


Questions for Revision:

1. When and in what country did the realist movement arise?

Key: The Realist movement arose in the 50s of the 19th century and had its origin in France.

2. What is the chief difference between Romanticism and Realism?

Key: (1) In art and literature realism came as a protest against the falseness and sentimentality which realists thought they saw in romantic fiction

(2) If romanticism allows full play to the imagination and stresses love of beauty and interest in the past, the central issues of life for realists tend to be ethical or issues of conduct

(3) And their democratic attitude tended to make them value the individual very highly and to regard characterization as the centre of the novel.

(4) In this sense, realism means more than a literary method; it defines a particular kind of subject matter—the surface details, the commonplace actions and the tragedies of the ordinary people constitute the chief matter if realist movement.

(5) Its language was simple, clear, and direct, while the tone was often comic, frequently satiric.

3. What were the conditions in Western Europe in the l 840s?

Key: In 1848 there was revolution throughout Europe. And once again the revolution started in France and was followed by a series of revolution in other parts of Europe.

4. Who were the important French and English realist novelists? Name a few of their works.

Key: (1) The important France writers and some of their works:

Stendhal: The Red and the Black

Balzac: Le Pere Goriot, La Cousine Bette, The Human Comedy

Flaubert: Madame Bovary

Zola: Les Rougen-Macquarts

Maupassant: The Necklace, The Piece of String

(2) English realist novelists and some of their works:

Dickens: Hard Times, Black House, David Copperfield

George Eliot: The Mill on the Floss, Middlemarch

Thackeray: Vanity Fair

Hardy: Jude the Obscure, Tess of the D’Urbervilles, Far from the Madding Crown, The Return of the Native

George Bernard Shaw: Heartbreak House, The Doctor’s Dilemma, Major Barbara

5. Who has been called “the French Dickens”, and who “the English Balzac”? Why?

Key: Charles Dickens has been called “the English Balzac” and Balzac has been called “the French Dickens”.

Both are realist writers, both depict many walks of life in their novels and touches on most fields of knowledge.

6. Explain “A novel is a mirror walking along the road.”

Key: This is Stendhal’s words. It tells that the realists wanted a truthful representation in their works of Contemporary life and manners. They thought of their method as observational and objective.

7. Can you account for the great achievement of Russian literature in the nineteenth century?

Key: It was no until the eighteenth century, when Peter the Great carried through the reforms that Russians really came into contact with the literature of Western Europe. Between 1700 and 1815 Russia absorbed what she could of the classical Renaissance, classicism, neo-classicism, etc. after 1815 modern Russian literature began at once with an enormous power and full of vigor. Gogol was born in 1821 and Tolstoy, in 1828. Besides them was a host of other writers. At one step, literature in Russia raised itself from nothingness to the centre of Russian life. The

beginnings of modern Russian literature are to be traced to the Napoleonic wars. Napoleon had tried to invade Moscow. The army was defeated not by the Russian army but by the unfavorable conditions: cold and hunger. Later the Russian participated in the battle of Waterloo and many intelligent young Russians spent enough time in France to become acquainted with the ideas of democracy. They became “dangerous men” when they returned to Russia, where anyone who should say anything against the government was punished by severe sentences to labor in Siberia. Therefore the political and philosophical aspirations of the Russian people expressed themselves in the form of literature, and literature became the voice of the people.

8. Who among all the Russian writers has exerted the greatest influence on the European novelists of the twentieth century?

Key: Dostoyevsky.

9. What is the book for which Whitman is famous throughout the world?

Key: Leaves of Grass.

10. Who is regarded as the father of American literature? What did Hemingway say

about him?

