




1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共8页。满分100分,考试时间100分钟。答卷前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、座号填写在试卷和答题卡规定的位置。

2. 考试结束后,只须将第Ⅱ卷交回。




(一) 听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片。每个句子读两遍。E涂AB,F涂CD。



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

(二) 听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择最佳答案。对话和问题都读两遍。

6. A. Go to a movie. B. Join her friends. C. Do her homework.

7. A. Red. B. Blue. C. I don’t know.

8. A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A policeman.

9. A. To fly a kite. B. To make a kite. C. To sell kites.

10. A. She has to read. B. She has to run. C. She has no time for her hobby.

(三) 听短文,根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。短文读两遍。听短文前,你们有20秒钟的时间阅读下列句子。

11. Tigers ran out of the zoo last Friday.

12. Two of the tigers went to the hills nearby.

13. The old woman wasn’t afraid of the tiger because she used to play with tigers.

14. The tiger fell asleep after it jumped into the house.

15. The zoo keepers caught the tiger at last.



16. The handsome boy is from Class 2. ______ name is John.

A. Her

B. His

C. Your

D. Their

17. We drove 5 hours and finally got to the city _____ Sunday morning.

A. on

B. at

C. of

D. in

18. It’s very cold outside, _____ you’d better put on your coat.

A. or

B. so

C. but

D. unless

19. I knocked on the door but ______ answered.

A. somebody

B. anybody

C. everybody

D. nobody

20. After a lot of hard practice he was able to jump much ______ than before.

A. high

B. higher

C. highest

D. the highest

21. Most students like the teachers ______ understand them well.

A which B. who C. what D. that

22. You should drink _____ hot water if you have a fever.

A. plenty of

B. many

C. a lot

D. a few

23. — Do you know each other?

— Of course. We ______ friends for almost twenty years!

A. are

B. were

C. will be

D. have been

24. Many roads ______ for the coming Winter Olympics next year.

A. build

B. will build

C. are built

D. will be built

25. — What did Mr. Lee say just now?

— He asked ______ last week.

A. where we had a picnic

B. where did we have a picnic

C. where we will have a picnic

D. where will we have a picnic

26. —Is Mr. Baker at home?

—Sorry, he isn’t in. He ______to Shanghai on business.

A. has gone

B. going

C. go

D. goes

27. ______ exciting boat race it was! Many people watched it.

A. What a

B. What an

C. How

D. How a

28. I went to bed early yesterday ______ I was tired.

A. because

B. if

C. when

D. though

29. China’s first cargo spacecraft (货运飞船)Tianzhou-I _____ into the space on April, 20th, 2017.

A. sends

B. sent

C. was sent

D. is sent

30.—Your English is so good. Can you tell me _____?

—Reading English stories and watching English movies every day.

A. how you learn it

B. how you will learn it

C. how do you learn it

D. how will you learn it




Are you happy most of the time? Or do you easily get angry sometimes? Everyone has a different temperament (脾气) . It is usually believed that both genes (基因) and environment may influence people’s temperament in different ways. Scientists have found that the season of the birth also plays a role.

Scientists from Budapest, Hungary, studied 400 university students. In the study, the students needed to finish some questions to know which of four kinds of temperament they most had. From the questions , scientists found that the students always answered something like “my mood often changes for no reason” and “I love to deal with new projects , even if it is risky(冒险的).” These answers were then connected with their birthdays.

They discovered that people born in summer easily change between sad and happy moods compared to people born in winter. Those who always feel positive(正面的)are mostly born in spring and summer.

The study also found that those born in autumn less probably had a mood of depression which may easily make them cry, while those in winter were not easier to be angry.

Scientists said that this was probably because the seasons had an influence on certain chemicals in the human body. And the chemicals are important to control people’s moods even in adult life. “It seems that when you are born may increase or decrease your change of developing certain mood disorders” scientist Xenia Gonda told the Telegraph.


31. Ages probably may influence people’s temperaments according to the Paragraph 1.

32. The underlined the word “depression” most probably means sadness.

33. The answers to the questions of the study were matched with their birthdays.

34. People born in winter get sad or happy more easily.

35. The best title of this passage is “The Influence of Genes”.


I will never forget that unusual day! I kept hearing a strange noise while I was driving down a mountain in my car,so I stopped on the dirty road to check. There was a little green head looking at me in my backpack. “What are you doing there,little frog(青蛙)?” I said to myself. Well,you can imagine my surprise when I heard this frog answering me in the voice of a fr og. “Madam. I love to travel so much that I just can’t control myself when I see a backpack. ”

I just looked at him with my mouth open and didn’t know what to say.

“Oh, dear Madam,” continued the frog,“I am Mongy. Nice to meet you!”

“Nice to meet you,too! You can call me Christa. How is it possible that I can hear you,Mongy?”

