




放大器的增益是输出或输入功率之比,通常以分贝衡量。(当它是对数分贝测量相关的功率比:G(dB)=10 log(Pout /(Pin))。射频放大器往往在最大功率增益所取,而音频放大器的电压增益和仪表放大器将更加经常指定(因为放大器的输入阻抗,往往会比源阻抗较高,负载阻抗高于放大器的输出阻抗)。



放大器的带宽是表示放大器提供了“良好”的频率范围,可为不同的应用。然而,共同的和普遍接受的衡量标准是半功率点(即在断电的频率降低一半的峰值)在输出与频率的曲线。因此,带宽可以被定义为下限和上限之间的半功率点的差异。因此,这是也是众所周知的-3 dB带宽。带宽(或称为“频率响应”公差为其他反应),有时引用(-1分贝,-6分贝等),或“加或减为1dB”(大致音量差异的人通常可以检测到)。

一个良好的质量赢得全音域音频放大器将基本持平,20赫兹至20千赫(正常人类的听觉范围)。超高保真放大器设计,放大器的频率响应应该大大超过这个扩展(一个或多个八度任何一方),并有可能-3 dB点<10和“> 65千赫。专业旅游放大器往往输入和/或输出滤波大力限制频率超过20赫兹,20赫兹的反应;太多的放大器的潜在输出功率很大,否则是对声波和超声波频率浪费,以及调幅无线电干扰的危险会增加。现代开关放大器必须在陡峭的低通滤波的输出获得的高开关频率的噪声和谐波消除。


效率是如何的权力来源是非常有用的应用到放大器的输出措施。 A类放大器是非常低效的10-20%之间,与25的输出直接耦合%最大效率。电感耦合的输出可以提高效率50%为上限。

B类放大器具有很高的效率,而且是因为高层次的失真(见:交叉失真音频工作不切实际)。在实际设计中,一个折衷的结果是AB类设计。 AB类放大器是现代之间通常35-55%,其中78.5%的理论最大效率。

市售D类开关放大器有报道高达90%的效率。 CF卡类放大器通常被称为是非常高效率的放大器。













的动态范围。更确切地说,如果S =最大允许信号功率和N =噪声功率,动态范围DR是何=(s的A + N)的/注[1]





上升时间,章一个放大器,是为输出所需的时间从10%调整到90级时的最后一个步骤输入驱动%。对于高斯响应系统(或一个简单的RC滚关闭),上升时间是近似的:章*体重= 0.35,其中TR是在几秒钟内上升时间和体重是赫兹的带宽。















从四个“Harmonix的KT88电”的品牌力量管亮起了一特雷诺为YBa - 200吉他放大器内发光

据西蒙斯,而半导体放大器已在很大程度上取代了低功耗应用阀放大器,阀放大器得多的成本,如“雷达对抗装备,通信设备”(第56页)高功率应用有效。许多微波放大器是专门设计的阀门,如速调管,回旋管,行波管,交叉场放大器,这些微波阀门提供更大的单器件在比固态装置(第59页的输出功率微波频率) [2]。


















这些处理视频信号,并根据不同的带宽是否为标清视频信号,EDTV,HDTV的720p 或1080i / p等的。该规范本身的带宽取决于什么样的过滤器使用,哪些点(-1分贝或-3分贝例如)的带宽是衡量。步反应和过冲的某些要求是必要的,以便接受电视图像显示方式。


















主条目:仪器放大器和音频放大器音频放大器通常用于放大,如音乐或语音信号背景:没有一个分布式放大器,宽带放大器带宽最可达到约1 / 10到其fT的1 / 3只。因此,一个高带宽放大器需要高英尺(至少3-10倍的放大器带宽)晶体管,以实现高带宽。不幸的是,当前的设备技术是有限的,在非常高的fT晶体管,产量仍然较低。这导致高成本,低产量的影响。


晶体管的操作,高电流密度高的fT为了实现高带宽的扩增。但是,晶体管会变得高度的可靠性问题,并强调在短寿命造成的。 50欧姆终端目前雇用的输入和输出的宽带放大器,以获得理想的输入和输出宽带匹配阻抗(低的S11和S22)。但是,缺点是在他们的投入和产出的3分贝损失。技术:大学的研究人员已经开发相结合三个阶段的放大器的设计与实现理想的增益,大带宽,低功耗,低输入/输出反射系数,低损耗宽带放大器的设计方法,可靠性好。如果没有一个分布式放大器,宽带放大器所发明的1 / 2尺,带宽/或临近ft可以实现。因此,放大器只需要1-3倍的fT放大器的带宽,以实现高带宽。该地区的宽带放大器和直流功率消耗将是小型,低分别。

随着宽带放大器的发明,晶体管的典型操作电流密度,但高放大器的带宽仍然可以实现。因此,晶体管是没有强调在高电流密度,从而导致更好的可靠性和长生命周期。此外,50终止不需要在输入和输出宽带匹配网络,因此,一个3 - dB的损失是可以避免的。 S11为低,可以保持甚至超过了直流工作带宽从0到3.3V电源,和S22是在工作带宽低。这种优势是非常有用的宽带放大器,它们可以很容易地级联以及。



A Broadband Amplifier with Huge Gain-bandwidth Product and Low Power



The gain of an amplifier is the ratio of output to input power or amplitude, and is usually measured in decibels. (When measured in decibels it is logarithmically related to the power ratio: G(dB)=10 log(Pout /(Pin)). RF amplifiers are often specified in terms of the maximum power gain obtainable, while the voltage gain of audio amplifiers and instrumentation amplifiers will be more often specified (since the amplifier's input impedance will often be much higher than the source impedance, and the load impedance higher than the amplifier's output impedance).

Example: an audio amplifier with a gain given as 20 dB will have a voltage gain of ten (but a power gain of 100 would only occur in the unlikely event the input and output impedances were identical).


The bandwidth of an amplifier is the range of frequencies for which the amplifier gives "satisfactory performance". The definition of "satisfactory performance" may be different for different applications. However, a common and well-accepted metric is the half power points (i.e. frequency where the power goes down by half its peak value) on the output vs. frequency curve. Therefore bandwidth can be defined as the difference between the lower and upper half power points. This is therefore also known as the ?3 dB bandwidth. Bandwidths (otherwise called "frequency responses") for other r esponse tolerances are sometimes quoted (?1 dB, ?6 dB etc.) or "plus or minus 1dB" (roughly the sound level difference people usually can detect).

The gain of a good quality full-range audio amplifier will be essentially flat between 20 Hz to about 20 kHz (the range of normal human hearing). In ultra high fidelity amplifier design, the amp's frequency response should extend considerably beyond this (one or more

octaves either side) and might have ?3 dB points < 10 and > 65 kHz. Professional touring amplifiers often have input and/or output filtering to sharply limit frequency response beyond 20 Hz-20 kHz; too much of the amplifier's potential output power would otherwise be wasted

on infrasonic and ultrasonic frequencies, and the danger of AM radio interference would increase. Modern switching amplifiers need steep low pass filtering at the output to get rid of high frequency switching noise and harmonics.


