

Dear Professor XX,

My name is XX, a postgraduate student majoring in biological at XX University. I would like to apply for a visiting scholar position at XX University from 20XX to 20XX.

During my visit, I hope to learn more about the research being conducted in your group, particularly in the areas of XX and XX. I am particularly interested in learning about your recent work on XX, and I hope to participate in relevant experiments and discussions. I believe that it is relevant to my research and I also could provide some opinions from different perspectives.

Attached please find my CV and research proposal. I have published several papers in top-tier journals in my field, and I have a good command of English, which will enable me to communicate with your team effectively and facilitate collaboration with your team.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward for your favorable response.

Sincerely, XX


英语申请信范文带翻译(最新9篇) 英语申请信范文带翻译篇一 Dear Dad and Mom: Although we can only keep in touch with each other by the telephone or the Internet, I wish I could let you know how much I love you and how much I’ve appreciated the things you’ve done for me. It is never too much to say thank you to you, my dear parents. First and the most important is that thank you for bringing me to this world. During the 20 years, you have done a lot for me, but I haven’t realized how much I love you until I left home to the university. I understand how much effort you have cost to bring me up. Now, I have grown up, I can look after you. Second, I want to thank you that you give me a good environment to grow up. There is an old saying “Parents are the first teacher to their children”。In my life, you are the typical ones. Because of your good examples I formed the good habit of learning at an early age which benefits my life. At last, I want to say “thank you” is that you always support my choice. You never forced me to do anything I was not interested in. You told me to pursuit my own dreams without hesitation and you would support me forever. You also told me to how to be a human. Now I become an optimistic and cheerful girl and I feel happy every day. I really miss you when I am writing this thank you letter. I can’t wait to go home to share more time together with are my most important people in the world and I will love you forever. Yours, XXX 英语工作申请范文带翻译篇二 As a student of mine, one of my family members is applying for a loan for a student who is applying for further study of English. My mother was laid off two years ago. My grandmother has been suffering from chronic diseases for more than five years. My brother is studying in high school. Now I have a part-time job during the summer vacation, but my income is far from enough for my tuition fees to continue my study. I want to apply for a student loan such as If my application is approved, I will make good use of the money. I will repay the loan on time according to the repayment conditions. I hope you can consider my application and sincerely look forward to your reply. 中文翻译: 作为我的一名学生,我的一名家庭成员正在为一名申请继续学习英语的学生申请贷款,我妈妈两年前下岗了我的祖母得了慢性病已经xx年多了我哥哥正在读高中现在我暑假期间做了一份兼职工作,但是我的收入远远不够我继续学习的学费,我想申请一个学生贷款如果我的申请被批准,我会善用这笔钱,心系我会按还款条件按时还贷,希望您能考虑我的申请,真诚期待您的回复,XXXXXX。 标签:新学期 英语工作申请范文带翻译篇三 Dear Sir or Madam, I am applying for the position of administrative assistant published in the daily news last night. I have more than five years working experience in this position, during


英语申请信范文带翻译10篇 英文申请信格式标准:1、信头(Heading):包括写信人地址和写信日期,通常写在信笺的右上角。 在比较熟识的朋友之间的通信,写信人的地址常可略去。地址的写法通常是由小到大,如:门牌号、街道名、市(县)名、省名、国名(邮政编码通常写在城市名之后)。 这同中文书信的地址写法完全相反。日期写在地址的下方,可以写1-3行。 通常有下列两种写法(a)月、日、年(美式),如August 15, 200_;(b)日、月、年(英式),如15th august, 200_ ,月、日的后面用逗号,年份后面不用标点。2、称呼(Salutation):指写信人对收信人的称呼,如Dear Xiaojun写在日期下一两行,顶格写,称呼后面可用逗号,也可用冒号,一般用Dear。 或My dear。开头。 3、正文(Body):这是书信的主体部分,即写信人要表达的内容。正文一般在称呼下方隔两行处开始写,正文的首行左边一般留约5个字母宽的空白。

4、结束语(Complimentary Close):它是书信结尾的恭维话,相当于文中书信最后的“视好”,“致礼”之类的话语。如“Be st wishes"等 5、签名(Signature):签名通常签在结束语下方的中间偏右的位置,即使是打写机打出的信件,最后仍需亲笔签名,签名由写信人和收信人的关系和亲疏程度而定,一般只需写名不写姓,但若用了较庄重的结尾套语,此时可签全名。 在签名的上方可根据写信人和收信人的关系写Sincerely yours/ Yours sincerely(用于长辈或朋友之间),或Respectfully yours/Yours respectfully(用于对长辈或上级),注意开头字母要大写,末尾要用逗号。扩展资料:英文申请信的写作要求:1、应符合英语信件的格式,表达方式符合英语习惯;2. 申请人的语气要自信而不傲慢,礼貌而不卑微,即不卑不亢,恰如其分;3. 应写得简明流畅,言简意赅。