Key: Mark Twain was regarded as the father of American literature. Hemingway thought highly of him, as he put it, “All modern literature comes from one book by

Mark Twain, called Huckleberry Finn…”


欧洲文化入门参考资料 这是一本中国大学生了解欧洲文化的英语教科书,为了教学需要而编写的。学习英语的中国大学生在阅读英文书刊和同英语国家人士的交往中,往往感到由于缺乏欧洲文化知识而增加了许多困难。英语中有数不清的典故、名言、成语、人名、地名等等来自古希腊罗马的哲学、文学、历史著作,希伯莱的圣经,文艺复兴时期的艺术创作或者牵涉到各时期思想、科技、政治、社会方面的重要事件和人物。如果对这些所知无多,读书未必全懂,对谈也难顺利。而一旦对这些有了较多知识,则不仅了解程度会提高,而且由于通过文化来学习语言,语言也会学得更好。 《欧洲文化入门》教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 1、课程英文名称:European Culture: An Introduction 2、课程类别:专业限选课程 3、课程学时:32学时 4、学分:2 5、先修课程:《高级英语》、《英国文学选读》、《美国文学选读》 6、适用专业:英语 7、大纲执笔:英语专业教研室 8、大纲审批:外语系学术委员会 9、制定(修订)时间:2005 二、课程的目的与任务: 本课程为专业选修课程,旨在通过该课程的学习,学生比较系统地学习有关欧洲文化的基本知识,以提高学生的文化知识和文化修养,并为以后开专业课提供大量重要的背景文化知识,从而更好地了解和学习英语,提高文学欣赏水平。 三、课程的基本要求: 本教学大纲对象是高等院校英语专业高年级学生,全部用英语授课。 了解欧洲文化对英语发展的影响和欧洲文化发展的脉络; 了解来自古希腊罗马的哲学、文学、历史著作,希伯莱的圣经,文艺复兴时期的艺术创作的典故、名言、成语、人名、地名等; 了解欧洲各时期思想、科技、政治、社会方面的重要事件和人物; 将欧洲文化与同时期的中国文化进行比较; 学生应准备一些工具书、参考书、选本、译本。 四、教学内容、要求及学时分配: 希腊、罗马文化 基督教及其《圣经》 中世纪 文艺复兴与宗教改革 十七世纪 启蒙运动 浪漫主义 马克思主义与达尔文学说 现实主义 现代主义及其它 五、考试考核办法:笔试 六、教材及参考书:

四川大学外国语学院638 基础英语、918 英语专业综合知识考

四川大学外国语学院638 基础英语、918 英语专业综合知识考研全套资料真题答案辅导笔记模拟卷 2015年弘毅考研川大分部研究生团队已达50多人,涵盖经济、法学、文学、新传、外国语、艺术、历史、旅游、数学、化学、生物、电子、材料、机械、电气、计算机、环境、水土、水利、化工、发酵、行管、教经、社保、商院、体育、马克思、护理、口腔、公卫、预防、药学等30多个院系专业,是目前专业课考研最权威的专业团队,以“弘毅川大考研论坛”为基石,各个专业的学长学姐给您答疑解惑。为您全程护航。 2015年四川大学考研的成功与否,不仅仅取决于自己是否足够努力,更多在于自己能否拿到真正有价值的川大专业课备考复习资料和获得内部考研信息,这将极大地决定着自己一年的辛苦努力是否能划上圆满的句号。 鉴于此,弘毅考研根据自己多年考研专业课成功辅导经验,联合川大高分研究生团队,同时和高分研究生团队一起将最有价值的考研复习资料通过科学的排版,荣誉推出了2015版《弘毅胜卷系列——完备复习指南、历年真题解析、高分辅导讲义、最后三套模拟卷》专业精品复习资料,该辅导系统从根本上解决了广大考研学子考研专业课信息不对称、考研专业课复习难度大等问题,三年来倍受好评,每年考取我校的大部分同学来自我们川大考研论坛的全程辅导,“弘毅胜卷”也成为每一个报考四川大学外国语学院英语语言文学专业的考生人手一册、不可或缺的考研专业课复习备考资料。 《弘毅胜卷》的特点: 1.“全”:本资料把参考书可能考到的知识点都全部列出,并做了详细的讲解,并对历年真题进行透彻的解析; 2.“简”:为不增加考生负担,对考点的讲解,尽量做到精简,除去了教材繁琐臃肿的语言,直击要害; 3.“具实用性”:各高校考题的重复率非常高。针对此规律,本资料将专业涉及到的真题举例附在每个考点后面,方便大家查阅。 4.“具时效性”:本资料会根据最新的招生简章和目录、最新的参考书目和考试大纲对资料进行及时调整、更新,让弘毅胜卷臻于完善! 提醒:为保证产品质量,我们在反盗版技术上投入了很大人力物力,首先在阅读体验上远远超越盗版资料(加了水印和红白页,复印基本看不清楚),同时弘毅考研每年均根据当年最新考试要求进行改版升级并提供超值的售后服务,并将后续重要资料分期发送,盗版将丢失这些重要资料,请考生务必谨慎辨别,不要为了省一点小钱购买其他机构或个人销售的盗版材料而耽误备考,甚至影响前途的大事情。同时也请大家支持正版,你们一如既往的支持,是我们一直大力度的投入开发的动力。


