




as we know, we would feel lonely if we didnt even have a friend. but it doesnt mean we could depend on our friends all the time. there is a famous motto saying that “a friend is like a quilt with cotton wadding, but the real thing that keeps you warm is your own temperature.” it is really true. we have to work hard together with our friends, encourage each other and help each other. when we receive love and friendship, we should repay as much as we can.

finally, lets pray together now that one day, all of us could find the person we want to find, and could enjoy a real beautiful friendship in our lives. lets pray the flower of friendship be-tween our friends and us would always bloom brightly in our hearts.


however, in this fast-developing modern society, the reality is not that. more and more people forget to enjoy the beauty of life and -the beauty of friendship. they work hard in order to gain a higher position, in the society and to earn more money for their work. of course, we dont deny that it is important to find a bet-ter place in our lives, but we wish more and more people could pay a little more attention to themselves and their friends. all of us have to spare some time for personal lives. we have to find the chance to express our emotion and love. when staying with our friends, we can release ourselves completely. we can do whatever we want, we can laugh together, talk together, and even cry to-gether. i should say that being together with our best friends is the most wonderful moment of our lives.

as we know, we would feel lonely if we didnt even have a friend. but it doesnt mean we could depend on our friends all the tim e. there is a famous motto saying that “a friend is like a quilt with cotton wadding, but the real thing that keeps you warm is your own temperature.” it is really true. we have to work hard together with our friends, encourage each other and help each other. when we receive love and friendship, we should repay as much as we can.


英文三分钟演讲稿故事6篇English three minute speech story document 编订:JinTai College

英文三分钟演讲稿故事6篇 小泰温馨提示:演讲是指在公众场合,以有声语言为主要手段,以体 态语言为辅助手段,针对某个具体问题,鲜明、完整地发表自己的见 解和主张,阐明事理或抒发情感,进行宣传鼓动的一种语言交际活动。本文档根据题材主题演讲内容要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便 于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:英文三分钟演讲稿故事 2、篇章2:英文三分钟演讲稿故事 3、篇章3:英文三分钟演讲稿故事 4、篇章4:英文三分钟演讲范文 5、篇章5:英文三分钟演讲范文 6、篇章6:英文三分钟演讲范文 演讲是一门艺术,英语演讲靠的不单单是英语能力,还 有演讲的方式与方法。比如说,演讲稿就是很重要的一环。以下是小泰为你整理的英文三分钟演讲稿故事,希望能帮到你。篇章1:英文三分钟演讲稿故事

once upon a time, a weenie ant was walking on his way. as he was walking, suddenly he felt the ground shaking terribly. he looked around with his paranoid eyes and saw an elephant walking right behind him. quickly, the little ant covered himself with dirt, but one leg was unfortunately left out. a sparrow saw everything, so she flew down with the purpose of teasing the ant: “hey, chicken! watch out your leg, it’s out!” the ant felt embarrassed at first but then calmly responded: “ shi…i am going to trip that elephant.” right now, i’m standing on this glamorous stage. but everything here reminds me of is a not so fun memory. around this time last year i was in nanjing competing in another speech contest. that was the first time for me to be in such a large event. of course the pressure i was under was immense too. after a sleepless and stressful night, i went onto that stage without the feeling in my legs. that speech turned out to be horrible. i don’t remember how i get


英语课堂演讲三分钟小故事 演讲是一门艺术,好的演讲自有一种激发听众情绪、赢得好感的鼓动性。有哪些英语演讲稿比较经典呢?以下是OK为你的英语课堂演讲三分钟小故事,希望能帮到你。 every teacher in this school can give a course as they like. there is no tedious rating, no scraps of quantitative management and no rigid standard. teachers can fully display their personality in class, and they feel very happy and content to teach. every morning, on thoughts of giving lessons, they are excited. after class, they are delighted , with smiles on their faces. some experts, scholars and masters are also visiting teachers in this school.yang zhenning can give physics classes for a day. yi zhongtian opens lectures on chinese culture for a week. speaking of music, we can ask wang lihong to give music lectures, just as he did in oxford university. if necessary, we can also invite david beckham to speak something about the world cup … the principal of the school focuses on education rather than waste time in endless meetings and social activities.


