






所以,商务英语的学习绝不是传统的单词、句型、语法的记忆。说到这里,大家也应该明确学习商务英语的目的:为了未来能用英文写出好的应用文来。那么问题来了,是否有好的教材推荐呢?在这,小编就给大家推荐一本书:《成功商务英语写作(Successful Writing at Work)》(by Philip C.Kolin)






Unit 11 Change Part I Business Vocabulary Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. This part totals 20 points, one point for each sentence. 1 We have received the documents and taken _____D______ of the above order which arrived at Sydney on the . “Vanguard”. A shipment B consignment C lot D delivery 2 ______C_______ checking the goods we found that only 450 cases of Chinese Black Tea were shipped. A At B For C On D About 3 This is the third time during the year ______D_____ you have short-shipped one of our orders. A which B what C when D that 4 It was found ____A_____ the error was due to a slip-up in our supply department. A that B which C where D when 5 We greatly regret the inconvenience this has caused ______D_____ you. A for B at C on D to 6 We can _____B______ you that every effort will be made to ensure that similar errors do not occur again. A ensure B assure C sure D insure 7 We would refer _____C______ your consignment of raincoats under the above order, which arrived here this morning. A at B for C to D from 8 Upon examination, we found the goods are correct and _____B_____ good condition except Carton ., A at B in C on D under


商务英语教案 篇一:商务英语教案 商务英语教案 Chapter 1 International Business English I. Suggested Teaching Plan Students will be able to: 1. understand the key idea of the international business ; 2. master some basic terms of international business English; 3. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit; 4. complete all the relative exercises in this unit collaboratively with other peers. 1st periodpre-reading activities 2nd periodwhile reading 3rd periodhighlights of the text 4th periodafter-reading activities II. Teaching Method 1. ppt or 2. teacher gives lecture mainly or 3. students read, teacher asks questions with detailed explanation or 4. ask students to do ppt for presentation


商务英语专业就业分析 商务英语职业发展与就业形势;谈到商务英语职业发展与就业形势,不得不商务英;商 务英语专业就业方向:;1、国际贸易实务方向;本专业方向掌握商务英语专业所必需的基 础理论知识和;2、国际商务管理及秘书方向;本专业方向掌握商务英语专业所必需的基础 理论知识和;本专业方向掌握会展与广告设计基本理论和知识、具备;.入世后,经济全球化、市场国际化的进一步深化,各;目前英语 一、商务英语职业发展与就业形势 谈到商务英语职业发展与就业形势,不得不说说商务英语。"商务英语"是商务和英语 的结合,在"英语"和"商务"两个内容上权重是这样的.英语占大约40%.在这里,英语的语言水 平是基本的要求.商务英语专业培养高等职业教育层次,德、智、体美全面发展,具有诚信、 敬业的良好职业素质,具备一定专业理论知识和熟练的职业技能,熟悉国家各种商务法律法规,熟悉应用英语运用及计算机的实际操作,从事对外贸易、涉外商务、会计、金融、投资、保险及相关法律行业工作的高等应用型复合专业. 二、商务英语专业就业方向 1 、国际贸易实务方向 本专业方向掌握商务英语专业所必需的基础理论知识和专业知识,具备较强的英语应用技能及商业运作能力,能从事商务与秘书工作的高等应用型人才。该专业由英语语言能力、商务运作能力和计算机应用技术三个技能模块构建成整个教学计划的核心,就业前景乐观。 2 、国际商务管理及秘书方向 本专业方向掌握商务英语专业所必需的基础理论知识和专业知识,具备较强的英语应用技能及商业运作能力,能从事商务管理与项目策划工作的高等应用型人才。该专业学生毕业后掌握商务运作的知识与技能,能熟练运用英语和计算机从事国际商务及秘书工作。 3 、会展英语方向 本专业方向掌握会展与广告设计基本理论和知识、具备会展设计规划和运用计算机 进行艺术创造设计的实用型高级专业人才。学生毕业后能从事国际、国内各种会展的组织与策划、会展翻译、会展协调与服务、外事办公等工作。 .入世后,经济全球化、市场国际化的进一步深化,各个领域都离不开英语人才,尤 其是即懂商业贸易、市场营销、经济管理,又精通英语的复合型人才更是紧缺,商贸英语人才已成为各行业、各领域的骨干人才、通用人才。


