


Section 1: Vocabulary and Grammar (25 poin ts)

This secti on con sists of 3 p arts. Read thedirect ions for each part before an sweri ng thequesti ons. The time for this sect ion is 25 minu tes.

Part 1 Vocabulary Select ion

In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choicesres pectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or p hrase which best compi eteseach senten ce. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required onyour Mach in e-scori ng ANSWER SHEET.

1. We have had to raise the p rices of our p roducts because of the in crease in the cost of _______ m aterials.

A. p rimitive

B. rough

C. orig inal

D. raw

2. With an eighty-hour week and little enjoyment, life must have been

very _______ for thestude nts.

A. hostile

B. an xious

C. tedious

D. obscure

3. Whe never the gover nment in creases p ublic services, more workers aren eeded to carry out these services.

A. employment to rise

B. employment rises

C. which risi ng employment

D. the rise of employment

4. Our flight to Guangzhouwas ________________ by a bad fog and we had to stay much Ion ger in the hotel tha n we had exp ected.

A. delayed

B. adjo urned

C. can celled

D. p reserved

5. Contain er-grow n plan ts can be plan ted at any time of the year, but in wi nter. A. should be B. would be C. p referred D. p referably

6. Both Ion gitude and latitude _ A. measuri ng B. measured C. are measured D. being measured

7. Most comets have two kinds of tails, one made up of dust, made up ofelectrically charged p articles called p lasma.

A. one ano ther

B. the other

because in degrees, minutes and seconds.

C. other ones

D. each other

8. Good pencil erasers are soft eno ugh not so that theycrumble gradually whe n used.

A. by damagi ng

B. so that they damage

C. to damage

D. damagi ng

9. The magicia n pi cked several persons ________ asked them to hel phim with the p erforma nee.

A. by accide nt

B. at ran dom

C. on occasi on

D. on average

10. On turning the comer, they saw the p ath _ A. departing B. desce nding C. decreas ing D. dege nerat ing

11. English Ianguage publications in China are growing in volume and

A. circulati on

B. rotati on

C. circumsta nee

D. app reciati on

121. Hydroponics __________ the cultivati on of plants without soil. A. does B. is C. do D. are

13. To impose compu ter tech no logy _____ en vir onment that isnot con ducive to lear ning.

A. with

B. to

C. in

D. on 14. Marketing is to the fin alcustomer.

A. rather tha n

B. other tha n

C. bigger tha n

D. more tha n

15. _______ a Ian guage family is a group of Ian guages with a com mon orig in and similarvocabulary, grammar, and sound system.

A. What lin guists call

B. It is called by lin guists

C. Lin guists call it

D. What do lin guists call

16. I n the eightee nth cen tury, the tow n of Bennington, Vermont, was famous for ________ po ttery.

A. it made

B. its

C. the mak ing

D. where its

17. _______ g et older, the gamesthey play becomeincreasingly complex. A. Childre n B. Childre n, whe n they

paper but hard eno ugh

from the audie nee and

stee ply.

teachers is to create an

just distributing goods from the manufacturer

C. As childre n

D. For childre n to 18.

______ of his childhood home in Hann ibal, Missouri, pro vided Mark

Twain with the inspi rati on for two of his most popu lar no vels.

A. Rememberi ng

B. Memories

C. It was the memories

D. He remembered

19. Dust storms most often occur in areas where the ground has little vegetatio n top rotect _______ of the wind.

A. from the effects

B. it the effects

C. it from the effects

D. the effects from it

20. Most nu rses are wome n, but in the higher ranks of the medical pro fessi on wome n are a ________ .

A. scarcity

B. mino rity

C. mi nimum

D. shortage Part 2 Vocabulary Rep laceme nt

This part consists of 15 sentences; in each sentence one word or phrase is underlined.Below

each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively

marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choosethe word or p hrase that can repl ace the underlined part without causing any grammaticalerror or changing the basic meaning of the sentence. There is only ONEhght answer. Blackenthe corres ponding letter as required on your Mach in e-scori ng ANSWER SHEET.

