







What are friends? We often talk about the topic with others. I think friends are those people who can help you when you are in trouble. Don’t forget the saying, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” Friends can tell you your mistakes, though what they say is hard for you to listen to. You can share your happiness, trouble and worry with friends. Someone also says, “You can’t walk any step without a friend.”So I think friends are very important to us. I would like to make as many friends as possible.


科技生活 中考真题 (2017 江苏徐州) 图中女子Nancy是个“手机控”,昨天她在街上因为使用手机发生了交通事故。请根据图片提示,写一篇90词左右的短文,简要描述这件事情,并谈谈自己的看法。 注意:1. 短文已给出的部分(简答题卡)不计入总词数。 2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯、通顺。 3. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名。 4. 参考词汇:ambulance救护车 stretcher担架 Nancy is crazy about using a mobile—she uses it at table, in bed, even at work. Yesterday, when Nancy was walking on the street, _________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Mobile have become part of our lives. __________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ One possible version: Nancy is crazy about using a mobile-she uses it at table, in bed, even at work. Yesterday when Nancy was walking on the street, she took out her mobile and wanted to take a photo of herself. She hoped to look best so she moved to the middle of the road. Soon a car drove by. The driver saw Nancy and tried to stop the car,


2019中考英语完形填空选练(1) 所有练习题,字体大小统一为五号,行距统一,排版非常工整。 *Passage 1 (2019选练)通读短文,掌握大意,从所给的选项中选出一个最佳选项。 Young people are often unhappy when they are with their parents. They say that their parents don't understand them. They often think their parents are too strict 1 them. Parents often find 2 difficult to win their children's trust and they seem to 3 how they themselves felt when they were young. For example, young people like to do things without much 4 . It's one of their ways to show that they grow up and they can 5 any difficult problems. Older people worry more easily. Most of them plan things ahead and don't like their plans to be changed. So when you want your parents to let you do 6 , you will have better success if you ask before you really start doing it. Young people often make their parents angry by clothes they wear, the music they enjoy and something 7 . But they don't mean to cause any trouble. They just feel that 8 this way they can be cut off from the old people's world and they want to make a new culture of their own. And if their parents don't like their music or clothes or their way of speech, the young people feel very sad. Sometimes instead of going out with their parents, they just want to stay at home 9 and do what they like. If you plan to do something, you'd better win your parents over and get them to understand you. 10 , your parents will certainly let you do what you want to do. 1. A. on B. with C. in 2. A. it B. this C. that B. C. forget 3. A. forgets remember 4. A. B. speaking C. reading thinking 5. A. know B. find C. solve 6. A. B. nothing C. something anything 7. A. else B. more C. old


2019年中考英语作文题目(热门话题)汇总 学术文化篇 ①沉迷网络游戏 题目:李华沉迷于电脑游戏中,影响了学习。作为他的好朋友,你打算怎么帮他呢?请用下面所给的提示词写一篇不少于80字的短文。字迹工整,语言流畅。 提示词:give up concentrate on be (become)interested in ★范文 Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a good friend of his, I must do something to help him. Firstly, I think it’s very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games. Secondly, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games. And then I'll ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying. At the same time, I'll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too. If I try these, I'm sure he will make great progress soon. ②怎样学好英语


2019中考英语完形填空基础练(3)及答案 【能力选练】 A The Readers is a popular TV show. It invites different people to read aloud on the stage. The __1__ also tells the moving stories behind those people. They can read everything __2__ poems, books, and letters. By reading aloud, the words on paper come to __3__. Many people are fans of the show. They begin to __4__ reading aloud at home. Now, the show gives people a __5__ place to read across China. It is a reading pavilion(朗读亭). They are in many cities, including Shanghai, Hangzhou and Xi'an. The pavilion is very __6__. Only one person can come into it each time. There is a microphone in it and it __7__ people's voices. Everyone can read for three minutes in the pavilion. They can read __8__ they like. The show will pick some of the readers and invite them to read on TV. People of all __9__ read in the pavilion. “Reading should be just like singing and talking. ” said Dong Qing, the producer of the show. “We can express our true __10__ by reading aloud. ” 1. A. show B. lesson C. research D. play 2. A. in B. such as C. with D. at 3. A. light B. reason C. life D. purpose 4. A. mind B. keep C. finish D. enjoy 5. A. special B. strange C. beautiful D. wonderful 6. A. wide B. small C. tall D. big 7. A. makes B. uses C. records D. improves 8. A. nothing B. everything C. someone D. everyone 9. A. comers B. others C. ages D. passers-by 10. A. feelings B. points C. spirits D. aims 1—10、ABCDA BCBCA 【能力选练】 B


