

1. for no reason at all 无缘无故地

例句:There is absolutely no such thing as love or hatred without any reason or cause.


2.blood relationship 血缘

例句:Serology of 23 Gray Leaf Spot Pathogens Blood Relationship.


3. tie the nuptial knot 喜结良缘

例句:Under French law , couples must tie the knot before a mayor to make their union official .


4.Fate brings together people who are far apart.


5. A good marriage arranged in Heaven


6.I can't tell the true shape of Lu Shan ,because I myself am on the mountain.


7.Two beings destined to marry each other, though thousands of miles apart, are tied together with an invisible red thread by an old man under the moonlight.


8.As decreed by providence you have met him; otherwise you might have failed although you traveled a long way.


9.It is a pity that we have no opportunity to meet each other.


10. As luck would have it, I found a job.


11.The are attracted to each other but are not fated to be conjugally tied.


12. Smoking and drinking don't appeal to me.


Neil: Hello and welcome to The English We Speak, I'm Neil.

大家好!欢迎收听地道英语。我是m Neil。

Li: And I'm Li. Neil, is that a new watch?


Neil: Yes I got it from my parents.


Li: Oh that's nice.


Neil: Did I tell you I'm going on holiday soon?


Li: No, where?


Neil: To Hawaii.


Li: Wow, how can you afford a holiday to Hawaii?


Neil: My in-laws paid for it. We told them it was too expensive but, you know,

we just need a holiday.

我岳父岳母买单。 我们跟他们说了会很贵,但是你知道的,我们想出去玩(度假)了。

Li: Hmm… so your in-laws have paid for your holiday too…



Neil: I'm thinking of giving up work actually, Li.


Li: Giving up work? What about the cost of living?

不工作? 那生活开销怎么办?

Neil: Oh my wife can work. You know what, Li? I really need to move into a bigger house in a nicer part of London.

哦,我老婆能搞定啦。 你知道吗,Li, 我真应该住进伦敦好一点的地方并且住进大一点的房子。

Li: But you just said you're going to give up work! How can you afford a new house if you have no job?

但是你刚刚才告诉我你不工作了。 没工作你怎么住得起新房子?

Neil: My grandparents will give me some money. They always do.

我爷爷奶奶会给我钱。 他们总是给我钱的。

Li: Neil, there's a word for people like you.


You're a sponger!


Neil: A sponger!? How rude!

蹭饭的人! 你太粗鲁了!

A: When I was at university I didn't have no money at all. I had to buy second-hand clothes and I could never afford to go out for a meal even though I had a part-time job.

上大学的时候我根本没什么钱。 我穿二手衣服,尽管有一份兼职,依然没钱出去吃饭。

B: Yeah me too, but there were all these other students with cars and designer labels eating in expensive restaurants all paid for by Daddy. A: What a bunch of spongers.

是呀,我也是! 但是到处会见到那些靠有钱老子开私家车用牌子货上高档餐馆的学生。 一群寄生虫!

B: Yeah.


Li: A sponger is a person who gets money, food and other things from other people without paying. Often it's used very negatively to describe people who live off state benefits.

sponger指的是从别人那里白拿钱食物和其他一些东西的人。 这个词具有否定意义,在英语中常指靠吃政府救济的人。

Neil: Just like a sponge.


Li: Yes, a sponge.


Neil: A sponge soaks up the water all around it A sponger soaks up gifts, food and money without working. And it can also be used as a verb – to sponge off someone.

海面会把周围的水都吸收到。 一个寄生虫般的人会从别人那里蹭礼物蹭食物蹭钱。 同时也可以当作动词来使用to sponge off someone(向某人蹭东西)。

Li: It's also a verb 'to sponge off someone.' Be careful to use the word 'off' with this verb.

这个词也可以用做动词 to sponge off someone 啃别人。 注意这个动词词组里要使用 off。

Neil: Whether it's a verb or a noun, it's still not a nice thing to say about someone, Li.



Li: Well I'm sorry to be rude, but it's true – you are a sponger.


Neil: Yea,you're right. I'm a sponger but I'm proud of it. Do you fancy taking me out for dinner? There's a fantastic restaurant I've been meaning to go to. It's very expensive, but you can afford it Li.

你算是说对了! 我是吃白食的人但是我以此为荣! 想请我吃顿饭吗? 有一家很不错的餐馆我一直都想去。 非常贵但是Li你一定吃得起!

Li: He's trying to sponge a meal off me! What a sponger…

他想在我这儿蹭顿饭! 真是个名副其实的寄生虫!

口语教学: Play Up为何意?
Rob: Hello and welcome to the English We Speak. My name is Rob.

欢迎收听地道英语(英语口语)。 我是Rob。

Helen: And hello, my name is Helen.


Rob: Hold on Helen, hold on. We can't hear you properly. I think yourmicrophone is playing up.

等一下,Helen。 我听不清楚你在说什么 我觉得你的麦克风可能在playing up(出故障)了。

Helen: Playing up?