“You wanted to get to know nature and the living things in the world,and you started paying attention to nature. Most people never pay attention to nature, so they only listen when they are young. But you heard the voices of nature calling you. You went even further than that and you tried to get along well with nature. That’s why you can hear me now. ”

It was at this moment that my life changed and I suddenly knew what my destiny(命运)would be from that day on.

36. The writer was_______ when she heard the strange noise.

A. driving down a mountain

B. checking her car

C. looking at a frog

D. talking to a frog

37. The writer looked at the frog with her mouth open because_______.

A. it was making a strange noise

B. it looked at her like a human

C. it answered her in the voice of a frog

D. it loved to travel

38. The frog was in the writer ’s backpack because it ________. A. wanted to talk to him.

B. loved to travel

C. wanted to make friends with him

D. was a fool

39. The writer could hear the frog for all of the following reasons ,EXCEPT because_______. A. she wanted to get to know nature

B. she paid attention to living things

C. she tried to get along well with nature

D. she had a special ability to talk to frogs

40. What does the writer want to tell us? A. Her terrible day.

B. About her special ability to talk with flogs.

C. To protect small animals.

D. To build a friendly relationship with nature.


从两组方框中选择恰当的单词填入文中空白处,使文章完整正确。(E 涂AB)

On a very busy day, our four and a half year old son, Justin Carl, kept making trouble again and again. After several tries, my husband George finally told him to stand in the corner. He did so 41 he wasn ’t happy about it. Finally, after a few minutes, he said, “I ’m going to run away from home.”

My first reaction (反应) was surprise, and then I got 42 . “You are?” I shouted. But as I turned to look at him, he looked like an angel, so small, so innocent (无辜的), with his face so sad.

As my heart felt his 43 , I remembered a moment in my own childhood when I spoke those words and how unloved and lonely I felt. He was saying so much more than just his words. He was crying, “Please notice me! I ’m important. Please make me feel wanted, loved and 44 .”

“OK, Justin, you can run away from home,” I said to him gently and started 45 out some clothes. “Well, we ’ll need slippers (拖鞋), your coat …”

“Mom,” he said, “what are you doing?” I put these things into a bag and 46 it by the door. “OK,

Justin, if

you’re going to run away from home, then Mom is going with you, because I would never want you to be alone.”

We held each other while we talked. “Why do you want to come with me?” I looked into his 47 . “Because I love you, Justin. My life would never be the same if you went away.”“Can Daddy come?”“No, Daddy has to stay at home with your brothers, and he has to work and 48 the house while we’re gone.”“Can Freddi (the dog) come?”“No, Freddi has to stay here, too.” He 49 for a while and said, “Mom, can we stay home?”“Yes, we can.”“Mom.”“Yes, Justin?”“I love you.”“I love you, too, honey. How about you help me make some popcorn?”“All right.”

At that moment I knew the wonderful gift that I had been given. It was the important responsibility to develop a child’s sense of security (安全感). I learned that as a 50 , I should never “run away” from the opportunity to show my children they are wanted, needed and loved.


I bought a jasmine (茉莉花) plant for my office . When I bought it, 51 and the sweet smell would fill my office .

I had the plant for two months. Every day I looked at it, but there weren’t any flowers or pleasant smell.52 , so I gave the plant to my friend Linda.

One day another friend Mary invited me to her office. When I walked in, her jasmine flowers surprised me. 53 . Mary cut some and gave them to me. I couldn’t help smelling them . Surrounded (被包围) by the sweet smell of only a handful of these flowers, I suddenly understood something .

Mary bought her plant the same time I did. It took a year for her jasmine to bloom. I was so impatient for mine to bloom. Regretfully(遗憾地), 54 . In a way my life is like the jasmine plant. I need to be patient and let things happen.

Last Sunday Linda told me that she was going abroad the next week. Before she left , she returned the plant to me .

55 . I have learned that when we want something in our life , we have to be patient , I am slowly learning to have patience to wait for my jasmine to bloom.

根据短文内容,将下面方框内的句子还原到文中空白处,使短文内容完整、通顺。(每个选项只能用一次)E涂AB 。(5分)


九年级英语试题 2018.01

第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共45分)


听对话,根据所听到的对话内容,完成下列句子。每空词数不限。对话读三遍。听对话前,你将有20秒钟的时间阅读句子内容(共 5小题,计5分)

56. What ’s Frank ’s job?

He is a ____________________________________. 57. How old is he?

He is _____________________________________. 58. How many hours per week does he watch television? __________________________________________. 59. What kind of programs does he like best?

___________________________________________. 60. What does he think of talk shows?

They are boring and make him ______________________________. 五、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答下列问题。(共5小题,计10分)

A few years ago , my husband and I were on an island for a weekend with our 3-and 4-year-old daughters . As we went back and thought about what to do next, our girls jumped in and told us exactly what they wanted to do . “We want to go to the butterfly museum,” said Ariela and Eliana.

