

CET 汉译英练习

Exercise 1

1.Nobody can make a slave of you if ____________________ (你不把自己看作奴隶).

2.I deposited 2000 dollars in my saving’s account last week, but this week ____________________(我不得不从银行中取出1500元付学费).

3.When the temperature becomes extreme, ____________________(人们不断抱怨天气). 4.After all, you are eighteen years old, so you should behave yourself and ____________________(你必须学着表现得更像个成年人).

5.Of all the Chinese cities, it seems to me, ____________________ (上海比其他任何一座城市消耗的电都多).

Exercise 2

1.As is often said that money makes the world go round, ____________________ (人和动物生命很大程度上依赖能源的“货币”).

2.____________________ (在我们眼前的岩石中看起来可能是普通的东西), is a series of scattered events from a past million upon millions years of long.

3.____________________ (想证明某个观点的最好的办法之一) is to take the example from his own experience.

4.It may be difficult to say that how fast a skimming speed should be, but our experience is that ____________________ (你的速度可以是普通阅读速度的两倍).

5.He is an experienced teacher,____________________(他知道如何将他学生的最佳状态发挥出来).

Exercise 3

1.____________________ (事实上,我认为动物遭受的不必要的痛苦应该避免), but before discussing the issue, we should first make sure that all human beings are well fed. 2.____________________ (尽管他们有着各种各样的困难), the sailors were determined to unload the ship ahead of schedule.

3.____________________ (他下定决心) to carry out this task all by himself.

4.In several football countries, it has been noted, factory production goes up and down, ____________________ (取决于他们本土队的胜与败).

5.Studies show that most doctors sincerely believe that ____________________ (这些严重的病患并不想知道他们病情的真实情况).

Exercise 4

1.The play has proved to be a success ____________________ (与我原先预想的相反). 2.The soldier would not leave the wounded alone ____________________ (尽管他有机会离开) the dangerous place.

3.We are still uncertain ____________________ (杰克是否是这个工作的适当人选).

4.He has taken his stand long before ____________________ (在这个问题进行公开讨论). 5.People’s attitude toward drugs ____________________ (每个人各不相同).

Exercise 5

1.____________________ (首先,什么促使你得出这样的结论)? In the second place, how do you know it will do any good to the company?

2.I’m thinking of ____________________ (我们如何让他们接受我们的条件).

3.____________________ (即使我们的想法都基于事实), others may not agree with us. 4.Some of us have their own favorite singers while ____________________ (还有些人甚至不知道谁是最流行的歌手).

5.The wind is blowing hard, and ____________________ (根本无法让人听到你的声音).

Exercise 6

1.I am so weak that I can’t take five steps without having to sit, for ____________________ (我已经喘不上气了).

2.____________________ (毫无疑问有关联) between cigarette smoking and lung cancer. 3.Learning English may be difficult for you now, but ____________________ (从长远角度来说,你会受益的).

4.____________________ (我希望不时被告知) how my son is getting along in school. 5.____________________ (这位影星不太可能被认出) for he is wearing large dark glasses.

Exercise 7

1.____________________ (他拒绝再有任何关系) with the pyramid selling (传销) job when he learnt what the promoters were up to.

2.Professor Johnson’s devotion to teaching ____________________ (为他赢得了来自同事和学生的尊敬).

3.Without proper guidance, young people, who are easily bored with their quiet life, ____________________ (倾向于使用暴力和毒品).

4.The fact that you are giving comments on this book ____________________ (表明你已经形成了自己的观点).

5.The extent of your vocabulary ____________________ (暗示你的聪明程度).

Exercise 8

1.There are certain factors in success that can ____________________ (和你所做的实验一样科学地被测量).

2.____________________ (就我们学生而言), getting involved in inventing a course is both exciting and worrying.

3.____________________ (考虑到已变化了的情况), he urged that the meeting be postponed till next week.

4.She is ____________________ (对这一主题一点兴趣都没有) under discussion.

5.Hardly ____________________ (人们用肉眼看到星星) without the help of telescopes.

Exercise 9

1.The depression that started in mid-1929 was a catastrophe of ____________________ (范围如此之大美国从未经历过).

2.____________________ (约翰克服了他的羞怯) to such an extent that he could give a speech in public.

3.The fall in the cost of living is ____________________ (与全球油价下跌有关).

4.If there is no objection to this decision, let’s ____________________ (进行到议程的下一项).

5.If the thing you purchase has serious defects, ____________________ (你有权要求退款).

Exercise 10

1.Many women identify themselves with the heroine in the movie, ____________________ (她奋斗以赢得尊重) and fulfill her ambitions.

2.I will start working or pursue my doctorate studies, ____________________ (根据情况决定).

3.He tries to control his temper ____________________ (而不是说一些不愉快的话). 4.As he saw the shadow of the tower under the sun, he was ____________________ (他了解到他变隐形的原因了).

5.So far they have got more then 5000 people to sign the petition ____________________ (反对建设核发电厂).

Exercise 11

1.His ____________________ (向人事经理推荐你) do you a good turn.

2.It will break your mother’s heart when she finds out that ____________________ (你考试作弊并被学校开除).

