



项目类别1重点工作试点(√) 2重大改革委托() 3自主申报()项目名称研究生全英文专业课程建设























在职及收入证明 兹有我单位员工XX先生,生于19年3月29日,于1992年7月进入我单位工作,现任我单位口腔技术负责人(职务),负责我单位口腔全面工作。以下为XX先生在我单位工作期间的收入情况: 2013年1月—2015年12月:平均月收入为人民币6000元,包括基本工资,误餐补贴,通信补贴,交通补贴,五险一金;三年年终奖金分别为人民币10000/15000/20000元,三年年总收入为人民币261000元。 个人所得税款已由我公司代缴。 特此证明 公司负责人:王xx 中国石化XXX医院 联系电话:86x11-xxxxxxxx 2016年10月7日

Employment and Income Certificate This is to certify that Mr. XX, born on March 29, 19xx, entered our hospital in July 1992 and is currently served as the director of Stomatology Department, responsible for the overall work of this department. The Following is Mr. XX’s i ncome situation in our hospital. Form January 2013 to December 2015, his average salary is RMB 6,000 per month (including basic salary, compensation for meal, correspondence, transportation and insurance and housing fund); The year-end bonuses for the three years respectively are around RMB10,000 RMB15,000 and RMB20,000. Total income for the three years is about RMB 261,000 We have withheld and paid XX’s personal income tax. This is hereby certified. Official: Wang xx Hospital of Sinopec TEL:86x11-xxxxxxx November07,2016 最新文件---------------- 仅供参考--------------------已改成word文本--------------------- 方便更改

关于加薪申请书 英文 的范文

关于加薪申请书(英文)的范文 加薪申请书(英文): Dear XXX It has been fifteen months since I became a member of XXXX in July 2003.During this period,with colleague’s help and my effort,I get many operation skills in logisitics area such as cargo transportation,customs clearance,also dealing with emergency case which make me able to operate shipment smoothly.In dealing customer’s require,I timely reply and try my best to offer best solution to higher our profit & lower client’s cost and get client’s praise.At the same time of maintaining old clients’relationship,I’m also positive to expand our business through network or mailing our “logistics zone“ and get some effects. Now,my salary is very lower and under the market which is not accordant with my ability,for pushing me more positive in my work and also our company’s rapid expanding,I apply for salary increase as follow 1.salary:up RMBXXX based on my current salary. 2.traffic allowance:RMBXXX. 3.lunch allowance:RMBXXX. https://www.360docs.net/doc/bf12212785.html,munication fee:up RMBXXXX to RMBXXXX Pls kindly consider my application and give us a agreeable result. [关于加薪申请书(英文)的范文]

英文申请书 范文

英文申请书范文 Dear Sir or Madam: I am writing to apply for admission to your university to pursue my M.S. degree. I have read the annual prospectus issued by your university and found that it has the best graduate program of chemistry. I am greatly interested in the program. I graduated in 2004 from Huabei University,majoring in Chemistry and holding a B. S. degree. At university, I took many fundamental courses in Chemistry and my English is excellent as I had served as the head of English Association for two years. Since then I have been teaching Chemistry in Beijing Normal University. Through my teaching experience,I have not only deepened my understanding in this field, but mastered many complicated research skills as well. Two of my former professors and the present dean of our department have kindly written letters of recommendation for me, as enclosed with this letter. Thank you very much. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely yours, Li Ming


留学申请书英文范文 出国留学申请书英文范文格式: Due to the comprehensiveness of China’s “reform and open” policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its global position. Though more and more companies built, management of companies cannot catch up with the development of the companies. Management is a burgeoning field in China, so I hope I can acquire more modern knowledge on management in England.The roots of my strong interest in business can be traced back to my childhood. My father was among the first of China’s new breed of modern entrepreneurs. As a young girl,it was inspirational hearing about his business ventures,and meeting the varied and interesting circle of entrepreneurs. My mother was also involved in business as an accountant,helping him with simple calculations. And so it was early in my life that I hoped I, also, would someday be able to enter the realm of business. With the time of growing up,I preferred reading books to satisfy my curiosity. Inever ceased to contemplate over the questions Iencountered. Subjects on business and


