

1.年轻人有时会抱怨无法和父母沟通。(communicate with)

Young people sometimes complain of being unable to communicate with their parents. 2. 能在2.中国云南的一个苗家村落住下来一直是玛丽长久以来的梦想,现在她终于梦想成真了。(to take up residence)

It has been Mary’s long cherished dream to take up residence in a Miao village in Yunnan, China. Now her dream has finally come true.


Domestic animals are used to depending on humans, so it is difficult for them to survive in the wild.


He was suddenly overtaken by a fear that he would be laid off by the company because of depression.


I figure that there is a traffic jam on the route of the bus, for I’ve waited for 30 minutes without seeing one passing by.

1. 十年前,当公司还处在生产的鼎盛时期时,我们就决定投资新技术,将公司转型为技术密集型企业。由于拥有先进技术,我们在激烈动荡的市场竞争中脱颖而出。现在我们的成本下降了百分之三十,销售业绩却上涨了三分之二,利润翻了一番。

Ten years ago, when our company was at the height of its production, we decided to invest in new technologies, so as to turn our company into a technology-intensive one. With our advanced technologies, we out-competed all our competitors in the rough and tumble of the marketplace. Now we have reduced the cost by 30 percent, even as / while our sales have grown by two-thirds and the earnings have doubled.

2. 我们将可持续性定义为保持企业盈利,但不以环境为代价。从商业的角度看,这合理吗?事实上,在追求可持续发展目标的过程中,我们的收益已经超过了所有的投资和开支。可持续发展的推进起到了如此重要的作用,帮助我们撑过了史上最深重的经济衰退。

We define sustainability as keeping a business profitable, but not at the expense of the environment. Does this make good business sense? Actually, what we get has more than offset all the investments and expenses incurred in pursuit of the goal of sustainable development. The boost of sustainability made such a difference that it helped us survive the deepest recession in the history.

1.记者敦促发言人就此次军事打击作出解释。(press for)

Reporters pressed the spokesman for an explanation of the military attack.


His election speech failed to convince the voters that he was the right person for the Senate seat. 3. 尽管我承认有问题存在,但我并不认为这些问题不能解决。(while)

While I admit that there are problems, I don’t agree that they cannot be solved.


His first debate on TV made a deep impression on his audience.

5.一切事物都是互相联系又互相作用的。(interact with)

All things are interrelated and interact with each other

1. 这位年轻的埃及男孩在一些化学项目中积累了丰富的经验。这些经验帮助他在埃及大学读书时成绩名列班级前茅。在研究生学习即将结束时,他决定在化学学习方面继续深造。当面临选择去哪所大学时,他选择了宾夕法尼亚大学而放弃了加州理工学院,仅仅只是因为他当时认为“大学”比“学院”听起来更负盛名。This young Egyptian boy had received a wealth of experience in some chemistry projects. Such experience helped him to sail to the top of his class at college in Egypt. When he was about to finish his postgraduate study, he decided to further his chemistry education. When confronted with choosing which university to go to, he chose University of Pennsylvania over California Institute of Technology (Caltech) just because he thought “university”sounded more prestigious than “institute”.

2. 瑞典皇家科学院授予他第28届诺贝尔医学奖,以褒奖他为战胜癌症所做的开创性工作。实际上,他已经做了整整20年的研究才取得了这一了不起的突破,他也是他所在大学第一位获得诺贝尔奖殊荣的教师。如今已将诺贝尔奖收入囊中的他更加坚定地声言,将以前所未有的更大动力去继续开拓人类攻克癌症的事业。

The Royal Swedish Academy awarded him with the 28th Nobel Prize in Medicine for his groundbreaking work in fighting against cancer. It turns out that he had spent 20 years on his research before he made this wonderful breakthrough, and he is the first faculty member of his university to receive the Nobel Prize. Now with Nobel Prize under his belt, he claimed that he had never been so much more motivated to continue to push the envelope of what human beings can possibly do about cancer.

1.思想是通过语言来表达的。(by means of)

Thoughts are expressed by means of language.

2. 我今年买的新书多得难以数清。(keep count of)

I have bought so many new books this year that it’s really difficult for me to keep count of them. 3. 这位老太太确信,今天她儿子会回家来为她庆祝生日。(feel assured)

The old lady feels assured that her son will come back home today to celebrate her birthday.


His mother insisted that his pocket money should not exceed 100 yuan per month.


We bought a car last month, which was registered under my name.

1. 海尔在海外市场试图以形象而不是价格击败对手。它将其主要注意力集中在像学生这样的利基市场(定位市场)上,期望他们年长以后还会钟爱海尔品牌。目前,海尔在美国的家用电器年销售额已达2亿美元,并占有美国小型冰箱市场35%以上的市场份额。这对美国的家电生产商形成了挑战。

Haier is seeking to outflank its competitors by competing on image rather than on price in overseas markets. It has been focusing most of its attention on niche markets,

such as students, in the hope that they will remain loyal as they get older. Currently, Haier sells $200 million worth of household appliances in the US annually and claims more than a 35% share of the US market for the minibars, which constitutes a challenge for the American household appliance makers.