Efficiency is a measure of how much of the power source is usefully applied to the amplifier's output. Class A amplifiers are very inefficient, in the range of 10–20% with a max efficiency of 25% for direct coupling of the output. Inductive coupling of the output can raise their efficiency to a maximum of 50%.

Class B amplifiers have a very high efficiency but are impractical for audio work because of high levels of distortion (See: Crossover distortion). In practical design, the result of a tradeoff is the class AB design. Modern Class AB amplifiers are commonly between 35–55% efficient with a theoretical maximum of 78.5%.

Commercially available Class D switching amplifiers have reported efficiencies as high as 90%. Amplifiers of Class C-F are usually known to be very high efficiency amplifiers.

More efficient amplifiers run cooler, and often do not need any cooling fans even in multi-kilowatt designs. The reason for this is that the loss of efficiency produces heat as a by-product of the energy lost during the conversion of power. In more efficient amplifiers there is less loss of energy so in turn less heat.

In RF Power Amplifiers, such as cellular base stations and broadcast transmitters, specialist design techniques are used to improve efficiency. Doherty designs, which use a second transistor, can lift efficiency from the typical 15% up to 30-35% in a narrow bandwidth. Envelope Tracking designs are able to achieve efficiencies of up to 60%, by modulating the supply voltage to the amplifier in line with the envelope of the signal.


An ideal amplifier would be a totally linear device, but real amplifiers are only linear within limits.

When the signal drive to the amplifier is increased, the output also increases until a point is reached where some part of the amplifier becomes saturated and cannot produce any more output; this is called clipping, and results in distortion.

In most amplifiers a reduction in gain takes place before hard clipping occurs; the result is a compression effect, which (if the amplifier is an audio amplifier) sounds much less unpleasant to the ear. For these amplifiers, the 1 dB compression point is defined as the input power (or output power) where the gain is 1 dB less than the small signal gain. Sometimes this nonlinearity is deliberately designed in to reduce the audible unpleasantness of hard clipping under overload.

The problem of nonlinearity is most often solved with negative feedback.

Linearization is an emergent field, and there are many techniques, such as feedforward, predistortion, postdistortion, EER, LINC, CALLUM, cartesian feedback, etc., in order to avoid the undesired effects of the non-linearities.


This is a measure of how much noise is introduced in the amplification process. Noise is an undesirable but inevitable product of the electronic devices and components, also much noise results from intentional economies of manufacture and design time. The metric for noise performance of a circuit is noise figure or noise factor. Noise figure is a comparison between the output signal to noise ratio and the thermal noise of the input signal.

Output dynamic range

Output dynamic range is the range, usually given in dB, between the smallest and largest useful output levels. The lowest useful level is limited by output noise, while the largest is limited most often by distortion. The ratio of these two is quoted as the amplifier dynamic range. More precisely, if S = maximal allowed signal power and N = noise power, the dynamic range DR is DR = (S + N ) /N.[1]

In many switched mode amplifiers, dynamic range is limited by the minimum output step size.

Slew rate

Slew rate is the maximum rate of change of the output, usually quoted in volts per second (or microsecond). Many amplifiers are ultimately slew rate limited (typically by the impedance of a drive current having to overcome capacitive effects at some point in the circuit), which sometimes limits the full power bandwidth to frequencies well below the

amplifier's small-signal frequency response.

Rise time

The rise time, tr, of an amplifier is the time taken for the output to change from 10% to 90% of its final level when driven by a step input. For a Gaussian response system (or a simple RC roll off), the rise time is approximated by:

tr * BW = 0.35, where tr is rise time in seconds and BW is bandwidth in Hz.

Settling time and ringing

The time taken for the output to settle to within a certain percentage of the final value (for instance 0.1%) is called the settling time, and is usually specified for oscilloscope vertical amplifiers and high accuracy measurement systems. Ringing refers to an output variation that cycles above and below an amplifier's final value and leads to a delay in reaching a stable output. Ringing is the result of overshoot caused by an underdamped circuit.


In response to a step input, the overshoot is the amount the output exceeds its final, steady-state value.


Stability is an issue in all amplifiers with feedback, whether that feedback is added intentionally or results unintentionally. It is especially an issue when applied over multiple amplifying stages.

Stability is a major concern in RF and microwave amplifiers. The degree of an amplifier's stability can be quantified by a so-called stability factor. There are several different stability factors, such as the Stern stability factor and the Linvil stability factor, which specify a condition that must be met for the absolute stability of an amplifier in terms of its two-port parameters.

Electronic amplifiers

Main article: Electronic amplifier

There are many types of electronic amplifiers, commonly used in radio and television transmitters and receivers, high-fidelity ("hi-fi") stereo equipment, microcomputers and other electronic digital equipment, and guitar and other instrument amplifiers. Critical components

include active devices, such as vacuum tubes or transistors. A brief introduction to the many types of electronic amplifier follows.

Power amplifier

The term "power amplifier" is a relative term with respect to the amount of power delivered to the load and/or sourced by the supply circuit. In general a power amplifier is designated as the last amplifier in a transmission chain (the output stage) and is the amplifier stage that typically requires most attention to power efficiency. Efficiency considerations lead to various classes of power amplifier: see power amplifier classes.

Vacuum tube (valve) amplifiers

Main article: Valve amplifier

The glow from four "Electro Harmonix KT88" brand power tubes lights up the inside of a Traynor YBA-200 guitar amplifier

According to Symons, while semiconductor amplifiers have largely displaced valve amplifiers for low power applications, valve amplifiers are much more cost effective in high power applications such as "radar, countermeasures equipment, or communications equipment" (p. 56). Many microwave amplifiers are specially designed valves, such as the klystron, gyrotron, traveling wave tube, and crossed-field amplifier, and these microwave valves provide much greater single-device power output at microwave frequencies than solid-state devices (p. 59).[2]

Valves/tube amplifiers also have niche uses in other areas, such as

in russian military aircraft, for their EMP tolerance

niche audio for their sound qualities

Transistor amplifiers

Main articles: Transistor, Bipolar junction transistor, Audio amplifier, and MOSFET

The essential role of this active element is to magnify an input signal to yield a significantly larger output signal. The amount of magnification (the "forward gain") is determined by the external circuit design as well as the active device.

Many common active devices in transistor amplifiers are bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) and metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs).

Applications are numerous, some common examples are audio amplifiers in a home stereo or PA system, RF high power generation for semiconductor equipment, to RF and Microwave applications such as radio transmitters.

Transistor-based amplifier can be realized using various configurations: for example with a bipolar junction transistor we can realize common base, common collector or common emitter amplifier; using a MOSFET we can realize common gate, common source or common drain amplifier. Each configuration has different characteristic (gain, impedance...).

Operational amplifiers (op-amps)

Main articles: Operational amplifier and Instrumentation amplifier

An operational amplifier is an amplifier circuit with very high open loop gain and differential inputs which employs external feedback for control of its transfer function or gain. Although the term is today commonly applied to integrated circuits, the original operational amplifier design was implemented with valves.

