7A-Unit4 复习卷 (1)

7A-Unit4 复习卷 (1)
7A-Unit4 复习卷 (1)

7A Unit4 复习练习


( ) 1. Mom , can you_______ at 8:00 tomorrow morning?

A. wake up I

B. wake I up

C. wake up me

D. wake me up

( ) 2. We do morning _________ at 7:45 a.m.. and then our first class _________ at 8:15 a.m..

A.exercises, begin

B. exercise, begins

C. exercises, begins

D. exercise, begin

( ) 3. My new classmates _________me.

A.are all nice for

B. all nice to

C. are all nice to

D. all are nice to

( ) 4. Amy thinks moon cakes are too sweet. She _________ eats them.

A. seldom

B. always

C. sometimes

D. often

( ) 5. – _______ does John go shopping? – He ______ goes shopping. Maybe once or twice a year. A. How often, never B. How many times, often

C. How often, seldom

D. How many times, never

( ) 6. Reading is good ________ us. It helps us to learn __________ about the world.

A. to, much

B. for, many

C. to, a lot

D. for, a lot

( ) 7. All the students ________________ at school. Which of the following is NOT right?

A. have a good time

B. have fun

C. play happily

D. enjoy ourselves

( ) 8. – I plan to go on a picnic to Green Expo Park next week. – ______________.

A. Good luck

B. Best wishes

C. Have a good time

D. All the best

( )9. Let me ask Simon_______ me with my homework

A. helps

B. helping

C. to help

D. to helping

( )10. Don't watch _______ TV every day. It's bad_______ your eyes. .

A. too many; for

B. too much; for

C. many too; to

D. much too; to .

( )11. We usually have a class meeting _______ Wednesday afternoon

A. in

B. /

C. on

D. at

( )12. They usually chat _______ each other_______ play football _______class.

A to; or; in B. with; or; after C. with; or; in D. to; or; after

( )13. - _______ do you have this kind of match? - Once a year.

A. How long

B. How far

C. How often

D. How many

( )14. - Give me some oranges, please. -. _______.

A. Here you are

B. That's all right

C. That's good

D. It's here

( )15. - Do you do morning exercises? - Yes, _______. I want to keep healthy.

A. always

B. never

C. seldom

D. some times

( )16. - What time do you usually get up in the morning? -_______ six o'clock

A. On

B. For

C. In

D. At

( )17. - We will have a school trip next week. -_______.

A. Have a good time

B. We will

C. I'm happy to hear it

D. Don't forget it

( )18. - Mrs Li is very popular among the students. - Yes. Her classes are_______ lively and interesting. A. always B. sometimes C. hardly D. never

( )19. New York and Washington DC are good places to visit _______May or October.

A. from

B. at

C. in

D. on

( )20. English people_______ use Mr. before a man's first name(名).

A. never

B. usually

C. often

D. sometimes

( )21. —Can the boy answer the question? —No, he is ________ six years old.

A. too

B. really

C. just

D. also

( )22. —Jack looks sad this morning. Do you know the ________?

—His dog gets ill. It makes him sad.

A. subject

B. question

C. lesson

D. reason

( )23. —I will go on a trip to Huangshan tomorrow. —Oh, ________ you a good trip!

A. hope

B. want

C. wish

D. take

( )24. —________ we go fishing tomorrow afternoon?

—Sounds great, but I’ll ask my mother fi rst.

A. Do

B. Does

C. Shall

D. Are

( ) 25. Millie likes her school _______.

A. very

B. very much

C. some

D. little

( )26. Many people just don't know how to _______.

A. have a fun

B. have funny

C. have fun

D. have a funny

( )27. I read the newspaper_______ breakfast.

A. as

B. for

C. at

D. in

( )28 Mum wants to make a cake. She needs_______ some eggs.

A. buy

B. buys

C. to buy

D. buying

( )29. ---Do you usually_______ the bus to work every day?

---No, _______ I go there by car.

A. take; sometimes

B. by; sometimes

C. by; sometime

D. take; sometime ( )30. I want_______ the classroom. Would you like_______ me , please?

A. clean; help

B. to clean; help

C. clean; to help

D. to clean; to help

二、词汇A) 根据所给中文提示、英文释义或首字母填词,使句子意思完整

1. We do all kinds of ________________ (活动) after school on weekdays.

2. He _________ (练习、操练) playing volleyball every day.

3. Jack feels sad today because he isn’t r__________ for his daily report.

4. One q______________ equals twenty-five percent.

5. Mr. Wang stays in the office all day and never plays. He thinks work comes f__________.

6. Every morning I do morning e__________ at 7:00 at home.

7. After school, the teachers often give us some h__________ to do.

8. I am very tired. Can I have a r_______?

9. I read newspapers every day. I think we can l _______ a lot about the w ________.

10. A good breakfast can help us get r_______ for the day.

11. He goes to the English Club_______(两次)a week.

12. Please give my best _________(祝愿)to your grandparents.

13.---What's the time now? ---It's a _________(一刻钟)past eight.