Playing up?

Rob: Sorry, I didn't quite catch that.


Helen: Let me just push this button. There! Hello. Now, you said the microphone was playing up?

让我来按一下这个按钮。 好了 嗨, 你说我的麦克风在playing up?

Rob: That's right. It wasn't working properly. If something isn't working as it should be, we sometimes say it's playing up.

没错, (你的麦克风)出了问题。 假如什么东西不像它本来应该那样正常运作,我们就称之为 playing up。

Helen: Up – not down?


Rob: No,playing down is a different expression that means something totally different.

不是,playing down(贬低;淡化)的意思完全不一样。

Helen: OK. So as the picture on my TV at home is flickering, I can say my TV is playing up?

哦。 也就是说如果我家的电视画面闪个不停的话,我也可以说“TV出故障咯”?

Rob: Exactly. Let's hear about some other things that are playing up…

没错啦 让我们来听听例句,看看是什么东西失灵了:

I don't think I'll be able to give you a lift to work today, my car's been playing up.


My phone keeps playing up. Every time I dial a number, it just switches itself off.

我的电话出了点小故障 每次我拨号的时候,总是自动关机。

Helen: That sounds like my phone! So if something isn't doing what is should do then it's misbehaving?

听起来好像说的我的电话 也就是说如果什么东西没有正常运作,我们就可以说它在捣蛋使坏咯?

Rob: Ha Ha! Well, you could say that. It's just like people. When they misbehave we can say they're playing up. Like this…

哈哈! 呃,也可以这样说。 就好像人一样。 当
他们捣蛋的时候,我们就可以称之为playing up, 就像这样:

Sorry but I'm going to be late. The children have been playing up and I've still got so much to do.

对不起,我可能会迟到。 家里的小孩不听话,我一时忙不过来!

Helen: Children are very good at playing up; it's usually because they want attention.


Rob: Now, Helen, could I have your attention now please because playing up is also something you can say to describe a part of your body that's not working properly.

现在,Helen,你也要注意一下,因为playing up同时也可以用来描述身体上某部分不对劲。

Ow! I'm going to have to lie down; my back's playing up again.

哎呦, 我得躺下;我的背又开始作怪了!

Count me out of this weekend's football match; my leg's playing up so I need to rest it.


Helen: So it seems playing up refers to anything that's not working or behaving as it should. Now Rob, my leg's also been playing up so I wonder if you could give me a lift home in your car?

看起来playing up好像可以指任何没有正常运作的东西。 哦,Rob,我的腿也出毛病了所以我在想,你是否可以用你的车送我回家呢?

Rob: No way - oh it looks like my microphone's playing up now!


Helen: No Rob, it's you who's playing up - now switch it back on!

停下来,Rob。瞧现在谁在playing up(使坏)了?把(麦克风)重新打开!

Rob: Oh, oh OK then Helen!

哦, 哦,好吧,Helen。

Helen: Let's go then. Bye!

一起走吧。 再见!

Rob: Bye.


1. I will support you. 我会支持你的。

2. I'll back you up. 我会挺你的。

3. I'm on your side. 我站在你这边。

4. You can count on me. 你可以依靠我。

5. You can rely on me. 你可以依赖我。

6. You can trust in me. 你可以信赖我。

7. I'll be available if you need me. 你需要帮助就可以找我。

8. I'll be there if you need a hand. 你需要帮助时,我就会出现。

9. I'm a phone call away. 我随call随到。

10. I'm with you all the way. 我一直都支持你。


Donny: 方方,Why do you look so tired?

FF: 别提了,我今天又被同事叫去跑腿儿。。。好累啊!我真不想再当软柿子被人使唤了!我要告诉他们,I don't want to be a...a....

才帮他们买咖啡吗? 你应该让他们 run their own errands! You should stop being a push-over!

FF: 你上次教我 run errands 是跑腿儿。那 a push-over 被人推来搡去,就是好欺负对不对?

Donny: 没错。a push-over 就是好欺负的人,你刚刚说什么"软狮子" 来着?

FF: 不是软狮子,是软柿子,吃的那种柿子。

Donny: Oh, "soft persimmon"? Sounds delicious! In English, you can also call a push-over a cowardly lion. A cowardly lion is someone who is supposed to be brave but lacks courage and acts cowardly.

FF: cowardly lion? 懦弱的狮子? 一个狮子,一个柿子。太有趣了。

Donny: 美国经典电影 "The Wizard of Oz" 里的狮子就叫Cowardly Lion.

FF: 原来是这样,那我绝对不要当 cowardly lion.

Donny: (Hahaha...) Yes, you should really stop being a cowardly lion and don't let people push you over.

FF: 是啊! 我要告诉他们,不许再欺负我!不要来烦我!你快告诉我,这两句话英语怎么说?

Donny: You can say "stop bullying me." Bully, B-u-l-l-y意思是欺负。“别烦我”更容易,我一说你准会,叫 Leave me alone.

