




One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach 1 the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed 2 sets of footprints in the sand; one belonging to him, and 3 to the Lord.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him he 4 the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his 5 there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and 6 times in his life.

This really 7 him and he questioned the Lord about it. “Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, you’d walk with me 8 . But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don’t understand 9 when I needed you most you would leave me.”

The Lord replied, “My precious, precious child, I love you and I would never 10 you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.”

( ) 1. A. to B. from C. with

( ) 2. A. two B. three C. some

( ) 3. A. other B. the other C. others

( ) 4. A. looked at back B. looked back at C. looked up back

( ) 5. A. footprint B. life C. beach

( ) 6. A. saddest B. happiest C. pleased

( ) 7. A. made B. reminded C. bothered

( ) 8. A. by the way B. on the way C. all the way

( ) 9. A. why B. how C. if

( ) 10. A. meet B. see C. leave




Do not only pay attention to your work-pay attention to your health and happiness. When you join us, you may find at first that doing exercise makes you feel tired, but after a few visits you will be a lot more energetic. Watch your shape change. Experience a new feeling of good health. Give your heart a good exercise every day. We can help you find the type of exercise that is best for your needs. Come to the gym, live longer and enjoy life more!

We have a number of different kinds of member: Single, Family, Business, Gold, Silver, Bronze. Ask for a free one week Guest Member. Call Sam, our club manager.

Hear what our members say:

◇I was always in a bad temper and worried, but now I feel so relaxed after the wonderful yoga classes. I breathe slowly and feel good.

◇Look at me-I am a new man after the body-building!

◇The slimming classes have saved my life. I can wear all my best clothes again!

Shop with us for all your health and fitness needs! Special this month: exercise machines, home gym equipment, exercise clothes, weights, diet books, healthy juices, dried fruit-and much more!

Try one of our special camps for heavy exercise, sports or weight loss. Contact Jim for more details.

( ) 1. How do you feel at first when you join us to do exercise?

A. Happiness.

B. Nervous.

C. Tired.

( ) 2. Why are you going to the gym?

A. Because I like dancing and singing.

B. Because I want to make new friends.

C. Because I want to live longer and enjoy life more.

( ) 3. What should I do if I want to be a free one week Guest Member?

A. Join us.

B. Look at me.

C. Call Sam.

( ) 4. The underlined phrase “slimming” means “______” in Chinese.

A. 减轻

B. 减肥

C. 减压

( ) 5. What’s the best title for the passage?

A. Health and Fitness Gym.

B. Golden Hearts Juice Bar.

C. Guest Membership.


Betty is not traditional American beauty. She is unfashionable, has thick red glasses, untidy hair and large metal braces (牙套) on her teeth. But this hasn’t stopped her from becoming one of American’s favorite TV characters. So how did she manage to do it?

The answer is that charm can be more attractive than beauty. Betty is the main character in a TV show Ugly Betty. The show is about her life as an office worker at a fashion magazine in New York.

The TV show has just started. Betty has many exciting experiences and romantic stories. Betty is often looked down on and laughed at by the people around. But she manages to do better than others with her hard work, charm and wisdom. The show tells us about how a girl goes from an ugly young duck into a beautiful swan.

Though you may know the ending of the show from the beginning and the story is familiar to many of us, it has still been a big success in the USA. It has attracted a large number of viewers and won two Golden Globes awards, one of the highest honors for a television program in the USA.“ I think you can see a b it of Betty in all of us, and I mean men as well, because it’s about the underdog (弱者)”,says Ashley Jensen, who plays one of the characters on the show.

The program is so popular because of the performance of the 23-year-old actress America Ferrera who plays the role of Betty. She brings the character alive on the screen.

( ) 6. Betty is popular because of ____.

A. her clothes

B. her charm

C. her personality

( ) 7. In Paragraph 4, the underlined word “it” refers to (指的是) ____.

A. the beginning

B. the ending

C. the show

( ) 8. Which is the reason for the success of the show?

A. A large number of viewers.

B. Her life as an office worker.

C. The wonderful performance.

( ) 9. Which of the following is NOT true according of the show?