课前3分钟的精彩励志故事 挫折谋面非坏事,人生成长在这时;失败临门非霉事,智慧增添在今时;笑对人生不顺事,人生幸事不远期;乐看天下困难事,莫愁前方辉煌稀。下面由小编与大家分享课 前3分钟的精彩励志故事,希望你们喜欢!欢迎阅读! 励志故事1:谁妒忌你,就感谢谁 巴赫被称为音乐界“不可超越的大师”,他出生于德国中部的一个小镇,9岁丧母,10丧父。15岁时,巴赫只身离家,走上了独立生活的道路。巴赫靠美妙的歌喉与出 色的古钢琴、小提琴、管风琴演奏技艺,进入吕讷堡的圣·米歇尔学校。图书馆里藏有 丰富的古典音乐作品,巴赫一头钻进去,像块巨大的海绵,全力汲取着欧洲各种流派 的艺术。为了练琴,巴赫常常彻夜不眠,通宵达旦。 逐渐突出的才华,让巴赫像一块光彩照人的玉器,惹来不少人的妒忌。因此,虽 然巴赫很优秀,却很少有上台的机会。 起初,巴赫觉得奇怪,以为校长故意让他做一些幕后技术工作,直到有一次校庆 演出时,巴赫意识到,问题不是想像的这么简单,那次,巴赫再次被安排做幕后技术 工作,而才华远不如巴赫的笛斯诺,却参加了表演。 巴赫去找校长质问。校长告诉巴赫,因为每次表演前,都公开征求学生们的意见,而有不少人反对他上台。巴赫知道,是才华招来了妒忌。之后,巴赫尽量掩饰着自己。 果然不久,巴赫得到了一次上台的机会。巴赫走上台,拉了一曲小提琴,他投入 的表演,和悠扬的琴声,成为当场的佼佼者。但是,掌声并不热烈,许多人用妒忌的 目光看着他。从那以后,巴赫又失去了上台的机会。 那年,是学校的音乐年会,每个班级都推荐十名演员参加钢琴“同一首曲”盛典活动。巴赫也报了,但是,最后推荐名单出来后,并没有他。 巴赫知道,又是那些妒忌者在挤压他。巴赫心中如江河咆哮般愤怒,但是脸上却 非常平静。巴赫装做毫不在乎的样子,照常打扫着舞台。第二天,笛斯诺来向巴赫请教,如何以复调音乐演奏《米歇尔之夜》,巴赫说,不可能的。笛斯诺说,如果不能 以复调音乐演奏,那么,谁也没有把握胜出,因为参加演奏的同学实力相当,又是同 奏一曲,很难分出高下。


一分钟英语小故事演讲稿 一分钟英语小故事演讲稿 演讲稿是在一定的场合,面对一定的`听众,演讲人围绕着主题讲话的文稿。在当下社会,我们使用上演讲稿的情况与日俱增,那要怎么写好演讲稿呢?以下是整理的一分钟英语小故事演讲稿,希望对大家有所帮助。 一分钟英语小故事演讲稿1 in the matter of courage we all have our limits. there never was a hero who did not have his bounds. i suppose it may be said of nelson and all the others whose courage has been advertised that there came times in their lives when their bravery knew it had come to its limit. i have found mine a good many times. sometimes this was expected often it was unexpected. i know a man who is not afraid to sleep with a rattle snake, but you could not get him to sleep with a safety razor. i never had the courage to talk across a long, narrow room. i should be at the end of the room facing all the audience. if i attempt to talk across a room i find myself turning this way and that, and thus at alternate periods i have part of the audience behind me. you ought never to have any part of the


