第9课《庄子寓言四则》电子 课文

第9课《庄子寓言四则》电子    课文
第9课《庄子寓言四则》电子    课文



9 庄子寓言四则

《庄 子》















































(huò)]拟声词。骨肉离开的声音。[委]卸落、坠下。[踌躇满志]悠然自得,心满意足。[善]通“缮”,修治。这里是拭擦的意思。[养生]指养生之道。节选自《庄子·秋水》。 [时至]随着时令来到。时,指时令、季节。 [百川灌河]许多小河流的水都注入黄河里。百,众多的意思。 [泾流]直流的水波。泾,

同“径”。 [两涘(sì)渚崖之间,不辩牛马]从两岸或者从河中沙洲到水边的高岸(隔水望去),分不清是牛是马(形容水涨后河道极宽)。涘,水边、岸。渚,水中的小块陆地。崖,高的河岸。

辩,同“辨”。 [河伯]传说中的黄河之神。 [尽在己]全在自己这里。 [北海](河东端)北方的大海。指东海的北部。 [东面]脸朝东。 [旋其面目]改变了欣然自喜的面容。旋,转变。面目,指面部。 [望洋向若]迷惘地面对海神若。望洋,联绵词,犹“茫

洋”,仰头迷茫而视的样子。若,即下文的北海若,海神名。 [野语]俗语。 [闻道百]听的道理很多。道,道理,百,泛指多。 [莫己若]没有谁比得上自己。若,比得上。 [少仲尼之闻]小看孔丘的见闻(学问)。少,动词,小看。闻,见闻、学识。 [轻伯夷之

义]轻视伯夷的义。轻,动词,轻视。伯夷,商朝末年诸侯孤竹君的长子。他认为武王伐纣是不义,商朝灭亡后,以不食周粟表明自己的义,饿死在首阳山上。所以古人称他为义士。 [今我睹子之难穷也]现在我看到您的广阔无边。子,这里指海神若。难穷,难以穷尽。 [吾长见笑于大方之家]我将长久地被大方之家耻笑。大方之家,指修养很高、明白道理的人。 节选自《庄子·秋水》。

[濠梁] 濠,水名,在今安徽凤阳北。梁,拦河堰。 [儵(tiáo)]通“鯈”。鯈鱼,一种身体狭长的银白色小鱼。 [全矣]已经完全可以肯定,无须再辩。 [请循其本]请再回到一开始的话题。 [子曰“汝安知鱼乐”云者,既已知吾知之而问我]你开始说“你怎么知道鱼乐”时,是已经知道我知道鱼乐,这才问我的。 [我知之濠上也](那么)我站在濠梁上就能知道鱼乐(也是完全可以肯定