Fully differential amplifiers (FDA)

Main article: Fully differential amplifier

A fully differential amplifier is a solid state integrated circuit amplifier which employs external feedback for control of its transfer function or gain. It is similar to the operational amplifier but it also has differential output pins.

Video amplifiers

These deal with video signals and have varying bandwidths depending on whether the video signal is for SDTV, EDTV, HDTV 720p or 1080i/p etc.. The specification of the bandwidth itself depends on what kind of filter is used and which point (-1 dB or -3 dB for example) the bandwidth is measured. Certain requirements for step response and overshoot are necessary in order for acceptable TV images to be presented.

Oscilloscope vertical amplifiers

These are used to deal with video signals to drive an oscilloscope display tube and can have bandwidths of about 500 MHz. The specifications on step response, rise time, overshoot and aberrations can make the design of these amplifiers extremely difficult. One of the pioneers in high bandwidth vertical amplifiers was the Tektronix company.

Distributed amplifiers

Main article: Distributed Amplifier

These use transmission lines to temporally split the signal and amplify each portion separately in order to achieve higher bandwidth than can be obtained from a single amplifying device. The outputs of each stage are combined in the output transmission line. This type of amplifier was commonly used on oscilloscopes as the final vertical amplifier. The transmission lines were often housed inside the display tube glass envelope.

Switched mode amplifiers

These nonlinear amplifiers have much higher efficiencies than linear amps, and are used where the power saving justifies the extra complexity.

Negative resistance devices

Negative resistances can be used as amplifiers, such as the tunnel diode amplifier.

Microwave amplifiers

Travelling wave tube (TWT) amplifiers

Main article: Traveling wave tube

Used for high power amplification at low microwave frequencies. They typically can amplify across a broad spectrum of frequencies; however, they are usually not as tunable as klystrons.


Main article: Klystron

Very similar to TWT amplifiers, but more powerful and with a specific frequency "sweet spot". They generally are also much heavier than TWT amplifiers, and are therefore ill-suited for light-weight mobile applications. Klystrons are tunable, offering selective output within their specified frequency range.

Musical instrument (audio) amplifiers

Main articles: Instrument amplifier and Audio amplifier

An audio amplifier is usually used to amplify signals such as music or speech

Background: Without a distributed amplifier, most broadband amplifier bandwidths can be achieved around 1/10 to 1/3 of their fT only. Therefore, a high bandwidth amplifier

requires high fT (at least 3-10 times of the amplifier bandwidth) transistors in order to achieve high bandwidth. Unfortunately, the current device technology is limited and in very high fT transistors, yield is still low. This leads to high cost and low yield.

Even if high gain-bandwidth product could be achieved by a distributed amplifier, the major disadvantages of the distributed amplifier are large area, and high dc power consumption.

Transistors were operated with high current density for high fT in order to achieve high bandwidth amplification. However, the transistors would become highly stressed resulting in reliability problems and short lifetimes. 50 ohm terminations are currently employed at the input and output of broadband amplifiers in order to obtain desirable input and output broadband impedance matches (low S11 and S22). However, the disadvantage is 3-dB losses at theirs inputs and outputs. Technology: University researchers have developed a design method by combining three-stage amplifier design to achieve a broadband amplifier with desirable gain, large bandwidth, low power consumption, low input/output reflection coefficients, low loss, and good reliability. Without a distributed amplifier, the invented broadband amplifier bandwidth of 1/2 of fT and/or approaching to fT can be achieved. Therefore, the amplifiers requires only fT of 1-3 times of the amplifier bandwidth in order to achieve high bandwidth. The broadband amplifier area and dc power consumption will be small and low respectively.

With the invented broadband amplifier, transistors are operated with typical current density, but high amplifier bandwidth can still be achieved. Therefore, the transistors are not stressed at high current density, thus leading to better reliability and long lifecycles. Also, 50 termination is not required in the input and output broadband matching network, therefore, a 3-dB loss is avoidable. S11 can be kept low over the operating bandwidth even with DC supply varied from 0 to 3.3V, and S22 is low over the operating bandwidth as well. This advantage is very useful for broadband amplifiers, and they can be easily cascaded as well.

Application: The invented broadband amplifier can be applied in fiber-optic communications as a modulator driver, limiting, automatic gain control and as transimpedance amplifiers. It can also be employed in various bands of frequencies as

general-purpose amplifiers in wireless communication systems, in testing equipments, and in military electronics warfare systems.

The quality of an amplifier can be characterized by a number of specifications, listed below.


中英文对照外文翻译 汽车变速器设计 我们知道,汽车发动机在一定的转速下能够达到最好的状态,此时发出的功率比较大,燃油经济性也比较好。因此,我们希望发动机总是在最好的状态下工作。但是,汽车在使用的时候需要有不同的速度,这样就产生了矛盾。这个矛盾要通过变速器来解决。 汽车变速器的作用用一句话概括,就叫做变速变扭,即增速减扭或减速增扭。为什么减速可以增扭,而增速又要减扭呢?设发动机输出的功率不变,功率可以表示为 N = w T,其中w是转动的角速度,T 是扭距。当N固定的时候,w与T是成反比的。所以增速必减扭,减速必增扭。汽车变速器齿轮传动就根据变速变扭的原理,分成各个档位对应不同的传动比,以适应不同的运行状况。 一般的手动变速器内设置输入轴、中间轴和输出轴,又称三轴式,另外还有倒档轴。三轴式是变速器的主体结构,输入轴的转速也就是发动机的转速,输出轴转速则是中间轴与输出轴之间不同齿轮啮合所产生的转速。不同的齿轮啮合就有不同的传动比,也就有了不同的转速。例如郑州日产ZN6481W2G型SUV车手动变速器,它的传动比分别是:1档3.704:1;2档2.202:1;3档1.414:1;4档1:1;5档(超速档)0.802:1。 当汽车启动司机选择1档时,拨叉将1/2档同步器向后接合1档

齿轮并将它锁定输出轴上,动力经输入轴、中间轴和输出轴上的1档齿轮,1档齿轮带动输出轴,输出轴将动力传递到传动轴上(红色箭头)。典型1档变速齿轮传动比是3:1,也就是说输入轴转3圈,输出轴转1圈。 当汽车增速司机选择2档时,拨叉将1/2档同步器与1档分离后接合2档齿轮并锁定输出轴上,动力传递路线相似,所不同的是输出轴上的1档齿轮换成2档齿轮带动输出轴。典型2档变速齿轮传动比是2.2:1,输入轴转2.2圈,输出轴转1圈,比1档转速增加,扭矩降低。 当汽车加油增速司机选择3档时,拨叉使1/2档同步器回到空档位置,又使3/4档同步器移动直至将3档齿轮锁定在输出轴上,使动力可以从轴入轴—中间轴—输出轴上的3档变速齿轮,通过3档变速齿轮带动输出轴。典型3档传动比是1.7:1,输入轴转1.7圈,输出轴转1圈,是进一步的增速。 当汽车加油增速司机选择4档时,拨叉将3/4档同步器脱离3档齿轮直接与输入轴主动齿轮接合,动力直接从输入轴传递到输出轴,此时传动比1:1,即输出轴与输入轴转速一样。由于动力不经中间轴,又称直接档,该档传动比的传动效率最高。汽车多数运行时间都用直接档以达到最好的燃油经济性。 换档时要先进入空档,变速器处于空档时变速齿轮没有锁定在输出轴上,它们不能带动输出轴转动,没有动力输出。 一般汽车手动变速器传动比主要分上述1-4档,通常设计者首先确定最低(1档)与最高(4档)传动比后,中间各档传动比一


