



1.Little donkeys thread their way among the throngs of people.

2.Then as you penetrate deeper into the bazaar, the noise of the entrance fades away, and you come to the muted cloth-market.

3.They narrow down their choice and begin the really serious business of beating the price down.

4.He will price the item high, and yield little in the bargaining.

5.As you approach it, a tinkling and banging and clashing begins to impinge on your ear.


1.Serious looking men spoke to one another as if they were oblivious of the crowds about them.

2.The cab driver’s door popped open at the very sight of a traveler.

3.The rather arresting spectacle of little old Japan adrift amid beige concrete

skyscrapers is the very symbol of the incessant struggle between the kimino and the miniskirt.

4.I experienced a twinge of embarrassment at the prospect of meeting the mayor of Hiroshima in my socks.

5.The few Americans and Germans seemed just as inhibited as I was/

6.After three days in Japan, the spinal column becomes extraordinarily flexible.

7.I was about to make my little bow of assent, when the meaning of these last words sank in, jolting me out of sad reverie.

8.I thought somehow I had been spared.


1.The prospect of a good catch looked bleak.

2.He moved his finger back in time to the ice of two decades ago.

3.Keeps its engines running to prevent the metal parts from freeze-locking together.

4.Acre by acre, the rain forest is being burned to create fast pasture for fast-food beef

5.Which means we are silencing thousands of songs we have never even heard.

6.Considering such scenarios is not a purely speculative exercise.

7.We are ripping matter from its place in the earth in such volume as to upset the balance between daylight and darkness.

8.Or have our eyes adjusted so completely to the bright lights of civilization that we can’t see these clouds for what they are

9.To come to the question another way

10.And have a great effect on the location and pattern of human societies

11.We seem oblivious of the fragility of the earth’s natural systems

12.And this ongoing revolution has also suddenly accelerated exponentially.

1.She thinks her sister has held life always in the palm of one hand

2.“no”is a word cthe world never learned to say to her

3.Johnny Carson has much to do to keep up with my quick and witty tongue.

4.It seems to me I have talked to them always with one foot raised in flight.

5.She washed us in a river of make-believe

6.Burned us with a lot of knowledge we didn’t necessarily need to know

7.Like good looks and money, quickness passed her by.

8.A dress to the ground, in this hot weather.

9.You can see me trying to move a second or two before I make it

10.Anyhow, he soon gives up on Maggie.

11.Though, in fact, I probably could have carried it back beyond the Civil War

through the branches.

12.Every once in a while he and Wangero sent eye signals over my head

13.Less than that

14.This was the way she knew God to work.


1.Hitler was counting on enlisting capitalist and Right Wing sympathies in this country and the USA.

2.Winant said the same would be true of USA.

3.My life is much simplified thereby.

4.I will unsay no word that I have spoken about it.

5.I see the German bombers and fighters in the sky, still smarting from many a British whipping, delighted to find what they believe is an easier and a safer prey.

6.We shall be strengthened not weakened in determination and in resources.

7.Let us redouble our exertions, and strike with united strength while life and power remain.


1.The house detective;s piggy eyes surveyed her sardonically from his gross jowled-face.

2.Pretty neat set-up you folks got.

3.The obese body shook in an appreciative chuckle.

4.He lowered the level of his incongruous falsetto voice.

5.The words spat forth with sudden savagery, all pretense of blandness gone.

6.The Duchess of Croydon - three centuries and a half of inbred arrogance behind her - did not yield easily.

7.“It is no go, old girl. I’m afraid. It was a good try.”

8.“That’s more like it,”Ogilvie said. He lit the fresh cigar, “Now we’re getting somewhere.”

9.His eyes sardonically on the Duchess as if challenging her objection.

10.The house detective clucked his tongue reprovingly.


1.The microelectronic revolution promises to ease, enhance and simplify life in ways undreamed of even by the utopians.

2.The custom-made object, now restricted to the rich, will be within everyone’s reach.