节选自《庄子·齐物论》。 [栩栩然]生动活泼的样子。 [自喻适

志]自己觉得得意。喻,晓,觉得。适志,得意。 [蘧蘧(jùjù)然]惊疑的样子。 [分] 分辨,区别。 [物化]化为物。指大道时而化为庄周,时而化为蝴蝶。

Mark Twain-第九课课文翻译

Mark Twain --- Mirror of America Noel Grove Most Americans remember Mark Twain as the father of Huck Finn's idyllic cruise through eternal boyhood and Tom Sawyer's endless summer of freedom and adventure. Indeed, this nation's best-loved author was every bit as ad-venturous, patriotic, romantic, and humorous as anyone has ever imagined. I found another Twain as well –one who grew cynical, bitter, saddened by the profound personal tragedies life dealt him, a man who became obsessed with the frailties of the human race, who saw clearly ahead a black wall of night. 在大多数美国人的心目中,马克?吐温是位伟大作家,他描写了哈克?费恩永恒的童年时代中充满诗情画意的旅程和汤姆?索亚在漫长的夏日里自由自在历险探奇的故事。的确,这位美国最受人喜爱的作家的探索精神、爱国热情、浪漫气质及幽默笔调都达到了登峰造极的程度。但我发现还有另一个不同的马克?吐温——一个由于深受人生悲剧的打击而变得愤世嫉俗、尖酸刻薄的马克?吐温,一个为人类品质上的弱点而忧心忡忡、明显地看到前途是一片黑暗的人。 Tramp printer, river pilot , Confederate guerrilla, prospector, starry-eyed optimist, acid-tongued cynic: The man who became Mark Twain was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens and he ranged across the nation for more than a third of his life, digesting the new American experience before sharing it with the world as writer and lecturer. He adopted his pen name from the cry heard in his steamboat days, signaling two fathoms (12 feet) of water -- a navigable depth. His popularity is attested by the fact that more than a score of his books remain in print, and translations are still read around the world. 印刷工、领航员、邦联游击队员、淘金者、耽于幻想的乐天派、语言尖刻的讽刺家:马克?吐温原名塞缪尔?朗赫恩?克莱门斯,他一生之中有超过三分之一的时间浪迹美国各地,体验着美国的新生活,尔后便以作家和演说家的身分将他所感受到的这一切介绍给全世界。他的笔名取自他在蒸汽船上做工时听到的报告水深为两口寻(12英尺)——意即可以通航的信号语。他的作品中有二十几部至今仍在印行,其外文译本仍在世界各地拥有读者,由此可见他的享誉程度。 The geographic core, in Twain's early years, was the great valley of the Mississippi River, main artery of transportation in the young nation's heart. Keelboats ,flatboats , and large rafts carried the first major commerce. Lumber, corn, tobacco, wheat, and furs moved downstream to the delta country; sugar, molasses , cotton, and whiskey traveled north. In the 1850's, before the climax of westward expansion, the vast basin drained three-quarters of the settled United States. 在马克?吐温青年时代,美国的地理中心是密西西比河流域,而密西西比河是这个年轻国家中部的交通大动脉。龙骨船、平底船和大木筏载运着最重要的商品。木材、玉米、烟草、小麦和皮货通过这些运载工具顺流而下,运送到河口三角洲地区,而砂糖、糖浆、棉花和威士忌酒等货物则被运送到北方。在19世纪50年代,西部领土开发高潮到来之前,辽阔的密西西比河流域占美国已开发领土的四分之三。 Young Mark Twain entered that world in 1857 as a cub pilot on a steamboat. The cast of characters set before him in his new profession was rich and varied a cosmos . He participated abundantly in this life, listening to pilothouse talk of feuds , piracies, lynchings ,medicine shows, and savage waterside slums. All would resurface in his books, together with the colorful language that he soaked up with a memory that seemed phonographic. 1857年,少年马克?吐温作为蒸汽船上的一名小领航员踏人了这片天地。在这个新的工作岗位上,他接触到的是各式各样的人物,看到的是一个多姿多彩的大干世界。他完全地投身到这种生活之中,经常在操舵室里听着人们谈论民间争斗、海盗抢劫、私刑案件、游医卖药以及河边的一些化外民居的故事。所有这一切,连同他那像留声机般准确可靠的记忆所吸收的丰富多彩的语言,后来都有机会在他的作品中得以再现。 Steamboat decks teemed not only with the main current of pioneering humanity, but its flotsam of hustlers, gamblers, and thugs as well. From them all Mark Twain gained a keen perception of the human race, of the difference between what people claim to be and what they really are. His four and a half year s in the steamboat


Marrakech George Orwell As the corpse went past the flies left the resta urant table in a cloud and rushed after it, but t hey came back a few minutes later. The little crowd of mourners -- all men and boy s, no women--threaded their way across the market p lace between the piles of pomegranates and the taxi s and the camels, walling a short chant over an d over again. What really appeals to the flies i s that the corpses here are never put into coffin s, they are merely wrapped in a piece of rag an d carried on a rough wooden bier on the shoulder s of four friends. When the friends get to the bu rying-ground they hack an oblong hole a foot or tw o deep, dump the body in it and fling over i t a little of the dried-up, lumpy earth, which i s like broken brick. No gravestone, no name, no id entifying mark of any kind. The burying-ground is m erely a huge waste of hummocky earth, like a derel


