


Name__________ Grade__________ 第二节补全短文



Travel Tips for Holidays Abroad

Everyone loves holiday abroad. They give us the chance to see some sights, have some fun and relax. However, holiday s aren’t always a great experience. Follow these tips to make sure you enjoy your holiday.


Have you packed your passport? Your tickets? Every year, thousands of people miss flights because they’ve forgotten their passport, they arrive at the airpor t too late, or even go to the wrong airport.


How much do you know about the place you are going to visit? Learning a little about the culture of a country will help you understand the people. Learning a few words of another language can also help you make new friends. 33

Try to reduce the pollution you cause. Travel by train if you can. Flying produces twenty times more carbon dioxide than traveling by train. Of course, it might be impossible to avoid flying, but when you arrive, use buses or trains instead of taxis. 34

You can help a local community a lot by staying in local hotels and eating in local restaurants. This means that your money will go to local people, rather than to a large international company. 35 You don’t want to for get your holiday. Make a scrapbook-a book of memories-about your holiday. You can show it to friends, or just use it to remember all the good times you had! And don’t forget the new friends you made on holiday. Did you promise to send them pictures or pres ents? Don’t forget to do it! Then next time you go on holiday, you can visit them again.

Many people say that they are working too many hours, 76 They can’t take care of things at home. They don’t have time to relax.

77 In France, people spend about 1,646 hours a year at work. In Japan, however, people work about 2,159 hours a year. That means a Japanese employee(员工)works 513 more hours a year than a French one. That is more than 12 weeks, or three months, of extra(额外的)work!

78 Some people work extra hours because they want to make more money. However, many companies don’t pay overtime. Their employees don’t get extra pay for extra work. These people work extra hours because they think it’s their duty. Some people are afraid they will lose their jobs if they don’t work extra hours.

79 In France, people get five weeks of paid vacation. In Germany, they get from four to six weeks. In the United States, two weeks of vacation is the average(平均).In one study in Great Britain, fewer than half of the workers ran out of all their vacation days. 80 If that is true, there will be a lot of dull people in the world.


Humans’ Greatest Achievements

The Earth is 4.5 billion years old, but the human race has lived on it for just 200,000 years. In that short time, we have achieved some amazing things.

76 The list is almost endless. The invention of the airplane has changed our lives. The discovery of antibiotics(抗生素) has saved the lives of millions of people. Can you imagine living without electricity? What about the printing press(印刷术)? Without the printing press, you wouldn’t be reading this. In the last 50 years, there have been great achievements in communication, such as radio, TV, computers, the Internet, and smart-phones. 77

What about the arts? The arts have brought pleasure to many people, but are the Beatles and Bach more important than antibiotics? 78

Finally, we must not forget humans’ early achievements. 79 We can’t imagine modern life without cooked food and cars.

What are h umans’ greatest achievements? To answer the question, we need to decide what we mean by “great”. 80 Or is it just something that makes us say “Wow,” like the Great Wall? What do you think?


Have you seen the cartoons of two penguins on the Internet? They sit on either side of a small boat. They are friends, but each does something selfish(自私的)which causes their friend “ship” to sink.

53 It shows how much people value friendship and sometimes worry they may lose their friends. 54

A friend is someone to talk to about your deepest feelings.And with a good friend you will never be alone.

55 The key to protecting your friend “ship” from sinking comes down to three simple things: sharing, caring and communicating. Good friends like to share everything with each other. They share their snacks, they share their knowledge about schoolwork, sometimes they even share their clothes! 56 They do whatever they can to make their friends happy. But the most important part of friendship is communicating.

57 It also means that you keep in touch with your friends even though they may be in different schools or live far away. Without communication it is sure to send your friend “ship” to sink into the sea.



