其可怪也欤! 巫医、乐师、百工这些人,君子们是不屑提及的,现在士大夫的智慧反而赶不上(这些人),多么奇怪啊! 《赤壁赋》 19、少焉,月出于东山之上,徘徊于斗牛之间。 不一会儿,月亮从东山上面升起,在斗宿和牛宿之间逗留不前。


Module 1 Unit 1 1. 好朋友就是能和你分享快乐和忧伤的人。(share…with) 2. 如果你们两停止争斗并努力好好相处,我将不胜感激。(be grateful, get along with) 3. 这是他第一次用电子邮件与笔友交流。(the first time, communicate with) 4. 爱好是不会让你感到厌倦的——你投入的时间越长,乐趣越多。 (the more… the more; devote to; get tired of) 5.网络使人们即使身处世界的不同角落也完全可能面对面地交流。(face to face; even if;entirely) 6.根据新闻报道,是天气决定神舟七号发射的准确时间。(according to, it is ….that强调句 ) Keys: 1. A best friend is someone who can share happines s and sorrow with you. 2. I would be grateful if the two of you stopped fighting and tried to get along with each other. 3. This is the first time he has used e-mail to communicate with his pen pal. 4. A hobby is s

omething that you never get tired of—the more time you devote to it, the more fun y ou have. 5. Because of the Internet it is now entirely pos sible for people to communicate face to face, ev en if they are in different parts of the world. 6. According to the news report, it is the weathe r that will determine the exact launch time of Shenzhou Seven. Module 1 Unit 2 1.现在, 每年有超过100万的旅客来广州观光旅游. (at present, more than) 2. 他们的友谊是建立在多年相互开放沟通的基础上的. (base on, communication) 3. 世界淡水资源十分有限,因此我们必须充分利用。 (make use of, resources) 4. 我将十分乐意参加任何能丰富我对世界认识的讨论。(take part in, enrich) 5. 不管你相不相信, 我们已经逐渐地可以用英语流利地表达自己了. (believe it or not, gradually, express, fluently)

必修一至必修五文言文重点 语句翻译

必修一至必修五文言文重点语句翻译 【必修一重要语句翻译】 1.越国以鄙远,君知其难也。焉用亡郑以陪邻? 译文:越过别国而把远方的郑国当做边邑,您知道那是很难的。为什么要灭掉郑国而给邻国增加土地呢 2.因人之力而敝之,不仁;失其所与,不知;以乱易整,不武。吾其还也。 译文:依靠别人的力量却又反过来损害他,这是不仁道的;失掉自己的同盟者,这是不明智的;用散乱代替整齐,这是不符合武德的。我们还是回去吧。 3.微太子言,臣愿得谒之。今行而无信,则秦未可亲也。 译文:即使太子不说,我也要请求行动。(只是)现在去却没有什么凭信之物,那就无法接近秦王。 4.然则将军之仇报,而燕国见陵之耻除矣。 译文:这样,那么将军的仇就报了,燕国被欺侮的耻辱也就除掉了。5.私见张良,具告以事,欲呼张良与俱去。 译文:(项伯)私下会见张良,详细地告诉他项羽将发动进攻的事,想叫张良跟他一同离去。 6.所以遣将守关者,备他盗之出入与非常也。 译文:(我)派军队把守函谷关的原因,是防备其他盗贼进来和意外的变故的发生。 【必修二重要语句翻译】 1.夫人之相与,俯仰一世。或取诸怀抱,悟言一室之内;或因寄所托,放浪形骸之外。 译文:人与人相交往,很快便度过一生。有的人倾吐自己的胸怀抱负,在室内畅谈;有的人就着自己所爱好的事物,寄托自己的情怀,

