


人生的选择无处不在,有的选择很简单,有的选择则很艰难。而艰难的选择并不都是大的抉择,甚至中午吃什么也会变得很艰难。所以面对艰难选择,我们应该如何抉择?本期TED演讲者Ruth Chang将告诉我们,面对艰难选择,我们一开始的方向就错了。下面是小编为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:你该如何面对艰难选择,欢迎借鉴参考。

How to make hard choices

演讲者:Ruth Chang

| 中英对照演讲稿 |

Think of a har d choice you’ll face in the near future. It might be between two careers--artist and accountant--or places to live--the city or the country--or even between two people to marry--you could marry Betty or you could marry Lolita. Or it might be a choice about whether to have children, to have an ailing parent move in with you, to raise your child in a religion that your partner lives by but leaves you cold. Or whether to donate your life savings to charity.

设想在不久的未来,你将面对一个艰难的决定。这也许是在两份职业中做出一个选择,艺术家还是会计师;也许是选择居住的地方,城市还是乡村;也许是在两个人中选择和谁结婚,Betty 或者是Lolita;抑或思


Chances are, the hard choice you thought of was something big, something momentous, something that matters to you. Hard choices seem to be occasions for agonizing, hand-wringing, the gnashing of teeth. But I think we’ve misunderstood hard choices and the role they play in our lives. Understanding hard choicesuncovers a hidden power each of us possesses.


What makes a choice hard is the way the alternatives relate. In any easy choice, one alternative is better than the other. In a hard choice, one alternative is better in some ways, the other alternative is better in other ways, and neither is better than the other overall. You agonize over whether to stay in your current job in the city or uproot your life for more challenging work in

the country, because staying is better in some ways,moving is better in others, and neither is better than the other overall.


We shouldn’t think that all hard choices are big. Let’s say you’re deciding what to have for breakfast. You could have high fiber bran cereal or a chocolate donut. Suppose what matters in the choice is tastiness and healthfulness. The cereal is better for you, the donut tastes way better, but neither is better than the other overall, a hard choice.


Realizing that small choices can also be hard, may make big hard choices seem less intractable. After all, we manage to figure

out what to have for breakfast, so maybe we can figure out whether to stay in the city or uproot for the new job in the country.


We also shouldn’t think that hard choices are hard because we are stupid. When I graduated from college, I couldn’t decide between two careers, philosophy and law. I really loved philosophy. There are amazing things you can learn as a philosopher, and all from the comfort of an armchair. But I came from a modest immigrant family where my idea of luxury was having a pork tongue and jelly sandwich in my school lunchbox, so the thought of spending my whole life sitting around in armchairs just thinking ... Well, that struck me as the height of extravagance and frivolity.



So I got out my yellow pad, I drew a line down the middle, and I tried my best to think of the reasons for and against each alternative. I remember thinking to myself, if only I knew what my life in each career would be like. If only God or Netflix would send me a DVD of my two possible future careers, I’d be set. I’d compare them side by side, I’d see that one was better, and the choice would be easy.


But I got no DVD, and because I couldn’t figure out which was better, I did what many of us do in hard choices: I took the safest option. Fear of being an unemployed philosopher led me to become a lawyer, a nd as I discovered, lawyering didn’t quite fit. It wasn’t who I was.



So now I’m a philosopher, and I study hard choices, and I can tell you, that fear of the unknown, while a common motivational default in dealing with hard choices, rests on a misconception of them.


It’s a mistake to think that in hard choices, one alternative really is better than the other, but we’re too stupid to know which, and since we don’t know which, we might as well take the least risky option. Even taking two alternatives side by side with full information, a choice can still be hard. Hard choices are hard not b ecause of us or our ignorance; they’re hard because there is no best option.


Now, if there’s no best option, if the scales don’t tip in

favor of one alternative over another, then surely the alternatives must be equally good. So maybe the right thing to say in hard choices is that they’re between equally good options. But that can’t be right. If alternatives are equally good, you should just flip a coin between them, and it seems a mistake to think, here’s how you should decide between careers, places to live, people to marry: Flip a coin.


There’s another reason for thinking that hard choices aren’t choices between equally good options. Suppose you have a choice between two jobs: you could be an investment banker or a graphic artist. There are a variety of things that matter in such a choice, like the excitement of the work, achieving financial security,having time to raise a family, and so on.