英语课题申报书范本 一、课题提出的背景和意义 (一)课题提出的背景:我校是一所城乡结合的小学,学生现有1543人,共有28 个教学班。学生生源复杂,有来自农村的、城区的、还有一些是外来工子女。他们的学习环境、家庭环境、学习方法存在着较大的差异。同时由于英语的学科特点,学生的学习兴趣存在较大的差异。这样导致我校的学生的英语成绩很不均衡。同时,随着所学语言知识的增多,内容的加深,尤其是词汇量的持续增加,相当一部分学生感到力不从心。学生因学习滞后而产生厌学、怕学情绪,从而导致他们在英语学习中求知情趣淡化,主动性弱化,学习能力退化,从而直接影响学生能力素质和英语知识水平的形成和发展。因此,如何提高学生和保持学生 的学习兴趣是我们英语教师所面临的共同课题。 让孩子们“在玩中学,在学中玩” ,这是每一位教师心中所追求的理想课堂。而游戏教学在一定程度上能实现这样的教学理念。人教社《小学英语教学与教材编写纲要》(简称《小英纲要》)提出,小学英语的教学目的是使儿童获得一些英语的感性知识,激发他们学习英语的兴趣和培养能力,使学生敢于大胆开口说英语。在英语教学中,我们有时不能有效激发学生兴趣,使得英语教学陷入困境。在科研兴教的大氛围带动下,我们充分认识到课题研究对教学的促进作用。在教研中,我们感到必须探索一种符合小学生生理、心理的教学方法,才有利于小学英语教学健康发展。因此,我们提出了《游戏在小学英语教学中的设计与运用研究》课题研究。 (二)课题提出的意义: 1 .开展游戏教学的作用: (1)游戏教学是开发学生智力,培养学生思维能力、表演力和创造力的有效途径。

(2)游戏教学是教学目的、内容的贯彻和落实的有效形式。 (3)游戏教学是集中学生注意力、发展学习兴趣的有效手段。 (4)游戏教学是增强后进生自信的有效措施。 2 .开展此课题研究的意义: (1)本课题研究主要是在实践层面探索,可以帮助教师转变观念,提高认识,探寻更好的途径,使游戏真正成为学生学习英语的基本活动, 同时,提高教师教育的技能,促进教师的专业化水平的提高。 (2)本课题研究可以很好地理论联系实际,丰富理论研究,为理论研究提供更多的支持。综上所述,英语游戏活动给当今的英语教学注入了生机和活力,针对教学目的而设计的游戏活动可以起到寓教于乐的作用,达到增强学生学习兴趣,使学生在更生动,更有趣的情景中提高语言的应用能力。因此,我们开展此课题研究,适当地把游戏引入英语教学中,让老师在课题研究中,结合自己的教学目标和内容,设计一些有助于提高教学效果的游戏及尝试运用,为我们的英语教学服务。 二、课题界定与假设 (一)课题界定:游戏:广义地说就是玩,一种娱乐的形式。它是人们喜爱的主动的活动,是人们反映现实生活的活动。 教学中的游戏:一般是把教学内容,尤其是教学重点、难点与儿童喜闻乐见的游戏形式有机地结合在一起,并把它适当安排在教学过程中。它能为学生动手、动口、动脑,多种感官参与学习活动创设最佳情景,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生积极性,最大限度地发挥学生身心潜能,省时高效地完成学习任务,同时,渗透思想品德教育,培养良好的学习习惯和心理素质,使智力和非智力品质协调发展。 英语课堂游戏设计与运用:是指在课堂教学中为达到一定目的,教师创造性地根据具体教学目标,结合特定教学内容、学生特点等因素,精心设计游戏,并遵循一定的游戏规则,运用多种游戏方法,组织全体学生进行语言操练和语言交际活动,融游戏于英语教学过程之中。


代理申请书格式英文 上海影格电子科技有限公司 地址:上海普陀区光新路128弄阳光大厦4号1305室电话:021-5169-7209传真:5169-7209拔分机2 代理申请书 authorizeddealerapplication 产品名称(productname): 第一部分:公司一般资料 sectionone-companygeneralinformation 1.公司全称(fullnameofcompany): 2.公司详细地址(fulladdressofcompany): 3.电话号码(telephonenumber): 4.传真号码(faxnumber): 5.负责人(personincharge): 职位(title): 6.联络人(contactperson): 财务/会计(finance/accounting): 职位(title): 工程/客户服务(engineering/customerservices): 职位(title):

