

The Pedestrian is a science story happened in 2052. It talks about Mr. Leonard Mead, who always walks out for hours at night, is arrested by a robot policeman suddenly with an unreasonable accusation: disturb the society stability. From the story, the writer delivers a warning that technological development cannot be placed above humanity. Humanity is the most important element in our society, the society will become purgatory if technology places humanity. Here are three examples in the story.

The first example is the description of surroundings and people in the story, he shows us a non-humanity environment. During Mr. Leonard walking, he describes the city is a misty silence and the earth he stands on is a buckling concrete which means no one use it anymore, both two imply there is no vigor in the city at night. He also sees the night walking as walk through a graveyard, the street at night is only dry river beds. Besides, he takes the people in house like dead people sitting in the tomb-like houses. At the end of story, writer uses three “empty” as parallelism to emphasize the situation of society ——a cold, empty and soul-less society.

The second example shown in the conversation between the robotic police and Mr. Leonard. When the police first show up, car’s light is a beam of fierce cone. When the city’s only one police speak to Mr. Leonard, its voice is metallic and without any motion. When Mr. Leonard answers police’s question that why he walks outside at night, the police even cannot understand the meaning of walking for air and walking to see. What’s more, the robotic police even want to sent Mr. Leonard to Psychological Center just because he walks out at night. When Mr. Leonard is put into the car, writer uses lots of adjectives to describe the terrible situation in the car, he describes the cars as a little black jail with bars, it smells like as steel and harsh bleach. This ridiculous conversation and strange car can show the humanity has been put lower than the technology, but how can a society develop without humanity?

The last example is Mr. Leonard himself, he is a warm image. He is an exception from the non-humanity society, people can see the warmth of humanity. For example, he loves walking outside to breath the fresh air and see the world, he ridicules his lung blazing like a Christmas tree, he even chat with the tomb-like house like talk to a real person. When he passes his house, it is the one particular house with a loud yellow illumination. Everything about Mr. Leonard shows the scarce humanity.

From the three examples, people can easily notice Mr. Leonard is the only person with humanity, everything in that society is cold and soul-less, it is strange and unbearable. The writer wants to warn people should not develop technology blindly, people should take humanity into consideration. This world should be a warm one and be filled with humanity.


名著的英语读后感 第一篇:呼啸山庄名著英语读后感 a reading report of wuthering heights the book i have read this term is wuthering heights. emily bronte is perhaps the greatest writer of the three bronte sisters——charlotte bronte, emily, and anne bronte. emily bronte published only one novel, wuthering heights . some of her best lyric are also rated with the best in english poetry. her famous poems are love and friendship, the bluebell. a man named lockwood rents a manor house called thrushcross grange where the housekeeper nelly tells him the story here. one day, mr. earnshaw, the owner of the manor, goes to liverpool and returns home with an orphan boy. at first, the earnshaw children——a boy named hindley and his younger sister catherine ——detest heathcliff. but catherine quickly es to love him. mr. earnshaw prefers him to his own son, and he sends hindley away to college when he treats heathcliff badly. then mr. earnshaw dies, and hindley returns with a wife. he treats heathcliff as a labor to seek revenge on him. one night, heathcliff and catherine wander to thrushcross grange. catherine is bitten by a dog and is forced to stay at the the grange. during that time, she infatuates with edgar. catherine’s desire for social advancement prompts her to bee engaged to edgar linton. heathcliff runs aways froms wuthering heights, and returning shortly after catherine and edgar’s marriage. then he deviously lends money to drunken hindley. when hindley dies, he inherits the manor. he places himself in line to inherit thrushcross grange by marring isabella linton. catherine bees ill, she gives birth to a daughter and dies. shortly therefore, isabella flees to london and gives birth to heathcliff’s son, named hareton. thirteen years pass, young catherine meets hareton. they began a secret romance. linton pursues catherine only because his father forces him to. when edgar nears death, heathcliff lures and holds catherine prisoner until she marries linton. then edgar and linton die soon. six months later, lockwood returns, and finds that catherine grows to love hareton as they live together and plan to be married. heathcliff bees