Friends are important in our life, because no one wants to be lonely. However, some people have difficulty in making friends and they often feel lonely. 62 According to new study from Chicago University, the reason is that this kind of people have brain(脑)different from common people. And they often feel unsafe


中考英语补全对话专项练习 (1) A: Hi , Alice! A nice day, isn’t? B: Yes. Spring is coming. Why not _____1________ tomorrow? A: Tomorrow ? Tomorrow is not a good day for planting trees! B:_______________________2_______________________________ A: I listen to the weather report. It’s going to be rainy and windy. B: What a_______3________! If it rains ,we’ll have to stay at home and do some reading. A : Why not come to my home and surf the Internet? My father bought different parts of the computer and put them together. He made our own computer last week. B: Great ! _____________4________________? A: My home is near our school. It’s a white building. It’s on the fourth floor. B: OK!________________5_______________. A: See you! (2) A: Hello,this is Mary.___________________1________________________. B: This is Beth speaking. A: Hello,Beth. The weekend is coming .Are you free tomorrow? B: Yes. I’m not busy at all. A:________________________2__________________? B: I’ve no idea. What about you? A: I think we’d better do something interesting and helpful. Would you like to see some old things with me? B: You ______3____!Where? A: In the new museum. B: Oh,I heard of it last week.______________4____________________ get there? A: By bike. It’s Saturday tomorrow. The traffic must be heavy. B: I______5_____. When and where shall we meet? A: At the gate of our school at nine in the morning. B: OK. See you then. (3) A: Where are you going for vacation? B: I’m ______1______ Hainan. A: Hainan Island? ____________________2__________________________? B: Yes, it is. But I don’t mind hot weather because I like swimming and surfing. A: Sounds great! ____________3________are you going to stay there? B: For two weeks----from June 28th to July 12th.How about you ?________4________________? A: I’d like to go to Shanghai. B: _________________5_________________? A: Because it’s the biggest modern city in our country. It has lots of beautiful places of interest. B: That’s true. I hope you will have a good time there. A: Thank you .The same to you.


中考英语补全对话重点句型归纳 (1) 日常交际用语 问候:Good morning!/Good afternoon!/Good evening!/How are you? Fine, thank you. /How do you do? How do you do? /Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you ,too. 感谢:Thank you./Thanks./Thanks a lot./Thank you very much. 答谢:You're welcome./That's all right./That's OK./Not at all./It doesn't matter. 道歉:Sorry./I'm sorry./I'm sorry to... 应答:I doesn't matter./That's all right. 建议:You'd better..../Shall we do...?/What about doing...?/Why not do...?/Would you like to do...? 同意:OK./Sure./All right./Yes,please./I think so./I agree with you. 告别:See you tomorrow. See you./Good bye. Bye bye. 祝福:Best wishes./Have a good time./Congratulations./Happy birthday. (2) 熟记“问”字句型 问天气:How is the weather today? /What is the weather like today? 问时间:What's the time?/What time is it? 问职业:What's your father?/What's your father's job?/What does your father do? 问价格:How much is the book?/What's the price of the book? 问年龄:How old are you?/What's your age? 问地址:Where do you live?/What's your address? 问姓名:What's your name?/Can you tell me your name? 问爱好:What's your hobby?/Which do you like best?/Which do you prefer?/What's your favorite? 问感受:What do you think of the film?/How do you like the film?


初中英语短文填空20篇解读 1、第一遍通读全文,对文章有一个整体认识,了解故事的时间、地点、人物等之间的关系,为下一步填空打下坚实的基础,切忌看一空填一空。 2、第二遍逐句阅读并填空,根据句子的语法以及上下文的整体逻辑关系用恰当的词填入空白,特别是有时根据意思可能有多种用法时,应填入恰当的单词并符合英美人的习惯表达,不要受汉语的影响。例如:“我看一看你的信”,关于“看”的就有六个,这就需要进行筛选,只能用read ,不能用watch, see, look, have a look at, look at 等。 3、第三遍复查答案。将填空的短文再完整地阅读一次,以检查全文是否通顺,所填答案是否最为合理 (一)难度:★★★☆☆ Have you ever tried shopping online? What about talking with strangers through the Internet? Of (1________, yes、(2________ the development of society, the Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life; more and more people, especially teenagers show great (3________ in the Internet、If we teenagers are crazy about (4________ games or chatting online, it will definitely have (5________ influence on our study and health、 Things is