订货/运输(orderadministration/shipment): 职位(title): 7.员工人数(numberofemployee): 第1页 第二部分:公司商务 上海影格电子科技有限公司 地址:上海普陀区光新路128弄阳光大厦4号1305室电话:021-5169-7209传真:5169-7209拔分机2sectiontwo–companybusiness 8.申请代理地区及领域(areayouwanttocover): 9.目前是否代理其他产品(doyoucurrentlyrepresentingotherproducts): 10.若是,请列出公司名(ifyes,pleasegiveusthecompanynames) 11.公司开始业务多久(howlongthecompanyinbusiness) 12.公司主要业务为(whatisthecompany’sprinciplebusiness) 13.请列出目前与所申请的领域有业务关系的三家单位 (pleaselistthreemajorvendorsthecompanycurrentlyapplyingth ebusiness): 1. 2.


英文留学申请书范文 Dear Sir, I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in Applied Physics toward Master degree in your university. My name is Li Jin, an undergraduate student of the Department of Applied Physics, Huabei University. Next year in the summer, I will graduate and get my B.S. degree. I plan to continue my study and research in this field. I chose Boston University because there are a congenial team of researchers, an array of databases and research projects in your school of Physics. I believe my interests are extremely congruent with the strengths of the school. And my solid academic background will meet your general entrance requirements for graduate study.


网站建设项目申请书 申请人 基本情况姓名学号所属学院、专业、入学年份项目名称基于https://www.360docs.net/doc/bf12212785.html,英语影音学习网的研究与开发申请经费(元)1000 开始时间20XX年7月完成时间20XX年6月课题组成员 签字(含申请者)项目研究内容概述(概述目的、意义、国内外研究现状、已经具备的研究基础、创新点。1XXX个字以内) 英语学习已经成为现代学生的一个必修课程,然而,到目前为止,并没有一个真正行而有效的方法来帮助我们更轻松的学习英语。如何能够更好更方便的学习英语,更让学习英语成为一种乐趣呢?所以,将英语学习融入娱乐就成为一种趋势。 基于https://www.360docs.net/doc/bf12212785.html,的英语影音学习网汇聚了各种不同种类的英语音频视频,将他们按照语音语速及涉及领域等划分成不同类别,学习者可以根据自己的喜好及水平来选择适合自己的影音来观看(比如,我想要学习美式英语,喜欢人文类,英语水平为中级,那么,我可以在筛选框中选择:美式英语,人文,中级),从而达到寓教于乐的目的。 目前国内的英语学习网很多,但大多数都只是纯粹的英语学习,缺乏乐趣,而我们的这个网站是着重于寓教于乐,让人在欣

赏影视作品与歌曲的同时记住英语的发音、拼写、连读、及语法等。以影视作品为例,我们在欣赏影视作品时,常常会模仿他的语音语速,遇到好的台词,更会于无形之中背诵下来,这样子,不仅能够增加词汇量,更能培养语感。在轻松的环境与心情下学好英语。 目前国内并没有能够真正做到寓教于乐的网站,我们的网站有很好的发展前景。 现在,许多英语学习者由于各种原因,害怕英语,我们网站的最大创新点在于将英语学习融入娱乐之中,消除对英语的恐惧心理,轻松愉快的心情可以让英语学习事半功倍,轻轻松松学好英语。


英语申请信范文 英语申请信范文 Dear sir, I'm more than glad when I get the news that HONGKONG University will have independent recruitment in mainland. Of course,Iwould like to apply for taking part in the exams of your school. Please allow me to give you my brief reference. My name is Liu yang, from Zhaoyang high school in Chongqing.I am a sixteen-year -old boy,who is studying in senior 3. My advantage is that I'm sociable ,easy--going and good at communicating with others. Above all I have made many friends and I can do well in a team .Meawhile I am quite independent and it is easy for me to adapt to a new environment. Besides my hobbies are playing basket ball and football. As a senior student, I have been working hard at every subject and managed to get high marks. Especially English is my strength. At the same time I have won the first prize in the hope English speech contest. What's more important is that all these will enable me to continue my study in your university without having trouble with a language barrier. I would be grateful if you could take my application into consideration and offer me a opportunity. Looking forward to your early reply./Hope to hear from you soon.


