



How nice to hear from you again.

Let me tell you something about the activity.

I’m glad to have received your letter of Apr. 9th.

I’m pleased to hear that you’re coming to China for a visit.

I’m writing to thank you for your help during my stay in America.


With best wishes.

I’m looking forward to your reply.

I’d appreciate it if you could reply earlier.



Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make.


All the teachers and students are required to attend it.

Please take your notebooks and make notes.

Please listen carefully and we’ll have a discussion in groups.

Please come on time and don’t be late.


Please come and join in it.

Everybody is welcome to attend it.

I hope you’ll have a nice time here.

That’s all. Thank you.




第1段:Recently we’ve had a discussion about whether we should... (导入话题)

Our opinions are divided on this topic.(观点有分歧)


第2段:Most of the students are in favour of it.(正方观点)

Here are the reasons. First... Second... Finally...(列出2~3个赞成的理由)

第3段:However, the others are strongly against it. (反方观点)

Their reasons are as follows. In the first place... What’s more... In additi on...(列出2~3个反对



第4段:Personally speaking, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages, for it will do us more harm than good, so I support it.(个人观点)オ



第1段:Some people hold the opinion that A is superior to B in many ways. Others, however, argue that B is much better. Personally, I would prefer A because I think A has more advantages.


第2段:There are many reasons why I prefer A. The main reason is that ... Another reason is


第3段: Of course, B also has advantages to some extent... (列出1~2个B的优势)


第4段: But if all these factors are considered, A is much better than B. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that ...(得出结论) オ




As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision. (亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对)The reasons for this may be listed as follows. (过渡句,承上启下)


第2段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...(列出2~3个赞成或反对的理由)


第3段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第1段,构成"总—分—总"结构)

4."How to"类议论文模板:




第2段:Many ways can help to solve this serious problem, but the following may be most effective. First of all... Another way to solve the problem is ... Finally...(列出2~3个解决此类问题的办



第3段:These are not the best but the only two/ three measures we can take. But it should be noted that we should take action to...(强调解决此类问题的根本方法)


The chart gives us an overall picture of the 图表主题. The first thing we notice is that 图表最

大特点 . This means that as (进一步说明).

We can see from the statistics given that 图表细节一 . After 动词-ing 细节一中的第一个

变化,the动词-ed+幅度+时间(紧跟着的变化) . The figures also tell us that图表细节二 . In

the column, we can see that accounts for (进一步描述).

Judging from these figures, we can draw the conclusion that (结论). The reason for this, as far as I am concerned is that (给出原因). / It is high time that we (发出倡议).



Look at this picture./The picture shows that.../From this picture, we can see.../As is shown

in the picture.../As is seen in the picture...


As we all know, .../As is known to all,.../It is well known that.../In my opinion,.../As far as I am concerned,.../This sight reminds me of something in my daily life.


In conclusion.../In brief.../On the whole.../In short.../In a word.../Generally speaking.../As has

been stated...


【篇一】2020年9月英语四级作文万能模板 (1) 要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 1. 有一些人认为... 2. 另一些人认为... 3. 我的看法... The topic of ①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions of it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more, ③-------------理由二). Moreover, ④---------------(理由三). While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理由一). Secondly (besides),⑥------------------(理由二). Thirdly (finally),⑦------------------(理由三). From my point of view, I think ⑧----------------(我的观点). The reason is that ⑨--------------------(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice . (2) 给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点 Some people believe that ①----------------(观点一). For example, they think ②-----------------(举例说明).And it will bring them ③-----------------(为他们带来的好处). In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing,④-------------(我不同意该看法的理由一). For another thing, ⑤-----------------(反对的理由之二). Form all what I have said, I agree to the thought that ⑥------------------(我对文章所讨论主题的看法). 【篇二】2020年9月英语四级作文万能模板 Your address Month, Date, year