3.____________________ (闭上眼睛,静静地躺在稻草上), he made an effort of will to overcome the pain.

4.For a long time Genetic engineered food was regarded beneficial to human bodies, but recently there has been proof against it and ____________________ (你被警告远离它). 5.The management’s proposal to lay off some workers ____________________ (以便提高效率) received a cool response from the trade union.

Exercise 12

1.Not until the team reached the base ____________________ (他们得知战争结束的消息). 2.Take my word for it that you will buy ____________________ (只有烦恼) if you buy that house.

3.The new Medicare system ____________________ (非常重视疾病预防) and primary care.

4.It is essential that ____________________ (孩子被传授分辨正确与否).

5.An effective way to reduce labor cost is ____________________ (用更多的机器人取代工人).

Exercise 13

1.Some people say that the study of liberal arts is ____________________ (我们在困难时期负担不起的无用的奢侈).

2.____________________ (在他动身前往美国的前夜), his friends and relatives came to his house to bid him goodbye.

3.____________________ (我震惊地了解到) the world spend so much money on arms while millions of people were starving.

4.It took Jim about two weeks ____________________ (习惯他的新工作) as a sales manager.

5.There were some supernatural phenomena ____________________ (为此没有科学家能够给出解释).

Exercise 14

1.____________________ (为了能在最短时间内赶上他的同学), Sam decided to work during the weekend.

2.You’d better call the police if you find any suspicious guys ____________________ (后半夜在这栋房子附近闲逛).

3.____________________ (老妇人在吓得要死) when two gunmen appeared in front of her suddenly.

4.____________________ (这事从未在比尔身上发生过) that his proposal would be met with disapproval at the meeting.

5.Rob of almost all movements, Hawking ____________________ (被限制在一辆轮椅上).

Exercise 15

1.The new approach is quite different from the traditional one and ____________________ (结果远不令人满意).

2.When his doctor told him that he had lung cancer, he was ____________________ (不知道该说什么).

3.I might have been incredulous ____________________ (如果不是因为我习惯于这样的回答).

4.It was not until every phase of the development plan had been examined ____________________ (委员会做出决定).

5.____________________ (不要听他的话)., for he always talks recklessly without thinking carefully first.

Exercise 16

1.The whole discussion comes down to the question of ____________________ (政府的价格政策是否明智).

2.The president made it clear that ____________________ (向恐怖分子屈服最终会给世界人民带来灾难).

3.____________________ (火灾在半夜突发), but no one was aware of it until it grew to big that it couldn’t be put out.

4.The black Americans have been struggling to become ____________________ (自己命运的主宰).

5.Carol ____________________ (在某种程度上受广告的误导), and expected too much of the product.

Exercise 17

1.Some of the basic industries of that country have crippled ____________________ (作为一系列罢工的结果).

2.____________________ (在地铁上他的包被抢劫), and what’s worse, the passport was inside his bag.

3.The tension within a family is often relieved or eliminated when ____________________ (家庭作为一个整体受到外力的威胁).

4.We shall offer you advice, but you are ____________________ (没有义务听从).

5.____________________ (在任何情况下你都不能) open the parcel nor can you throw it away.

Exercise 18

1.When Alfred Nobel died, an annual peace prize ____________________ (为纪念他而设立).

2.An eternal problem that haunts the third world countries ____________________ (是如何快速发展经济) without damaging the environment.

3.In preparing for a job interview, you can pay special attention to your appearance such as dressing neatly, keeping your hair tidy, ____________________ (不管你的长相),

4.Do you think it worthwhile for them to ____________________ (逐字翻译这本大厚书)? 5.But ____________________ (决定不要孩子的夫妇) never know the joys of watching a child grow up or of playing with a grandchild.

Exercise 19

1.____________________ (随着每年被夺去生命的数字的增长), there is a call to control the gun, to restrict its use and to get rid of it.

2.The party was postponed because Mike’s wife Sue ____________________ (发烧病倒了).

3.Without a contract or agreement to bind the contracting parties, ____________________ (任何国际性的生意或交易) would be impossible.

4.Scholars have suggested that how a society deals with the threats of AIDS describes the extent ____________________ (这个社会有权声称自己为文明社会的).

5.As long as candidates can teach and have the required level of English, ____________________ (他们是谁和从哪里来都不重要).

Exercise 20

1.Reading is fun, not because the writer is telling you something, ____________________ (而是因为它让你的大脑工作).

2.____________________ (除了他身体上的问题外), Mark also had money worries. 3.The healthier diet suggested by the scientists people are having, ____________________ (他们就越强壮).

4.Researchers are trying to discover how this built-in biological time clock works ____________________ (以便他们能减慢其过程).

5.The American education system is based on the idea that ____________________ (尽可能多的人) should have access to ____________________ (尽可能多的教育).

Exercise 21

1. That theory must go hand in hand with practice is a principle_______( 这是我们应当牢记的一条原则)

2. ________ (除了以身作则) , there ' s no better way to teach children.

3. The more things a man is ashamed of, ________ (他就越受人尊敬) .

4. True wisdom consists not only in seeing what is before your eyes, ________ (而且在于预见将来的事情) .

5. Not until people can completely trust you ________ (你才能对他们产生积极的影响) .

6. If you can't think up a new idea, try finding _________. (一个方法更好的利用老的观点)

7. _________(为战争做好准备)is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.

