雅思G类小作文范文 雅思书信写作 给报社写信.doc

雅思G类小作文范文 雅思书信写作 给报社写信.doc
雅思G类小作文范文 雅思书信写作 给报社写信.doc



You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.?请花二十分钟完成此项任务

You had a good meal at a local restaurant with your family. Write a letter to the newspaper to tell them about it, describe the meal you had, and why you think the restaurant is worth visiting.


Write at least 150 words.写一封不低于一百五十词的书信。


Dear Sir or Madam,


I am a resident of Panadura city in Kaluthara district and writing to express my enthusiasm regarding a restaurant that I visited with my family last week. I believe this is a magnificent place for diners and would like you to publish a review on it so that others in our community can learn about it


I have visited the establishment – The River View, with my family to enjoy a dinner last Sunday. The surrounding view is wonderful and it was decorated gorgeously. The decoration and ambiance of the place were mesmerising, not to mention the well-behaved staff. This translation is from Laokaoya website. We ordered fried rice, chicken curry, Parata and Lunumiris and I personally felt that they had a wide range of dishes we could choose from. We were served very quickly and the food tasted celestial. Normally, I don’t each much at night, but on that day I had a heavy meal! They offered us a 15% discount and a complimentary dessert.

我上个周日的时候和我的家人一起去了The River View餐厅,周边的环境非常棒,装潢也非常的美丽。那里的装修和氛围让我非常难以忘怀,更不用说那些举止得体的工作人员了。我们当时点了炒饭、咖喱鸡、帕拉塔以及Lunumiri,我个人觉得他们提供的供我们选择的食物种类特别多。上菜服务效率也很高,食物特别美味。通常情况下,我晚上不会吃太多东西的,但是那天我吃了特别多。他们还给了我们八五折的优惠并赠送了我们一份甜点。

All of my family members appreciated the dining experience and mentioned the scrumptious menu they enjoyed. They thanked me for taking them to a great eatery.


This letter is to inform about this restaurant to the mass people because it is a worth visiting place.


Yours faithfully,


Joe Smith


目录 考试日期:2010.01.09书信种类请求信 (3) 考试日期:2010.01.23书信种类抱怨信 (3) 考试日期:2010.02.11书信种类友情信 (3) 考试日期:2010.02.20书信种类道歉信 (3) 考试日期:2010.03.06书信种类求职信 (3) 考试日期:2010.03.20书信种类抱怨信 (4) 考试日期:2010.04.10书信种类说明信 (4) 考试日期:2010.04.17书信种类抱怨信 (4) 考试日期:2010.05.08书信种类建议信 (4) 考试日期:2010.05.20书信种类邀请回复信 (4) 考试日期:2010.06.05书信种类抱怨信 (5) 考试日期:2010.06.26书信种类感谢信 (5) 考试日期:2010.07.17书信种类请求信 (5) 考试日期:2010.07.31书信种类申请信 (5) 考试日期:2010.08.05书信种类请求信 (5) 考试日期:2010.08.21书信种类抱怨信 (6) 考试日期:2010.09.11书信种类请求信 (6) 考试日期:2010.09.25书信种类建议信 (6) 考试日期:2010.10.09书信种类抱怨信 (6) 考试日期:2010.10.30书信种类请求信 (6) 考试日期:2010.11.04书信种类抱怨信 (7)