访学申请信英语模板 Dear Professor XX, My name is XX, a postgraduate student majoring in biological at XX University. I would like to apply for a visiting scholar position at XX University from 20XX to 20XX. During my visit, I hope to learn more about the research being conducted in your group, particularly in the areas of XX and XX. I am particularly interested in learning about your recent work on XX, and I hope to participate in relevant experiments and discussions. I believe that it is relevant to my research and I also could provide some opinions from different perspectives. Attached please find my CV and research proposal. I have published several papers in top-tier journals in my field, and I have a good command of English, which will enable me to communicate with your team effectively and facilitate collaboration with your team. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward for your favorable response. Sincerely, XX


高考书信类作文之 申请信(Letter of Application) 【范文赏析】 假如你是中国的交换生李华,现就读于美国的一所高中,你在学校网站上看到一则招聘启事,Jack 教授下月要到上海做项目,需要一名随身翻译,请根据一下要点,给他发一封电子邮件,提出申请。要点包括: 1.个人简介 2. 个人优势注意:词数100左右 Dear Professor Jack, I am Li Hua, a Chinese student aged 18.(介绍自己)I have just read your advertisement for an interpreter on the school website.(说明来源)The reason why I am writing to you is that I take an interest in it and I have a desire to apply for this position. My advantages are as follows.(写信目的) (列优势)To start with, Chinese is my native tongue and I have been exposed to English for 14 years, I have a good command of English. What is more, frequently participating in school activities has helped me build confidence and develop good communication skills. Last but not least, I have lived in Shanghai since I was born, so I am familiar with it. Therefore, I am qualified to do the job.(总结) I would be grateful if you could take my application into consideration. An early reply is appreciated.(重申主题) Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【写作流程图】


英语申请信范文带翻译 Dear Sir/Madam,。 I am writing to apply for a position as a lecturer in your college. I am a postgraduate in the English language, graduated from a well-known university in China and have a great passion for teaching and making contribution to other people's learning. I have three years of teaching experience and am quite skilled in the way of delivering the subject knowledge in an interesting and efficient way. I was a favorite of my students and was awarded the “Best Teaching Award” by our col lege. I not only have the ability to bring knowledge and experience to students, but also to build a bridge between the students and their dreams. With my sincere enthusiasm, passion and skills, I am convinced that I can help achieve the best learning results. 。 I look forward to hearing from you soon. 。 Yours faithfully。 XXX。 亲爱的先生/女士。 我写信是为了申请你们学院的讲师职位。


英语作文申请书格式范文模板 第一篇: Dear Admissions Officer, I am writing to express my strong interest in applying to your esteemed university for the undergraduate program in English. After thorough research and consideration of different universities, I am particularly drawn to your institution's academic reputation, diverse community, and vibrant campus life. I have always been passionate about literature and language, and English has been my favorite subject throughout my academic career. I have achieved excellent grades in English courses and participated in various extracurricular activities related to language and culture, such as a debate club, a literary magazine, and a language exchange program. Moreover, I have taken advanced courses in English language and literature, which have deepened my understanding and appreciation of the subject. I believe that studying English at your university would provide me with not only a comprehensive education but also invaluable opportunities for personal growth and professional development. I am impressed by your faculty's expertise and commitment to teaching, as well as your extensive resources for academic support and research. I am also excited about the possibility of participating in your international programs, including study abroad, research projects, and cultural events. In terms of my qualifications, I have enclosed my academic


英语申请信作文模板及范文(必备24篇) (经典版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制单位:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢! 并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、句子大全、作文大全、诗词歌赋、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注! Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you! Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!


写给外国学校的申请信英语 申请信顾名思义就是用于申述请求、表达愿望、陈述理由的信件,它是一种用途广泛的应用文,如申请留学、申请作访问学者、申请就业等等。以下是店铺整理的写给外国学校的申请信英语,以供大家参考。英语申请信篇1 Directions: Suppose you are Wei Qiang and you will graduate from university. Write a letter of inquiry to the Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin, asking for admission as a graduate student. July, 2007 Dear Sirs, I am very interested in undertaking graduate work in your university. I have read research papers by two of your professors Dr. Thomas Bay and Mr. Sherry Haily. I’d like to study under their guidance. In September of 2003 I was enrolled in the Computer School of the XYZ University as a computer major. Throughout the four years of study, I take this field as one of great potentials for my country. I feel the need to study further in order to develop well in this area. I would appreciate receiving your materials such as departmental brochure or pamphlet, and a university catalog or bulletin. Thank you for your consideration. I am looking forward to your reply. 英语申请信篇2 Dear Professor @@@: I plan to study for a master degree in @@@@@i@@@. As Iknow; China is a basic gap in this area ,so i think it may has