商务英语2答案 I. Put the following Chinese into English(汉译英,20分) 1. a state-owned company 2.China Insurance Clauses / CIC 3.confirmed irrevocable sight L/C 4.We believe that these precautions will be able to prevent a recurrence of damage. 5.We have instructed the bank to credit the amount into your account. II、Put the following English into Chinese(英译汉,20分) 1.保险商 2.一式五份 3.整套销售资料 4.请你方报含买方2%佣金的旧金山最低到岸价,同时请说明你方的支付条件。 5.这能让我方在货物抵达时迅速通关。 III、Complete each of the following blanks with an appropriate word.(每小题3分,共30分) 1. that 2. above / subject / captioned 3. in 4.to 5. arrive 6. which 7. set 8. certificate / policy 9. opened / issued / established 10. who IV. Identify the ONE error contained in each of the following sentences. (每小题3分,共30分) 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. B


高级商务英语(1)教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程名称:高级商务英语(1) 课程类别:专业课 学分: 4 学时数:48 二、适用专业、层次 适用英语商务专业、财经专业等具有英语中高级水平的学生。 三、教学目的及基本要求 本课程为中高级的商务和经济英语课程,旨在帮助专业学生比较系统地了解商务经济领域中的基础概念,培养学生用英语表达和理解商务和经济专业概念的听说读写等方面的能力。 修学本课程需要学生具有中高级的英语水平和很强的自主安排学习的能力,课程中的听说操练均须学生在课外自主完成。 四、教学内容 本课程由15个单元构成,每单元约3学时。 具体单元内容如下: Unit 1 The three sectors of the economy Unit 2 Management Unit 3 Company structure Unit 4 Work and motivation Unit 5 Management and cultural diversity Unit 6 Recruitment Unit 7 Labour relations Unit 8 Production Unit 9 Products Unit 10 Marketing Unit 11 Advertising Unit 12 Promotional tools Unit 13 Accounting and financial statements Unit 14 Banking Unit 15 Stocks and shares

五、使用说明 本课程的主教材English for Business Studies 及配套CD,从听说读写几方面全面培养学生对专业商务和经济基本概念理论的了解、熟悉以及自我实践能力,课程具有一定难度,修学本课程的学生请先完成商务英语1-4(或3-4)的学习,学生需在本学期独立完成两次作业,考核内容可包括作业的内容,考核以期末考试为准。本课程仅为高级商务英语系统课程的前半部分,请修学本课程的学生继续完成高级商务英语(2)的学习。 六、主要参考书目 本课程的教材采用由剑桥大学考试委员会推荐的BEC中级考试用书《新剑桥商务英语(高级)》(Working in English),由Leo Jones主编,人民邮电出版社出版。我校商务英语的资深专家夏纪梅老师主编改编。部分课堂练习来自其他商务英语书籍。 高级商务英语(2)教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程名称:高级商务英语(2) 课程类别:专业课 学分: 4 学时数:48 二、适用专业、层次 适用英语商务专业、财经专业等具有英语中高级水平的学生。 三、教学目的及基本要求 本课程为续接高级商务英语(1)的课程,是中高级的商务和经济英语课程,旨在帮助专业学生比较系统地了解商务经济领域中的基础概念,培养学生用英语表达和理解商务和经济专业概念的听说读写等方面的能力。 修学本课程需要学生具有中高级的英语水平和很强的自主安排学习的能力,课程中的听说操练均须学生在课外自主完成。 四、教学内容 本课程由15个单元构成,每单元约3学时。


