
2018 年珠海市中考英语模拟试题







分钟,满分为120 分。第一卷

语言知识与技能(共四大题, 85 分)

一、听力理解(本大题共4 部分,每小题

1 分,共30 分) A. 听句子,根据


( ) 1. What’s Ken’s favorite subject? A B C ( )

2. Which picture is right?

A B C ( ) 3. How is the weather now?

A B C ( ) 4. Whom did Jack go to the beach with last weekend?

A B C ( ) 5. What would

Ben like to have? A B C 1 B. 听对话根据所




一段对话,回答第 6 小题。does Emily feel? A. Nervous. B. Great.

C. Hot.听第二段对话,回答第7 小题。

7. What time does the man go to bed

on weekends? A. At 10: 00 B. At 10:

30 C. At 11: 听第三段对话,回答第

8 小题。8. What did the woman forget?

A. The umbrella.

B. The camera.

C. The mobile phone. 听第四段对话,回答第

9 小题。9. Where is First Hospital?

A. Beside the museum.

B. In front of the bank.

C. Next to the bank.

听第五段对话,回答第10 小题。

10. How did the woman come to China?

A. By plane.

B. By train.

C. By ship.

听第六段对话,回答第11~ 12 小题。11. Where are they talking? A.

In a library. B. In a bookstore. C. In a restaurant. 12. What is the woman going to

do? A. Sell books. B. Buy books.

C. Write a report. 听第七段对话,回答第13~ 15 小题。13. How long did Tim stay in Harbin last year? A. A week.

B. A month.

C. Half a month. 14. How is the weather there?

A. It’s hot in summer.

B. It’s cool in summer.

C. It’s cold in summer. 15. When will the woman leave? A. On August 15th.

B. On August 5th.

C. On August 25th. C. 听独白听第一篇独白,根据所听内容,在每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个能完成所给句子的最佳答案。独白听两遍。16.

became popular in Rio Olympic Games. A. Zhang Jike and Ma Long B. Fan Zhendong and Ma Long C. Zhang Jike and Fan Zhendong 2016 World Cup was held in .

B. Germany

C. Brazil 2 made the history because .

A. he was the first Chinese player to win

the World Cup B. he was the youngest player to win the World Cup C. he was the one who won the most World Cups 19. By the 2016 World Cup, Fan had been playing table tennis for . years years years to the speaker, Fan is . A. fat with a round face B. thin with a square face C. calm and confident 听第二篇独白,根据所听内容,在每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个能完成所给句子的最佳选项。独白听两遍。21. The story took place . A. in a supermarket B. at a friend’s home C. in a restaurant 22. tasted the soup first. A. The businessman B. The rich man C. The waiter rich man has tears in his eyes because

. A. the soup was his brother’s favorite B. he started to think of his brother C. he was burned by the hot soup businessman felt

after he found out the truth.

A. worried for the rich man

B. angry with the rich man

C. excited for the rich man the story, we can know these two men were . A. strangers B. friends C. brothers

D. 听填信息你将听到的是一篇短文。请根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡。短

文听两遍。Marketsaround the World Markets Country Information The Street Market \\ The most exciting and

way of shopping Floating markets Thailand Open from to noon every day Grand Place Belgium Flower market: open every day Monday Sonora Market

Selling toys, birds, herbs and medicine City Camden Market England Young people from all over London to Camden Market for fun 3 二、单项填空在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入句子空白处的最佳

答案。31. I had unusual experience which happened in early 1980s.

A. a; /

B. an; /

C. an; the

D. a; the ( ) 32. We have

five in our English club. They’re

all . A. woman teachers, Germans B. women teachers, Germans C. woman teachers, Germany D. women teachers, Germen ( ) 33.--Sonia, is this your dictionary? --Oh, no, it’s not

. Ask Tom, he is looking for

. A. me, his B. my, him C. mine, his D. yours, his ( ) much stress is bad our health and we should prevent us illnesses. A. for; from B. to; with C. on; except D. to; against ( ) 35. My father has ordered a watch on line and it is his experience of shopping online. A. one B. first C. the one D.

the first ( ) 36. -- What do you think of

the actor Wu Jin from Wolf Warriors II ?

--Nobody could be than him. He performed in the movie.

A. better; most wonderful

B. worse;

the most wonderfully C. worse; the most wonderful D. better; most wonderfully ( ) 37. --Is that man Mr. Black? --It be him. He has gone to London for a business trip.

A. may not

B. needn’t

C. can’t

D. mustn’t ( ) 38. -- Look at the sign.

It’s not allowed to smoke in the hospital.