留学申请书英语范文 I am a student, graduated from BaoYang middle school, Nanning, GuangXi autonomous region, in 2021. I am still studying in high school now, because I was not enrolled by the ideal university last year. Recently, I have a dream to study abroad. Then I search online and find that it is more convenient and suitable for me to go to New Zealand for study. First, New Zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced education in the world. Second, the tuition is lower than other countries’, which I think is mo re reasonable for me. Finally, the climate of New Zealand is similar with the climate of the South of China. Considering above reasons, I told my parents my plan on going to New Zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me. As a girl, I like preschool education since I was young. Nowadays, Chinese parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention to preschool education. If I study specialized curriculums on preschool education, I will go back China and work hard on preschool education after leaving college. My plan is as follows: first, I plan to study English in language institute for about a half year in New Zealand. Then, I will study specialized curriculums on preschool education. I believe I have the ability of study abroad, because I have finished all high school curriculums. Besides, my parents both have job and have rich income, so they will support me to finish my study. After finishing my study, I will return to my homeland and work on preschool education, so as to realize my life value. 出国留学计划 我是江苏省南京市XX中学2021年高中毕业生,由于未被理想大学录取,我一直在XX 中学复读。自2021年起,我受同学的影响,产生了出国留学的念头,于是我通过上网了解到去新西兰留学有比较多的优势。首先,新西兰是一个多元文化的国家,具有世界先进的教学水平;第二,留学费用比其他国家较低、较合理;第三,气候也与我国南方差不多。因此,我向父母提出拟到新西兰留学的愿望,得到了父母的支持。因为我是女孩子,从小就喜欢幼儿教育。且现代中国的家长对小孩的教育要求比较高,我如果能到新西兰学习幼儿教育专业课程,学成回国后一定能在幼儿教育事业上有作为。所以,我决心到新西兰留

【最新】英语申请书格式(精选多篇)-范文模板 (9页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 英语申请书格式(精选多篇) 第一篇:英语申请书 chengzhioure university in changsha yuelu district,tele number:5478345 south campus sublimation apartmentemail:825229189@https://www.360docs.net/doc/bf12212785.html, employment objective to work as an english teacher in your training school. gain experience, and eventually be an advanced teacher. education bachelor of art in foreign language college of scu. may 201X. professional english level 4.june 201X. academic honors grade point average 3.95(of 4.0) in professional english courses selected course work principles of information systemthe art of education psychologypedagogy familiar with the following computer programs windows 7/8ms officepspro/e 5.0visio


【精品】英文申请书格式 Dear Sir or Madam: I am writing to apply for admission to your university to pursue my M.S. degree. I have read the annual prospectus issued by your university and found that it has the best graduate program of chemistry. I am greatly interested in the program. I graduated in 2004 from Huabei University, majoring in Chemistry and holding a B. S. degree. At university, I took many fundamental courses in Chemistry and my English is excellent as I had served as the head of English Association for two years. Since then I have been teaching Chemistry in Beijing Normal University. Through my teaching experience, I have not only deepened my understanding in this field, but mastered many complicated research skills as well. Two of my former professors and the present dean of our department have kindly written letters of recommendation for me, as enclosed with this letter. Thank you very much. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 琪


出国留学申请书的英文范文 【国留学申请书应该怎么写,相信这是很多人的疑问,的小编今天和大家一起来说说,英文版的出国留学申请书应该怎么写,以下的范文仅供参考哦。 留学申请者的简历应包括以下几个方面的内容: 1.姓名:与各种学历证明的姓名相同,如有更改姓名的情况,务必在公证时予以声明,并附上公证书。 2.性别 3.出生年月日及地点。与各类学历证明的出生年月日一致,出生地点写明国别和省份。 4.国籍 5.婚否 6.现在工作单位及详细通信地址。 7.个人教育背景。包括大学、硕士阶段的在读时间,所在大学的名称、专业和所获学位,参加工作后的受教育经历,主要指脱产接受专门的进修、培训或学习。