Appreciation of the Poem “Ode to the West Wind” Class 0801 Name Zhao Xiaoning Student Number 2008030112

Abstract... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...( 3) 摘要... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...( 4) 1. Introduction... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ( 5) 2. Appreciation to the Ode to the West Wind… … … … … … … ( 5 ) 3. Conclusion… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ( 6) 4. Bibliography… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ( 7 )

Abstract: Ode to the West Wind is the most classical works of Shelley The poet came up with the thought when he is walking in a forest and a strong storm seemed to come soon. And the storm came together with wind and hails. In such weather Shelley thought of many things of the society. Under this atmosphere he wrote the poem “Ode to the West Wind”. Key Words: Lyric image aesthetics the west wind


作业 1.第1题 Which one of the following statements about the Great Famine is NOT true? A.It was the worst famine in European history. B.It lasted for seven hard years. C.In cities alone, there was shortage of food supplies. D.By the time it ended, the Great Famine had wiped out 10 percent to 15 percent of the entire European population. 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 2.第2题 Which of the following statements about Joan of Arc is NOT true? A.She was born in a well-to-do peasant family. B.She grew up with a strong religious belief. C.Charles refused her to accompany the army. D.She was burned at stake. 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 3.第3题 For some Muslims, Qur’an should not be translated because_____. A.it is impious to translate the very words of Allah. B.it is too difficult to translate the rhymed prose of Qur’an. C.the original meaning of Qur’an would be distorted. D.the beauty of Arabic language would be violated. 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0 4.第4题 Which one is not the factor that led to the disintegration of the Carolingian Empire after Charlemagne’s death? A.the regional and ethnic diversity B.the conflicts between different successors to the throne


2014年10月北京自考欧洲文化入门模拟试题和答案100017 一、Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question,four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D are given. Choose the one which best completes the statement or answers the question by blackening the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.(40 points,2 points each) 第1题 In the second half of the 4th century B.C., all Greece was brought under the rule of___________ ,King of Macedon. A. Homer B. Sophocles C. Alexander D. Alfred 【正确答案】 C 【你的答案】 本题分数2分 第2题 In ancient Greece,plays were performed in_____________. A. theatres B. open-air sports ground C. private houses D. open-air theatres 【正确答案】 D 【你的答案】 本题分数2分 第3题 The first emperor of the Roman Empire was________________. A. Constantine B. Julius Caesar C. Octavius D. Augustus 【正确答案】 D 【你的答案】 本题分数2分 第4题 The ancestors of the Jews are called Hebrews which mean______________. A. wanderers B. travelers


