





















copter直升飞机、nu流行性感冒、fridge冰箱、movie一coholic看电影成瘾的(人)、teloholic 看电视成瘾的(人)、telly电视、eco-politics经济政治学、pop一singer流行歌曲演唱家、Viet 越南的(人)、Reagano而es里根经济学(政策)。








例如:pMtoseeMps Overbigfaeto叮elosures(TheT而es,1981)首相将会见下院议员




























有名有姓的来源套语(包括机构和个人):例如,“Paris,Junes(AFP)—FrenehExternalRelationsMi 川全terClaudeChevssonsaidlas而ghtonhisreturnfromWashinglon































□《华盛顿邮报》一篇题为FBI’s No.2 Was“Deep Throat”(《FBI二号人物就是深喉》)的稿件导语为:Deep Throat, the secret source whose insider guidance was vital to The Washington Post’s ground-breaking coverage of the Watergate scandal, was a pillar of the FBI named W. Mark Felt, The Post confirmed yesterday.②(《华盛顿邮报》昨日证实,深喉,那个对《华盛顿邮报》水门丑闻取得突破性报道至关重要的神秘线人,就是当年FBI的台柱子马克·费尔特。)此导语言简意赅,却揭开了困惑美国人33年的水门事件之谜:“深喉”竟是当年尼克松麾下的FBI的副局长。不能不让人瞠目结舌。



□写作常有多种角度,导语写作若有一个独特的角度来吸引读者,同质稿件就会在竞争中取胜,高明的作者会选取一个最独特、最有趣、最富有戏剧性和人情味的角度写作导语。□《纽约时报》一篇题为China Loves Its Soccer. Its Team? Don’t Ask.(《中国人喜欢足球,喜欢他们的国家队吗?别提了。》)的稿件导语为:The kick in the groin was the low point of the Olympic Games for hundreds of millions of Chinese sports fans.③(中国男足那对准下腹部的一踢在中国亿万球迷眼中成了奥运的最低点。)




□新闻导语写作常通过设置悬念激起读者的阅读兴趣和欲望。此类导语大多是通过设问提出一个问题然后再回答写作而成。设问设得好,能把读者引入“问题情境”,激发好奇心,从而调动阅读新闻的积极性。如《华盛顿先驱报》的经典导语:What price Glory? Two

eyes, two legs, an arm—$12 a month.④(光荣值多少钱?两只眼睛,两条腿,一只胳膊,每月12块钱。)设问再回答,描述了因一战而残疾的老兵生活困窘的状况。短短12个单词,发振聋发聩之声。然而设置悬念型的导语也并非全部都需要设问。《时代》周刊一篇题为Person of the Year: You(《年度人物:你》)的稿件导语为:The“Great Man”theory of history is usually attributed to the Scottish philosopher Thomas Carlyle, who wrote that “the history of the world is but the biography of great men.” He believed that it is the few, the powerful and the famous who shape our collective destiny as a species. That theory took a serious beating this year.⑤(一般认为历史学中的“伟人论”来自苏格兰哲学家Thomas Carlyle。他说过:“世界史无非是伟人们的自传”。他相信少数有名、有权的个人左右了我们整个人类的命运。这一理论今年受到严重挑战。)




□“兴”是我国文学创作中的两种手法。“兴”,就是联想,触景生情,因物起兴,“先言他物以引起所咏之词也”。文化传承虽不同,美英报刊新闻导语写作也有应用类似手法者。《华盛顿邮报》一篇题为September 11,2001(《2001年9月11日》)的稿件导语为:

A few minutes before 8,Tuesday morning. The day had broken clean and clear and sweet on

the East Coast. Summer was over mentally, if not officially. It was time to get to work, and people were up and at it. The saddest and most relentlessly horrific day in modern American existence started in the most ordinary ways.⑥(周二晨,早上八点。美国东海岸的天空晴朗、洁净、美好。虽然没有正式发布,夏天也几近结束了。该去上班的时间,人们都忙着起床、赶着去上班。最平平常常开始的一天最后却成了现代美国最悲惨、最残酷、最恐怖的一天。)




