

第15 讲读后续写之审题技巧


根据《考试说明》读后续写部分的要求,学生在续写时,要注意续写部分“与所给短文及段落开头语的衔接程度” “内容的丰富性和对所标出关键词语的应用情况” “应用语法结构和词汇的丰富性和准确性”

以及“上下文的连贯性” 。而这些,离不开有效的审题。续写审题,可以运用一些技巧,如审要求、审体裁、审时态、审原文要点及审段首



On a bright, warm July afternoon, Mac Hollan, a primary school teacher, was cycling from his home to Alaska with his friends. One of his friends had stopped to make a bicycle repair, but they had encouraged Mac to carry on, and they would catch up with him soon. As Mac pedaled (骑行) along alone, he thought fondly of his wife and two young daughters at home. He hoped to show them this beautiful place someday.

Then Mac heard quick and loud breathing be hind him, “ Man, that ' s a big dog! ” he thought. But when he looked to the side, he saw instantly that it wasn ' tw ao dlf,o qgu aict kallyl, but a

catching up with him.

Mac' s hearjtu mped. He found out his can of bear spray. With one hand on the bars, he fired

the spray at the wolf. A bright red cloud enveloped the animal, and to Mac ' s relief, it

fell back

shaking its head. But a minute later, it was by his side again. Then it attacked the back of Mac

bike, tearing opening his tent bag. He fired at the wolf a second time, and again, it fell back only to quickly restart the chase (追赶) .

Mac was pedaling hard now. He waved and yelled at passing cars but was careful not to slow down. He saw a steep uphill climb before him. He knew that once he hit the hill, he be easy ' d

caught up and the wolf ' s teeth would be tearing into his flesh.

At this moment, Paul and Becky were driving their car on their way to Alaska. They didn ' t think much of it when they saw two cyclists repairing their bike on the side of the road. A bit later, they spotted what they, too, assumed was a dog running alongside a man on a bike. As they got closer, they realized that the dog was a wolf. Mac heard a large vehicle behind him. He pulled in front of it as the wolf was catching up fast, just a dozen yards away now.


1.所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;

2.应使用 5 个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;



Paragraph 1:

The car abruptly stopped in front of him.

Paragraph 2:

A few minutes later, the other two cyclists arrived.


Mac 与朋友一起去游玩。路上,其中一位朋友的自行车坏了,他们就让 Mac 先走,并且表示之后他们会赶上他的。 Mac 在前行的时候,意外被狼追赶上了。他拼命逃,却得不到援助。这时,一辆车子停在了他前面??【推理技巧】

技巧 1:审要求根据要求“阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事” ,确定写作要求为读后续写。

技巧 2:审体裁


技巧 3:审时态语言要融入所提供的语境当中。根据故事的叙述视角,可确定时态为一般过去时。

技巧 4:审原文要点

Who: Mac, his friends, Paul and Becky

When: on a bright, warm July afternoon

Where: from his home to Alaska

What: cycled and adventured

Why: enjoyed life

技巧 5:审段首语两个段首句是很重要的续写提示,它们在很大程度上控制着情节的发展方向。学生可采用抓住段首句设问的方法来推理情节发展。如:

根据续写段落 1 首句“ The car abruptly stopped in front of him. ”可设问:

Whose car was it?

Why did it stop?

How did Mac feel?

What would they do?

根据续写段落 2 首句“ A few minutes later, the other two cyclists arrived. ”可设问:

How did they feel before they arrived?

What would they do after they arrived?






Paragraph 1:

The car abruptly stopped in front of him. Seeing the car stop, Mac jumped off his bicycle immediately and rushed to the door of the car. So frightened was he that he hardly said a whole sentence, but stammered, "The wolf ? , please let me in. " Seeing the wolf running towards the car , Paul opened the door without any hesitation, pulling Mac into the car. Three men in the car were staring out of the window and saw the wolf standing there, thinking how to fight back the wolf.

Paragraph 2

A few minutes later, the other two cyclists arrived. About a hundred meters away, the two men stopped and realized what had happened to their friend . Being aware of the wolf elty' asn dc ru

not to startle the wolf, they were determined to stay where they were and attempted to think out an idea. Suddenly, one of the cyclists touched the food bag which they brought. A good idea occurred to him that they could lead the wolf to the forest by throwing their beef and pork away. Smelling the flavor of the meat, the wolf turned around and ran alongside the meat. The two cyclists u-turned in a crossroads. What comforted the two cyclists was that Mac did not get injured. “ Thanky ou for stopping to save me,” said Mac to Paul and Becky. Mac and his two friends decided to go back home in case they would run into the wolf again.


(charitable foundation )正在招聘实习生( intern ),主要负责翻译等工作。请写一封自荐信,申请成为该





1. 词数 80 左右;



Dear Sir or Madam,

I 'm writing to apply for working as an intern at your charitable foundation.

I 'm presently a student of Senior 3. I can speak English fluently and I 'm often praised for my English writing as well. Besides, I 'm an active and enthusiastic person who enjoys working with different people and can adapt well to new situations. Charity is a noble cause, and I always have a strong passion for it. I believe that being an intern at your foundation will be a wonderful practice for me. I 'll be willing to send you any further information if you consider my request.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your reply.

2. 读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

As Andrea turned off the motorway onto the road to Brockbourne, it was four in the afternoon. At this time in December, it would be completely dark by five.

She was just coming out of the little village of Mickley when she saw an old lady, standing by the road, with a hand-written sign saying “ Brockbourne ” in her hand. Andrea was surprised. She had never seen an old lady hitchhiking (搭顺风车) before. Normally, Andrea would never pick up a hitchhiker when she was alone, thinking it was too dangerous. But what was the harm in doing a favor for a little old lady like this? Andrea pulled up a little way down the road, and the lady, holding a big bag, hurried to the car.

When she did get in, Andrea could see that she was not, in fact, so little. Broad and fat, the old lady had some difficulty climbing in through the car door. She wore a long old dress, and she had a yellow hat pulled down low over her eyes. She pushed her big brown bag down onto the floor under

her feet, and said in a voice which was almost a whisper. "Thank you dear I'm just

going to Brockbourne. ”

“Do you live there? ” asked Andrea.

“ No, dear, ” anstwh e rpeads senger, in her soft voice, Im just go“ing to visit a friend. He was supposed to meet me back there at Mickley, but his car won' t start, so I decided to hitchhike there isn a 'buts until seven.”

Something in the way the lady spoke, and the way she never turned her head, made Andrea uneasy about this strange hitchhiker. She felt that there was something dangerous. But how could an old lady be dangerous? It was absurd.

Careful not to turn her head, Andrea looked sideways at her passenger. She studied the hat, the dress, the shapelessb ody, the arms with their thick black hairs ?

Hairy arms? Andrea ' s blood froze. This wasn t a woman. It was a man. A robber in the

s face news flashed in her mind.

1.所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;

2.应使用 5 个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;



Paragraph 1:

At first, she didn 't know what to do and then suddenly an idea came into her brain.