3.The computer might appear to be a dehumanizing factor, but the opposite is in fact true.

4.In no area of American life is personal service so precious as in medical care.

5.The widest benefits of the electronic revolution will accrue to the young.

6.For the mighty army of consumers, the ultimate applications of the computer revolution are still around the bend of a silicon circuit.


1.Where he saw internal memos, someone else saw Beethoven.

2.With so much big money and so many big dreams pinned to an idea that is still largely on the drawing boards, there’s no limit to the hype.

3.Say you shoot a video that you think is particularly artsy.

4.Even the truest believers have a hard time when it comes to nailing down specifics.

5.Another electronic library filled with realistic video versions of arcade shoot-em-ups.

6.Just one step past passive viewing, pure couch-potato mode

7.Ordering pay-for-view movies and running up their credit card bills on the Home

Shopping Network.

8.The shows of the future may be the technological great-grandchildren of current CD-ROM titles.

9.“Interactivity”may be the biggest buzzword of the moment, but “convergence”is a close second.

10.Now, politicians, from President Clinton on down, are falling over themselves to proclaim support for the new medium.

11.The solution:fiber optics.

12.Bits are bits.

13.Imagine the conversation:”Have I got a compatible user for you!”

14.Interactivity may widen the gap between the haves and the have-nots, the rich and wired vs. The poor and unplugged.


1.A man who became obsessed with the frailties of the human race

2.Mark Twain digested the new American experience before sharing it with the world as writer and lecturer.

3.The cast of characters set before him in his new profession was rich and varied - a cosmos.

4.Broke and discouraged, he accepted a job as reporter with the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise.

5.Mark Twain began digging his way to regional fame as a newspaper reporter and humorist.

6.“and when she projects a new surprise, the grave world smiles as usual, and says ‘well, that is California all over.’”

7.Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh.


1.We’ll show them a few tricks.

2.The case had erupted round my head.

3.The fundamentalists adhered to a literal interpretation of the Old Testament.

4.That all animal life ... had evolved from a common ancestor.

5.“Let’s take this thing to court and test the legality of it.”

6.People from the surrounding hills, mostly fundamentalists, arrived to cheer Bryan against the “infidel outsiders.”

7.As my father growled, “That’s one hell of a jury!”

8.He is here because ignorance and bigotry are rampant.

9.Spectators paid to gaze at it and ponder whether they might be related.

10.And the crowd punctuated his defiant replies with fervent “Amens”.


1.A flagrant example of lexicographic irresponsibility

2.What underlies all this sound and fury?

3.It cannot be described in terms of any other language, or even in terms of its own past.

4.All languages are dynamic rather than static.

5.Even in so settled a matter as spelling, a dictionary cannot always be absolute.

6.But neither his vanity nor his purse is any concern of the dictionary’s.

7.Has the dictionary abdicated its responsibility?

8.Lexicography, like God, is no respecter of persons.

9.And this, too, is complex, subtle, and forever changing.

10.The editorial charges the Third International with “pretentious and obscure verbosity.”


1.With a face that seemed totally unfamiliar with laughter.

2.Sometimes old Jules, or his son Lazarus, would get mixed up in a Saturday-night brawl.

3.Her attendance had always been sporadic and her interest in schoolwork negligible.

4.She existed for me only as a vaguely embarrassing presence.

5.She dwelt and moved somewhere within my scope of vision.

6.If it came to a choice between Grandmother MacLeod and Piquette, Piquette would win hands down, nits or not.

7.Her defiant face, momentarily, became unguarded and unmasked, and in her eyes there was a terrifying hope.

8.She looked a mess, to tell you the truth, a real slattern, dressed any old how

9.She was up in court a couple of times - drunk and disorderly, of course.


1.Carving their way into the international shipping trade by severely undercutting Western shipping companies

2.Who are bent on taking over the lion;s share of the trade.