21. Shellfish give the dece ptive app eara nee of enjoying a p eaceful existe nee, although infact life is a con sta nt struggle for them.

A. misleadi ng

B. calm

C. un dersta ndable

D. in itial

22. The most strik ing tech no logical success in the 20th cen tury is p robably the compu terrevoluti on.

A. p rofitable

B. p roductive

C. prominent

D. prompt

23. Scie ntific evide nee from differe nt

disci pli nes dem on strates

in most huma ns the lefthemis phere of the brain con trols Ian guage.

A. groups of followers

B. years

C. coun tries

D. fields of study


Pu blic relati ons

p ractice is the deliberate, planned

susta ined effort to establisha nd maintain mutual un dersta nding betwee n an orga ni zati on and its p ublic.

A. compi ete

B. related

C. i nten tio nal

D. active



25.The use of the new tech no logy will have a profound effect on schools.

A. n egative

B. p ositive

C. strong

D. useful

26.If we look at the Chin ese and British concepts of hos pitality, we find one majorsimilarity but a nu mber of imp orta nt differe nces.

A. hostility

B. frie ndli ness

C. manner

D. culture

27.In just three years, the Net has gone from a pl aygro und for the local people to a vastcom muni cati ons and trad ing cen ter where millio ns swap in formati on or do deals around theworld.

A. bus in ess

B. shopping

C. chatti ng

D. meeti ng

28.Most species of this plant thrive in ordinary well-drained garden soil and they are best plan ted 8 cm dee p and 5 cm ap art.

A. devel op well

B. grow taller

C. mature

D. bear fruit

29.Motivati on is the driv ing force with in in dividuals that imp els them to actio n.

A. im pedes

B. i nterferes

C. holds

D. p ushes

30.The ultimate cause of the Civil War was the bombardme nt of Fort Sumter.

A. only

B. final

C. true

D. sp ecial

31.No hero of an cie nt or moder n days can surp ass the In dia ns with their lofty contemp tof death and the fortitude with which they sustai n

its cruelest afflictio n.

A. regard

B. courage

C. loss

D. trick

32.The service economydoesn't suggest that weconvert our factories

into laundries to survive .

A. imply

B. p ersuade

C. hurl

D. tran sform

33.It was rather stra nge how the habits of his youth clung to him still. He was 72.

A.stuck to

B. turned

C. led to

D. gave way to

34. He has a touch of eccentricity in his composition .

A. essay

B. writ ing

C. character

D. manner

35. Jim was a stout old gentleman, with a weather-beaten countenance . A. body B. skin C. shoulder


原始的,粗糙的,简单的,B.rough 粗糙的,粗略的,大致的: 最初

的,原始的,独创的:D.raw 未加工的,生的,处于自然状态

的,此处是指原材料,因此答案为 Do

2. C [分析]词义辨析。

A.hostile 敌对的,敌意的;

B.anxious 担忧的,渴望的:

C.tedious 单调乏 味的,沉闷

的,D.obscure 朦胧的,模糊的,晦涩的,此处指: ............... ,学生的生 活一定是单调乏味的。因此答案为 C 。

3. B [分析]语法应用。

逗号前是一个让步状语从句,because 又引导一个原因状语从句,因此所填 之处应为一个完整的主谓结构;B 为答案。

4. A [分析]近义辨析。

A.delayed 耽搁,延误,推迟(指由于某种原因推迟,稍后还将继续,但不 表明延期

的具体时间);女口: Theaccident delayed the train. 火车因事故晚点。

B. adjourned 使中止,推迟(一般指会议休会,则其在继续开);女口: The hearing will be adjo urned un til tomorrow morni ng. 听证会推迟至 U 明天上午举行。

C. cancelled 取消,

D.preserved 保存,保藏。

5. D [分析]词义辨析。 should be/would be 应是;preferred



6. C [分析]语法应用。

所填之处前面是主语,后面是状语,此处应是谓语,根据句意,此处又应用 被动语态,所以C 为答案。

7. B [分析]形近识别。

oneanother 互相(原则上,两个人/两个时用each other ,三个人/三个以 上则用 oneanother );女口: They looked at one another.