【万能模板】直接可用的演讲稿万能模板 (主要是思路,内容看具体情况,当然本模板还缺乏构思的创新,并不符合新文风要求;但对于初学者足够了;某些条目可以增减改换,灵活运用;大小标题当然应该优化。小领导讲具体的业务工作和工作部署,大领导要提出宏观要求) 标题:XXXXXXXXXX 同志们: 今天,我们在这里召开的_____会议,我认为是十分必要的,这对于_____工作的开展,具有十分重要的指导意义。对于刚才____同志,以及____同志的讲话,我认为,讲得非常好,非常深刻。希望在座的同志,认真领会,深刻理解。回去后,要传达____同志及____同志的讲话精神,并认真落实。真抓实干,推动_____工作的顺利开展,努力开创_____工作新局面。 对于_____工作,我提几点补充意见: 一、对于 _____工作,我们要从思想上提高认识,充分领会_____工作的重要性和必要性。目前,_____工作已经开创了很好的局面,获得了很大的成绩,这是有目共睹的。但是,还是要从深度和广度上更加推进_____工作。我看,最重要的一点是:提高认识!各级领导要充分领会_____工作的重要性和必要性,各级组.织要加强关于_____工作的宣传力度,形成上下“齐抓共管”的局面,只有这样,_____工作才能更上层楼。 二、对于_____工作,要加强落实,要把工作落到实处。目前,有个别同志、个别部门,存在一个很不好的现象,就是:热衷于搞形式主义,热衷于开大会,传达文件。当然,开大会是必要的,上传下达也是必须的。但是,光是讲空话。打官腔,是远远不够的。对_____工作,要真抓实干,加强落实。各级领导要把_____工作,列入日常议事日程,要具体部署。认真执行。各级领导要为_____工作,创造必要的物质条件和舆论环境,扎扎实实推动_____工作的开展。要抓出实效,抓出成绩。 三、要加强协调工作历史证明:团结,是我们消除一切困难的有力武器。关于_____工作也一样,各级领导要加强协调工作,要把上下,左右,各方面,各环节有机结合起来,步调一致地推进_____工作的开展。目前,有些部门,遇事推倭、互相扯皮,这种官僚作风,十分要不得!这种作风,轻则导致工作效率降低,重则影响我们的威信。我们要坚决铲除这种官僚作风。 四、要在实践中探索_____工作与市场经济有机结合的新路子。_____工作与市场经济有没有关系,我看是大有关系。市场经济是一场深刻的社会变革,它的影响将波及社会生活的每一个领域,_____工作也不例外,它必然会受市场经济的影响。因此,如何适应市场经济的要求,如何和市场经济有机结合起来,希望大家认真地思考一下,去探索一下,这是十分有意义的。 五、参与 XXX工作的同志,要有自豪感和责任感。同志们,对于_____工作,我们是非常重视的尤其各级组.织也投入了大量的人力,物力、财力,同志们,你们承担的 _____工作,是肩负了各级组.织对你们的殷切希望的,希望你们要脚踏实地洞心同德。努力工作,在各自的岗位上努力工作,


最新最齐全的初中英语作文万能模板 一、阐述主题题型 要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述. 1. 阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义. 2. 分析并举例使其更充实. 中考英语作文万能模板:解决方法题型 要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径 1. 问题现状 2. 怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点) In recent days,we have to face I problem-----A,which is becoming more and more serious. First,------------(说明A 的现状).Second,---------------(举例进一步说明现状)

Confronted with A,we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing,---------------(解决方法一). For another -------------(解决方法二). Finally,--------------(解决方法三). Personally,I believe that -------------(我的解决方法). Consequently,I’m confident that a bright future isawaiting us because --------------(带来的好处). 二、说明利弊题型 这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测) 1. 说明事物现状 2. 事物本身的优缺点(或一方面) 3. 你对现状(或前景)的看法


1.基本要求:就一般性话题或提纲在半小时写出120词的短文,容基本完整、用词恰当,语篇连贯。 2.评分标准及相应的要求 14分——切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好。基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。 11分——切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。(单复数,冠词,拼写,大小写)8分——基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚, 文字勉强连贯;语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。(时态混乱,句子成分搭配不当) 5分——基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误。 2分——条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。 *卷面要求:字体端正清晰、易于辨认;规大小写;词间空格,段前缩进;正确使用标点符号;避免拼写错误,减少涂改。 *容要求:语言上,关键在于变化,变化不分难易,只要有变化就行。变化分为词的变化和句的变化。在用词上,同一文章中,相同意义的词要争取不断的用近义词替换。 . . .