2. 作为一个全球品牌,海尔致力于通过创新来满足消费者的需求,为消费者提供更多的明智的选择,让他们可以享受时尚的、负担得起的并且是可持续的生活方式。海尔秉承着一个信念,那就是为消费者设计和制造经久耐用、无后顾之忧的产品是一个负责任的企业应承担的使命。

As a global brand, Haier is dedicated to meeting customer needs through innovation. It is committed to giving customers more sensible options that enable them to enjoy a modern, affordable and sustainable lifestyle. It holds a belief that to design and produce durable and worry-free products for the customers is a mission that a responsible corporation should undertake

1.这支乐队20世纪80年代凭借那张专集一举成名。(shoot to fame)

The band shot to fame in the 1980s with that single album.

2.冒一下险吧,你可能还是会输,但赢的机会却增加了。(take a risk)

Take a risk, and you may lose again, but you would have improved your chances to win.

3.科学家正极力研究治愈艾滋病(AIDS) 的良方。(push ... to the limits) Scientists are pushing themselves to the limits in their research for finding a cure for AIDS.


Now we see the point of the Internet: we can get information from all over the world just by clicking the mouse.

5.一些人认为政府迟早会将克隆人类的研究纳入规范。(regulate; sooner or later) Some people believe the government will regulate the research of human cloning sooner or later.

1. 那时,我过度沉溺于电脑游戏的虚拟世界,几乎每分钟都是在电脑前度过的。后来我父母禁止我用电脑,敦促我做功课。“做个好学生,想想你的当务之急。”他们的话给了我当头一棒,在我脑中回响。我开始看书学习,终于考上了大学。At that time, I immersed myself too much in the virtual world of computer games. I spent practically every minute at my computer. Then my parents banned my computer access and pushed me toward my school work. “Be a decent student and think about your priorities.”Their words hit me like a brick, and rang inside of me. I began to work on my books and finally worked my way to college.

2. 他的描述和事实几乎完全不符。事实上就在公司倒闭之后不久,一位匿名亿万富翁设法建立了这家工厂,聘请了几位顶级科学家,开始了一模一样的项目。他们这个项目至今已经进行了两年,两个月前就该结束,但实际上却没有取得任何成果。如果没有实质性的进展,这家工厂很快就会被出售。

His story shows little resemblance to the facts. As a matter of fact, an anonymous billionaire managed to set up the factory, hired some top scientists, and went ahead

with an identical project right after the collapse of the com pany. Now they’ve been working on it for two years. They should have finished it two month ago. However, practically nothing has been achieved. If no improvement is made for real, soon the factory would be put up for sale

1.知道原理是一回事,但要付诸实践又是另外一回事。(it’s one thing ... it’s

another ...)

It’s one thing to understand the principle, it’s another thing to put it into practice.

2.据报道,慢跑(jogging) 可将患心脏病的可能性减少三分之二。(less likely)

It is reported that jogging makes you three times less likely to suffer from a heart attack.

3.根据最新调查,半数英国人不清楚欧元与英镑的比值。(have no idea / in

relation to)

Almost half of the British people have no idea what the euro is worth in relation to the pound, according to the latest survey.

4. 这片土地本应建成一个供大家享用的公园,但现在却立起了几栋公寓楼。(should have done)

The area should have been made into a park for everyone to enjoy but now some apartment buildings stand there.

5. 不知道所有这些相关信息能否凑成一幅关于他的清晰图画。(add up to)

I’m wondering whether all the related information could add up to a clear picture of him

1. 大学生活格外愉快。校园里的年轻人们都在全力以赴地获取知识。他们除了自己的学习,对其他事情无需负责。他们应该耐心地体会接受教育的过程,而不要急于去挣钱。他们应该知道,校园生活是在为他们走出校园去追求成功作准备。

College life is extraordinarily pleasant. Young people on campus are all gung ho to acquire knowledge. They are with no responsibility to anything but their studies. They should have patience with the process of being educated, but not be anxious to make a buck. They should understand that college life is to prepare them to get out and get success at life.

2. 在一个不断创新的世界,学位不能保证你拥有成功的事业。因此,发奋学习是人们普遍的做法。他们对终身学习态度积极。他们有些人回到学校,在那里他们可以利用学习资源。有些人调换工作,以丰富自己的工作阅历。甚至在退休以后他们还会投入时间进行学习。

In a world of constant innovation, a degree can’t guarantee you a successful career. So it’s common practice for people to commit themselves to learning. They develop positive attitudes toward lifelong learning. Some of them go back to school where they can make use of learning resources. Some change jobs to acquire more work experience. Even after retiring, they will still invest time in learning.

1.他悲叹一声,对我们说他年轻时也曾风光一时。(breathe a sigh of; have seen a

better day) He breathed a sigh of sorrow and told us that he had seen a better day when he was young.

2.他有极强的责任感,这就是为什么他被选中掌管这个项目。(take control of) He has a strong sense of responsibility, and that’s why he is chosen to take control of the project.

3.不管你去哪里,不管是出差还是去玩,尽量多了解那个地方总是一个不错的主意。(be it ... or ...)

Wherever you go, be it for business or pleasure, it is always a good idea to find out as much as you can about the place.

4.我们得小心一点,同样的情景可能就要出现。(be about; repeat)

Let’s be careful. The situation may be about to repeat itself.

5.事实上,室内空气质量与儿童的健康密切相关,当然与成人的健康也有关系。(for that matter) In fact, the air quality of a house has a great deal to do with children’s health, and adults’ health for that ma tter.