2019中考英语 短文首字母(综合)填空及答案 第一部分 Betty was a new student in my class. She was really little for her age of 12. The boys in 1. m class often laughed at her. She would open a book, pretending to 2. r , with tears dropping on the open page. I looked at this tiny girl and decided to 3. h her. But how could I do that? One day, when I went into the classroom, I got a 4. c . I saw a picture of a train on her desk. And she was making a copy carefully. It was perfect! I was surprised and thought that she could do something in the coming talent show. So, I took Betty to see the art teacher, Miss Parker, and showed the picture that was 5. d by Betty. “Wow, it’s wonderful, ” said Miss Parker. Then she showed us a poster she had painted 6. f the talent show.“I need more of these, but I just don’t have enough 7. t . You draw so well and even 8. b than me. Could you help me, Betty?”On the day of the talent show, Betty’s posters were everywhere —all over the hall and all over the school, and each one is 9. d . “And finally, ” said Mr Brown, the schoolmaster, at the end of the show, “we have an unusual 10. p . I’m sure you’ve all noticed the wonderful posters.” Everyone nodded. “One of our own students painted them.” 【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。介绍瘦瘦小小的新生贝蒂在作者的帮助下从被男生欺负到由于画画受到老师和同学赞扬的故事。 1. my【解析】分析句意可知此处指我班里的男孩子经常嘲笑她。分析句子结构可知此处需填一个形容词或形容词性物主代词修饰名词class。根据句意可知此处是指“我班里的男孩子”,故填I的形容词性物主代词my。 2. read【解析】分析句意可知此处指她打开书,假装去看。根据句意及上下文可知男孩子嘲笑她,她就假装看书,pretend to do sth意为“假装做某事”。故填read。 3. help【解析】分析句意可知此处是指决定去帮助她。根据“decide to do sth决定做某事”