FF: 我明天就去告诉他们,Stop bullying me! Leave me alone.

Donny: That's right! Let's see what you've learned today.

FF: 第一,软柿子可以说 push-over,也可以叫 cowardly lion.

第二,欺负人是 bully.

第三,别烦我是 leave me alone.


QY: Happy Friday, Donny! 你今天晚上有什么计划吗?

Donny: Hmm, not yet. What do you have in mind?

QY: Let's go salsa!! 我今晚要跟两个朋友去跳salsa, 可他们俩是一对,我可真不想夹在中间,当大电灯泡--very bright light bulb!

Donny: I see. You don't want to be the third wheel.

QY: The third wheel?

Donny: Yep! Wheel is spelled w-h-e-e-l. The third wheel, 第三个轮子, it's a very colloquial way of saying a third person joining a couple in a social context.

QY: 没错!我就是不想当 the third wheel!

Donny: Exactly, you wouldn't want to bother any love birds, right?

QY: Wait! Love birds? 爱的鸟儿?

Donny:Yep! In English, we often use the word love birds to refer to a couple who are openly affec

especially in public. 就是大庭广众之下卿卿我我。你不想打扰这对love birds吧?

QY: 可不是吗!不过这两个人很配!They are a great match!

Donny: Oh that's nice! You can also say, they are a match made in heaven.

QY: A match made in heaven? 那不就是中文里说的天生一对嘛!

Donny: There you go! Since you don't want to be the third wheel, I will go with you! But f
irst, let's see what you learned today!

QY: 第一:电灯泡叫做:the third wheel;

第二,如胶似漆的情侣,可以说 love birds;

第三,"天生一对"是,a match made in heaven.

穿越剧 time-travel TV series

Time-travel TV series "Bu Bu Jing Xin," or "Startling by Each Step," began broadcasting on TV on September 10, 2011. Ratings of the show rose to nearly 7 percent in the first two days. The show has been searched on the Internet more than one million times in the first three days and the number is still increasing. Most of the audience gave the show high marks.




China orders cutback on TV entertainment: China will limit the number of entertainment programmes allowed to air on television, from match-making game shows to dance broadcasts.


文中的cutback on TV entertainment 就是指“限娱令”,也可以用cap the amount of entertainment programs来表述。今后,地方卫视将制作更多的morality-building programming(道德建设类节目),宣传traditional virtues(传统道德)和socialist core values(社会主义核心价值观)。

今后,电视台在制作节目时不能只考虑audience viewing figures(收视率)。在prime time(黄金时段)的娱乐节目数量大幅缩减,尤其是那些excessive entertainment(过度娱乐)和low taste(低级趣味)的节目,包括matchmaking programs(婚恋交友类)、talent contests(才艺竞秀类),talk shows(访谈脱口秀)和reality shows(真人秀)等节目。

新词:考勤卡 time card



The factory's 1,178 employees complained that the factory has deducted 40 minutes from theirtime cards every day since 2005 to account for time the employees spend taking washroom breaks. The workers also claimed that the factory has fail
ed to issue pension payments.


上文报道中的time card就是在现在许多公司中普遍使用的“考勤卡”。员工上下班时在attendance machine(考勤机)各刷一次,人力部门根据考勤记录来计算attendance rate(出勤率)和具体工作时间。如果不小心忘记punch in(打上班卡)或punch out(打下班卡),那你在月末就会发现工资遭殃了。有些细心的人会定期查看自己的record of punch(打卡记录)。

该工厂的工人罢工是因为wage deductions(克扣工资),要求资方退还docked wages(克扣的工资)。截至24日工人尚未call off the strike(终止罢工)。

“神马都是浮云”,对中国一亿多网民而言,这可是2010年网上最流行的句子。这不仅是网上聊天或一般博客里才用的话,官方的新华网一篇报道广州亚运会(Guangzhou Asian Games)的特写(feature article)的标题就是“淡定!‘神马’都是浮云”(Don’t take things too serious. All things are of no consequence just like floating clouds。)。可见主流媒体(main stream of the media)已经肯定了这个来自民间的词语。

这原本是某位老兄在操作电脑输入时用汉语拼音的误操作(an import error)。他本来要写的是表示人生感叹(sigh with sadness at the shortness of life):“什么都是浮云”(Everything flows away in haste like floating clouds。),可是不小心把“什么”打成了“神马”。网民们以为这是一个神来的新创意(inspired creative idea),于是跟风(follow suit)在网上迅速流行开来。大家都说“人言可畏”(gossip is a fearful thing)。

“神马是浮云”表现了现代人在生活压力下的一种无奈(helplessness)和自我安慰(self-consolation),比如这样的句子:“丢了就丢了吧,神马都是浮云。”(Lost things are lost. Let it go. Everything is but a floating cloud。)

至于“神马“一类的新词语能否流传下来,有人评论说:“网间神马浮云朵朵”(Everything in the internet is but a floating cloud。)不过终究留下了一笔痕迹(leave its trace)。