7种万能写作模板 一、现象/观点阐释型 现象/观点阐释型作文要求考生就某一事物或者现象进行客观的分析和评论。要求分析某一社会现象出现的原因或存在的问题并结合实际情况具体说明自己的看法和建议。此类作文的基本结构如下:第一段简述某一现象(即提出文章讨论的主题)。第二段分析产生该现象的原因或存在的问题(写作的重心,需要从多方面进行阐述)。第三段提出号召、建议或解决方案。 模板 (某社会现象或问题)has increasingly become a common concern of the public. (用一句话具体描述该社会现象). However, (该社会现象引发的问题). The reasons for this are obvious. The primary reason, presumably, is that (产生该现象的原因1). The second reason is that (产生该现象的原因2). Personally, I think (该社会现象) should be controlled because it (该现象产生的社会问题). To improve the present situation, (解决该社会问题的方法或措施). . . .


英语四级作文万能模板 英语四级作文万能模板:解决方法题型 1.问题现状; 2.怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点)。 In recent days, we have to face I problem—A, which is becoming more and more serious. First, …(说明A的现状). Second, …(举例进一步说明现状). Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, …(解决方法一). For another, …(解决方法二). Finally, …(解决方法三). Personally, I believe that …(我的解决方法). Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because …(带来的好处). 英语四级作文万能模板:对比选择型 When it comes to …, different people hold different views. Some contend that …. For one thing, …. For another, …. In spite of all these claims, others maintain that …, They point out that …. Another instance often cited is that …. It’s no easy task to find a satisfactory answer to the issue. As for me, there’s some truth to both arguments. It’s advisable to …. 英语四级作文万能模板:说明利弊题型 说明利弊这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测)。 1.说明事物现状; 2.事物本身的优缺点(或一方面); 3.你对现状(或前景)的看法。 Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life. Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. First, …(A的优点之一). Besides, …(A的优点之二). But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the important disadvantages is that …(A的第一个缺点). To make matters worse, …(A的第二个缺点). Through the above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones. Therefore, I would like to …(我的看法). 〖From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in. Only by this way, …(对前景的预测)〗 英语四级作文万能模板:现象解释型 Recently, …. What amazes us most is …. It is true that …. There are many reasons explaining …. The main reason is …, What is more, …, Thirdly, …. As a result, …. Considering all these, …. For one thing, …. For another, …. In conclusion, ….


2020英语作文万能模板大全 一. 邀请信 介绍自己,简要说明活动,并邀请对方。 1. I’m Wang Ming from YuWen School,the president of the Student Union. 我是来自育文学校的王明,学生会主席。 2. An English speaking contest of our school will be held on August 6. 我们学校有一场英语演讲比赛将在8月6号举行。 3. There will be a party in my garden on Sunday. 周日,在我的花园里会举行一场聚会。 4. I’d like to invite you to judge it. 我想邀请你做它的裁判。 5. I’m writing to invite you to... 我写信是邀请你...... 6. I wonder if you can come to... 我想知道你是否能来...... 介绍活动具体内容,并说明受邀人参加理由。 1. It will begin at 2:00 pm and last two hours, during which time 15 well-prepared contestants will deliver their speeches. 它将于下午两点钟开始,四点钟结束,在此期间将会有十五位准备充分的参赛者发表演讲。 2. We will start at 8:00 am and arrive there at 9:00.

我们将会在上午八点出发,九点到达那里。 3. During the afternoon, we’ll...together. 下午,我们会一起...... 4. Remember to take water and lunch with you. 记得带上水和午餐。 5. By the way, you may take Bus No. 322 in front of your apartment and it will take you directly to the club. 顺便说一下,你可以乘坐你家公寓前的322路公交车,它会直接把你带到俱乐部。 6. I know you are a native speaker of English and an English teacher, and I, on behalf of our school, sincerely invite you to be part of the contest. 我知道你的母语是英语,还是一个英语老师。我,代表我们学校,真诚的邀请你来比赛现场。 期待对方接受邀请,并期待对方尽快回复。 1. Will you be available during that time? Please contact me at 1234567 at your earliest convenience. 那期间你有空吗?请方便时尽快给我打电话1234567。 2. Would you please let me know as soon as possible if you can accept my invitation? 请尽快告诉我你能否接受我的邀请好吗? 3. We will feel much honored if you could come.