Maybe the artist’s career puts you on the cutting edge of new forms of pictorial expression. Maybe the banking career puts you on the cutting edge of new forms of financial manipulation.


Imagine the two jobs however you like, so that neither is better than the other.Now suppose we improve one of them, a bit. Suppose the bank, wooing you, adds 500 dollars a month to your salary. Does the extra money now make the banking job better than the artist one? Not necessarily. A higher salary makes the banking job better than it was before, but it might not be enough to make being a banker better than being an artist.


But if an improvement in one of the jobs doesn’t mak e it better

than the other, then the two original jobs could not have been equally good. If you start with two things that are equally good, and you improve one of them, it now must be better than the other. That’s not the case with options in hard choices.


So now we’ve got a puzzle. We’ve got two jobs. Neither is better than the other, nor are they equally good.So how are we supposed to choose? Something seems to have gone wrong here. Maybe the choice itself is problematic, and comparison is impossible. But that can’t be right. It’s not like we’re trying to choose between two things that can’t be compared. We’re weighing the merits of two jobs, after all, not the merits of the number nine and a plate of fried eggs. A comparison of the overall merits of two jobs is something we can make, and one we often do make.

那么现在我们就有一个疑惑了。这两份工作,没有一方能完胜另一方,但又不是同等的好。究竟该怎么选择呢? 貌似有些事情出错了。可能选项的本身就存在问题,导致我们无法比较。但这也不对啊。我们并


I think the puzzle arises because of an unreflective assumption we make about value. We unwittingly assume that values like justice, beauty, kindness, are akin to scientific quantities, like length, mass and weight. Take any comparative question not involving value, such as which of two suitcases is heavier. There are only three possibilities.


The weight of one is greater, lesser or equal to the weight of the other. Properties like weight can be represented by real numbers -- one, two, three and so on -- and there are only three possible comparisons between any two real numbers. One number is greater, lesser, or equal to the other.Not so with values.

其中一个的重量大于、小于或等于另一个。像重量这样的性质能够用真实的数字来表达——1,2,3…… 而且在两个数字间的比较中只有三


As post-Enlightenment creatures, we tend to assume that scientific thinking holds the key to everything of importance in our world, but the world of value is different from the world of science. The stuff of the one world can be quantified by real numbers. The stuff of the other world can’t. We shouldn’t assume that the world of is, of lengths and weights, has the same structure as the world of ought, of what we should do.


So if what matters to us -- a child’s delight, the love you have for your partner —can’t be represented by real numbers, then th ere’s no reason to believe that in choice, there are only three possibilities -- that one alternative is better, worse or equal to the other. We need to introduce a new, fourth relation beyond being better, worse or equal, that describes what’s going on in hard choices. I like to say that the alternatives are “on

a par.”


When alternatives are on a par, it may matter very much which you choose, but one alternative isn’t better than the other. Rather, the alternatives are in the same neighborhood of value, in the same league of value, while at the same time being very different in kind of value. That’s w hy the choice is hard.


Understanding hard choices in this way uncovers something about ourselves we didn’t know. Each of us has the power to create reasons. Imagine a world in which every choice you face is an easy choice, that is, there’s always a best alternative. If there’s a best alternative, then that’s the one you should choose,because

part of being rational is doing the better thing rather than the worse thing, choosing what you have most reason to choose.


In such a world, we’d have most reason to wear black socks instead of pink socks,to eat cereal instead of donuts, to live in the city rather than the country, to marry Betty instead of Lolita.

A world full of only easy choices would enslave us to reasons.


When you think about it,it’s nuts to believe that the reasons given to you dictated that you had most reason to pursue the exact hobbies you do, to live in the exact house you do, to work at the exact job you do. Instead, you faced alternatives that were on a par -- hard choices -- and you made reasons for yourself to choose that hobby, that house and that job.



When alternatives are on a par, the reasons given to us, the ones that determine whether we’re making a mistake, are silent as to what to do. It’s here, in the space of hard choices, that we get to exercise our normative power -- the power to create reasons for yourself, to make yourself into the kind of person for whom country living is preferable to the urban life.


When we choose between options that are on a par, we can do something really rather remarkable. We can put our very selves behind an option. Here’s where I stand. Here’s who I am, I am for banking. I am for chocolate donuts.