8.________ (如果全面考虑), work is less boring than amusing oneself.

9. They thought it a pity ________(没有邀请她).

10. Your character will have been completed _________(当生命走到尽头时).

11. The boss would be angry________ (假如老板发现你经常在办公室打私人长途电话)。

12. The journey took three days________ (比我们原先所预计的多用了)。

13. The old and young should be________ (尊重和照顾)。

14. (我为这些话所深深感动) ________I used them later for a Christmas card.

15. (这就全看) ________whether you support me.


Exercise 1

1.if you don’t regard yourself as one

Or: if you don’t see yourself as one

Or: if you don’t think yourself as one

2.but I had to withdraw 1500 from the bank to pay for my tuition

3.people constantly complain about the weather

Or: people often complain about the weather

4.you must learn to behave more like a grown up

Or: you must learn to behave more like an adult

5.Shanghai consumes more electricity than any other city

Exercise 2

1.human and animal life depends largely on the currency of energy

2.What may seem like a common thing in the rocks exposed to our eyes

3.One of the best ways to prove one’s view point

4.your speed can be twice as fast as the normal reading speed

5.he knows how to make the best out of their students

Exercise 3

1.In fact, I believe that all the unnecessary pains that animals have been enduring should be avoided

2.In spite of all the difficulties they had

3.He’s made up his mind

4.depending on the home team’s win or loss

5.the seriously ill do not want to know the truth about their condition

Or: the serious patients do not want to know the truth of their condition

Exercise 4

1.contrary to what I expected

2.though he had the chance to leave

3.whether Jack is the right person for the job

4.the question is being discussed in public

5.varies from person to person

Exercise 5

1.In the first place, what makes you draw such a conclusion

2.how we could make them accept our terms

3.Even if we base our opinion on facts

4.still some have no idea who is the most popular singer

5.there is no way to make your voice heard

Exercise 6

1.I’m very short of breath

2.There is no question of the relationship

3.in the long run, you will benefit from it

4.I’d like to be informed from time to time

5.It is less likely for the movie star to be recognized

Exercise 7

1.He refused to have anything more to do with

Or: He refused to have any relationship with

2.has earned him the respect from both his colleagues and his students 3.tend to act violently and have drugs

4.shows that you have formed your own point of view

5.indicates the degree of your intelligence

Exercise 8

1.be measured as scientifically as the experiments you’ve done

2.As far as we students are concerned

3.Considering the changed circumstances

Or: Thinking of the changed conditions

4.not in the least interest in the subject

5.can people see the stars with their own eyes

Exercise 9

1.such a large scale as that the United States had never experienced before 2.John overcame his shyness

3.related to the drop of international oil price

Or: associated with the fall of internal oil price

4.pass on to the next item on the agenda

5.you have the right to ask for refund

Exercise 10

1.who struggles to gain respect

2.depending on the circumstances

3.instead of saying something unpleasant

Or: instead of saying something rude

4.aware of the reason why he was invisible

5.against the building of nuclear power plant

Exercise 11

1.recommending you to the personnel manager

2.you’ve cheated on exams and been dismissed from school

3.Closing his eyes and lying on the hay

4.so you are warned off it

5.so as to raise efficiency

Exercise 12

1.did they learn that the war came to an end

2.nothing but trouble

3.attaches great importance to prevention of illness

4.children be taught to distinguish right from wrong

5.to use more robots to replace workers

Exercise 13

1.a useless luxury we can not afford in hard times

2.On the eve of his leaving for the United States

3.I was shocked to learn that

4.to get used to his new job

5.for which no scientists can offer any explanation

Exercise 14

1.In order to catch up with his classmates in the shortest period of time 2.hanging around the house late at night

3.The old lady was nearly frightened to death

4.It never occurred to Bill

5.is confined to a wheelchair

Exercise 15

1.the results are far from satisfactory

2.at a loss what to say

3.had I not been accustomed to such responses

4.that the committee made a decision

5.Don’t take any notice of what he says

Exercise 16

1.whether the government’s price policy is wise

2.yielding to terrorists would eventually bring disasters to the world people

3.Fire broke out at midnight

4.masters of their own destiny

5.was misled by the advertisement to some extent

Exercise 17

1.as a result of a series of strikes

2.He was robbed of his bag on the metro

3.the family as a whole is threatened by an external force 4.under no obligation to follow it

5.Under no circumstances can you

Exercise 18

1.was established in his memory

2.is how to develop the economy quickly

3.regardless of your looks

4.translate the thick book word by word

5.couples who decide not to have children

Exercise 19

1.With the increasing number of lives taken each year 2.came down with a fever

3.any international business or transaction

4.to which that society has the right to call itself civilized 5.it doesn’t matter who they are and where they come from Exercise 20

1.but because it makes your mind work

2.In addition to his physical problems

Or: Besides his physical problems

3.the stronger they are becoming

4.so that they can slow down the process

5.as many people as possible;as much education as possible Exercise 21

1. we should always keep in mind

2. Apart from setting a good example

3. the more respectable he is.

