


Nanshan Tourism

Scenic Spot Sightseeing:

Yantai Longkou Nanshan Scenic Spot is the National 5A-class Scenic Spot and is divided into three parts of Religious History and Culture Park, Theme Park-Happy Valley and Donghai Tourist Resort.

Nanshan Buddhist Temple, Xiangshui Nunnery, Nanshan Taoist Temple, Lingyuan Taoist Temple, etc. in Religious History and Culture Park are the historical relics of Jin and Tang Dynasties; Nanshan Giant Buddha which is the largest tin bronze Sitting Buddha in the world (with the height of 38.66m and the weight of 380t) and Nanshan Medicine Jade Buddha which is the largest indoor Jade Buddha in China (with the height of 13.66m and the weight of 660t) are the two highlights in the Park; Nanshan Huayan World includes Five-Dhyani-Buddha Palace, “Medicine Buddha Carol” Music Fountain, Prayer Corridor, etc., which enrich the religious cultures in Nanshan Scenic Spot; the History and Culture Park, which is built according to the sequence of dynasties and takes historic culture as longitude and propitious culture as latitude, is set up in Nanshan Scenic Spot as a vivid general history of China, thus comprehensively showing the extensive and profound Chinese civilization and the colorful national culture; Theme Park-Happy Valley is mainly constructed with Nanshan courtyard, Equestrianism Club, Pet Park, Happy Island, Kwan-yin Island, Bodhi Island, Tropical Plants Garden, Waterfall Plaza, etc., thus integrating participation, knowledge and entertainment together; Donghai Tourist Resort, with the length of 20km, is divided into coast tourist area, golf recreation area, rehabilitation and leisure area, villa area, commercial and trading service area, cultural education area, etc., and is a comprehensive tourist resort with high scientific and technological content, good ecological environment and harmonious development between man and nature while integrating residence, tourism, leisure and humanistic education.

Gathering ancient and modern essences and blending Chinese civilization, Nanshan Scenic Spot has already become the large multifunctional scenic spot which integrates tourism, vocation travel, industrial touring, conference and commerce, entertainment and shopping, etc. and sketched the beautiful scenery of “Blessing and Longevous Nanshan, The Heaven for Nourishing The Heart” via her particular charm.





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The logo pattern of Nanshan Theme Park – Happy Valley, based on the creative elements of the construction project of Happy Valley and organically combining waterfall, pleasure boat wharf, ferris wheel, Nanshan logo, etc. in the form of silhouette, shows the thematic content of Happy Valley by applying the effect of color dyed paper-cut paintings. The logo is shaped as square outside and round inside, which is originated from sunrise at sea, thus presenting the mutual echoing between Nanshan and Donghai and forming a happy and peaceful space. Nanshan and Donghai are taken as the creative elements for the mascot, Huanhuan and Lele, thus integrating the visual experience of health, enthusiasm, vitality and happiness into the two cartoon images with open arms for welcoming the tourists, and meanwhile fully reflecting the openness and tolerance of Happy Valley.

Nanshan Theme Park - Happy Valley, which was planned in and built since 2008, is one of the three parts of Nanshan Scenic Spot, and includes Nanshan Courtyard, Equestrian Club, Pet Park, Happy Island, Kwan-yin Island, Bodhi Island, Waterfall Square, Nanshan Courtyard, etc.

Happy Island mainly includes experiential and participatory entertainment projects and is mainly provided with the following entertainment equipments and projects, such as luxurious carrousels, whirlwind knights, self-controlled flying elephants, mermaids, bumper cars, large-sized slides, double bungee jumping, space cruiser and pleasure boat & wharf, so Happy Valley is an ideal place for tourists to experience adventure and excitement, relaxation and bodybuilding. The Equestrian Club integrates equestrian sports, bodybuilding and relaxation together, and is provided with indoor horse fields, obstacle fields, practicing fields, horse training fields and pasturing fields, etc., and holds the horse riding courses taught by experienced coaches, caballeros or horse riders about safe riding knowledge, riding posture, sitting posture and physical training, etc., and irregularly organizes the equestrian competition activities. Nanshan Courtyard is mainly established to represent the historical culture, local buildings, folkloric products, farming equipments, life scenery, etc. of the old Huangxian County and Nanshan Village, attached with Jiaodong civilization of farming and farming products show. Inside the Village, the characteristic catering areas of the old Huangxian County and commercial streets producing and selling Jiaodong folkloric products have been built, with an atmosphere of strong rural and local culture. The Pet Park combines pets breeding, performance and show together, and also provides special entertainment performances of pets.