3.Routes in which Britain has a big stake

4.They make it harder to make a big killing in good times

5.But they make it easier to weather the bad times

6.The estuaries of the world became jammed with the steadily increasing numbers of moth-ball tankers

7.Much of Britain;s liner fleet rarely sees a British port

8.British companies are big on the Japan-to-Australia run.

9.Developing countries regard a merchant navy as something of a status symbol - the next thing to go for after a national airline.

10.Russia has expanded its cargo-liner fleet far faster than the growth in either its own trade or world trade would justify.

11.Has developed the kinds of ships which would certainly expand the Soviet reach well beyond its perimeters

12.And when they go, so does a huge slice of the few traditional industries worth keeping.


1.King’s spick-and-span flagship belonged to a different world than the storm-whipped British vessel.

2.Droves of bluejackets were doing an animated scrub-down.

3.Hopkins had traveled to London and Moscow in a blaze of worldwide attention

4.He’s having the time of his life, sir.

5.The Russians will hold. But it’ll be a near thing.

6.Hopkins held out one wasted hand and ticked off the points on skeletal fingers.

7.But it softens the ground for the second demand

8.Their empire is mighty rickety at this point.

9.They’ll also try, subtly but hard, for an understanding that in getting American aid they come ahead of Russia.

10.They prolonged the clasp for the photographers, exchanging smiling words

11.By a shade of a shade, Roosevelt looked like Number One.

12.The erect front-page President became the cripple more familiar to Pug

13.Through all the task of grand hypothetical plans...one pathetic item kept recurring

14.If Russia collapsed, Hitler might try to wrap up the war with a Crete-like invasion of England from the air.

15.Rather sporting of the British Prime Minister, don’t you think, to give the Hun a fair shot at him on the open sea

16.But it might be prudent not to overwork those good angels, what?

17.We’re stretched thin for escorts.

18.Admiral Pound would be happier with six

19.Victor Henry could sense the subtle gloom hanging over the ship

20.The predicament of England seemed soaked in their bones.

21.But vague hope, rather than real confidence, was the note in their conversation.

22.There is an awful unfolding picture.

23.We may have some sport for you yet.

24.A gay but inconsequent entertainment

25.For the American guest, it was a bad half hour.

26.The high-flown language bespoke not a shred of increased American commitment.

27.Abuse of Nazi tyranny, yes; more combat help for the British, flat zero.

28.I’d venture there was more to it than that.

29.Pug saw no virtue in equivocating.

30.Lend-Lease is no sweat, it just means more jobs and money for everybody.


1.The Colonel, who is not too offensively and Empirebuilder, sometimes tries to talk to me about public affairs.

2.Or maybe Laura’s unwitting influence has called it out,

3.Dismissive as a Pharisee, I regarded as moonlings all those whose life was lived on a less practical plane.

4.And now see how I stand, as sentimental and sensitive as any old maid doing water-colors of sunsets!

5.I want my fill of beauty before I go.

6.Thus, I imagine, must the pious feel cleansed on leaving the confessional after the solemnity of absolution.

7.There is a touch of rough poetry about him

8.I like also the out-of-the-way information which he imparts from time to time without insistence.

9.I suspect also that there is quite a lot lore stored away in the Colonel’s otherwise not very interesting mind

10.This is the new Edmund Carr with a vengeance.