4. but also in foreseeing what is to come

5. will you be able to positively influence them.

6. a way to make better use of an old idea.

7. To be prepared for war

8. Everything considered

9. not to have invited her

10. the time your life comes to an end.

11. if he should discover you often make personal long distance calls in the office.

12. longer than we had expected

13. respected and taken care of

14. I was so impressed by these words that

15. It all depends on

大学英语四级翻译练习题 篇汇总

2017年6月大学练习题13篇汇总 1.中国菜 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 中国菜(cuisine)是中国各地区、各民族各种菜肴的统称,也指发源于中国的烹饪方式。中国菜历史悠久, 流派(genre)众多,主要代表菜系有“八大菜系”。每一菜系因气候、地理、历史、烹饪技巧和生活方式的差异而风格各异。中国菜的调料(seasoning)丰富多样,调料的不同是形成地方特色菜的主要原因之一。中国菜强调色、香、味俱佳,味是菜肴的灵魂。中国饮食文化博大精深,作为世界三大菜系之一的中国菜,在海内外享有盛誉。 参考翻译: Chinese cuisine is a general term for the various foods from diverse regions and ethnic groups of China. It also refers to cooking styles originating from China. With a long history, Chinese cuisine has a number of different genres, the main representatives of which are "Eight Cuisines". Every cuisine is distinctive from one another due to the differences in climate, geography, history, cooking techniques and lifestyle. Chinese cuisine contains a rich variety of seasonings, which is one of main factors contributing to different local special dishes. Chinese cuisine lays emphasis on


高考英语重点句型汉译英100题 高考英语重点句型汉译英强化训练 1.他的叔叔过去住在乡下,现在住在城里。(used) 2. 他一点也不喜欢喝咖啡,宁可喝茶。(prefer) 3. 对学生来说,学会一门外语是多么重要啊!(how) 4. 这件大衣值多少钱?(cost) 5. 他把他的一生献给了宇宙飞船的研究。(devote) 6. 你最好现在不要把坏消息告诉他。(had better) 7. 他是一位有经验的驾驶员,他习惯于在各种各样的天气情况下开车。(used) 8. 今晚你应该复习功课,而不应该看电视。(instead) 9. 没有什么能阻止这孩子冒险爬那棵高树。(prevent) 10. 妈妈很少晚上一个人出去,是吗?(seldom) 11. 尽量用英语表达自己,别害怕犯错误。(afraid) 12. 到去年底,中国的人口是多少?(population) 13. 从广州到纽约的路是多么长啊!(it) 14. 当我一到达机场时,飞机就起飞了。(Hardly) 15. 这男孩洗完了脸,似乎才几秒钟。(seem) 16. 如果你不努力学习,你不会取得成功。(unless) 17. 无论你做什么,应尽最大努力。(Whatever) 18. 不管这项任务多么困难,我们要尽最大的努力准时完成。(However) 19. 虽然他是孩子,他知道怎样生活和学习。(as) 20. 既然天好,我把所有的窗都打开了。(Now that) 21. 这里的气候与昆明的气候一样好。(as…as) 22. 她再也不像过去那样讲和笑。(no longer) 23. 我们对世界了解得越多,我们将取得更大的成功。(the more…the more) 24. 只要我们不失去信心,我们会找到办法克服困难的方法。(As long as) 25. 无论谁做这事都没有什么区别。(whoever) 26. 一旦她开始跳舞,她就忘记了时间。(Once) 27. 这座山是那么高以至于我不能爬到山顶上。(…so…that) 28. 只要你一直练习说英语,不多久你肯定会掌握它。(On condition that) 29. 长江是中国最长的河流,去年夏天我们去参观过。(visit) 30. 你见到过写昨天我们讨论过的那篇作文的女孩吗?(whose) 31.众所周知,指南针首先是中国制造的。(As) 32. 我们需要更多的练习是十分清楚的。(practice) 33. 你没听李老师的报告真是太遗憾了。(miss) 34. 碰巧我那天晚上有空。(happen) 35. 据提议试验应该在低温下做。(suggest) 36. 他已经做的事情与我们无关。(nothing) 37. 她问我花了多长时间建成这座大桥。(take)


英语四级翻译练习题 1.I have had great deal of trouble______________________________.(跟得上班上的其他同学)2.I don't mind your_____________(你延期做出决定)the decision as long as it is not too late. 3.In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relatives_____________(起着不可缺少的作用)in raising children. 4.Mark often____________________________(试图逃脱罚款)whenever he breaks traffic regulations. 5.When I __________________(发现他骗我)I stopped buying thins there and started dealing with another shop. 6.I suggested he ____________________ (使自己适应)his new conditions. 7. What a lovely party! It's worth_________________(牢记一生). 8. If you won't agree to our plan,_____________________(他们也不会同意). 9. His remarks left me ____________________________(想知道他的真实目的). 10. If you had_____________________ (听从了我的劝告,你就不会陷入麻烦) 11.Though you stay in the sea for weeks, you will not____________(失去联系)the outside world. 12.The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence,_____________(正在研制)and perfected now. 13.How close parents are to their children_________________ __(有很强的影响)the character of the children. 14.The room is in a terrible mess; it _____________________ (肯定没打扫过) . 15.With tears on her face, the lady _____________________ (看着他受伤的儿子被送进手术室) 16.(这个计划成功的关键)___________is good planning. 17.The specific use of leisure______(每一人都不同) 18.The ship ' s generator broke down and the pumps____________________(不得不用手工操作)instead of mechanically. 19.Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used______________(习惯了学生迟到)his lecture. 20.I prefer to communicate with my customers ______(通过写电子邮件而不是打电话) 21.After the terrorist attack, tourists ______ (被劝告暂时不要去该国旅游)