As soon as we walked into the museum , we saw thousands of beautiful butterflies , all flapping (拍打) their colorful wings .

My girls were jumping up and down and I knew we had made the right decision to come to the museum. They were having so much fun. I turned to our museum tour guide because I was curious and asked, “How long do butterflies live?”She said, “About ten days.”“What can butterflies do in ten days?” I asked. The guide stopped, looked at me and said, “ They make the world a more beautiful place .”“Wow,” I said, “ I never thought about butterflies like that . Thank you.”

After we said goodbye, I couldn’t stop thinking about what the guide had said. She was right. We all have something to offer the world with the time we have. When we focus our gifts on taking care of each other every day, we can make a difference.

Appreciate (感激) the influence you can have on your family , friends , co-workers and neighbors. Like a butterfly, you have your own way of making the world a little better for everyone.

61. How many members are there in the writer’s family ?


62. Where did Ariela and Eliana go after the weekend ?


63. Why did the writer ask their guide some questions ?


64. Who can you have influence on in your life ?


65. What do you think of the life of a butterfly ?




66. You should speak to the old ________ (polite ).

67. After the teacher came in , all the students kept ______ (silence ).

68. I don’t like the movie . It doesn’t have a happy _____ (end ).

69. Tu Youyou won the 2015 prize for the ________ (discover ) of artemisinin(青蒿素).

70. Tom felt ________ (pain ) after he fell down .

71. We must pay attention to our _______ (safe ) when we cross the street .

72. The baby had a cold and coughed _______ (bad ).

73. Now Wu Jing is both an actor and a_________(direct).

66. ____________ 67. ____________ 68. _____________ 69. ______________

70. ____________ 71. ____________ 72. _____________73. ______________



Have you ever watched the dragon dance? How much do you know about the dragon dance? Today we will say something about it. Dragons 74 (be) a symbol of China and the dragon dance is a form of traditional dance in Chinese culture. In the dance, a team of people carry the dragon and 75 ( perform) wonderful dances. Through the lion dance, this traditional dance has spread all over China and to the whole world.

Traditionally, dragons 76 ( make) of wood, bamboo and a special kind of cloth (布). So they are always quite heavy . However, in modern times, dragons are much lighter because they are made of much lighter material. A dragon can be of different lengths. People believe that the longer the dragon is, the more luck it 77 ( bring). A small group cannot control a very long dragon .

The dragon dance itself 78 ( begin) during the Han Dynasty and it was started by the Chinese who had great respect (尊重) for the dragon. The dragon dance was already a popular event by the Song Dynasty. At that time, people 79 ( can) see it during important festivals. In the Qing Dynasty, the Dragon Dance Team of Fuzhou 80

( invite) to give a performance in Beijing. And the emperor spoke highly of it!

74. ____________ 75. ____________ 76. _____________ 77. ______________

78. ____________ 79. ____________ 80. _____________





提示:1. What do you usually do about after-class reading?

2. How do you feel after you do it?

3. What do you think of after-class reading?















1-5 CABFE 6-10 CBAAC 11-15 A ABAA

16-20 BABDB 21-25 BADDA 26-30 ABACA

31-35 BAABB 36-40 ACBDD 41-45 CABED

46-50 BEACD 51-55 CEBAD


56. doctor 57. 34 58. About five hours 59. Sports 60. feel sleepy


61. (There are ) four / 4.

62 They went to the butterfly museum.

63. Because he /she was curious.

64. My family, friends, co-workers and neighbors .

65. It’s short but beautiful.


66. politely 67. silent 68.ending 69. discovery

70. painful 71. safety 72. badly 73.director


74. are 75. perform 76. are made 77. will bring

78. began 79. could 80. was invited




1. 本题总分为15分,按五个档次给分。评分时,先根据文章内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的准确性及上下文的连贯性初步确定其所属档次,然后根据拼写、书写和词数等情况调整档次,最后给分。

2. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面。评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。如书写较差以


3. 书面表达次数应在60词以上,如不足50词,只能最高按二档给分。对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。

4. 对完全完成了试题规定的任务,语言地道、准确的书面表达,可给予满分。


本大题共15分, 请按以下五档标准进行评分。

第一档:(13—15分) 能写出全部要点,行文连贯,语言基本无误,完全达到写作要求。

第二档:(10—12分) 能写出全部要点,行文基本连贯,语言有少量错误,基本达到写作要求。

第三档:(7—9分) 能写出大部分要点,语言虽有较多错误,尚能达意。

第四档:(4—6分) 能写出基本要点,语言错误多,未达到写作要求。

第五档:(0—3分) 只写出一两个句子,语言错误多。0分为未表达任何与本题内容有关的信息,或只字未写。




(一) 听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片。每个句子读两遍。

1. You are supposed to shake hands when you meet someone for the first time in our country.

2. The first computer was invented in 1946.

3. I usually go swimming to keep fit.

4. Tom’s hobby is to collect some old CDs.

5. I just took my daughter to the zoo during my short holiday.

(二) 听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择最佳答案。对话和问题都读两遍。

6. M: Are you going to the theatre with us?

W: How I wish I could join you. But I haven’t finished my homework.