优质文档在您身边/双击可除商务英语专业面试自我介绍(精选多篇) 第一篇:商务英语专业面试自我介绍 商务英语专业面试自我介绍 各位领导,大家好。我叫朱,来自湖南常德,是一名湖南xxxxx外国语学院的好范文,我的专业是商务英语。我喜欢打羽毛球,喜欢听音乐,是个活泼开朗,热情大方的女孩子。喜欢交朋友,也总会给别人带来欢笑。 我是一个来自农村的普通女孩,从小被农村淳朴的感情渲染。我有一个幸福的家庭,和爸爸妈妈,妹妹一起生活。从小我亲眼目睹了爸爸妈妈为了这个家所付出的辛苦,劳累与奔波,一点一滴都深深的刻在我的心中。 在大学三年,不仅只是能力还是个人修养上,我都受益匪浅。在老师的教导和个人的努力下,我具备了扎实的专业基础知识,并系统的掌握了各方面的理论知识,几倍了听说读写译的能力。在大学第一期,我顺利的通过了大学英语三级的考试,并在第二年就具备了大学英语四级的水平。并且,我能自我介绍网https://www.360docs.net/doc/b516050605.html,/ziwojieshao/够熟练的进行计算机word, excel, photoshop的软件操作,在大学第三年掌握了外贸单证制单与跟单的操作。大学期间,我担任学生会女生部部长一职,工作上细心,负责市我任职期间遵守的原则。我带领部门的其她成员,把女生部的工作管理的井井有条,并得到了学校领导和老师的一职肯定。在期末总结大会上,我并作为学生会所有成员代表进行了发言。暑假期间,我曾参加过学校的留校实践,不仅仅是希望问母校做一些力所能及的贡献,更期望能一次来巩固自己的专业知识和应变能力。我热爱参加学校组织的各种活动,比如:文艺汇演,英语角还有班会主持,我都积极参加,并取得了不错的效果。尽管我只是一名好范文,但我有好范文上刻苦,热情的精神,希望贵公司能给我这次机会,能为贵公司添砖加瓦。 第二篇:商务英语自我介绍 hello,everyone! my name is luyan,my english name is orange.i like this english name because ithink orange is a kind of warm and happy colour ,also i adore drinking orange juice. i’m 18years old. now,i study in wuxi higher vactional school of t ourism and comerce now .i’m becoming more and moreconfident and optimistic. l feel poud about that. i like english very much,so i chose the major in our school called business english’’. i have confidence in studying english well. i havemany friends ,i can talk with them ,when i feel sad. i fancy watching filmseating tomatoes and listening some songs. i hope someday i can ... 第三篇:英语面试的自我介绍 i am xx. i was born in xx. i graduate from xx senior high school and major in english. i started learning english since i was 12 years old. my parents have a lot of american friends. that’s why i have no problem communicating with americans or others by speaking english. in my spare time, i like to do anything relating to english such as listening to english songs, watching english movies or tv programs, or even attending the activities held by some english clubs or institutes. i used to go abroad for a short- term english study.


商务英语专业就业形势分析 就业前景分析(按商务英语专业相关职位统计) 据统计,商务英语专业就业前景最好的地区是:深圳。在"外国语言文学类"中排名第 4 本专业就业最好的地区排名 1.1深圳1837个职位需求量是: 2.2广州1165个职位需求量是: 3.3上海1123个职位需求量是: 4.4东莞597个职位需求量是: 5.5北京492个职位需求量是: 6.6佛山392个职位需求量是: 7.7青岛282个职位需求量是: 8.8郑州281个职位需求量是: 9.9杭州277个职位需求量是: 10.10宁波262个职位需求量是: "外国语言文学类" 专业排名 1.1英语 2.2翻译 3.3日语 4.4商务英语 5.5韩国语 6.6德语 7.7法语 8.8俄语 9.9西班牙语 10.10葡萄牙语 该专业薪酬待遇、招聘要求分析 工资情况 ?面议占了80%80% ?4500-5999 占了20%20%

经验要求 ?不限经验占了80%80% ?0-2年占了20%20% 学历要求 ?不限学历占了80%80% ?本科占了20%20% 说明:商务英语就业形势分析:招聘待遇,工资面议占比最多,达80%。经验要求,不限经验工作经验要求的占比最多,达80%;学历要求,不限学历学历要求的占比最多,达80%。该数据仅供参考 该专业平均薪酬概况(按商务英语相关的职位薪酬进行统计) ¥3514该数据为平均值,取自101份样本 截至 2014-09-12 查看分析报告? 商务英语? 工资收入水平 ?区间占比 ? 1 2K-3K 66.3% ? 2 4.5K-6K 10.9% ? 3 3K-4.5K 9.9% ? 4 6K-8K 6.9% ? 5 8K-10K 5%