A. Betty is a girl of wisdom.

B. Betty acts as a beautiful swan on the show.

C. Betty is an American favorite TV character.

( ) 10. What can be the best title for the passage?

A. Beauty from within.

B. A romantic story.

C. An ugly girl.



Sitting on Your Talent

There was a man played piano in a bar. He was a good piano 1 . People came out just to hear him play. But one night, a customer told him he didn’t want to hear him just play anymore. He wanted him to 2 a song.

The man said, “I don’t sing.”

But the customer t old the bartender, “I’m tired of listening to the 3 . I want that guy to sing!”

The bartender 4 across the room, “Hey buddy! If you want to get paid, sing a song. The custo mers are asking you to sing!”

So he 5 . He sang a song. A piano player who had never sung in public did so for the very first time. And nobody had ever heard the song Mona, Mona Lisa sung the way it was sung that night by Nat King Cole!

He had 6 he was sitting on! He may have lived the rest of his life as a no-name piano player in a no-name bar, but because he 7 sing, he went on to become one of the best-known entertainers in America.

it may be 9 than you think! Besides, you may as well have no ability at all if you sit on whatever talent you own! The better 10 is not “What ability do I have that is useful?” It is rather “How will I use whatever ability I have?”

( ) 1. A. singer B. dancer C. player

( ) 2. A. sing B. play C. give

( ) 3. A. song B. piano C. radio

( ) 4. A. followed B. ran C. shouted

( ) 5. A. did B. started C. could

( ) 6. A. talent B. skill C. decision

( ) 7. A. could B. should C. had to

( ) 8. A. feel B. think C. hear

( ) 9. A. good B. well C. better

( ) 10. A. answer B. question C. skill



New rules and behaviour standards(行为规范) for middle school students came out in March. Middle Schools are going to use a new way to decide who the top students are. The best students won’t only have high marks. The following are some of the new rules.

Tell the truth. Have you ever cheated in an exam? Don’t do it again! That’s not something honest students should do.

Do more at school. Good students love animals and care for other people. April is Bird Loving Month in China. Is your school doing anything to celebrate it? You should join! In that way, you can learn more about animals and how to protect (保护) them.

Be open to new ideas. Have you ever thought people could live on the moon? Maybe you’ll find another earth in space in the future. Everyone’s new ideas are important.

Protect yourself. Has a thief ever taken money form one of your classmates? D on’t let it

happen to you. If you have to go back home late, you should let your parents know.

Use the Internet carefully. The Internet can be very useful for your study. But some things on the Internet aren’t for kids, so try to look at the good web page s (网页). You can use the web pages for fun or homework.

( ) 1. The best students will only have high marks.

( ) 2. April is Bird Loving Month in China.

( ) 3. If you have to go back home late, you should let your parents know.

( ) 4. The things on the Internet are all for kids.

( ) 5. New rules and behaviour standards for middle school students came out in May.




Bob: Good morning, Kim.

Kim: Good morning.

Bob: Why don’t you 1 to work? It can save a lot of time.

Kim: well, I 2 walking to driving a car.

Bob: Mm. It’s good for 3 and environment.

Kim: Yes. Environment is very important for us. Everyone should do 4 for it.

Bob: Yeah, right. What 5 can we do?

Kim: For example, you’d better not bu y 6 made of animal fur.

Bob: I agree with you. It’s a good way for protecting 7 . Anything else?

Kim: Don’t use plastic bags.

Bob: But don’t you 8 they are really convenient in our daily lives.

Kim: Yes, they are really 9 for us. But they pollute our environment.

Bob: How can we carry things after shopping, then?

Kim: We can use cloth bags 10 of plastic bags.

Bob: That’s a good idea. Oh, it’s too late. See you!

Kim: See you! Bye!



You may have heard “an apple a day 1 a doctor away”. But now experts say maybe the most important thing that you can do to 2 healthy is to wash your hands.

By washing your 3 again and again you clean away germs (细菌) that you have picked up from other people, or from dirty objects, 4 from animals and animal waste.

But there are so many 5 products on the market; such as wet tissues(纸巾) and wash-free hand cleaner. Which one is the 6 ? Science from the University of North Carolina, in the US, answered that very question by examining different hand-washing products.