英文课前3分钟的演讲带翻译 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 下面是小编收集整理的范本,欢迎您借鉴参考阅读和下载,侵删。您的努力学习是为了更美好的未来! 英文课前3分钟的演讲带翻译篇一In June, the flowers in full bloom season; In June, and the wind blowing the Buddha, the sun is shining; In June, is also our festival; On this day, our school held a large festival performances. With the wonderful music, the curtain slowly rising, festival show began. You see! On both sides of the stage, slowly out of the pairs of girl wear kimonos, all is their dance, like a little flower in the wind, graceful; When the music becomes the high intense, they swing the waist, opened the ideologues floret umbrella, like a little mushroom in the rain, the dizzying. Oh! They are a little (a) class of performance. Is really wonderful! When the lights suddenly became dark, speed up the pace of music, a beam of red light in the middle of the table, a the grass skirt, with countless tails girl, with music and dancing. Oh! She in African dance! The festival performances, from grade school, every class of performance are selected, many class can only choose a, and our class is very lucky, selected the two programs. "Saxophone


3分钟英语演讲小故事 无论在学习还是工作中,我们都会接触或用到各类英语演讲,小到 课堂作业和工作汇报,大到会议发言和职位竞选。那幺如何才能打造一篇精 彩的英语演讲稿呢?下面小编整理了3分钟英语演讲小故事,供你参考。 3分钟英语小故事(一)acountrymaidwaswalkingalongwithacanofmilkuponherhead,whenshefellintothefoll owingtrainofreflections.”themoneyforwhichishallsellthismilkwillenablemetoincreas emystockofeggstothreehundred,theseeggs,allowingforwhatmayproveaddle,andwhat maybedestroyedbyvermin,willproduceatleasttwohundredandfiftychickens.thechicke nswillbefittocarrytomarketjustatthetimewhenpoultryisalwaysdear;sothatbythenewye aricannotfailofhavingmoneyenoughtopurchaseanewgown.green-letmeconsider- yes,greenbecomesmycomplexionbest.andgreenitshallbe,inthisdressiwillgotothefair, whereallyoungfellowswillstrivetohavemeforaparter;butno- ishallrefuseeveryoneofthem,andwithadisdainfultossturnfromthem.”transportedwitht hisidea,shecouldnotforbearactingwithherheadthethoughtthatpassedinhermind,when downcamethecanofmilk!andallherimaginaryhappinessvanishedinamoment.一个村 姑头上顶着一罐牛奶在路上行走。走着走着,她的脑子里浮现出一连串的幻 想:“我卖了这罐牛奶后,用这笔钱买鸡蛋,这样我有的鸡蛋可以增加到300 个。用这300个鸡蛋孵小鸡,这就算有坏的、生虫的,至少也能孵出250只 小鸡。等小鸡长大后,正好能赶上卖个好市价;那幺到了新年,我就能有钱买 一件新晚装。买一件绿色的——让我好好想想——对,绿色与我的肤色最相 衬。我穿上这件衣服去赶集,所有的年轻小伙子都会抢着邀请我做舞伴;但是 不行——我要轻蔑地把头一扬,转身过去不理他们,让他们人人都碰个钉子。