18英语专升本夜大商务英语A卷参考答案 I. Give the full name of the following (5*1’=5’) 1.ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations 2.GDP Gross Domestic Product 3.ADB Asian Development Bank 4.PBOC People’s Bank of China 5.AIM Alternatives Investment Market II. Fill in the blanks with the proper for ms of the words and expressions given (2’*15=30’) 1.The objective is not to provide a template for a business plan, but to give hints, based on the experience of those who have already done it, be they entrepreneurs or investors. 2.The higher the discount, the more _incentive buyers have to pay early. Sellers can thus adjust credit terms to influence when customers pay their bills. 3.The combination of urbanization, demand for new infrastructure, and the rapid expansion of its manufacturing platform, has had a profound impact on China’s consumption of industrial materials and its impact on global commodity markets. 4.London’s dramatic renaissance as perhaps the world’s leading financial center has been a well-documented phenomenon in recent years. 5.Protectionist policies do not work and the collateral damage from these policies is high. 6.During the 1980s, creating value through financial techniques (junk bonds, leveraged buyouts, financial asset repackaging) was tried. 7.The elevator pitch is a one-paragraph description of the business, presented as if you were in a elevator with an investor. 8.Once, one of the leading-edge high-technology firms in the world, Hewlett-packard began to lose some of its luster in the mid-1990s. 9.They like catchy titles, tend to read in diagonals, and have a short attention span. 10.Short-term expenditures are incurred regularly in a firm’s everyday business activities. 11.They would rather look at the coherence of figures and check that they are consistent with the strategy. 12.Determined never to be at the mercy of foreigners again, many Asian countries have since built up huge foreign-exchange reserves as a buffer against financial shocks. 13.Some CEOs have encouraged their organizations to take large short-term risks and then cashed out their options before the long-term problems appear. 14.They spell out previously unclear procedures for foreign purchases of Chinese companies. 15.There is a bias towards promoting those who toe the line which means the status quo becomes entrenched deeply in the business. 16.In fact, any given manager is likely to be engaged in each of these activities during the course of the day.


NO: 1 授课章节Unit 1: Introduction 课时 安排 4课时 教学目的要求1.To understand what is the business English and what is the electronic business 2.To know the meeting style and etiquette,and to set meeting agenda 3.To learn to write the correct letter in business 教学重点难点1.The difference between the business English and General English 2. Reading skill: skimming strategies. 3.Business talking: etiquette in business meeting 4. Writing skills: meeting agenda and business letter 教学内容及时间安排方法及手段 1.Warm-up (5 minutes) 2.Background Information. (5 minutes) 3.New words and Expressions. (10minutes) 4.Text Reading(25 minutes) 5.Writing : meeting agenda and the correct letter in business (45 minutes).Multimedia courses with explanation from the teacher ,group discussion among students https://www.360docs.net/doc/b516050605.html,municative teaching method 作业布置: a.Make an advertisement for a company b.Write a business letter 备注:学生能了解商务英语的定义以及商务交际的技巧。


商务英语专业面试自我介绍 商务英语专业面试自我介绍范文 个人身上环绕着很多东西,有爱好、经历、特长等等,但在进行时,应该把握好尺度。下面是的商务英语专业,欢迎阅读。 大家好,很高兴借此机会来介绍我自己。我叫…...,英文名叫……,美丽的广西桂林,现就读于南宁职业技术学院,主修会计。我在业余生活喜欢读书、写字、听音乐、交朋友。我是一个自信的人,执着而有耐心是我最大的特点。英语是我的最爱,对我很重要,我希望将来能成为一位英语老师,和许许多多的学生分享我的经历。谢谢! Self-Introduction Hello everyone! I would like to take thisopportunity to introduce myself. My name is ……, but you can just call me ……. Ie from a beautiful city Guilin Guangxi. I’m currently a student at Nanning College for Vocational Technology andmajoring in aounting. My favorite pastimes are reading、writing、listeningto music and spending time with my friends. I’m confident to myself. Persistenceand