--Sorry. I will my cigarette at once. A. put out B. put off

C. put on

D. put down ( ) 39.

The world in our modern society won’t

be meaningful if we our family

with love and happiness. A. provided

B. don’t provide

C. will provide


didn’t provide ( ) 40. -- My car knocked into a big tree when I was on my way to meet my friend. -- I guess you too fast. A. drive B. are driving C. drove D. were driving ( ) must be remembered that Stephen Hawking, a British physicist, as a great scientist in the field of physics. A. regards B. regarded C. is regarded D. is regarding ( ) are few differences between the two scarves. I really don’t know . A. what should I choose B which I should choose C. which should I choose D. what I should choose ( ) 43. The song reminded me of the things and persons I never forgot in my childhood. A. who B. whom C. that D. which 4 ( ) 44. -- Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge has been set

up by professional engineers from all corners of the country and we are proud of them. -- creative people they are! A. How B. What an C. What a D. What ( ) 45. --Would you mind my using your ruler? -- . Here you are. A. Of course B. No, thanks C. No, not at all. D. yes, please 三、完形填空(共10 小题;每小题1 分,满分10 分)

通读短文,掌握大意,然后在四个选项中,选一个最佳选项Tom brought a box of (46) to a summer camp. He ate some and placed the rest under his bed. After lunch, he found the box was (47) . He went to tell his camp coach about it. The next day, the coach saw a boy eating Tom’s biscuits behind a tree. He (48) an idea to solve the problem. He found Tom and said to him, “I know who took away your biscuits. Will

you help me to teach him a lesson?” “Well, yes… are you going to punish him, sir?” Tom asked. “No, I’m not,” the coach explained (49) . “That would make him hate you. I want you to write to your mother and (50)

more biscuits.”Tom wrote to his mother and soon he received (51)

box of biscuits by mail from his mother. “Now,” said the coach, “go and share them (52) the boy who stole your biscuits.” Tom didn’t

understand the coach’s meaning (53)

he still followed his advice. Half an hour later, the coach saw the two boys come up the hill, arm in arm. The boy was trying to ask Tom to (54)

his toy robot in payment for the stolen biscuits. But Tom refused the gift from his new friend. He said a few biscuits were not

so important. In some (55) , forgiveness (原谅) is better than punishment. 4 6. A. biscuits B. toys C. chocolate D. candies 47. A. available 4 9. A. lovely 5 0. A. care for 51. A. other 5 2. A. with 53. A. so 54. A. receive 55. A. accidents 5 B. popular B. friendly B. look for B. another

B. to B. unless B. return B. situations

C. strange C. dealt with C. patiently C. ask for C. the other C. for C. though C. accept C. discussions

D. missing D. done with D. angrily D. pay for D. others D. of D. but D. afford D. purposes up with B. came up with




考试英语考试答案一.听力理解(本大题共4 部分, 25 分) 1-5

ACABB 6-10

ACBCA 11-15 ACABB 16-20

ABBAC 21-25 CBCBA 26. traditional 27. 6:00 / 6:00 in the morning 28. except 29. medicine 30. travel 二.单项选择:31-35 CBCAB 36-40 DCABD 41-45 CBCDC 三.完形填空46--50 ADBCC 51--55 BADCB 四.阅读理解56-60 CDDCC 61-65 BBCDB 66-70 EFACD 五.看图短文填空/stay/remain 六.读写综合A). 信息归纳A).信息归纳

81.At the beginning of a new year.

82.Resolutions and promises. 83. Four./ 4 84. Because they forget about that./ Forgetting about it/that. 85. Proud./ Taking pride. B). 书面表达第一档:符合题目要求,要点齐全,整篇表达清楚,语言无误;第二档:符合题目要求,要点齐全,整篇表达比较清楚,语言有少量错误;第三档:要点基本齐全,整篇表达比较清楚,语言有


点,整篇有欠完整,语言错误多。第五档:只能写出个别单词。作文范文:It’s easier to say something than do it. A promise is made by words, but it is kept by actions. I used to 11 talk without doing. My English was not so good. At the beginning of last term, I made up my mind to study hard at it. But I didn’t start it. I just said to myself \But I didn’t do it the next day. At the end of last term, I failed in my English test. How can we put our resolutions or promises into action? I have two suggestions. Firstly, we should make a good plan because it can help us to make good use of time. Secondly, we are supposed to overcome our laziness. What’s more, we can tell parents or teachers our plan so that they can remind or push us whenever we forget about it. Let’s take action from now on! If we put our heart into study, we can make it.