课前三分钟演讲有趣的小故事大全 课前三分钟有哪些有趣的小故事可以做为课前演讲稿呢?下面小编为大家整理了几篇可以作为课前演讲稿的小故事,供参考! ? ?有趣演讲稿:跳鼠 在加州,生活着一种和袋鼠差不多的跳鼠。它们出去觅食时,谁都没有把握,不知道自己今天是否可以平安地回来。因为,一旦离开自己安全的巢穴,生死就在一线之间,一不小心,自己就会成为别人的晚餐。它们绝对不敢在外面玩耍,甚至不敢在外面吃东西,而是把食物全部塞到嗉囊中,带回安全的巢穴中才慢慢地享用。如果,它们这天出去找到的是种子类的好食物,它们的嗉囊就不会塞得太满;如果找到的是草类食物,嗉囊就会塞得很满,,因为只有这样,才能满足它们一天的消耗。跳鼠的身体很小,不及我们的手掌大,它的大脑应该只有黄豆般大小,但它们知道生命充满了挑战和变量,活过一天就多赢了一天。有教育意义的演讲稿:在森林中的人 有一个人走在森林中。突然,一只饥饿的老虎扑了上来。他赶快逃跑,最后被老虎逼到了悬崖上。他想,与其被老虎活活地咬死,还不如跳下悬崖,说不一定还有一线生机。他纵身跳下了悬崖,非常幸运地被卡在了一棵长在悬崖上的梅树上。树上结满了梅子。却有一对黑白老鼠在啃着树干。他想赶走老鼠,可是,他办不到,他被卡得太死了。他正在为这事发愁,谷底传来一声巨大的狮吼,低头一看,一只凶猛的狮子正抬头盯着他。他知道自己必死无疑了。这时,他反倒清醒了:反正都是死,还不如趁没死时好好享受一番。于是,他采来梅子吃了个饱,接着,美美地睡起觉来。 ?励志的故事:靠自己 小蜗牛问妈妈:为什幺我们从生下来,就要背负这个又硬又重的壳呢?妈妈:因为我们的身体没有骨骼的支撑,只能爬,又爬


一分钟英语小故事演讲 演讲作为一种重要的交流方式在西方拥有长远的历史,可以追溯到亚里士多德时期。演讲不分中外,所以,英文演讲在中国也甚是流行。下面是为你整理的几篇一分钟英语小故事演讲,希望能帮到你哟。一分钟英语小故事演讲篇一 in the matter of courage we all have our limits. there never was a hero who did not have his bounds. i suppose it may be said of nelson and all the others whose courage has been advertised that there came times in their lives when their bravery knew it had come to its limit. i have found mine a good many times. sometimes this was expected--often it was unexpected. i know a man who is not afraid to sleep with a rattle-snake, but you could not get him to sleep with a safety-razor. i never had the courage to talk across a long, narrow room. i should be at the end of the room facing all the audience. if i attempt to talk across a room i find myself turning this way and that, and thus at alternate periods i have part of the audience behind me. you ought never to have any part of the audience behind you; you never can tell what they are going to do. i'll sit down. 一分钟英语小故事演讲篇二 feeling of youth


英文美食英文演讲稿课前演讲5篇 篇一 here are different kinds of noodles in our country. In Shanxi the most famous noodle is sliced noodles in Guangdong it has dry fried noodles; in Si chuan people love spicy hot noodles very much. Born in Beijing and live in Beijing I love fried bean paste noodles the best. 在我国,有各种各样的面条。在山西,最著名的面食是刀削面;在广东,最著名的是伊面;在四川,人们最爱的则是麻辣面。作为一个土生土长的北京人,我最爱炸酱面。 The fired bean paste noodles is very easy to cook. First of it you should slice the cucumber into pieces cook the soy bean and green bean for about ten minutes then put these material in a bowl. Second stir-frying the paste. Mix the minced meat ginger and green onion and then put them in the pan keep frying the paste until you can smell the aroma. Last put the paste onto the noodles you have prepare and add the cucumber soy bean and green bean to the noodles. The fried bean paste noodles are done. If you have time you can try this I sure you will love it. 炸酱面很容易烹饪。首先,你先把黄瓜切丝,把黄豆和青豆用沸水煮上十分钟,然后把这些材料装进碗里面备用。其次,烹制炸酱。把肉末、洋葱和葱花混合在一起,不停地翻炒,直到你闻到肉香。最后,把肉酱淋在煮好的面条上,再放上黄瓜丝、黄豆和青豆,炸酱面就算做好了。如果你有时间,你一定要试试。我保证你会爱上炸酱面的。 篇二 China is very famous for its food in the world. There are many kinds of food in China. They're Cantonese food Sichuan food Shanghai food Hunan food and so on. Generally speaking Cantonese food is a bit light Sichuan food is