Reading 1: This is Water 1. What’s the point of the fish story? The immediate point of the fish story is that the most obvious, ubiquitous, important realities are often the ones that are the hard est to see and talk about. 2. What is our natural default-setting, according to Wallace? Do you agree with him? If yes, give examples; if no, exampl es too, please. I am the absolute center of the universe, the real est, most vivid and important person in existence. Yes, I do. The worl d as you experience it is right there in front of you, or behind you, to the l eft or right of you, on your TV, or your monitor, or whatever. Other peopl e’s thoughts and feelings how to be communicated to you somehow, but your own are so immediate, urgent, real. 3. Is it possibl e for us to adjust our natural default-setting? If yes, how? And by the way, why should we adjust it? A: Yes, it is. We shoul d pay attention to what’s going on insid e me and stay alert and attentive instead of getting hypnotized by the constant monologue insid e your own head. what’s more, we shoul d l earn how to Think and how to d ecid e.The reason why shoul d we adjust it is that thinking in the way of d efault-setting that we experience the boring, frustrating, crowed parts of adult life. B: Yes, it is. Learning how to think------Learning how to exercise some control over how and what you think. It means being conscious and aware enough to choose what you pay attention to and to choose how you construct meaning from experience. If we d on’t adjust it, we will be total ly nosed. 4. What does it mean by ‘learn ing how to think’? And what is the justifiable way to think? Learning how to think really means l earning how to exercise some control over how and what you think. It means being conscious and aware enough to choose what you pay attention to and to choose how you construct meaning from experience. 5. What is the meaning of college education? Do you agree? If yes, further explains please, if no, define your meaning of college education and further illustrate it. Coll ege education is that it enabl es my tend ency to over-intell ectualize stuff, to get l ost in abstract argument insid e our head instead of simply paying attention to what’s going on right in front of us.


Lesson 1 Question: 1. Why did John Koshak decide to stay although he knew the hurricane would be bad? For the following reasons: For one thing, the house was 23 feet above sea level; for another,he was unwilling to abandon his home. 2. How did the man prepare for the hurricane? Why was a generator necessary? They filled bathtubs and pails. Besides, they checked out batteries for portable radio and flashlights, and fuel for the lantern. A generator was necessary because John's father wired several light bulbs to it and prepared a connection to the refrigerator. 3. What made it impossible for the Koshak to escape? It was impossible for the Koshers to escape both by car and on foot. The car's electrical system had been killed by water. Meanwhile, the water became too deep for them to escape on foot. 4. Why did John Koshak feel a crushing guilt? Because he blamed himself for underestimating the power of the hurricane and then endangering the whole family by his wrong decision not to flee safer inland. 5. Why did Grandma Koshak ask children to be sing? A: Because she knew how frightened the children were and wanted to boost their spirit. 6. What was a hurricane party? What happened to the party gores? A hurricane party was the one that was held by several vacationers to enjoy the spectacle of the hurricane with a clear and broad view in the fancy Richelieu Apartments from where they believed they would be safe. Richelieu Apartments were smashed apart by the hurricane and 26 people perished. 7. What did Grandma Koshak mean when she said," We lost practically all our possessions, but the family came through it. When I think of that, I realize we lost nothing important?" She meant that human lives are more important than material possessions. 8. How did the community of Gulfport act after Hurricane Camille was over? They managed to make their lives return to normal and began rebuilding their community without any delay. Paraphrase: 1. We're elevated 23 feet. Our house is 23 feet above sea level. 2. The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered it. The house was built in 1915 and since then no hurricane has done any damage to it. 3. We can batten down and ride it out. We can prepare ourselves for the hurricane and manage to survive it without much damage. 4. The generator was doused, and the lights went out. Water got into the generator, and it didn't work. As a result, the lights were put out. 5. Everybody out the back door to the cars! Everybody go out though the back door and get into the cars. 6. The electrical system had been killed by water. The electrical system in the cars had been destroyed by water. 7. John watched the water lap at the steps, and felt a crushing guilt. When John watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he b