This response in hard choices is a rational response, but it’s not dictated by reasons given to us. Rather, it’s supported by reasons created by us. When we create reasons for ourselves to become this kind of person rather than that, we wholeheartedly become the people that we are. You might say that we become the authors of our own lives.


So when we face hard choices, we shouldn’t beat our head against a wall trying to figure out which alternative is better. There is no best alternative. Instead of looking for reasons out there, we should be looking for reasons in here: Who am I to be? You might decide to be a pink sock-wearing, cereal-loving, country-living banker, and I might decide to be a black sock-wearing, urban, donut-loving artist. What we do in hard choices is very much up to each of us.


Now, people who don’t exercise their normative powers in hard choices are drifters. We all know people like that. I drifted into being a lawyer. I didn’t put my agency behind lawyering. I wasn’t for lawyering. Drifters allow the world to write the story of their lives. They let mechanisms of reward and punishment -- pats on the head, fear, the easiness of an option -- to determine what they do. So the lesson of hard choices: reflect on what you can put your agency behind, on what you can be for, and through hard choices, become that person.



Far from being sources of agony and dread, hard choices are precious opportunities for us to celebrate what is special about the human condition, that the reasons that govern our choices as correct or incorrectsometimes run out, and it is here, in the space of hard choices, that we have the power to create reasons for ourselves to become the distinctive people that we are. And that’s why hard choices are not a curse but a godsend.


Thank you.(Applause)



当越来越多的听众沉迷于研究演讲的技巧时,其实有一些简单易行的方法可能直接影响你演讲的最终效果。以下是一些在准备演讲、练习演讲以及提升演讲技巧方面的小窍门。必须一提的是,每一个小技巧都出自一个精彩TED演讲内容。你不仅能从这些伟大的演讲者身上学到这些实用技巧,更可以拓宽你的思路。 本文原本于刊登于美国著名《INC.》主流商业报刊网站上,英锐君特意进行中文翻译以方便更多的人学习到这些极为有用演讲的技巧。 1别忘了给听众一些能带回家的话 Dan Ariely:别忘了时常给听众讲一些易于操作的方法。因为无论你的演讲信息 多么鼓舞人心,其实听众更关心的是能从中学到任何可实践的方法。有启发的演讲当然很棒,但远比不上一个实用的点子:请永远不用害怕去说“今晚,还在苦 苦挣扎的他们,明天这些观念和方法就会拯救他们”。 2回答问题时,不要迟疑 Malcolm Gladwell:如果在你正在演讲的过程中,突然有人打断你来问问题。那其实很棒,说明有人在听啊!请抓住这个时机。如果这个问题是你之后幻灯片里将提到的,可以先行跳过(如果你已经熟练应对这样的处境)。其实,最好的演讲就像在舒服的对话一般,即便看上去像是单向的。所以,不要放过任何可制造互动的机会,也绝不要试图脱离你的听众。 3问一个你也无法做到的问题 Nigel Marsh:当你问听众问题时,他们总显得很被动。相反,如果当你问一个你已经预设听众“做不到”的问题时,你同样也可自我回答“没关系,其实我也做不到”。接着就解释你为什么做不到以及哪些是你试图做到的。其实,大部分的演讲者总是看上去光鲜的,事实上他们同样在工作生活上也常常感到无能为力,只是他们愿不愿意承认罢了。适时地承认自己的“无能”不仅可以给人亲切感,听众也更愿意听你“有能”的地方。


Protect environment ,beginning from me! Hello,everyone.My name is Li Zhaorui,I come from Xiaoyu school, today, I’m very glad to have a chance to give a speech here.My speech topic is protect environment,beginning from me!But I’m a bit nervous because I’ve never made a speech before so many people ,so please forgive me if I make some mistakes. We live in the world every day. We eat food, drink water, wear clothes, watch TV, use computers and so on. We are producing waste every moment. We have only one earth. But the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse .In some places . we can’t see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills. Some people even have no clean water to drink. So many of them lose their lives because of water. In a lot of countries, people have to cut trees for living. So there's nothing to keep water from running away. Also we have polluted the land, the river and the air. So we have to face more and more floods and droughts . When I was a little girl ,I always dreamed that I lived in a beautiful country. There were many flowers and trees around our city.We could hear the birds singing and see the children dancing. The streets were clear and the the air was very fresh! How nice it was!But that only was a dream of mine!How I wish that it would be come true! So I think we should do something to protect our environment. Everyone should make a contribution to protect the environment. But what can we do? How to protect our environmemt? For example, we can go to school on foot or by bike . we can use shopping baskets not plastic bags .when we go shopping and we can use both sides of the paper when we write .In a word ,if