《学生可以这样教育》读书笔记与读后感 1500字 导读:读书笔记《学生可以这样教育》读书笔记与读后感1500字,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 《学生可以这样教育》读书笔记与读后感1500字: 之前读了陈宇老师的《你能做最好的班主任》一书,收获颇丰,最近在工作室的推荐下,又读了陈宇老师的另外一本书《学生可以这样教育》。看了这两本书,对陈宇老师的教育理念又有了更深一步的了解。陈宇老师是一个又务实,又机智的班主任。在他的很多教育案例中,他的很多处理问题的方法,都是从学生实际出发,跟学生一起制定各种规则。他们制定的这些规则不是简单的条条框框,而是在实际操作中,可以指导学生接下来哪些事情可以怎么做。这些规则制定的越是简单明了,可操作性强,就对班集体或者学生更有意义,因为学生很清楚、也很容易理解该怎么做? 在《学生可以这样教育》一书中,有关于规则教育、惩戒教育、说服教育、培养情商、提升成绩等这些教师们关注的问题。而书中介绍的各种方法均已在实践中得到检验,当遇到这些问题时,陈宇老师通过一些教育案例,给我们提供了相关的解决方案,这样在我们的实践中,可以根据实际情况,结合陈宇老师的做法,找到恰当的处理问题方式。

其中,令我感触最深的是书中第五章的内容---怎样让学生愿意接受你的教育。在传统的班级管理中,教师与学生的沟通多以教师说教、教师批评、学生被动接受为主,时间久了,学生耳朵磨出了茧子,对老师的这种方式越来越不耐烦,教师自身对学生问题处理的无力感也会越来越严重。 但是陈宇老师在处理学生问题时,却用了很多不一样的方式,但每一种方式都让我们特别有启发。 (一)润物细无声 1.多用“我们”----自己人效应; 2.以心换心----角色置换效应; 3.没有白说的废话----调味品效应; 4.“数学老师说你很棒!”----第三人效应; 5.边吃边聊----可口可乐效应; (二)沟通,从倾听开始 6.做一个真诚的倾听者----格林斯潘效应; 7.“是的,是的,可是……”----可是效应; 8.“有什么你就冲着我来吧”----安全阀效应; (三)褒贬得当,循序渐进 9.褒贬适度最和谐----黄金分割效应; 10.先抑后扬,渐入佳境----阿伦森效应; 11.让批评听上去很美好----三明治效应; 12.“哪怕做一道题也好啊”----进门槛效应;

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde《化身博士》读后感

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde《化身博士》大意及读后感 General Idea(大意): Henry Jekyll was a doctor. He liked the hard work and other people had a good opinion of him. But on the other hand, he enjoyed the wild night life so much. He learned that man has two sides --- a good side and an evil side. He found that some chemicals had a great power when he was doing some scientific work. That could change a person’s body --- they can change its shape, and make it bigger or smaller. Jekyll used it to make himself turn into another person --- Hyde, an evil little man. Hyde did a lot of bad things. And finally Jekyll found that the medicine does not have enough power to turn himself back because the evil side of him had got bigger and bigger. Finally, he killed himself because he could not get rid of Hyde. Feelings and thoughts(读后感): I think most of people have a double life. But I don’t mean that a person had two sides, a good side and a bad one. Everybody has the desire of getting something, it is normal. But if we don’t control it when it get bigger and bigger, we will lose ourselves. Beautiful Sentences(优美句子): I seemed to have a good future in front of me. Everything looked bright and good. In this way, my life become a lie. Slowly it became clear to me that man is not just one person. He is two people. It seems wrong that we have to live with both person in the same body. The memory of those terrible hours as Hyde frightened me most. I was terribly afraid. Not afraid of a murderer’s death, but afraid of being Hyde.


