
The libido for the


Henry L. Mencken

Henry Louis Mencken


?an American journanist,essaysit, magazine editor,satirist.

?Known as the "Sage(智者)of Baltimore,“. he is regarded as one of the most influential American writers and prose stylist of the first half of the Twentieth century.

?Best known by the book The American language. 这本书对照美式英文与英式英文,解释许多富有趣味的美国俚语表达方式之起源,检视美国特殊的地理名称及个人名字,并来语言对美国方言所造成的影响。

The style of the text:?这篇文章带有较强的主观印象主义风格,或主观情绪色彩。记叙文,通过自己看到的,听到的,嗅到的,感觉到的或者尝到的秒速出来,带有极强的主观情绪。把丑陋作为主导印象鲜明的表现出来。



Part I (Para 1-5) Description of the ugliness : coverage, design, color; conclusion-championship

In ugliness

Part II (Para 6-9) Analysis of the source of the ugliness—the libido for the ugliness

Section I (Para 1-2):

general impression of Westmoreland; rich but ugly Section II (Para 3-5): Description of the design and color of the houses

Section I (Para 6-8): analysis The reason and cause why the people in Westmoreland love such ugly houses Section II (Para 9):conclusion Menken is being very critical of the American race and society which hates beauty as it hates truth

Main idea of each paragraph

Para 1---The writer contrasts the great wealth of this region with the abominable human habitations seen everywhere.

Para 2 ---The writer describes the coverage of the ugliness in the county.

Para 3 ---The writer describes the ugliness of the house design

Para 4 ---The writer describes the ugliness of the color of the bricks

Para 5 ---The writer evaluates the ugliness of this region as the top one in the world.

Para 6 ---The writer tries to trace the source of the ugliness from the foreigners

Para 7 ---The writer speculates on a solution for the puzzle: libido for the ugly

Para 8 ---The writer shows evidence to prove himself right

Para 9 ---The writer finally gives an answer.

para 7—para9

1.There seems to be a positive libido for the ugly,as on other

and less Christian levels there is a libido for the beautiful.


antithesis.对照的修辞手法。将愛丑之欲与爱美之心相对比。People in certain strata(阶层)of American society seem definitely to hunger after ugly things;while in other less Christian strata,people seem to long for things beautiful

less Christian:

?= pagans - a person who is not a believer in Cristianity ?Heathen 异教徒

?Atheist 无神论者

?but Christians-long for things ugly

2.it is impossible to put down the wallpaper that

defaces the average American

home of the lower middle class to mere

inadvertence, or to the obscene humor

of the manufacturers.

put down (to) :attribute (to)归因于e.g. his

bad temper was put down to his unhappy


deface: spoil the appearance of ; disfigure;

mar 损坏外表if people deface sth such as

a wall or notice, they deliberately

damage it by writing or drawing

unpleasant or offensive things on it.

例句:chalk marks deface the wall of the

house. 粉笔痕迹破坏墙壁外观。


?--carelessness, heedlessness ?you do sth unintentionally without thinking or realizing 疏忽

?paying no attention to 不在意?by accident.


?nasty, dirty, lewd好色的,淫荡的,猥琐的

?wanton, lustful, indecent鄙俗的幽默感,低级趣味

1.such ghastly ......type of mind:

it is clear that the horribly ugly designs on the wallpaper give real delight to a certain type of mind.


3.They meet, in some unfathomable way, its obscure and unintelligible


unfathomable:which cannot be understood;which cannot be reached.高深莫测的,匪夷所思的These ugly designs,in some way that people cannot understand,satisfy the hidden and unintelligible demands of this type of mind.


Edgar A Guest埃德加·A·盖斯特?埃德加·阿尔伯特·盖斯特(Edgar Albert Guest, 1881 –1959)是20世纪上半叶一位高产的美国诗人,以“人民诗人”著称。?1891年盖斯特随家人从英格兰移居美国。他在《底特律自由新闻报》先当送稿人后来成为记者,1898年12月11日发表了第一首诗。1902年成为已归化公民。盖斯特的作品在北美广泛传播了40年,他感情丰富乐观向上的诗作与同时代的Nick Kenny的轻体诗风格相同。著有《一堆生物》《你的姓名》

1.But they chose that clapboarded horror with their eyes open, and having chosen it, they let it mellow into its present shocking depravity.para8

?with eyes open: with full understanding of what is involved

?mellow: to make full, rich, soft,

gentle. Mencken uses this word

ironically to mean “to let it

deteriorate, to let it go from bad to


?depravity: a depraved condition;

corruption; wickedness

2.They like it as it is: beside it, the Parthenon would no doubt offend them.

sarcasm. 讽刺手法。If one were to put a beautiful building like the Parthenon there, they would be offended.