3分钟英语演讲小故事五篇 无论在学习还是工作中,我们都会接触或用到各类英语演讲,小到课堂作业和工作汇报,大到会议发言和职位竞选。那么如何才能打造一篇精彩的英语演讲稿呢?下面小编整理了3分钟英语演讲小故事,供你参考。 英语演讲小故事篇一 Nest and Hair My sister,a primary school teacher,was informed by one of her pupils that a bird had built its nest in the tree outside the classroom。 What kind of bird? my sister asked。 I didnt see the bird,ma am,only the nest,replied the child。 Then,can you give us a description of the nest? my sister encouraged her 。 Well,maam,it just resembles your hair。 Notes: 1 inform v。告诉 2 nest n。窝;巢 3 description n。描述 4 encourage v。鼓励

5 resemble v。相似;类似 鸟窝与头发 我姐姐是一位小学老师。一次一个学生告诉她说一只鸟儿在教室外的树上垒了个窝。 是什么鸟呢?我姐姐问她。 我没看到鸟儿,老师,只看到鸟窝。那孩子回答说。 那么,你能给我们描述一下这个鸟巢吗?我姐姐鼓励她道。 哦,老师,就像你的头发一样。 英语演讲小故事篇二 Julie was saying her bedtime prayers。Please God,she said,make Naples the capital of Italy。Make Naples the capital of Italy。 Her mother interrupted and said。Julie,why do you want God to make Naples the capital of Italy? And Julie replied,Because thats what I put in my geography exam! 翻译: 朱莉叶在做睡前祷告。上帝,求求你,她说,让那不勒斯成为意大利的首都吧。 妈妈打断她的话说:朱莉叶,为什么求上帝让那不勒斯成为意大利的首都呢? 朱莉叶回答道:因为我在地理考卷上是这样写的。


英语故事 jack is a young boy. he lives with his mother. they live in a small house. the family is poor. their cow, betsy, gives them milk. 杰克是一个年轻小伙子,他与妈妈相依为命。两人同住在一 间小屋子里,家里很穷。他们养了一只母牛,名叫贝琪,这 只牛供给他们牛奶喝。 one day, betsy has no milk. jack and his mother are hungry. jack, we need money, says his mother. take betsy to the market and sell her. 有一天,贝琪没有奶水了。杰克和妈妈肚子饿 坏了。 "杰克,我们需要钱。"妈妈说。"把贝琪带到市场去卖了吧。" jack isnt happy because he likes betsy. sadly, he walks her to the market. a man is standing on the road. he wants betsy. he has five beans in his hand. he shows them to jack. these beans are special. they can grow very high, he says. do you want them? 杰克很不开心,因为他喜欢贝琪。他难过地带着贝琪走到市场。一名男子站在路上,他 想要贝琪。他手中有五颗豆子,便把这些豆子拿给杰克看。 "这些豆子可是很特别的哟,它们会长得很高,"他说。"你想要吗?" jack likes the beans, so he gives betsy to the man. at home, his mother sees the beans. she is very angry. jack, we need money! she says. what can we buy with beans? 杰克很喜欢这些豆子,于是就把贝琪给了这个 男子。回到家,妈妈看到这些豆子非常生气。 "杰克,我们需要的是钱!"她说。"我们能用豆子买什么东西呢?" jack goes to bed. he is very sad. his mother throws the beans out the window. soon, a beanstalk is growing. it grows and grows and grows and grows! now, it is in the sky! 杰克伤心地睡觉去了。他的妈妈把豆子丢到窗外。 很快地,一株豆茎长出来。它长呀长的,现在已经 长到天上去了! jack wakes up early. he sees the beanstalk. where does it go? jack goes up the beanstalk. he goes up and up and up. finally, he is at the top. 杰克很早就醒了,他看见了豆茎。这株豆茎会通往哪里去呢?杰克沿着豆茎爬上去。他