英语名著读书笔记 【篇一:300字英语名著读后感】 frankenstein was a good scientist.he wanted to use elestricity to help people,and he wanted to discover the secrets of life.he worked very hard on these two things.he wanted to create a new life, but he was not allowed to make such medical experiments.he made a body in his laboratory and he didnot let anybody enter his labtatory or his flat while he was doing this awful work.he bought or stole all the pieces of human body that he needed,and slowly and carefully, he put them all together. he used electricity from lighting to give life to the body. in the beginning, the monster was kind and helpful. but when he was hated everywhere by his creator and people,he felt very painful. he became hated everything and wanted to destroy everything.he killed frankensteins son, william and fiancee ,elizabeth.frankenstein filled with anger chase him with his creation demonic monster, finally, frankenstein and the monster in the fight they died. it is a very terrible story. frankenstein created a monster, in this society in which the subject of ridicule, discrimination, so that he eventually became hate everything, trying to ruin everything. this is not just to create a simple person, but to create a satan, a devil. if people all show kindness for the monster, it would be a good man.there would not be many people losing their lives.in the story,the monster asked frankenstein to make a second creature. but at last, frankenstein did not.i think he is right.if he does that,there may be more people to be dead.maybe in the future,there will be no person on earth. it is awful. from the story,i learned that everyone should have sympathy. do not only care about appearance. 【篇二:英文名著读后感】 外国九大名著英文版读后感 【小王子】 title: the little prince author: antoine de st-exupery


:____________ 最新英语教师读书笔记3篇 _____年___月___日 _____________部门小学英语教师读书笔记(一)

俗话说:“良好的开端是成功的一半”。上课也一样。教师的循循诱导,能让学生产生强烈的求知欲和好奇心,从而更积极主动地参加课堂教学,为整节课的成功作准备。 一、导入:⒈歌曲导入。⒉设置悬念。当然导入很多,教学中不能单一的用一种导入,也许这种导入刚开始学生觉得很有劲,但天天用学生就会厌倦了。所以教师设计时要多多新颖,多多改变,尽量多样性。 二、创设情景,多用直观教学. 由于小学生年龄较小,生活经验不丰富,知识范围有限,决定了他们对直观、新颖、有趣的材料容易理解和接受。比如学生学习“good morning ﹑good afternoon ﹑good evening”这三个问候词时很容易混淆,我就用道具设置情景:画了三幅图,有从东面初升的太阳表示上午,有正在上方炎热的太阳表示中午,有明亮的月亮表示晚上。再叫学生用“good morning ﹑good afternoon ﹑good evening”来说,加深了学生的印象。作为一个小学英语教师表情要丰富,如果表情呆滞,语言平淡,学生就不能全身心投入学习中。所以在课堂上,老师需要生动地表演,丰富的表情,使学生进入一个童话世界。在制作教具时可让学生自己动手画、动手做。在教学中要用到的图片,可以提早几天布置下去,当他们的作品被运用在课堂上时,孩子们都很兴奋。这样使学生体会到成功的喜悦也激发了学英语的兴趣。此外画图片,也培养了学生的绘画能力,也可让他们熟悉一下将要学的新知识,真是一举多得啊!


化身博士读后感读后感500字5篇 所以我们要培养自己的习惯,并且持续地坚持,才能在以后生活中让我们收益,以免我们的心灵收不到控制从而使它处于过度的自由状态,让我们以后的生活中会因此而感到烦恼。下面是收集推荐的化身博士读后感读后感500字,欢迎阅读参考。 化身博士读后感500字篇一 这是小说《化身博士》的一小段简介,这很吸引人不是吗? 这些想法对有的人来说是很危险的,尤其对杰基尔博士就是这样,因为他是个聪明绝顶的科学家,他找到了一种方法,吧幻想变成现实。 杰基尔博士是一位拥有大笔遗产,一个强健身体和一个出色的头脑。作为一名科学家,他在他从事的领域里获得了巨大的成就。外面的人把杰基尔博士看成一本正经,勤奋工作的博士。但在这安静的性格下,却是活泼,爱现的交际场里的年轻人。他被他的名誉,成就,人品着,直到有一天他的研究成功了。他变成了另外一个人,他就像一只笼中鸟,不!是一头出笼的野兽。他杀了人,却无比畅快。他的得到了无限的释放。可世上没有完美