3. In precisely…choice.para8,d5?Metaphor. 暗喻。形如捕鼠器的体育馆The authors of the round oval structure that was like a rat-trap that I mentioned before also made a deliberate choice fully knowing what they were doing.

4.After … they made it perfect in their own sight by putting a completely impossible penthouse, painted a staring yellow, on top of it.

?Ridicule.嘲讽。They put a penthouse on top of it, painted in bright yellow

color and thought it looked perfect but they only managed to make it absolutely intolerable.

?Impossible: not capable of being

endured, used, agreed to, etc. because disagreeable or unsuitable; hard to


e.g. He is an impossible fellow.


高级英语视听说第七单元文本 GM's Difficult Road Ahead

Unit 7 GM's Difficult Road Ahead Episode 1 If the old saying “what?s good for American is good for General Motor and vice versa” is still true, we are all in a lot of trouble. General Motors is limping along in the breakdown lane, in need of a lot more than a minor tune-up. With GM?s stock trading near an all time low and its bonds rated as junk, the company reported losses of more than $10 billion last year. Unless it stops hemorrhaging money, it will have to be towed into bankruptcy court—a consequence that could cascade through the American economy, threatening up to a million jobs and changing the dreams of American workers. *General Motors is not just another company.For almost a century, it was emblematic of American industrial dominance, with a car for every customer and a brand for every stratum of society. ***Back when Pontiacs were as sexy as Sinatra and Cadillac the synonym for luxury, GM made half the cars in the United States. And a job on one of its assembly lines was a ticket into the middle class. But that was before the first oil shock, and the Japanese imports. Today, General Motors is losing $24 million a day—and *** all bets are off. Cole: **And this is not a phantom crisis or a fake crisis. This is a real crisis. David Cole is chairman of the Center for Automotive Research, a non-profit consulting firm in Ann Arbor Michigan. He is widely considered one of the industry?s top analysts, and believes that Detroit is now facing what the steel industry and the big airlines have already been through: high labor costs that make it almost impossible to compete. Cole: And every one of the Big Three faces a problem right now of about $2000 to $2500 per vehicle produced cost disadvantage. ** If that plays out over time, they?re all dead. Correspondent: Change or die. Cole: It?s change o r die. Everything is driven by a profitable business. If you can?t be profitable, you can?t be in business. Episode 2: Wagoner: This is a mid-sized car, the Chevy Impala SS… It has certainly not escaped the attention of General Motors chairman Rick Wagoner, who we met at the Detroit Auto Show and may have the toughest job in America: running a corporation many analysts believe has become, too big , too bloated and too slow to compete with more nimble foreign competitors. Correspondent: How did General Motors get to the point where it is right now? Wagoner: …Cause we have a long history, almost 100 years. We have a lot of employees. We


高级英语第三版第一册课后英译汉答案 Unit1Paraphrase: 1.We’re23feet above sea level. 2.The house has been here since1915,andno hurricane has ever caused any damag e to it. 3.We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage. 4.Water got into the generator and put it out.It stopped producing electricity,so the lights also went out. 5.Everybody goes out through the back door and runs to the cars! 6.The electrical systems in the car(the battery for the starter)had been put out by w ater. 7.As John watched the water inch its way up the steps,he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the whole family by deciding not to flee i nland. 8.Oh God,please help us to get through this storm safely 9.Grandmother Koshak sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew di mmer and finally stopped. 10.Janis displayed the fear caused by the hurricanerather late. 1.每架飞机起飞之前必须经过严格的检查。(check out) Each and every airplane must be checked out thoroughly before taking off. 2.居民坚决反对在附近建立垃圾焚烧厂,因为他们担心工厂排放的气体会污染周围的空气。(waste incineration plant,concerned about) The residents were firmly against the construction of a waste incineration plant in th eir neighborhood because they were deeply concerned about the air pollution emitt ed by the plant. 3.在这个地区,生态工程的投资额高达数十亿。(mount to) In this area,investment in ecological projects mounted up to billions of yuan. 4.干枯的河道里布满了大大小小的石块。(strewn with) The dry riverbed was strewn with rocks of all sizes. 5.虽然战争给这个国家造成巨大的损失,但当地的文化传统并没有消亡。(perish)Although war caused great losses to this country,its local cultural traditi ons did not perish. 6.为了建筑现代化的高楼大厦,许多古老的、具有民族特色的建筑都被拆毁了。(demolish) To make space for modern high rises,a lot of ancient buildings with ethnic cultural fe atures had to be demolished. 7.在地震中多数质量差的房子的主体结构都散架了。(disintegrate) The main structures of most of the poor-quality houses disintegrated in the earthqua ke. 8.他为实现自己的目标付出了最大的努力,但最后美好的梦想还是化为了泡影。