英语课前演讲稿 英语课前演讲稿1 I like all kinds of outdoor sports.Such as playing table tennis,basketball,climbing the mountains,travelling,reading books and so on. Of all the hobbies,I like traveling best.I often go to other provinces with my parents during the https://www.360docs.net/doc/bb2570149.html,st year we went to Emei and visited Yunan Provice.I can learn different culture and peole when I travel.I can taste lots of local food,too. on weekends I like playing basketball with my father or my friends.When I play basketball,I forget all my worries and it can make me happy and keep fit.I want to be a basketball star like Yaoming. Hobbies are very inportand in our lives.When I am free,I like reading books.I get lots of knowledge from them.Books are like my good friends. 英语课前演讲稿2 From Monday until Friday most people are busyworking or studying,but in the evenings and off weekends they are free to relax and enjoy themselves.Some watch television or go to the

幼少儿英语演讲小故事A Proud Chicken

A Proud Chicken Characters: Chicken, Nina,Carmen, Fox Scene One: By the lake. (The Chicken is looking at herself in the water.) Chicken: How beautiful! I can fly! (The Fox hears the Chicken’s voice and wants to catch her.) (The Fox hides behind a tree.) Fox: hhh, I want to eat her. Fox: Oh, Nina is coming. Nina: Hello, Chicken. How are you ? Chicken: I can fly! Can you? Nina: No, but...look! (翻一个跟斗)Can you? Chicken: No, who cares! Good-buy! Nina: Buy , buy-buy! (The Fox comes out from behind the tree and follows the Chicken.) Scene Two: At the gate of Carmen’s house. Carmen: Good morning! Chicken:How’s everything? Carmen: Good, thank you . (The Fox hides behind a tree.)

Fox:Oh, I’m hungry. What shall I do? Chicken: I can fly! Can you? Carmen: Ah! ... N o, I can’t fly. Chicken: Good-buy! Carmen: Good-buy! Scene Three: By the lake (The Chicken walks up to the lake. The Fox follows her.) Chicken: Ouch! (The Chicken falls down by a stone. Then she sees the Fox.) Oh! My! It’s the Fox. Help! Help! Fox:Stop! I’ll eat you. Stop ! Chicken: Help! Help! Carmen: Don’t be afraid. Nina: I’ll help you! (Carmen & Nina drive the Fox away.) Fox: Carmen! Nina! Oh--No! (The Fox runs away.) Nina & Carmen: Are you OK? Chicken:Yes, I’m OK. Thank you.


3分钟演讲稿励志小故事 3分钟演讲稿励志小故事1 爱是不会老的,它留着的是永恒的火焰与不灭的光芒,世界的存在,就以它为养料。——左拉 这个感人的故事,发生在一辆公车上,公车沿着南方偏远公路蹒跚而行。 车子里的乘客,有位瘦弱的老人,手里握着一束鲜花,车过教堂时,上来一个少女,目不转睛地看着老人的鲜花。 到了老人快要下车时,他突然冲动地将自己手中的鲜花推向少女的怀中。他赶忙解释说:“我看得出来你很喜欢这束花,我想我太太也会很快乐你拥有这束花的。我会告诉她我把花送给你了。” 那女孩接受那束花后,目送老人下车,看着他渐渐走到一座小公墓的门口。 3分钟演讲稿励志小故事2 兔子的胆小是出了名的,经常受到的惊吓总是像石头一样压在它们的心上。 有一次,众多兔子聚集在一起,为自己的胆小无能而难过,悲叹自己的生活中充满了危险和恐惧。 它们越谈越伤心,就仿佛已经有许多不幸发生在自己身上,而这也就是它们之所以成为兔子的原因。到了这种地步,负面的想像便无止境地涌现出来。它们怨叹自己天生不幸,既没有力气和翅膀,也没