□对比指将两个有差别,甚至相反的东西放在一起进行比较,使得事物的个性特征在对比中放大并显露出来,以此达到写作目的。把对比的方式用于导语写作,能于起承转折间增加新闻美感、跌宕起伏中提升新闻价值、矛盾浮现时刺激读者阅读欲望。《泰晤士报》一篇题为America refuses to accept defeat in Olympic medal count(《美国拒绝承认奥运会奖牌榜上的失败》)的稿件导语为:It was the perfect end to a perfect Olympic Games for China as the Olympic flame was handed over to London in one of the world’s greatest stadiums last night. As memories of a sensational Games faded, China celebrated achieving its ultimate aim of heading the Olympic medals table for the first time. Unless you are in America, where you will discover that Team USA remain the force in world sport.⑦(中国的完美奥运完美谢幕。昨晚,在全球最大的体育馆,奥运火炬移交伦敦。随着奥运盛会的记忆渐渐淡去,中国欢庆他们首次实现了领袖奥运奖牌榜的终极目标。除非在美国,你才会发现美国队仍是世界体坛的老大。)





□①④Melvin Mencher.News Reporting and Writing,北京:清华大学出版社,2004年版。□②David V on Drehle.FBI’s No.2 Was “Deep Throat”.The Washington Post.June 1,2005.

□③Edward Wong.China Loves Its Soccer. Its Team?Don’t Ask.The New York Times.August 14,2008.

□⑤Lev Grossman.Person of the Year:You.TIME.Dec.25,2006.

□⑥David Maraniss.September 11,2001.The Washington Post.September 16,2001.

□⑦Kevin Eason.America refuses to accept defeat in Olympic medal count.The Times.August 25,2008.




《英美报刊选读》 一、教学目的 通过本课程的学习,使学员对英美报刊有一个清晰的了解,认识英美报刊语言、文体、词汇、语法等基本特点,掌握英美报刊阅读的基本知识及技巧,为独立阅读英美报刊打下良好的基础。 二、教材特点 与该课程旧教材(第1版)相比,本教材具有以下特点: 1.为使学生改变以往依赖教师和英汉词典的学习习惯,培养他们独自排解疑难词语的能力,编者不但向他们推荐工具书,并教授他们使用方法;为使他们能加深对词汇的记忆,还介绍词法和重要词根及词缀。 2.为使学生掌握必要的新闻词语和扩大词汇量,本书在“新闻词语解说”中尽量结合课文,讲透疑难词语。此外还列出一些与这些词语或课文内容有关的课外词汇。 3.为使学生掌握必要的读报知识,本书在“背景知识”中尽量结合课文,介绍重要的并时常见诸报端的人物、党派和组织机构等,并举例说明其重要性。 4.为使学生对新闻写作有一个大致的认识,加深对课文的理解,编者较系统地说明标题的若干特点,对新闻体裁的分类、导语和写作特点及常语等做了简介。 三、教学内容 《英美报刊选读》为省开课程。 1.授课内容:重点为第1、3、4、5、6、8、13、15、17、19、20、21、24、28、30课(共15课),其它内容主要供自学。 2.课时安排: a) 学员自学:2学时/周,共30学时学完15课。 b)面授辅导:4学时/次,共4次。每学时辅导一课,最后一学时复习。 3.作业:共四次,在湖北电大网站英语本科网页上下载,课后完成,交辅导教师批改,评分,作为平时成绩的主要依据。学员完成作业后,可浏览网页上的“答案及详解”,以加深理解,检查自己掌握的情况 四、教学建议 教师授课时应以学生为中心,鼓励学生自己去探索和获取知识。在上课时,可要求学生先回答每课后的练习题——Questions,使他们基本了解课文的主要内容。然后,再逐段或跳跃式选段对学生需要掌握的内容、新闻词语和背景知识进行阅读和问答式方式讲解。如果备课充分,学生的英语水平又高,教员可采用美英教员教授母语的方法,抛开课本或讲义,只讲有关课文的重点词语、背景知识和写作手法等。这样,学生除预习外,课后还要结合教员