补全对话专题 (1) A:Good morning,sir.1.____________________? B:I’d like to buy a white shirt. Do you have any white shirts? A:Yes. 2. ________________________? B:I want Size M. A:Here you are. B:Can I try it on? A:Sure. Is it all right? B:Yes. I like it very much.3.______________________? A:2.96 yuan. B:That’s a bit expensive. Do you have any other kind? I want a cheaper one . A:What about this one? It is only 108 yuan. B:OK.4._____________________.Here is the money. A:5. ___________________.Goodbye, sir. ( 2 ) A:Summer holiday is coming.1____________________________? B:Yes, I’m going to my hometown A:2.____________________? B:For about a month. 3.______________________? A:I want to travel to Hainan island. It’s a beautiful place of interest. B:4._____________________. But I have to visit my grandparents in my hometown. A:It doesn’t matter. If you stay in your hometown for fewer days, you’ll have enough time to go traveling. B:5. _______________. Then I will go to my hometown as soon as the holiday begins. A:OK! I will wait for you until you come back. B:That’s a deal! Thank you. ( 3 ) A:Hi, Tom. You were not here yesterday afternoon . What was wrong ? B:1. ________________. A:Sorry to hear that. 2.____________________? B:Much better. The fever is gone . But I still cough and I feel weak. A:3. ________________________? B:Yes , I have. I went to the doctor’s yesterday afternoon. The doctor gave me some medicine and asked me to stay in bed for a few days. A:4._____________________? B:Because I’m afraid I’ll miss more lessons and I’ll be left behind. A:Don’t worry. Take care of yourself. 5.________________________. B:Thank you. ( 4 ) A:What a fine day today! 1. ______________________ ? B:That sounds like a good idea. 2. 2. _________________________? A:Let’s go to the Little Hill. B:Shall we take the bus there? A:3. _______________________. It’s not very far. B:That will be OK. I’ll ride my new bike my father bought me for my birthday last month. A:4. ________________________? B:Let’s ask Mary and Jack to go with us. They planned to go last Sunday but it rained. A:Good! I’m sure they will be happy to. B:Have you got any idea what we are doing there? A:5. _________________________? B:Great! It will be fun to have a picnic there. ( 5 ) A:Hi, Linda , I’m having a party this Saturday. I’ve just moved into a new flat. 1. _______________________________? B:I’d love to. Thank you very much. 2. ____________________? A:We’re starting at about five thirty.


2012年中考英语选择性补全对话试题汇总 补全对话(一)一、(2012年兰州市中考) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 二、(2012年山西省中考) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 三、(2012年临沂市中考)根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 四、(2012安徽省中考)根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 五、(2012年福州市中考) 根据对话内容。从方框 中选择恰当的句子补全下面对话。 Lucy: Hi, Jane. Are you free this evening? Jane: Yes. 1 Lucy: I hear Titanic in 3D is on at Fuzhou Theater this evening. Jane: Really? 2 Lucy: Would you like to go with me? Jane: 3 What time will it start? Lucy: At 7:00. Let's go together. Jane: Great. 4 Lucy: At the gate of the theater. Jane : 5 Lucy: All right. See you then. Jane: See you. A. Yes, I'd love to. B. Then let's make it 6:45. C. Sorry, I don't have time. D. What's up? E. What's wrong with you? F. Where shall we meet? G. I'm looking forward to watching it. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 六、情景交际(2012年铜仁地区中考)(1)从B 栏中找出与A栏相对应的答语,并将答案写在答题处。 A B 1. Would you like something to eat, Harry? A. It’s about three kilometers. 2. Hello! May I speak to Miss Green? B. Hold on, please. 3. What does your mother look like? C. Thank you. 4. Li Ming, you speak English very well. D. She’s tall and beautiful. 5. How far is it from your home to school? E. Yes, I’d like some rice. (2)从框里选择填入对话相应空白处的适当选项, 并将答案写在答题处。 A: Hello, this is Ann.Is that Helen ? B: Yes, speaking. A:Helen, The happy weekend is coming.6____ B: Yes, I’m not busy. I’ve already finished my homework. A: 7______________ B: I’ve no idea. What about you ? A: Let me see. Let’s do something interesting and helpful. 8_________ B: Certainly. Where? A: In the new museum. B: Oh, I remember.