14. Can you tell me the r _______ why you are late for class,Sandy?

15. Millie doesn’t have much time to play, so she ________(not often) goes out on weekdays.

16. The volleyball match _________ (begin) at 7 p.m. at the sports centre.

17. ---We’ll have the mid-term exams next week. --- Wish you good _______!

18. My mother u _________ comes home at 6 p.m. and she a _______ makes nice meals for me.

19. Don’t believe him; it’s j ______ a joke!

20. He is a hero(英雄). He saves(挽救) many people’s l_________ .

B) 用所给词语的正确形式填空

1. Sandy is very busy now and doesn’t have time __________( play) sports.

2.Both of them have great fun _________ (visit) the museum together.

3. –Would you like ____________ (eat) some ice-cream? –No, thanks. I’m on a diet(节食).

4. Millie ____________ (enjoy) ____________ (go) roller skating, but she is not good at it.

5. We go to the school library _________(one) a month.

6. You should practice ___________ (speak) English every day.

7. Sandy does_______ (good) in playing football.

8.Some students just don’t know how _______ (learn) English well because they don’t know they

need _____________(practice) every day.

9. My mother loves shopping, but she __________ (like) doing sports.

10. Many students enjoy _________(chat) with their friends on QQ.

11. The students in Grade 7 often do some after-school __________(activity).

12. Many young people like going roller ________ (skate) when they are free.

13. As a famous dancer, she needs ___________ (dance) for two hours every day

14. He doesn’t have much time ___________ (listen) to music from Monday to Friday

15. Do you want _______ (play) computer games with me this Saturday evening?

16. What about _______ (go) on a picnic next Sunday?

17. We read English at 8:00 a.m. Then our first lesson_______ (begin) at 8: 25 a.m.

18. English is very___________ (interest).

19. It's our_______(one) English lesson.

20. It’s time __________ (have) a rest. Shall we ______(go) walking?


1. He seldom visits his grandparents. (提问)

_______ ________ ______ he _______ his grandparents?

2. Our lessons begin at 8 o’clock. (提问) _______ ______ _______ your lessons ________?

3. She dances for half an hour every day. (提问) _______ ______ does she ________ every day? 4.We would like to go to the Beijing Zoo.(改为一般疑问句)(改成同义句) _______ you _______ _____ go to the Beijing Zoo?

We _______ ______ go to the Beijing Zoo.

5.They have fun in the garden after school.(改为同义句)

They_______ _______ _______ _______ in the garden after school.


1.我每天花费半小时走回家。It takes me 30 _______ ________ _________ __________ .

2. Kitty从来不上学迟到。Kitty _____ ______ _______ ______school.

3. 我喜欢阅读, 每个周末下午我都在图书馆读得很开心。

I like reading and I always have _____ ______ _______ ________ books in the library every weekend afternoon.

4. 这个星期四的晚上,在阳光体育运动中心,我校和一中有场排球赛,祝我们校队好运。

There is a volleyball match _______ my school _______ No. 1 Middle School ______ Thursday evening at Sunshine Sports Centre. Wish our school team _______ ________.


The young mother does n’t know ____ ____ _______ her baby _______.


They often chat with each other _______ _________ _________ English after class.


I have _____ ______ _____ friends and I can learn _____ ______ from them.


Simon_______ _______ ________ ______ Wednesday afternoon after school.

9.我想告诉你关于我在这的生活情况。I want to tell you ______ ______ ______ _______.

10.我希望每个人能来观看比赛。I hope ______ ______ ______ and ________ the match.


______ morning exercises helps ______ _______ _______ ______ the day.


I have ______ _______ homework and I can’t _______ _______ ________ with you.


It's time_______ _______ _______. You can’t ______ ______ ______ class again!

14.---你多久和家人野餐一次?--- 大约一个月一次。

---_______ _______ do you ________ _______ _________ with your family?

--- About _______a _______.

15.---你们什么时候开始上课?--- 八点一刻。

---What _______ do you _______ _________? --- At _____ _______ ________ eight.


Millie and her classmates _______ _________________ ___________ _______ 4 p.m.

17.谢谢你帮助我学地理。Thank you _____ ______ me _________ my ______________.


Our school ________ at 7:50 in the morning _______ Monday ______ _________.

19. 在星期六和星期日我们没有课。We ______ have lessons ________ Saturday ______ Sunday.

20. 中国的孩子六岁开始上学。Children in China ______ _________ ____ six years old.


1. 上午6:00起床,乘公交车十分钟到校。通常每天早晨7:45先做早操,8:15开始上课,


2. 中午在校吃饭。在午饭时间,我经常和朋友聊天。下午两节课后进行课外活动。

3. 喜欢所有的功课,最喜欢的科目是英语和数学。但是不喜欢体育课,因为自己个子不高,


4. 经常去图书馆读书,读书对我有好处,我想了解世界上的很多事情。

5. 我是音乐俱乐部成员,喜欢唱歌和听音乐。我每周三下午去练习唱歌,唱歌很有趣。

6. 老师和同学都很友好,非常享受学校生活。

Dear Tommy,

I’d like to tell you about my school life. There are many things to do at school. I like many of them.

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ What about your school life? Please e-mail me soon.

All the best,