的事,也不可能容纳罪人。杰基尔,一直依靠药变化者身份。可那份善,恶的两面越加明显,直到被恶占领。药物也不能再起作用,杰基尔博士忏悔了,最终离开了人世。 读完了这本书,仿佛从杰基尔身上看到了一点自己打影子。曾经听人说过:“人的一生是在逃避中度过的”。当然,人们却喜欢,或者天生就爱展现自己好的一面。当不要像杰基尔博士一样。 另一位让人回味的人物就是厄特森律师。因为是一位博士,就有着一位律师负责理智的思维。故事的始终却贯穿着这个人物。在没有发现那位凶手便是杰基尔之前,他苦苦探索着。当然,到故事的中段,厄特森先生已经开始怀疑那位凶手便是杰基尔。那份对朋友的担心和找寻凶手的责任感,深压着他,直到他读了杰基尔的那封忏悔信。 小说的情节有些神秘,又有些悬疑。这令我一个对文字不感兴趣的中学生,却很感兴趣。 故事的最后两节,是两封信的内容,一封是兰宁的,一封是杰基尔的。 这两封信,解答了小说前部分所有的疑问,虽然看了故事的前部分,就已经可以看出些端倪,但最后的解疑会给人一点成就感。 这是一本很不错的小说,值得一看。


内容简介: 《夏洛的网》是美国作家E.B.怀特所著的三部被誉为“二十世纪读者最多、最受爱戴的童话”之一。 在朱克曼家的谷仓里,快乐地生活着一群动物,其中小猪威尔伯和蜘蛛夏洛建立了最真挚的友谊。然而,一个最丑恶的消息打破了谷仓的平静:威尔伯未来的命运竞是成为熏肉火腿。作为一只小猪,悲痛绝望的威尔伯似乎只能接受任人宰割的命运了,然而,看似渺小的夏洛却说:“我救你。”于是,夏洛用自己的丝在猪栏上织出了被人类视为奇迹的网上文字,彻底逆转了威尔伯的命运,终于让它在集市的大赛中赢得特别奖,和一个安享天命的未来。但,这时,蜘蛛夏洛的生命却走到了尽头…… 作者简介: E.B.怀特(1899-1985)生于纽约蒙特弗农,毕业于康奈尔大学。也许你对美国作家E.B. 怀特(E.B.White)感到陌生,也许你对《Charlotte's Web》(《夏洛的网》)不是很熟悉,但是一提起一部电影《精灵鼠小弟》,你马上就知道了,这部电影就是根据E.B. 怀特(E.B.White)的书改编拍摄的。他还有一部童话叫《吹小号的天鹅》。 Charlotte's Web by E.B.White Chapter 1. Before Breakfast №.1 - It's very small and weak, and it will never amount to anything. 【译文】它长得又小又弱,没有任何可留下来的价值了。 【短语笔记】amount to 【双语释义】(1)To add up in number or quantity: 总共,合计:数字或数量加在一起: 【例】The purchases amounted to 50 dollars.(买东西总共花了50美元。) (2)To add up in import or effect: 等同,接近:重要性或效果相当于: 【例】That plan will never amount to anything.(那个计划无关紧要。) (3)To be equivalent or tantamount: 等于,如同: 【例】accusations that amount to an indictment(等同于是起诉的控告) №.2 - "But it's unfair," cried Fern. "The pig couldn't help being born small, could it? If I had been very small at birth, would you have killed me?" 【译文】"可是这不公平,"芬哭叫着。"这头猪愿意让自己生下来就小吗,它愿意吗?如果我生下来时也很瘦小,你就会杀死我吗?" 【小编评注】正是这句话触动了我们作为人类最敏感的神经,生命有其存在的权利——这样简单的道理,却是由一个小女孩讲给世界上的大人们。也不禁让人感叹:Why do people look at something and straight