2010年G类小作文回顾与展望 题目类型: 到目前为止,2010年出现过的G类书信根据书信的功能可分为五大类别: 常规说明信,抱怨/投诉信,请求信,感谢/道歉信和建议信。从本质上来说,所有的G类书信都包含了说明信的性质,所不同的是相比常规的说明信(比如向他人告知自己的某个计划),其他类型的书信事实上只是在说明信的基础上添加了投诉,请求,建议等不同元素。 2010年书信作文命题规律: 截止到2010年11月4日为止,在今年已进行的21次G类雅思考试中,出现频率最高的,和2009年一样,仍是抱怨/投诉信,一共考了7次,所占比例为33%,平均每三次G类考试就会考到1次。排名第二的是常规说明信件,也是公认最好写的一种类型,一共出现5次,所占比例为24%。排在第三位的是请求信,一共考了4次,占19%。考得最少的是感谢/道歉信和建议信,分别只考了3次和2次。总体来说,2010年G类不同类型的书信作文出现的频率总体上和2009年差别不大。比如考得最多的还是投诉信和常规说明信,但区别仍然存在,比如2009年经常出现的感谢/道歉信今年大幅缩水,感谢信加道歉信一共才考了3次;此外以往曾考过的一些信件,比如邀请信,求职信,咨询信,申请信等,今年完全“绝迹”。笔者估计这主要是因为这些信件模式化太强,在网上能够找到大量的“标准模板”,以致难以考察考生的真实写作水平,因此命题者有意淡化了这些类型的书信。此外,和大作文一样,书信题当中也同样存在大量的“老题重现”的情况,这种情况在考得最多的投诉信当中尤为明显。比如今年1月23日考的投诉电话公司寄错电话账单的题目就是多年之前考过的老题,这次又一个字没改地出现了。即使在同一年的题目当中,我们也可以发现有的题目基本内容也是雷同的,比如今年3月20日考的投诉信是投诉你上次旅游的旅行公司的,而11月4日的投诉信则是投诉你上次旅游所乘坐的航班,除了投诉对象不同之外,我们可以发现在实际写作的过程中这两封投诉性的绝大多数内容都完全可以是一样的。 2011年书信作文命题展望: 根据今年书信作文考察的规律,笔者认为投诉信,说明信这两种类型的信件由于其内容的丰富性和灵活性,仍然将成为2011年G类书信作文的重点。相反,像前面提到的邀请信,求职信等信件类型则由于模式化太强将会慢慢淡出。因此,对于有充足准备时间的G类考生,笔者建议可以将今年出现过的5种书信类型每一种都写一篇完整的文章;对于复习时间比较紧张的同学来说,则只需要保证投诉性和常规说明信各写一篇即可。

2019-雅思G类写作部分大作文真题集锦-优秀word范文 (1页)

2019-雅思G类写作部分大作文真题集锦-优秀word范文 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 雅思G类写作部分大作文真题集锦 下面雅思为大家整理了真题集锦,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。 G 类: In many countries , people dont wear their national costume . Many people think it will forget their history and tradition . So , people should be encouraged to wear national costume every day . You agree or disagree . G 类: Do you think people do different jobs they should have different time holiday are you agree or disagree , give your reason an explain . G 类: Parent should limit children time of watching TV and playing computer game , others Insister children spend reading books , agree or disagree ? G 类: People doing different kinds of work enjoy different amount of holiday time . Should people have the same amount of leisure time ? Give your opinion using some of your own experience . G 类: Some people think that childrens lives will be different from their own . What is your opinion ? Explain the reasons by your experience and examples . G 类: The culture of different countries are becoming similar so there is no point for people to go traveling abroad for they could have same experience at home agree or disagree . G 类: Today some person has to work away from his family , what is the advantages and disadvantages ? Give your opinion and some explanations of your experience . G 类: You and your family are living in a rented accommodation in an English - speaking country , You are not satisfied because there are something wrong with the furniture . So write a letter to the landlord and ask how to resole the problem .

雅思G类大作文真题范文:住在大城市公寓的利弊 2018-01-05: India

In many cities today, most people live in large apartment blocks. Does this kind of accommodation have more advantages or disadvantages? 范文1 Indeed, the modern tendencies show the clear picture that a huge amount of people prefer to live in apartment building and, obviously, it has own pros and cons for the citizens. In this essay , I will try to show my extended view to this statement. First of all, bying an apartment provides a valuable benefits to the owner, such as price for the flat, doubtless, the cost for the apartment block is a quite less cheaper in comparison to cottage house and hence people could gain a consierge, laundry and 24/7 monitoring facilities. Secondly, the apartments usualy located on the city territory and hereby gives a great opportunity for the citizens, fo instance, easy accessibility to the entertainments, transport services, educational buildings and etc. Obviously, this services arranging people’s life more comfortable. However, living in large apartmnets block is flawed owing to several reasons. To begin with, not all of us are so lucky to live in a friendly apartment community. Some of neighbours could be totally noisy and it inevitably them to obey to house community’s rules in order to avoid nnpleasant consiquinces with neighbours. Morover, there is no doubt, that block apartmnets mostly located in urban area which regarded as having negative impact on environment caused by building materials, construction methods and etc. To sum up, choosing living in large block apartmnets connected to people personality. During selection where to buy a house, people must take into their consideration the pros and cons of living in apartment and compare to current potential needs. It is the only way to make the right choice. 范文2 People make choices about the kind of accommodation they prefer to live in considering their budget, specific requirements and suitability. In the contemporary era, most people prefer large apartment complexes over isolated houses due to various reasons. A few others would go for a house rather than an apartment because of the increased privacy and more independence. However, I personally believe that advantages of living in an apartment visibly outweigh the disadvantages. To begin with, one of the greatest benefits an apartment has to offer is convenience such as sports facilities, laundry facilities, pools and security around the clock. All these amenities are available at very reasonable and economical packages to the residents of these building blocks. Apart from the amenities and security aspects, the diversity of cultures is one of the joys apartment blocks are offering to their residents. Undoubtedly, living in a residential block has a great social aspect, the feeling of being a part of the community which might enable people to develop life-long connections. The crime statistics from 2016 revealed the fact that those who had been living in