E v e r y d a y U s e f o r Y o u r G r a n d m a m a In order to understand this passage better, we can watch a movie---”The Color of Purple” 故事发生于1909年美国南部。未受过教育的黑人女孩西莉被继父强奸后,又被迫嫁给了粗鲁,凶狠的黑人男子,西莉称其为“先生”。在惊恐和胆怯中她开始了奴仆一般的痛苦生活。幸而有亲姐妹南蒂与之相伴,泪水中才多了一些欢乐。不久,这短暂的幸福也从西莉身边消失了。因为“先生”强奸南蒂不成,恼羞成怒地将南蒂赶了出去,姐妹二人被残酷的分开。年复一年,西莉在门口的邮筒中找寻南蒂的音讯,她始终期盼有一天能与南蒂再次重逢……(从中大家可以看到当时的整个社会的缩影,以及黑人生活的社会环境和社会地位,黑人女性的崛起和黑人女性的反抗精神也从有深刻得展现) Everyday Use for Your Grandmama Characters: Maggie: a shy,young woman made even more self-concious by scars she got in a house fire years ago. She hasn` t has much formal education but has learned traditional skills, such as quilting, from her familiy. Mama(Mrs johnson): the narrator of the story. She is a middle-aged or even older African American woman living with her younger daugter, Maggie. Athough poor, she is strong and independent, and takes great pride in her way of life. Dee(Wangero): Dee is Mama` s older daugher. She is attractive, well-educated and sophisticated. Moreover, she is selfish and she may even has caused the fire that disfigured (损毁···的外貌)her sister. Mama(Mrs johnson) called her Dee or Wangero. Asalamalakim: a young muslim man who accompanies Dee on her visit. Mama, unable to pronounce his name , called him “Hakim-a- Baber”. The muslim greeting he gives to her means “peace and happiness to you. ” This maybe ironic because their visit disturbs the peaceful lives of Maggie and Mama. The relationship between him and Dee is unknown. He may be a friend, a boyfriend, husband or spiritual adviser. Main content:The story begins when the mother and Maggie wait for Dee to come back goes back home with her lover. She asks for some traditional household appliances, especially two old quilts made by their grandma. The mother refuses. Instead, she sends the two quilts to Maggie. Dee leaves her eyes, two old quilts(百纳被) are the cultural heritage of blacks. Maggie inherits the black tradition and she should own them. The text: I. para1-2 The prelude: the three family members. II. Para3-16 The mother’s recollections / flashback:the three persons’relationships——mother; Maggie; Dee III. Para17- 82 The process of Dee going back home. Detailed study of the text: Paragraph 1---16: Paragraph1: 1,...Maggie and I made so clean and wavy...(wavy:波动起伏的。It shows that Maggie and Mama had made carefully preparations for the arrival of Dee.) 2,It is like a extended living room. (extended: enlarged, prolonged. Expressions with extend: extended family) Paragraph 2: 1,```homely and ashamed of the burn scars down her arms and legs...(homely: 不好看的,不漂亮的,later we will know how she got the scar, so that is a suspense.) 2, she thinks her sister has held life always...to say to her.(she think that her sister has always had a firm control of her life and that she can always has what she want. )(课后习题paraphrase )


高英课内考点:第一课:Paraphrase 1、we’re elevated 23 feet. Our house is 23 feet above sea level. 2、The place has been here since 1915,and no hurricane has ever bothered it. The house was built in 1915,and since then no hurricane has done any damage to it. 3、We can batten down and ride it out. We can make the necessary preparation and survive the hurricane without much damage. 4、The generator was doused,and the lights went out. Water got into the generator,it stopped working.As a result all lights were put out. 5、Everybody out the back door to the cars! Everyone go out through the back door and get into the cars! 6、The electrical systems had been killed by water.