1. 当我还是一个小女孩的时候,我就被中国的语言文字和历史所深深吸引,有朝一日能去中国游览一直是我的梦想。多亏了中国的改革开放政策,欢迎外国游客来到这个具有5000年历史的神秘国度。当我终于梦想成真来到了中国,我注意到的第一件事,就是这里人们的穿着主要是灰、蓝两种颜色的服装,这让我感到十分好奇。为了能触摸到中国文化的精髓,我决定在中国多待一段时间。结果,我对中国的第一次造访竟长达三年之久。

When I was a little girl, I was so absorbed by Chinese language and history that it had always been my dream to visit China someday. Thanks to China’s opening-up and reform policy, foreign tourists are welcomed to this mysterious land of 5 000 years history. When my dream finally came true, the first thing I noticed was that people mainly wore clothes in either grey or blue, which I found intriguing. In order to reach the heart and soul of the Chinese culture, I decided to stay a bit longer. It turned out that my first visit to China lasted for as long as three years.

2. 巴黎迪士尼乐园是巴黎的主要旅游景点之一,距离巴黎市中心约32公里。巴黎迪士尼由欧洲迪士尼公司运营,它是在美国本土以外开办的第二个迪士尼主题公园,以其开放式及家庭游乐式而闻名。难怪巴黎迪士尼乐园是世界上游览人数最多的主题公园之一。Disneyland Paris is one of the major tourist attractions in Paris, which is located about 32 km far from the center of Paris. Disneyland Paris is operated by the Euro Disney and it is the second Disney theme park that was opened outside the United States of America. It is well-known for its open and family-friendly manner. No wonder the famous Disneyland Paris is one of the most visited theme parks of the world.

1. 许多人认为这种药有助于睡眠,而我只能暗自感叹:“要是他们知情就好了。”(al l I can think; if ... only)

A lot of people believe that these pills help them sleep. All I can think is, “if they only knew.”

2. 他一直在琢磨这个问题,直到把它完全解决为止。(chip away at)

He kept chipping away at the problem until he had completely solved it.

3. 这位乡下孩子接触到了城里种种陌生的事物。他感到十分惊讶,仿佛自己进入了未来世界一般。(be exposed to; as if)

The country boy was exposed to many strange things in the city. He felt greatly shocked as if he had entered a future world.

4. 大学毕业才一年,他就从一个追求梦想的青年变成了一个凡事都无所谓的庸人。(go from ... to ...; pursue)

Within only one year of graduating from college, he went from a student who pursued his dream to a person who didn’t care about a thing.

5. 我已经获准进入那个地区进行采访,这可不是人人都能得到的机会。(be given permission)

I have been given permission to do the interview in that area, and that’s not something that everyone gets.

1. 我所有的同事从昨天清晨起就一直在忙活,然而今晚我们仍然谁也别想睡觉。我们今天将有重大行动,对恐怖分子发起联合攻击。我们能成功实施搜捕吗?我们将按计划分成小组,组成行动队和后援队,并各自前往指定地点。我希望这次打击行动能够进展顺利,不出变故,将所有嫌犯逮捕归案。

All my colleagues had been up since the morning before, but none of us would sleep tonight either. We have a big day ahead of us launching a coordinate attack on terrorists. Could we pull off a successful bust? As is planned, we are to organize ourselves into groups, forming action teams and back-up crews, each reporting to our designated sites. I hope the attack could proceed without incident, and all the suspects would be arrested.

2. 他仍然记得公司濒临倒闭时的情景。政府颁布法令,禁止他们使用落后技术,工厂被迫关闭。幸运的是他们得到了银行的贷款。有了贷款就有了新技术、新设备以及新产品。新产品被证明非常成功,成了当地家用的标准配置。后来,他们又勇闯海外市场,和欧盟的进口商取得了直接联系。

He still remembers the time when the company was on the edge of collapse. The government issued a ban on the out-dated technology they were using, and the factory had to be closed. Fortunately they got a loan from the bank. With the loan came new technology, new equipment, and new product. The new product had proven to be so successful that it had become standard issue for every house in the area. Afterwards, they even ventured out to the oversea market and managed to have direct connections with the importers from the European Union.

1.同这个案件相比,最近几个月的盗窃事件不值一提。(pale; in comparison) The thefts in recent months paled in comparison with this case.

2. 那次交通事故虽然已经过去了好几年,但他还是摆脱不了负罪感。(shake away with)

Several years have passed since the traffic accident, and he still can’t shake away the guilty feeling.

3. 尽管我们提出了降低成本的建议,董事会的成员们似乎没有认真考虑。(appear; take ... seriously)

Though we had put forward a proposal to reduce cost, the board members didn’t appear to take it seriously.

4. 周围的山坡已经变得光秃秃的,但这并没有使村民们想起保护环境的重要性。(bare; remind)

The bare hills around haven’t reminded the villagers of the importance of protecting the environment.

5. 办公室里可能再不会响起他那爽朗的笑声了。(unlikely; ring)

It is unlikely for his hearty laughter to ring in our office again.


1.3 US Vice President's Speech at Fudan University 美国副总统在复旦大学的演讲开场白 Thank you very much, Mr. Mayor. I appreciate your kind words of introduction. And we're delighted to be here today. My wife and I are privileged to have the opportunity once again to travel in China. // We are grateful for the welcome we have received, especially for the kind of reception here at Fudan University. We thank you for the honor, and we bring you good wishes from President George W. Bush and the people of the United States.// 非常感谢您,市长先生。谢谢您做介绍时的友好言辞。今天我们很高兴来到这里。我夫人与我为有这次机会再次来到中国访问感到荣幸。感谢贵国对我们的欢迎,特别感谢复旦大学的热情接待。我们为此感到不胜荣幸,谢谢你们。我们此行带来了布什总统和美国人民的良好祝愿。 I know that many of you will soon graduate from this great university. I am told the standards are extremely demanding here, and a degree from Fudan University signifies years of hard work and discipline. I congratulate each one of you on your achievement, and I commend your teachers for upholding the tradition of excellence that marks the 99-year history of Fudan University.