Religious Culture Park

Religious History and Culture Park in Nnashan Scenic Spot is composed of Nanshan Taoist Temple, Nanshan Buddhist Temple, Nanshan Buddha, Xiangshui Nunnery, Lingyuan Taoist Temple, etc., which are the relics of Jin, Tang, Song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties and have thick historical ambience. The ancient architectural complex is constructed harmoniously with the surrounding mountains, forests and waters, and these ancient buildings are simple and elegant, with tortuous and great appurtenance and tremendous momentum. Moreover, Nanshan Buddha in this scenic spot is a precious tin bronze Sitting Buddha of Sakyamuni in the world, with the height of 38.66m and the weight of 380t, which is called the largest bronze sitting Buddha in the world. Merit and Virtue Hall, Buddha Hall and Buddhist History Museum are constructed under the lotus pedestal of the Giant Buddha, wherein 9999 vivid golden bronze Buddhas are displayed in Buddha Hall, thus forming the ten thousand Buddhas array together with the Giant Sitting Buddha, and the historical records pertaining to the originality and prosperity of Buddhist culture, and dozens of cultural relics such as the Buddhist Relics of Sakyamuni and museum pieces of Buddhist culture are displayed in Buddhist History Museum.



Chinese Historical Culture

Chinese History and Culture Park in Nanshan Scenic Spot is the large theme scenic spot, which is constructed according to the chronological sequence from ancient time to Qing Dynasty in China at present and takes the historic culture as the longitude and the propitious culture as the latitude and occupies an area of 6km2. By virtue of the Chinese ancient buildings in different historical periods and with different styles and historic records and physical displays, this Park vividly presents the general trends, important cultural relics and events as well as the representative figures of Chinese history during the five thousand years, integrates historic culture, propitious culture, folk culture, cooking culture, civil culture, etc. together according to the tourism requirements, and comprehensively shows the extensive and profound Chinese civilization and the colorful national culture as a vivid general history of China, so this Park is the place for the tourists to appreciate the Chinese civilization and the historical evolution of the Chinese descendant as well as the influential man. Nanshan Jade Buddha in the Park is composed of Jade Buddha Hall, Medicine Buddha Mandala and Buddhist Relics Hall, and the Burmese Medicine Jade Buddha with the height of 13.66m and the weight of more than 660t is consecrated in Jade Buddha Hall, which is the largest and tallest Jade Buddha. Six Medicine Jade Buddhas with different colors are consecrated around the Giant Jade Buddha to form Seven Medicine Buddhas of the Medicine Buddha Sutra. Additionally, the Park is also provided with Tropical Rainforest Garden, Farming Expo Park, Grotto, Kwan-yin Cave, tourism cableway, etc. In July 2003, the Park was named as “Middle School History Teaching Scenery Base” and “Juvenile’s Patriotism Education Base”.


Coastal Tourism Home

Nanshan Donghai offshore tourist area is located at the north of Donghai Development Area of Nanshan Group and integrates tourism, vacation travel, leisure, shopping and entertainment together. The development projects include Donghai golf, golden bathing beach, offshore yacht, offshore fishing, recreation villa, coastal forest oxygen bar, and the bathing beach has a gold coastline of 20km, so this area is the ideal place for tourists to experience charm of nature and sea while enjoying first-rate facilities and eating special foods as well as purchasing special products there. With the high green mountains and broad blue sea existing in harmony, people who love

mountain and sea can have beautiful vision and heartfelt benediction in this area.



上海中英文导游词 【篇一:上海景点导游词(英文)shanghai travel and tours guide】 shanghai travel and tours guide located at the center of the mainlands coastline, shanghai has long been a major hub of communications, transportation, and international exchange. the municipality covers an area of 6,341 square kilometers and has a population of more than 13.5 million. shanghai is chinas largest economic comprehensive industrial base, and a famous historical and cultural city. the city consistently attracts investment and is seen as an ideal venue for business gatherings. it is also a must on any agenda during a tour of china. shanghai has fostered a comprehensive transportation network that incorporates land, sea, and air travel, as well as a convenient urban transportation system. more than 300 airlines serve the city, proving direct flights to more than 20 countries and regions. the addition of the shanghai pudong international airport, which went into operation in 1999, is expected to increase the annual passenger volume to some 20 million. special tourist trains running between shanghai and the neighboring provinces of jiangsu and zhejiang, as well as tourist bus routes along newly-constructed expressways, offer great convenience for regional travel. shanghai has more than 400 travel agencies to assist visitors, and the 127 star-rated hotels offer a total of 40, 000 guest rooms. visitors to shanghai are not only dazzled by the modern metropolis and gateway to a developing china, but are also able to immerse themselves in the unique shanghai culture, a combination of chinese and western elements. colorful festivals and celebrations dot the yearly shanghai activities calendar, such as the shanghai nanhui peach blossoms festival, shanghai international tea culture festival and shanghai china international art festival. shanghai has also introduced special tour packages aimed at the different interests of visitors, such as bicycling tours,