英语演讲稿:保护环境 环境英语演讲稿 1 It provides people the great opportunity to see everything there is to see and to go any place there is to has bee a lifestyle for some people,and has turned out to be the driving force in GDP growth,it has the magic to turn a backward town into a wonderland of prosperity. 2 According to a survey by China Biosphere National Council, 22% of nature preserves in china have been damaged as a result of the development of tourism, 11% of natural resources have degenerated. 3 The nature is harmonious because of the chain of life that exists is possible for us to maintain a balance between the needs of man and the needs of the nature. But the nature is also minor damage in one link may result in an ecological disaster. 4 So let's shake hands together now as friends and see what we can do to make our one and only home a place of love and harmony. Just think what a woundful world it will be! XX


张彤禾 HI,So I'd like to talk little bit about the people 嗨,今天我想来探讨一下 Who make the things we use every day; 这些为我们制造日常用品的人们: Our shoes,our handbags,our computers and cell phones, 例如我们的鞋子,手提包,电脑,还有手机。 Now, this is a conversatuon that often calls up a lot of guilt. 这个话题时常让我们觉得很内疚。 Imagine the teenage farm girl who makes less than 想象一下,一个年轻的农村女孩给你缝制跑步鞋 a dollar an hour stitching your running shoes, 可每个小时还赚不到一美金, Or the young Chinese man who jumps off a rooftop 又或者是那个加班为你组装ipad的中国小伙子 after working overtime assembling your ipad 在加班之后从楼上跳了下来。 We,the beneficiaries of globalization,seem to exploit 我们,是全球化的受益者, These victims with every purchase we make, 可每笔交易却似乎都是在剥削那些受害者, and the injustice 而这种不公平 Feels embedded in the products themselves. 似乎也深深烙印在这些产品之中。 After all, what’s wrong with the world in which a worker 总而言之,这个世界到底怎么了? On an iphone assembly line can’t even afford to buy one? 一个在组装iphone 生产线上的员工却买不起一台iphone?It's taken for granted that chinese factories are oppressive, 人们理所当然地认为,中国的工厂就是应该被压榨的,And that it’s our desire for cheap goods 因为我们渴求便宜的产品 That makes them so。 造成了这样的局面。 So,this simple narrative equating Weatern demand 很显然,西方社会的需求 And Chinese suffering is appealing, 和中国人对他们遭遇的申诉被连接在一起, especially at a time when many of us already feel guilty 尤其是当我们中的很多人已经因为我们对世界影响 About our impact on the world, 而感到了内疚, But it's also inaccurate and disrespectful.


关于环境保护的英语演讲稿(精选多篇) 第一篇:保护环境英语演讲稿保护环境英语演讲稿 i’m worried about my country. there is polution everywhere. it’s time to do something about it. we need fresh air to breathe. we need pure water to drink. we need a clean environment to be healthy. people have to stop littering. we have to respect our surroundings. we must become friends of the earth. first,everyone must get involved. everyone must lend a hand. together we can clean up our neiborhoods. second,we can practice conservation. we can reduce waste and reuse things. we can recycle paper,bottles,and plastic. third,we can put up more “don’t litter” signs. we can trashcans on every corner. we can pick up garbage when we see it. we must take action to fight pollution.


TED英语演讲稿 When you are a kid, you get asked this one particular question a lot, it really gets kind of annoying. What do you want to be when you grow up? Now, adults are hoping for answers like, I want to be an astronaut or I want to be a neurosurgeon, youre adults in your imaginations. Kids, theyre most likely to answer with pro-skateboarder, surfer or minecraft player. I asked my little brother, and he said, seriously dude, Im 10, I have no idea, probably a pro-skier, lets go get some ice cream. See, us kids are going to answer something were stoked on, what we think is cool, what we have experience with, and thats typically the opposite of what adults want to hear. But if you ask a little kid, sometimes youll get the best answer, something so simple, so obvious and really profound. When I grow up, I want to be happy. For me, when I grow up, I want to continue to be happy like I am now. Im stoked to be here at TedEx, I mean, Ive been watching Ted videos for as long as I can remember, but I never thought Id make it on the stage here so soon. I mean, I just became a teenager, and like most teenage boys, I spend most of my time wondering,