万能作文模板 篇一:语文万能作文法模板 语文万能作文法模板 我说(填写话题关键词) 第二板块:小故事过渡(引入话题200字以内) 第三板块:总结小故事(回归话题100字以内) 第四板块:可再引入一个小故事(吸引读者300字以内) 第五板块:排比妙句(升华主题100字以内) 而我选择了(填写话题关键词) (话题关键词)是千里大堤一沙一石的凝聚, (话题关键词)是春蚕吐丝一缕一缕的环绕。 (话题关键词)是远航船的帆,有了帆,船才可以到达成功的彼岸。 “人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”是文天祥的选择; “我自横刀向天笑,去留肝胆两昆仑”是谭嗣同的选择; 宁肯饿死也不吃美国的救济粮,是朱自清的选择。 而我的选择是(话题关键词) 第一板块:经典万能妙句开头(渲染文采100字以内) 是什么,来得悄无生息,走得不留痕迹,却激起所有色彩的轻舞飞扬? 是什么,走得不留痕迹,来得悄无声息,却留下穿越一季的倾情歌唱? 是什么,轻轻地来了,又轻轻地走了,在收获的季节留下飘垂的金黄? 是什么,悄悄地走了,又轻轻地来了,为沉寂的大地纺出洁白的梦想? 哲人对着蓝天微笑:“是时间。”孩童握着风筝拍手:“是风。”流浪者说:“什么都不是,只是一个梦。” 纵然谄媚混淆视听,也不随其流扬其波,这是执着的选择。 纵然马革裹尸,魂归狼烟,也依旧九死而不悔,这是豪壮的选择;

纵然一生清苦,终日难饱,也仍愿怡然自乐,躬耕垄亩,这是高雅的选择。 在一番选择中,帝王将相成其盖世伟业,贤士迁客成其千古文章。 第六板块:名句或者名言结尾(虎头豹尾100字以内) 大海如果失去了巨浪的翻滚,就会失去雄浑; 沙漠如果失去飞沙的狂舞,就会失去壮观; 人生如果失去(话题关键词),生命也就失去了意义。 歌德说:我一生基本上只是辛苦工作,我的年表就是最好的说明。 康德说:人就是不断地进行创造性的工作,工作是使人得到快乐的最好方法。 爱因斯坦说:只要有一天你得到一件合理的事情去做,从此你的工作和生活都会有奇异的色彩。 一个普通人说:我们注定要终生吃苦,我们注定活得不轻松,但我们应该(话题关键词) 盈盈月光,我选一杯最亮的;落落余辉,我拥一缕最暖的;灼灼红叶,我拾一片最热的;凄凄芳草,我摘一束最灿的;漫漫人生,我要采撷世间最重要的(话题关键词)万能开头五种方法 开头方法之一:开门见山话题点穿 诚实守信,是我们中华民族的优良传统。千百年来,人们讲求诚信,推崇诚信。诚信之风质朴醇厚,历史越悠久,诚信之气越充盈中华,诚信之光越普照华夏。诚信早已融入我们民族文化的血液,成为文化基因中不可或缺的重要一环。(《诚信》) 青春,是三月争奇斗艳的花朵,是七月缤纷的太阳雨,是十月灼人的红叶;是喷雾的旭日,是竞发的百舸,是搏击长空的雄鹰;是弹着欢乐的琴弦,是一路坎坷,一路执著地奔向大海的小溪,是挺直了躯干,舒展了满怀的葱茏,热烈地拥抱蓝天的白杨开头方法之二:引用名言文采凸现 如果事业中掺杂了感情因素那事业注定要不成功的;我们的公司的管理人员决于能长着相似的脸。(福特《2003年高考作文把心放正》) 心睛的时候,雨也是睛;心时候,睛也是雨。(汪国真) 哈姆莱特曾高呼:“人啊,看清你自己!” 而我要说:“人啊,看清这个世界。”(《2003


大学英语四级作文万能模板 提纲式作文 1.对立观点式 A.有人认为X 是好事,赞成X,为什么? B.有人认为X 是坏事,反对X,为什么? C.我的看法。 Some people are in favor of the idea of doing X. They point out the fact that 支持X 的第一个原因。They also argue that 支持X 的另一个原因。 However, other people stand on a different ground. They consider it harmful to do X. They firmly point out that 反对X 的第一个理由。An example can give the details of this argument: 一个例子。 There is some truth in both arguments. But I think the advantages of X overweigh the disadvantages. In addition to the above-mentioned negative effects it might bring about, X also may X 的有一个坏处。 2.批驳观点式 A.一个错误观点。 B.我不同意。 Many people argue that 错误观点。By saying that, they mean 对这个观点的进一步解释。An example they have presented is that 一个例子。(According to a survey performed by X on a group of Y, almost 80% of them 赞成这个错误观点或者受到这个错误观点的影响)。 There might be some element of truth in these people’s belief. But if we consider it in depth, we will feel no reservation to conclude that 与错误观点相反的观点。There are a number of reasons behind my belief. (以下参照辩论文的议论文写法)。 3.社会问题(现象)式 A.一个社会问题或者现象。 B.产生的原因 C.对社会和我们生活的影响 D.如何杜绝。(如果是问题的话) E.前景的预测。 Nowadays, there exists an increasingly serious social/economic/environmental problem. (X has increasingly become a common concern of the public). According to a survey, 调查内容说明这种现象的情况。(或者是一个例子)。 There are a couple of reasons booming this problem/phenomenon. 下面参照辩论式议论文的写法。 X has caused substantial impact on the society and our daily life, which has been articulated(表达)in the following aspects. 参照辩论式议论文的写法。 A dozen of measures are supposed to take to prevent X from bringing us more harm. 参照辩论式议论文的写法。 Based on the above discussions, I can easily forecast that more and more people will ……..