山东旅游景点导游词文档6篇Guide words of Shandong tourist attractions 编订:JinTai College

山东旅游景点导游词文档6篇 前言:导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。本文档根据导游词内容要求和针对旅游地点是山东的特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:山东旅游景点导游词文档 2、篇章2:山东旅游景点导游词文档 3、篇章3:山东旅游景点导游词文档 4、篇章4:泰山旅游景点导游词文档 5、篇章5:泰山旅游景点导游词文档 6、篇章6:泰山旅游景点导游词文档 山东省是中国的经济第三大省、人口第二大省、中国温带水果之乡,国内生产总值稳居全国第三名。今天小泰为大家带来山东旅游景点导游词。 篇章1:山东旅游景点导游词文档

山东省济南市素有“泉城”美誉,家家泉水,户户垂杨。天下第一泉风景区是泉城特色标志区核心景区,位于山东省省会济南市市中心,位置优越、交通便利,由“一河(护城河)一湖(大明湖)三泉(趵突泉、黑虎泉、五龙潭三大泉群)四园(趵突泉公园、环城公园、五龙潭公园、大明湖风景名胜区)”组成,总面积3.1平方公里,是济南首家国家5A级旅 游景区、国家重点公园、省级风景名胜区。 景区以天下第一泉趵突泉为核心,泉流成河、再汇成湖,并与明府古城相依相生,泉、河、湖、城融为一体,集中展现了独特的泉水水域风光。景区内自然资源独特、历史文化深厚,泉水景观众多,沿护城河乘画舫前行,可一览黑虎啸月、趵突腾空、龙潭观鱼、鹊华烟雨等310余处名胜景观,可谓“玉带绾泉城”,让游客“不出城郭而获山水之怡,身居闹市而有林泉之致”,是集独特的自然山水景观和深厚的历史文化底蕴于一体的精品旅游景区。景区常年举办春节文化庙会、迎春花灯会、金秋菊展、龙舟大赛、荷花艺术节、国际冬泳节等十余项大型传统文化活动,体现了泉城济南独有的景观和民俗文化特色。 篇章2:山东旅游景点导游词文档【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】


Luoyang Travel Guide Located in the west of Henan Province in central China, Luoyang occupies quite an important geographic location. It is in the middle reaches of the Y ellow River and is encircled by mountains and plains. To its east and west are the Hu Lao Pass and Han Gu Pass which were essential domestic transportation junctions in ancient times. To its north, Mengjin County was an important ferry crossing of the Y ellow River. Thus, Luoyang was selected as the capital city by 13 dynasties starting from the Xia Dynasty (21st-16th century BC) in the 21st century BC. In the period following the Han Dynasty (206BC-220), and particularly during the Sui (581-618) and Tand (618-907) dynasties, the city experienced a period of growth and prosperity and ranked as one of the international metropolitans of the time. Its long history endows Luoyang with a profound sense of culture. The city is the cradle of Chinese civilization where many Chinese legends happened, such as Nvwa Patching the Sky, Dayu Controlling Flood and the Chinese ancestor Huangdi Establishing the Nation. The city is also famed as the 'Poets Capital' as poets and literates of ancient China often gathered there and left grand works, including 'Book of Wisdom' ('Daode Jing'), 'Han History' ('Han Shu') and 'Administrative Theory of Admonishing Official' ('Zi Zhi Tong Jian'). Religious culture once thrived here. Taoism originated there and the first Buddhist temple set up by the government was located there. Luoyang is also the hometown of many of the scientific inventions of ancient China, such as the seismograph, armillary sphere, paper making, printing and the compass. Luoyang has rich historical and cultural sites. The Longmen Grottoes are one of China's three most precious treasure houses of stone sculptures and inscriptions. The White Horse Temple is the first Buddhist temple and is honored as the 'Cradle of Buddhism in China'. Mt. Mangshan is where ancient tombs of emperors, nobles and literates in the past dynasties collected. The Luoyang Ancient Tombs Museum is the world's first example of the kind and presents thousands of treasures discovered in the tombs. Shaolin Temple is the place of origin for Chinese Zen Buddhism and the cradle of Chinese Martial Art. Landscapes in Luoyang hold the same attraction as the cultural sites. White Cloud Mountain, Funiu Mountain, Long Yu Wan National Forest Park, Ji Guan Limestone Cave and the Y ellow River Xiaolangdi Scenic Area are all worth a visit. Additionally, Luoyang is particularly well known for its peonies. Every year in April, the flowers blossom and attract tourists from all over the world. Dining in Luoyang is quite an enjoyable experience. V arious kinds of local dishes, including Water Feast, Y an Cai and others which use the famous Y ellow River carps as an ingredient, together with the uniquely flavored soups, will greatly satisfy your taste buds. Luoyang's local specialties such as Palace Lanterns, bronze vessels and Tri-colored glazed potteries will no doubt delight your eyes and offer you ideal souvenirs. Being a modern city as well, Luoyang has hotels of all standards which provide you quite a broad choice for your stay. Most of the hotels have reasonable room prices and perfect services. Transportation is well developed in Luoyang. Beijiao Airport has many domestic flights extending to many large cities in other provinces. It's also very easy to get to Luoyang by train because one of China's most important railway lines Long Hai Railway traverses the city and connects most cities in east, west and central China. The convenient city buses and taxies can carry you around the city. Near the railway station, special tourist buses can take you to the tourist spots in the suburban areas of the city. Luoyang, a charming city filled with the fragrance of peonies and the primitive atmosphere of ancient civilization, is waiting and welcoming guests from all over the world. Putting the city into the list of your exploration in China, you will get far more than what you expect. The Longmen Grottos The Longmen Grottos are on the Y ihe River bank, some 12 kilometers from ancient Luoyang city, about 30 minutes' drive. It is one of the three most important Buddhist sculptures and carvings in China. The