环境保护的英语演讲稿 演讲稿一: We live in the world every day. We eat food, drink water, wear clothes, watch TV, use computers and so on. We are producing waste every moment. Generally speaking, there are four sorts of waste. They are material waste, organic waste, inorganic waste and poisonous & harmful waste. Now, we are going to talk about each sort of waste one by one. Material waste: it means the waste of substance or things from which something else can be made. For example, people throw away the used metal products and buy a new one, so the old metal waste accumulates. At last, they become waste. For example, when people finish reading newspaper, the paper will become waste. When the glass is broken, it also becomes waste. Nobody wants to use a broken window or drink with a broken glass or wear a pair of broken glasses. Once it is broken, it becomes waste. The rate of using plastics is increasing day by day. People use plastic bags because they are convenient. When they get home, they throw the plastics way, paying no attention to the environment. The more convenience plastics brings to us, the more plastic waste is produced. This is called “white pollution” as most plastics are white. Some of our products we use every day are made of rubber, just like the tyres and the bottom part of our shoes. It’s true that rubber plays an important role in our life. However, it also brings us some trouble when it has been used for a long time and becomes old. The old tyres become waste because it can’t break down by nature. This is really a big problem. 演讲稿二: Hello: everyone!Now I want to talk about a beatiful world! When I was young,I always dreamed that I lived in a beautiful country. There were many flowers and trees around our city.We counld hear the birds singing and see the children dancing. The streets were clear and the the air was very fresh! How nice it was!But that only was a dream of mine!How I wish that it would be come true! So I think we should do something to protect our environment. Everyone should make a contribution to protect the environment.


Richard St.John在Ted 英语演讲:成功的八个秘诀(中英双语) 2014-09-08 激情,刻苦,精通,专注,强迫,服务,点子,坚持,这就是成功的秘诀 This is really a two-hour presentation I give to high school students, cut down to three minutes. And it all started one day on a plane, on my way to TED, seven years ago. And in the seat next to me was a

high school student, a teenager, and she came from a really poor family. 这真的是一个我给高中学生做的2个小时的演讲现在缩到了3分钟所有的一切都是从7年前的一天开始,我坐在飞往TED会议的飞机上。在我邻座坐的是一个高中生,一个十几岁的年轻人。她生于一个贫穷的家庭而且她的愿望是成就一番事业所以她问了我一个简单的小问题。 And she wanted to make something of her life, and she asked me a simple little question. She said, "What leads to success?" And I felt

really badly, because I couldn't give her a good answer. So I get off the plane, and I come to TED. And I think, jeez, I'm in the middle of a room of successful people! So why don't I ask them what helped them succeed, and pass it on to kids? So here we are, seven years, 500 interviews later, and I'm gonna tell you what really leads to success and makes TED-sters tick. 她说:“怎样做才能成功呢?”我当时觉得糟透了因为我不能给她一个满意的答案后来我下了飞机,来到TED 忽然间我想到,天啊,我置身于一屋子成功人士之中!

英语演讲稿 环境保护

Dear headmasters,teachers,classmates and friends: I’m very proud that I have chosen to speak to you all today, I’m a bit nervous as I’ve never made a speech before to so many people ,so ple ase forgive me if it shows. As we all know,the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse . In some places we can’t see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills. Some people even have no clean water to drink. So I think we mu st do something to protect the environment. .But what can we do? How to protect our environmemt? For example, we can go to school on foot or by bike . we can use shopping basskets not plastic bags .when we g o shopping and we can use both sides of the paper when we write .In a word ,if everyone pays more attention to our environment ,there will be less pollution and our life will be better. “There is only one earth”,I hope everyone will protect our environment w ell. Thanks! 亲爱的校长、老师、同学和朋友: 今天,我很自豪的是,我已经选择与你说话,我有一点紧张,我从来没有在这么多人面前讲话,就请原谅我是否会表现出来的。 我们都知道,我们周围的环境越来越糟了,在某些地方,我们不能看到鱼在河里游泳或树木在小山。一些人甚至没有干净的水喝。所以我认为我们必须做些什么来保护环境。,但是我们