Unit 5 China and the world Topic 1 China attracts millions of tourists form all over the world Section A 1a. read and understand (It’s been two years since Mr. Green came to China. Their daughter ,Susanna , has just come to live with them. She knows very little about the country.) Susanna: Mom , how much do you know about China ? Mrs. Green : A lot . China is a great country that has about 5000 years of history. There are many places of interest which attract million of tourists from all over the world every year. Susanna: Is that so ? Are there any beautiful mountains ? Mrs. Green : Yes. And some of them are very famous , such as Mountain Tai, Mountain Huang , MountSong and MountEmei. Susanna: What about rivers? Mrs. Green : There are a great number of rivers in China. Among them , the Changjiang River is the longest one and the second longest is the Huanghe River. They’re the birthplaces of Chinese culture. Susanna: Anything else ? Mrs. Green : My dear , I think you should get to know more about China by yourself. I can fetch you Guide to China. It’s a book which introduces China in detail. Susanna: Thanks , Mom. 1b . Complete the table There are many places of __________ in China. Mountain Some beautiful and _________ mountains such as MountTai, Mount_______, MountSong and MountEmei. River a great ________ of rivers such as the Changjing River , the ___________ one and the Huanghe River , the ________ longest one. China attracts millions of _____________ from all over the world each year. 2. Talk about the pictures with your partner by following example. Example: A: Do you know MountHuang ? B: Yes. It’s a mountain with lots of strange pine trees. A: Where is it ? B: It lies in Anhui province A: It’s a place which/ that is worth visinting. B: Yes, let’s go there this summer vacation. MountHuang/ strange pine trees/ AnhuiProvince the WestLake/ many gardens / ZhejiangProvince


这是我整理的,希望对大家有用。蓝色部分是重点词汇。 第一课 1、一条蜿蜒的小路隐没在树荫深处。 A winding path loses itself in the shadowy distance of the woods. 2、集市上有许多小摊子,出售的货物应有尽有。 At the bazaar, there are many stalls where goods of every conceivable kind are sold. 3、我真不知道到底是什么事让他如此生气。 I really don’t know what it is that has made him so angry. 4、新出土的铜花瓶造型优美,可有精细、复杂的传统图案。 The newly unearthed bronze vase is pleasing in form and engraved with delicate and intricate traditional designs. 5、在山的那一边是一望无际的大草原。 Beyond the mountains there is a vast grassland that extends as far as the eye can see. 6、他们决定买那座带有汽车房的房子。 They decided to buy that house with a garage attached. 7、教师们坚持对学生严格要求。 The teachers make a point of be ing strict with the students. 8、这个小女孩很喜欢她的父亲。 The girl is very much attached to her father. 9、为了实现四个现代化,我们认为有必要学习国外的先进科学技术。 To achieve the four modernization, we make a point of learn ing from the advanced science and technology of other countries. 10、黄昏临近时,天渐渐暗下来了。 As dusk fell, daylight faded away. 11徒工仔细地观察他的师傅,然后照着干。 The apprentice watched his master carefully and then followed suit. 12、吃完饭弗兰克常常帮助洗餐具。 Frank often took a hand in the washing-up after dinner. 第二课


2014人民教育出版社九年级英语教科书课本课文目录 Unit1 how can we become good learners How I Learned to Learn English Last year, I did not like my English class. Every class was like a bad dream. The teacher spoke too quickly. But I was afraid to ask questions because my pronunciation was very bad. So I just hid behind my textbook and never said anything. Then one day I watched an English movie called Toy Story. I fell in love with this exciting and funny movie! So then I began to watch other English movies as I could not understand everything the characters said, their body language and the expressions on their faces helped me to get the meaning. I also realized I could get the meaning by listening for just the key words. My pronunciation also improved by listening to the interesting conversations in English movies. I discovered that listening to something you are interested in is the secret to language learning. I also learned useful sentences like “It’s a piece of cake” or “It serves you right.” I did not understand these sentences at first. But because I wanted to understand the story, I looked up the words in a dictionary. Now I really enjoy my English class. I want to learn new words and more grammar. Then I