新概念英语一测试题答案 (1) 数词, 冠词, 介词, 动词时态变化, 比较级和最高级 一写出复数 1. radios 2. knives 3. glasses 4. shelves 5. bosses 6. dresses 7. housewives 9. leaves 10. churches 11. mouths 12. families 13. ties 14. tomatoes 15. pianos 16. babies 17. teeth 18. countries 19. keys 20 potatoes 21. matches 22. boxes 23. hours 24. heroes 二用冠词a, an, the 或some , any 填空, 如果不需要,则用/ 代替. 1. Alice is _an___ air-hostess. Her father is __an__ engineer and her mother is ___a__ housewife. They all play __/____ tennis very well. 2. He has __an__ uncle and his uncle lives in __the__ United Kindom. He first saw him in __the__ autumn of 1978. 3. It is better to tell ___the___ truth than to tell ___/____ lies. 4. Will you have ____/__ more tea There’s plenty in the pot. 5. There is __a_university near my home. Every Saturday evening,_some__ students hold ___a_ party. _Some__ are dancing, _some___ are singing. They make a lot of noise. 6. Get me ____some____ cigarettes, please. ____Any__ kind will do. 7. We need __some___ ink, is there __any___ left 三用适当介词填空. 1. Can you see the words written ____ on ____ the blackboard (in, on, by, with)

高级英语 课后习题答案

Unit1 Paraphrase 1.Our house is 23 feet above sea level. 2.The house was built in1915, and since then no hurricane has done any damage to it. 3.We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage. 4.Water got into the generator, it stopped working. As a result all lights were put out. 5.Everyone go out through the back door and get into the cars! 6.The electrical systems in the cars had been destroyed/ruined by water. 7.As john watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the family by making the wrong decision not to flee inland. 8.Oh, God, please help us to get through this dangerous situation. 9.She sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and stopped. 10.Janis didn't show any fear on the spot during the storm, but she revealed her feelings caused by the storm a few nights after the hurricane by getting up in the middle of the night and crying softly. Practice with words and expressions A 1.main:a principal pipe, conduit, or line in a distributing system for water, gas, electricity, etc.


Unit 1 一. 单项填空 1.--- Mary’s got crazy and has been sent to the mental hospital. Did you tell her boss about that? --- Yes, but I _____ her husband first. A. should have told B. shouldn’t have told C. must have told D. needn’t have told 2.There was ______ time _____ Chinese used foreign oil. A. a; when B. a; while C. /; when D. /; while 3.It was because of bad weather __________ the football match had to be put off. A. so B. so that C. why D. that 4. --- Look! The telephone is broken. Someone damaged it ________ purpose. ---That may be right. But perhaps it was broken _________ accident. A. on; by B. by; by C. on; on D. by; on 5. What great trouble we had ___________ where his house was. A. in finding B. to find C. find D. found 6.Some students have trouble _____ grammar while others have difficulty______ new words. A. in; remember B. for; to remember C. on; remembering D. with; remembering 7. I cannot spend ________ money on the car which is ________ expensive for me. A. too much; much too B. far too; too much C. much too; too much D. too many; much too 8. catch the first bus, he got up very early this morning. A. In order to B. In order that C. So as to D. So that 9. There are altogether 6 people in the room, the baby________. A. include B. including C. included D. to include 10. The manager of the factory told us that very little ______ was made of the waste material in the past. A. cost B. value C. use D. matter 11. There is no ______ swimming-pool in this school and the students often go to swim ______. A. indoors; outdoors B. indoor; outdoor C. indoor; outdoors D. indoor; indoors 12. It is the first time that I _______ this kind of moon cake. A. enjoyed B. have enjoyed C. enjoy D. enjoying 13. When was it _____ your mother showed you around the West Lake ? A. until B. if C. which D. that 14. In the reading room, we found her _______ at a desk, with her attention ______ on a book. A. sitting; fixing B. to sit; fixed C. seating; fixing D. seated; fixed 15. I’m glad you’ve come; I am _______ telephoning you. A. at the point of B. to the point of C. on the point of D. in the point of 二:完型 You Did More Than Carry My Books Mark was waking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with a baseball bat and several other things. Mark 16 down and helped the boy pick up these articles. _17 they were going the same way, he helped to carry some of them for him. As they walked Mark _18 the boy’s name was Bill, that he 19 computer games, baseball and history, that he was having a lot of _20 with his other subjects and that he had just broken 21 with his girlfriend. 1