Question: What may the girl do?

7. M: Ellen, is this red hair band yours?

W: No, it’s not mine. Mine is blue. It must belong to Mary. She likes red best.

Question: What color is Ellen’s hair band?

8. M: Hello, Mrs. Brown. I’m calling to tell you that Jack has made much progress in school.

W: Has he? Thanks so much for all your help. He often talks about you at dinner table.

Question: What is the man’s job?

9. M: Hi, Maria. How was your vacation?

W: Oh, Daisy, it was great! I went to Weifang in Shandong. There’s an international kite festival there. And I learned to fly a kite.

Question: What did Maria learn in Weifang?

10. M: Hi, Susan. You look unhappy. What happened?

W: You know, I love reading and running. But I have to work with the computer day after day. I have no time for my hobbies.

Question: What makes Susan unhappy?

(三) 听短文,根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。短文读两遍。听短文前,你们有20秒钟的时间阅读下列句子。

Last Friday three tigers ran out of a zoo, because the keeper was careless in his work. Two of the tigers ran to the hills around the zoo, and the workers of the zoo caught them soon. The third tiger ran into a town. The tiger jumped in when it saw an open window on the first floor of a house. Inside, it found an old woman. She can’t see clearly. There’s something wrong with her eyes. She thought the animal was a large dog and she put her hand on its head. The large animal didn't mind her and went into the bedroom. It fell asleep on some old clothes. The workers of the zoo found the tiger there, so they put the tiger in a cage and carried it back to the zoo.


(四) 听写。


W: Excuse me, sir. I’m doing a survey about television. Could you answer some questions? It’ll just take a few minutes. M: Of course.

W: What’s your name?

M: Frank.

W: OK, Frank. Could you tell me your job?

M: I’m a doctor.

W: A doctor. And… how old are you?

M: Thirty-four.

W: Now, about how many hours per week do you watch television?

M: About five hours.

W: About five… Right. Now, what kind of programs do you like best?

M: Sports. I think they are exciting and interesting.

W: Could you tell me what you dislike most about television?

M: Well, I guess I don’t like talk shows. There are always too many of them. They are boring and they make me feel sleepy.

W: OK. That’s all. Thank you for answer ing my questions.

M: You’re welcome.


紫云自治县2016—2017 学年度第一学期期末教学质量检测试卷()13.—Do you often play football on the weekend? —________ 语五年级英 B. Yes, I do. C. No, I do. A. Yes, I am. 100分钟)100 分时间:(总分:)14. Where________the girl come from? ( A. are B. is C. does 题号一二三四五六七八九总分

()15. ________nice camera it is! 分得A. What B. How C. What a 评卷人 三、根据所给场景,选择合适的句子。(10 分) 分)一、找出下列单词中与众不同的一项。(10 ()16.当你想知道今天是星期几时,应问:C. hot B. sweet ()1.A. tea A. What day is it today? B. What do you have? C. It's Monday? (B. bike C. lake )17.当你想知道别人会做什么事时,应问:()2.A. river A. What do you do? )(3.A. park B. old C. young B. What can you do? C. What are you do? ()18.当你想知道别人最喜欢的食物是什么时,应问:()4. A. flower C. mountain B. tree

A. What's your favorite food? B. What 's your best like food? C. Sunday 5. A. Friday B. dirty ()C. What's your favorite fruit? 20 分)二、单项选择。(()19.当你想感谢对方时,应说:________is your English teacher? (6. )—A. You are welcome. B. I see. C. Thank you! Miss Liu. —()20.当你问别人想喝什么时,你应说: C. Who B. Which A. What A. What do you like? B. What would you like to drink? 7. I________ a student. ()C. What's your like? C. is B. are A. am 四、从 B 栏中选出 A 栏的最佳答语。(10 分)8.