有牙齿,日子只能在东怕西怕中度过,就连想要抛弃一切大睡一觉,也有什么都听得见的长耳朵的阻扰,赤红的眼睛也就变得更加鲜红了。 它们觉得自己的这种生活是毫无意义的,这又成了它们自我厌恶的根源。它们都觉得,与其一生心惊胆战,还不如一死了之好。 于是,它们一致决定从山崖上跳下去了结自己的生命,结束一切烦恼。就这样决定了,于是它们一齐奔向山崖,想要投河自尽。这时,一些青蛙正围在湖边蹲着,听到急促的脚步声,如临大敌,立即跳到深水里逃命去了。 这是兔子每次到池塘边都会看到的情景,但是今天,有一只兔子突然明白了什么,它大声地说:“快停下来,我们没必要吓得去寻死寻活了,因为我们现在可以看见,还有比我们更胆小的动物呢!” 这么一说,兔子们的心情巧妙地恍然大悟起来了,仿佛有一股勇气喷涌而出,于是它们欢天喜地回家去了。 不要为我们现在的遭遇就抱怨命运的不公,实际上,世界上还有很多比我们更不幸的人,想想那些更不幸的人仍旧坚强地活着,我们又为什么不能呢? 3分钟演讲稿励志小故事3 一个人在森林中漫游时,突然遇见了一只饥饿的老虎,老虎大吼一声就扑了上来。他立即用最快的速度逃开,但是老虎紧追不舍,他一直跑一直跑,最后被老虎逼到了断崖边。 站在悬崖边上,他想:“与其被老虎捉到,活活被咬死,还不如跳入悬崖,说不定还有一线生机。”


英语故事4分钟演讲稿 编制:______________ 版本:______________ 修订:______________ 日期:______________

篇一 in order to protect our environment from being polluted, i will do some publicity with my classmates to explain the harmfulneof pollution.through this people will be able to realize the serious pollution human beings have made to the nature and realize the importance of a clean environment. in future they will reduce pollution in their daily life. harmony with the environment is that we live in on earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only one earth and the mountains on earth, the animals. plant human cells, if it damaged, destroyed nature organizations, to the eradication of mankind. therefore, the environment must be linked with social ethics, character education and practice acts as an important element of it. everyone must fulfil its responsibilities and obligations to protect the environment. environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. for example, cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by factories. trees on the hills have been cut down and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers.furthermore, wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. pollution is, in fact, threatening our existence. the earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations. fortunately, more and more people have realized these problems. measures have been taken to cope with


英语课前演讲稿3分钟 good morning ! my great pleasure to share my dream with you today.when i was a child, i wanted to be a teacher. my father was a teacher, and he taught me a lot. i worshiped him very much. on my tenth birthday, he asked me,“what do you want to be when you grow up?”i answered proudly,“i want to be a teacher like you!”on hearing this, my father was very happy and said to me, “work hard and your dream will come true.” not long ago, one of my primary school teachers was ill. she wanted me to take her place for two weeks. i was glad but nervous. my father said to me,“this is a good chance. seize it! i wish you success!” when i came into the classroom, the children were very happy. i introduced myself to them. soon, i got on well with them. they all liked me and i loved them. with my father and headmaster's help, i did the work very well. now, i often miss those lovely children. that experience had made me even more interested in being a teacher in the future. 早上好! 我伟大的高兴与你分享我的梦想当我还是个孩子的时候,我想成 为一名老师。我的父亲是一位老师,他教了我很多。我很崇拜他。在 我第十岁生日的时候,他问我:“你长大后想做什么?”我骄傲地回答,“我想做一个像你这样的老师!听到这个消息,我父亲非常高兴,对我说:“你的梦想会实现的。”不久前,我的一个小学老师病了。 她要我把她的地方给她2个星期。我很高兴,但紧张。我父亲对我说:“这是一个很好的机会。抓住它!祝你成功!“当我走进教室时,孩 子们很高兴。我向他们介绍我自己。很快,我和他们有了很好的。他