第九课 从奥米勒斯城出走的人 随着一阵响彻云霄的钟声的敲响,一群燕子惊得展翅高翔,白塔映日的海滨城市奥米勒斯迎来了她的夏庆节。港湾里停泊的船只的缆索上都飘扬着鲜艳夺目的彩旗。市区的大街小巷上,一支支游行队伍穿过街道两旁那一排排红顶彩漆墙面的房屋,穿过一座座长满青苔的古老庭园,走过一条条林荫大道,一座座公园和公共建筑,迤逦而行。游行队伍有的显得十分文雅庄重,其参加者或是一些身着紫衣灰袍的老者,或是一些沉郁肃穆的工人师傅,或是一些文文静静、欢欢喜喜的妇女,她们抱着孩子,边走边聊天。另外一些游行队伍的情形却迥然不同:那儿奏着欢快的音乐,锣鼓喧天,游行的人们一路上载歌载舞。成群的小孩在队伍中兴高采烈地穿来穿去,他们的欢叫声像高翔于空中的燕子的呜叫声一样,盖过游行队伍的鼓乐声和歌唱声。所有游行队伍都沿着蜿蜒曲折的街道迤逦向北行进,来到一个称作绿野的大草坪上。草坪上早有一些光着身子、脚踝沾满泥巴、手臂长大而灵活的青年男女在那儿对他们的劣马进行赛前训练。那些马都没有上鞍具,只套了一根不带嚼子的缰绳。马的鬃毛上扎着一些银色、金色和绿色饰带。那些马都扬着鼻子,欢腾跳跃相互炫耀;它们都兴奋异常,因为马是唯一将人的喜庆活动看作自己的喜庆活动的动物。城外较远处,环绕奥米勒斯西面和北面的是一道半圆形的山脉。早晨的天空晴明如镜,湛蓝的天幕下积雪未化的十八座峰顶上,白雪映着阳光,犹如燃烧的火焰,发出冲天的金光。赛马跑道上插着的彩旗在微风吹拂下呼啦啦地飘摆。置身于一片寂静的大草坪上,人们就可以听到城区街道上的鼓乐声由远及近,犹如阵阵醉人的香风迎面扑来。鼓乐声时而微弱下去,时而响亮起来,直至最后融入一片欢乐喧闹的钟声之中。 欢乐!究竟怎样才叫欢乐?该怎样描述奥米勒斯城的市民的欢乐情形呢? 说起来,他们并不是一些头脑简单的人,尽管他们过得很快活。人们不再把快乐一类的字眼挂在嘴边上了,因为快乐的欢笑也已变成了过时的时尚。听到这样的描述,人们可能会作出一些想当然的推断;听到这样的描述,人们也许就会意想到那君临天下的国王,骑在一匹高头大马上,身边簇拥着一群威武的骑士,或是踞坐在一乘由一队健壮如牛的奴隶抬着的金轿上。然而,奥米勒斯城并没有国王。奥米勒斯人不用剑,也不养奴隶。他们并不是化外的野蛮人。我不知道他们的社会有些什么条令和法规,但我猜想他们的条规一定很少。他们的社会既不存在君主制和奴隶制,同样也没有股票交易,没有商业广告,没有秘密警察,没有原子弹。不过,我再次说明,这些人并不是头脑简单的原始人,不是温厚善良的牧羊人,不是出身高贵的野蛮人,也不是温文有礼的乌托邦主义者。他们的头脑并不比我们的简单。我们的社会的弊病在于,由于一些卖弄学问的人和深谙世故的人的推波助澜,我们养成了一种恶习,认为欢乐是一种无聊乏味的东西,只有痛苦才能启迪人的智慧,只有邪恶才能激发人的兴趣。拒绝承认邪恶的平淡无奇和痛苦的枯燥无味性是艺术家的负义失职。倘若你无法战胜这些,不如干脆与之同流合污;倘若你受到打击觉得痛苦,不如重施一次打击,以减轻痛苦。可是,赞美绝望即等于消灭欢乐,拥抱暴力即意味着丧失一切。我们已几乎失去一切,再也不知如何去描述一个快乐的人了,也无法举行什么快乐的活动。我怎样才能对你们讲清奥米勒斯人的快乐情形呢?他们并不是一群天真快乐的孩子——尽管他们的孩子也的确是天真快乐的。他们是成熟的、智慧的、充满激情的成年人,而且过着不错的生活。啊,真是奇迹!不过,我真希望把这一切描写得更好!我真希望你们人人都能信服{叫我说来,奥米勒斯城就似乎是很久很久以前存在于童