2019年惠州市中考英语作文万能模板 初中英语写作名师指点 10字原则让你写出优秀作文 教给大家十个字,搞定初中英语写作,帮你拿到一等文。 问:“哪十字?” 允泽老师答:“结构+要点+逻辑+语法+亮点!” 结构:中考最流行的结构就是三段式,深受各地区中考英语写作阅卷老师的喜爱。为什么尼?因为这种结构十分清晰。“观点——要点——总结”让人一目了然。三段式的第一段:简单明了,开门见山,不超过2句话,如,我们想表达小强很强壮,第一段直接说 XQ is extremely strong. 观点明确,这一句足矣。第二段:分2-3点说为什么他强壮。1. 每天吃10顿饭,He has ten meals everyday! 详举吃的是什么。2. 每天运动2小时,He does exercise 2 hours a day! 详举做了什么运动。第三段:经过第二段的论证,可以得出结论。但请注意,不能完全照抄第一段,要有升华。也可以提出希望和建议等。如,How strong and robust XQ is! I hope to be him one day! 要点:实际上中考英语写作就等于两个字,翻译!因为中考英语写作一般会给出几个要点,要求必须在文章中有所体现。文章写的再好,只要缺少要点就会扣分。所以要点,也就是文章的第二段内容,要做到全,围绕中心。 逻辑:这里的逻辑实际指的就是逻辑词。最常用的就是表示递进的,转折的,总结的逻辑词等。递进:除了first, second, third, finally 等还可以使用高级点的,如first of all(首先),in addition, what's more, moreover(都是另外的意思),in a word, all in all(表示总结的)。转折:but, yet, however等。真正有经验的阅卷老师会很注意这些逻辑连接词,因为这些词体现了这个文章的思路。 语法:其他几点都不是硬性的要求,不那样做不能说是错,只能说是不好,但是语法却是硬性的。如,单词的使用,时态等。 亮点:当我们将前八个字都做得很完美的时候也只能得到一个二等文的上。要想得到一等文,最后两个字,亮点至关重要。大家设想如果我们是阅卷老师。有两篇写人美丽的作文摆在我们面前,都是结构清晰的三段式,要点都很全,都用了一些逻辑词,都没有语法错误,但是A篇只用了beautiful,good- looking,B篇却用到了attractive,charming,catching等,我坚信正常人都会给B篇高分的。这些高级一点的词汇,词组,句型便是我们得到一等文的最有力的绝招。所以,以后写英语作文要养成一般词汇限量用的好习惯。 只要把这十个字都搞定了,那么初中英语写作就一定能搞定! 英语高分作文必备杀手锏—三段四步法中考英语阅卷老师看写作主要有三个标准: 1)结构2)内容要点 3)语言(词组搭配、句型、句式变化、过渡词)看结构和内容要点定分数档,看语言给成绩。这是中考英语阅卷的潜规则。 三段四步法——中考英语满分杀手锏 知己知彼,方能百战不殆,既然中考阅卷流程和内部标准已经明朗化,相对的策略也就顺利成章的形成了。现在和大家分享,笔者教学和阅卷过程中总结创立的写作满分秘诀。 1 “三段”(三个段落)——针对的阅卷老师先看文章结构和内容要点,让阅卷老师不得不给你定位一类文。 中高考情景是作文,无论是那种文体,都可以用三段法来表示。这个方法的起源是来自美国的“高考”SAT考试,(SAT是美国或它国学生想要申请美国大学必须参加的考试,故被叫过美国的高考)。


中考真题 (2018·云南昆明) A small thing 提示:请根据所给题目“A small thing”写一篇英语短文,记叙一件你经历过的小事。 要求:1. 语言流畅,书写规范。卷面整洁,词数不少于60个; 2. 文中不得使用你的真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计; 3. 书面表达必须写在答题卡上,如在本卷上作答,一律不得分。 范文: A small thing It was clear yesterday. I rode to school with my friend Mike. When we passed a bank, I found a wallet on the ground. We stopped and opened the wallet. Oh, there was so much money in it. We think the owner of the wallet must be very worried. We called the police at 110 and handed it to a policeman. He was very happy and said that we were good students. When we got to school, it was late. I told our teacher why we were late. He said that we did a good thing and encouraged all the students to learn from us. We missed two classes, but we were very happy. (2018·陕西) 假如你是李华,上周日你独自在家照看你五岁的妹妹Nana, 请根据表格内容,写一篇短文。 要求: 1. 参考表格内容,可适当发挥; 2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;