ted演讲稿中英文对照 小编今天推荐给大家的是 ted演讲稿中英文对照,仅供参考,希望对大家有用。关注网获得更多内容。 ted演讲稿中英文对照 Hi. I'm here to talk to you about the importance of praise, admiration and thank you, and having it be specific and genuine. 嗨。我在这里要和大家谈谈向别人表达赞美,倾佩和谢意的重要性。并使它们听来真诚,具体。 And the way I got interested in this was, I noticed in myself, when I was growing up, and until about a few years ago, that I would want to say thank you to someone, I would want to praise them, I would want to take in their praise of me and I'd just stop it. And I asked myself, why? I felt shy, I felt embarrassed. And then my question became, am I the only one who does this? So, I decided to investigate. 之所以我对此感兴趣是因为我从我自己的成长中注意到几年前,当我想要对某个人说声谢谢时,当我想要赞美他们时,当我想接受他们对我的赞扬,但我却没有说出口。我问我自己,这是为什么? 我感到害羞,我感到尴尬。接着我产生了一个问题难道我是唯一一个这么做的人吗?


环境保护英文演讲稿5篇 我们是21世纪的主人,具有环保意识是现代文明人的标志。我们要有时代感责任感,要心系全球,着眼身边,立足校园。“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之”,让我们积极行动起来,从身边的小事做起,培养环保意识,养成环保习惯,创造我们美好的校园,塑造我们美好的灵魂!下面给大家分享一些关于环境保护英文演讲稿5篇,供大家参考。 环境保护英文演讲稿(1) the world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of environmental destruction. for example , forest destruction results in decrease of planting land and unpleasant weather. in addition, man is faced with problems of water pollution and air pollution. a lot of measures have been taken. planting trees helps improve and beautify the environment. besides, laws concerning environmental protection have been put into effect and achieved good results. however, the problem of environmental protection remains far from being solved. on the one hand, the environment pollution and destruction are


环保的英语演讲稿范文6篇 环保的英语演讲稿范文6篇 演讲稿可以提高演讲人的自信心,有助发言人更好地展现自己。在现实社会中,需要使用演讲稿的场合越来越多,那么问题来了,到底应如何写一份恰当的演讲稿呢?下面是为大家收集的环保的英语演讲稿范文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 环保的英语演讲稿范文1 We live in the world every day. We eat food, drink water, wear clothes, watch TV, use computers and so on. We are producing waste every moment. Generally speaking, there are four sorts of waste. They are material waste, organic waste, inorganic waste and poisonous the holes of the ozone layer make the earth less suitable to live for some creatures including human beings; the phenomena of el nino and la nina leave the land with serious flood and drought, and the diseases, caused by pollution, are increasing at an incredible speed... seeing all these facts, can we still ignore the counterattack of nature? we are not the masters of nature. facing all the disasters made by ourselves, we, mankind as a whole should realize that we are just a normal member of