系统复习资料 八年级上册英语课文原文 Unit 1Where did you go on vacation? Section A 2d Rick:Hi,Helen.Long time no see. Helen:Hi,Rick.Yes,I was on vacation last month. Rick:Oh,did you go anywhere interesting? Helen:Yes,I went to Guizhou with my family. Rick:Wow!Did you see H uangguoshu Waterfall? Helen:Yes,I did.It was wonderful!①We took quite a few photos there.What about you?Did you do anything special last month? Rick:Not really.②I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax., Section B 2b Did Jane have a good time on Monday?What about on Tuesday? Monday,July 15th I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family.①It was sunny and hot,so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel.②My sister and I tried paragliding.③I felt like I was a bird.It was so exciting!For lunch,we had something very special-Malaysian yellow noodles.They were delicious!In the afternoon,we rode bicycles to Georgetown.④There are a lot of new buildings now,but many of the old buildings are still there.In We ld Quay,a really old place in Georgetown,we saw the houses of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago.⑤I wonder what life was like here in the past.I really enjoyed walking around the town. Tuesday,July 16th ⑥What a difference a day makes!My father and I decided to go to Penang Hill today.We wanted to walk up to the top,but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train.⑦We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people.When we got to the top,it was raining really hard.We didn't have an umbrella so we were wet and cold.It was terrible!⑧And because of the bad weather,we couldn't see anything below.⑨My f ather didn't bring enough money,so we only had one bowl of fish and rice.I was so hungry!But it tasted great!,


9 夜色 [教学目标] 知识与技能 1.认识“胆、敢、往”等生字,会写“色、外、看”等生字。认识新偏旁“厂”。 2.正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。 3.了解课文内容,做个勇敢的孩子。 情感态度与价值观 结合图文想象感悟。培养学生勇敢的品质,做一个勇敢的孩子。 [教学重难点] 重点:识字、写字;有感情地朗读课文。 难点:朗读感悟,体会“我”的心情变化;培养学生勇敢的品质。 [教学课时] 1课时 教学过程达标检测一、导入新课 1.课件出示夜晚星空的景象。 师导入:夜晚的星空多么美呀,可是有个小朋友却害怕夜晚,不敢往外瞧。他是谁呢?我们一起去文中看一看吧。 2.板书课题:夜色。 3.齐读课题。说一说你眼中的夜色是什么样的。(学生自由说)1.你看过夜晚的星空吗?说一说你看到的景象。 二、读文识字 1.学生自由读课文,画出文中的生字词。 2.不认识的字词,借助拼音或向同学请教,读准拼音。 3.教师出示生字词卡片,检查认读情况。 (1)指名认读,开火车读,齐读。 (2)用字组词说话。看谁说的句子精彩。 4.自己再读课文,数一数课文共分为几个小节。(2小节)2.将下列汉字按要求分类。 ①胆②敢③往④外 ⑤勇⑥窗⑦偏⑧散 ⑨像⑩微 前鼻音:后鼻音:三、复习生字,指导书写 1.课文中的生字你都会认了吗?老师出示生字卡片,指名认读生字。 2.做猜字游戏,加以巩固。 3.这节课我们不仅要认识这些字,还要会正确地书写。 4.课件演示会写字的笔顺动画。 5.教师指导“晚、再”的结构笔顺。 “再”:。注意第四笔是“竖”。 “晚”:“日”字旁,共十一画,第十画为“丿”。3.比一比,选字组词。 再在 ()见 现() 外处 到()