高三英语翻译技巧和方法完整版及练习题及解析 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.她五年前开始拉小提琴。(play) 2.由于天气恶劣,航班延误了好几个小时。(owing) 3.每位设计师都希望自己的作品能经受时间的考验。(stand) 4.能否抵御网络游戏的诱惑是摆在中学生面前的一道难题。(It) 5.在展览会上,公司销售经理展示了孩子们翘首以盼的新型电子玩具。(demonstrate) 【答案】 1.She began to play the violin five years ago. 2.Owing to bad weather, the flight was delayed for a couple of hours. 3.Every designer hopes that his work can stand the test of time. 4.It is a difficult problem for high school students whether they can resist the temptation of online games. 5.At the exhibition, the company’s sales manager demonstrated the new type of electronic toys (which/that) children were looking forward to. 【解析】 1.根据“五年前”确实时态,可知用一般过去时,注意短语play the violin。 【考点定位】考查动词时态、习语及表达能力。 2.根据提示词可知,由于译为:owing to ,此处to是介词。注意用被动语态,因为航班被推迟。 【考点定位】考查介词短语及被动语态。 3.此句希望(hope)是谓语动词,后接宾语从句。时态用一般现在时。 【考点定位】考查宾语从句及时态。 4.此句it是形式主语,whether引导主语从句,时态一般现在时。短语:抵御诱惑resist the temptation。 【考点定位】考查主语从句及形式主语it的用法。 5.注意句子结构的安排,“孩子们翘首以盼的”应译为定语从句。时态用一般过去时。 【考点定位】考查定语从句及相关短语的表达。 2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.熬夜大大影响健康。(affect) _________________________ 2.等他明年回来,这个体育馆就建好了。(by the time) _________________________ 3.从长远来看,你的知识面越广,就越有能力应付工作中的问题。(capable)


大学英语翻译课堂教学存在的问题以及对策 【摘要】自翻译成为一门独立的学科以来,翻译教学的重要性越来越受到重视。但在大学英语翻译课堂中仍然存在一些问题,导致翻译教学效果不佳,学生的翻译水平有限。本文探讨了大学英语翻译教学的现状和存在的问题,以及如何采取必要措施,切实提高学生的翻译能力,为社会、市场输出更多符合需求的翻译人才。 【关键词】大学英语翻译教学问题 1.大学英语翻译教学的现状及存在问题 随着经济的全球化以及对外交流的进一步扩大,翻译能力的重要性得到进一步的凸显。而翻译成为一个正式的学科,也极大地推动了翻译教学的发展。根据国家教委颁发的《大学英语教学大纲》,对学生英语翻译能力的要求指能借助词典,将难度略低于课文的英语短文翻译成汉语,能达到基本的翻译要求,译速为每小时300个英语单词。但目前的翻译教学还存在很多问题,使达到这个目标有一定困难,亟待解决。 1.1教师定位不准确,与学生的互动和交流有待加强 翻译是一门注重实践的学科,学生需要大量的练习才能磨练出翻译水平,而在练习的过程中,翻译的技巧起着指导

性的作用。因此,教师在翻译课堂上更像是一个指路人,而并不是掌控课堂所有话语权的主导者。教师给予翻译技巧、翻译案例、应对方法,同时给学生的翻译实践做出反馈。而如果教师不给予学生一定的主动性,和学生的互动不够的话,势必会背离翻译教学的目标。 1.2 过分依赖多媒体技术 多媒体教学由教师、学生、教学内容与多媒体构成,其本质于传统课堂相同,只是加入了多媒体的手段。多媒体教学拥有很多传统的课堂教学模式没有的优势,但是这并不代表教师要完全摒弃传统的教学模式。然而,在实际操作过程中,很多教师过分依赖多媒体技术,却忽略了传统的教学模式的使用,结果不但没有提升教学质量,反而降低教学质量。在传统的教学环境下,教师撰写教案,在课堂上以板书的形式为学生讲解教学重点以及难点。多媒体环境下,教师为了节省板书的时间,采用PPT课件的形式进行教学。但如果完全依赖于教学课件,整节课堂不进行任何板书或只有少量板书,一味借助PPT进行讲解,教学效果便会大打折扣。更有甚者,一旦停电或者多媒体设备出现故障,便无法正常完成教学内容的讲解。 1.3只注重理论教育,忽略实践能力的培养 在全球化的背景下,社会需要的是既具有一定的理论基础,又具有一定的实践能力的综合性人才。但在目前的英语