西方文化入门(2010) 一、课程名称:西方文化入门 二、学时与学分:36 学时,2 学分 三、适用专业:英语专业本科、 四、课程教材:自编教材 五、参考教材:Duncan Sidwell著,《欧洲文化概况》,外语教学与研究出版社,2008年 12月第一版 王佐良,李品伟等主编,《欧洲文化入门》,外语教学与研究出版社,1992 年9月第二版 六、开课单位:外语学院 七、课程的目的、性质和任务: 西方文化入门是英语专业的一门文化课,目的是使学生了解西方文化的历史发展和文学,文化传统,促进学生对西方文化内涵的兴趣,提高对文化差异的敏感性和宽容性,培养学生跨文化的交际能力。 八、课程的基本要求: 了解西方文化发展的历史脉络,如,作为西方文明源头的希腊罗马文明,基督教的兴起与传播,欧洲中世纪文明,文艺复兴,宗教改革,理性主义的勃发,工业革命和现代欧洲,殖民主义与帝国主义,等;了解西方文化中的一些关键概念,如,希腊城邦,罗马帝国,上帝和子民,人文主义,民主与自由,人权,平等与博爱,科学和技术,工业革命,殖民主义,帝国主义,等;从欧洲的角度了解文学在古代,中世纪,近代和现代的发展,学习希腊文学,罗马文学,文艺复兴时期意大利、英国、西班牙等国经典文学片断,了解欧洲古代,中世纪,文艺复兴,启蒙时期,浪漫主义和现实主义时期文学的特点和精神实质;旨在使学生对西方历史,文化的发展脉络有较为清晰的了解和把握。 九、课程的主要内容: 介绍西方文化的源头古希腊古、罗马的文明,重点为雅典的民主制,希腊史诗与悲剧,希腊建筑艺术,罗马帝国及其影响,罗马文学;《圣经》简介,上帝与子民,中世纪教会组织,人文主义文学,宗教改革,启蒙时代的精神,平等,自由与博爱,欧洲浪漫主义文学,英国工业革命,马克思主义与达尔文主义的兴起与传播,等。 十、说明: 西方文化内容多,涉及面广;由于课时原因,本课程将不涉及一次世界大战以后西方文明的发展,也不涉及美国文明的发展。本课程教材,参考教材均为英文;讲授中英文并用;讲授方式以讲座为主。 十一、考核方式: 课后作业,期末考试。


《欧洲文化入门》知识点笔记 1、There are many elements constituting(组成) European Culture. 2、There are two major elements:Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element. 3、The richness(丰富性) of European Culture was created by Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element. 第一章 1、The 5th century closed with civil war between Athens and Sparta. 2、The economy of Athens rested on(依赖) an immense(无限的)amount of slave labour. 3、Olympus mount,Revived in 1896(当代奥运会) 4、Ancient Greece(古希腊)‘s epics was created by Homer. 5、The events of Homer‘s own time. (错) (They are not about events of Homer‘s own time,probably in the period 1200-1100 B.C.) 6、The Homer‘s epics consisted of Iliad and Odyssey. 7、Agamemnon,Hector,Achilles are in Iliad. 8、Odysseus and Penelope are in Odyssey. 9、Odyssey(对其作品产生影响)—→James Joyoe‘s Ulysses(描述一天的生活)。In the 20th century. 10、Drama in Ancient Greece was floured in the 5th century B.C. 11、三大悲剧大师①Aeschylus 《Prometheus Bound》—→模仿式作品Shelly《Prometheus Unbound》 ②Sophocles(之首) 《Oedipus the King》—→Freud‘s “the Oedipus complex”(恋母情结) —→David Herbert Lawrence’s《Sons and lovers》(劳伦斯)447页 ③Euripides A.《Trojan Women》 B. He is the first writer of “problem plays”(社会问题剧) 在肖伯纳手中达到高潮,属于存在主义戏剧的人物 C. Elizabeth Browning called him “Euripides human”(一个纯粹的人) D. Realism can be traced back (追溯到) to the Ancient Greece. To be specific(具体来说),Euripides. 12、The only representative of Greek comedy is Aristophanes. 18页 Aristophanes writes about nature. —→浪漫主义湖畔派(The lakers )华兹华兹 13、History (Historical writing)史学创作新古典主义代表作家《格列夫游