海南三亚景点导游词 各位团友大家好,您瞧,又是一个艳阳天,让我们带着同阳光一样灿烂的好心情,愉悦的开始我们今天的行程。 今天我们即将前往的就是我们三亚南山文化旅游区。 亲爱的游客朋友们,在大家眼中,三亚除了有洁净的天空、湛蓝的大海、碧绿的椰林之外,还有什么呢,大家对海南的历史文化又有多少了解呢?今天我们要游览的地方是国家5A级景区——南山文化旅游区,相信在那里大家可以真切感受一下海南岛独特的文化了。 南山文化旅游区位于三亚市以西40公里处,古称鳌山,海拔为487米,是中国纬度最南的山。该景区规划和环境保护控制面积为50平方公里,它是集佛教文化、热带海洋风光、民俗风情和历史古迹为一体的多功能的大型文化旅游区。在三亚热带海滨,它不仅最具规模,而且是目前我国唯一的通过国际环境管理质量认证的景区。被海南省授予“生态环境恢复与保护示范工程”的称号。目前该景区有大门景观区、长寿谷、南山寺、海上观音文化苑等6大部分组成。 各位游客朋友们,请大家准备一下,我们马上就要到南山文化旅游区了。大家看到这块花岗岩巨石了么,上面刻有“南山佛教文化苑”七个大字,这是由中国佛教协会前会长赵朴初先生亲笔题写的。现在大家看到的这座南北朝风格的阙楼是南山佛教文化苑的大门——不二法门。大家仔细观察一下,不二法门的正面和背面分别题有“不二”、“一实”四个大字,它是由我国著名书法家顾廷龙先生题写的。按照佛教理解,不二是佛家84000个法门中的至高法门,“不二”就是“一实”,万事万物归根到底都是平等的,没有彼于此之间的区别;除此之外有人还认为“不二”意为不要以自己的标准去衡量别人,尊重别人的观点,具体问题具体分析。 走进不二法门,我们来到了慈航普度园,既然到了这里,就不得不跟大家说一说园里观音阁供奉着的稀世艺术珍宝、世界上最大的一尊金玉观世音了。这个金玉观音高3。8米,用150千克黄金和白银、120克拉南非钻石、数千颗珍珠,以及红宝石、祖母绿、珊瑚、松石、翡翠、白玉等精工制成。由于制作过程中采用了世界手工艺之一绝的中国传统的“宫廷金细工”技艺,从而使金像灵动飘逸,妙法传神,金玉观音面如满月,安详恬静,慈悲仁爱,该金玉观音身体微微扭胯,不仅展现观世音塑像传统的庄严美,还展现了飘逸洒脱的体态,这样,宗教感染力与艺术的表现融为一体,增添了观音菩萨的魅力。现在我们来到的是长寿谷,在入口处,我们看到一座明清建筑风格的牌坊,上面有四个大字“鳌山寿古”,此为海南著名书法家吴东明先生所提。在牌坊北面还有中国著名书法家启功老先生题写的“寿比南山”。而在牌坊两边我们看到的是明朝黄芳咏南山文化景观的一副对联“天增岁月人增寿,春满乾坤福满门”以及在排放内侧还有中国书法协会副会长刘炳森题写的大“寿“字,整个长寿谷洋溢着浓厚的长寿文化气息,在这里,小张祝愿大家能够多沾沾这里的福寿气息,希望大家岁岁平安,寿比南山。出了长寿谷,我们来到了中国唯一的一座面朝南海、背靠南山的寺院,也是我国最南端的寺院——南山寺。进了兜率内院,现在大家看到的是正中的主尊佛像,就是天冠弥勒了,四周是四大天王,天冠米勒是被认为释迦牟尼的继承者,后又称“后生佛”、“未来佛”。而在南山寺的正殿——金堂里又供奉着三尊主像,代表空间的横三世佛。分别