Some people allowed their clean hands to touch 7 kinds of germs. Then they cleaned their hands again 8 different products. The result showed that good old soap and water was found to be the best, 9 for giving away germs.

So, in the fight 10 the spread (传播) of germs, it looks like soap and water wins easily!


2. ________

3. ________

4. ________

5. ________


7. ________

8. ________

9. ________ 10. ________



Some people believe that your nationality can influence your personality. This is why you might hear someone saying “she is a typical(典型的) Australian” or “He is so French”. It seems that people from a certain country share certain similar characteristics.


French people are often seen as romantic and outgoing people with a great love for life, food and wine. They are good at singing and dancing.


Chinese are friendly people who are hard-working. They are polite because they are careful about “saving face” when dealing with other people.


Australians are merry people who spend a lot of time outdoors. They enjoy a slower life. They laugh a lot but sometimes people think they are loud and rude.


Germans are often described as being serious and careful. They are hard workers and pay a lot of attention to details. However, sometimes people say Germans have no sense of humour.

All these national types can be true for some people, but very wrong for others. For example, you might meet a German



You may feel comfortable with some people. You spend an hour with them and feel as if you have known them half a life. These people have something in common. And once we know what it is, we can try to do it ourselves.

How is it done? 1 If you follow the skills, you’ll make friends with people quickly.

First of all, good talkers ask questions. 2 One well-known businesswoman says, “At business lunches, I always ask people what they did that morning. It’s a common question, but it will get things going.” From there you can move on to some other questions. And how he answers will let you know how far you can go.

3 This point seems clear, but it isn’t. Your question should have a point and help to tell what sort of person you are talking to. And to find out, you really have to listen carefully and attentively.

Real listening at least means some things. 4 If someone sticks to one topic, it means he’s really interested in it. Real listening also means not just listening to words, but to tones (声调) of voice. If the voice sounds boring, then, it’s t ime for you to change the subject.

Finally, good talkers know well when to say good-bye. Remember to give him a handshake and say, “I’ve really enjoyed meeting you.” 5 Let people know what you feel, and they may walk away feeling as if they’ve known you half their life.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



最新中考英语阅读理解专题(含答案)经典 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.根据短文内容理解选择正确答案。 C What is your favorite color? Ask famous persons like Cate Blanchett, Scarlett Johnson, and Bono (singer for the band U2), and maybe they will say “green.” That’s not because these artists like the color green best. Instead, they are interested in green fashion. Green fashion is about making (and wearing) clothes that are good for humans, animals, and the Earth. In the past, green fashion made people think of ugly clothes. But today, green fashion is different. It is about looking good and caring about the Earth and other people. You can have interesting clothes and be green. Around the world, green fashion is becoming popular. For example, the U.K. company People Tree sells me n’s and women’s clothing and accessories(配搭物). They are made from natural fabrics(织物)like cotton and wool. Workers who make the clothes are from countries like Kenya(肯尼亚), and Bangladesh(孟加拉国). People Tree pays the men and women good money for the clothes they make. Singer Bono and his wife also started a clothing company called EDUN. When the clothes are sold, EDUN uses most of the money to help people around the world. (1)From this passage, we know that “green fashion” means________. A. putting green color on your face B. making clothes from green trees C. wearing the color green all the time D. wearing clothes that are good for the Earth (2)Today, green fashion is ___________. A. the same as it was in the past B. making people work harder C. more popular and interesting D. mostly popular with famous persons (3)Which sentence about green clothing companies is true? A. They are all in Africa. B. They do not pay their workers well. C. They make clothes only for women. D. They use natural fabrics to make clothes. (4)What does EDUN do? A. It teaches people to make clothes. B. It makes interesting clothes for teenagers. C. It sells clothes and uses the money to help people. D. It pays people good money for the clothes they make. 【答案】(1)D (2)C