4.迪士尼世界:后现代的乌托邦城市 迪斯尼世界的本质是什么?这个答案多半体现在迪斯尼为游客创造幻觉的努力上,这一幻觉使游客觉得自己进入了一个更符合他们渴望的完美世界。迪斯尼世界用各种各样的方式创造了这个完美世界。例如,它鼓励游客以一个孩子的眼光去看待这个乐园,并把自己定义为一个“给生活带来梦想”的地方。然而最根本的却是,它只是创造了一个完美世界的虚构版本。在这个世界,迪斯尼引导游客逃脱来自现实生活中的束缚;在这个世界,游客不再受时间,距离,体积和现实法则的约束。在五花八门的游乐区中,游客似乎脱离了人体以及人体的遗传基因;他们穿梭于过去与未来中,离开了地球。在惊险的游乐项目中,他们不遵循万有引力定律,以一种不符常理的速度和方式移动着。 迪斯尼世界还怂恿游客逃避社会和自我的堕落状态。它创造了美国资本主义制度和政治历史的理想化幻象;它把游客拖入到永久庆典的世界中----一个满是游行队伍、焰火,盛装的表演者以及无尽的享乐诱惑的世界。游客仿佛加入了一个永无止境的假期中,生活中的负面情绪也都被抛之脑后。 显然,当你把所有这些都联系在一起,就可了解到,迪斯尼世界只是帮助游客以一种虚构的方式实现人类最大的梦想:超越。在迪斯尼世界,我们超越了平凡。它取代了我们自己所在的世界----在现实世界,多数机遇与我们擦肩而过,多数人隐藏自己的动机;而在迪斯尼,我们游历在象征世界:这个世界客观、具体,却似乎没有压力、无忧无虑,异常精彩,正如幻想一般。 就是这样,迪斯尼摆脱了当代社会枯燥的“科学主义”世界观。德国社会学家马克思韦伯曾经说过,在当今社会,随着科学地位的上升和宗教影响的减弱,我们正在见证世界的觉醒。仿真文化的产物,例如迪斯尼世界,似乎正在随着一种新的承诺而重获魅力:利用太空飞行,外星人,时光穿梭和失落世界的各种神话,艺术和科技可以将我们的世界创造成最新版的当代爱情故事。 但迪斯尼世界并不只提供客观化幻象。借助仿真的力量,它也向我们展示了,科技是如何赋予我们不受世界控制的力量和自由的。迪斯尼展现了技术的种种可能性----有一天我们能够进入外太空,能够在地球各地自由穿梭,能够进化成为一个完美社会。 迪斯尼只有通过让我们乘坐各种游戏装置,把我们变成被动的消费者,才能向我们展示乌托邦的幻想画面。而这一事实加深了迪斯尼世界的种种内在矛盾。因此,在迪斯尼世界,我们可以察觉到一种存在于人与科技关系的本质中的危险。通过为我们做各种事,诱导我们把自己当做孩子并迷失在图像和幻想中,迪斯尼揭示了科技是如何在在那些使用它的人身上促进出种种自恋的个性特征的。 迪斯尼世界是一个警示人的故事,它所展现的,不只是未来的奇迹,更有危机----发展可能引起人类的倒退,使自己迷失在自动化,仿真以及鼓舞人心的智能幻象中。在迪斯尼世界,我们看到人类的最大目的就是依靠科技,在这里,甚至连我们的经历都是由机器制造的。 9. 1.我是第一位当选国会议员的黑人妇女,这使我不同凡响。国会中还有九位黑人议员,但我是第一位同时克服两个不利因素的人。在这两种不利因素中,是个女人比是黑人更糟。


参考译文: (1) 美国人的空间与中国人的场所 美国人有空间意识,没有场所概念。如果你去住在郊外的美国人家中作客,你要做的第一件事几乎总是不由自主地走向观景窗。说来真怪,你在主人屋内首先赞扬他屋外的景色多么美!主人很高兴你会欣赏他屋外的远景。远方的地平线不仅仅是天地间的分界线,而且是未来的象征。美国人不会扎根于他的寓所,不管这寓所多么舒适:他的目光被辽阔的空间引向地平线上的一点,那是他的未来。 相比之下,来看看中国人传统的家。四周围着光秃秃的墙壁,外面是个院子,院角可能有个小花园。一进入这样一个私家小院,你就会置身于一种静谧、优美的氛围之中,那房舍、小径、石头、花草构成了一个井然有序的小天地。可是你看不到远处的风景:你前面没有任何开阔的空间,唯一的开阔空间是头顶上的天空。中国人扎根于他的场所之中。 (2) AA制(各自付账) 随后便出现了一度称作妇女解放的运动。我这一代女性宣称我们要求平等。说我们不想让别人为我们开门,我们不想让别人替我们付账。突然间,让男人请去饮酒进餐被认为是一种侮辱,认为这是男人们让我们安分守己的阴谋,所以我们拿出自己的支票簿,各付各的账。这是一个多么大的错误啊!如果我顺其自然地同意别人为我付钱的话,不仅可以省下很多钱,而且还省去了许多烦恼。我常常整顿饭都在考虑账单来了怎么办?我是否应该表示付一半?如果我不这样做,他是否期待我会吻他或……如果是他付账,我还能吃龙虾吗?在我知道如果他接受了我提出的付一半的提议而这时我又会感到失望时,提出付一半的建议又有多少是真诚的呢?如果他的钱没有我的钱多,账单全部由我付吗? 翻译练习(1): The growth of e-trade during the past few years is, without doubt, the most formidable development in the history of commerce —and there seems to be no foreseeable slowing down. The speed of penetration of this medium into every commercial media is almost incomprehensible to even the most ardent cyber-enthusiasts. Not since the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century has development so dramatically altered the path of human behavior. The possibilities of further developments seem literally without limits. Future cyber applications to business, not even explored, seem to have no boundaries. Nor are these developments restricted to interface with current desktop and laptop computers. The increasing appearance of wireless appliances, such as cellular phones, not to mention the infinite means of transmitting and distributing messages from one point to another and the continuing miniaturization of equipment, promise to alter our means of doing commerce throughout the world. Who knows what other, never before invented communication media will surface tomorrow and in the next few years? The impact of this technical revolution is having on retail commerce and on the means we have come to associate with traditional retail marketing is felt more and more every day. It is likely to revolutionize the relationships marketers have with retailers, their channels of distribution, their suppliers, their advertising agencies and their ultimate consumers. Marketers will need to examine how the rocketing cyberspace developments will affect their