高级英语1 第二课课文翻译

第二课 广岛——日本“最有活力”的城市 (节选) 雅各?丹瓦“广岛到了!大家请下车!”当世界上最快的高速列车减速驶进广岛车站并渐渐停稳时,那位身着日本火车站站长制服的男人口中喊出的一定是这样的话。我其实并没有听懂他在说些什么,一是因为他是用日语喊的,其次,则是因为我当时心情沉重,喉咙哽噎,忧思万缕,几乎顾不上去管那日本铁路官员说些什么。踏上这块土地,呼吸着广岛的空气,对我来说这行动本身已是一个令人激动的经历,其意义远远超过我以往所进行的任何一次旅行或采访活动。难道我不就是在犯罪现场吗? 这儿的日本人看来倒没有我这样的忧伤情绪。从车站外的人行道上看去,这儿的一切似乎都与日本其他城市没什么两样。身着和服的小姑娘和上了年纪的太太与西装打扮的少年和妇女摩肩接踵;神情严肃的男人们对周围的人群似乎视而不见,只顾着相互交淡,并不停地点头弯腰,互致问候:“多么阿里伽多戈扎伊马嘶。”还有人在使用杂货铺和烟草店门前挂着的小巧的红色电话通话。 “嗨!嗨!”出租汽车司机一看见旅客,就砰地打开车门,这样打着招呼。“嗨”,或者某个发音近似“嗨”的什么词,意思是“对”或“是”。“能送我到市政厅吗?”司机对着后视镜冲我一笑,又连声“嗨!”“嗨!”出租车穿过广岛市区狭窄的街巷全速奔驰,我们的身子随着司机手中方向盘的一次次急转而前俯后仰,东倒西歪。与此同时,这

座曾惨遭劫难的城市的高楼大厦则一座座地从我们身边飞掠而过。 正当我开始觉得路程太长时,汽车嘎地一声停了下来,司机下车去向警察问路。就像东京的情形一样,广岛的出租车司机对他们所在的城市往往不太熟悉,但因为怕在外国人面前丢脸,却又从不肯承认这一点。无论乘客指定的目的地在哪里,他们都毫不犹豫地应承下来,根本不考虑自己要花多长时间才能找到目的地。 这段小插曲后来终于结束了,我也就不知不觉地突然来到了宏伟的市政厅大楼前。当我出示了市长应我的采访要求而发送的请柬后,市政厅接待人员向我深深地鞠了一躬,然后声调悠扬地长叹了一口气。 “不是这儿,先生,”他用英语说道。“市长邀请您今天晚上同其他外宾一起在水上餐厅赴宴。您看,就是这儿。”他边说边为我在请柬背面勾划出了一张简略的示意图。 幸亏有了他画的图,我才找到一辆出租车把我直接送到了运河堤岸,那儿停泊着一艘顶篷颇像一般日本房屋屋顶的大游艇。由于地价过于昂贵,日本人便把传统日本式房屋建到了船上。漂浮在水面上的旧式日本小屋夹在一座座灰黄色摩天大楼之间,这一引人注目的景观正象征着和服与超短裙之间持续不断的斗争。 在水上餐厅的门口,一位身着和服、面色如玉、风姿绰约的迎宾女郎告诉我要脱鞋进屋。于是我便脱下鞋子,走进这座水上小屋里的一个低矮的房间,蹑手蹑脚地踏在柔软的榻榻米地席上,因想到要这样穿着袜子去见广岛市长而感到十分困窘不安。


Blackmail Arthur Hailey ○1The chief house officer, Ogilvie, who had declared he would appear at the Croydons suite an hour after his cryptic telephone call actually took twice that time. As a result the nerves of both the Duke and Duchess were excessively frayed when the muted buzzer of the outer door eventually sounded. ○2The Duchess went to the door herself. Earlier she had dispatched her maid on an invented errand and, cruelly, instructed the moon-faced male secretary –who was terrified of dogs –to exercise the Bedlington terriers. Her own tension was not lessened by the knowledge that both might return at any moment. ○3 A wave of cigar smoke accompanied Ogilvie in. When he had followed her to the living room, the Duchess looked pointedly at the half-burned cigar in the fat man’s mouth. “My husband and I find strong smoke offensive. Would you kindly put that out." ○4The house detective's piggy eyes surveyed her sardonically from his gross jowled face. His gaze moved on to sweep the spacious, well-appointed room, encompassing the Duke who faced them uncertainly, his back to a window. ○5"Pretty neat set-up you folks got.” Taking his time, Ogilvie removed the offending cigar, knocked off the ash and flipped the butt toward an ornamental fireplace on his right. He missed, and the butt fell upon the carpet where he ignored it. ○6The Duchess's lips tightened. She said sharply, imagine you did not come here to discuss décor ". ○7The obese body shook in an appreciative chuckle . "No, ma'am, can't say I did. I like nice things, though." He lowered the level of his incongruous falsetto voice." Like that car of yours. The one you keep here in the hotel. Jaguar, ain't it?"