2019年中考英语完形填空真题训练(绝对精品文档,附参考答案,价值很高) 一、记叙文 一、(2018·真题) He was pleased to learn that Chibi knew all the places where the wild grapes and wild potatoes grew. He was amazed to __1__ how much Chibi knew about all the flowers in our class garden. He liked Chibi's black and white drawings and put them up on the wall to be __2__. He liked Chibi's own handwriting,which no one but Chibi could read,and he put that up on the wall. But,when Chibi appeared on the stage at the talent show of that year,no one could __3__ his eyes. “Who is that?”“What can that stupid do up there?” Until Mr. Isobe announced that Chibi was going to imitate (模仿) the voices of crows. “Voices?”“Voices of crows?” __4__ he imitated the voices of newly hatched crows. And he made the mother crow's voice. Then he imitated the father crow's voice. He showed how crows cry early in the morning. He showed how crows cry when the village people have some unhappy accident. He showed how crows __5__ when they are happy and cheerful. Everybody's mind was taken to the __6__ mountainside from which Chibi probably came to school. Chibi made very special __7__ deep down in his throat(喉咙) to imitate a crow in an old tree in the end. Now everybody could imagine __8__ the far and lonely place where Chibi lived with his family. Then Mr. Isobe explained __9__ Chibi had learned those calls—leaving his home for school at sunrise,and arriving home at sunset,every day for six long years. Every one of us cried,thinking how much we had been __10__ to Chibi all those long years. He was a boy beyond our usual imagination! 1. A. complain B. count C. find D. refuse 2. A. admired B. printed C. punished D. avoided 3. A. check B. hurt C. open D. believe 4. A. Later B. Next C. Last D. First 5. A. jump B. call C. fly D. dance 6. A. far B. crowded C. near D. modern 7. A. scripts B. reports C. speeches D. sounds 8. A. hardly B. happily C. exactly D. peacefully 9. A. what B. how C. whether D. who 10. A. wrong B. kind C. honest D. generous

2019年中考英语真题 分类 专题19.5 短文填空(提示词填空)(第02期)(解析版)

2019年中考真题英语分项汇编 专题19 短文填空 考点5提示词填空 Passage 1(2019 ?济宁) 阅读下面短文在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或用括号内单词的正确形式. China's first set of AI(人工智能) textbooks ___29___ (come) into the classrooms of primary and secondary school soon in many parts of China.The AI textbooks have already appeared in Shanghai and some experts ___30___ (test) some of them. It's said that these AI textbooks are popular with local students. It is reported that___31___ (hundred) of schools in China will use the textbooks for primary and secondary school students in 2019. These schools plan___32___(use) them in some of their classes as an experiment In fact, AI has brought huge benefits(好处) to the education field. Students can not only choose ____33____ (they) own ways to study, but also can study at home without going to school. 【答案与解析】 【文章大意】中国的第一批人工智能课本不久将要进入中国许多地区的中小学课堂,人工智能课本已经在上海出现了,一些专家对他们的一些进行了检测,据说很受当地学生的欢迎,据报道在2019年中国成百上千的学校将让中小学生使用人工智能,这些学校计划在一些课堂上使用作为实验,人工智能已经给教育领域带来了好处,学生不仅能选择自己的方式来学习,而且也能不去学校在家里学习。 29. will come 句意:中国的第一批人工智能课本不久将要进入中国许多地区的中小学课堂。根据soon 可知用将来时态;故填will come。 30. have tested 句意:一些专家对他们的一些进行了检测。根据It's said that these AI textbooks are popular with local students.可知测验已经完成,所以用现在完成时态;故填have tested。 31. hundreds 句意:据报道在2019年中国成百上千的学校将让中小学生使用人工智能。根据hundred后 面有of时,要加s,hundreds of成百上千;故填hundreds。 32. to use 句意:这些学校计划在一些课堂上使用作为实验。根据plan to do sth计划做某事;故填to use。 33. their 句意:学生不仅能选择自己的方式来学习。根据one’s own sth某人自己的……;故填their。【点睛】 短文填空题,注意对于文章内容的把握,读懂这个故事的大意后,注意上下句的联系,特别要注意的是找到关键词,然后再通读短文,看是否上下文语境合适,还要注意一些语法的正确应用,注意单词的正


2019年中考英语作文题目及:心中的英雄 “2019年中考英语作文题目及范文:心中的英雄”,更多20XX中考复习指导等信息,请及时关注中考网!2019年中考英语作文题目及范文:心中的英雄 2019年中考英语作文题目 “灿烂星空,谁是真的英雄?”做出惊天动地业绩的人是英雄,为追求真理献出生命的人是英雄,在平凡岗位上默默奉献的人是英雄…… 一.Dr Norman Bethune 1.Natlonality(国籍): Canada 2.Hobby: taking photos 3.Main stories: saved a lot of Chinese people; opened hospitals; invented medical tools 二.Liu Xiang 1.Nationality: China