四六级写作、翻译必背句型 学习步骤和方法:一看二译三比四背 (一)理解并重点掌握其中的常用表达(划线部分) (二)做汉译英练习,即在不看英文的前提下把中文翻译成英语; (三)将自己的译句与原句对照; (四)默写并口头背诵英语原句 特别提醒: 最好要制订进度计划,即具体每天理解和背诵多少个新句,复习多少个旧句。 1. According to a recent survey, each year four million people die from diseases linked to smoking. 依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。 2. The latest surveys show that quite a lot of students have unpleasant associations with homework. 最近的调查显示相当多的学生对家庭作业没什么好感。 3. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet. 没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评。 4. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation. 人们似乎忽视了教育不应该随着毕业而结束这一事实。 5. An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation. 越来越多的人开始意识到教育不能随着毕业而结束。 6. When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifelong course. 说到教育,大部分人认为其是一个终身的过程。 7. Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a person's physical fitness. 许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康。 8. Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and great efforts should be made to protect local environment from the harmful effects of international tourism. 应该采取适当的措施限制外国旅游者的数量,努力保护当地环境不受国际旅游业的不利影响。 9. An increasing number of experts believe that migrant workers will exert positive effects on construction of city. However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city residents, who complain that the migrant workers have brought many serious problems like crime and prostitution. 越来越多的专家相信民工对城市的建设起到积极作用。然而,越来越多的城市居民却怀疑这种说法,他们抱怨民工给城市带来了许多严重的问题,像犯罪和卖淫。 10. Many citizens complain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to spend much more time (in) waiting for a bus, which is usually crowded with a large number of passengers. 许多市民抱怨城市的公交车太少,以至于他们要花很长时间等一辆公交车,而车上可能已满载乘客。 11. There is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem: the city authorities should take strong measures to deal with it. 无可否认,空气污染是一个极其严重的问题:城市当局应该采取有力措施来解决它。 12. An investigation shows that female workers tend to have a favorable attitude toward retirement. 一项调查显示妇女欢迎退休。 13. A proper part-time job does not occupy students' too much time. In fact, it is unhealthy for them to spend all of time on their study. As an old saying goes: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 一份适当的业余工作并不会占用学生太多的时间,事实上,把全部的时间都用到学习上并不健康,正如那句老话:只工作,不玩耍,聪明的孩子会变傻。 14. Any government, which is blind to this point, may pay a heavy price.


高考英语重点句型汉译英强化训练 1.他的叔叔过去住在乡下,现在住在城里。(used) 2. 他一点也不喜欢喝咖啡,宁可喝茶。(prefer) 3. 对学生来说,学会一门外语是多么重要啊!(how) 4. 这件大衣值多少钱?(cost) 5. 他把他的一生献给了宇宙飞船的研究。(devote) 6. 你最好现在不要把坏消息告诉他。(had better) 7. 他是一位有经验的驾驶员,他习惯于在各种各样的天气情况下开车。(used) 8. 今晚你应该复习功课,而不应该看电视。(instead) 9. 没有什么能阻止这孩子冒险爬那棵高树。(prevent) 10. 妈妈很少晚上一个人出去,是吗?(seldom) 11. 尽量用英语表达自己,别害怕犯错误。(afraid) 12. 到去年底,中国的人口是多少?(population) 13. 从广州到纽约的路是多么长啊!(it) 14. 当我一到达机场时,飞机就起飞了。(Hardly) 15. 这男孩洗完了脸,似乎才几秒钟。(seem) 16. 如果你不努力学习,你不会取得成功。(unless) 17. 无论你做什么,应尽最大努力。(Whatever) 18. 不管这项任务多么困难,我们要尽最大的努力准时完成。(However) 19. 虽然他是孩子,他知道怎样生活和学习。(as) 20. 既然天好,我把所有的窗都打开了。(Now that) 21. 这里的气候与昆明的气候一样好。(as… as) 22. 她再也不像过去那样讲和笑。(no longer) 23. 我们对世界了解得越多,我们将取得更大的成功。(the more… the more) 24. 只要我们不失去信心,我们会找到办法克服困难的方法。(As long as) 25. 无论谁做这事都没有什么区别。(whoever) 26. 一旦她开始跳舞,她就忘记了时间。(Once) 27. 这座山是那么高以至于我不能爬到山顶上。(… so… that) 28. 只要你一直练习说英语,不多久你肯定会掌握它。(On condition that) 29. 长江是中国最长的河流,去年夏天我们去参观过。(visit) 30. 你见到过写昨天我们讨论过的那篇作文的女孩吗?(whose) 31.众所周知,指南针首先是中国制造的。(As) 32. 我们需要更多的练习是十分清楚的。(practice) 33. 你没听李老师的报告真是太遗憾了。(miss) 34. 碰巧我那天晚上有空。(happen) 35. 据提议试验应该在低温下做。(suggest) 36. 他已经做的事情与我们无关。(nothing) 37. 她问我花了多长时间建成这座大桥。(take) 38. 直到昨天我才知道他要来。(not… until) 39. 这城市不像三年前的那样子了。(used) 40. 这正是你要寻找的东西。(look) 41. 彼得一直没有来的原因是他没赶上这班火车。(catch) 42. 他认为每次考试作好准备是重要的。(it)