Welcome to the beautiful city JiNan which is the capital of ShanDong Province. Now we are in the BaoTu spring park in the center of JiNan . In order to give you a general impression, let me make a brief introduction of the park. The park is located in the downtown area of the city, with Mt. Thousand Buddha to the south, Quancheng Square to the east, and Daming Lake to the north. There are altogether 34 springs in the park. Of course the main and most beautiful one is the Baotuquan Spring, which you will be watching in a moment. The park has two main gates, the east gate and the south ga te. Today we’ll enter from the south gate. Ok, this way please. Ladies and gentlemen, here we are in front of the south gate. The south gate of the park is at the middle of Luoyuan Avenue. It was built in 1995. With its unique outline integrating both traditional and local traits, it is claimed to be the number one gate of Chinese gardens. Isn’t it splendid! Shall we go in. Just in front of us is the most famous spring, Baotuquan. It was called Luoshui in ancient time and got its present name form the Song Dynasty. It has a long history and has been the source of the Luo River. The three major springs gush simultaneously from underground with thundering sound, which are described as fountains constantly pumping water. The pool of the water is 30 meters long and 20 meters wide. The spring water keeps its temperature around 18 degrees centigrade all year round. With clear deep water in the spring pool on one side visitors feel as if they were in a fairyland on earth. Many writers, philosophers and poets left poems and verses in praise of the wonderful scene. Look, that pavilion on the west side of the pool is called the Billow Observation Pavilion. It was built in the fifth year of Tianshun emperor of the Qing Dynasty (1461). There are stone tables and benches in it so that visitors can enjoy the scene while relaxing. Embedded on the west wall of the pavilion is the writing of billow observation by a calligrapher of the Qing Dynasty. The stone inscription of No.1 Spring was written by Wang Zhonglin, a famous calligrapher of the Qing Dynasty. Baotuquan Spring carved on a monument to the west of the pavilion was left by Hu Zanzong, governor of Shandong during the Qing Dynasty. On the north bank of the east pool at waterside is the renowned Penglai Tea House, which was visited respectively by Emperor Kangxi and Qianlong, who sat here by the window and enjoyed the colorful charms of the springs over a cup of fragrant tea. A common saying goes that if you don't drink the spring water when you come to JiNan. It is a pity! Now lets have a taste. En Wonderful ! 欢迎来到美丽的城市济南是山东省的省会。现在我们在其间公园在济南的中心。为了给你一个总体印象,让我做一个简短的介绍公园的。公园位于城市的市区,太千佛南,泉城广场东边,


烟台南山公园的导游词 烟台南山公园是著名的风景区。许多游客来这里旅游。导游是介绍这个地方的最佳方式。下面是烟台南山公园的导游,由大家编写和分享。让我们看看! [烟台南山公园导游词1] 南山公园位于西宁市的南山上。风景非常美丽,是休闲和观光的好地方。 西宁南山也叫凤凰山。山上有一个亭子,叫做凤凰亭。亭子上有一面横幅,上面写着“河湟吸引凤凰”。传说凤凰在南方凉爽的地方飞过,因此得名凤凰台。这与当时流传的“龙在长宁,麒麟在遂强”的说法是一样的。然而,西宁八景之一的“丰台刘芸”已成为西宁的一大名胜。 据西宁地区《新志·地理》记载,“南山...冬天和夏天的积雪不需要消失。它耸立在数千座山峰之上,就像一面银屏。它也叫雪山,俗称“八景之一南山雪盖”。登上山顶就像在天宫里,山顶是淡绿色的,脚下的冰是晶莹剔透的。南山的气候极其多变。 夏天,我去南山公园欣赏“南山上的雪”。这真是一道独特的风景。一座高山,分成两部分,属于两个世界:一个在雪线下一万英里的蓝色;雪线被白色包裹着。 以青海云杉、圆柏、油松、青杨、榆树为主要形式的工人森林景观,这里的夏季绿意盎然,空气清新湿润,鸟语花香,游人享受着回归自然的无穷乐趣。公仲中部的百花园,有数十种著名的高原花卉,