英语名著读后感 【篇一:英文名著读后感】 外国九大名著英文版读后感 【小王子】 title: the little prince author: antoine de st-exupery main characters: the little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc. despite i’ve not in my childhood yet, i still prefer reading fairy-tale stories. the tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children. this summer i’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940. it’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the french author, antoine de st-exupery, the little prince. as many other fairy-tales, the outline of the little prince is not very complex. ―i‖, the narrator of the story, i s a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the sahara. in this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the asteroid b612. the little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet. in that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids. on his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a businessman, a lamplighter and a geographer. from these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd. following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the sahara, on the earth. traveling on the earth, the little prince, who sees a garden of five-thousand roses, is overcome with astonishment and sadness, as he considers his rose is unique in the universe before. at that time a fox appears. the fox, who tell the little prince about the meaning of the word ―tame‖, becomes his new friend. at the time to say farewell, the fox makes him know that his rose is unique because she is his rose and tamed by


《英语可以这样教》读后感1000字 导读:读书笔记《英语可以这样教》读后感1000字,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 《英语可以这样教》读后感1000字: 寒假期间,响应学校“品年味,品家味,品书味”活动的号召,我精心地为自己挑选了几本精神食粮,其中《英语可以这样教》一书令我感触颇深。 《英语可以这样教》是江苏一线教师沈丽新的教育札记。作为新老师的我,当初看这本书是带很强烈的功利心的,企图能够从老教师身上能够速成地掌握教学课堂的一些技巧。然后当我深入阅读,随着沈老师娓娓讲述自己课堂里发生的各种事件和她的教学积累与反思。我猛然发现,最大的收获不仅仅是学会如何教学,隐藏的更大的财富是学会何为人师。沈老师用温润的笔触,独特的视角,细致的观察向我们描述了一个美好而又充满激情的课堂,让刚刚从事教学事业的我突然有一种归属感,一种认同感,感动着,激动着。哦,原来英语也可以这样教,原来英语教学可以如此生动,如此曼妙。 印象最深的是《“我”很重要》这篇教育札记,沈老师在新学期伊始,并没有并没有急于教学进度的推进,而是挑了篇毕淑敏的《我很重要》,朗读给孩子听。其中有段文字写的很好:对于我们的父母,我们永远是不可复制的孤本,无论他们有多少儿女,我们都是独特的一个。重要并不是伟大的同义词,它是对心灵对生命的允诺。只要我

们在时刻努力着,为光明在奋斗,我们就是无比重要地生活着。是的,在沈老师抒情的朗读中,孩子们极为动容,沈老师形象描述道:几双总是在课堂上神色黯然的双眸也明亮了起来。 其实我想说的是,读到这段文字,我的血液也在沸腾,我也在不由自主地反思,面对这样一个个独特的生命,我该如何倾心待之。他们都很重要,他们都不该只是声音的模仿着,他们也不该只是知识的容器,他们很重要,他们很独特。作为新老师的我,承担着教书育人的重责,如何做到不辜负每一颗心灵。很快,我在沈老师的书中找到了答案。英语教师,首先是教师,其次才是英语教师。教师说的是作为人师的治教态度,要授以学生知识,更要教会学生做人。做到眼中有学生,心中想学生。 作为英语教师,应该有面对学生的专业姿态。课堂是生命生长,智慧生长的地方,是学生成长和教师发展的地方。作为一个英语教师,一定要把握好课堂这个主阵地。要时刻站在儿童立场,时刻规划好自己的教学,时刻更新自己的教学,时候反思自己的教学。让温情在课堂弥漫,读后感让家常课亦成为一道道亮丽的风景,让读书成为世界上最好玩最幸福的一件事。沈老师讲述了很多教学技巧,传授了很多教学经验与反思,大有裨益。而从中最大的领悟就是教书要用心,教书要动情。从札记的字里行间可以感受到沈老师是个用心教书,严谨治教的人。这是最值得我尊敬的地方,也是我最要学习的地方。教师吃的是良心饭,只有我们兢兢业业,用心教学,才能让年轻的生命丰盈,让稚嫩的心灵充盈,才能让我们的孩子聆听世界的声音。