一、英语书信的常见写作模板 开头部分: How nice to hear from you again. Let me tell you something about the activity. I’m glad to have received your letter of Apr. 9th. I’m pleased to hear that you’re coming to China for a visit. I’m writing to thank you for your help during my stay in America. 结尾部分: With best wishes. I’m looking forward to your reply. I’d appreciate it if you could reply earlier. 二、口头通知常见写作模板 呼语及开场白部分: Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. 正文部分: All the teachers and students are required to attend it. Please take your notebooks and make notes. Please listen carefully and we’ll have a discussion in groups. Please come on time and don’t be late. 结束语部分: Please come and join in it.


万能写作模板 高考英语作文模版 高考英语作文模版对比观点题型 (1)要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 1.有一些人认为。。。 2.另一些人认为。。。 3.我的看法。。。 The topic of ①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are te people say A is their favorite. They hold their vieore, ③-------------理由二). Moreover, ④---------------(理由三). y point of vieatter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a e people believe that ①----------------(观点一). For example, they think ② -----------------(举例说明).And it ③-----------------(为他们带来的好处). In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing,④-------------(我不同意该看法的理由一).

For another thing, ⑤-----------------(反对的理由之二). Form all inds us that ----------------(释义). Indeed, any things form it. First of all,-----------------(理由一). For example, -------------------(举例说明). Secondly,----------------(理由二). Another case is that ---------------(举例说明). Furthermore , ------------------(理由三). In my opinion, ----------------(我的观点). In short, ember the say------A. If you understand it and apply it to your study or it. 解决方法题型 要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径1.问题现状 2.怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点)


大学英语四级考试万能作文模板 对比观点题型 (1)要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 1.有一些人认为。。。 2.另一些人认为。。。 3.我的看法。。。 The topic of ①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions of it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more, ③-------------理由二). Moreover, ④---------------(理由三). While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理由一). Secondly (besides),⑥------------------(理由二). Thirdly (finally),⑦------------------(理由三). From my point of view, I think ⑧----------------(我的观点). The reason is that ⑨--------------------(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice . (2)给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点 Some people believe that ①----------------(观点一). For example, they think ②-----------------(举例说明).And it will bring them ③-----------------(为他们带来的好处). In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing,④-------------(我不同意该看法的理由一). For another thing, ⑤-----------------(反对的理由之二). Form all what I have said, I agree to the thought that ⑥------------------(我对文章所讨论主题的看法). 阐述主题题型 要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述。 1.阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义。 2.分析并举例使其更充实。 The good old proverb ----------------(名言或谚语)reminds us that ----------------(释义). Indeed, we can learn many things form it. First of all,-----------------(理由一). For example, -------------------(举例说明). Secondly,----------------(理由二). Another case is that ---------------(举例说明). Furthermore , ------------------(理由三). In my opinion, ----------------(我的观点). In short, whatever you do, please remember the say------A. If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you”ll necessarily benefit a lot from it. From Joozone.. 解决法题型 要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径 1.问题现状 2.怎样解决(解决案的优缺点) In recent days, we have to face I problem-----A, which is becoming more and more serious. First, ------------(说明A的现状).Second, ---------------(举例进一步说明现状) Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, ---------------(解决法一). For another -------------(解决法二). Finally, --------------(解决法三).