each other 相互;女口: They respect each other. 他们互相尊重;the other ( 在

D. Passionate interest


1. D [分


A.p rimitive 更适宜,


8. C [分析]语法应用。

“enough+不定式”(足够 ... 能)结构常置于形容词后作状语,表示结果, 本句是这一结构的否定式:所以 C 是答案。

9. B [分析]习语辨析。

A.by accident 偶然;

B.at random 随便地,任意地,胡乱地:

C.on occasion 有时,

D.on average 平均起来;因此B 为答案。

10. B [分析]形近识别。

A.departing 出发,背离;

B.descending 下降;女口: The path descends sharply. 这条小径

向下急降(下斜坡度很陡)。C.decreasing 减少,渐减;D.degenerating 退化,因此选项B 是答案。

11. A [分析]词义辨析。 A.circulation

流通,传播: B.rotation 旋转,C.circumstanee 条件,细

节,D.a PP reciation 欣赏,正确评价,增值,此句意为:在中国,英语出版物

在产量与销量(发行量/传递/流通)上日益增加。因此应选 Ao

12. B [分析]语法应用。

Hydroponics (水耕法,水栽培)虽带有词尾-s ,但表示单一概念,应看作是 单数名词,


be 动词,所以选Bo

13. D [分析]固定搭配。



+on/upon (对……)课税,使负担,把(想法等)强加(于某人), 他

于;D.more than 多过 ..... ,不止 ... , ... 以上 ;女口: The consequenee was muc

more than he imagined.结果远超过他的想象。本句意为:营销不仅仅是将货物 从生产者向



15. A [分析]语法应用。

本句是用名词性从句 What do linguists call a Ianguage family



16. B [分析]语法应用。



强迫(某人)接受:如: Healways tries to impose his opinion on others. 总是想强迫别人接受他的意见。因此选 D 。

14. D [分析]习语辨析。

A.rather tha n 胜于,

B.other tha n

不同于,除了 ;C.bigger tha n

代词的所有格。如:Thesmall tow n is famous for its fine p ark.



本句逗号前是状语从句,空白处应填连词;主句主语是the games,因此选项A、B、D均不对:只有as “随着”符合句意,所以C为答案。


C A T T I三级笔译综合能力真题及答案解析

CATTI三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析(一) 一、Vocabulary Selection(本大题15小题.每题1.0分,共15.0分。In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are four words or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only one right answer. ) 第1题 Since writing home to their parents for money, they had lived ________hope. A in B for C on D through 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 固定搭配。live in hope生活在希望中;live for为……而生活,盼望;live on继续生活,以……为主食,靠……生活;live through度过,经受过;根据句意应填A。 第2题 ________get older, the games they play become increasingly complex. A Children B Children, when they C As children D For children to


CATTI三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析(三) 一、Vocabulary Selection(本大题20小题.每题1.0分,共20.0分。In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are four words or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only one right answer. ) 第1题 Marketing is ______ just distributing goods from the manufacturer to the final customer. A rather than B other than C bigger than D more than 第2题 The magician picked several persons ______ from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance. A by accident B at random C on occasion 第3题 English language publications in China are growing in volume and ______. A circulation B rotation C circumstance D appreciation 第4题


翻译资格考试三级笔译综合能力试题 Section 1: Vocabulary and Grammar (25 points) This section consists of 3 parts. Read thedirections for each part before answering thequestions. The time for this section is 25 minutes. Part 1 Vocabulary Selection In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choicesrespectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completeseach sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required onyour Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 1. We have had to raise the prices of our products because of the increase in the cost of______ materials. A. primitive B. rough C. original D. raw 2. With an eighty-hour week and little enjoyment, life must have been very______ for thestudents. A. hostile B. anxious C. tedious D. obscure 3. Whenever the government increases public services,______ because more workers areneeded to carry out these services. A. employment to rise B. employment rises C. which rising employment D. the rise of employment 4. Our flight to Guangzhou was ______ by a bad fog and we had to stay much longer inthe hotel than we had expected. A. delayed B. adjourned C. cancelled D. preserved 5. Container-grown plants can be planted at any time of the year, but ______ in winter. A. should be B. would be C. preferred D. preferably 6. Both longitude and latitude ______ in degrees, minutes and seconds. A. measuring B. measured C. are measured D. being measured 7. Most comets have two kinds of tails, one made up of dust, ______ made up ofelectrically charged particles called plasma. A. one another B. the other