patience is my biggest personality. English is my favorite subject and itis important to me. I want to be an English teacher in the future and share myexperience with them. That’s all. Thank you. 各位领导: 大家好!我叫&&,&&,是&7学校的一名应届毕业生,我的专业是商务英语。在生活中,我积极学习,掌握了很多专业知识,在闲暇的时候,我喜欢运动,主要喜欢打羽毛球等等,让自己的身心得到放松。 我是一个农村的普通女孩,从小被农村淳朴的感情渲染。我有一个幸福的家庭,和爸爸妈妈,妹妹一起生活。从小我亲眼目睹了爸爸妈妈为了这个家所付出的辛苦,劳累与奔波,一点一滴都深深的刻在我的心中。 在大学三年,不仅只是能力还是个人修养上,我都受益匪浅。在老师的教导和个人的努力下,我具备了扎实的专业基础知识,并系统的掌握了各方面的理论知识,几倍了听说读写译的能力。在大学第一期,我顺利的通过了大学英语三级的考试,并在第二年就具备了大学英语四级的水平。并且,我能够熟练的进行计算机Word,


商务英语专业就业前景分析 适应外向型现代商务管理工作岗位的要求,能胜任大量需要口头和书面英语交流的高级文员工作,并具备一定的工商管理知识。 也可从事英语教学,培训工作。 国际贸易方向: 国际贸易业务人员、商务翻译、商务助理。 旅游方向: 英文导游及涉外宾馆的接待及管理人员、外企业高级文员、外向型企业一般管理员。 培养目标: 本专业培养能用英语进行外贸商务活动的复合型人才,学生在校期间,通过课堂教学和实践教学,能较熟练地掌握英语读、写、听、说、译等语言技能,并掌握外贸活动的商务知识,以较熟练的口语为特长,以商务英语兼顾旅游、文秘英语为方向,培养能用英语从事商务、旅游、外贸、文秘等方面工作的高级应用型专门人才。 就业前景: 我国对外开放和建设海峡西岸经济区需要大量既懂英语又懂外贸的复合型人才。本专业毕业生大都在外贸企业从事外贸业务工作,在涉外大型饭店、旅游部门、企事业单位从事文员和翻译工作,就业率达90%以上。 1、国际贸易实务方向 本专业方向培养掌握商务英语专业所必需的基础理论知识和专业知识,具备较强的英语应用技能及商业运作能力,能从事商务与秘书工作的高等应用型人才。该专业由英语语言能力、商务运作能力和计算机应用技术三个技能模块构建成整个教学计划的核心,就业前景乐观。

2、国际商务管理及秘书方向 本专业方向掌握商务英语专业所必需的基础理论知识和专业知识,具备较强的英语应用技能及商业运作能力,能从事商务管理与项目策划工作的高等应用型人才。该专业学生毕业后掌握商务运作的知识与技能,能熟练运用英语和计算机从事国际商务及秘书工作。 部分主干课程: 秘书学、秘书实务、公文写作、商务模拟、国际商务谈判、进出口业务与单证、商务英语口译、商务英语、办公自动化、会计原理、企业管理等。 3、会展英语方向 本专业方向培养掌握会展与广告设计基本理论和知识、具备会展设计规划和运用计算机进行艺术创造设计的实用型高级专业人才。学生毕业后能从事国际、国内各种会展的组织与策划、会展翻译、会展协调与服务、外事办公等工作。 就业前景: 国际商务公司、外资企业、三资企业、民营企业、金融机构、跨国公司中国分公司、境外中国公司、涉外机构、政府、行政事业单位从事国际贸易、进出口贸易、商务谈判、翻译、涉外文秘和管理等工作。也适合各外贸易公司、商场、宾馆、企事业单位办公部门等。