一、单项选择(15分) ( )1.---How do you study _______a test? ----I study _______reading the textbook. A. for ; for B. for ; by C. by ; for D .by ; by ( )2. I don't know _______.Can you tell me________? A. how swim; what to do B. how to swim ; what to do it C. how to swim; what to do D. what to swim; how to do ( )3. Liu Xiang is one of ______ runners in the world. A. famous B. more famous C. the most famous ( )4. My brother spends too much time ______computer games. A. to play B. play C. plays D.playing ( ) 5. If I ____ ten million dollars, I ____travel around the world. A. have; will B. had; will C. had; will D .had; would ( )6.The young trees should ______well as often as possible A.be water B. watered C. watering D. be watered ( )7.He pretended ________me when he walked by. A. not see B. not to see C. don't see D. to not see ( )8._________that river ________very clean? A. Did ;use to B. Did ;use to be C. Does ;used to D. Does ;use to be ( )9.You__________to school so early. It opens at 7. A. needn't come B. don't need come C. needn't coming D. needn't to come ( )10.----How many people will come to Beijing next year? ----It's hard to say. _________people , I think. A. Million of B. Millions of C. Three millions D. Three millions of ( )11.-----Whose guitar is this? -----Susan plays the guitar. It must _______. A. belong to her B. belong her C. belong to hers D. belong hers ( )12.Do you like music ____makes you excited? A. that B. what C. who D. it ( )13.We prefer ________at the party rather than______. A. to sing; dance B. to sing; dancing C. sing; to dance D. sing ;dance ( )14.------Where would you like to visit? ------ I'd like to visit____ A. warm somewhere B. warm anywhere


2017-2018学年九年级(上)期末英语试卷 一、听力测试(25分).请听下面6段对话.每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项.听完每段对话后,你都将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话读两遍.(每小题1分) 1.(1分)What did the woman order? A.The fruit salad. B.The vegetable salad. C.The soup. 2.(1分)Where does the man want to go? A.To a hotel. B.To a supermarket. C.To a library. 3.(1分)How many suitcases does the woman have? A.1. B.2. C.3. 4.(1分)What will the girl do next? A.Look up words in the boy's dictionary. B.Go home and get her dictionary. C.Lend her dictionary to the boy. 5.(1分)When does the man usually have lunch? A.At about 11:30. B.At about 12:00. C.At about 12:30. 6.(1分)Who made the cakes? A.The man. B.The woman. C.The woman's mother.

请听下面5段对话或独白.每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项.听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间.每段对话或独白读两遍.(每小题2分) 7.(2分)请听第1段材料,回答第7、8小题. 7.What does the woman think of the book? A.Difficult. B.Excellent. C.Interesting. 8.When will the speakers meet? A.At 4:00 p.m. B.At 4:30 p.m. C.At 5:00 p.m. 9.(2分)请听第2段材料,回答第9、10小题. 9.When will the man go to Tokyo? A.On Friday morning. B.On Sunday morning. C.On Sunday afternoon. 10.How much will the man pay for the ticket? A.﹩350. B.﹩360. C.﹩700. 11.(3分)请听第3段材料,回答第11至第13小题. 11.What is the man? A.An astronaut. B.An actor. C.A TV host. 12.When did the first man walk on the moon?


初三数学第一学期期末考试试卷 第Ⅰ卷(共32分) 一、选择题(本题共8道小题,每小题4分,共32分) 在每道小题给出的四个备选答案中,只有一个是符合题目要求的,请把所选答案的字母填在下面的表格中. 1.如果 53 2x =,那么x 的值是 A .15 2 B .215 C .103 D . 310 2.在Rt △ABC 中,∠C =90°,1 sin 3 A =,则 B cos 等于 A .13 B .2 3 C . D .3 3.把只有颜色不同的1个白球和2个红球装入一个不透明的口袋里搅匀,从中随机 地摸出1个球后放回搅匀,再次随机地摸出1个球,两次都摸到红球的概率为 A . 12 B .13 C .19 D .4 9 4.已知点(1,)A m 与点B (3,)n 都在反比例函数x y 3 =(0)x >的图象上,则m 与n 的关系是 A .m n > B .m n < C .m n = D .不能确定 5.如图,⊙C 过原点,与x 轴、y 轴分别交于A 、D 两点.已知∠OBA =30°,点D 的坐标为(0,2),则⊙C 半径是

A . 433 B .23 3 C .43 D .2 6.已知二次函数y =ax 2+bx +c (a ≠0)的图象如图所示,给出以下结论: ①因为a >0,所以函数y 有最大值; ②该函数的图象关于直线1x =-对称; ③当2x =-时,函数y 的值等于0; ④当31x x =-=或时,函数y 的值都等于0. 其中正确结论的个数是 A .4 B .3 C .2 D .1 7.如图,∠1=∠2=∠3,则图中相似三角形共有 A .4对 B .3对 C .2对 D .1对 8.如图,直线4+-=x y 与两坐标轴分别交于A 、B 两点, 边长为2的正方形OCEF 沿着x 轴的正方向移动,设平 移的距离为 (04)a a ≤≤,正方形OCEF 与△AOB 重叠 部分的面积为S .则表示S 与a 的函数关系的图象大致是 A . B . C . D . 第Ⅱ卷(共88分) 二、填空题(本题共4道小题,每小题4分,共16分) 第8题 3 2 1 E D C B A y x -3 1 -2 第5题 第6题 第7题 x C 1 A O B y E F a O S 244 2a O S 24 2a O S 4 2 a O S 24 4 2