主要是牡丹花,竞相怒放,花朵芬芳多彩,形成了与森林景观完全不同的另一天和地方。新建的五彩瀑布,彩虹在阳光下落下,成为西宁独特的瀑布水景。公园西北面有一座小山,上面有一个平台,叫做凤凰台。据说有一对金凤凰因在这里飞翔而得名。海拔2419米。在农历九月九日的重阳节期间,人们爬上凤凰台俯瞰西宁八大名胜之一。目前,在凤凰台上有一个凤阁。这是一个两层楼的亭子,直径24米,高23米。展馆的屋脊由孔克兰的琉璃瓦和顶部的地板装饰而成。展馆的墙壁是用石头艺术建筑彩绘和雕刻而成的。这座亭子鸟瞰高原古城。它给你一种回忆过去和现在的感觉。凤凰山脚下有一座古老的南禅寺。它建于明朝。它有悠久的历史和古老的建筑。许多善良的男女来到这里为上帝和佛祈祷,成为南山公园附近的文化景观。这个公园有餐饮和文化娱乐设施。 [烟台南山公园导游词2] 在这里,我会带你去南山看南山的美丽风景。 顾名思义,南山也是一座矗立在南方的山。好了,现在,我们去南山旅游吧。 过来,每个人都一定很累了!在展馆,你一定不能错过这美丽的风景!周围都是绿树和五彩缤纷的花朵,点缀着草地和附近的一口水井。我认为每个人都必须忘记疲劳,感到放松和快乐。 既然休息结束了,让我们冲刺到山顶吧!嘿,这次,我们要经过两个游乐园!各位,快点赶上来。 有志者事竟成。我们终于到达了南山顶!我们看到前面有一座塔,


https://www.360docs.net/doc/ba18131042.html, 专业的公文写作平台 英文导游词开场白三篇 英文导游词开场白(一) Good morning everyone: It's so nice to meet you here ! Fisrt of all , please allow me to introduce my team to you .my name is jim carrey ,your local guide from china international travel service henan.while our driver is mr.wang. on behalf of the travel service ,welcome to Zhengzhou,welcome to henan!During your stay in Henan,we would do our best to make your trip pleasant ! And your cooperation would be appreciated ! If you have anything we can do for you ,please tell us,we would be very happy to help you .At last ,wish you a wonderful stay in Henan .thank you ! 英文导游词开场白(二) Hubei province is situated in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and to the north of Dongting Lake. It is surrounded by Henan Province to the north, Jiangxi and Hunan to the south, Anhui to the east, Sichuan to the west and Shaanxi to the northwest. Hubei covers an area of 180,000 square kilometers (about 69,500 square miles) with a large population of 60,280,000. Its capital, Wuhan, is located in the southeastern part of the province.


三亚市南山寺导游词范文3篇 海南省三亚市南山寺,位于海南省三亚市以西40公里南山文化区内的"佛教文化公园"中。下面是为大家带来的介绍南山寺导游词范文,希望可以帮助大家。 篇一:介绍南山寺导游词范文 从台怀中心区沿公路南下至杨柏峪村,转向西过清水河,行数百米,就来到南山寺所坐落的山脚下了。南山寺依山而建,海拔一千七百多米,面积九十多亩,计有殿堂楼房窑三百多间。南山寺整个寺院由七层三大部分组成,下三层名极乐寺,上三层名佑国寺,中间一层名善德堂,南山寺是它们的总称。该寺创建于元代,以现存寺内元代至元五年(公元68年)八月所立石碑为证,当时称"大万圣佑国寺"。清光绪九年再行修建,称为极乐寺。清代末年,有一个皈依佛门的九宫道首领叫普济,是寺院的住持和尚,他同清政府关系密切,慈禧太后亲笔题写"真如自在"木匾赐普济,普济还将其字刻印在石上,供奉起来。民国初年,由东北信徒捐资,普济和尚将原有的极乐寺、佑国寺、善德堂三处合建在一起,称为南山寺。普济死后,寺院修建未停,建筑工程浩大,规模壮观,连续动工二十三年,后因"七七事变"停工未竣。经过大规模的修建,南山寺建筑样式别具一格,多以青石和汉白玉石构成,石雕内容兼有佛、道、儒三家的色彩。 杜牧《阿房宫赋》中描绘阿房宫时说:"五步一楼,十步

一阁。廊腰缦回,檐牙高啄,各抱地势,钩心斗角。"五台山南山寺,有着同样的气势和风姿。步入寺内,回栏曲径、亭台楼阁,应接不暇,甬道深处、院落门首,多有石刻题词、对联,特别是各类建筑物上的石雕,题材多样,内容纷繁,游历其中,有步移景换、多姿多彩的感觉。在寺庙中,象这样宏观浩大、微观精细的群体建筑是很少见的。 南山寺建筑依托山势,层次高低分明,错落有致。寺院最下面有一堵大影壁,长十七点三米,高约八米,石彻底座,砖砌壁身,顶部壁檐有砖雕,壁面嵌有汉白玉石,上刻题词和对联。左边的石刻对联是:风化神中梦,迷路天作合。右边的石刻对联是:了道心圆地,真光上明天。中间圆形的石面上也刻有同样内容的字迹。从影壁旁入寺院,首先登一百零八级石台阶。台阶尽头的高台上,立有二座高大的石牌楼,长十二点八米,宽一点六米,高约九米。牌楼下有三个门洞,上分三层楼头,一层比一层内缩,居中的楼头最高,两侧配以对称的分层次的四个楼头。中门洞额的石面上题有"苍松无毁智转云中飞腾万里山水乎"字样。两个边门的外侧和内侧,都刻有楹联。牌楼的背面也有许多石刻题词和对联。 石牌楼后面的建筑是大钟楼。钟楼分两层,下层是敦实的石建筑,上层是重檐木构建筑。下层门洞的拱券和门框上,刻有"八洞神仙"图,边侧刻一副对联。钟楼背面门洞两旁,又有两个小门洞,内砌二十八层台阶,直通楼上。楼上四周围以石栏,围