英语翻译三级笔译综合能力模拟试题及答案解析(7) (1/20)SECTION 1 Vocabulary Selection In the section, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentences. There is only ONE right answer. 第1题 She did not______staying at home as she had some sewing to do. A.matter B.care C.object D.mind 下一题 (2/20)SECTION 1 Vocabulary Selection In the section, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentences. There is only ONE right answer. 第2题 I should like to rent a house, that is modern, cozy and, ______, in a convenient place. A.before all B.above all C.over all D.first of all 上一题下一题 (3/20)SECTION 1 Vocabulary Selection In the section, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentences. There is only ONE right answer. 第3题 Leading stress management experts say that life with stress would be dull and______. A.disorderly B.time-consuming C.fruitless D.unexciting 上一题下一题 (4/20)SECTION 1 Vocabulary Selection In the section, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentences. There is only ONE right answer. 第4题 Martin has created enough memorable______to make it easy to forgive his lows. A.youngsters B.nobles C.highs D.miserables


Section 1: English-Chinese Translation (英译汉)(50 points) 文章来源:The New York Times The Money Ran Out; Then the Villagers Stepped In HIGUERA DE LA SERENA, Spain —It didn’t take long for Manuel Garc ía Murillo, a bricklayer who took over as mayor here last June, to realize that his town was in trouble. It was 800,000 euros, a little more than $1 million, in the red. There was no cash on hand to pay for anything —and there was work that needed to be done. But then an amazing thing happened, he said. Just as the health department was about to close down the day care center because it didn’t have a proper kitchen, Bernardo Benítez, a construction worker, offered to put up the walls and the tiles free. Then, Maria José Carmona, an adult education teacher, stepped in to clean the place up. And somehow, the volunteers just kept coming. Every Sunday now, the residents of this town in southwest Spain —young and old —do what needs to be done, whether it is cleaning the streets, raking the leaves, unclogging culverts or planting trees in the park. “It was an initiative from them,”said Mr. García. “Day to day we talked to people and we told them there was no money. Of course, they could see it. The grass in between the sidewalks was up to my thigh. “


2020年英语翻译自己考试三级笔译真题(网友版) 10年来,中国经济发展实现了新的跨越,对世界经济增长的贡献 日益增大。10年来,中国平均关税水平从15.3%降至9.8%,达到并超 过了世贸组织对发展中国家的要求。10年来,中国总计从海外进口达8.5万亿美元,为各国发展提供了广阔市场。 中国经济社会发展的总体形势是好的。今年以来,在世界经济形 势依然复杂多变的情况下,中国有针对性地增强和改善宏观调控,着 力稳物价、调结构、保民生、促和谐,经济增长由政策刺激向自主增 长有序转变,国民经济继续朝着宏观调控的预期方向发展。 为了巩固经济社会发展良好势头,我们将坚持以科学发展为主题、以加快转变经济发展方式为主线,继续增强和改善宏观调控,继续处 理好保持经济平稳较快发展、调整经济结构、管理通胀预期的关系, 更加注重以人为本,更加注重全面协调可持续发展,更加注重统筹兼顾,更加注重改革开放,更加注重保障和改善民生。中国经济发展的 前景是光明的。中国经济保持平稳较快发展,对世界经济发展无疑将 是有利的。 In the past ten years, China's economy has made significant advance and its contribution to world economic growth has been growing. China's average tariff level has dropped from 15.3 percent to 9.8 percent, which is lower than the WTO requirement for developing countries. Its total imports in this period have reached 8.5 trillion U.S. dollars, creating a huge market for other countries. In the face of the complex and volatile global economic environment, China has taken targeted measures this year to strengthen and improve macro control, with focus on stabilizing prices, adjusting the economic structure, ensuring people's well-being, and promoting harmony. The