中考英语押题试卷 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共 65分) 一、听力选择(共15小题,计15分;每小题约有8秒钟的答题时间) (一 ) 录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。 1. A. Aren’t you leaving? B. You’d rather not. C. You are? 2. A. Please. B. Be glad to. C. Don’t worry. 3. A. Yes, we really do. B. Yes, we’ll buy a car. C. Not until the wind stops. 4. A. I went shopping by car. B. Yes, you may give me a hand. C. I’d like to make a reservation for next Monday. 5. A. B. C. (二)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。 6. How often does the woman go swimming? A. Sometimes. B. Never. C. Every day. 7. How many girl students are there in the class? A. B. C. 8. Who are the two speakers? A. They’re workers. B. They’re strangers. C. They’re classmates. 9. Where did Cathy go last Saturday? A. To the lake. B. To the beach. C. To the park. 10. What does the boy want to do in this conversation? A. Buy a pen. B. Change a pen. C. Take a pen. (三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。 11. What’s new in Andy’s life? A. New neighbors. B. A new garden. C. A new school friend. 12. What did Andy do when he saw a boy in the garden? A. He played basketball with him. B. He asked the boy some questions. C. He introduced himself and talked to him. 13.Why was Andy confused (迷惑的)? A. The boy got angry. B. The boy cried suddenly. C. The boy asked him the same questions again. 14. Where did Andy see a boy again? A. At school. B. In the garden. C. In the street. 15. What is the relationship between the two boys? A. They’re friends. B. They’re cousins. C. They’re twin brothers. girls ’m


中考英语阅读理解测试题及答案 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读理解 Wonder what it is like to be a chef(厨师)? This weekend you will have your chance to find out. Two local chefs, Monica Sallier and Andrew Gleason, will hold an "open kitchen" at their restaurants this Saturday. Monica's restaurant, The Blue Hen, is small but comfortable. Wooden tables and chairs cover the dining area, and sweet music is always on. "I like to laugh and always tell jokes while I cook," Monica said. "Cooking brings people together. The cooks who work with me have become my best friends." At Monica's "open kitchen", she plans to teach her guests how to prepare country-style fried chicken. For it, she will use her family's secret spice(香料). She learned how to make it from her father. Monica seldom uses a measuring cup(量杯)when cooking. By doing so, she hopes to offer her guests a special dining experience. "If you come to my restaurant, you'll never get the same dish twice, "she said. Also opening his kitchen this Saturday in Shreveport is Andrew Gleason. He is the head chef at Quarter Bistro. "I am not the most talkative chef in the business," Andrew said. "Mostly because I prefer to give my full attention to the food. Every ingredient(食材)must be carefully measured. " Andrew's food also makes the dining experience special. He makes every dish look like a piece of art. At his "open kitchen", Andrew plans to teach his visitors how to prepare blackened catfish, a dish of his that has won much praise throughout the city. (1)While Monica is cooking, she ____. A. is never quiet B. seldom uses spice C. sometimes sits on a wooden chair D. always listens to her favorite songs (2)At Andrew's "open kitchen", he will ____. A. invite Monica to try his dish B. work with another head chef C. tell lots of jokes while cooking D. cook one much-praised dish (3)What do Monica and Andrew have in common? A. They work in the same restaurant. B. They both like using measuring cups. C. They graduated from the same cooking school. D. They both let guests have a special dining experience. (4)The passage is probably from ____. A. a city newspaper B. a restaurant notice C. a cookbook D. a chef's diary 【答案】(1)A (2)D (3)D (4)A 【解析】【分析】本文讲述本周六,两位当地厨师莫妮卡·萨利尔和安德鲁·格里森将在他们


试卷类型 A 【人教版新目标】2015年初中英语中考模拟试题 (总分120分考试时间120分钟) 注意事项: 1、本试题分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分。第Ⅰ卷为选择题,75分;第Ⅱ卷为非选择题,45分;共120分。 2、答题前务必认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项,试题答案必须填涂或填写在答题卡上相应位置。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共75分) 一、听力选择(共15小题,计15分;每小题约有8秒钟的答题时间) (一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。 1. A. Don’t worry. B. I agree with you. C. Please help them. 2. A. Good idea. B. Sorry, I can’t. C. Yes, please. 3. A. Two hours. B. Once a week. C. Three times. 4. A. Sure. B. Not at all. C. Thank you. 5. A. Yes, I know. B. That’s great. C. I’m sorry to hear that. (二)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。 6. Where are they talking? A. At home. B. At a shop. C. At a restaurant. 7. What is the girl doing? A. Taking pictures. B. Choosing a gift. C. Talking with her father. 8. How is Jim going to spend his summer holiday? A. Reading. B. Seeing movies. C. Doing a part-time job. 9. How long does Tom usually stay in the library every day? A. One hour. B. Two hours. C. Three hours. 10. When will the concert start? A. At half past six. B. At half past seven. C. In thirty minutes. (三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(录音播放前你有40秒钟的读题时间) 11. What’s the matter with Peter? A. He’s unhappy. B. He failed the test. C. His teacher can’t help him. 12. How does Peter like Chinese?