6级作文模板: 1)先背3个句子 1 Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ……., more and more…..are commonly and widely used in everyday life.(讲重要性) 2 The popularity of digital …will have great influence on our work, study and everyday life. On the one hand …, But on the other hand.(讲影响) 3To conclude, …..are just like a double-edged sword. With the m we may hav e less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them.(结尾段) Ps:灵活运用第1句和第2句,根据不同模板自由组合。 2)模板(2个模板) 1, 开头段:先讲重要性,然后转讲不好的地方。中间段:措施结尾段:先来个小转折再进入总结 开头段Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ……., more and more…..are commonly and widely used i n everyday life. However, what worries most of us is that…… 中间段Firstly….Secondly…https://www.360docs.net/doc/b510990415.html,stly but in no means least…… 结尾段To conclude, …..are just like a double-edged sword. With them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them. 2 ,开头段:先讲重要性,然后转讲争论 中间段:转折(即列出两种不同人的观点) 结尾段:直接进入总结(即你的观点) 开头段:It is accepted that …. Plays a significant part for both …, and what’s more , a lot of attention is being drawn to the change of….. However, whether … deserves such an attention , people’s ideas vary. 中间段:On the one hand, some people hold the view that ….. On the other hand, a great many people insist that…. 结尾段:From my perspective, however…. (你的观点) . Therefore, it’s time that (措施之类的) 6级作文万能句子(补充在”…..”里面的万能句子,自己琢磨每个句子放在哪里比较适合) 重点背:1)5)6)7)句子,最好全部都被过一遍,自己琢磨怎么用。 1)Sth will make our life more enjoyable, that is to say, sth can add color to the dull routine of every day life. 。。。能让我们的生活更美好,也就是说,。。。可以给我们枯燥的生活带来色彩


温馨提醒: 对于英语基础较差的同学,作文可采用背模板的方法应对。以下模板仅适用于英语书面表达较差,到目前为止看到题目仍然无从下笔的同学。实属考前临时抱佛脚的无奈之举。 基础较好的同学,请按照题目要求与提示正常完成写作。 写作注意事项: 1、无论如何要写够字数80词 2、如果实在无法写出完整的符合语法的句子,可以按题目提示的中文顺序罗列你所知道的英文单词 3、一时想不起如何拼写的英文单词,可以到阅读理解等题目中查找。 万能模板1:(适用所有作文类型) The topic of 此处抄写作文题目is becoming more and more popular recently. It is my thinking about this topic below. This First point is very important. 此处翻译题目的中文提示1(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好)

This Second point is important, too. 此处翻译题目的中文提示2(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) So I believe that we should pay more and more attention to this topic from now on. 万能模板2:(适用所有作文类型) I think it is very important to understand 此处抄写作文题目. Why? That’s because many people don’t understand it well enough nowadays. For one thing, 此处翻译题目的中文提示1(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的意义有关联的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好)For another, 此处翻译题目的中文提示2(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的意义有关联的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好)


1.基本要求:就一般性话题或提纲在半小时内写出120词的短文,内容基本完整、用词恰当,语篇连贯。 2.评分标准及相应的要求 14分——切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好。基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。 11分——切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。(单复数,冠词,拼写,大小写)8分——基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚, 文字勉强连贯;语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。(时态混乱,句子成分搭配不当) 5分——基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误。 2分——条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。 *卷面要求:字体端正清晰、易于辨认;规范大小写;词间空格,段前缩进;正确使用标点符号;避免拼写错误,减少涂改。 *内容要求:语言上,关键在于变化,变化不分难易,只要有变化就行。变化分为词的变化和句的变化。在用词上,同一文章中,相同意义的词要争取不断的用近义词替换。

7种万能写作模板 一、现象/观点阐释型 现象/观点阐释型作文要求考生就某一事物或者现象进行客观的分析和评论。要求分析某一社会现象出现的原因或存在的问题并结合实际情况具体说明自己的看法和建议。此类作文的基本结构如下:第一段简述某一现象(即提出文章讨论的主题)。第二段分析产生该现象的原因或存在的问题(写作的重心,需要从多方面进行阐述)。第三段提出号召、建议或解决方案。 模板 (某社会现象或问题)has increasingly become a common concern of the public. (用一句话具体描述该社会现象). However, (该社会现象引发的问题). The reasons for this are obvious. The primary reason, presumably, is that (产生该现象的原因1). The second reason is that (产生该现象的原因2). Personally, I think (该社会现象) should be controlled because it (该现象产生的社会问题). To improve the present situation, (解决该社会问题的方法或措施).