不受约束,自由放纵地生活。 2.每览昔人兴感之由,若合一契,未尝不临文嗟悼,不能喻之于怀。译文:每当我看到古人对死生发生感慨的原因,(跟我所感慨的)如同符契那样相合,未曾不面对着他们的文章而嗟叹感伤,在心里又不能清楚地说明。 3.盖将自其变者而观之,则天地曾不能以一瞬。 译文:如果从那变动的一面看,那么天地间万事万物(时刻在变动),连一眨眼的工夫都不停止。 4.是造物者之无尽藏也,而吾与子之所共适。 译文:这是自然界无穷无尽的宝藏,我和你可以共同享受。 【必修三重要语句翻译】 1.谨庠序之教,申之以孝悌之义。 译文:认真地兴办学校教育,把尊敬父母敬爱兄长的道理反复讲给百姓听。 2.青,取之于蓝,而青于蓝。 译文:靛青,是从蓼蓝中取得的,但比蓼蓝的颜色更深。 3.故木受绳则直,金就砺则利,君子博学而日参省乎己,则知明而行无过矣。 译文:所以木材经墨线比量过就变直了,刀剑拿到磨刀石上去磨就锋利了,君子广泛地学习并且每天对自己检查反省,就会智慧明达而且行为不会有过失了。 4.有席卷天下,包举宇内,囊括四海之意,并吞八荒之心。 译文:有席卷天下,征服九州,横扫四海的意图,并吞八方荒远之地的雄心。 5.胡人不敢南下而牧马,士不敢弯弓而报怨。


翻译下列句子 1、以其无礼于晋,且贰于楚也。晋军函陵,秦军氾难。 译: 2、佚之狐言于郑伯曰:“国危矣,若使烛之武见秦君,师必退。” 译: 3、臣之壮也,犹不如人;今老矣,无能为也已。 译: 4、吾不能早用子,今急而求子,是寡人之过也。 译: 5、若亡郑而有益于君,敢以烦执事。越国以鄙远,君知其难也。焉用亡郑以陪邻?邻之厚,君之薄也。 译: 6、若舍郑以为东道主,行李之往来,共其乏困,君亦无所害。 译: 7、且君尝为晋军赐矣,许君焦瑕,朝济而夕设版焉,君之所知也。 译: 8、夫晋,何厌之有?既东封郑,又欲肆其西封,若不阙秦,将焉取之?阙秦以利晋,唯君图之。秦伯说,与郑人盟。 译: 9、微夫人之力不及此。因人之力而敝之,不仁;失其所与,不知;以乱易整,不武。吾其还也。 译: 10、微太子言,臣愿得谒之,今行而无信,则秦未可亲也。 译: 11、秦王必说见臣,臣乃得有以报太子。 译: 12、樊将军以穷困来归丹,丹不忍以己之私,而伤长者之意,愿足下更虑之。译: 13、"秦之遇将军,可谓深矣。父母宗族,皆为戮没。 译: 14、樊将军仰天太息流涕曰:“吾每念,常痛于骨髓,顾计不知所出耳!”

15、臣左手把其袖,而右手揕其胸,然则将军之仇报,而燕国见陵之耻除矣。译: 16、今提一匕首入不测之强秦,仆所以留者,待吾客与俱。今太子迟之,请辞决矣! 译: 17、太子及宾客知其事者,皆白衣冠以送之。至易水上,既祖,取道。 译: 18、复为慷慨羽声,士皆瞋目,发尽上指冠。於是荆轲遂就车而去,终已不顾。译: 19、既至秦,持千金之资币物,厚遗秦王宠臣中庶子蒙嘉。 译: 20、燕王诚振怖大王之威,不敢兴兵以拒大王,愿举国为内臣,比诸侯之列。译: 21、至陛下,秦武阳色变振恐,群臣怪之,荆轲顾笑武阳,前为谢曰:"北蛮夷之鄙人,未尝见天子,故振慑,愿大王少假借之,使毕使于前。 译: 22、诸郎中执兵,皆阵殿下,非有诏不得上。 译: 23、是时,侍医夏无且以其所奉药囊提轲。秦王方还柱走,卒惶急不知所为。译: 24、轲自知事不就,倚柱而笑,箕踞以骂曰:“事所以不成者,乃欲以生劫之,必得约契以报太子也。” 译: 25、遂拔以击荆轲,断其左股。荆轲废,乃引其匕首提秦王,不中,中柱。秦王复击轲,被八创。 译:


高一英语必修一句子翻译及小作文 必修一M1 1.很荣幸参加你的生日宴会。(honor) 2.现在他的工作进展得非常顺利。(get along with ) 3.使我大为惊奇的是,他能把这首诗从头至尾背诵出来。 4.你对高中生做兼职有什么看法? 5.他的演讲给我留下了深刻的印象。 6.他的研究涉及的范围很广。 His studies covered a wide field. 7.众所周知,一年分为四季。 ★话题写作:根据提示,完成小作文。 1. 我在天津一中学习,它完全不同于我在初中的学校。(nothing like ) 2. 这儿的老师好极了,他们热情,对待工作态度积极。(brilliant,enthusiastic,have a positive attitude towards) 3. 他们的教学方法给我留下了深刻印象以至于我期盼着每一节课。(method, be impressed with, look forward to ) 4. 放学后,男老师邀请一些学生参加诸如打篮球、踢足球这样的活动。(take part in) 5. 我认为在他们的教导下我会做得更好。(instruction) M2 1.我代表家人欢迎你的到来。(on behalf of ) 2.我从你的演讲中受益匪浅。(benefit from )

3.他躺在草地上,两眼望着天空。(with) 4.如果不去尝试,我们永远都不知道我们会成功。(unless) 5.解出这道题很难。(it) 6.我宁愿在家里读点书,也不愿意与他们去购物。(would rather…than / prefer…to …) 7.由于交通阻塞,他迟到了。 ★话题作文:根据提示完成下面的小作文 1.保罗是我们的英语老师,他精力充沛而且有趣。(energetic,amusing) 2. 他非常热爱教育事业,对我们很有耐心。(patient) 3. 为了确保我们每个人理解他的课,他采用多种教学方法。(make sure) 4. 然而,他对我们也很严格。(strict) 5. 如果我们在作业中犯错误,他要求我们立刻改正并做类似的练习。(make mistakes) 6. 因此,我们在做作业时都很细心,避免犯错误。(as a result, avoid) 7.有保罗教我们,我们在英语上都取得了进步。(with 符合结构,make progress) 8. 我们都感激他,因他努力工作而尊重他。(appreciate,respect) 9.我认为在他的帮助下,我们能被大学录取。(admit) M3 1.那个男孩躺在床上看报纸。(现在分词短语作状语) 2.我从来没想到玛丽会成为一名成功的女演员。(make it) 3.你认为他要和谁一起去那里?


必修一重点文言句子 翻译下列句子 《左传》 1.若舍郑以为东道主,行李之往来,共其乏困,君亦无所害。 2.夫晋,何厌之有? 3.既东封郑,又欲肆其西封,若不阙秦,将焉取之? 4.微夫人之力不及此。 5.因人之力而敝之,不仁;失其所与,不知;以乱易整,不武。吾其还也。《荆轲刺秦王》 1、秦兵旦暮渡易水,则虽欲长侍足下,岂可得哉?