One “I don’t want to get up early,” the Junior 1 middle school student in Shanghai said, “I want more(1)_____ ” But,like it or not,Luo has breakfast at 6:15 am, (2)_____ home at 6:30 am and, after a 30-minute bus ride, he (3)_____at school at 7 am. Like most of his 40 classmates, Luo arrives at school a full hour before lessons starts(4)_____8:00 am. A study of 2,500 schoolchildren in six cities, showed that about 66% of primary school students and 77% of middle school students were (5)_____of sleep. Some parents also say, In China, young mothers and fathers have little time to play with their children.Parents are(6)_____ with their work and kids are busy with their study. That is not(7)_____ for kids is growth. Kids need more time to have (8)_____ with their parents, not just to study. To solve this problem, some cities cut their school hours to give childen more time to play. Some middle school students now go to school 30 minutes(9)_____ than they did before. “The best way for childen to learn is to play. When pupils get more playtime, the y can be relaxed and learn (10)_____to get along with other people,” said a school head. Two My favorite festival is Spring Festival. It is celebrated(1)_____ the first day of the first lunar month. Before it comes, people(2)_____ the house and make the house beautiful. It means to wash (3)_____ the bad things. On the first two days of Spring Festival, people(4)_____ their friends and relatives and send wishes to each other. (5)_____ this festival, people also gather together to have big meals. It’s my favorite festival (6)_____ I can wear new clothes and(7)_____ the gift money. What’s more, I can see the dragon dance. It makes me(8)_____ happy and excited. The true(9)_____ of the Spring Festival is the reunion of the family and the wish of a better(10)_____ in the coming year. Three October 5th, 2015 was a big day for Chinese. Tu Youyou won the 2015 Noble Prize in physiology or medicine. She was the(1)_____ Chinese scientist who won this prize. Chinese people are (2)_____ of her. She was born(3)_____ December 30th, 1930. She became(4)_____ in medicine when she was still a little girl. So she studied medicine when she was in university. She started her lifelong career after she(5)_____ her study in the university. (6)_____ her working conditions were very simple, and she got sick, she didn’t give(7)_____ her study. She tried to connect Chinese medicine(8)_____ Western medicine to make a new medicine. She believed that failure is the road to success. She failed quite a lot of times, but she (9)_____ at last. She is more than 80 years old now, but she still goes on working on her study. (10)_____ a great scientist she is! I hope more and more Chinese scientists will win Noble Prize.


中考英语作文专项训练 一、考点分析: 在中考中,写作占20分,分值所占比例大,而写作考察学生的英文综合运用能力,因此非常关键。 【中考英语作文的评分标准】 比较为学生所熟悉的就是“8+8+4”结构,即: (一)内容: 7-8分:内容切题,意思连贯,表达清楚、完整。 5-6分:内容基本切题,意思大致连贯,表达基本清楚、但不够完整。 2-4分:内容不够切题,意思不够连贯,表达不够清楚、有些离题。 0-1分:文不对题,表达不清。 (二)语言: ①词数:每少5个字扣0.5分,以此类推。只写出个别单词、词不成句不给分。 ②拼写:每错扣0.5分,同一错误不重复计数。 ③语法:同② ④标点符号、大小写:每两处错误扣0.5分,但扣分总和不超过1分。 (三)组织结构: ①内容充实、上下文连贯、用语规范、表达准确、无语法错误;词汇和句型句式运用恰当,多 见好句型和习惯表达用语者,可给3-4分。 ②内容充实、不写废话;上下文连贯、用语规范、表达准确、无或少见语法错误;词汇和句型 句式运用恰当,多见好句型和习惯表达用语者,可给2分。 ③一般情况下,内容和语言累计得分在15分以上者(含),方可得到1-2分组织结构分。 ④内容和语言在15分以下者,如文中有值得肯定的好句型和表达,可酌情考虑给1分组织结 构分。 ⑤通篇句型、句式单一、词汇贫乏者,即使无语法错误,一般也不予给组织结构分。 二、写作中常见问题:

①内容空洞,没有清晰的思路,表达能力不强,表达生硬呆板,甚至中式英语翻译思维。 ②议论过多,描写不足。大多数情况下,把议论当成的作文的重点,常常跑题。 ③句式单一,都是简单句,缺少复合句。 ④结构散漫,思维跳跃,文章缺乏条理性。 ⑤连词的使用较少,并且使用单一,句子之间的连接很生硬。 ⑥文章平淡,无亮点短语和句型,连接词等。 三、写作技巧分析: 【高分作文的必备元素】 1. 书写工整,书面整洁,很少有涂改痕迹。 2. 不出现语法,拼写,标点,大小写等错误。 3. 文章字数最好控制在80-100字之间,切记过长或者过短,8-10句即可。 4. 要点齐全。为了避免遗漏要点,可以将题目中给出的要点标注出来。 5. 开头言简意赅,不啰嗦,不偏题,迅速引入主题。 6. 连接词使用恰当,不重复,上下文有连贯性,使之自然成一体。 7. 应用词汇: 高级词汇的合理使用、同义词的变化使用、短语的恰当使用。 8. 多用亮点短语,并且使短语多样性,尽可能使用多种表达方式。 比如:同一个意思“帮助”,假如你就用一个动词“help”,显得词汇贫乏。如果能在作文中不断 地变换方式,用help、give sb. a hand、do sb. a favor、be in need of 等以表达“帮助”,表达更灵 活生动。 9.句式多样性,可适当使用陈述句,疑问句,祈使句及感叹句,强调句,倒装句,定语从句, 状语从句,宾语从句等。 10. 能够恰当使用谚语、格言、名言等给文章添彩。 11. 语法结构多样性,主动被动交叉用,原级比较级灵活用,非谓语动词恰当用。 12.灵活使用万能句型,增添文章亮点。 四、中考经典范文解读: VII. Writing (作文) (共20分) 94. Write at least 60 words on the topic “I want to invent_____” (以“我想要发明________”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)


归纳总结功能相同的句型: 打电话:我们中文中如果是接电话会说:我是某某人,请讲,所以对应的英语翻译是:i am --.speaking,please。但是英语却不是这样的,正确的英语是:This is --speaking。 May I speak to Mr. Li? I'd like to speak to Mr. Li, please. 对,我就是。 Speaking.或者This is Mr. Li speaking. (对,我是。) 您是哪位? Who's calling, please?或者 Who's speaking, please? 或者Who is this, please? This is Tom speaking.我是Tom。 其他 Is Sue James in?休·詹姆斯在吗? I'm sorry, he's not in right now. (对不起,他出去了。) He's not in. 或者He's out now. 感谢类: Thanks! Thank you! Thanks a lot! Thank you very much! Thank you very,very much! 答谢类: That’s all right . 没关系. That’s OK. 没关系. Not at all. 不用谢. You are welcome.不必谢. It’s a pleasure. 道歉类: Sorry. I am sorry… I am sorry for… 应答类: That’s all right. It doesn’t matter. That’s nothing. 建议类: You had better … Shall we do… ? What about doing… ? How about doing… ? Why not do… ? Let’s do sth … OK ? Would you like some … ? 同意类: OK. Sure. Certainly. All right. Yes, please. Yes, I think so. I agree with you. 不同意类: I am afraid not. Sorry, I don’t think so. I really can’t agree with you. 祝愿祝贺类 Good Luck to you! Best wishes! Have a good (nice) time! Congratulations to you! Happy Teachers’ Day! Happy birthday to you! Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! 3. 熟记“问”字句型 问天气: What’s the weather like today? How is the weather today?