The electrical systems in the cars had been destroyed by water. 7、John watched the water lap at the steps,and felt a crushing guilt. As John watched the water inch its way up the steps,he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the family by making the wrong decision not to flee inland. 8、Get us through this mess,will You? Oh,God,please help us to get through this dangerous situation. 9、She carried on alone for a few bars;then her voice trailed away. She sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and stopped. 10、Janis had just one delayed reaction. Janis didn’t show any fear on the spot during the storm,but she revealed her feelings caused by the storm a few nights after the hurricane by getting up in the middle of the night and crying softly. 英译汉: 1、But,like thousands of others in the coastal communities,John was reluctant to abandon his home unless the family----his wife,Janis,and their seven children,aged 3 to 11---was clearly endangered.


宇宙边缘的黑暗 很多领域的研究者都非常想直接目睹过去的情景,但是他们通常只能通过风化的化石、腐烂的羊皮纸或是木乃伊遗体拼凑起遥远过去的信息。而宇宙学却截然不同,这一学科研究的是宇宙的起源和发展,实际上在这一领域,我们可以直接见证历史。 人们肉眼所看到的点点星光是几年前或是几千年前射向我们的光子,效力大的望远镜发现远处物体所发射的光向我们这里走过的时间远远超过几年或几千年,有时甚至长达数十亿年。我们看到的远古的光线实际上是远古的时间。 过去十年对于这些远古星光的观察不仅为宇宙的过去提供了很深邃的见解,而且对于宇宙未来的本质也提供了深刻的见解。由于一种叫做“暗物质”的物体,这些数据所提供的未来尤其令人不安。 发现暗物质的故事从一个世纪以前开始,当时阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦认识到空间并非艾萨克·牛顿所预期的那样一成不变,恰恰相反,爱因斯坦通过自己研究的广义相对论发现,空间和时间可以扭曲和旋转,其反应的状态就像孩子跳跃的蹦床一样。实际上,空间的可延展性极强,按照数学上的推理,宇宙的大小是随着时间进行必要的改变的,空间的结构一定是在膨胀或是收缩,总之不可能完全不变。 对爱因斯坦来说,他无法接受这一结论,他已经花了十年艰难的时间来发展相对论,寻找对于重力更好的理解方式,但是对他来说,宇宙膨胀说或是宇宙缩小说的观念似乎完全错误,因为它公然违背了人们最普遍的知识---即宇宙是固定不变的。 爱因斯坦迅速做出了回应,他修改了相对论的方程式,以便数学结果可以产生出不变的宇宙。如同拔河中的僵持阶段一样,静态的局面需要相等而且相反的作用力来抵消彼此的力量。对于很远的距离以外,形成宇宙的力就是重力的引力,所以爱因斯坦推论出需要一个与引力相排斥的反作用力。但是这会是什么力呢? 爱因斯坦惊讶地发现,自己简单地修改相对论的方程式需要反重力,反重力的概念将令牛顿非常惊讶---因为反重力是在推动对方而不是吸引对方。像地球和太阳这样普通的物体,只能产生引力。但是数学公式表明,在更远的地方,就像桑拿房中充满蒸汽一样,有一种能量可以产生重力的反作用力,这种能量均匀地充斥着太空,只是我们无法看见。爱因斯坦把这一充满太空的能量称为宇宙常数。他还发现只需微调一下宇宙常数的数值,其产生的斥力就能精确地抵消恒星和星系所产生的引力,从而产生静态的宇宙。爱因斯坦不禁如释重负地叹了口气。 然而十二年以后,爱因斯坦却对自己引入宇宙常数的概念后悔不迭。1929年,美国天文学家埃德温·哈勃发现所有远处的星系都在向远离我们的方向奔去,宇宙星系大批离去可以直接从广义相对论中得到最佳解释:就像正在烘烤的松饼上的罂粟种子在面团膨胀后互相分离一样,太空星系也互相分离。哈勃的观察建立了一个概念,没有必要设置宇宙常数,宇宙不是静止不变的。