濉溪县2019—2019 学年度第一学期期末考试 高二英语试卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 ( ) 1. ? A. . B. . C. . ( ) 2. ’t ? A. . B. . C. ’t . ( ) 3. ’s ? A. . B. . C. . ( ) 4. ’s ’s ? A. A . B. A . C. A . ( ) 5. ? A. ’t . B. . C. . 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 ( ) 6 ? A. . B. . C. . ( ) 7 ? A. . B. . C. . 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 ( ) 8 ? A. A . B. A . C. A . ( ) 9 ? A. a . B. a . C. a . ( ) 10 ? A. . B. . C. . 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。 ( ) 11 ? A. a . B. a . C. . ( ) 12 ? A. 1 . B. 2 . C. 3 . ( ) 13 ? A. . B. . C. . 听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。


Unit 6 When was it invented? 一、单词默写。 1.样式,款式n.__________________ 2. 项目,工程n.__________________ 3.高兴,愉快n. __________________ 4. 每日的,日常的adj. _____________ 5.提到,说到v. ___________________ 6.列表,清单v./n.__________________ 7. 几乎,差不多adv._______________ 8. 煮沸,烧开v. _________________ 9.保持不变,剩余v._______________ 10. 气味n. 闻起来v.______________ 11. 国家的,民族的adj.____________ 12. 贸易,交易v./n.______________ 13.疑惑,疑问n./v. ________________ 14. 冰箱n.__________________ 15. 低的,矮的adj._________________ 16. 某人,重要人物pron./n. __________ 17.翻译v._______________________ 18. 锁上,锁住v._________________ 19. 地震n._____________________ 20.突然地adj.____________________ 21.钟,铃n.____________________ 22.音乐的,有音乐天赋的adj.___________ 23. 器械,工具n._______________ 24.加拿大人的,加拿大人adj./n._________ 25.分开,分散v.________________ 26. 篮,筐n.__________________ 27.英雄,男主角n._______________ 二、短语默写。 1.这是我的荣幸(thank you的回答)_________________ 很乐意________________ 2.如此伟大的发明________________ 3.在日常生活中___________________ 4.有道理____________________ 5.它提到…_______________________ 6.被广泛使用____________________ 7.在那时_______________________ 8.变得受欢迎____________________ 9. 据说_________________________ 10.偶然的__________________ 11.人们相信_____________________ 12. 第一个做某事的人______________ 13. 掉入_______________________ 14.一种很好的味道____________________ 闻起来很好__________________ 15.最…之一____________________ 16.被用来做…______________________ 17. 直到…才…_________________18.发生(无被动)____________________ 19. 毫无疑问_____________________20.少于/多于______________________ 21. 5000年前_____________________ 22. 成千上万________________________


九年级英语试题卷第1页(共14页) 2020年最新 绝密★启用前 20XX —20XX 学年九年级上学期期末考试 英 语 试 卷 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共12页,满分150分。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上,并在规定位置粘贴考试用条形码。答卷时,须将答案答在答题卡上,在本试题卷、草稿纸上答题无效。考试结束后,将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共100分) 注意事项: 必须使用2B 铅笔将答案标号填涂在答题卡上对应题目标号的位置上。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 第一部分 听 力(共两节 满分30分) 做题时,可将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段小对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在答题卡上的相应位置。每段对话读一遍。 1. Where can the woman buy stamps? A B C 2. What does James like now?

A B C 3. What does John think is the most helpful invention? A B C 4. What isn’t allowed to do here? A B C 5. What are you supposed to do when you meet Japanese people? A B C 第二节:(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面几段材料,每段材料后有一个或几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在答题卡上的相应位置。每段材料读两遍。 听下面一段材料,回答第6小题 6.How does the boy remember his speeches? A. By drawing pictures. B. By remembering key sentences. C. By writing down the first letter of each sentence. 听下面一段材料,回答第7小题 九年级英语试题卷第2页(共14页)