CATTI三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析(一) 一、Vocabulary Selection(本大题15小题.每题分,共分。In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are four words or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only one right answer. ) 第1题 Since writing home to their parents for money, they had lived ________hope. A in B for C on D through 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:分 【答案解析】 固定搭配。live in hope生活在希望中;live for为……而生活,盼望;live on 继续生活,以……为主食,靠……生活;live through度过,经受过;根据句意应填A。 第2题

________get older, the games they play become increasingly complex. A Children B Children, when they C As children D For children to 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:分 【答案解析】 语法应用。本句逗号前是状语从句,空白处应填连词;主句主语是the games,因此选项A、B、D均不对;只有as“随着”符合句意,所以C为答案。 第3题 Martin has created enough memorable ________to make it easy to forgive his lows. A youngsters B nobles C highs D miserables 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:分


全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试英语三级笔译实务试卷样题及答案英译汉样题选自2006年5月三级笔译实物 英语三级笔译实务试卷(样题) Section 1:English-Chinese Translation (50 points) Translate the following passage into Chinese Freed by warming, waters once locked beneath ice are gnawing at coastal settlements around the Arctic Circle. In Bykovsky, a village of 457 residents at the tip of a fin-shaped peninsula on Russia's northeast coast, the shoreline is collapsing, creeping closer and closer to houses and tanks of heating oil,at a rate of 15 to 18 feet, or 5 to 6 meters, a year. Eventually, homes will be lost as more ice melts each summer, and maybe all of Bykovsky, too. “It is practically all ice — permafrost —and it is thawing. ” The 4 million Russian people who live north of the Arctic Circle are feeling the effects of warming in many ways. A changing climate presents new opportunities, but it also threatens their environment, the stability of their homes, and,for those whose traditions rely on the ice-bound wilderness, the preservation of their culture. A push to develop the North, quickened by the melting of the Arctic seas, carries its own rewards and dangers for people in the region. Discovery of vast petroleum fields in the Barents and Kara Seas has raised fears of catastrophic accidents as ships loaded with oil or liquefied gas churn through the fisheries off Scandinavia, headed for the eager markets of Europe and North America. Land that was untouched could be tainted by air and water pollution as generators, smokestacks and large vehicles sprout to support the growing energy industry. Coastal erosion is a problem in Alaska as well, forcing the United States to prepare to relocate several Inuit coastal villages at a projected cost of US $ 100 million or more for each one. Across the Arctic, indigenous tribes with cultural traditions shaped by centuries of living in extremes of cold and ice are noticing changes in weather and wildlife. They are trying to adapt, but it can be confounding. In Finnmark, the northernmost province of Norway, the Arctic landscape unfolds in late winter as an endless snowy plateau, silent but for the cries of the reindeer and the occasional whine of a snowmobile herding them. A changing Arctic is felt there, too, though in another way. "The reindeer are becoming unhappy," said Issat Eira, a 31-year-old reindeer herder. Few countries rival Norway when it comes to protecting the environment and preserving indigenous customs. The state has lavished its oil wealth on the region, and as a result Sami culture has enjoyed something of a renaissance. And yet no amount of government support can convince Eira that his livelihood, intractably entwined with the reindeer, is not about to change. Like a Texas cattleman he keeps the size of his herd secret. But he said warmer temperatures in fall and spring are melting the top layers of snow,which then refreeze as ice, making it harder for his reindeer to dig through to the lichen they eat. "The people who are making the decisions, they are living in the south and they are living in towns,”said Eira, sitting beside a birch fire inside his lavvu, a home made of reindeer hides. "They don't mark the change of weather. It is only people who live in nature and get resources