我知道你们在想什么,你们觉得我迷路了,马上就会有人走上台温和地把我带回我的座位上。(掌声)。我在迪拜总会遇上这种事。“来这里度假的吗,亲爱的?”(笑声)“来探望孩子的吗?这次要待多久呢? 恩,事实上,我希望能再待久一点。我在波斯湾这边生活和教书已经超过30年了。(掌声)这段时间里,我看到了很多变化。现在这份数据是挺吓人的,而我今天要和你们说的是有关语言的消失和英语的全球化。我想和你们谈谈我的朋友,她在阿布达比教成人英语。在一个晴朗的日子里,她决定带她的学生到花园去教他们一些大自然的词汇。但最后却变成是她在学习所有当地植物在阿拉伯语中是怎么说的。还有这些植物是如何被用作药材,化妆品,烹饪,香草。这些学生是怎么得到这些知识的呢?当然是从他们的祖父母,甚至曾祖父母那里得来的。不需要我来告诉你们能够跨代沟通是多么重要。 but sadly, today, languages are dying at an unprecedented rate. a language dies every 14 days. now, at the same time, english is the undisputed global language. could there be a connection? well i dont know. but i do know that ive seen a lot of changes. when i first came out to the gulf, i came to kuwait in the days when it was still a hardship post. actually, not that long ago. that is a little bit too early. but nevertheless, i was recruited by the british council along with about 25 other teachers. and we were the first non-muslims to teach in the state schools there in kuwait. we were brought to teach english because the government wanted to modernize the country and empower the citizens through education. and of course, the u.k. benefited from some of that lovely oil wealth. 但遗憾的是,今天很多语言正在以前所未有的速度消失。每14天就有一种语言消失,而与此同时,英语却无庸置疑地成为全球性的语言。这其中有关联吗?我不知道。但我知道的是,我见证过许多改变。初次来到海湾地区时,我去了科威特。当时教英文仍然是个困难的工作。其实,没有那么久啦,这有点太久以前了。总之,我和其他25位老师一起被英国文化协会聘用。我们是第一批非穆斯林的老师,在科威特的国立学校任教。我们被派到那里教英语,是因为当地政府希望国家可以现代化并透过教育提升公民的水平。当然,英国也能得到些好处,产油国可是很有钱的。 okay. now this is the major change that ive seen -- how teaching english has morphed from being a mutually english-speaking nation on earth. and why not? after all, the best education -- according to the latest world university rankings -- is to be found in the universities of the u.k. and the u.s. so everybody wants to have an english education, naturally. but if youre not a native speaker, you have to pass a test. 言归正传,我见过最大的改变,就是英语教学的蜕变如何从一个互惠互利的行为变成今天这种大规模的国际产业。英语不再是学校课程里的外语学科,也不再只是英国的专利。英语(教学)已经成为所有英语系国家追逐的潮流。何乐而不为呢?毕竟,最好的教育来自于最好的大学,而根据最新的世界大学排名,那些名列前茅的都是英国和美国的大学。所以自然每个人都想接受英语教育,但如果你不是以英文为母语,你就要通过考试。 now can it be right to reject a student on linguistic ability well, i dont think so. we english teachers reject them all the time. we put a stop sign, and we stop them in their tracks. they cant pursue their dream any longer, till they get english. now let me put it this way, if i met a dutch speaker who had the cure for cancer, would i stop him from entering my british university? i dont think so. but indeed, that is exactly what we do. we english


CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: Hello and welcome to the September 19th edition of - come on, Friday`s are awesome. You wanted to hear it, I wanted to say it. It`s good to have you watching CNN STUDENT NEWS. First up, Scotland, home to more than 5 million people, about the size of South Carolina. Scots have contributed world-changing inventions related to bicycle tires, penicillin, television. Yesterday, they decided on a potentially nation altering question: should Scotland be an independent country? The polls were closed when we produced this show, the vote was over. But it was expected to be very close, and we don`t have results for you yet. For the latest, teachers please visit https://www.360docs.net/doc/b413642977.html,. We do have an excellent fact-filled look at how Scotland came to be the division of the United Kingdom that it has been for the past 307 years. BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What we know as modern Scotland was formed in the 13 century when England and Scotland signed the treaty of York. Mapping out Scotland southern border. 60 years later, the countries were at war, with the legendary Scottish rebel William Wallace helping to lead the charge. Wallace`s fight for freedom was a subject of Hollywood blockbuster, Brave Heart. Years of war paid off for Scotland. IN 1328, England recognized Scottish independence in the treaty of North Hampton. In 1603, Queen Elizabeth, the last of the Tudors, died at the age of 69. And that cleared the way for King James VI of Scotland, son of Mary, Queen of Scotts, to become England`s king, too. It was known as the union of the crowns. Just over 100 years later, parliaments of England and Scotland passed the Acts of Union. It joined the two separate states into one. The Kingdom of Great Britain, one parliament, one monarch. (END VIDEOTAPE)


保护环境英语演讲稿 第一篇:保护环境英语演讲稿保护环境英语演讲稿i’m worried about my country. there is polution everywhere. it’s time to do something about it. we need fresh air to breathe. we need pure water to drink. we need a clean environment to be healthy. people have to stop littering. we have to respect our surroundings. we must become friends of the earth. first,everyone must get involved. everyone must lend a hand. together we can clean up our neiborhoods. second,we can practice conservation. we can reduce waste and reuse things. we can recycle paper,bottles,and plastic. third,we can put up more “don’t litter” signs. we can trashcans on every corner. we can pick up garbage when we see it. we must take action to fight pollution.