大学申请信范文英文版 急求英语作文(关于高校申请书) 一、留学申请信(Application for Admittance)经典范文之一 Dear Sir, I am going to graduate from Department of Computer in Huabei University in June next year.I am very eager to enter the Graduate School of your university next fall to study applied computer for Ph.D.degree. I would appreciate it very much if you would send me a graduate catalog of your university and any other necessary information,and also a set of application forms for admission.Thank you for your kind assistance. Sincerely yours, Wang Feng 经典范文之二 Dear Sir, I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in Applied Physics toward Master degree in your university. My name is Li Jin,an undergraduate student of the Department of Applied Physics,Huabei University.Next year in the summer,I will graduate and get my B.S.degree.I plan to continue my study and research in this field.I chose Boston University because there are a congenial team of researchers,an array of databases and research projects in your school of Physics.I believe my interests are extremely congruent with the strengths of the school.And my solid academic background will meet your general entrance requirements for graduate study. I


申请国外访学英文信 正文: Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to express my strong interest in applying for a visiting scholar position at your esteemed institution. I am a PhD candidate majoring in [insert your major] at [insert your university], and I am eager to expand my academic horizons by conducting research in [insert your research field] at your institution. I have been following the research work of your faculty members and I am impressed by the innovative and cutting-edge research that is being conducted at your institution. I believe that the opportunity to work with your faculty members and researchers will provide me with invaluable experience and knowledge that will enhance my academic and professional development. I have attached my curriculum vitae, research proposal, and other relevant documents for your review. My research proposal focuses on [insert your research topic], and I believe that my research will contribute to the advancement of knowledge in this field. I am confident that my academic background, research experience, and passion for learning will make me a valuable addition to your institution.


附件五 (Name)Ph.D Curriculum Vitae, April 2009 Finance Department Date of Birth: February 22,1959 University of Minnesota Citizenship: U.S.A. 321-19 Avenue South SEX: Minneapolis Major: Professional Title: Office Telephone: E-mail: Mobile: School Website: Fax: ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Minnesota Banking Industry Professor of Finance,Carlson School of Management,University of Minnesote,2002-present Associate Professor,Finance Department, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesote,1998-2002 Visiting Scholar,Financial Markets Group,London School of Economics,December 1995-1996 …… OTHER EXPERIENCE Consultant,Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland,1996 Research Analyst,CoreStates Financial Corp/Philadelphia National Bank, 1981-1983 ………. EDUCATION The Wharton School,University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,PA Ph.D.,Finance,August 1990 Ph.D.Thesis Title: Ph.D.Thesis Research was performed at: M.B.A.,Finance,Mar 1982 Princeton University,Princeton,NJ A.B., Mathematics,June 1980


申请信英语作文模板 写申请信英语作文模板: Dear_______, My name is ________,and I_________.I am writing to____________.I will be very grateful if my application can be considered and accepted. There are several factors contributing to my application. First of all,_________.Besides,__________.furthermore,_________ __.Therefore,_________. I sincerely hope you will grant me _____________.If you need more information,fell free to contact me at any time by calling_____________.Thank you for your kind consideration and I am looking forward to hearing from you . Sincerely yours, _____________ 写申请信英语作文篇一:

Dear Sir/ Madam, I learned from the newspaper that your pany needs an English secretary. I’m really interested in this position so I am writing to apply for it. I hope I may be granted(授予) an interview,when I can explain my qualifications(资格,条件) more fully. I am looking forward to your reply. Sincerely/Yours, LiHua 写申请信英语作文篇二: Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a personal secretary to the general manager. I am fully confident that I am the right person for the job. I know that my future boss have lots of work each day, however, it is exactly the challenge inherent in my perspective job that attracts me and makes me to submit this application to you. I have worked as the private secretary in an insurance pany for two years


写邮件访问学者邀请函 篇一:访问学者--邀请信 Professor Department of Address: Email: Tel: Fa: Mr. Address: , School of Street, , , 100081 P. R China Dear Mr. Subject: Invitation to Mr. to conduct research at the as an Academ Visitor Thank you very much for your email dated on 11th February, 20 and the attached CV. I am delighted that you wish to come as an academ visitor to the Department of at for 6 months. On behave of the Department; I formally invite you as an Academ Visitor to spend 6 months at the , during the time period from st , 20 to nd , 20. I understand you will be fully funded by a scholarship from .