英语翻译三级笔译综合能力模拟试题及答案解析(12) (1/20)SECTION 1 Vocabulary Selection In the section, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentences. There is only ONE right answer. 第1题 We have had to raise the prices of our products because of the increase in the cost of materials. A.primitive B.rough C.original D.raw 下一题 (2/20)SECTION 1 Vocabulary Selection In the section, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentences. There is only ONE right answer. 第2题 With an eighty-hour week and little enjoyment, life must have been very for the students. A.hostile B.anxious C.tedious D.obscure 上一题下一题 (3/20)SECTION 1 Vocabulary Selection In the section, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentences. There is only ONE right answer. 第3题 Whenever the government increases public services, ______ because more workers are needed to carry out these services. A.employment to rise B.employment rises C.which rising employment D.the rise of employment 上一题下一题 (4/20)SECTION 1 Vocabulary Selection In the section, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentences. There is only ONE right answer. 第4题 Our flight to Guangzhou was ______ by a bad fog and we had to stay much longer in the hotel than we had expected. A.delayed B.adjourned


CATTI三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析(三) 一、Vocabulary Selection (本大题20 小题.每题 1.0 分,共20. 0 分。In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences? Below each sentence, there are four words or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D? Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence? There is only one right answer ?) 第1题 Marketing is ________ j ust distributing goods from the manufacturer to the final customer? A rather than B other than C bigger than D more than 第2题 The magician picked several persons _________ from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance? A by accident B at random C on occasion 第3题 English language publications in China are growing in volume and ___________________________________________________________________________ ? A circulation B rotation C circumstance 第4题


模考吧网提供最优质的模拟试题,最全的历年真题,最精准的预测押题! catti 三级笔译综合能力模拟试题(三) 一、Vocabulary Selection (本大题20小题.每题1.0分,共20.0分。In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are four words or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only one right answer. ) 第1题 Corporations and labor unions have______great benefits upon their employees and members as well as upon the general publiC . A conferred B granted C flung D submitted 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 第2题 There has been a______increase in the form's sales. A minor B marginal C nugatory D peripheral 【正确答案】:B 【本题分数】:1.0分 第3题 A man has to make______for his old age by putting aside enough money to live when olD . A supply B assurance


2015上半年CATTI三级笔译真题及参考答案——英译汉 Section1: English-Chinese Translation (50 points) Forgenerations, coal has been the lifeblood of this mineral-rich stretch ofeastern Utah. Mining families proudly recall all the years they toiledunderground. Supply companies line the town streets. Above the road that windstoward the mines, a soot-smudged miner peers out from a billboard with theslogan “Coal =Jobs.” 犹他州东部有一个矿产丰富的小镇,那里的人们祖祖辈辈都以采煤为生。一提起在地下辛苦采煤时的情景,每个家庭总是倍感骄傲。街道两旁的煤炭供应公司一个挨着一个。在通往矿井的蜿蜒小路上方的广告牌上,一个满脸炭灰的矿工凝视着远方,旁边的标语写着“煤炭=工作”。 Butrecently, fear has settled in. The state’s oldest coal-fired power plant,tucked among the canyons near town, is set to close, a result of new, stricterfederal pollution regulations. 但是最近,小镇的人们心里充满了恐惧。联邦政府新颁布了一套更为严格的污染管理条例,这使得小镇附近峡谷之中的一家美国最古老的燃煤电厂频临倒闭。 As energy companies tack away from coal, toward cleaner, cheaper natural gas, people here have grown increasingly afraid that their community may soon slip away. Dozens of workers at the facility here, the Carbon Power Plant, have learned that they must retire early or seek other jobs. Local trucking and equipment outfits are preparing to take business elsewhere. 由于能源公司纷纷弃用煤炭,转而使用更清洁、更廉价的天然气,小镇的人们越来越害怕,他们的家园可能很快就会人去楼空。卡本电厂的几十名工人早就意识到,他们要么提前退休,要么另谋职业。当地的货运和装配人员正准备开发外地的业务。


CATTI 三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析( 一) 一、Vocabulary Selection (本大题15 小题.每题1.0 分,共15.0 分。In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are four words or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only one right answer.)第1 题