一、选择填空,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。(每题10分) 题目1 不正确 获得分中的分 未标记标记题目 题干 — __________________ — Alright, I will try my best. 选择一项: A. Do you know about business tax? 不正确 B. What do you think about business tax? C. Can you give me a brief introduction about business tax? 反馈 答案:C 解析:本题考核“寻求帮助”的交际礼貌用语。当寻求他人帮助时,可以说Can you help me, will you please do me a favor, can you give me…等,故选择C。 正确答案是:Can you give me a brief introduction about business tax? 题目2 不正确 获得分中的分 未标记标记题目 题干 — — According to law, they refer to transportation, construction, finance, insurance and the like. 选择一项: A. Do you know taxable services? 不正确 B. How do you like taxable services? C. What do you mean by taxable services? 反馈 答案:C 解析:本题考核“请求解释”的交际用语。选项A是一般疑问句,回答应该是yes或no;选项B是询问对纳税服务的评价;选项C是询问对纳税服务的解释,所以选择C。 正确答案是:What do you mean by taxable services? 题目3 不正确 获得分中的分 未标记标记题目 题干 It means you can ________ online with us. 选择一项: A. transact B. transport 不正确


商务英语专业面试自我介绍(精选多篇) 第一篇:商务英语专业面试自我介绍 商务英语专业面试自我介绍 各位领导,大家好。我叫朱,来自湖南常德,是一名湖南xxxxx外国语学院的好范文,我的专业是商务英语。我喜欢打羽毛球,喜欢听音乐,是个活泼开朗,热情大方的女孩子。喜欢交朋友,也总会给别人带来欢笑。 我是一个来自农村的普通女孩,从小被农村淳朴的感情渲染。我有一个幸福的家庭,和爸爸妈妈,妹妹一起生活。从小我亲眼目睹了爸爸妈妈为了这个家所付出的辛苦,劳累与奔波,一点一滴都深深的刻在我的心中。 在大学三年,不仅只是能力还是个人修养上,我都受益匪浅。在老师的教导和个人的努力下,我具备了扎实的专业基础知识,并系统的掌握了各方面的理论知识,几倍了听说读写译的能力。在大学第一期,我顺利的通过了大学英语三级的考试,并在第二年就具备了大学英语四级的水平。并且,我能自我介绍网https://www.360docs.net/doc/b516050605.html,/ziwojieshao/够熟练的进行计算机word, excel, photoshop的软件操作,在大学第三年掌握了外贸单证制单与跟单的操作。大学期间,我担任学生会女生部部长一职,工作上细心,负责市我任职期间遵守的原则。我带领部门的其她成员,把女生部的工作管理的井井有条,并得到了学校领导和老师的一职肯定。在期末总结大会上,我并作为学生会所有成员代

表进行了发言。暑假期间,我曾参加过学校的留校实践,不仅仅是希望问母校做一些力所能及的贡献,更期望能一次来巩固自己的专业知识和应变能力。我热爱参加学校组织的各种活动,比如:文艺汇演,英语角还有班会主持,我都积极参加,并取得了不错的效果。 尽管我只是一名好范文,但我有好范文上刻苦,热情的精神,希望贵公司能给我这次机会,能为贵公司添砖加瓦。 第二篇:商务英语自我介绍 hello,everyone! my name is luyan,my english name is orange.i like this english name because ithink orange is a kind of warm and happy colour ,also i adore drinking orange juice. i’m 18years old. now,i study in wuxi higher vactional school of tourism and comerc e now .i’m becoming more and moreconfident and optimistic. l feel poud about that. i like english very much,so i chose the major in our school called business english’’. i have confidence in studying english well. i havemany friends ,i can talk with them ,when i feel sad. i fancy watching filmseating tomatoes and listening some songs. i hope someday i can ... 第三篇:英语面试的自我介绍 i am xx. i was born in xx. i graduate from xx senior high school and major in english. i started learning english since i was 12 years old. my parents have a lot of american friends. that’s why i have no problem communicating with americans or others by speaking english. in my spare time, i like to do anything relating to english such as listening