The analysis of Ode to the West Wind Ode to the West Wind is the most famous lyric poem written by Shelley. There are five stanzas in the poem. In the first stanza, the poet uses the personification like “breath” to help describe the wet wind scatters the dead leaves and spreads seeds, here the poet gives us a image that the west wind is “destroyer and preserver”. In the next two stanzas, the poet describes how the west wind conquers the sea and the sky, we can see the west wind’s great power. In the last two stanzas, the poet expresses her wish to become the west wind. From the poem we can see many images are used, such as “the dead leaves, the cloud and the wave”, and they all help to describe the west wind’s power, so is the west wind also just a image? To get the answer we must know the background when Shelley wrote the poem. The poem was written in 1819 when European worker’s movement and the revolution were going on. British working class fought with the bourgeoisie for their right to make a living. Concerning this fact we can see that the west wind is not only a image, it is a symbol, namely that the west wind is like the revolution which destroys the old world and creates the new world. In this poem, the poet turn to the west wind for help because in her heart, the west wind stands for the moral and the spirit, it can give people power. The poem is a ode. The stanza used in this ode was developed by Shelley from the interlaced three-line units of the Italian terza rima: aba bcb cdc and so on. Shelley’s stanza consists of a set of four such tercets, closed by a couplet rhyming with the middle line of the preceding tercet: aba bab cdc ded ee. This kind of rhyme breaks the old rule and describes the west wind’s great power vividly.


欧洲文化入门各章练习及答案 第一章 填空题: 1. The richness of European Culture was created by ________element and _________element. Greco-Roman Judeo-Christian 2. The Homer’s epics consisted of_________. Iliad and Odyssey 3. ________ is the first writer of “problem plays”. Euripides 4. __________ is called “Father of History”. Herodotus 5. ________is the greatest historian that ever lived. Thucydides 6. The dividing range in the Roman history refers to ________. 27 B.C. 7. “I came, I saw, I conquered.” is a famous saying by _______. Julius Caesar 8. The representation form of Greek Democracy is __________. citizen-assembly. 判断题 1. Euclid says “Give me a place to stand, and I will move the world”. (×) Archimedes 2. Herodotus’s historical writing i s on the war between Anthens and Sparta. (×) Greeks and Persians 名词解释: 1. Pax Romana 答:In the Roman history ,there came two hundred years of peaceful time, which was guaranteed by the Roman legions, it was known as Pax Romana 2. “Democracy” in a ncient Greece 答:1)Democracy means “exercise of power by the whole people”, but in Greece by “the whole people” the Greeks meant only the adult male citizens. 2)Women, children, foreigners and slaves were excluded from Democracy. 论述题: 1. How did the Greek Culture originate and develop? 1) Probably around 1200 B.C., a war was fought between Greece and troy. This is the war that Homer refers to in his epics. 2) Greek culture reached a high point of development in the 5th century B.C. A. The successful repulse of the Persian invasion early in the 5th century. B. The establishment of democracy. C. The flourishing of science, philosophy, literature, art and historical writing in Athens. 3)The 5th century closed with civil war between Athens and Sparta. 4) In the second half of the 4th century B.C., Greece was conquered by Alexander, king of Macedon. Whenever he went


《欧洲文化概论》是由外语教学研究出版社出版的中国大学英语专业教材。书中介绍了欧洲各个历史时期和人物的典故、语录、成语、人名、地名等,并按时间顺序具体简洁地描述了欧洲从古至今的历史。本书通过对欧洲不同时期的思想、科技、政治、社会等方面的重要时代和人物进行英语教学,使学习英语的学生更好地了解欧洲历史文化,从而使英语学习更加顺利,更好地掌握英语语言和文化。 1相关概要编辑 《欧洲文化入门》是一本中国大学英语系的教科书,为了教学需要而编写的。学习英语的中国大学生在阅读英文书刊和同英语国家人士的交往中,往往感到由于缺乏欧洲文化知识而增加了许多困难。英语中有数不清的典故、名言、成语、人名、地名等等来自古希腊罗马的哲学、文学、历史著作,希伯莱的圣经,文艺复兴时期的艺术创作或者牵涉到各时期思想、科技、政治、社会方面的重要事件和人物。如果对这些所知无多,读书未必全懂,对谈也难顺利。而一旦对这些有了较多知识,则不仅了解程度会提高,而且由于通过文化来学习语言,语言也会学得更好[1] 2课程目的编辑 为学习英语的学生而设,因此用英语讲授,提到的地名,人名,书名,事件的名称等等也按英语惯例拼写,例如用Aristotle而不是Aristote (法)或Aristoteles(德)。 3课程内容编辑 欧洲文化的重要方面都讲到,但由于材料太多,又必须突出中心,为