宽带放大器 摘要 本设计全部采用集成电路,具有硬件电路形式简单,调试容易,频带宽,增益高,AGC动态范围宽的特点,且增益可调,步进间隔小。本宽带放大器以可编程增益放大器AD603为核心,由三级放大器组成,前级放大主要是提高输入阻抗,对小信号进行放大;中间级为可变增益放大器,主要作用是实现增益可调及AGC功能,增益控制和AGC功能都由单片机控制,可预置并显示增益值,增益可调范围10dB~58dB,步进1dB,由单片机自动调节放大倍数可实现AGC功能,使输出电压稳定在4.5V~5.5V 之间;后级放大进一步增加放大倍数,扩大输出电流,提升放大器的带负载能力,提高输出电压幅度。后级输出接峰值检波电路,检波电路输出由单片机采样并计算后,用液晶显示屏显示输出正弦波电压的有效值和峰峰值。由于宽带放大器普遍存在容易自激及输出噪声过大的缺点,本系统采用多种形式的屏蔽措施减少干扰,抑制噪声,以改善系统性能。

一、方案论证与比较 1、总体方案 方案一:选用结电容小,f T高的晶体管,采用多种补偿法,多级放大加深度负反馈,以及组合各种组态的放大电路形式,可以组成优质的宽带放大器,而且成本较低。但若要全部采用晶体管实现题目要求,有一定困难,首先高频晶体管配对困难,不易购买;其次,理论计算往往与实际电路有一定差距,工作点不容易调整;而且,晶体管参数易受环境影响,影响系统总体性能。另外,晶体管电路增益调节较为复杂,不易实现题目要求的增益可调。 方案二:使用专用的集成宽带放大器。如TITHS6022、NE592等集成电路。通过外接少数的元件就可以满足本题目要求,甚至远超过题目要求的带宽和增益的指标,但这种放大器难以购买,价格较贵,灵活性不够,不易满足题目扩展功能要求。 方案三:市面上有多种型号、各具特色的宽频带集成运算放大器。这些集成运算放大器有的通频带宽,有足够的增益,有的可以输出较高电压,使用方便,有的甚至可以实现增益可调及AGC的功能。总体上硬件的实现和调试较为简单,所以,我们决定采用多个集成运放级连实现本题目。系统方框图如图1-1-1


低噪放大器定义: 噪声系数很低的放大器。一般用作各类无线电接收机的高频或中频前置放大器,以及高灵敏度电子探测设备的放大电路。在放大微弱信号的场合,放大器自身的噪声对信号的干扰可能很严重,因此希望减小这种噪声,以提高输出的信噪比。由放大器所引起的信噪比恶化程度通常用噪声系数F来表示。理想放大器的噪声系数 F=1(0分贝),其物理意义是输入信噪比等于输出信噪比。现代的低噪声放大器大多采用晶体管、场效应晶体管;微波低噪声放大器则采用变容二极管参量放大器,常温参放的噪声温度Te可低于几十度(绝对温度),致冷参量放大器可达20K以下,砷化镓场效应晶体管低噪声微波放大器的应用已日益广泛,其噪声系数可低于 2 分贝。放大器的噪声系数还与晶体管的工作状态以及信源内阻有关。为了兼顾低噪声和高增益的要求,常采用共发射极一共基极基联的低噪声放大电路。 低噪放大器的原理: 地球站的品质因数(G/T)主要取决于天线和低噪声放大器(LNA)的性能。接收系统的噪声温度Ts是指折算到LNA输入端的系统等效噪声温度,它主要由天线噪声温度TA、馈线损耗LALA 和低噪声接收机噪声三个部分组成。 低噪放大器的应用: 低噪放大器(LNA)主要面向移动通信基础设施基站应用,例如收发器无线通信卡、塔顶放大器(TMA)、组合器、中继器以及远端/数字无线宽带头端设备等应用设计,并为低噪声指数(NF, Noise Figure)立下了新标竿。目前无线通信基础设施产业正面临必须在拥挤的频谱内提供信号质量和覆盖度的挑战,接收器灵敏度是基站接收路径设计中最关键的要求之一,合适的LNA选择,特别是第一级LNA可以大幅度改善基站接收器的灵敏度表现,低噪声指数也是关键的设计目标,Avago提供了1900MHz下0.48dB同级产品的噪声指数。另一个关键设计为线性度,它影响了接收器分辨紧密接近信号和假信号分别的能力,三阶截点OIP3可以用来定义线性度,在1900MHz和5V/51mA的典型工作条件下,Avago特有的GaAs增强模式pHEMT工艺技术可以带来0.48dB的噪声指数和35dBm的OIP3,在2500MHz和5V/56mA的典型工作条件下,噪声指数为0.59dB,OIP3则为35dBm。通过低噪声指数和高OIP3,这些Avago的新低噪声放大器可以提供基站接收器路径比现有放大器产品更大的设计空间。 LNA经历了早期液氦致冷的参量放大器、常温参量放大器的发展过程,随着现代科学技术的高速发展,近几年已被微波场效应晶体管放大器所取代,此种放大器具有尺寸小、重量轻和成本低的优异特性。特别是在射频特性方面具有低噪声、宽频带和高增益的特点。在C、Ku、Kv 等频段中已被广泛的使用,目前常用的低噪声放大器的噪声温度可低于45K。 在雷达射频接收系统中,对系统性能指标的要求越来越高,其中低噪声放大器是影响着整个接收系统的噪声指标的重要因素。与普通的放大器相比,低噪声放大器作用比较突出,一方面可以减少系统的杂波干扰,提高系统的灵敏度;另一方面可以放大系统的射频信号,保证系统正常工作。因此,低噪声放大器的性能制约着整个接收系统的性能,对整个接收系统性能的提高起了决定性的作用。因此,研制宽频带、高性能、更低噪声的放大器,已经成为微波技术中发展的核心之一。 由放大器所引起的信噪比恶化程度通常用噪声系数F来表示。理想放大器的噪声系数F=1(0分贝),其物理意义是输出信噪比等于输入信噪比。现代的低噪声放大器大多采用晶体管、场效应晶体管;微波低噪声放大器则采用变容二极管参量放大器,常温参放的噪声温度Te可低于几十度(绝对温度),致冷参量放大器可达20K以下,砷化镓场效应晶体管低噪声微波放大器的应用已日益广泛,其噪声系数可低于2分贝。