题目商务英语毕业生就业岗位之探讨学生姓名 专业班级 学号 院(系) 指导教师(职称) 完成时间

目录 中文摘要............................................................I 英文摘要...............................................................I I 1引言 (1) 2商务英语专业的特殊性 (2) 2.1商务英语专业的概述 (2) 2.2商务英语和普通英语的比较 (2) 3商务英语专业的市场需求及就业前景 (3) 3.1国内市场经济环境分析 (3) 3.2就业前景 (3) 4商务英语专业的就业岗位大体方位及方向 (4) 4.1教育行业 (4) 4.2外贸公司 (5) 4.3翻译行业 (5) 4.4涉外导游 (6) 4.5其他 (6) 5做好准备,面向未来 (7) 5.1健全的心理 (7) 5.2理解英语 (7) 5.3必要的法律知识 (8) 6 结语 (9)

致谢 (10) 参考文献 (11)

摘要 大学生毕业后能否顺利就业,是全社会普遍关注的热点问题。近年来伴随经济增长产生了许多新的专业,商务英语就是其中之一。我国对商务英语专业人才的需求数量也越来越大,同时也为商务英语学习者在就业上提供了前所未有的机遇。本文从就业岗位市场需求,企业提供的就业岗位,分析如何正确定位商务英语专业毕业生的就业岗位,以及怎样提高商务英语专业毕业生就业率。 关键词经济的发展,需求,就业岗位

Abstract Whether university students can find jobs successfully after graduation is a hot topic that the whole society is concerned about. Along with economic growth in recent years, many new majors have emerged, among which is Business English. Also in China, there is a growing demand for professional talents in Business English and unprecedented opportunities have been provided for Business English learners in terms of employment. This paper makes an analysis of how to correctly position employment and how to improve the employment rate for graduates majoring in Business English in light of the market demand for employment positions and the employment positions provided by the enterprises. Key words economic growth, demand, employment position


商务英语试题 I.Translate the following terms into English (30%): 1) 兼并 2) 商业周期 3) 上市公司 4) 泡沫经济 5) 股份 6) 欧洲债券市场 7) 审计 8) 贸易壁垒 9) 进口(贸易中) 10)出口(贸易中) II.Translate the following terms into Chinese(30%): 1) EU 2) VC 3) promotion policy 4) marketing environment 5) bank statement 6) venture capital 7) buyer behavior 8) market segment 9) liquid investment 10) trade union

III.Read the article and choose one best answer to each of the following multiple choice questions according to the article ( 40%): New Economy As America emerges from what may be the shortest economic slump in memory, there is increasing evidence that New Economy factors---- including high productivity rates, better inventory management, more flexible labor markets, and a greater share of jobs in the service sector ---- were in fact responsible for the brevity of the slowdown. As the remarkable US expansion of the 1990s appears to be continuing, the New Economy seems to have passed the first real test of its resiliency. And the structural changes being driven by the New Economy have not receded or been impeded by the changes of the last year; rather, they are as strong as ever. As these structural changes continue to sweep through our national economy, they are restructuring and reshaping the 50 state economies. In 1999, at the height of the New Economy euphoria, PPI released its first State New Economy Index, which included 17 indicators to measure the degree to which state economies were structured and operated according to the tenets of the New Economy. In 2002, after the New Economy has proved itself and is being viewed by most with a more careful and realistic eye, PPI’s 2002 State index uses 21 economic indicators to measure these differences and ass ess states’ progress as they adapt to the new economic order. With these indicators as a frame of reference, the report then outlines a state-level public policy framework aimed at boosting the incomes of all Americans. While in 1999 many thought that the New Economy changed everything (including the need for companies to make a profit), in 2001 many scoffed at it as simply a flash in the pan or, worse, a myth spun by an over-imaginative media. Many questioned if after the superb economic performance of the 1990s we were doomed to return to the dismal days of the later 1970s and 1980s. The reality is that the New Economy was neither an epochal and dizzying transformation nor a slogan generated by some dot-com companies looking to inflate their IPO prices. Rather it was and is the kind of profound transformation of all industries that happens perhaps twice ina century. Such a change is equivalent in scope and depth to the rise of the manufacturing economy in the 1890s and the emergence of the mass-production, corporate economy in the 1940s and 1950s. As we pass through one of those groundswells that regularly but infrequently reshape the economy (and society) from top to bottom, there will be occasional bumps along the way---- like the recent economic downturn---- but these are the negative phrases within what we can expect to be a much longer growth period.