此本书采用历史叙述法,将全部内容 分为10个大题按照时间顺序来讲,如下: 1 希腊,罗马文化; 2 基督教及其《圣经》; 3 中世纪; 4 文艺复兴与宗教改革; 5 17世纪; 6 启蒙运动; 7 浪漫主义; 8 马克思主义与达尔文学说; 9 现实主义; 10现代主义及其他。 在每题之内也已介绍最重要的基本事实为主,讲述力求具体扼要。以下是总目录(主干),其实每个目录下都包含还有很多内容(枝节),在本书中都有详细介绍Contents: Introduction https://www.360docs.net/doc/b414600480.html,es of the Subject 2.Two Major Elements in European Culture DIVISION ONE GREEK CULTURE AND ROMAN CULTURE I. Greek Culture Questions for Revision


课程《欧洲文化入门》考试时间 120 分钟日期年月日 姓名学号学院班级 Ⅰ.Read the following unfinished statements or questionas carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have choosen in the corresponding spcae on the answer sheet. (40 points, 2 point for each) ———— was the founder of scientific mathematics. A. Pythagoras B. Democritus C. Aristotle D. Diogenes 2. Which of the following figures was regarded as “the master of those who know”by Dante? A. Plato B. Socrates C. Aristotle D. Cicero 3. ________ was called “the greatest historian that ever lived”by Macaulay. A. Thucydides B. Herodotus C. Socrates D. Aristotle 4. The first king to unite the Hebrews was a warrior-famer name________ . A. Moses B. Joshua C. Saul D. David 5. Who issued the Edict of Milan in 313,whick granted religious freedom to all and made Christianity legal? A. Domitian B. Valerian C. Constantine D. Theodosius 6. The ancestors of the Jews are called Hebrews which mean ________ . A. wanderers B. travelers C. traders D. merchants 7. In the latter part of the fourth century the ________ swept into Europe from central Asia. A. Turkish B. Huns C. Athens D. Roman 8. Apart from being a place of worship, the ________ was a place for recreation and the center of trade and community activity. A. bridge B. church building C. village D. subway 9. For two centuries beginning from the late fifteenth century,________ was the golden city which gave birth to a whole generation of poets, scholars,artists and sculptors. A. Milan B. Florence C. Venice D. the papal states 10. which of the following figures knows “how to make beauty yield meaning and