The funding covers the international airfare, living epenses and health insurance for a period of 6 months. And your university will remain your employment when you complete your visit at . Please be aware that will also charge you bench fees for your academ visit. I have communated with you for several times and can attest that your English level satisfies our requirements for an Academ Visitor. I was impressed by the interesting RD pr ojects you had undertaken in China and your epertise partularly on . You will conduct research in the area of , in whh you have had signifant eperience already. Your academ visit to the is intended to facilitate independent research as set out in your lation closely linking to your current academ research activities. My team at is one of the famous groups in the Europe, and has a leading research in several aspects of . You shall be provided the necessary support for carrying out the research including providing offe space, materials supplies and access to our library and other research facilities. Please note that academ visitors are not permitted to engage in work in the UK other than the academ activity for whh they are admitted under the Immigration Rules. I look forward to your visit. Yours sincerely, 篇二:访问学者如何联系导师求取邀请函 访问学者如何联系导师求取邀请函


访问学者邀请函范文 篇一:访问学者邀请函模板1 Dr. XX Mailbox XX XXXXX University XX, XX, P. R. China, Zipcode Dear Dr. XXXX It is my pleasure to invite you as a visit scholar(or postdoc)to visit , from XX-XX to XX-XX.. I understand you will be supported by a scholarship from the China Scholarship Council. You will be performing research under my direction, and with members of my group, on the fields ofXXXXX . You shall be provided an office and access to our lab and other research facilities as

appropriate. We look forward to your visit. Sincerely, 篇二:访问学者邀请函模板2 访问学者邀请函模板2 Dear Dr ***, Following our recent e-mail and telephone communications, I am pleased to let you know that I can offer you a Visiting Scholar position at the ** University. This is a one-year post. You told me the better time you join my research group is from ** to **. I hope you could come here sooner. As we have discussed, your research will be in the area of ** about **. I am certain you will gain new knowledge and skills in our laboratory, and I am equally optimistic that your participation will bring about new opportunities for collaboration between us. We will provide you with all the equipment and facilities necessary for your


访问学者申请信如何写? 1、你需要简单说下你的基本信息,你为什么要申请,做过什么研究,有过什么成绩,发表过 什么文章以及你的研究方向是什么。 2、你要对他研究访学有个大概了解,表明你很感兴趣,期望加入他的队伍。 3、说明你的英语 水平,也就是你能否用英文简单沟通。 4、申请免学费的话,可以告知希望免学费。总之,你的申请信尽量写的言简意赅。 美国访问学者申请信模板:This is xxx(full name), an associate professor at the Department of **, ** University, China。 Presently I''m working on ***。 Here I write to you because I''m looking for a visiting scholar position。 I was writing to you to look for a visiting scholar position。 I''m very impressed with your group and hope to be a guest visitor in your lab in early ……。 I have got a six-month visiting scholar funding from ***, which can afford my expense in your country。 Attached please find my CV。I am more than willing to answer any of your questions concerning my application and research。 Looking forward to your response。With best regards,金东方美国留学--访问学者项目组。 访学申请怎么做? 在校大学生想要到海外高校交流和学习,现在可以通过短期访学获得机会,但是短期访学也需 要根据专业向对应的高校开展相关项目的导师提出申请,在获得导师的同意以后,还要办理个 人的签证和保险,还要处理住宿等问题。 一些高校的访学期间,在校的学员卡也需要及时办理,否则自己的食宿和图书馆等权益会受影响。说起来短期访学比较复杂和困难,其实可以完全借助SAF所提供的服务和帮助,将项目申请、相关证件的办理和在高校期间的许多生活杂事,委托给专业的老师去办理,或者在老师的 指导下完成。 访学申请书怎么写 访学申请书尊敬的各位领导:我是来自--大学--学院--级--班的--,申请赴--访学。 现将我的基本条件叙述如下:在学习方面,我学习刻苦,志存高远,取得了优异的成绩。获得了“专业奖学金”、“优秀学生奖”和“三好学生”荣誉称号。 上学年学业成绩在班级前10﹪,操行评价在班级前10﹪。大学英语四六级考试均一次性通过。 我十分珍惜在校的学习机会,利用大学丰富的学习资源,全面提升自我的科学文化素质。在担任学生干部方面,我一丝不苟,认真负责,达到了老师同学们的认可。 大学两年来连任班级--,大二兼任--。在校级社团--里,担任--职位。 在班级工作中做到了帐目明细清楚,班级学生素拓分提升。在社团工作上,每次活动前尽可能 考虑周全,写出一份优秀的策划书。 在全体社员的努力下,开展了---等丰富多彩的社团活动。荣获校“优秀学生干部”和“文明大学生”称号,--协会“优秀部长”称号。