高级英语第一册Unit12 课后练习题答案

THE LOONS 课后习题答案/answer I . 1)The Tonnerres were poor The basis of their dwelling was a small square cabin made of poles and mud, which had been built some fifty years before. As the Tonnerres had increased in number, their settlement had been added, until thc clearing at the foot of the town hill was a chaos of lean-tos, wooden packing cases, warped lumber, discarded car tyres, ramshackle chicken coops, tangled strands of barbed wire and rusty tin cans. 2)Sometimes, one of them would get involved in a fight on Main Street and be put for the night in the barred cell underneath the Court House. 3)Because she had had tuberculosis of the bone, and should have a couple of months rest to get better. 4)Her mother first objected to take Piquette along because she was afraid that the girl would spread the disease to her children and she believed that the girl was not hygienic. She then agreed to do so because she preferred Piquette to the narrator's grandmother, who promised not to go along with the family and decided to stay in the city if the girl was taken along. 5)The cottage was called Macleod, their family name. The scenery there was quite beautiful with all kinds of plants and animals at the lakeside. 6)The narrator knew that maybe Piquette was an Indian descendant who knew the woods quite well, so she tried to ask Piquette to go and play in the wood and tell her stories about woods. 7)Because Piquette thought the narrator was scorning and showing contempt for her Indian ancestors, which was just opposite to her original intention. 8)Because the narrator felt somewhat guilty. Piquette stayed most of the time in the cottage and hardly played with the narrator. At the same time, she felt there was in Piquette something strange and unknown and unfathomable. 9)That was the very rare chance she was unguarded and unmasked, so that the author could perceive her inner world. 10)Her full name is Vanessa Macleod. 11)Just as the narrator's father predicted, the loons would go away when more cottages were built at the lake with more people moving in. The loons disappeared as nature was ruined by civilization. In a similar way, Piquette and her people failed to find their position in modern society. Ⅱ. 1)who looked deadly serious, never laughed 2)Sometimes old Jules, or his son Lazarus, would get involved in a rough, noisy quarrel or fight on a Saturday night after much drinking of liquor. 3)She often missed her classes and had little interest in schoolwork. 4)I only knew her as a person who would make other people feel ill at ease. 5)She lived and moved somewhere within my range of sight (Although I saw her, I paid little attention to her). 6)If my mother had to make a choice between Grandmother Macleod and


高级英语1-5单元课后句子翻译题参考答案 第一单元 1、我自己还没有看过,不过大家都认为这是一部好片子。(suppose) I haven’t seen it myself,but it is supposed to be a really good movie. 2、女主人把奶酪切成一口一块的大小,客人们吃起来就方便了。(bite-size) The hostess cut the cheese into bite-size pieces so that it would be more convenient for the guests to eat it. 3、睡眠不足的话,很少有人能够正常生活。(deprive) Few people can function properly if they are deprived of adequate sleep. 4、他细心地学我的样子,装作什么怪事都没有发生。(copy) He carefully copied my pretense that nothing unusual had occurred. 5、他上台后发布的第一项法令就是禁止私人拥有枪支。(decree)The first decree he issued after he came into office was that private ownership of guns (should) be banned. 6、我就是来看他那被说得神乎其神的脚法的。(fabled) I’ve come to see his fabled footwork that people talk so mush about. 7、我不是一个严格意义上的教师,因为我没有接受过训练,但是我有丰富的教学经验。(proper) I’m not a teacher proper,since I haven’t been trained, but I’ve had a lot of teaching experience. 8.学生通常都会在考试之前猜考试题目。(anticipate)