三亚南山中英文介绍 中文: 南山文化旅游区,位于三亚市西南40公里处,是融热带海洋风光、中国佛教文化、福寿文化、历史古迹于一体,生态旅游、休闲度假于一身的大型主题园区,历来被称为吉祥福泽之地。 它还是国务院授予的“三亚热带海滨国家重点风景名胜区”的组成部分,规划面积50平方公里,已建成的核心景区由“三园一寺一谷一湾”组成,即观音文化苑、慈航普渡园、吉祥如意园、南山寺、长寿谷、南山湾。景区内有名列世界吉尼斯大全的国宝“金玉观世音”、“天下第一龙砚”;高达108米的“南山海上观音”,于2005年4月24日举行了盛大的开光大典,观音像巍然屹立于南海,守护着三亚旅游这块净土. 南山拥有海南省最大的素斋餐厅,为到三亚旅游的游客提供近百个品种的自助素斋,有特色素斋套餐。“南山素斋”营养丰富而且具有很高的药用价值,长期食用能养颜美容、延缓衰老,已成为我国素斋的知名品牌,评为“中国名宴”并获“金厨奖”,被指定为海南省国宾接待菜系。

英文: Sanya Nanshan Buddhism Cultural Tourism Zone is one of the largest cultural tourist attractions of its kind in China; it's located just 40 kilometers west of Sanya City along the Hainan West Expressway. There are three separate parks within Nanshan: It is a window on China's traditional Buddhism culture. The Felicity and Longevity Culture Park reflects an atmosphere of peace, harmony and long life; The Nanshan Cultural Park highlights China's diverse social customs. The key feature of the zone is the three sided statue of Guan Yin Buddha, Buddhist Temples, spectacular landscape and sea views. The zone has been designated a Priority Project of China Tourism Development and earmarked for further development. Recently completed, the bronze statue of Guan Yin Buddha stands 108 meters tall on a man made island in the sea just off Nanshan. It's larger than the statue of liberty.


上海英文导游词 篇一:上海景点导游词 ilding.ThecongresspassedtheParty'sprogramandresolutions,ele ctedthecentralcommittee,anddeclaredthefoundingoftheCPC. ShanghaiLibrary ThenewShanghaiLibrary,whichcoversanareaofsome80,000squareme ters,hasacollectionof13millionbooksandisconsideredoneofthet optenlibrariesintheworld.Thelibraryincorporatestheopen-stac ksapproachfavoredintheWest,whichallowsforconvenienceinborro wingbooks. ShanghaiGrandTheater LocatedinthenorthwesterncornerofPeople'sSquare.theShanghaiG

randTheatercovers70,000squat,meters.Itisactuallycomposedoft hreetheaters.Thetheaterscanaccommodateperformancesofballeto pera,symphonies,chambermusicmoderndramas,andmusicals.Thethe ateralsoownsthelargest,fullyautomaticstageinAsia.Thetheater hasbecomeasymbolofmoderncultureinShanghai. DuoLunRoad CulturalCelebrities'Street,locatedalongDuolunRoadandsurroun dingareas,isalivingmemorialtothemodernculturalcelebritiesof Shang-haiandisalsoacondensationofmodernculture.SuchChinesel iterarygiantsasLuXun,MaoDun,GuoMoruoandYeShengtaolivedandwr otehere,makingtheroadanimportantfeatureinChina'smoderncultu ralhistory.Inaddition,thefamousGongfeiCafe.CelebritiesMansi on,theShanghaiArtOperaTroupe,andHaiShangJiuLialsodisplaythe accumulatedculturalatmosphereofDuolunRoadtoday.