功放上的英文解释 GAIN:输入信号增益控制 HIGH:高音电平控制 MID-HIGH:中高音电平控 LOW:低音电平控制 PAN:相位控制 MON.SEND:分路监听信号控制 EFX.SEND:分路效果信号控制 LIMIT(LED):信号限幅指示灯 LEFT.:左路信号电平控制 RIGHT:右路信号电平控制 MONITOR:监听系统 MON.OUT:监听输出 MASTER:总路电平控制 EFX.MASTER:效果输出电平控制 EFX.PAN:效果相位控制 EFX.RET:效果返回电平控制 EFX.MON:效果送监听系统电平控制 DISPLAY:电平指示器 ECHO:混响 HIGH I IN:高阻输入 LOW I IN:低阻输入 OUT/IN:输出/输入转换插孔 AUX.IN:辅助输入 MASTER OUT:总路输出 EFX.OUT:效果输出 EFX.RETURN:效果返回输入 LAMP:专用照明灯电源 POWER:总电源开关 BALANCE OUTPUT:平衡输出 FUSE:保险丝 PEL:预监听(试听)按键 EFF:效果电平控制 MAIN:主要的 LEVEL:声道平衡控制 HEAD PHONE:耳机插孔 PHANTOM POWER:幻像电源开关 SIGNAL PROCESSOR:信号处理器 EQUALIZER:均衡器 SUM:总输出编组开关 LOW CUT:低频切除开关 HIGH CUT:高频切除开关

PHONO INPUT:唱机输入 STEREO OUT:立体声输出 ACTIVITY:动态指示器 CUE:选听开关 MONO OUT:单声道输出 PROGRAM BALANCE:主输出声像控制 MONITOR BALANCE:监听输出声像控制 EQ IN(OUT):均衡器接入/退出按键 FT SW:脚踏开关 REV.CONTOUR:混响轮廓调节 PAD:定值衰减,衰减器 **** 音响中英文名词解释二(功放类) 输出功率(output power):表明该功率放大器在一定负载下输出功率的大小,一般在功放说明书上标明在8欧姆负载,4欧姆负载或2欧姆负载状态下的输出功率,同时也会表明功放在桥接状态下,8欧姆负载时或4欧姆负载时的输出功率。这个输出功率表示功放的额定输出功率,而不是最大或者峰值输出功率。负载阻抗(load impedance):表明功放的负载能力,负载的阻抗越小,表明功放能通过的电流能力就越强,一般来说,大部分的功放最低负载阻抗为4欧姆,品质好的功放最低负载一般为2欧姆。双通道时能够负载4欧姆的功放,在桥接状态下可以负载最低为8欧姆,双通道时能够负载2欧姆的功放,桥接状态下可以负载4欧姆。桥接状态下只能负载8欧姆的功放,不可以负载更低的阻抗,否则会造成功放因为电流过大而烧毁。 立体声(两路)模式(stereo mode or dual mode):一般的功放内部具有两个独立的放大电路,可以分别接受两路不同的信号分别进行放大并输出,这种工作状态称为立体声(两路)模式 桥接模式(bridge mode):桥接模式是利用功放内部的两个放大电路相互推挽,从而产生更大输出电压的方式,功放设定为桥接模式后,成为一台单声道放大器,只可以接受一路输入信号进行放大,输出端为两路功放输出的正端之间。 并联输入模式(parallel mode):此方式将功放的两路输入信号通道进行并联,只输入一路信号来同时驱动两个放大电路,两个输出端输出信号相同。 频响范围(frequency range):表明功放可以进行放大的工作频段,一般为20-20000赫兹,一般在此数据后面有一个后缀,比如-1/+1dB,这代表这个频率范围的误差或浮动范围,这个数值约小,表明频率范围内的频响曲线更平直。如果功放的频响范围以-3分贝为测试条件,这个功放出来的声音可能就没有那么平直了。 总谐波失真(THD):表明功放工作时,由于电路不可避免的振荡或其他谐振产生的二次,三次谐波与实际输入信号叠加,在输出端输出的信号就不单纯是与输入信号完全相同的成分,而是包括了谐波成分的信号,这些多余出来的谐波成分与实际输入信号的对比,用百分比来表示就称为总谐波失真。一般来说,总谐波失


电 子 设 计 竞 赛 题目:可变增益放大器学院:自动化工程学院班级:08级自动化二班学号:200840604055 姓名:杨嘉伟 时间:2010年11月16日

设计任务 一、题目 设计制作一个增益可变的交流放大器。 二、要求 1.基本部分 (1)放大器增益可在0.5倍、1倍、2倍、3倍四档间巡回切换,切换频率为1Hz; (2)可以随机对当前增益进行保持,保持时间为5s,保持完后继续巡回状态; (3)对指定的任意一种增益进行选择和保持(保持时间为5s),保持完后返回巡回状态; (4)通过数码管显示当前放大电路的放大倍数,用0、1、2、3分别表示0.5、1、2、3倍; 2.发挥部分 (1)对于不同的输入信号自动变换增益: a.输入信号峰值为0—1V,增益为3; b.输入信号峰值为1—2V,增益为2; c.输入信号峰值为2—3V,增益为1; d.输入信号峰值为3V以上,增益为0.5; (2)通过数码管显示当前放大电路的放大倍数,用0、1、2、3分别表示0.5、1、2、3倍。 基础部分 一、设计方案及组成框图 分析设计要求,确定大致思路如下: ①这个电路可以采用反相比例放大器实现对输入信号进行放大。A u=-R f/R 控制反相比例放大电路的反馈电阻实现放大器增益的变换, 即控制R f的阻值。输出信号经过反相跟随器,使输入信号与放大信号同相。 ②想实现R f的自动变换,需的使用模拟开关进行控制。而要想实现电路的自动切换,需要使用多谐振荡器输出脉冲进行控制。 ③要想对一种增益进行选择和保持,需要用一个单稳态触发器来实现电路这一功能。 ④想随机和任意地对一种增益选择和保持,需要用到触发式单刀双掷开关以及逻辑与、逻辑或构成逻辑电路对其进行控制。 ⑤最后该电路主要部分,则通过计数器计数来控制模拟开关。另外想实现


电压控制增益可变放大器(VGA)设计 摘要 本设计以VCA822芯片为核心,加以其它辅助电路实现对宽带电压放大器的电压放大倍数、输出电压进行精确控制。放大器的电压放大倍数从0.1倍到10倍变更,通过电压跟随器确保输入阻抗>1012Ω。选用高增益带宽积的运放保证放大器的带宽大于15MHz。 关键词:宽带直流放大器;控制电压;电压变换;VCA822; ABSTRACT This experiment is designed with VCA822 chip as the core, with other auxiliary circuit to realize the voltage gain of the broadband voltage magnification, as well as the accurate control of the output voltage. Amplifier voltage magnification changes from 0.1 times to 0.1 times through the voltage follower to ensure that the input impedance > 1012Ω. At the same time, the selection of high gain bandwidth product of the op-amp is to ensure the bandwidth of the amplifier greater than 15 MHZ.