姓名 高一英语测试卷 (选择题答案写在题目后面的表格里) 一,选择填空。(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Look at the timetable. Hurry up! Flight 4026 off at 18∶20. A. takes B. took C. will be taken D. has taken 2. I was late this morning because my alarm clock failed to . A. turn off B. take off C. go off D. set off 3. Look! The children ___ trees on the hill. A. is playing B. will plant C. are planting D. planted 4.This kind of work ______ a lot of time, so you need to start now. A. takes up B. pays for C. looks for D. gives out 5. Don’t make any noises. We ____ to music. A. listened B. is listening C. are listening D. have listened 6. --- May I speak to Mr. Smith please? --- I’m sorry he is not here ______. Please call him later. A. in the moment B. at the moment C. for a moment D. in a moment 7. The school is near my house. So my sister often _________ to school. A. walk B. walks C. is walking D. is walk 8. It was ____ cold that they had to put on more clothes. A. such a B. such C. so D. so a 9. Jack ________ doing his homework at seven every evening. A. finish B. will finish C. finishes D. had finished 10. Remember _____ the lights when you leave the house. A. to switch off B. turning off C. to switch on D. turning on 11. He said the sun ____in the east and ____in the west. A. rose; set B. rises; sets C. rises, set D. rise; sets 12. Don’t worry. I will make a phone c all to you as soon as I Beijing. A. will reach B. am reaching C. reach D. am going to reach 13. --- What do you think about that TV programme? --- Oh, It’s so boring. . A. sure B. I hate to see it C. I enjoy it D. I like it 14. With the address,I had no in finding the old man’s house. A.idea B. time C. help D . difficult 15. --- What would you do if it ______ tomorrow ? --- We have to carry it on , since we’ve got everything ready . A. rain B. rains C. will rain D. is raining 16. Study hard________ you will not pass the final examination. A.but B.so C.however D.otherwise 17. It ______ me about an hour to read English aloud every morning. A. spends B. costs C. takes D. pays 18. They found the text_______ to understand A. bored B. difficult C. interested D. difficultly 19. I don’t like Tom because he _____ those in trouble without giving a hand to them.

张汉熙高级英语试题及答案 第二册模拟试题1

《高级英语》 第二册模拟试题 (一) I. Determine whether the following statements are True or False. Mark them with T or F to indicate your answer. (10×1) 1. Although written in an objective tone, in Marrakech, Orwell shows he is outraged by the misery of the poor. 2. The title of the text, Pub Talk and the King’s English, is well chosen because it captures the readers’ attention and accurately describes the subject of the text. 3.Pub Talk and the King’s English and The Future of the English are both clear and well organized texts with a logical structure. 4. In The Libido for the Ugly, Mencken objectively and realistically describes the architecture in Westmoreland. 5. Argumentative essays always include some explanation. 6. The Worker as Creator or Machine is a piece of exposition that explains how the capitalist system has caused the worker to become alienated from their product and thus their own work. 7. The Sad Young Men is a clearly structured essay that includes many Americanisms to better explain the experience of Lost Generation. 8. The Future of the English is a misleading title because the text does not explain what the future of English people is going be like. 9.Baldwin writes with a critical and harsh tone as he describes the life of an American in Europe in The Discovery of What it Means to be an American. 10. Although Loving and Hating New York is a piece of exposition where Griffith states that he both loves and hates New York city, the author does not fully develop why he hates the city. II. Choose one out of the 10 rhetorical or figurative devices listed below that best describes the underlined words for

2021年高一上学期模块一测试英语试题 含答案

2021年高一上学期模块一测试英语试题含答案 I. 听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. In which season does it often rain? A. In the summer. B. In the winter. C. In the autumn. 2. What are they going to do? A. To do something at home. B. To go out to do something. C. To have dinner at a restaurant. 3. What did the woman say? A. She has been to Germany. B. She has been to America? C. She is going to America. 4. Where does this conversation take place? A. In a supermarket. B. At home. C. In a bookshop.

5. What is the weather going to be like? A. It is supposed to be warm. B. The rain is not expected to last long. C. It’s l ikely to be cloudy and cold. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6. Where is the woman going? A. To the post office. B. To the museum. C. To the fruit shop. 7. How can she find the bridge? A. Go down the street and turn left. B. Go down the street and turn right. C. Go straight forward along the street. 8. How long will it take the woman to get there?