01 Passage 1 Hypnotism (催眠术) is very old. Thousands of years ago people started to use it in Egypt. The use of hypnotism has grown very much since that time. Today, doctors and scientists are in almost every country hypnotize people to help them with their problems. What is hypnotism, and how does it work? Many people think that a hypnotist puts people to sleep. Then he makes the hypnotized people do strange things. This is not what a hypnotist does. Hypnotism is really just a way to relax the mind and body. What are some of the uses of hypnotism? We go to a hypnotist because w e have a problem. The problem makes us unhappy. The hypnotist asks us to think hard about something and relax. When we are relaxed, t he hypnotist gives us some ideas to help us with our problems. Hypnotism can help people to remember things. The police sometimes ask hypnotists to help them. For example, a man sees an accident. He forgets the license number of the car he sees. If he is hypnotized he may remember it. The police can then find the car and catch the driver. People who are hypnotized can also make mistakes or say something that isn't true. People remember what they think they saw. That may not be what really happened. The police don't hypnotize people who do something wrong. Why not? People who are hypnotized may say something that isn't true. A person who has done something bad has a good reason to say something that isn't true. 1. Hypnotist helps people by ____. [A] putting them to sleep [B] helping them to get relaxed [C] offering his ideas about their problems [D] making them forget their problems 2. When hypnotized, some people may say something that is not true, because ____. [A] they do not remember what has happened [B] they remember what they think has happened [C] they do not know what has happened [D] they are not interested in what has happened 3. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?____ [A] Hypnotism is very different form what it used to be. [B] When a person is hypnotized, his body gets relaxed, while his mind works hard. [C] Hypnotism is much more widely used today than it was thousands of years ago. [D] When hypnotized, a person will do something strange. 4. The passage mainly talks about ____. [A] how hypnotism works [B] the development of hypnotism [C] the use of hypnotism [D] the wonder of hypnotism


灵璧县杨疃中学九年级英语摸底考试试卷 Ⅰ..单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 1. --What is Miss Gao's favorite________? --She is always in pink. Don't you know? A. colour B. book C. song D. movie 2. You __ drive your car so fast. It's very dangerous. A. wouldn't B. shouldn't C. couldn't D. mightn't 3. -- Would you like some milk? --________. A. Yes, please B. The same to you C. Help yourself D. My pleasure 4. -- ________ can you finish this English examination? -- In about one and a half hours. A. How far B. How often C. How soon D. How long 5. Smile to the world, ________ the world will smile back to you. A. nor B. but C. or D. and 6. -- I can't find David. Where is he? -- He ________ for tomorrow's competition at home. A. prepares B. is preparing C. has prepared D. prepared 7. Mrs. King put a coat ________ the sleeping girl to keep her warm. A. over B. with C. behind D. beside 8. --I am a little hungry, Mom. --There are some cakes on the plate. You can take ________. A. it B. one C. that D. this 9. I will meet Jane at the station. Please ________ what time she will arrive. A. count B. choose C. check D. catch 10. -- Tony, ________ are you in such a hurry? -- The meeting will start soon. I don't want to be late. A. where B.how C. when D. why 11. -- What was Jim wearing at the party? -- Nothing ________. He was in his usual shirt and jeans. A. special B. simple C. important D. interesting 12. -- It will be my turn. I feel a little nervous. --________ You can make it! A. Congratulations! B. Take it easy. C. kook out! D. Have a good time. 13. It is helpful to ________ a good habit of reading in language learning. A. take B. show C. develop D. match 14. The rivers will become dirtier and dirtier ______ we take action to protect them. A. since B. if C. until D. unless 15. -- Our school bus will leave at 8 o'clock tomorrow. Don't be late. -- OK. I will be there ten minutes________. A. sooner B. slower C. faster D. earlier 16. Thanks to the Internet, different kinds of information ________ in a short time. A. can be learned B. has been learned C. can learn D. has learned 17. I'm surprised to hear from her. ________, we last met ten years ago. A. On one hand B. That is to say C. Believe it or not D. In other words 18. The people in Ya'an have met lots of difficulties, but they haven't ________ hope. A. picked up B. given up C. looked for D. waited for 19. I still remember the college and the teachers ________ I visited in London years ago. A. what B. who C. that D. which 20. --TV says there will be a storm tomorrow. -- ________I planned to go climbing with my classmates. A. I hope so B. I'm afraid so C. Sounds good D. Bad luck Ⅱ.完形填空(共20小题;每小题分,满分30分) A Mr. and Mrs. Green were very worried about their son, Leo. He seemed to be dumb (哑的) 21 he was normal in every other way. Mr. and Mrs. Green tried everything to get him to 22 , but with no success. When Leo was six years old, the best doctors in the town 23 him carefully, but could find nothing wrong. And he seemed to be smart. It was just that he 24 spoke. "There might be something wrong with his 25 , and he doesn't know he's able to speak," one doctor said. "But he can read and write," said Mr. Green. "We've written him notes, telling him that he can speak." "It's certainly very 26 ," another doctor said. "Perhaps he'll be able to speak some day." 27 passed. Leo went to university. But he did not speak a 28 word. Then one day, Leo was having a meal with his parents. Without any warning, he looked up from his 29 and said, "Pass me the salt, please." Mr. and Mrs. Green were excited. "You spoke! You spoke!" they cried, "Why have you 30 so long to speak?" "I didn't have anything to say," he said. "Until now everything was perfect. But you forgot to put salt in these potatoes." 21. A. because B. when C. though D. before 22. A. speak B. walk C. play D. laugh 23. A. taught B. found C. examined D. asked 24. A. never B. often C. usually D. always 25. A. back B. hair C. face D. mind 26. A. unfair B. strange C. noisy D. quiet