《化身博士》英文读后感 The story of Dr Jekyll is quite famous around the world, however, Dr Jekyll himself is a typical tragic person. He is a kind and wise doctor in front of the public, but might not wise enough to adjust himself. As an old saying goes: every coin has two sides. Dr Jekyll also has his own negative side, which finally become Mr. Hide. Mr. Hide is always hunger for violence, and all the bad things he did tell us that too. People may treat him as a criminal, but to me, he is just unable to find a way to abreact. It really doesn’t matter if you are a man lives in 19th century or comes from stone age, we are all people, we all have feelings, we all have our own Mr. or Ms Hide, the only question is, can you find a way to maintain your mental health? Maybe we can’t afford to have our own psychological consultant, but we CAN play games to relax ourselves, or realize any wildest dream in this virtual world. Imaging this, once our Dr Jekyll has some evil minds, he can turn to his computer for help. Maybe he can play some action games to satisfy his desire for “passion”, just like people today. Since the video


《夏洛特的网》观后感 《夏洛特的网》观后感 当品味完一部影视作品后,能够给我们不少启示,为此需要好好认真地写观后感。你想知道观后感怎么写吗?下面是小编帮大家整理的《夏洛特的网》观后感,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 在希望之星英语培训班学习的时候,偶然看到《夏洛特的网》初中组配音比赛,看到那一个个似曾相识的画面,我不禁想起以前看的小说《夏洛的网》,便充满好奇心的观看了这部英文电影。 这部电影讲了一个小猪威尔伯的神奇经历。它是一只春天的猪,生下来就发育不良。美丽善良的女孩子芬恩在一个下雨的夜里看到她的爸爸在母猪生了11只猪却只有十个奶头的情况下,便想把我们的主人公――威尔伯杀掉。芬恩十分很不忍心,主动要求饲养这只可怜的小猪,故事就由此开始。按照西方的习俗,春天的猪都会在圣诞节被做成熏肉火腿,是看不到冬天的雪的,威尔伯听后非常恐惧,曾经多次逃跑未果。这时,蜘蛛夏洛特出现了。它们成了相当要好的朋友。为了威尔伯不在圣诞节被主人杀掉,夏洛特暗下决心要帮助威尔伯逃过此劫难。她对小猪许下了要帮助它的承诺。 自此,夏洛特不停地想着好词,不断用网编了出来,吸引人们的视线,提升小猪威尔伯的名气,想以此来打动主人不要杀掉威尔伯。如此三番,在夏洛特的努力下,主人终于觉得

威尔伯是一只很了不起的小猪,便决定带他去参加一个宠物大赛。事情似乎有了转机。但到了比赛现场,夏洛特和威尔伯听说,如果比赛不成功,它依然会被做成培根,事情已经到了最紧急的关头,于是再次夏洛特拼尽全力和坦普顿(一只小老鼠)帮助了威尔伯,使它最终获得了奖牌,逃脱了死亡的命运。可当小猪拿到奖章时,夏洛特已经虚弱疲惫不堪了。临终前,她很感激威尔伯把他的蛋囊带回农场…… 在那个美丽的春天里,小猪威尔伯守护着夏洛特的514 个孩子诞生,其中有三个留下来陪他,继续着它们那美好而又感人的故事…… 夏洛特作为一个被其他动物瞧不起的丑陋的蜘蛛,为了兑现对好朋友威尔伯所做出的承诺,为它煞费苦心,殚精竭虑,最后用牺牲生命的代价让她的朋友看到了冬天的雪,躲过了死亡的厄运,这是一种多么可贵的精神?这又是一种多么深厚的情谊?我被夏洛特这种遵守诺言的精神和伟大的母爱深深地感动。我突然觉得,友情的力量足以撼动宇宙!人心在此刻得到了净化和升华! 一只普通的小猪,一只平凡的蜘蛛,造就了一段轰轰烈烈的友情的佳话。权、财在这样唯美的友情下,灰飞烟灭…… 寒假里,哥哥向我推荐了一部电影,名字叫做《夏洛特的网》,开始我没有兴趣,但是很快,我就被深深吸引住了。 小猪威尔伯是一只春天出生的猪,它很瘦,其貌不扬,主人想把它杀掉,然而芬尼也就是主人的女儿十分地喜爱它,并把它放进谷仓照顾。在谷仓里,威尔伯认识了马、羊、鸭子、小老鼠等许多朋友,威尔伯发现,谷仓的门框上挂着一只蜘蛛,