语文教学:雪莱《西风颂》内容赏析 《西风颂》内容赏析 佚名 【导读:《西风颂》是雪莱思想感情真实而自然的流露,是其战斗的宣言书、思想的播种机,它闪耀着美、闪耀着智慧、闪耀着力量,给读者以无尽的遐想。】 这首诗构思在佛罗伦萨附近阿诺河畔的一片树林里,主要部分也在那里写成。那一天,孕育着一场暴风雨的暖和而令人振奋的大风集合着常常倾泻下滂沱秋雨的云霭。不出我所料,雨从日落下起狂风暴雨里夹带着冰雹,并且伴有阿尔卑斯山南地区所特有的气势宏伟的电闪雷鸣。 第三节结尾处所提到的那种现象,植物学家是十分熟悉的。海洋、河流和湖泊底部的水生植物,和陆地的植物一样,对季节的变化有相同的反应,因而也受到这种变化的风的影响。 本诗雪莱为19世纪英国著名的浪漫主义诗人。虽然其生命只有短短30载,但他却像是文坛上一颗炫丽的流星,在世间乃至今日,其留存下来的诗歌作品,仍散发着独属于他的光芒。而在其作品中,《西风颂》绝对称得上是巅峰之作了。 接下来对本首诗进行解读。 西风作为本首诗的中心意向,被赋予了想象的翅膀。随着西风的飞扬,无论是感情还是立意都得到了进一步的升华。而西风那种狂野不羁、肆意破坏的力量,可能正是雪莱所追寻的生命的本来力量,也正是他对于受禁锢的生命的强烈反抗。 全诗第一段,主要意象是西风和树林中的残叶,描绘了西风横扫林中残叶并且传播生命的种子的景象。此处,暗喻和象征的写作手法得到了充分的利用。将西风比作秋之实体的气息,即大自然中不可战胜、所向披靡的存在。而又将春风比作阳春蔚蓝的姐妹,又显得柔和。接着,诗人用残叶来象征英国的反动阶级,用疫疠摧残的落叶无数来描绘了反动阶级所处的垂死状态。在的笔下,西风是不羁的精灵,它既破坏着,又保护着。狂野的西风喻指着革命的力量,它在摧毁一切陈旧、腐朽的事物的同时,也在孕育着一切有着生机和活力的新事物。全诗开篇便体现了西风奔腾的气势,它技能摧毁旧世界,又能创造新世界。此处也给予了的对未来的期望。 全诗第二段,雪莱进一步运用了天空中的云、雨和电等意象来描绘了西风在长空中的磅礴气势。那雨和电的天使,正用尽全力呼风唤雨。此处,运用了拟人的修辞手法,表现了西风的磅礴气势,同时也比喻了西风带来了革命风暴。诗人用天空和海洋交错缠结的柯枝来喻指天空中较为固定的云层。在最后一个双行偶句中,黑色的雨、火、冰雹的迸发,突显了西风强大的破坏力。这点正好照应了第一段中的破坏:西风将会带来雷鸣、闪电、急雨、冰雹。在这段中,将视角从地面向了高空,描写了西风的激长空、震天海、逐乱云、驰雷电、让电火冰雹崩泻、使大雨倾盆而下的雄伟景象。在这里,极有气势地宣布了摧毁旧事物的革命风暴的来临。 全诗第三段,诗人刻画了西风在海上涤荡旧势力的情景。其用清澈的流水写出了透明如镜的海水的美景。用喧哗声描绘了浪涛的低沉的拍击之声,用馨香馥郁写出了花卉的芬芳。此处蓝色的地中海喻指当时的统治者,他们正在美景中酣睡。而古代的楼台、塔堡和宫闱却在不住地颤抖。这两种景象动静结合且形成了鲜明的对比,体现出当时反动阶级的地位已经岌岌可危了。此段中,继续描绘西风的强大破坏力,即对应着第一段中的破坏。此节中的中心意象——西风和海水、巨浪、旧的宫殿楼台结合在一起,宣告了西风将劈波开道,琼楼玉宇、海底宫阙将惨然变色、摇摇欲坠,象征着反动恶势力的堡垒即将土崩瓦解,革命风暴将风起云涌,黑暗、丑恶、腐朽、堕落的旧世界即将被打破,光辉灿烂、美好的新世界即将被建立。