年级上学期 期末测试英语试卷(三) 沂南县青驼镇初级中学 一、选择题 (每空1 分,共20 分) 1、Why didn’t you buy the pen on your way home? ---Sorry, I forget ______money with me. A. take B. bringing C. to take D. taking 2、I saw Harry _______ some holes in his front garden when I passed his house. A. digs B. dug C. digging D. dig 3、—What’s that used for ? —It is used for______ A.making planes B. to make planes C. makes planes D.made plane 4、I am sure that my dream of becoming a famous player will ________. A.come true B.come out C.come up D.come along 5、—It’s time for sports. —Let’s _______ our sports shoes! A.put away B.put up C.put on D.put down 6、It's really a hard task, we hardly know what to_______ it. A.look after B.do with C.deal with D.help with 7、--- Shall I take you to the shopping mall after work? --- No, thanks. My father said he would ________ on his way home. A. look for me B. pick me up C. let me down D. take after me 8、__________your friends like English? A.Does B.Do C.Is D.Have 9、Would you please for the old woman, young man? A.make a room B.make room C.making a room D.make rooms 10、Jim his father.They are outgoing. A.looks like, all B.takes after, both


初三年级期末质量抽测 数学试卷 学校姓名考试编号 考 生 须 知 1.本试卷共8页,共五道大题,29道小题,满分120分.考试时间120分钟. 2.在试卷和答题卡上认真填写学校名称、姓名和考试编号. 3.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效. 4.考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回. 一、选择题(共10道小题,每小题3分,共30分) 下列各题均有四个选项,其中只有一个 ..是符合题意的. 1.在平面直角坐标系中,将点A(﹣2,3)向右平移3个单位长度后得到的对应点A′的 坐标是 A.(1,3)B.(﹣2,﹣3)C.(﹣2,6)D.(﹣2,1) 2.下面四个几何体中,主视图是圆的是 A B C D 3.“双十二”期间,小冉的妈妈在网上商城给小冉买了一个书包,除了书包打八折外还随机 赠送购买者1支笔(除颜色外其它都相同且数量有限).小冉的妈妈购买成功时,还有5支黑 色,3支绿色,2支红色的笔.那么随机赠送的笔为绿色的概率为 A. 1 10 B. 1 5 C. 3 10 D. 2 5 4. 已知⊙O的半径长为5,若点P在⊙O内,那么下列结论正确的是 A. OP>5 B. OP=5 C. 0<OP<5 D. 0≤OP<5 5.如右图,在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,AC=4,BC=3,则sin B的值等于 C B A

A . 43 B . 34 C . 45 D . 35 6.已知(2)2m y m x =-+是y 关于x 的二次函数,那么m 的值为 A .-2 B. 2 C. 2± D. 0 7.如右图,线段AB 是⊙O 的直径,弦CD 丄AB ,∠CAB =20°,则∠AOD 等于 A .120° B . 140° C .150° D . 160° 8.二次函数2 23y x x =--的最小值为 A. 5 B. 0 C. -3 D. -4 9.如右图,将△ABC 绕着点C 顺时针旋转50°后得到△A 1B 1C .若∠A =40°, ∠B 1=110°,则∠BCA 1的度数是 10. 如右图,正方形ABCD 和正三角形AEF 都内接于⊙O ,EF 与BC ,CD 分别相交 于点G ,H ,则EF GH 的值为 A. B. 3 2 C. D. 2 二、填空题(共6道小题,每小题3分,共18分) 11.如果cos 2 A = ,那么锐角A 的度数为 . 12.如右图,四边形ABCD 内接于⊙O ,E 是BC 延长线上一点,若∠BAD =105°, 则∠DCE 的度数是 . 13.在一个不透明的口袋中装有5个除了标号外其余都完全相同的小球,把它们分别标号为 1,2,3,4, B 1 B A A 1 A B


新编大学英语A2期末考试试卷 Part I Listening Comprehension(20%) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Section A. 1. A. An advertisement B. A newspaper C. Their work D. A dream 2. A. On foot B. By car C. By bus D. By bike 3. A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six 4. A. The restaurant provides good food B. She enjoys her part-time job C. The restaurant offers cheap food D. There are several cooks in the restaurant. 5. A. The movie was disappointing B. The movie was expensive to see. C. He wants to see the movie again. D. He should have seen the movie at home. 6. A. $ 64 B.$ 86 C. $96 D. $140 7. A. To stay at home B. To go to bed immediately C. To see a movie D. To go to a party. 8. A. Tom is unable to hear well. B. Tom didn’t say anything at the meeting. C. Tom doesn’t listen to him. D. Tom went out before the meeting was over.