高级英语第1册修辞练习第3版 Point the rhetorical devices used in the following sentences Lesson 1 1.We can batten down and ride it out. (Metaphor ) 2.Wind and rain now whipped the house. ( Metaphor ) 3.Stay away from the windows. (Elliptical sentence ) 4.--- the rain seemingly driven right through the walls. ( Simile) 5.At 8:30, power failed. (Metaphor ) 6.Everybody out the back door to the cars. (Elliptical sentence ) 7.The children went from adult to adult like buckets in a fire brigade. ( Simile ) 8…the electrical systems had been killed by water.( metaphor ) 9.Everybody on the stairs. ( elliptical sentence) 10.The wind sounded like the roar of a train passing a few yards away. ( simile ) 11. A moment later, the hurricane, in one mighty swipe, lifted the entire roof off the house and skimmed it 40 feet though the air. ( personification ) 12…it seized a 600,000-gallon Gulfport oil tank and dumped it 3.5 miles away. ( personification ) 13.Telephone poles and 20-inch-thick pines cracked like guns as the winds snapped them.( simile ) 14.Several vacationers at the luxurious Richelieu Apartments there held a hurricane party to watch the storm from their spectacular vantage point. ( Transferred epithet ) 15. Up the stairs --- into our bedroom. ( Elliptical sentence ) 16.The world seemed to be breaking apart. ( Simile ) 17. Water inched its way up the steps as first floor outside walls collapsed. (Metaphor ) 18.Strips of clothing festooned the standing trees.. (Metaphor ) 19…and blown-down power lines coiled like black spaghetti over the road.( simile ) 20…household and medical supplies streamed in by plane, train, truck and car. (metaphor ) 21.Camille, meanwhile, had raked its way northward across Mississippi, dropped more than 28 inches of rain into West.( metaphor ) Lesson2 1 Hiroshima—the”Liveliest”City in Japan.—irovy 2 That must be what the man in the Japanese stationmaster’s uniform shouted,as the fastest train in the world slipped to a stop in Hiroshima Station.—alliteration 3 And secondly.because I had a lump in my throat and a lot of sad thoughts on my mind that had little to do with anything in Nippon railways official might say.—metaphor 4 Was I not at the scene of crime?—rhetorical question 5 The rather arresting spectacle of little old Japan adrift amid beige concrete skyscrapers is the very symbol of the incessant struggle between the kimono and the miniskirt.—synecdoche,metonymy



高级英语第1册修辞练习第3版 Point the rhetorical devices used in the following sentences Lesson 1 1.We can batten down and ride it out. (Metaphor ) 2.Wind and rain now whipped the house. ( Metaphor ) 3.Stay away from the windows. (Elliptical sentence ) 4.--- the rain seemingly driven right through the walls. ( Simile) 5.At 8:30, power failed. (Metaphor ) 6.Everybody out the back door to the cars. (Elliptical sentence ) 7.The children went from adult to adult like buckets in a fire brigade. ( Simile ) 8…the electrical systems had been killed by water.( metaphor )

9.Everybody on the stairs. ( elliptical sentence) 10.The wind sounded like the roar of a train passing a few yards away. ( simile ) 11. A moment later, the hurricane, in one mighty swipe, lifted the entire roof off the house and skimmed it 40 feet though the air. ( personification ) 12…it seized a 600,000-gallon Gulfport oil tank and dumped it 3.5 miles away. ( personification ) 13.Telephone poles and 20-inch-thick pines cracked like guns as the winds snapped them.( simile ) 14.Several vacationers at the luxurious Richelieu Apartments there held a hurricane party to watch the storm from their spectacular vantage point. ( Transferred epithet ) 15. Up the stairs --- into our bedroom. ( Elliptical sentence ) 16.The world seemed to be breaking apart.


高级英语第一册课文 1.The Middle Eastern Bazaar The Middle Eastern bazaar takes you back hundreds --- even thousands --- of years. The one I am thinking of particularly is entered by a Gothic - arched gateway of aged brick and stone. You pass from the heat and glare of a big, open square into a cool, dark cavernwhich extends as far as the eye can see, losing itself in the shadowy distance. Little donkeys with harmoniously tinkling bells thread their way among the throngsof people entering and leaving the bazaar. The roadway is about twelve feet wide, but it is narrowed every few yards by little stalls where goods of every conceivable kind are sold. The din of the stall-holder; crying their wares, of donkey-boys and porters clearing a way for themselves by shouting vigorously, and of would-be purchasers arguing and bargaining is continuous and makes you dizzy. Then as you penetrate deeper into the bazaar, the noise of the entrance fades away, and you come to the muted cloth-market. The earthen floor, beaten hard by countless feet, deadens the sound of footsteps, and the vaulted mud-brick walls and roof have hardly any sounds to echo. The shop-keepers speak in slow, measured tones, and the buyers, overwhelmed by the sepulchral atmosphere, follow suit . One of the peculiarities of the Eastern bazaar is that shopkeepers dealing in the same kind of goods do not scatter themselves over the bazaar, in order to avoid competition, but collect in the same area, so

