亲戚称谓 词汇

表姑Second cousin
表叔Second cousin
表兄弟Father’s sister’s sons; male cousin
表兄弟Maternal male cousin
表侄Second cousin
表姊妹Father’s sister’s daughters; female cousin
表姊妹Maternal female cousin
伯父/大爷Father’s older brother; Elder uncle
伯母/大娘Father’s older brother’s wife; Aunt
伯叔祖父Father’s father’s brother; Great uncle
伯叔祖母Father’s father’s brother’s wife; Great aunt
长兄/哥哥Older Brother

2008年03月18日 09:46

有位男士妙用表示大学学位的三个英文词讲了一则幽默:人生会经历的三个阶段:没结婚的时候是无忧无虑的bachelor(单身汉);结婚以后得做主持家事的一家之主(master);而一旦孩子出生,就变成了无微不至的大夫(doctor 即Ph. D.)。这三个英语词bachelor、master、doctor (Ph. D.) 原本的一层含义分别是“学士、硕士、博士”,这里转义一说,倒也能说得通,而且还挺传神。

报纸上有时候常会说起某人是个eligible bachelor,富有、家境好、且又是单身,即所谓的“

钻石王老五”是也。“王老五”们找到意中人,准备跨入婚姻的殿堂之前,西方有习俗,在婚礼的前一天,准新郎得邀请一帮铁哥们开个bachelor party,尽情狂闹一番,因为第二天开始就得做中规中矩的尽责丈夫了。调皮、促狭一些的男友们有时会想出些歪点子,捉弄一下准新郎,以泄惋惜、妒忌、羡慕之情。

结婚以后,双方的immediate family(直系亲属)就都变成了对方的in-laws(姻亲)——father-in-law(岳父/公公),mother-in-law(岳母/婆婆),sister-in-law(姑子/姨子/嫂子/弟媳),brother-in-law(内兄、弟/大伯子/小叔子/姐夫/妹夫)等等。

一看中英文的对照,就知道英语对亲属的称谓比起中文要简单得多。中文按年龄、男方还是女方的关系等等为亲属冠之以不同的称呼,而西方人似乎不太在乎这位亲戚是父亲这边的(on the father's side)还是母亲那边的(on the mother's side),一视同仁,给一个称呼。

更有意思的是对distant relatives(远亲)的称呼。cousin一词不分男女,概括了所有“堂兄弟/姐妹;表兄弟/姐妹”。而 “侄子/外甥” 都是nephew;“侄女/外甥女”则都是 niece。不过,尽管英语中的称谓不如中文的分工细致, "Blood is thicker than water"(血浓于水)是东、西方人都认同的。

那么,既然英语的家庭关系词汇不难,我们来看看下面这段话,你是否能据此画出一张 family tree (家谱图)?

Stephanie is the youngest in her family. Her elder brother Mark is married with a son Kevin. Her sister-in-law Rose used to go to the same high school with Stephanie. Her sister Kate married Thomas Hawkins last year and they've just had

a baby daughter Millie. Stephanie adores her nephew and niece. Bart and Marie are Stephanie's cousins. They are children of Barbara and Peter. Aunt Barbara is the younger sister of Stephanie's father Gordon. Stephanie's mother Joy had a younger sister Liz who is divorced with a daughter Lily. Both grandparents on Stephanie's father's side have passed away. But her mother's parents Lucas and Nancy are living not far away from their house.6小时掌握学英语的秘诀!——点击看答案 专治男女记不住单词的秘密

长姊/姐姐Older Sister
大伯Husband’s older brother; brother-in-law
大姑Husband’s older sister; sister-in-law
弟妇/弟妹Younger brother’s wife; sister-in-law
高祖父Great great grandfather
高祖母Great great grandmother
公公Husband’s father
姑夫Father’s sister’s husband; Husband of paternal aunt; uncle
姑母Father’s sister; Paternal aunt
姑爷Father’s father’s sister’s husband; Paternal grandaunt’s husband
继父Step father
继母Step mother
襟兄弟Husband of wife’s sister
舅父/舅舅Mother’s brother; Maternal uncle
舅母/妗子Mother’s brother’s wife; Maternal uncle’s wife
妹夫Younger sister’s husband
内弟/小舅子Wife’s younger brother
内兄/大舅子Wife’s older brother
女婿Daughter’s husband; Son-in-law
婆婆Husband’s mother; mother-in-law
嫂/嫂子Older brother’s wife; sister-in-law
婶母/婶子Father’s younger brother’s wife; Aunt
叔父/叔叔Father’s younger brother; Uncle
叔丈母Wife’s aunt
叔丈人Wife’s uncle
孙女Son’s daughter; Granddaughter
孙女婿Son’s daughter’s husband; Granddaughter’s husband
孙媳夫Son’s son’s wife; Grandson’s wife
孙子Son’s son; Grandson
堂兄弟Father’s brother’s sons; Paternal male cousin
堂姊妹Father’s brother’s daughters; Paternal female cousin
外甥Sister’s son
外甥Wife’s sibling’s son
外甥女Sister’s daughter
外甥女Wife’s sibling’s daughter
外甥女婿Sister’s daughter’s husband
外甥媳妇Sister’s son’s wife
外孙Daughter’s son; grandson
外孙女Daughter’s daughter; granddaughter
外祖父/外公/老爷Mother’s father; Maternal grandfather
外祖母/外婆/姥姥Mother’s mother; Maternal grandmother
媳妇Son’s wife; Daughter-in-law
小姑Husband’s younger sister; sister-in-law
小叔Husband’s younger brother; brother-in-law
玄孙Great great grandson
养父Foster, adopted father
养母Foster, adopted mother
姨夫Mother’s sister’s husband; Husband of mother’s sister
姨姐/大姨Wife’s elder sister; sister-in-law
姨妹/小姨Wife’s younger sister; sister-in-law
姨母/姨妈Mother’s sister
姨甥男女Wife’s siste

r’s children
幼弟/弟弟Younger Brother
幼妹/妹妹Younger Sister
岳父Wife’s father, Father-in-law
岳母Wife’s mother, Mother-in-law
曾孙Great grandson
曾祖父/老爷爷Father’s father’s father; Great grandfathera
曾祖母/老奶奶Father’s father’s mother; Great grandmother
侄女Brother’s daughter; niece
侄女婿Brother’s daughter’s husband; niece’s husband
侄孙女Grand niece
侄媳妇Brother’s son’s wife; nephew’s wife
侄子Brother’s son; nephew
祖父/爷爷Father’s father; Paternal grandfather
祖姑母/姑奶奶Father’s father’s sister;
祖母/奶奶Father’s mother; Paternal grandmother
姊夫/姐夫Older sister’s husband
妯娌Brother’s wife; sister-in-law