美英报刊阅读教程Lesson 34 课文

Lesson 34 Out of the Blue On a picture-perfect Texas morning, the shuttle Columbia was heading home when tragedy struck, leaving America and the world wondering what went wrong-and honoring the lives of seven brave astronauts. By Evan Thomas 1) Tony Beasley, an astronomer at the California Institute of Technology, got up early, along with his wife and mother-in-law, to watch the space shuttle fly overhead. It was a little after 5:45 a.m., California time, 7:45 a.m. at Mission Control1 in Houston, 8:45 a.m. at Cape Canaveral in Florida. Beasley could see the bright glow of the shuttle as it came over California’s Owens Valley, bound for a Florida landing, still 60 miles high, traveling at about 20 times the speed of sound. Then he noticed some bright flashes, just small ones at first. Beasley idly wondered if the shuttle was shedding some debris as it entered the atmosphere. He didn’t make much of it;2 he thought he recalled that space shuttles sometimes lost a few tiles as the craft burned into the atmospnere. But then he noticed a large pulse of light. “It was like a big flare being dropped from the shuttle,” he told Newsweek. “It didn’t seem normal.” 2) A few minutes later, a few hundred miles to the east in Red Oak, Texas, Trudy Orton heard a boom as she stood on her front porch in the brightening morning. She thought it was a natural-gas explosion. “My house shook and windows rattled.” Her dog ran into the house and hid. A neighbor, loading her car, looked up and asked, “What on earth was that?” Orton lo oked up and saw a white streak of smoke across the sky. “It wasn’t a sleek little straight line like the jets make. It was billowing like a puffy cloud.” 3) At the Kennedy Space Center at 9 a.m., ET, the festive crowd-NASA officials, family members of the astronauts, local dignitaries and politicians, even a representative of the Israeli government, on hand to honor Israel’ s first astronaut, Col. Ilan Ramon-eagerly listened for the familiar sonic boom, heralding the arrival of the returning shuttle. But as the skies remained silent, the burble of chatter died down, then grew anxious. At about 9:05, mobile phones began to ring. Suddenly, officials were herding family members into buses. The countdown clock continued to wind down to the scheduled 9:16 landing. But the crowd was already gone. 4) The specialists inside Mission Control were well aware that the complex machines they put into space and then hope to bring home again are potential deathtraps. The rest of us forget, until a tragedy occurs, and the nation and the world are left mourning the loss of the astonishing array of hope and talent that routinely fly aboard the shuttles-113 trips, so far. When the shuttle Columbia disintegrated over Texas last Saturday morning, it took with it an Air Force colonel and test pilot3 (whose last job had been chief of safety for the astronaut office); a former Eagle Scout fighter jock4 (second in his class at Annapolis); a veteran African-American astronaut making his second trip into space; an India-born woman with a Ph.D. who enjoyed flying aerobatics5; a medical doctor who had performed in the circus as an acrobat; another medical doctor who was a mother, and an Israeli Air Force hero who had bombed Iraq’ s Osirak nuclear reactor in 1981. 5) The seven crew members of the Columbia were finishing a 16-day mission that had gone off without a hitch6, hi between conducting dozens of scientific experiments, there had been plenty of time for stargazing. Astronaut Kalpana Chawla had told reporters how much, on a prior shuttle mission, she had enjoyed “watching the continents go by, the thunderstorms shimmering in the


美英报刊选读课程期末考试 课程名称:美英报刊文章选读 考察性质:考查课 考查内容:论文撰写 试题 Based on what we have learned during the whole semester, choose one among the following 7 topics and write an essay about 1000 words. Your essay shall be scored grounded on your understanding of the topic, your writing skills, your insightful analysis, etc. 1. Parenting Types Directions: What are the factors that have made such big differences between the American way and Chinese way of parenting? Which one do you prefer and why? 2. Higher Education—To be or not to be? Directions: During Lesson 4, American high education systems are discussed. Please think over merits and demerits of private colleges and public colleges and write an essay. 3. The “New” War Directions: During Lesson 6, we have learned deep relations among American’s politics, economy and religion. How would you comment on their relations and how do they influence American society. 4. “Change” Can Be “Forward”. Directions: In 2012, Barack Obama wins second term as U.S. president. Combining his success, please state the factors to his victory and your opinion on the American democracy. 5. Terrorized by “War on Terror” Directions: The War on Terror is the campaign launched by United States in response to the 9/11 attacks against organizations designated terrorism. Please analyze the causes of terrorism and the results of this war. 6. The Road To Come Directions: Which system do you think is better for Britain, republic or monarchy? 7. Religion and Politics Directions: What is the relation between religion and politics in U.S.A.?