各地中考英语短文填空 【2011清远】Ⅵ. 短文填空共10小题,每小题1分,共10分 阅读下面短文,从所给的12个词或词组中选出10个词或词组,并用其适当形式填空,请将答案写在答 Bob lived in a small town. Later, he got a job in a big city so he had to move there with his wife and two _ 71_. _72__ the first Saturday in their new home. Bob __73 his new red car out of the garage(车库). He 74 it when a neighbor came by. 75 he saw Bob’s car, the neighbor stopped and __76__ it for a minute. Then Bob turned and saw him. The neighbor said, “That's a nice car. Is it __77 ?” "Sometimes" Bob answered. The neighbor was puzzled. "Sometimes?" he said, "What do you __78__?” Bob answered __79 ,"Well, when there's a party in town, it belongs to my daughter. When there's a football game somewhere, it belongs to my son. When I've washed it, and it looks really nice and __80 , it belongs to my wife. And when it is dirty, it's mine." 【主旨大意】本文讲述了Bob洗车与邻居的对话。得出:他的车只有要洗的时候才属于他。 71. children 72. On 73.took 74.was washing 75.When 76. looked at 77. yours 78. mean 79.slowly 80. clean 【2011?河南省】五、词语运用(10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。请将答案写在相应题号后的横线上。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。 Michael Leung, a famous TV host (主持人) in Hong Kong, wrote a letter to his son. It is not only 66 to children, but also good for all ages. The following are chosen 67 his letter. 1. Life is short. While you are 68 it today, you'll realize you are at the end of it tomorrow. So the earlier you start to value your life, the 69 you can enjoy it. 2. You might not be successful 70 you don't study hard, although a lot of successful people haven't 71 higher education. 3. I don't expect you to support (供养) me for the rest of 72 life, so I'm not going to do the same for you. You will be living on your own when you grow up. 4. You can require yourself to be nice to others, 73 you shouldn't expect the same from others. 5. I've been buying the lottery (彩票) for almost twenty 74 , but I'm still poor. I have never got the 75 place even once. So you have to work hard to be successful. There is no free lunch in the world. 66._____ 67.______ 68. _______ 69.______ 70.______ 71. _____ 72. _____ 73.________ 74.______ 75.______ 【主旨大意】香港著名主持人Michael Leung给他的儿子写了一封信,这封信不仅对儿童有帮助,对各个年龄的人来说受益匪浅。 66. helpful 67. from 68. wasting 69. earlier 70. if 71. received 72. my 73. but 74. years 75. third 根据短文,从方框中选词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确。(每个词只能用一次) 【2011本溪】 Ears are part of your body. Have you 46 the size and shape of your ears before?



【2015福建福州】阅读下面对话,从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话 3 (其中有两项是多余的)A:Dad, we were told to collect some information about Fuzhou Subway. 36 B:Sure. It’s reported that Subway Line 1 will have its test run at the end of this year. A:Great! 37 B:It has a total length of 29.2 kilometers. A:How many stations are there B: 38 And it connects four main areas of the city from the north to the south. A:Then how about the ticket price B:Well, it still remains unknown. 39 A:Hope not. 40 36.E37.A 38.C 39.D

40.G 第三部分口语运用(本部分共5小题,共计5分)【2015四川宜宾】补全对话:根据对话内容,从方框中选出能填入横线处的最佳选项(其中两项是多余的) A:Sorry I’m late, Alice. B. It’s all right, Rose. 63 A: to the Lost & Found – I lost my mobile phone. B: 64 What happened A: After I had dinner with a friend, I went out for a walk. I was about ready to call my mother when I realized I couldn’t find it anywhere. B: 65 I hope that someone will pick it up and call you. A: 66 Who know…well…when is the movie going to begin B: At 7:00 pm. That’s 15 minutes from now. We don’t have enough time to get there. A: 67 B: OK. Let’s go. A. Never mind. B. What bad luck! C. Where have you been D. What should we do then E. Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. F. Then let’s go to the cinema by taxi. G. I hope so, but I guess that someone else stole it. 63. C 64. E 65. B 66. G 67. F 【2015四川广安】第二节口语运用(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 根据下面的对话,从方框内的选项中选出最佳答案,使对话完整通顺,并把选项转涂到答题卡上相应的位置。其中有一项为多余选项。


中考英语短文填空专项训练【2011陕西】Ⅷ.短文填空。 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。 Learn to share(分享) One day, while I was sitting in my car in a parking area, I noticed a young boy in front of my car. "What is the boy doing?" I asked myself and looked closely. "Oh, he is 61 up a coin from the ground. " When he 62.up, we saw each other 63., He was not 64.than ten and was wearing one blue glove(手套) and One brown glove. His coat was too 65.for him. As he walked away, I saw his 66., which were too old to wear, I rolled down my window and called him over. 1 asked him if he 67.some money. He replied, "No. That's okay. " The parking area was wet, 1 could tell that his 68.were cold because he kept moving his weight from one foot lo the other, "Please," 1 held Out a five-dollar bill(钞票). "It's not much, but when the money is shared, it is much more 69.. " I said. He look off one of his gloves and took the money from my hand. His small hand was red and cold. He smiled and went away after saying "Thank you!" to me. That smile made me 70. warm in the cold winter. 答案 Picking,stood,clearly,older,small ,shoes,needed,. feet,useful,feel . 【2011清远】Ⅵ. 短文填空共10小题,每小题1分,共10分
