





班级:Z0902 姓名:于涛学号:09

The Role of Government

Abstract: The purpose of the passage is to describe the role of government in the market.

Key words: Government market role develop

The word’s markets are overseen by governments. Ideally, those governments set polices based on what they believe will serve the greatest number of their people to the greatest extent.

The maintenance of nation borders is the single most important element that separates international trade from domestic trade.

While consumers and producers make most decisions that mold the economy, government activities have a powerful effect on the market. Incubate special research, business and development, such as small businesses, space research, job training, unemployment insurance and more.

Perhaps most importantly, the federal government guides the overall pace of economic activity, attempting to maintain steady growth, high levels of employment, and price stability. It can slow down or speed up the economy's rate of growth -- in the process, affecting the level of prices and employment.

It is supposed to create and administer laws which are fair and equitable. Imagine any team sport without rules or referees. Experience has shown that neither the teams nor the fans find this acceptable. Without an independent referee disputes in a game could not be resolved. Most fans and teams are willing to put up with the occasional bad call rather than no calls at all. The same thing applies in government. Lately there has been a great deal of discussion about the power of the free market to regulate itself or the "invisible hand" to sort things out. Hundreds of years of experience had shown this not to work. Time and again markets have become unstable, either with bubbles such as the famous tulip mania or the "South Sea Island" bubble, or have become overly concentrated such as the standard oil trust. This leads inefficiency, since prices are distorted and resources are diverted from innovation and expansion of socially useful tasks. Without a referee the situation eventually fails anyway, but later and with more social damage than a well regulated society would provide.

Modern society is going to continue to have government perform all functions. These have developed because there was a need, and because they worked more often than they failed. Progress will be made when the critics stop trying to turn the clock back to an imaginary past and devote their energies to optimizing what we have. "Liberals" can also do their part by focusing the discussion on the roles listed above and proposing improvements targeted to each sector.

In fact, government plans important roles in the market. Government can protect and regulate the sustainable use of natural resources. Enforce and regulate fair and responsible business practices. Included in this is monitoring monetary policy, giving 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢2