2.Hobby: singing 3.Main stories: won the first 4.Olympic gold medal in the men' s 110m hurdles event in Athens; set a world record in the same event in Lausanne 从上面信息卡中选择一位英雄,以The Hero in My Heart为题写一篇短文。 要求:①包含所选信息卡上的内容;②适当拓展,如学英雄的感想、行动等;③不能出现表明你身份的信息;④词数80左右,不含已给出部分。 The Hero in My Heart As we know, most people have heroes in their hearts. For me, 2019年中考英语作文范文一 The Hero in My Heart As we know, most people have heroes in their hearts. For me, Dr Norman Bethune is the hero in my heart. He was a great doctor from Canada. Dr Bethune was good at performing


2019年中考英语满分作文 第一篇: 【写作要求】 现在我们周围的环境污染越来越严重。作为一个中学生,我们应节约资源,保护环境,从我们身边的小事做起,做一个“低碳生活”的中学生。请以“My Low--carbon Life”为题,写一篇短文描述自己的“低碳生活”。 内容包括: 1.地球的污染越来越严重,我们能看到森林被砍伐、水污染和空气污染。 2.你是怎样从身边小事做起,做到“低碳生活”的。如:每天步行上学、离开教室及时关灯和电扇、充分利用纸张、节约用水等。 3.号召更多的人加入到“低碳生活”中来。 作文要求: 1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。 2.语句连贯,词数80个左右。作文的题目已经给出,不计入总词数。 My Low--carbon Life The environmental pollution is worse and worse today. 【优秀满分范文】 My Low-carbon Life The environmental pollution is worse and worse today. Many trees are cut down, and water and air are polluted. As a student I try to have a low-carbon life to save energy and reduce pollution. Firstly, I often walk to school. It can reduce air pollution. Secondly, I always turn off the lights and fans when leaving the classroom. Thirdly, I always make full use of paper and other school things and never waste water. I wish more students to join me and make the earth more and more beautiful. 第二篇: 【写作要求】 每当朋友之间即将分手的时候,耳边常常会响起这首歌“朋友啊朋友!你可曾想起了我,如果你正享受幸福,请你忘记我……”。请你以Friends为题,写一篇90词左右的短文,可以围绕主题适当展开,阐述交友的重要性和好处。 【优秀满分范文】 Friends What are friends? We often talk about the topic with others. I think friends are those people who can help you when you are in trouble. Don’t forget the saying, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” Friends can tell you your mistakes, though what they say is hard for you to listen to. You can share your happiness, trouble and worry with friends. Someone also says, “You can’t walk any step without a friend.” So I think friends a re very important to us. I would like to make as many friends as possible.

2019中考英语完形填空强化训练:A 14-year-old boy

2019中考英语完形填空强化训练:A 14-year-old boy A 14-year-old boy from the USA was described as a hero yesterday after he saved the life of a woman in another country. Dean Bluey from Dallas,Texas,was a school boy who has much 1 in computer.One day,he 2 an email to a f riend on the Internet.Suddenly he received a message saying “Help!Pain!Help!.”The message was from Finland, 3 kilometers away from America. “I didn’t know 4 I should do,”Dean said to a reporter afterwards.”It was really difficult to tell if the message was real.”So Dean did nothing at first. 5 the message kept coming. “By then it was easy to see that someone was in trouble,”Dean explained. He 6 and discovered that the sender was a student called Tarja,who was alone in a university library. She was ill. What was 7 ,there was no phone around her. Her only way of communicating with the world was by email. Dean got in touch 8 the police immediately. And they realized that the situation was quite serious. They called the police in Finland. Then an ambulance rushed to the library. 9 ,she was still alive and was sent to the hospital quickly. “I’m glad she’s OK,”Dean said. “It’s hard to believe,but 10 saved her life.” 1.A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interests 2.A. sent B. sends C. was sending D. is sending 3.A. thousand B. thousand of C. thousands D. thousands of 4.A. how B. what C. where D. when 5.A. So B. And C. But D. As 6.A. telephoned B. replied C. found D. talked 7.A. better B. worse C. harder D. easier 8.A. with B. on C. to D. at 9.A. Hardly B. Happily C. Luckily D. Carefully 10.A. a boy B. doctors C. the police D. email 参考答案:1—5ACDBC 6—10 BBACD