目录 1.系统方案比较与设计 2.理论分析与计算 3.单元电路设计与计算 3.1一级同相放大电路 3.2二级可控放大电路 3.3三级同相放大电路 3.4四级反向放大电路 3.5甲乙类功率放大电路 4.系统测试 5.结论 6.参考文献


The development of automobile As the world energy crisis and the war and the energy consumption of oil -- and are full of energy in one day someday it will disappear without a trace. Oil is not inresources. So in oil consumption must be clean before finding a replacement. With the development of science and technology the progress of the society people invented the electric car. Electric cars will become the most ideal of transportation. In the development of world each aspect is fruitful especially with the automobile electronic technology and computer and rapid development of the information age. The electronic control technology in the car on a wide range of applications the application of the electronic device cars and electronic technology not only to improve and enhance the quality and the traditional automobile electrical performance but also improve the automobile fuel economy performance reliability and emission spurification. Widely used in automobile electronic products not only reduces the cost and reduce the complexity of the maintenance. From the fuel injection engine ignition devices air control and emission control and fault diagnosis to the body auxiliary devices are generally used in electronic control technology auto development mainly electromechanical integration. Widely used in automotive electronic control ignition system mainly electronic control fuel injection system electronic control ignition system electronic control automatic transmission electronic control ABS/ASR control system electronic control suspension system electronic control power steering system vehicle dynamic control system the airbag systems active belt system electronic control system and the automatic air-conditioning and GPS navigation system etc. With the system response the use function of quick car high reliability guarantees of engine power and reduce fuel consumption and emission regulations meet standards. The car is essential to modern traffic tools. And electric cars bring us infinite joy will give us the physical and mental relaxation. Take for example automatic transmission in road can not on the clutch can achieve automatic shift and engine flameout not so effective improve the driving convenience lighten the fatigue strength. Automatic transmission consists mainly of hydraulic torque converter gear transmission pump hydraulic control system electronic control system and oil cooling system etc. The electronic control of suspension is mainly used to cushion the impact of the body and the road to reduce vibration that car getting smooth-going and stability. When the vehicle in the car when the road uneven road can according to automatically adjust the height. When the car ratio of height low set to gas or oil cylinder filling or oil. If is opposite gas or diarrhea. To ensure and improve the level of driving cars driving stability. Variable force power steering system can significantly change the driver for the work efficiency and the state so widely used in electric cars. VDC to vehicle performance has important function it can according to the need of active braking to change the wheels of the car car motions of state and optimum control performance and increased automobile adhesion controlling and stability. Besides these appear beyond 4WS 4WD electric cars can greatly improve the performance of the value and ascending simultaneously. ABS braking distance is reduced and can keep turning skills effectively improve the stability of the directions simultaneously reduce tyre wear. The airbag appear in large programs protected the driver and passengers safety and greatly reduce automobile in collision of drivers and passengers in the buffer to protect the safety of life. Intelligent electronic technology in the bus to promote safe driving and that the other functions. The realization of automatic driving through various sensors. Except some smart cars equipped with multiple outside sensors can fully perception of information and traffic facilities


低 频 低 噪 声 高 增 益 放 大 器——设计与报告总结 2012年7月15日 目录: 一.方案设计与论证 A.题目要求和指标分析

B.信号源部分 C.前级放大部分 D.滤波器部分 E.压控放大模块 F.功率放大模块 G.负反馈放大模块 二.电路设计 A.整体电路设计 B.信号源部分 C.前级放大部分 D.滤波器部分 E.压控放大部分 F.功率放大部分 G.负反馈部分 三.测试方法与测试结果 a.仿真部分 b.实测部分 本次设计是以vca810,op07,tda2030,msp430为核心器件的低频低噪声放大器。带宽为3kHz~5kHz,电压放大系数可达200~2000倍,

能保证波形不失真,噪声系数小,性能良好。信号由自制正弦波振荡器产生,经过前级放大,再经vca810进行压控放大,而后经过3阶有源切比雪夫带通滤波器,最后经过tda2030为核心的功率放大器,输出给负载。而由Msp430单片机进行AD采样和DA输出,实现负反馈。设计方案具有放大倍数高,预置步长小,低噪声,数字显示精度高等特点,达到了设计要求,切实可行。 一.方案论证 1.题目要求和指标分析 根据题目要求,设计方案应该实现电压放大,预置步进,数字显示,并且信号的通频带要在3kHz~5kHz,低噪声。综合各项设计指标,将该系统设计为以下模块:信号发生模块,前级放大模块,步进放大模块,滤波器模块,功率放大模块,反馈模块; 具体设计框图如下: 2. 信号源部分 方案1:以为LM358为核心的正弦波振荡器,优点是元器件少,成本低,稳定性好,失真度小,幅度频率可调,常用于音频电路。


Introduction to RadarSystems 雷达系统的介绍 美什科尔尼克 起止页码:1—20页 出版日期:2001年 出版单位:麦格劳希尔公司数字工程图书馆 https://www.360docs.net/doc/c010233267.html, 第一章雷达的简介和概要 1.1雷达的简介 雷达是一种检测和定位的反射物体电磁传感器。它的操作可归纳如下: ●雷达从天线辐射电磁波传播到空间。 ●有些是截获反射对象的辐射能量通常称为目标由雷达定位距离。 ●截获目标许多方面是辐射能量。 ●一些辐射(回声)能量回到并接收到雷达天线。 ●经过放大接收器并在适当的信号处理后,判定在接收器输出是否目标回波信号的存在。此时目标位置和可能的其他有关信息都应被获取。 一个普通的波形由雷达辐射一系列相对狭窄波形,如矩形脉冲。一个为中程雷达探测飞机可能被视为一个的持续时间1秒短脉冲(1微秒);脉冲之间的时间可能是100万毫秒(所以脉冲重复频率波形1千赫)从雷达发射机峰值功率可能有100万瓦(1兆瓦),以及与这些数据中发射机平均功率为1千瓦。一个1千瓦的平均功率可能低于通常在一个“典型的”教室中电力照明功率。我们假设这个例子雷达可工作在微波频率的中间范围,如从2.7至2.9 GHz,这是一个典型的民用机场监控雷达频带。它的波长可能是大约10厘米(为简单起见四舍五入)。这种用合适的天线雷达可探测飞机外或多或少50至60海里范围。回声功率从一个目标雷达接收到变化可以有较大的范围数值,但我们随便假设的“典型”作说明用途,回波信号可能有可能10?13瓦的功率。如果辐射功率为106瓦(1兆瓦),在这个例子中雷达发射功率从一个目标比例的回波信号功率的为10–19瓦,或接收回声是比传输信号更少190分贝。这是一个传递信号的幅度和检测接收到的回波信号之间特别的差异。 一些雷达的探测目标范围是后面本垒板的投手土墩到棒球场的短距离(测量一个抛球速度),而其他雷达的工作范围可能是最近的行星那么大的距离。因此雷达可