《夜色》说课评课 一、理论依据 《语文课程标准》第一学段阅读要求中指出“诵读儿歌、儿童诗和浅近的古诗,展开想象,获得初步的情感体验,感受语言的优美。”富有童心童趣的儿童诗,贴近儿童的情感世界和想象世界。教学中,我们不仅要借助教材创设情境,引导学生在朗读中感受形象,体验语文阅读的乐趣。更要从学生的生活经验出发,激发他们的阅读期待,引导学生围绕画面内容和文本空白进行猜测想象,在内化感悟及积累运用的过程中使学生与文本产生情感共鸣,从而培养学生的阅读能力。 二、教材分析 有了理论依据的支撑,下面就请大家和我一起走进教材。 《夜色》是部编语文教材一年级下册第四单元“家人”主题单元中的第二篇课文。这首叙事性儿童诗,用第一人称写出“我”从前胆子很小,很怕黑。后来爸爸晚上带我出去散步,“我”发现夜晚也像白天一样美好,“我”不再怕黑了。整篇课文语言富有童趣,生动地表现出“我”对夜色由害怕到接受的心理变化。课文两个小节最后的省略号,不仅使诗歌语言显得凝练,而且还留下了无限的想象空间。朗读这首儿童诗,我们可以感受到童年成长的快乐,初步懂得“克服胆小,做个勇敢的人,能收获美好”的道理。 课文配有两幅插图,第一幅插图画的是漆黑的夜晚,我坐在床上不敢往外瞧。害怕的我把小熊玩具掉到了地上。第二幅插图画的是爸爸在晚上牵着我的小手去散步。“我”面带微笑,因为“我”发现夜晚也像白天一样美好。这两幅插图能激发学生学习课文的兴趣,帮助学生理解重点、难点词句。 教材中出现了12个会认字和7个会写字,还有新偏旁“厂子旁”。由于“晚、再”两个要求会写的生字都出现在第二小节的第二句话中,理解课文内容后再指导书写会更有实效。课后练习“朗读课文”的要求虽然没有明确提出本单元读好长句子的学习重点,但课文两个小节中都出现了长句子,需要指导、练习读好长句中的停顿。 三、学情分析


九年级3A课文原文 How I Learned to Learn English Last year, I did not like my English class. Every class was like a bad dream. The teacherspoke too quickly. But I was afraid to ask questions because my pronunciation was very bad. So I just hid behind my textbook and never said anything. Then one day I watched an English movie called Toy Story. I fell in love with this excitin g and funny movie! So then I beganto watch other English movies too. Although I could not(couldn't)understand everything the characters said, their body language and the expressions on their faces helped me to get the meaning. I also realized I could get it by listening for just the key words.Mypronunciation also improved by listeningto the interesting conversations in English movies. I discovered that listening to something interesting is the secret to language learning. I also learned useful sentences like “It’s a piece of cake” or “It serves you right.” I didn’t understand these sentences at first. But because I wanted to understand the story, I looked up the words in a dictionary. Now I really enjoy my English class. I want to learn new words and more grammar. Then I can have a better understanding of English movies. Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark A_3a From Shy Girl to Pop Star For this month’s Young World magazine, I interviewed 19-year-old Asian pop star Candy Wang. Candy told me that sheused to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness. As she got better, she dared to sing in front of her class, and then for the whole school. Now she’s not shy anymore and lovessinging in front of crowds. I asked Candy how life was different after she became famous. She explained that there are many good things, like being able to travel andmeetne w people all the time. “I didn’t use to be popular in school, but now I get tons of attention everywhere I go.” However, too much attention can also be a bad thing. “I always have to worry about how I appear to others and I have to be very careful about what I say or do.And I don’t have much private time anymore.Hanging out with friends is almost impossible for me now because there are always guards around me.” What does Candy have to say to all those young peoplewhowant to become famous? “Well,” she b egins slowly, “you have to be prepared to give up your normal life. You can never imagine howdifficultthe road to success is. Many times I thought about giving up, but I fought on. You really require a lot of talent and hard work to succeed. Only a very small number of people make it to the top.”