英语四级翻译练习(习题+答案解析) 1. (不论演奏过多少回),the works of Beethoven always attract large audiences. 2.When you get men into that state of anger, ________________ (他们很容易出麻烦). 3.______________________________(尽管我很崇拜他是个作家), I don't like him as a man. 4.His eyes were reading books________________________________(脑子却在胡思乱想). 5.Only in this way ______________(我们才能在毕业之后很快适应社会). 6._________________ (他真正希望得到的东西) is encouragement from his parents and teachers. 7.It was advised that _______________(在居民区设立更多的流动商店). 8.Why didn’t you tell me you could lend me the money? I (本来不必从银行借钱的). 9.(正是由于她太没有经验)that she does not know how to deal with the situation. 10.(将在做实验) from three to five this afternoon. 11. _______________(不管观众中的一些人如何使劲地难为他), the comedian always had a quick, sharp reply. 12. It is not yet known _______________(机器人是否有一天能拥有象人一样的视力). 13. His remarks left me ________________(想知道他的真实目的). 14. If you had_____________________ (听从了我的劝告,你就不会陷入麻烦). 15. The government was accused ______________(没能实现其改善城市交通状况的承诺). 16. This substance _______________(反应速度是另外那种物质的三倍). 17. Be quick, _______________(否则等我们到达教堂时婚礼就结束了). 18. The war went on for years, _______________(夺去了成千上万人的生命). 19. (无论理由是什么),we cannot tolerate this disloyalty. 20. The population of elderly people is increasing rapidly beca use people are living longer than before___ (发达国家尤为如此). 21. _______________(让世界发展如此之快的)is the modern science and technology. 22. A student must treasure his time and ________________(吸收尽可能多的知识)to lay a solid foundation for his future career. 23. For students eager to be useful to society, _______________ _(没有任何地方的教育比大学里的更好了) --studying there is like bathing yourself in the oceans of knowledge. 24. As for Williams, (他宁愿死也不愿意做这件事).


汉译英强化模拟100题 他的叔叔过去住在乡下,现在住在城里。(used) 2.他一点也不喜欢喝咖啡,宁可喝茶。(prefer) 3.对学生来说,学会一门外语是多么重要啊!(how) 4.这件大衣值多少钱?(cost) 5.他把他的一生献给了宇宙飞船的研究。(devote) 6.你最好现在不要把坏消息告诉他。(had better) 7.他是一位有经验的驾驶员,他习惯于在各种各样的天气情况下开车。(used) 8.今晚你应该复习功课,而不应该看电视。(instead) 9.没有什么能阻止这孩子冒险爬那棵高树。(prevent) 10.妈妈很少晚上一个人出去,是吗?(seldom) 11.尽量用英语表达自己,别害怕犯错误。(afraid) 12.到去年底,中国的人口是多少?(population) 13.从广州到纽约的路是多么长啊!(it) 14.当我一到达机场时,飞机就起飞了。(Hardly) 15.这男孩洗完了脸,似乎才几秒钟。(seem) 16.如果你不努力学习,你不会取得成功。(unless) 17.无论你做什么,应尽最大努力。(Whatever) 18.不管这项任务多么困难,我们要尽最大的努力准时完成。(However) 19.虽然他是孩子,他知道怎样生活和学习。(as) 20.既然天好,我把所有的窗都打开了。(Now that) 21.这里的气候与昆明的气候一样好。(as…as) 22.她再也不像过去那样讲和笑。(no longer) 23.我们对世界了解得越多,我们将取得更大的成功。(the more…the more) 24.只要我们不失去信心,我们会找到办法克服困难的方法。(As long as) 25.无论谁做这事都没有什么区别。(whoever) 26.一旦她开始跳舞,她就忘记了时间。(Once) 27.这座山是那么高以至于我不能爬到山顶上。(…so…that) 28.只要你一直练习说英语,不多久你肯定会掌握它。(On condition that) 29.长江是中国最长的河流,去年夏天我们去参观过。(visit) 30.你见到过写昨天我们讨论过的那篇作文的女孩吗?(whose) 31.众所周知,指南针首先是中国制造的。(As) 32.我们需要更多的练习是十分清楚的。(practice) 33.你没听李老师的报告真是太遗憾了。(miss) 34.碰巧我那天晚上有空。(happen) 35.据提议试验应该在低温下做。(suggest) 36.他已经做的事情与我们无关。(nothing) 37.她问我花了多长时间建成这座大桥。(take) 38.直到昨天我才知道他要来。(not…until)