长江大学 毕业设计开题报告 题目名称:可变增益放大器的研究院系:物理与光电学院 专业班级:应用物理11103班 学生姓名: 指导教师:李林 辅导教师:李林 开题报告日期:2015年4月2日

可变增益放大器的研究 学生:王双全物理与光电工程学院 导师:李林物理与光电工程学院 一.题目来源 题目来源于老师的科研项目 二.研究目的和意义 在大自然的空气中由于存在着各种不可预测的非理想因素,从而导致通信系统传输过程中的信号会有较大的变化,导致天线从外部接受的信号的强弱会有不同(绝大多数信号被衰减了)。而且传输信道的非线性因素的存在使得信号衰减,同时信道中的噪声也会对信号的传输有影响,导致信号的强度时大时小。信号强度的大小差别有时会很大,甚至会有几十个分贝。信号强度最大值和最小值的差值范围称为接收机的动态范围,为了使接受到的信号尽可能的可靠,自动增益控制电路(Automatic Gain Control,简称AGC)通常都是接收机系统中必不可少的。AGC 的作用是当输入信号的幅度值偏低时,AGC 会选择较大的增益使其输出的幅度值限定在一个需要的范围,同样当输入信号的幅度值偏高时,AGC 会选择较小的增益使其输出的幅度值限定在一个需要的范围,也就是说对于幅度值不固定的输入信号,AGC 可以保证输出幅度值在一定范围内,基本一致。性能优良的AGC 会把输出幅度值控制在下级ADC 最需要的输入信号动态范围内。而AGC 系统中最重要的部分就是可变增益放大器(Variable Gain Amplifier,简称VGA)。AGC 主要是由反馈控制器和控制对象(VGA)两部分组成,其中反馈控制器由电平检测器、低通滤波器、直流放大器、电压比较器、控制电压产生器构成的。而其控制着VGA 使得输出信号的幅度基本恒定不变。可变增益放大器不断的发展带动了AGC 的发展,使得AGC 在许多的测控设备、智能设备等领域的应用也越来越广泛。可变增益放大器的增益改变方式主要有连续变


外文翻译 文章出处《Tribology International》, 2009, 42(5):714-723 译文: 有限元热分析的陶瓷离合器 1 引言 磨料空转车辆离合器是力封闭联轴器。扭矩和高速传输被压紧表面之间产生的摩擦力所保证。应用陶瓷是因为它作为摩擦介质具有好耐热和耐磨损性能,提供了机会以驱动更高的压力,以及一个低的密度。因此,一个提功率密度启用了一个平行的最小化建筑空间。 测量使用陶瓷饰面离合器盘的第一个原型在卡尔斯鲁厄大学的一个实验室专门从事客车驱动系统进行了测试执行。在分析过程中的有限元(FE)模型是将与测量数据和测量条件的知识所构成。计算的目的是要确定在离合器盘上温度的分布以及环境中的在每一时刻的及时测量目。至关重要的是熟悉的温度范围,为了检验该系统的耐磨特性。因此,重要信息从测量数据中得出。在临界负载的情况下,预计最高温度必须在时间和空间上进行预测,为保护接近发热体的位置测量工具的。 本研究的目的是分析和修改该离合器系统通过改进,以提供更好的工作条件热传导和系统或增加转化成摩擦热的能量的对流。此外,人们希望找到更有效的更好的离合器系统设计方案。 计算是由宇宙星空的设计的软件进行的。在模型开发阶段,非常谨慎,必须采取几何元素,选择适当的简化尺寸,并且由于正确调整的时间步长大量的硬件要求瞬态计算。热物性参数的改变,如表面热对流化系数和热负荷,必须考虑到到在一个持续的基础上在时间和地点方面。离合器系统的分析测试这两方面,只能通过加热隔板连接的两个独立的模型来管理,根据该假说认为,接触温度必须是在两个相同的双方,同时他们要有适当接触,其价值需通过迭代来进行调整。计算显示,该热分区按周期变化,它沿不同的内,外接触环。在不同的冷却特性下,在陶瓷和钢之间的结果是不同的,热流从陶瓷侧面向钢侧流动。此热流也通过迭代确定;它的价值也改变了周期和不同沿着所述内和外接触环。 2 采用工程陶瓷作为摩擦材料的第一个原型机 这款检查过的离合器盘是根据“特定的陶瓷”产品而开发的,此材料的研发过程在流程在卡尔斯鲁厄大学的Institute for Product Development (IPEK)杂志上发表过。此开发过程已经具有的可能性,用于连接到一个真实的传动轴;甚至,它为面板有一个好的初始行为起到一个很好的缓冲作用。磨料配件必须符合以下基本要求:


一种增益可控的射频宽带放大器设计 射频宽带放大器是各类电子仪器与仪表里很常用、很重要的一个單元电路。为此,论述了一款增益可控的射频宽带放大器的设计选型的过程,给出了参数的计算过程和选型是要考虑的技术指标和功能。因此结论对模拟放大电路的设计具有一定的参考价值。 标签:射频;宽带放大器;参数计算;选型要求 doi:10.19311/https://www.360docs.net/doc/c010233267.html,ki.16723198.2017.09.088 1理论计算 1.1设计要求 根据用户对高频、大信号的放大要求,课题研究小组进过分析和研究,得出下列的具体设计参数: (1)被设计的放大器的电压增益A V≥52dB,增益可控52dB,输入信号电压的有效值Vi≤5mV,其输入阻抗、输出阻抗均为50欧姆,负载电阻50欧姆,且输出电压有效值V o≥2V,波形无明显失真; (2)在50MHz~160MHz频率范围内增益波动不大于2dB; (3)-3dB的通频带不窄于40MHz~200MHz,即fL≤40MHz和fH≥200MHz; (4)电压增益A V≥52dB,当输入信号频率f≤20MHz或输入信号频率f≥270MHz时,实测电压增益A V均不大于20dB; (5)放大器采用+12V单电源供电,所需其它电源电压自行转换。 通过对上述设计要求的分析可知,此课题对宽带放大器的参数选型提出了很高的要求,诸如:压摆率、增益带宽积、最大输出功率、高频高输出摆幅等都要进行严格的计算。只有做到科学计算,才能为正确的集成放大器选型打下坚实的基础,为后续设计提供科学保障。 1.2放大器的参数计算 (1)最小增益需要达到52dB(400倍),带宽200MHz,系统增益带宽积高达8*109MHz(*此处应注意多级放大和增益分配*); (2)输入电压有效值最大5mv,需要做小信号低噪声放大;