英文名著读后感范文(精选5篇) 英文名著读后感范文(精选5篇) 认真读完一本著作后,大家心中一定有不少感悟,需要回过头来写一写读后感了。怎样写读后感才能避免写成“流水账”呢?下面是小编为大家收集的英文名著读后感范文(精选5篇),欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 英文名著读后感1I believe that one of the factors that makes a piece of literature or even a movie a masterpiece is how well the reader can relate to the story. This is definitely a book everyone can relate to. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a literary masterpieces,written in 1876 by the famous author Mark Twain. Tom Sawyer is a mischievous young boy who lives in the small town on the Mississippi River called St. Petersburg. The story line is simple,the book reads like a biography or a memoir of a summer in Tom Sawyers life. It is a story filled with action,adventure,, ingenious


《给英语教师的101条建议》读后感 《给英语教师的101条建议》读后感 读完了《给英语教师的101条建议》这本书。尽管它的理论性较强,比较适合初、高中英语教师阅读,但我还是颇受启发。特别是看了“英语课堂教学中如何纠错”这一条,恍然大悟,结合自己的教学经历及观摩名师们的课堂纠错高招,才真正知道怎样做。 1.Never say “No “,Just say “Maybe” with smile. 当学生回答问题出错时,仍带着微笑,Never say “No “,Just say “Maybe”,然后插上一两句话加以提醒,这样照顾学生的自尊心,学生还会在下一次勇于回答问题。在英语课堂教学中尽管教师该讲的都讲了,学生该练的都练了,可是学生运用所学的语言知识时,往往还会错误百出。这时我们教师也许会惊慌失措,灰心丧气(特别是公开课时),或许还会责怪学生。其实学习过程中学生犯错是不可缺少的部分,也正因为会犯错,他才是学生,他才需要学习,教师才会知道哪些知识学生掌握不牢固。我们可以了解学生个体接受能力方面差异及学生的学习态度。这样把学生的错误当成学生学习的资源,我们讲究适时、适度、得法,在不伤害学生的自尊心和自信心下,巧妙地纠正了学生的错误! 2.Ues “Would you repeat ? Say it again,please.”… 发现学生讲错了,有时可以要求其重复。如及时、婉转、耐心、客气地对他说: “Would you repeat ?”” Say it again,please.”这样一来可以暗示学生,“你的句子有问题”;二来学生很愿意接受,他明白后

一般就会自己改正。有时“Again.”” Would you repeat ?”之类的话还不足以引起学生对错误的注意,这时,我们就可以用疑问的语调重复学生有错误的话,还可以强调句子中错误的部分。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/b511733689.html,e different ways for asking questions. 发现错误时,我们可以提问说错了的学生,也可以提问其他学生。如,“Is that correct ?””Is he right ?”这样做的好处是: 既可以让说错的学生改正错误,又可以让更多的学生注意。如果这个学生仍不能自己改正,我们可以试控性地问其他学生:“Who can help him?’,这样激发全班学生积极参与,主动思考,一般也不会伤害这个学生的自尊心。很多时候,我们在组织操练(如对话)时,应要求学生边听边注意其他学生的错误,互相纠错,从而自觉地把纠正错误作为英语学习过程的重要组成部分。 4 .Use expression or gesture to implie. 用表情或手势给予暗示,这样比较含蓄,学生容易接受。但是,我们的表情或手势一定要让学生能够理解,否则会适得其反。因此,用表情或手势暗示学生时一定要适度,并经过一段时间的训练,形成习惯,使之容易被学生理解。如,一年级小朋友说“This is my ears ,this is my eyes ”,这时我就伸出一个手指,然后用这个手指摸着一只耳朵和一只眼睛,学生马上就能改口说“This is my ear ,this is my eye ”。 帮助学生纠正错误的方法很多,但一定要讲究适时、适度、得当。通过纠错,激发学生的求知欲,培养学生的学习兴趣和良好的学习习惯,改进和促进学生的学习。另外在设计内容教学时,要充分考