WEEK 1-3 Reformation and Counter-Reformation P138-139 The Reformation was a 16th century religious movement as well as a socio-political movement. It begin with Martin Luther‘s 95 thesis in 1517. This movement aimed at opposing the absolute authority of the Roman Catholic Church and replacing it with the absolute authority of the Bible, The demands of the reformists: ---direct communication between the individual and God ---simplifying rituals ---abolishing heavy taxes levied on their countrymen ---abolishing the indulgences 1) Pre-Luther Religious Reformers John Wycliffe (about 1330?a1384) p-139 Chief forerunner of Reformation. English theologian and religious reformer. He believed that Christ is man??s only overlord and that salvation depends upon predestination and grace rather than on membership of a visible church. He took up the translation of the Bible into English for the first time. Jan Hus (1372-1415) A Bohemian Czech religious leader, theologian. Attacked the abuses of the Church/ was imprisoned and exiled/ was burnt at stake / the Hus War 2) Martin Luther(1483-1546) and His Doctrines Martin Luther was the German leader of the Protestant Reformation. His doctrine marked the first break in the unity of the Catholic Church. Beginning of the Reformation p-140 Translation of the Bible Gospel of love and Ideas of Equality In the history of Germany, Martin Luther was more than a religious leader, he was a fighter for democracy and nationalism, a humanist who helped to build a competent educational system and a writer whose forceful language helped fix the standards of the modern German language 3) John Calvin (1509-1564) and Calvinism Calvin was a French theologian. His Institutes of the Christian Religion was considered one of the most influential theological works of all times. Presbyterian government Calvinism stressed the absolute authority of the God’s will, holding that only those specially elected by God are saved. Calvinism was one of the main courses of the capitalist spirit 4) Reformation in England p-143 John Knox Scottish Presbyterianism Henry VIII / matrimonial affairs / Catherine Aragon / Anne Boleyn In 1534, the Act of Supremacy marked the formal break of the British with the papal


欧洲文化入门复习题(2、3章) 一:选择(51’) 1:Hebrew---Israelite---Jew Jew---Jewish---Judaism Judaism---Christianity 2:Pentateuch(摩西五经):Genesis(创世纪)、Exodus(出埃及记)、Leviticus(利未记)、Numbers(民数计)、Deuteronomy(申命记) 3:The fall of man: Adam and Eve、the Garden of Eden 4: Noah’s Ark 5:Moses(a famous Hebrew leader) 、Exodus、40 years、the mountainous Sinai、Ten Commandments 6:While in Babylon in the 6th century B.C., the Hebrews, now known as Jews, formed synagogues(大会堂) to practise their religion. 7:如今有多少犹太人?15 million 8:Jesus 出生地:那瑟勒死亡地:耶路撒冷郊外髑髅地·各各地 Baptism: 30 years、John baptist 9:Diocletian destroyed、Constantine and the Edict of Milan in 133、Theodosius official 10: the new testament(新约):the birth、teaching、death(The Crucifixion耶稣被钉十字架)、resurrection of Jesus 11:现代英语两大宝库:the English Bible and Shakespeare 12:228 years 13:the Code of Chivalry:to protect the week, to fight for church, to be loyal to his lord, to respect women of noble birth. 14:half civilized Germanic tribes: Visigoths, the Franks, the Angle and Saxons, the Vandals 15:Feudalism(封建主义) the Manor(庄园) serfs(农奴) Charles Martel in 732. 16:After 1054, the Roman Catholic church and Eastern Orthodox church 17:three groups in feudalism: clergy(牧师最高) lords peasants(农民最低) 18:the crusades(十字军) 8 times 200 years By 1291, the moslems had taken over the last Christain stronghold. 19:Emperor of the Romans(神圣罗马皇帝): Charlemagne(查理曼大帝) 20:Alfred the Great(Anglo-Saxdon) contributed to medieval European culture 21:real scientific progress began in the 12th and 13th centuries. Roger bacon(a monk) is an advocate of scientific research.Opus maius, and encyclopedia(自然哲学总则) 22:National Epics: Beowulf(Anglo-saxon/英国) Song of Roland(French/法国) 荷马史诗代表作Iliad(伊利亚特)和Odysse(奥德赛) Geoffrey Chaucer(杰弗里乔叟) and the Canterbury tales(坎特伯雷故事) 23:Romanesque(罗马建筑) Gothic(哥特式建筑):stained glass windows are the Holy Scriptures 24:哲学三杰(苏格拉底,柏拉图,亚里士多德)顺序不能打乱 二:简答(6道) 1:Two Major Elements in European Culture