8.个人从事专业的经历。填写专业经历应力求抓住重点,突出研究方向。担任教学工作的可列出主讲、助讲课程的名称,担任研究工作的可列出参加各个研究项目的课题名称。 9.个人的著作、论文或研究成果要分门别类列出,并一定要与个人专业经历相一致。所列著作要注明名称、出版年月、出版单位。所列论文要注明论文题目,刊载杂志或期刊名称、期号、语种。对于在学术会议上发表的文章还要注明学术会议的名称、召开时间和地点等。如果其中有被外国学者评论过的,最好附上刊载评论文章的杂志名称及时间。 10.外语水平。注明参加TEF、TOEFL、GRE等考试的时间、地点及成绩。若申请者掌握多门外语,则要一一注明语种并说明熟练程度。 11.参加何种学术团体,得到何种荣誉。学术团体一般应是省、市或行业一级以下的专业学术团体,在学术团体中所担任的职务可加以注明。荣誉主要是指在专业、技术研究方面获得的奖励和荣誉,并要注明获奖名称,颁奖时间和颁奖单位。 12.拟申请的大学和导师的姓名。可根据申请者查询的资料予以注明,并要注意按照每个单位、每位导师一份简历的原则,即在同一份自传中不必注明全部想要联系的单位和导师。 13.拟进行的研究方向和希望从事研究的题目。国外院校的专业面一般较宽,要根据国外情况,力求专业面与其一致。研究课题可根据自己的研究兴趣和需要,同时也要尽量考虑对方的条件。


Major International (Regional) Joint Research Project APPLICATION FORM 1.Title of the Joint Research Project: 2.Key words (off by comma): 3.Period of the Joint Research Project: 4.Applicant Information: 1) Chinese Side a. Name: b. Degree: c. Research area: d. Academic Title: e. Institution: f. Address: g. E-mail: h. Tel.: j. Fax: k. Serial Number of on-going NSFC’s Project(s): l. Title(s) of on-going NSFC’s Projec t(s): m. Research Fields of on-going NSFC’s Projec t(s): n. Main Scientific Publications (up to 10) in the last five years related to the application: Other Members in the Research Team: a. Name: b. Degree: c. Specialty: d. Academic Title: e. Affiliation: f. Address: g. E-mail: h. Tel.: j. Fax: 2) Foreign Collaborator(s): a. Name: b. Degree: c. Research area: d. Academic Title: e. Institution: f. Address: g. Email:


申请信 1.I am writing to express my interest in... 我写这封信是为了表达我对......(一职)很感兴趣 2.I am writing this letter to recommend myself as a qualified candidate for... 我认为我是......的合格人选,所以我写信推荐自己 3.I have a good understanding of ... 我很了解...... 4.I am good at ...,especially ... 我很擅长......,尤其是...... 5.I work hard and I can get along well with others. 我工作努力,与人相处融洽。 6.I hope you will be kind enough to consider my application favorbly. 我希望您能考虑我的申请。 7.I am looking forward to hearing from you. 期待得到你的回复。 8.If you need to know more about me,please contact me. My phone number is ... 如果您需要了解关于我更多的信息,请与我联系。我电话是....... 词汇: advertisement n.广告position n. 职位application n.申请inquire v.询问possibility n.可能性appreciate v.感激communicate v. 沟通interview n&v.面试opportunity n.机会apply for 申请major in 主修...... graduate from 毕业于 In one’s spare time 在某人业余时间 Be good at.../ do well in 擅长......


出国留学申请文书的中文及英文范文 如果要上法语授课的课程,必须参加法语水平测试,有TEF和TCF两种考试,学生在考试当天才会知道自己所要考试的类型,不能选择考哪种。两个考试在形式和内容上并没有太大区别。如果到法国以后上英语授课的课程,预签证程序中不要求参加法语水平考试,但要提供托福、雅思之类的考试成绩。在准备留学申请材料时,作为对外联系主要文件之一的简历,其质量高低将直接影响申请者的成功率,为了能让对方清晰地了解申请者,简历在写作方面应力求真实、全面、简洁、明了。下面,86留学为各位即将出国留学的学习们准备了出国留学的申请书范文,有中文和英文两种范文哦! 留学申请者的简历应包括以下几个方面的内容: 1.姓名:与各种学历证明的姓名相同,如有更改姓名的情况,务必在公证时予以声明,并附上公证书。 2.性别 3.出生年月日及地点。与各类学历证明的出生年月日一致,出生地点写明国别和省份。 4.国籍 5.婚否 6.现在工作单位及详细通信地址。