《化身博士》读后感 《化身博士》读后感 读完一本书以后,大家心中一定有很多感想,需要好好地就所收获的东西写一篇读后感了。那么你真的懂得怎么写读后感吗?下面是小编为大家收集的《化身博士》读后感,欢迎阅读与收藏。 《化身博士》读后感1 我很容易沉浸在幻想的世界里,《化身博士》这本书给我一个很独特的幻想空间,里面的博士因为从来不会克制自己的行动和欲望,所以经常犯下很多的错误,于是他发明了一种化学药剂,可以在自己有很恐怖的欲望的时候克制住自己的思维,他喝下这种药剂后就继续着他的生活,但是也给他的生活带来很多的问题,里面的一个场景让人哭笑不得,在一个聚会的高潮时,博士忽然逃离了聚会的现场,不知踪影,其实是他的脑海中又一次萌发了恐怖的想法,所以他无可奈何,只好用逃离现实的圈套来委曲求全地不让自己犯下更大的错误。可以说,他活的很艰难。我很为他感到惋惜,因为他是一个好人至少是从内心来说,因为不会克制自己而被生活,被命运所戏弄,所以我们在日常生活中也要学会克制自己,日久天长,才会有一个良好的习惯,这种良好的习惯再一次统治你的心灵,可以让你在规矩的束缚下循规蹈矩的生活,慢慢它会让你受益终生。不过我们毕竟也不愿意被规矩时时处处地管束,让我们的心灵受到一种莫名其妙的奴役,但是如果适应了自我约束,就可以在潜意识中形成一种规律,渐渐的,也就适应了适合自己的学习和生活的方法。所以我们要培养自己的习惯,并且持续地坚持,才能在以后生活中让我们收益,以免我们的心灵收不到控制从而使它处于过度的自由状态,让我们以后的生活中会因此而感到烦恼。《化身博士》读后感2 今天来跟大家分享一本科幻类的小说——《化身博士》。主人公是杰基尔博士,他很优秀,很善良,几乎是个完美的人,有着很高的声望。但在这些光环背后,他的压力也是巨大的。于是,他做了一个大胆的实验,调配了一种药水,能使自


夏洛特的网台词There was nothing special about Somerset County. 苏塞特郡没什么与众不同 It was a deeply ordinary place. 是一个非常平凡无奇的地方 No astonishing thing ever happened there. 没有发生过惊天动地的事 The people who lived there were just regular people. 住的都是些凡夫俗子 And the animals...Well, they were just plain old animals. 至于动物们...也是再普通不过的了 They didn't question the order of things 他们从来也不多想什么 So, the days passed, one very much like the other .生活就这么日复一日年复一年 But, one spring, on a small farm, 然而某个春天在一个小农场里 a little girl did something, 有个小女孩做了一件了不起的事 something that would change everything. 这件事改变了一切 What are you doing? 你要干什么 Fern, go back to bed. 菲恩回去睡觉吧 You're not going to kill it, are you? 你不会是要杀了它吧 It's a runt. Now, go back to bed 这只太瘦小了你快回去睡觉 No, it's not fair! It can't help being born small. 不这不公平它也不想这样的 Careful.小心 If I'd been born small, would you have killed me? 如果我出生时也很瘦小你会杀了我吗 Of course not.当然不会 A little girl is one thing.A runty pig is another. 瘦小的女孩是一回事,瘦小的猪仔是另一回事 There's no difference!This is unfair and unjust. 没有差别这样不公平 How could you be so heartless? 你怎么能这么狠心 I want to show you something. 过来让你看些东西 You see that? You see? 看到了吗 There's 11 pigs and only 10 teats.