2006 060121 Some people think that spending a lot on birthday celebrations and weddings is a waste of money.But others think that it is important to young people and the society. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 060211 In many families parents buy too many expensive toys to keep children occupied. Children need less time with toys and more time with parents. What’s your opinion on this? 060225 Some people think it is better for people to change their career at least once in their life and do different kinds of jobs. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 060311 People generally know that the environment is important. However, most individuals still don’t take responsibility to protect the environment. Why is this? What should be done to encourage people to protect the environment? 060325 In some countries, road transport is taking over rail services as the main means of transportation. Is this a positive or a negative development? To

雅思G类 小作文

Topic 1 抱怨产品质量 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You have bought a washing machine. First you found that the machine damaged your clothes and you had it changed. Then you found that the new one seriously entangled the clothes. Write to the manager of the department store to complain about it.2You should write at least 150 words. Dear Sir or Madam, A few months ago I purchased a washing machine (Sanyo XQB50-68)from your department store. After a few weeks I found that it had seriously damaged the clothes. I asked you to change one for me, which you did. Now I want to ask you to change this one for me again. This one does not damage my clothes any more, but I have found that it tangles the clothes seriously and when it automatically begins to spin the water out, the machine shakes so heavily that it stops by itself. In the instruction booklet you have not mentioned this defect and neither have you told the user how to solve the problem. I am quite annoyed by the fact that sometimes when I came back from work to take the clothes out to dry, they were still unwashed. When I at home. I have to tend it frequently to untwist the entangled clothes. Is that what you call your machine “fully automatic”?/please change anew one for me that will not entangle the clothes. Otherwise, I would ask you to give my money back, or I would complain to the Consumers' Association. Yours sincerely, 2. 抱怨服务质量 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You went shopping one day and you had received very bad service in a shop. You want to complain to the boss. Write a letter to complain about the bad service. You should write at least 150 words. Dear Sir or Madam, Much of my regret, I write this to place a complaint against one of your shop-assistants about his bad service. Yesterday morning about 10 o'clock my husband, I and a lady friend of ours came to your shop with the intention to buy some souvenirs. One of the shop-assistants, whose badge number was 29 if I remembered right, was asked to


雅思G类写作常用词汇句型 今天小编整理了雅思G类写作常用词汇句型,希望能帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思G类写作工作申请信常用词汇 G类小作文工作申请信写作常用词汇: a solid theory foundation坚实的理论基础 advertisement广告 all-round全面的 an intimate knowledge of熟练的知识 applicant申请人 apply for申请 be available for an interview可以参加面试 be qualified for有资格 character/personality性格,个性 contact number联系电话 competent有能力的 diploma毕业证 expected salary期望得到的薪水 graduate (from)毕业 have a good command of对掌握熟练 interpersonal skills人际关系的技巧 meet the requirements满足要求 practical experience实践经验 qualification资格 vacancy空缺 working experience工作经验 雅思G类写作工作申请信常用句型