高中英语翻译技巧和方法完整版及练习题 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:翻译句子 1.只有当我们了解了不同的肢体语言我们才可以很好地跟人们交流。(only+状语从句) ________________________________________________________________________ 2.这就是我们未来的生活。(what引导的名词性从句) ________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】 1. Only when we have mastered the different body languages can we communicate well with them. 2. This is what our life will be like in the future. 【解析】 【分析】 本大题为根据括号内的要求把汉语句子翻译成英语。翻译时尽可能地精确,按照要求翻译还要注意某些特殊的语法项目。如倒装句式等。 1.考查倒装句式。本大题要求用only+状语从句来翻译。Only+状语从句置于句首,主句要部分倒装。因此本句要翻译成部分倒装。同时要注意运用短语如肢体语言可译成“body languages”,与某人交流可译为“ communicate with”。因此本句可译为Only when we have mastered the different body languages can we communicate well with them。 2.考查由what引导的名词从句。分析句子可知,本句是一个表语从句,表语从句中的介词like缺少宾语,可用what引导。因此本句可译为:This is what our life will be like in the future. 2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.熬夜大大影响健康。(affect) _________________________ 2.等他明年回来,这个体育馆就建好了。(by the time) _________________________ 3.从长远来看,你的知识面越广,就越有能力应付工作中的问题。(capable) _________________________ 4.据信,过分溺爱孩子会不知不觉地造成孩子的坏脾气,甚至缺乏自理能力。(It) _________________________ 【答案】 1.Staying up late affects one’s health greatly. 2.By the time he comes back next year, the stadium will have been set up. 3.In the long run, the wider range of knowledge you have, the more capable you are of dealing


BASIC 语言BASIC Language BASIC 语言及应用BASIC Language & Application C 语言C Language C++程序设计C++ Program Designing CAD 概论Introduction to CAD CAD/CAM CAD/CAM CET-4 College English Test (Band 4) CET-6 College English Test (Band 6) C与UNIX环境C Language & Unix Environment C语言科学计算方法Scientific Computation Method in C C语言与生物医学信息处理C Language & Biomedical Information Processing dBASE Ⅲ课程设计Course Exercise in dBASE Ⅲ Programming Languages Internet与Intranet技术Internet and Intranet Technology PC机原理Principle of PC Unix编程环境Unix Programming Environment Unix操作系统分析Analysis of Unix System Windows系统Windows Operation System 办公自动化Office Automatization 办公自动化系统毕业设计Office Automatization Thesis 办公自动化系统设计Office Automatization Design 编译方法Compilation Method 编译方法Methods of Compiling 编译技术Technique of Compiling 编译原理Fundamentals of Compiling, Principles of Compiler 编译原理课程设计Course Design of Compiling 操作系统Disk Operating System (DOS) 操作系统课程设计Course Design in Disk Operating System 操作系统与编译原理Disk Operating System & Fundamentals of Compiling 操作系统原理Fundamentals of Disk Operating System, Principles of Operating System 常微分方程Ordinary Differential Equations 程序设计Program Designing 程序设计方法学Methodology of Programming, Methods of Programming 程序设计及算法语言Program Designing & Algorithmic Language 程序设计语言Programming Language

大三下学期 英汉翻译 期末复习

“翻译是艺术的高级形式。绘画必须栩栩如生,跃然纸上;音乐必须抑扬顿挫,富有旋律;雕刻必须精镂细刻,曲尽其妙。而翻译既需要绘画之真实,又需要音乐之旋律,更需要雕刻之匠心。这不是技术,而是艺术,而是精湛的综合性艺术。”----莫里逊(morrison)(一)翻译的人物言论 1.翻译简史 东汉安世高,大规模从事译经活动 唐代佛经翻译,鼎盛 北宋衰落 2.三大翻译家: ①鸠摩罗什,印度,对翻译方法及理论有深入的研究,提倡译者署名以负文责。最早提出了如何表现原文文体与语趣的重要问题。“鸠摩罗什者,译界第一流宗匠也”----梁启超 ②真谛,西印度,译了49部经论,其中《摄大乘论》影响较大。 ③玄奘,贞观时期,梵译汉,汉(老子著作的一部分)译梵,是第一个向国外介绍汉文著作的中国人。其译场比以前要健全和严密得多,译经质量也很高。 “五不翻”指译音不译意。指不翻神秘语、多义词、中国没有的物名、久以通行的音译、宣扬佛教的用语。 3.道安,东晋,“五失本,三不易”。 4.慧远,东晋,“简繁理秽,以详其中”。 5.彦琮,隋初,《辩证论》:“八备说”。