2、微太子言,臣愿得谒之,今行而无信,则秦未可亲也。 3、樊将军以穷困来归丹,丹不忍以己之私,而伤长者之意,愿足下更虑之! 4、吾每念,常痛于骨髓,顾计不知所出耳。 5、秦王必说见臣,臣乃得有以报太子。 6、臣左手把其袖,而右手揕其胸,然则将军之仇报,而燕国见陵之耻除矣。

7.太子及宾客知其事者,皆白衣冠以送之。 8.既至秦,持千金之资币物,厚遗秦王宠臣中庶子蒙嘉。 9、愿大王少假借之,使毕使于前。 10、轲既取图奉之,发图,图穷而匕首见(xiàn)。 11、事所以不成者,乃欲以生劫之,必得约契以报太子也。 《鸿门宴》句子翻译 1旦日飨.士卒,为.击破沛公军! 2楚左尹项伯者,项羽季父也,素善 ..留侯张良。 3张良曰:“谁为.大王为.此计者?”4距.关,毋内.诸侯,秦地可尽王也。

5张良曰:“秦时与臣游.,项伯杀人,臣活.之;今事有急,故幸.来告良。”6籍.吏民,封府库,而待将军。 7旦日不可不蚤.自来谢.项王。 8不如因.善遇.之。 9所以 ..遣将守关者,备他盗之出入与 非常 ..也。 10将军战河北 ..,然不自意 ..,臣战河南 能先入关破秦,得复见将军于此。 11今者有小人之言,令将军与臣有郤.。 12项王即日因.留沛公与饮。 13若.入前为寿,寿毕,请以剑舞,因.击沛公于坐,杀之。 14不者 ..皆且为.所虏。 ..,若属


Anne’s Best Friend Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through? Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend. Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War Ⅱ. Her family was Jewish so nearly twenty-five months before they were discovered. During that time the only true friend was her diary. She said, ”I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty.” Now read how she felt after being in the hiding place since July 1942. Thursday 15th June, 1944 Dear Kitty, I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. That’s changed since I was here. …For example, one evening when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by my self. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didn’t dare open a window. Another time five months ago, I happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open. I didn’t go downstairs until the window bad to be shut. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power; it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face… …Sadly …I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows. It’s no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced. Yours, Anne


Unit 1 Friendship 句子翻译 1. 你把所有的数加起来就会知道结果。(add up) 2. 我们努力想让他平静下来,但他还是激动地大叫。(calm down ) 3. Mary 在医院里住了很长一段时间后,恢复了健康。(recover) 4. 李鸣在这里定居后,和邻居们相处得很好。(settle, get along with ) 5. 如果你不想和我在一起,你就收拾东西走人。(pack up) 6. 战争期间,我受了很多苦。我用日记记下自己的经历,以便老了以后能够记住。(suffer, set down) 7. 他告诉我他并不是故意打碎杯子的。(on purpose) 8. 为了不错过第一趟火车,他起得很早。(in order to) 9. 如果你能给我回复我会很感激。(grateful ) 10. 正是在这个我们开会的房间我找到了钥匙。(It was...that... 强调句型) 11. 他打电话来时,我刚好在巴黎。(happen to do) 12. 直到他叫我我才认出他。(用not until 的三种句型普通句倒装句强调句) 13. 这是我第一次参观长城。(it’s the first time that... ) 14. 我想表达我对他的关心之情,但他对我不理不睬。(concern, ignore) 15. 姐姐问我是否要和她一起去看电影。(间接引语)

Key: 1 You will know the result when you add up all the numbers. 2 We tried to calm him down but he kept shouting excitedly. 3 After a long stay in hospital, Mary recovered. 4 Since Li Ming settled here ,he has got along well with his neighbors. 5 If you don ’t want to stay with me, you can pack your things up and go. 6 During the war,I suffered a lot, I wrote my diary to set down my experiences so I would remember them when I was old. 7. He told me that he did not break the cup on purpose. 8. In order not to miss the first train, he got up early. 9. I would be very grateful if you could give me a reply. 10. It was in the room where we had held the meeting that I found the key. 11. I happened to be in Paris when he called. 12. It was not until he called my name that I recognized him. I didn ’t recognize him until he called my name. Not until he called my name did I recognize him. 13. It ’s the first time that I have visited the Great Wall. 14. I tried to express my concern for him, but he ignored me . 15. My sister asked me if I wanted to go to the movie with her.