高级英语第二册 张汉熙版 7-14课课后答案paraphrase 有对照

第七课aA 1…boy and man, I had been through it often before. As a boy and later when I was a grown-up man, I had of- ten travelled through the region. 2. But somehow I had never quite sensed its appaling desolation. But somehow in the past I never really perceived how shocking and wretched this whole region was. 3….it reduced the whole aspiration of man to a macabre and depressing joke. This dreadful scene makes all human endeavors to advance and improve their lot appear as a ghastly,saddening joke. 4.The country itself is not uncomely, despite the grim of the endless mills. The country itself is pleasant to look at, despite the sooty dirt spread by the innumerable mills in this region. 5.They have taken as their model a brick set on end. The model they followed in building their houses was a brick standing upright. / All the houses they built looked like bricks standing upright. 6.This they have converted into a thing of dingy clapboards, with a narrow, low-pitched roof. These brick-like houses were made of shabby,thin wooden boards and their roofs were narrow and had little slope. 7.When it has taken on the patina of the mills it is the color of an egg long past all hope or caring. When the brick is covered with the black soot of the mills it takes on the color of a rotten egg. 8.Red brick, even in a steel town, ages with some dignity. Red brick, even in a steel town, looks quite respectable with the passing of time. / Even in a steel town, old red bricks sti ll appear pleasing to the eye. 9.I award this championship only after laborious research and incessant prayer. I have given W estmoreland the highest award for ugliness after having done a lot of hard work and research and after continuous praying. 10.They show grotesqueries of ugliness that, in retroapect, become almost diabolical. They show such fantastic and bizarre ugliness that, in looking back, they become almost fiendish and wicked./ When one looks back at these houses whose ugliness is so fantastic and bizarre, one feels they must be the work of the devil himself. 11.It is incredible that mere ignorance should have achieved such masterpieces of horror. It is hard to believe that people built such horrible houses just because they did not know what beautiful houses were like. 12.on certain levels of the American race, indeed, there seems to be a positive libido for the ugly… People in certain strata of American society seem definite- ly to hunger after ugly things; while in other less Chris- tian strata, people seem to long for things beautiful. 13.they meet, in some unfathomable way, its obscure and unintelligible demands. These ugly designs, in some way that people cannot un- derstand, satisfy the hidden and unintelligible demands of this typ e of mind. 14….they made it perfect in their own sight by putting a completely impossible penthouse, painted a staring yellow, on top of it. They put a penthouse on top of it, painted in a bright, conspicuous yellow color and thought it looked perfect but they only managed to make it absolutely intolerable. 15.out of the melting pot emerges a race which hates beauty as it hates truth. From the intermingling of different nationalities and races in the United States emerges the American race which hates beauty as strongly as it hates truth. 第八课 1….by the very fact of production, he has risen above the animal kingdom… Because of the fact itself that man produces, he has developed far beyond all other animals. 2.Work is also his liberator from nature, his creator as a social and independent being. Work also frees man from nature and makes him into a social being independent of nature. 3…all are expressions of the creative transformation of nature by man’s reason and skill. All the above-mentioned work shows how man has trans formed nature through his reason and skill. 4.There is no split of work and play, or work and culture. Therefore pleasure and work went together so did the cultural development of the worker go hand in hand with the work he was doing. 5.Work became the chief factor in a system of “innerwordly asceticiam,”an answer to man’s sense of aloneness and isolation. Work became the chief element in a system that preached an austere and self-denying way of life. Work was the only thing that brought relief to those who felt alone and isolat ed leading this kind of ascetic life. 6.Work has become alienated from the working person. In capitalist society the worker feels estranged from or hostile to the work he is doing. 7. Work is a means of getting money, not in itself a meaningful human activity. Work helps the worker to earn some money; and earning money only is an activity without much significance or pur pose. 8…a pay check is not enough to base one’s self-respect on. Just earning some money is not enough to make a worker have a proper respect of himself. 9…most industrial psychologists are mainly concerned with the manipulation of the worker’s psyche, Most industrial psychologists are mainly trying to manage and control the mind of the worker. 10.It is going to pay off in cold dollars and cents to management. Better relations with the public will yield larger profits to management. The management will earn larger profits if