攻读研究生:具有本科学位的外国留学生,年龄18—27岁,通过韩国语三级或托福成绩550分,可读研究生专业。 7.个人教育背景。包括大学、硕士阶段的在读时间,所在大学的名称、专业和所获学位,参加工作后的受教育经历,主要指脱产接受专门的进修、培训或学习。 8.个人从事专业的经历。填写专业经历应力求抓住重点,突出研究方向。担任教学工作的可列出主讲、助讲课程的名称,担任研究工作的可列出参加各个研究项目的课题名称。 9.个人的著作、论文或研究成果要分门别类列出,并一定要与个人专业经历相一致。所列著作要注明名称、出版年月、出版单位。所列论文要注明论文题目,刊载杂志或期刊名称、期号、语种。对于在学术会议上发表的文章还要注明学术会议的名称、召开时间和地点等。如果其中有被外国学者评论过的,最好附上刊载评论文章的杂志名称及时间。 10.外语水平。注明参加TEF、TOEFL、GRE等考试的时间、地点及成绩。若申请者掌握多门外语,则要一一注明语种并说明熟练程度。 11.参加何种学术团体,得到何种荣誉。学术团体一般应是省、市或行业一级以下的专业学术团体,在学术团体中所担任的职务可加以注明。荣誉主要是指在专业、技术研究方面获得的奖励和荣誉,并要注明获奖名称,颁奖时间和颁


英文申请书格式各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 英文申请书开头常用句式Your advertisement made me unable to wait to write this application for the post because I think I have the qualifications you are seeking.I am writing to apply for the advertised post of …I would like to apply for admission to your college.I would like to further my studies in …department of your honored university.I would like to apply for the graduate program of … in your university.I would

like to apply for the scholarship that your department offers to students from other countries.I am writing to you in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in …towards a master’s degree in your university.I would like to apply for admission to your graduate school of ..英文申请书结尾常用句式Looking forward to your favorable reply.I hope you will kindly send me an application form.Thank you for considering my application and I am looking forward to hearing from you.I greatly appreciate


国际(地区)合作研究项目 申请书撰写提纲 国际(地区)合作研究项目采用网上填写申请书方式。申请书由基本信息表、报告正文、项目资金预算表和相关附件材料等部分构成。 一、信息表格 请在指定的位置选择或按要求输入正确信息,信息填写必须保证准确清楚。 请申请人注意:您的申请书“基本信息表”一页的内容在获得资助后将以在基金委的网站等适当形式向社会公开,凡涉及保密和知识产权问题的内容不得写入,项目依托单位须认真核查。必须写入摘要中的保密内容应特殊声明,并说明理由。其声明和说明以书面形式作为附件随同纸质申请书一并申报,内容保密的摘要未提交声明而被公开的责任自负。项目资金预算表须按照《国家自然科学基金项目资金预算表编制说明》认真填写,应保证信息真实、准确。 二、申请书报告正文 (一)立项依据 1.项目的研究意义及科学依据 2.国内外研究现状分析 3.合作双方的互补性 4.主要参考文献及出处 (二)合作研究内容及合作研究方案 1.研究目标、内容及拟解决的关键问题; 2.拟采取的研究方案、技术路线及可行性分析; 3.合作方式:课题设置、研究重点及双方分工。 (三)合作基础 1.双方优势、特色所在,与本项目有关的研究工作积累和已取得的研究工作 成绩; 2.已具备的实验条件,尚缺少的实验条件和拟解决的途径(包括利用其他机 构实验条件的计划与落实情况)。 (四)合作方投入情况:匹配经费、仪器设备、关键技术等。 三、相关附件材料 1、英文申请书:请通过科学基金网络信息系统(“ISIS系统”)获取英文申请书模板 2、合作协议书:撰写说明及范本中的要求详见下页。