电子 电流 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 高度稳压直流电源

高精度稳压直流电源 文摘:目前对于可调式直流电源的设计和应用现在有很多微妙的,多种多样的,有趣的问题。探讨这些问题(特别是和中发电机组有关),重点是在电路的经济适用性上,而不是要达到最好的性能。当然,对那些精密程度要求很高的除外。讨论的问题包括温度系数,短期漂移,热漂移,瞬态响应变性遥感和开关preregualtor型机组及和它的性能特点有关的的一些科目。 介绍 从商业的角度来看供电领域可以得到这样一个事实,在相对较低的成本下就可以可以获得标准类型的0.01%供电调节。大部分的供电用户并不需要这么高的规格,但是供应商不会为了减少客户这么一点的费用而把0.1%改成0.01%。并且电力供应的性能还包括其他一些因素,比如说线路和负载调解率。本文将讨论关于温度系数、短期漂移、热漂移,和瞬态的一些内容。 目前中等功率直流电源通常采用预稳压来提高功率/体积比和成本,但是只有某些电力供应采用这样的做法。这种技术的优缺点还有待观察。 温度系数 十年以前,大多数的商业电力供应为规定的0.25%到1%。这里将气体二极管的温度系数定位百分之0.01[1]。因此,人们往往会忽视TC(温度系数)是比规定的要小的。现在参考的TC往往比规定的要大的多。为了费用的减少,后者会有很大的提高,但是这并不是真正的TC。因此,如果成本要保持在一个低的水平,可以采用TC非常低的齐纳二极管,安装上差动放大电路,还要仔细的分析低TC绕线电阻器。 如图1所示,一个典型的放大器的第一阶段,其中CR1是参考齐纳二极管,R是输出电位调节器。

图1 电源输入级 图2 等效的齐纳参考电路 假设该阶段的输出是e3,提供额外的差分放大器,在稳定状态下e3为零,任何参数的变化都会引起输出的漂移;对于其他阶段来说也是一样的,其影响是减少了以前所有阶段的增益。因此,其他阶段的影响将被忽略。以下讨论的内容涵盖了对于TC整体的无论是主要的还是次要的影响。 R3的影响 CR1-R3分支的等效的电路如图2所示,将齐纳替换成了它的等效电压源E'和内部阻抗R2。对于高增益调节器,其中R3的变化对差分放大器的输入来说可以忽略不计,所以前后的变化由R3决定。 如果进一步假定IB << Iz;从(1)可以得到 同时,


放大器知识经典问答 放大器知识经典问答(第一部分) 1.什么是开环电压增益? 开环电压增益是指当放大器输入输出开路时既开环,放大器输出端的电压变化与输入端的电压变化之比。 2.什么是共模抑制比? 共模抑制比是指放大器对差分电压信号放大倍数与共模电压信号放大倍数之比,单位为分贝(dB)。 3. 什么是输入电流噪声(in)? 输入电流噪声(Input Current Noise (in )):是和无噪声放大器的输入并联应用的等效电流噪声。 4. 电压反馈放大器和电流反馈放大器之间有什么区别? 两种运放的内部电路是不同的,所以对于一个已给的配臵,两种类型运放是没有必要去互换的。电压反馈的运放受制于内部设计,只有非常低的输入偏流,但内部没有限制差分输入电压,仅仅当外部的反馈需要时才会做出限制。相反,对于电流反馈放大器,其差分输入电压受制于内部设计,但并没有限制它的输入偏流为低,所以仅仅当外部反馈需要时才会限制。尽管,大多数高校仍没有授关于电流反馈放大器的基础知识,但使用电流反馈放大器有许多优点,尤其在高速的应用中请看下面的应用笔记: https://www.360docs.net/doc/c010233267.html,/an/OA/OA-30.pdf OA-30,电流电压反馈放大器的比较 https://www.360docs.net/doc/c010233267.html,/an/OA/OA-07.pdf OA-07,电流反馈放大器应用电路指导https://www.360docs.net/doc/c010233267.html,/an/OA/OA-13.pdf OA-13,电流闭环反馈增益分析和性能提高https://www.360docs.net/doc/c010233267.html,/an/OA/OA-15.pdf OA-15, 在运用宽带电流反馈放大器时,频繁失真https://www.360docs.net/doc/c010233267.html,/an/OA/OA-20.pdf OA-20, 电流反馈误判断https://www.360docs.net/doc/c010233267.html,/appinfo/webench/放大器放大器WEBENCH 支持电流模式和电压模式的放大器类型。 5. 开环和闭环之间有什么差别? “开环增益”实际上是没有反馈的运放的“内部”增益,通常取 1,000 到10,000,000之间的任意值。请看数据手册中的“开环增益”图;“闭环增益”是整个电路的增益,带有由用户选择适当的反馈电阻值选择的反馈,比如“增益为+10”“或"增益为-2 ”。 6. 什么是输出电流? 输出电流是指运放的输出端得到的驱动负载的电流。它通常是一个功能:输入过驱动,输出电压和电源的相关性、温度。源极和漏极的特性会有所不同。 7. 我选择了轨对轨(Rail-to-Rail)输入/输出(Input/Output)放大器,但是输出并不是一直是负轨,或一直是正轨。我做错了什么吗? 单词“轨对轨(Rail-to-Rail)”是易令人误解的。完全正确的应该是“几乎是轨对轨”或“非常接近轨对轨”。大多数R-R放大器任一电源轨上的输出电压为从20到200mv,几乎从未有过对轨的。当需要更多的负载电流时,输出要更远离电源电压轨。大多数放大器通过100k ?或更大的负载提供最大输出电压摆动。在产品数据手册中电气特性表和特性曲线上,指定的输出电压波动都是期望值。此外,当通过https://www.360docs.net/doc/c010233267.html,/appinfo/webench/放大器放


原文: Transmission design As we all know automobile engine to a certain speed can be achieved under the best conditions, when compared issued by the power, fuel economy is relatively good. Therefore, we hope that the engine is always in the best of conditions to work under. However, the use of motor vehicles need to have different speeds, thus creating a conflict. Transmission through this conflict to resolve. Automotive Transmission role sum up in one sentence, called variable speed twisting, twisting or slow down the growth rate by increasing torsional. Why can slow down by twisting, and the growth rate but also by twisting? For the same engine power output, power can be expressed as N = WT, where w is the angular velocity of rotation. When N fixed, w and T is inversely proportional to the. Therefore, the growth rate will reduce twisting, twisting slowdown will increase. Automotive Transmission speed gear based on the principle of variable twisted into various stalls of different transmission ratio corresponding to adapt to different operational conditions. General to set up a manual gearbox input shaft, intermediate shaft and output shaft, also known as the three-axis, as well as Daodang axis. Three-axis is the main transmission structure, input shaft speed is the speed of the engine, the output shaft speed is the intermediate shaft and output shaft gear meshing between different from the speed. Different gears are different transmission ratio, and will have a different speed. For example Zhengzhou richan ZN6481W2G manual transmission car-SUV, its transmission ratio are: 1 File 3.704:1; stalls 2.202:1; stalls 1.414:1; stalls 1:1 5 stalls (speeding file) 0.802: 1. When drivers choose a launch vehicle stalls, Plectrum will be 1 / 2 file synchronization engagement with a back stall gear and output shaft lock it, the power input shaft, intermediate shaft and output shaft gear of a stall, a stall the output shaft gear driven, and the output shaft power will be transmitted to the drive shaft (red arrow). A typical stall Biansuchilun transmission ratio is 3:1, that is to say three laps