2019年中考英语阅读理解+书面表达 专题练习 (名师精选试题+押题预测,值得下载练习) 一、阅读理解 A (2019中考日常生活类训练) It’s so beautiful outside that spending the day in the office would be very boring. So why not take the vacations(假期)off? A new survey(调查)found that 31﹪of U.S workers don’t always take all of their vacation days. Americans have 12 vacation days on average(平 均)each year, but they give back an average of 3 vacation days each year. So why don’t they use up their vacation days? Some say they would rather get money back for their unused days; some busy workers say they just can’t leave their work. Americans have fewer vacation days than workers in any other country surveyed. The French take their vacations seriously. French workers get an average of 39 vacation days, and 40﹪plan to take at least one there-to-four-week vacation. Workers in Sweden receive an average of 25 vacation days a year,but they can’t fin time to use them all. More workers there return vacation days than any other country surveyed. British workers have the longest working week in Europe(欧洲),with 23 vacation days --the shortest vacation. So they feel overworked.75﹪say their weekends or vacations are too 工资)for one more vacation day. short and 40﹪would sacrifice a day’s pay( 1. How many vacation days do Americans have on average each year in fact? A.9 B.12 C.15 D.23 2. Which country has the most workers working during the vacation days? A. America. B. France. C. Sweden. D. Great Britain. 3. What does the word“sacrifice”mean in the last sentence? A. Use up. B. Put up. C. Take up. D. Give up. 4. Which of the following is true?

【英语】 中考英语阅读理解测试题及答案经典

【英语】中考英语阅读理解测试题及答案经典 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读理解 Radio and television are very popular in the world today. Millions of people watch TV. Perhaps more people listen to the radio. The TV, of course, is more useful than the radio. On TV you can see and hear what is happening in the world. Now the radio is not disappearing. It's still with us. And the number of listeners is becoming larger. One reason for this is the invention of the transistor(晶体管)radio. The transistor radio is sometimes very small. It is very easy to carry. You can put one in your pocket and listen to it on the bus when you go to work. It is better for blind people. Many old people don't have good sight (视力)to watch TV. When people are working,they can't watch TV but they can listen to music or news over the radio. What's more,the radio is much cheaper than the TV. (1)After the television was invented,people ____. A. think it is unnecessary to use the radio B. don't want to use the radio any more C. are still using the radio D. find the radio is disappearing (2)One of the reasons for the larger number of listeners of the radio is that ____. A. the TV was invented B. the transistor radio was invented C. people don't like watching TV D. millions of people watch TV (3)____ listen to the radio more because their sight isn't good enough. A. Children B. Young people C. Old people D. Adults (4)Usually ____ can be used easily while people are moving or working. A. the radio B. the TV C. both the TV and the radio D. neither the radio nor the TV 【答案】(1)C (2)B (3)C (4)A 【解析】【分析】大意:本文讲述收音机和电视机在世界上的很受欢迎,电视与收音机比,电视更有用,然而收音机由于体积小便宜,便于携带,听众也越来越多,深受老年人喜爱。 (1)细节题。根据Perhaps more people listen to the radio.可知,电视发明后,人们依然使用收音机,故选C。 (2)细节题。根据One reason for this is the invention of the transistor(晶体管)radio. 可知,收音机听众的数量更多其中一个原因是晶体管收音机被发明,故选B。 (3)推断题。根据 Many old people don't have good sight(视力)to watch TV.可知,老年人由于视力不好听广播的人更多,故选C。 (4)细节题。根据When people are working,they can't watch TV but they can listen to music or news over the radio.可知,通常人们移动或者工作时可以听收音机,故选A。 【点评】考查阅读理解。细节题和推断题是阅读理解题中常考题型。细节题需要从文中寻