6.林纾(琴南),清末,不懂外语,与人合作共译180余中西洋小说。 7.严复,清末,明确提出翻译标准的第一人。 在《天演论》卷首的《译例言》中提出“信达雅”的翻译标准。“译事三难:求其信,已大难已。顾信矣不达,虽译尤不译也,则达尚焉。海通以来,象寄之才,随地多有;而任取一书,责其能与于斯二矣,则已寡矣。其故在浅尝,一也;偏至,二也;辨之者少,三也。” 8.矛盾:“直译”、“神韵”。 9.朱自清:“译诗”。 10.郭沫若:“媒婆”论、“风韵”论。 11.瞿秋白:翻译必须“非常忠实”,追求“精确”;“语言”与“言语”的异同。


1.As you are entering a new time in your life, you’ll have to ________. (适应新环境) … adapt/adjust ( yourself) to a new environment You must adapt to the norms of the society you live in. 在社会中生活就要遵循社会行为准则. adapt for vt. 适宜(为...改编) Difficult books are sometimes adapted for use in schools. -- 偏难的书籍有时候是为学校使用而改编的。 2.___________________ (我一提到他上次的失败经历)than he got angry and shouted. No sooner had I mentioned his last failure. Scarcely ...when Hardly ...when Barely ...when no sooner ...than He had scarcely got home when it began to rain = Scarcely had he got home when it began to rain 他一回到家就开始下雨了 ___to the bus stop when the bus suddenly pulled away.

A.They scarcely got B.They had got scarcely 放在主词前面 C.Scarcely did they get D.Scarcely had they got 3. We had to _________________ ( 忍受大量的噪音) when the children were at home. Put up with /bear/tolerate a lot of noise Catch up with Keep up with Come up with A number of students are good students. The number of students who come here is increasing. A number of 和a great deal of 在意思上相同,但用法不一样。a number of 后面只能跟可数名词的复数形式,而a great deal of 后面只能跟不

【英语】 高考英语翻译专项训练100(附答案)及解析

【英语】高考英语翻译专项训练100(附答案)及解析 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate tbe following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.我们打篮球的时间到了。 (time) 2.他设法把游客及时送到了机场。 (manage) 3.你今晚能来参加我的生日聚会? (possible) 4.应该鼓励年轻人按照自己的特长选择职业。(encourage) 5.我对学生所谈的电子产品一无所知,我发现自己落伍了。(ignorant) 6.尽管遭受如重的自然灾害,但只要不灰心,我们终会克服暂时的困难。(Although...) 【答案】 1.It’s time for us to play basketball. 2.He managed to send the tourists to the airport in time. 3.Is it possible for you to attend my birthday party this evening? 4.Young people should be encouraged to choose their careers according to their own strong points. 5.Being ignorant of the electronic products the students are talking about, I find myself left behind. 6.Although we are suffering such a severe natural disaster, we will eventually overcome the temporary difficult as long as we don’t lose heart. 【解析】 1.考查time的用法。分析句子可知,本句为一般现在时,it is time for sb to do sth “该到某人做某事了”。为固定句型。再根据其它提示。故翻译为:It’s time for us to play basketball。2.考查manage的用法和一般过去时。分析句子可知,本句为一般过去时,manage to do sth“设法做某事”为固定短语。in time“ 及时”为介词短语,在句中作状语。再根据其它提示。故翻译为:He managed to send the tourists to the airport in time。 3.考查possible的用法和一般现在时。分析句子可知,本句为一般现在时,it is possible for sb to do sth “ 某人做某事是可能的”,it作为形式主语完成整个句子,不定式作为真正主语。再根据其它汉语提示。故翻译为:Is it possible for you to attend my birthday party this evening? 4.考查encourage的用法。encourage sb. to do sth.的被动语态形式就是sb. be encouraged to do sth.另外,此题还考查短语according to(按照)和strong points(长处,特长)。再根据其它提示。故翻译为:Young people should be encouraged to choose their careers according to their own strong points。 5.考查形容词短语作状语、定语从句以及find的用法。分析句子可知,本句为一般现在时,主语为I ,谓语为find, find oneself done表示“发现自己被…”,left behind是“被落在后面了”作宾语补足语。Being ignorant of the electronic products the students are talking about 为形容词短语作原因状语从句。products 为先行词,在后面的定语从句中,作talk about的