烟台南山大佛导游词 南山大佛(释迦牟尼)--世界第一锡青铜铸大坐佛。下面是烟台南山大佛导游词,仅供大家参考。 篇一:烟台南山大佛导游词 南山景区于2001年1月荣获国家首批AAAA级旅游景区,景区是由以佛为主的香水庵、南山禅、南山大佛,以道教为主的南山古文化苑及灵源观等,其中,点睛之笔便是南山大佛 南山大佛高38.66米,重380吨,它堪称世界最高的一座锡青铜大坐佛。它比香港的天坛大佛还要高2.26米,各位朋友可能要问这么高的大佛是怎么运上去的呢?我们说大佛是采用分体铸造总体焊接的方法由232件佛体,108块莲花瓣,302个发髻总共642块锡青铜铸件组合而成,不看僧面看佛面,大佛的脸展开达28万平方米,南山大佛双目垂视,不论你靠近还是远离,他的眼神都在向你张望,随着人的靠近或远离,眼睛仿佛在微微开合,靠得越近就越觉得佛祖在关切您一样。他的嘴角似笑非笑,欲言而未语,使人备感亲切,引发种种遐想和联想。 大佛胸前有一个"万"字,这是古印度宗教吉祥的标志,象征太阳和火。各位朋友请看大佛的手势,也是各不相同的,右手之势叫"施无畏印",表示拔出痛苦,左手放在膝上,掌心向上,叫做"施与愿印"表示给予快乐,愿普天下众生都无忧无虑,尽享欢乐。 南山大佛是唯一一座坐南朝北的大佛,这是为什么呢?因为我们大佛朝向北京,保佑全国人民。那么释迦牟尼佛为什么要坐在莲花座上呢?佛经中说人间莲花不出数十瓣,天上的莲花不出上百瓣,净土的莲花千瓣以上,莲花出淤泥而不染,表示有烦恼而至清净,莲花开放于炎热夏季之中,炎热表示烦恼,水表示清凉,莲花为烦恼的人间带来清凉的境界,所以从烦恼中得到解脱,而生于净土上的人,都是莲花化生的,所以他们或坐或站,都在莲台之上。


南山的导游词 导读:南山的导游词范文1 欢迎来到镇江,我是大家此次行程的导游xx,大家叫我xx或者x导都可以,坐在我旁边的是我们的司机x师傅,x师傅已经有了多年的驾驶经验,因此,在旅途的安全问题上请大家可以放心,今天就由我们两个为您的旅途铺平道路。每个城市都有自己的故事,每个城市都有自己的历史,今天就由我来为您讲述历史文化名城市镇江的故事。 镇江雄踞在我国两大黄金水道的十字交汇之处,京沪铁路贯穿东西,三面环山,一面临水,是一座天造地设,鬼斧神工的著名古城,可谓“城在山中,山在城中”,素有“城市山林”之称。旅游资源十分丰富,拥有一个国家重点风景名胜区,“三山风景区”。两个国家森林公园和四个国家4A级风景区。那么今天呢,我们首站为您安排的就是南山风景区,乘车大约还需十分钟就会到,那么在车上这段时间我就先来介绍一下南山风景区的概况。 南山风景名胜区是自然景观和人文景观完美结合的的省级风景 名胜区,位于镇江市南郊,距市中心2。5公里,方圆18平方公里,由四大景区组成,它们是招隐景区、竹林景区、鹤林景区和文苑。景区内重峦叠翠,山深水秀。山上有树木160余种,飞禽70多种,居沪宁线之首。景区内景点有增华阁、读书台、虎跑泉、鹿跑泉、林公泉、鸟外亭、文心阁等,整个景区给人的感觉就是幽深、古朴、素雅。

宋代著名书画家米芾曾将它称为“城市山林”。 南山风景名胜区在南北朝至明代时是鼎盛时期,六朝后,历代文士墨客曾在此居住,游览。留下了珍贵的古迹和名篇,使得它在中国文学史,美术史,音乐史,园林史,建筑史以及考古学上都占有一席之地。其中有梁代昭明太子博邀天下贤才,在招隐寺增华阁编纂的《昭明文选》。北宋大书画家米芾,米友仁父子在此开创了山水画新技法“米氏云山”。大诗人苏东坡在鹤林寺留下了“苏公竹院”等等,不胜枚举。 我发现呀,刚才在讲解的时候,有的游客对大书画家米芾颇感兴趣,那么下面我就给大家来重点介绍一下,南山风景区内一个和米芾相关的景点,米芾墓。 米芾墓位于鹤林寺西南面的黄鹤山,占地一亩多,从山脚到坟墓有台级60级,分为四段,长约60米。有平台三座,在第二个平台台级两侧有石坊一座,上方横额刻有“米芾墓”三个大字。墓的外围用石砌成,直径约4米,周围有柏树。墓前竖着石碑,上面刻的碑文是“1987年重建,宋礼部员外郎米芾元章之墓”。米芾曾任礼部员外郎,字元章,生活在距今900年前的北宋时期,是一位多才多艺的大书画家,与苏轼,黄庭坚,蔡襄合称为北宋四大家。他画的山水人物自成一格,在中国绘画史上占有重要地位。因为他举止癫狂,所以常称“米癫”。米芾在镇江生活了40年,欣赏镇江美景,因此留下了大量的珍贵的书法,绘画作品,如焦山碑林中的“城市山林”横额石