Since writing home to their parents for money, they had lived________hope. A in B for C on D through 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】: 1.0 分【答案解析】 固定搭配。live in hope 生活在希望中;live for 为,,而生活,盼望;live on 继续生活,以,, 为主食,靠,, 生活;live through 度过,经受过;根据句

意应填A。 第2 题 ________get older, the games they play become increasingly complex. A Children Children, when they B As children C For children to D C【正确答案】: 分1.0 【本题分数】:【答案解析】


模拟试题(三) 笔译综合能力 Section 1 Vocabulary and Grammar (60points) This section consists of 3 parts. Read the directions for each part before answering the questions. The time for this section is 25 minutes. Part 1 Vocabulary Selection In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices marked by letters A, B, C and D respectively. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET. 1.Jupiter_________ perhaps the most important planet of the solar system. A.was B. were C. is D. will be 2. The common garden pea, also called the English pea, _________ for its edible seeds. A.grows B. is grown C. growing D. grown 3. The olfactory regions of the nose are yellow, richly moist, and_________. A.fully fatty substances B. full, fatty substances C. full of fatty substances D. fatty substances are full 4. _________, the moon is important because it is the nearest to the earth of all heavenly bodies.


2006年11月全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试 三级笔译实务 Section 1 English-Chinese T ranslation (英译汉) (60 points) Translate the following passage into Chinese. The time for this section is 120 minutes. For all the natural and man-made disasters of the past year, travelers seem more determined than ever to leave home. Never mind the tsunami devastation in Asia last December, the recent earthquake in Kashmir or the suicide bombings this year in London and Bali, among other places on or off the tourist trail. The number of leisure travelers visiting tourist destinations hit by trouble has in some cases bounced back to a level higher than before disaster struck. "This new fast recovery of tourism we are observing is kind of strange," said John Koldowski, director for the Strategic Intelligence Center of the Bangkok-based Pacific Asia Travel Association. "It makes you think about the adage that any publicity is good publicity."It is still too soon to compile year-on-year statistics for the disasters of the past 12 months, but travel industry experts say that the broad trends are already clear. Leisure travel is expected to increase by nearly 5 percent this year, according to the World Tourism and Travel Council. "Tourism and travel now seem to bounce back faster and higher each time there is an event of this sort," said Ufi Ibrahim, vice president of the London-based World Tourism and Travel Council. For London, where suicide bombers killed 56 and wounded 700 on July 8, she said, "It was almost as if people who stayed away after the bomb attack then decided to come back twice." Early indicators show that the same holds true for other disaster-struck destinations. Statistics compiled by the Pacific Asia Travel Association, for example, show that monthly visitor arrivals in Sri Lanka, where the Dec. 26, 2004, tsunami left more than 30,000 people dead or missing, were higher than one year earlier for every month from March through August of this year. A case commonly cited by travel professionals as an early example of the trend is Bali, where 202 people were killed in bombings targeting Western tourists in October 2002. V isitor arrivals plunged to 993,000 for the year after the bombing, but bounced back to 1.46 million in 2004, a level higher than the two years before the bomb, according to the Pacific Asia Travel Association. Even among Australians, who suffered the worst casualties in the Bali bombings, the number of Bali-bound visitors bounced back within two years to the highest level since 1998, according the Pacific Asia Travel Association. Bali was hit again this year by suicide bombers who killed 19 people in explosions at three restaurants. Visits are also on the upswing to post-tsunami Thailand, where the giant waves killed 5,400 and left more than 5,000 missing. Although the tsunami killed more than 500 Swedes on the Thai resort island of Phuket, the largest number of any foreign nationality to die, Swedes are returning to the island in larger numbers than last year, according to My Travel Sweden, a Stockholm-based group that sends 600,000 tourists overseas annually and claims a 28 percent market share for Sweden. "We were confident that Thailand would eventually bounce back as a destination, but we didn"t think that this year it would come back even stronger than last year," said Joakim Er iksson, director of communication for My Travel Sweden. "We were very surprised because we really expected a significant decline." Eriksson said My Travel now expects a 5 percent increase in visitors to both Thailand and Sri Lanka this season compared with the same season last year. This