初中英语中考模拟试题及答案(1) I.单项选择(共15分,每题1分) ( )1.What about _______ an English song? A.singing B.sing C.to sing ( )2.I spend a lot of time ______ basketball. A.playing B.to play C.play ( )3.My parents prefer to stay at home rather than_____ to parties. A.going B.go C.to go ( ) 4.The factory ________ since the March of 2013. A.has been open B.has opened C.was open ( ) 5.Could you tell me ________? A.where does he work B.where he works C.where he worked ( ) 6.Mr Black encouraged his children _____ the library as often as possible. A.go to B.to go to C.going to ( )7.—Jim.How________is it from your home to school? 一My home isn’t far from my school.It’s about a______walk. A.1ong,five minutes' B. far,five-minutes' C.far,five-minute ( )8.---Look! Ii’t raining heavily._______ take a raincoat with you? ---Well,I’ll take one right now. A.Why not B.Why don’t C.Would you mind ( ) 9. I have never seen ______ picture before. A.such a beautiful B.so beautiful a C.a such beautiful ( )10.—Are you sure if Lucy_____ for dinner tomorrow? 一I’m not sure.If she______ we will ask Lily instead. n’n’ ( )11.一There will be a sports meeting tomorrow.What will the weather be like? 一I have no idea.Why not_____ the radio and listen? A.Turn off B.turn down C.turn on ( )12.Our parents always worry we talk instead of _____ homework. A.do B.doing C.to do ( )13. Neither I nor Jane and Mary ______ interested in science. A.is B,are C.am ( )14.He used to _____ much meat, but now he’s used to ______ fruits and vegetables. A.eat;eating B.eating; eat C.eat; eat ( )15.Would you mind ______ to movies? I want ______ tennis with you. A.not go, to play B.not going , to play C.don’t go , to play ( )16.The shoes are much too small for him.They ______ be his. A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t ( )17.---Tom likes playing basketball. ---_______________. A.So did I B.So was I C.So do I ( )18.I like music _______ I can sing along with. A.that B.who C.where ( )19.---It’s sunny today.Let’s go mountain climbing,_________? A.shall we B.will you C.won’t you


一、中考英语阅读理解汇编 1.阅读上面的信息,选择正确答案。 ① Jackie, Are you good at fixing printers? The one in my office doesn't work. Please help! Grace ② You can make a cake in about fifteen minutes. First, heat the oven to 350℉. Then, put the flour (面粉) in a bowl and add the milk, butter, eggs and salt. ③ Found A purple schoolbag. Found at the gate. Call Janet at 457-4611. ④ Telephone Message From: Luke Sanger To: Mr. Miller Message: Call him back at 3: 00 p. m. on June 29 at his office number (234-3688). ⑤Our running club members meet at 7: 00 p.m. every Wednesday. We run in two groups: Beginners (for anyone ) The experienced (for runners who can do 12miles or more ) Join us to keep fit! Call Esteban Lopez at 617-555- 3697. A. office B. mobile phone C. printer D. cake (2)We may read Text ② in a ________. A. cookbook B. music magazine C. weather report D. story book (3)Text ③ should be a ________. A. thank-you note B. letter C. postcard D. notice (4)According to Text④, Luke Sanger should be ________ at 3: 00 p. m. on June 29. A. at home B. in the office C. on the plane D. at the restaurant (5)In Test ⑤, the running club members meet ________. A. once a week B. twice a week C. once a month D. twice a month 【答案】 (1)C (2)A (3)D (4)B (5)A 【解析】【分析】大意:本文介绍感谢信,蛋糕制作流程,失物招领,和电话和俱乐部等的信息。 (1)细节题。根据 Are you good at fixing printers? 可知打印机出了问题,故选C 。 (2)推断题。本则内容主要介绍如何做蛋糕,因此此则信息可能来自烹饪的书籍,故选A 。