英语四级翻译练习(习题+答案解析) 1.(不论演奏过多少回),the works of Beethoven always attract large audiences. 2.When you get men into that state of anger,_______________ _(他们很容易出麻烦). 3.______________________________(尽管我很崇拜他是个作家),I don't like him as a man. 4.His eyes were reading books________________________________(脑子却在胡思乱想). 5.Only in this way______________(我们才能在毕业之后很快适应社会). 6._________________(他真正希望得到的东西)is encouragement from his parents and teachers. 7.It was advised that_______________(在居民区设立更多的流动商店). 8.Why didn’t you tell me you could lend me the money?I(本来不必从银行借钱的). 9.(正是由于她太没有经验)that she does not know how to deal with the situation. 10.(将在做实验)from three to five this afternoon. 11._______________(不管观众中的一些人如何使劲地难为他),the comedian always had a quick,sharp reply. 12.It is not yet known_______________(机器人是否有一天能拥有象人一样的视力).


英语四级汉译英专项练习 虚拟语气 1. I wish it were spring in my hometown all the year around (我的家乡四季如春) 2. If you had not run the red light, the accident would not have happened(事故就不会发生了) 3. John couldn’t have known the news,otherwise he would have sent his application.(否则他早发出申请了) 4. But for his help, we could not have rent a house at such a low price. (我们就不会以这么低的价格租到房子了) 5. It was necessary that more mobile shops (should) be set up in the residential area. (在居民区设立更多的流动商店) 倒装 1. It annoyed him that no sooner had he got on the bus than he found he forget to take the wallet with him. (他刚上车,就发现忘了带钱包) 2. Not until he was showed all evidence(直到所有的证据都摆在他面前)did he confess his crime. 3. Were I in your position, I would seize the opportunity without hesitation我会毫不犹豫地抓住机会) 4. Not only did they present a musical performance (他们不仅做了音乐表演), but they also gave a brief introduction to the history of Western brass instruments. 5.Only after the accident did he have his car inspected carefully. (他才让人对他的车进行了仔细地检查). 时态和语态 1.By the end of that year, Henry had collected more than a thousand foreign stamps. (已收集了一千多张外国邮票) 2.I suppose by the time I come back from abroad all those old houses will have been pulled down(将被拆除) 3.If you get into a bath full of water(进入一个装满水的浴缸), some of the water will overflow onto the floor. 4. A broad scientific census says that the earth is experiencing significant global warming (地球气候正在明显变暖). 5. It had been raining for two days(接连下了两天大雨)and the ground was very wet. 从句 1. Mary often attempts to escape being fired whenever she breaks the traffic regulations(每当她违反交通规则的时候). 2. What seems confusing at first(开始看起来模糊不清的事情)might well become clear and organic a third time. 3. The man was left on an isolated island where he stayed for as long as half a year. (他在那里待了半年之久) 4. I’ve already told you that I’m going to buy it, no matter how much it costs. (无论花多少钱) 5.I’ll accept any job as long as I don’t have to get up early(只要无须早起).


英语四级“翻译”题的汉译英解题方法探讨 解题方法: 第一步:首先快速浏览句子,先看英语不看汉语,从而判断划线处所填句子的形式、时态 所谓形式包括: 1词组固定搭配(不定式短语、分词短语、动名词、句子等) 2.虚拟 3.被动 所谓时态是指:根据前后已经给出的英语句子判断所填英语句子的时态。 第二步:看括号里面的汉语句子,以核心谓语动词为切入点,找准主谓宾、分清定状补。 第三步:先翻译主谓宾、后翻译定状补,切块对应翻译,重新组合。动词注意时态,名词注意单复数。 真题详解:2006.12 1.Specialists in intercultural studies say that it is not easy to (适应不同文化中的生活).[ 06.12] [解题步骤]: 第一步:由it is not easy to可以推出,划线处应该接动词原形。 第二步:划分成分“适应不同文化的生活” 核心谓语动词是“适应”,“不同文化的”作定语,“生活”作宾语。 第三步: 1.切块对应翻译:“适应”=adapt; adapt to; adapt oneself to;“生活”=life;“不同文化的”=different cultures 2.重新组合:adapt oneself to the life in different cultures [正确答案]:adapt oneself to the life/living in different cultures [翻译]:跨文化研究专家说,适应不同文化的生活不是一件容易的事情。 [考察知识点]:[词组固定搭配]adapt oneself to sth/doing sth“适应------” 2.Since my childhood I have found that (没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力)。 [解题步骤]:


高中非谓语动词练习100题(一) 1.The park was large, ___________by a fence and shaded by all trees. A. surrounding B. surrounded C. was surrounded D. to be surrounded 2.In Australia, many road signs are both in English and Chinese, ____ it easier for Chinese tourists to travel. A. making B. made C. make D. makes 3.._____ the right decision ____ the future is probably an important thing we will ever do in our lives. A. Making; concerned B. Make ; concerning C. To make, concerned D. Making; concerning 4.This page needed_______ again. A. being checked B. checked C. to check D. to be checked 5._______your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions. A. Understanding B. To be understood C. Being understood D. Having understood 6.Twenty scientists were reported _____the top prize at the 2015 State Science and Technology Awards in Beijing on January 9th, 2016 A. to award B. to be awarded C. to have been awarded D. to have awarded 7.______nearly all our country, we couldn’t afford to stay at home. A. Having spent B. To spend C. Spent D. To have spent 8.With his attention ________ on his book, he didn't notice someone entering his room. A. concentrating B. concentrated C. to concentrate D. concentrates 9.---Mary has caught a bad cold. ---Has she? I regret _______her to put on more clothes yesterday. A. not to remind B. not to be reminded C. not reminding D. not being reminded 10.Meyer and his team were the first ________ how the disease spreads from animals to humans. A. showing B. show C. to show D. shown 11.The terrible earthquake struck the southwest of the country last week,_______6 deaths and hundreds of injuries. A. causing B. to cause C. caused D. having caused 12.________ from the Song Dynasty, the Confucian Temple of Nanjing has now developed into a famous scenic spot, ________ sightseeing, shopping and tasty foods. A. Having dated; featured B. Dating; featuring C. Dating; having featured D. Dated; featuring 13.Johnson is indeed a wise man. — Oh, yes. How often I have regretted _____ his advice! A. to take B. taking C. not to take D. not taking 14.Pack up the items you’d like_____ along and leave behind those you dislike _____ with you on your journey.


翻译练习一 1.在人的一生中什么事情都可能会发生,所以我们应该既抱最好的希望又要做最坏的打 算。(therefore) 2.直到他在车祸中受了伤才明白遵守交通规则多么重要。(until) 3.为了帮助学生学好英语,教师应该是学生尽可能多地接触活的语言环境。(expose) 4.周围邻居在听到了叫救命地尖叫声后,马上给警方打了电话。(After hearing) 5.此药如遵医嘱服用,对病人疗效显著,但完全康复仍需时日。(if taken) 6.不可否认,电脑的迅速发展已经导致了其他领域里的一系列革命性的变化。(no denying) 7.外宾们迫切想要品尝一下美味的中国菜。(anxious) 8.他询问了许多,为的是尽可能地多了解有关各所大学的情况。(to get) 9.大家都知道工业上有很多种类的金属,每种都有自己特殊的性质和功能。(…,having…) 10.许多人都不愿意离开自己出生和长大的地方。(where) 11.你不必另外付费就可以从因特网上下载尽可能多的信息。(charge) 12.他在日本三年,除了在餐馆打工挣钱外什么也没有干,回来时一句正确的日语都说不上。 (nothing but) 13.新落成的教学大楼将以那位著名的科学家的名字命名,来纪念他举世无双的成就。 (memory) 14.星期天他整天躺在床上看电视或看杂志,东西都了吃。(forgetting)

15.因为难以入睡,他吃一粒安眠药试试。(try) 16.英语掌握得好有助于找到好工作。(command) 17.有点儿知识的人似乎都能顺利地解出这道题。(with) 18.看到这张照片老人经常想起他失踪多年的女儿。(The sight of) 19.任何一个考试中作弊的人都将受到严惩。(cheat) 20.电脑的迅速发展已导致包括工业、交通、医药和教育在内的其他领域里一系列的变化。 (including) 翻译练习二 1.这科学家声称已作出了一项重大的发现。(claim) 2.我真受不了拆除大楼的吵闹声引,不知这活儿要干多久才完。(hardly stand) 3.分别多年后当他看到那几张熟悉的脸孔时竟想不起老朋友的名字了。(hard) 4.从他的学历和工作经验来看,他似乎是这一工作岗位的最佳人选。所以我们没有理由将 他拒之门外。(right) 5.即使没有人支持我们,我们还是要继续我们的工作直至成功为止。(Even) 6.除非你有改变主意,否则我们之间没有进一步讨论的余地。(further) 7.你要花时间才能习惯大学里新的生活方式。(accustomed) 8.如果不用功,没有一个人可能作出巨大的成就。(achievement)


01. 有他这颗扫帚星,什么事情都办不成。 [误] With a comet like him, nothing can be accomplished. [正] With a jinx like him, nothing can be accomplished. 02.萝卜青菜,各有所爱。 [误] Some prefer radish but others prefer cabbage. [正] Tastes differ 03.他一向嘴硬,从不认错。 [误] He has always got a hard mouth and never admit a fault. [正] He never says uncle. 04.老师很喜欢这个嘴甜的小姑娘。 [误] The teacher likes this sweet-mouthed little girl very much. [正] The teacher likes this honey-lipped little girl very much. 05.同学们都很讨厌他,因为他经常拍老师的马屁。

[误] The st udent all dislike him because he often pats the teacher’s ass. [正] The students all dislike him because he often licks the teacher's boots. 06.你听说了吗迈克把他的女朋友给甩了。 [误] Have you ever heard that Mike broke up with his girlfriend. [正] Have you ever heard that Mike dumped his girlfriend. 07.我们要把祖国建设成为社会主义的现代化强国。 [误] We will build our motherland into a socialist modern powerful country. [正] We will build our motherland into a modern powerful socialist country. 08.人都是这山望着那山高,对自己的现状没有满意的时候。 [误] Almost all people think that the other mountain is higher than the one he’s standing on. They never feel sa t isfied with what they’ve already got.