英语翻译课程学习方法 一、传统教材与新教材的关系从今年始,英汉互译的自学考试将由全国高等教育自学考试 指导委员会统一组织实施和管理。这对统一全国考生的要求,提高翻译实践能力和水平都是件好事。目前,相关的统编教材,由庄绎传所编写的《英汉翻译教程》已出版发行。这本教材采用了与传统教材不一样的编写思路。不再是以词、句为单位进行翻译方法,如直译、意译等方法及词类转换,增词、减词之类的技巧进行学习,而是直接进入篇章,以各种文体的篇章为单位进行练习。这是一种创新,是有助于提高考生实际翻译能力的。因为我们在翻译实践中很少情况只是译词或译句,而是篇章的翻译。所以,这将更接近于我们的工作实际了。但这也会为初学翻译的学生带来一些不利条件,那就是对翻译的基本方法与技巧缺乏认识。所以在新教材的第404 页“有关说明与实施要求”中提到参考书,明确指出由张培基等人编写的《英汉翻译教程》(上海外语教育出版社)一书,以及吕瑞昌等人编写的《汉英翻译教程》(陕西人民出版社)一书仍是重要的参考书,我认为作为初学翻译的同志这两本书是一定要看一看的。当然这两本教材也有其明显的不足,即仅以词、句为单位探讨翻译,而没有进入篇章的层次。我们如果把两种教材结合起来,以老教材为辅,以新教材为主,会有较好的成效。 二、篇章翻译的几个问题首先,凡是一个篇章,就会遇到文体的问题,就是我们必须明确 我们所要译的文章是文学作品还是科学、法律方面的文章,是一篇简介性的文字还是一篇讲演词。因为不同文体的文章在表现形式上是很不一样的,如法律文体有一些法律常用词语,科技也会各自有一些专门术语,应用文有时有严格的格式要求,文学则更为复杂,因为其中对话,描述,心理描写,景物或人物描写又各有不同。议论文句式严谨,语言正式,长句较多,等等,这在遣词用句上都有差异。这本教材在P395页“课程内容与考核目标” 都有粗略的说明。请学员认真看一下,并可结合其他有关参考书丰富其内容,以便有更好的掌握。 其次是语域问题。 所谓“语域”(register)是指具有某种具体用途的语言变体,我们可以从交际领域、交际方式和交际关系把语言分成不同的语域,如从交际双方的社会地位和社会关系来说,英语可以分为冷漠体,正式体,商量体,随便体,亲密体等五种,如果从交际领域来分又可以分成正式体,半正式体,公共核心体,半非正式体,非正式体等。不同的语域语言变体彼此是有区别的,如果用几个简单的例子来说明一下就会看得很清楚。如“汤姆病了,今天没去上学”,如果说Tom didn't go to school ,because he was ill. 这就是一句公共核心语,而如果说Tom was ill ,so he didn't go to school.这就是口语体,即非正式语体,如果说:Being ill ,T om didn't go to school 或Tom didn't go to school because of illness. 都是正式语体(当然这句话的内容用这种句式表达并不合适)。从中我们可以看到用原因从句的表达方式是比较正常的,用so连接的句子显得不怎么正式,用抽象名词和分词短语的形式都显得十分正式。另外有些表示相同意思的不同表示形式也有语域方面的区别。如according to和in accordance with,前者为公共核心语,而后者为正式用语,It is important 和It is of importance相比,也是前者为公共核心语,而后者为正式体。甚至连冠词的用法都可以表示这种区别,The horse is a useful animal;A horse is a useful aninal;Horses are useful animals.第一种用定冠词加单数名词表示类属的是正式用法,而用不定冠词加单数名词表示类属的则为公共核心语,最后一种,复数泛指的类属表示法则为非正式语体。 所以,我们在接触一个篇章时,弄清它的语域情况是十分重要的。因为这将决定我们在翻译时如何选词组句,例如,我们看到下面一个句子:After an hour of climbing,we finally found ourselue's at zhurong Peak,the very apex of Mt ,Hengshan,towering 1,296m


How did the war, which brought terrible disasters to mankind, impact on such a poet? Mothers are sometimes blind to the faults of their beloved children, which will cause the children to make the same mistakes again. As a new immigrant in this completely strange country, she always felt isolated. Acting before thinking often results in failure, so we should think before we leap. The time for talking has passed, we must take a positive action to protect our environment. Young people sometimes complain that they are not able to communicate with their parents Ever since childhood, Mary has been longing to take up residence in a Chinese village in Yunnan for a few year. Now her dream has come true. Domestic animals are accustomed to depending on humans, so it is difficult/hard for them to survive in the wild. He was suddenly overtaken by a fear that he would be laid off by the company because of bad economy. I figure he’ll be back soon since/now that he promised to have dinner with me. Reporters pressed the spokesman for an explanation of this military attack. His speech for the campaign failed to convince the voters that he was the right person for the senate seat. While I admit that there are problems, I don’t think that they can’t be solved. His first debate on TV made a strong impression on the audience. Everything interrelates and interacts with each other. The addresser at the conference turned out to be the daughter of an old friend of mine. It is five years since he retired, but he has remained active in academic circles. If you do have financial difficulties, you can apply for a student loan. This scientist had worked hard at the new material for ten years before he made his own way. The chief airplane manufacturers in the world are pushing the envelope to make faster and longer distance airplanes to complete for bigger share of the market. Thoughts are expressed by means of language. I can’t keep account of the new books I bought this year. This old lady feels assured that her son will come back soon today to celebrate her birthday. His mother insisted that his pocket money should not exceed 100 yuan per month. We bought a car last month, which was registered under my name. A great man can dominate a difficult situation by power of personality. According to the latest report, tourists don’t have to apply for an entry visa to some Southeast Asian counteies. The color of the envelope suggests that the letter might be from a woman. Though trains can’t rival palnes for speed, many prefer to travel by train. People will be more likely to acquire this mode of management once they see its effectiveness. The band shot to fame in the 1980s because of that single album. Take a risk, and you may fail another time. However, you would improve your possibilities to win. Scientists are pushing themselves to the limits in their way of curing AIDS. Now we see the point of the Internet: you have the access to everything under the Sun merely by clicking the mouse. Some think the government will give regulations to the research of cloning human sooner or later. George is nuts about Chinese culture and has made up his mind to learn Chinese in an evening school. The reporters got wind of the visit made by Diana to the city and rushed to the airport to grasp the news. After the police made efforts for two months, they finally tracked the criminal down in a southern city. The two companies have come to terms to go ahead with the project. If the quality of your products has not been improved enormously, I don’t think they will be competitive in the market. It is one thing to know the principle, it is another thing to put it into practice.