2020年中考英语阅读理解押题预测 【名师精选试卷,值得下载练习】 Passage A he earth is our home;we must take Care of it.This means keeping the land,air and water clean. Pollution is a dirty word.To pollute means to make things unfit(不合适的)or unclean to use.Pollution comes in many ways.We see it,smell it ,taste it and drink it.Pollution is beginning to threaten(威胁)our health ,or happiness and our life. Man.has been polluting the earth from the time he first made fire,washed his clothes in the river and threw his waste on the ground.When land was used up or water became dirty.Men moved to another place.At first the problem was not so serious because there was plenty of clean air,land and water.There weren’t so many people then and their wants( 需 求)were fewer.All the dirty things could be absorbed(吸收)by nature and soon.covered over(恢复).But this is no longer true.The increase of population(人口增长)and the development of industry have changed that.Man is slowly polluting.his environment. Through the use of poison(农药),mall has polluted land !killing the animal.By putting dirty water and chemicals into rivers and lakes we have polluted our drinking water ,killing the fish.Our increasing population is part of the.problem.More people more waste. Where is this all to end ?Are we turning the world into a big rubbish dump,or is there any hope that we can get rid of(摆脱)the pollution ?Luckily,millions of people have been warned of the danger of pollution.Large numbers of people are now working hard to bring pollution under ( )1.Which sentence is WRONG? A.We live on the earth,so we should look after it. B.To pollute means to make air ,water and land unfit for use. C.All the waste produced by modem industry can be absorbed. D.Man is now fighting against different kinds of pollution. ( )2.In this passage the word“chemicals”means . A.化学B.化学物质C.化学的D.医学的


假设你是B哦,你的同桌感冒了,请你阅读下面这段短文,然后给他写一封关于怎样预防感冒的信,现在已经基本为你写好了。请仔细阅读短文,然后根据短文内容在横线上填上恰当的单词,每条横线不准超过4个单词。 It’s easy for us teenagers to catch cold in winter and spring. But we can do a lot to stay healthy. Here is some advice. \ Wash your hands often, which will stop germs (细菌) passing from one person to another. Don’t use your hands when coughing. Use a tissue (纸巾), and then throw it away at once.Turn your head away from people near you when you are coughing. Get some fresh air. Germs like staying in dry and warm rooms. So you’d better keep your windows open at night when you are sleeping, or you won’t have enough fresh air. If flu (流感) is going round your house or school, you should try to stay away from those who are ill. Boil (煮) your toothbrush for about a minute, which kills germs. Dear Mark, I’m sorry hear that you’ve got a cold. Have you seen the doctor yet? Well, just do as the doctor tells you. It is easy for us to catch cold in such weather. I’ve just read a passage about how to keep away form cold. Now, let me tell you about you about it. First, you should often wash your hands because that can (86) __________________from one to another. Second, when you are coughing, you’d better (87)__________________ and them throw it into a dustbin. Also if you are coughing,near somebody, you should (98) ___________________.Third, when you sleep at night, your windows (99) ___________________so that you can get enough fresh air. And fourth, wherever you are, you should try to stay away from those who got flu. Boil your toothbrush for a while now and then, so that germ (100) _____________________ Hope you will get better soon. Yours Bob Tokyo, London, and New York are among the largest cities in the world. Do you know how big and how old they are? How many famous places are there in these three cities? Well, Tokyo has the biggest number of people. It has 9,000,000 people. London, however, is the largest of the three. It covers 600 square miles. New York is almost as large. London is also much older than either Tokyo or New York. It is over 1,600 years old. Tokyo is the second oldest; it really began in 1457. New York is the youngest. Today there are many famous places in these three cities. The TV tower in Tokyo is over 1,000feet high. The two most important theatre districts in the world are in London and New York. Hundreds and thousands of visitors from foreign countries are visiting each of the three cities every day. All the three cities are playing an important role in the word affairs 56.Maybe there are_______ people in the city of London. A.9,000,000 B.8,000,000 C.9,300,000 D.10,000,000 57. New York is almost as large as________. A. London B. Tokyo C. Beijing D. Paris