G类写作工作申请信写作常用句型: 1) I have read your advertisement in Jinan Daily for a position of a sales engineer. 2) I wish to apply for the position of…which you advertised in yesterday’s Jinan Daily. 3) I am very interested in exploring the possibility of obtaining a position as a sales engineer with your company. 4) I read with interest your advertisement which appeared in…and would like to take up the challenge as a… with your firm. 5) After completing my four-year course at…university in 1991, I was employed by ABC company as a… 6) I believe I am well prepared, both psychologically and academically, for the post. 7) I believe I have the appropriate qualifications and experience for this post, and therefore, here I am enclosing my curriculum vitae. 8) Upon graduation, I first worked as…The following job was..., and currently I am working for... 9) I am available for an interview every afternoon. Please contact me at… 10) I hope that after reviewing my enclosed resume you will kindly give me an interview so that I can elaborate on my studies and working experience. 11) I hope you would consider my application favorably and grant me an interview. 12) With the kind of experience I have accumulated, I would expect a salary of not l ess than… 雅思G类写作Study Pursuit常用词汇 G类小作文Study Pursuit写作常用词汇:


Task 1 (G) ?Types of Letter https://www.360docs.net/doc/bb13472871.html,plaint 2.Enquiry 3.Request 4.Apology 5.Acknowledgement 6.Suggestion 7.Job application 8.Recommendation 9.Self-introduction 10.Invitation ?Format of a letter Dear … ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- (Regards ) Closure Signature ?称谓 ?To an organization: Formal ?Dear Sir or Madam ?Dear Mr. / Mrs./Miss/Ms. + surname ?To those who are concerned/ To whom it may concern ?齐头式 ?To an individual/friend: Formal or semi-formal ? Dear Professor + Surname

Take care Cordially yours, Tactics for Task 1 (General Training) Structure ——unknown authority/stranger Dear Mr./Ms./Prof/Dr (Surname), ——known authority ——friend/relative Re: (position)——only for application letter As one of your (identity) s, I am writing this letter to express my (emotion) ——formal I am (name) , writing to you for (purpose) ——informal Question 1&2——explanation of the whole event and expression of some emotion Question 3——offer your own solution Looking forward to your early reply and thanks for your great effort to deal with it. Yours sincerely (English name) Emotion Words Complain Request Thanks Apology Invitati on App/Rec om Junk Words discomfo rt concern thanks regret invitatio n confiden ce


2009-2012年雅思G类(移民类)写作真题汇总 大作文汇总 1. Some people argue that the technology such as mobile phone (cell phone) destroys social interaction. Do you agree or disagree? (100109) 2. Young people have different ideas and attitudes with their parents and grandparents. What are the differences? What problems may be caused? (100211) 3. Many people are moving to big cities. Why is that? Do you think it is a good trend? (100123) 4. Some people argue that the purpose of zoos is only to entertain people. What do you think? What other purposes of zoos? (100220) 5. Wearing fashionable clothes is becoming important today. Is the attitude to wearing fashionable clothes leading to a positive development or negative develo pment? (100306) 6. Some people who failed at school can be highly successful in their adult life. Discuss why does this happen? And what are the main factors to get a successful life? (100320) 7. In some societies, more and more people choose to live on their own. What is the reason for this, and is it a positive or negative trend? (100410) 8. More and more young children have mobile phone. Some people say it is a good thing for them, while others say it is a bad thing. What is your opinion? (100417) 9. In some countries, age of 18 means adults, while in other countries, it should be older. Give your own opinion and talk about the responsibility of an adult. (100520) 10. Travel to and from work has become more difficult for many people, to solve this situation; employers should allow people to do some work at home. What’s your opinion and discuss the advantage and disadvantage. (100605) 11. In many countries, workers over 60 can still be found in the workplace. However, some people think it may cause some social problems and they should get retired. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (100626) 12. People nowadays are more easily influenced by fashion, especially on their clothes and hairstyle. What factors lead to the phenomenon? Is it a positive or negative trend? (100717) 13. Nowadays, some people believe advertising is useful and informative. Others believe advertising gives false information about the products and increase the price of goods, what is your opinion? (100731) 14. Money makes people's life much easier, but too much money can bring problems. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having lots of money? (100805) 15. Students in school should learn practical skills such as car maintenance and managing a bank account, as well as the traditional academic subject. Do you agree or disagree? (100821) 16.Schools should teach children good behaviour and introduce ideas of 'right' and 'wrong’. It should not only be left to parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (100911) 17. Modern lifestyles make many people hard to lead active and health lives. What are the factors contributing to that? How to suggest the governments and other large companies to help them do more exercise? (100925) 18. In many parts of the world, shopping is no longer just buying what you need. It has been transformed into a form of entertainment. Why does this happen? Is it a positive or negative development? (101009) 19. In some countries, young criminals were not put in prison; instead, they are required to do unpaid work in community. Do you think it has more advantages or disadvantages? (101104)