2019年中考英语短文填空专项训练50篇 【2019年中考英语短文填空】(一) Mrs.Goodwilllivedaloneinabigoldhouse.Shewastoooldtodoalotofcleaning,sothe housewasalways1. .Shewantedtosellthehouse,butnoonewouldbuyit. Mrs.Goodwillnever2. (use)theupstairs(二楼),soshedecidedtorentitoutto makesome money.Sheadvertised(登广告)inthenewspaperandrentedtheroomstothe 3. (one) personwhocalled. HewasayoungmannamedMick.Mickwastallandfat, andhehadlittlehair.Oneday,Mrs.Goodwill‘s 4. Hillarycametovisit.Whenshe sawMick,shewas 5. [sk e?d].―Mom,helookslikea criminal.Youmustbe h esaid. 6. (care),‖s Hillarydidn‘tvisit7.[?'gen]untilthreemonthslater.Whenshearrived,she couldn‘t8. hereyes.Thehousewascleanandbeautiful.Mrs.Goodwillwascooking inthekitchenandMickwas plantingsome 9. ['fla??s]inthegarden. Hillarywenttohermomandsaid,―Mom,yourhouselookssodifferent now.‖ ―Yes.Mick helped 10.alot,‖Mrs.Goodwillsaid.―He‘squitedifferent fromwhatyouthink–He is reallya kindboy!‖ 【参考答案】 (一)短文填空(共10小题;每小题 1 分,满分10分) 1.dirty https://www.360docs.net/doc/c08910942.html,ed 3.first 4.daughter 5.scared 6.cared 7.again 8.believe 9.flowers 10.me 【2019年中考英语短文填空】(二) Mr.andMrs.BrownwerefarmersinSouthAustralia.Theylivedthereformanyyears.They hadakangarooin1. family.ThekangaroowascalledLulu.Severalyearsago,Mr. Brown‘ssongaveLulutohim2. agiftforhis60thbirthday.SoonMr.Brownand LulubecamegoodfriendsandLuluoften3. (follow)himaroundthefarm. One daywhenMr.Brownwas workingonhisfarm,a4. ['hev?]treebranch(树枝) fellontopofhimsuddenly.Mr.Brownfelltothegroundanddidn‘t5.what happenednext.Lulu stoodnexttoMr.Brown‘sbody.Shestartedbarking(叫)anddidn‘tleave Mr. Brown.―She6. (sound)likeadog.Shebarkedand barked.Andshe didn‘t stop,‖sa id Mrs.Brown.After7.Lulu‘sbarks,Mrs. Brownquicklywentto seewhathad happened. ShesawMr.Brownlyingonthegroundand8. (send)himtothehospital rightaway.9. ['l?k?l?], Mr.Brownwassaved. ―Luluisgreat!‖sa idMr.Brown.―Sh esavedme!Sheisafriendlyandvery10. [ 'klev?]kangaroo.‖Aft er Mr.Brownleftthehospital,hetookLulueverywherehewent. 【参考答案】 (二)短文填空(共10小题;每小题 1 分,满分10分) 1.their 2.as 3.follows 4.heavy 5.know 6.sounded 7.hearing 8.sent 9.Luckily 10.clever 【2019年中考英语短文填空】(三) MostAmericansenjoy1.(move)fromplacetoplace.Theyseemunabletostayin oneplace2. alongtime.Researchsaysthat Americansmoveeveryfiveyearson average(平均). Besides their habit of moving, Americans like to travel. Most companies provide a