今天,环球雅思为大家带来了雅思G类小作文之书信的格式分类汇总,我们将从书信的格式分类和书信的汇总两方面来详述,大家阅读之后将会了解3种书信格式,和8中书信类型。值得考友们收藏。详情请看下文: 一、雅思G类小作文之书信的格式 书信包括三个内容,即称呼、主体部分和署名。 称呼——开头段(2句) 主体部分——(8—10句) 信末礼貌语和署名——结尾段(2句) 格式1、称呼:有三种方法。 A、如果收信人是企业、团体、或机构,不知道收信人的名字和性别,那么就用Dear Sir or Madam,或者To whom it may concern; B、如果收信人是一个认识的人(知道这个人的性别和姓名),但是这个人并不是熟悉或者亲密的朋友,那么一般用Dear Mr. or Ms. + 收信人的姓,比如Dear Mr. Smith 等。 C、如果收信人是自己熟悉的朋友,那么一般用Dear + 收信人的名,例如Dear John. 格式2、主体部分 信件内容分为:投诉信、询问信、建议信、求助信、道歉/解释信、感谢信、邀请信和求职信。根据信的内容不一样,语气也要有所不同。另外,还要注意使用的语言。如果是给熟悉的朋友写信,要使用比较随意的语言。但是如果是正式的商业信件,那么一定要使用正式的语言。 格式3、信末的礼貌语和署名 A、如果写解释信,常用yours faithfully, yours truly; B、其他时候,一般用yours sincerely,这是最常见的用语; C、如果写给很好的朋友,一般用yours,with love and best wishes,lots of love等。 D、签名可以随便写,不一定要写真名。 二、雅思G类小作文之书信的分类 分类1、投诉信 A、具体描述当时的情形,譬如说人物、时间、地点和原因; B、指出具体的原因; C、概括说明问题所产生的后果; D、指出并支持自己的一个特定要求; E、清晰说明读信的人可以做什么来补救自己目前的局面; F、建议解决方法并指明解决的时间限制; G、未必一定要使用激烈的言辞,最好使用比较礼貌的用语。


最新雅思写作题目集锦 普通培训类小作文(书信类) 1.You are going to London for a visit, and you would like to spend two days in visiting a library as you are doing a research project. Write a letter to the library assistant, asking him/her for help and specifying your requirements.(Request) 2.When you were painting your rented apartment, you accidentally damaged something in one of the rooms. Write to your landlord, explaining the reason for writing the letter and how the whole thing happened. Finally, you should suggest how you can compensate for the damages.(Apology) 3.You are an international student who studies in a college without sports facilities. Write to the manager of a sports club nearby, inquiring about what procedures are needed before you can join the club.(Inquiry)


雅思G类写作最新小作文高分范文 雅思写作如何能够取得高分,需要平时的积累和训练,今天给大家带来了雅思G类写作最新小作文高分范文,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思G类写作最新小作文高分范文之挂失信 雅思G类小作文之挂失信 主题:给旅行保险申报你遗失了一件贵重物品 On a recent holiday you lost a valuable item. Fortunately you have travel insurance to cover the cost of anything lost. Write a letter to the manager of your insurance company. In your letter describe the item you lost explain how you lost it tell the insurance company what you would like them to do. 雅思G类小作文参考范文: Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to make an insurance claim for an item that I lost while on holiday last week.

The item is a wristwatch that I inherited from my grandfather. Both the watch strap and the face are made of gold, and the watch is worth a considerable amount of money. It also has great sentimental value. I believe that I must have left the watch on the beach in front of the hotel where I was staying. I did return to search for it, but I can only assume that it was either covered in sand or that it had been washed out to sea. I took out comprehensive travel insurance with your company, and my contract states that all lost items are covered. I would therefore ask that you review the attached information regarding the estimated value of the watch, and that you process my claim as quickly as possible. Please let me know if you require any further information. Yours faithfully, Paul Jones 雅思G类写作小作文高分范文之感谢信旅拍照片 雅思G类小作文 主题:问你的朋友要你们旅行时拍照的照片