I.Read the following short passages and choose the best answer. (20 % ) Passage 1 GENEVA-A 38-year-old Spanish man briefly hijacked 抢劫a French airliner on Majorca Sunday and threatened to blow it up to protest 抗议France's plans to resume nuclear testing, then surrendered in投降放弃Geneva without a struggle after releasing 298 passengers and crew. An official at Geneva's Cointrin Airport described the man as unbalanced. a .A Spanish man hijacked a French airline to protest France's nuclear testing. b. A Spanish man who had threatened to blow up a French airline surrendered in Geneva. c. A Spanish man who had hijacked a French airline surrendered in Geneva. Passage 2 TOKYO-When Compaq Computers康帕电脑and Dell Computer invaded 进入the Japanese market three years age with personal computers selling for half the price of the local varieties当地品种, rival竞争对手Japanese companies braced for trouble准备应付动乱. But instead of killing the Japanese personal computer industry, the American onslaught猛攻liberated 放纵it. Proceed by what is known as the “Compaq Shock康帕冲击,” Japanese manufacturers have become fiercer competitors, cutting their prices drastically. The result has been a boom in sales that is benefiting the Japanese manufacturers as much as the Americans. a. American and Japanese computer companies compete to win the Japanese market. b. “Compaq Shock,” has benefited Japanese market. c. Fierce competition between American and Japanese computer companies has helped the computer sales boom in Japan. Passage 3 PARIS-A bomb 炸弹exploded at a crowded street market in Paris near the Place de la Bastille Sunday morning, leaving four people slightly hurt. The police said that the bomb, packed into a pressure cooker and hidden in a bag under a vegetable stand, did not cause greater damage because of a malfunction.功能失常But the incident clearly left a deep impact on Government

美英报刊阅读教程Lesson 1 课文

【Lesson 1 Good News about Racial Progress The remaining divisions in American society should not blind us to a half-century of dramatic change By Abigail and Stephan Thernstrom In the Perrywood community of Upper Marlboro, Md.1, near Washington, D.C., homes cost between $160,000 and $400,000. The lawns are green and the amenities appealing—including a basketball court. Low-income teen-agers from Washington started coming there. The teens were black, and they were not welcomed. The homeowners? association hired off-duty police as security, and they would ask the ballplayers whether they “belonged” in the area. The association? s newsletter noted the “eyesore” at the basketball court. But the story has a surprising twist: many of the homeowners were black t oo. “We started having problems with the young men, and unfortunately they are our people,” one resident told a re porter from the Washington Post. “But what can you do?” The homeowners didn?t care about the race of the basketball players. They were outsiders—in truders. As another resident remarked, “People who don?t live here might not care about things the way we do. Seeing all the new houses going up, someone might be tempted.” It?s a t elling story. Lots of Americans think that almost all blacks live in inner cities. Not true. Today many blacks own homes in suburban neighborhoods—not just around Washington, but outside Atlanta, Denver and other cities as well. That?s not the only common misconception Americans have ab out race. For some of the misinformation, the media are to blame. A reporter in The Wall Street Journal, for instance, writes that the economic gap between whites and blacks has widened. He offers no evidence. The picture drawn of racial relations is even bleaker. In one poll, for instance, 85 percent of blacks, but only 34 percent of whites, agreed with the verdict in the O.J. Simpson murder trial. That racially divided response made headline news. Blacks and whites, media accounts would have us believe, are still separate and hostile. Division is a constant theme, racism another. To be sure, racism has not disappeared, and race relations could —and probably will —improve. But the serious inequality that remains is less a function of racism than of the racial gap in levels of educational attainment, single parenthood and crime. The bad news has been exaggerated, and the good news neglected. Consider these three trends: A black middle class has arrived. Andrew Young recalls the day he was mistaken for a valet at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. It was an infuriating case of mistaken identity for a man who was then U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. But it wasn?t so long ago that most blacks were servants—or their equivalent. On the eve of


《英语报刊选读》期末复习指导 一、课程说明 本课程为本科开放教育英语专业的选修课程之一,开设时间为第五学期。教学对象是广播电视大学英语本科学生或具有同等水平的自学者。本课程采用的教材为《美英报刊文章阅读》和《〈美英报刊文章阅读〉学习辅导》(周学艺主编,北京大学出版社出版,2001年10月第2版)。 二、考试说明 本课程终结性考核方式为闭卷考试,考生不得携带任何形式的参考资料和电子读物或工具。考核范围为: 第1单元Chinese Affairs Lesson One Exploding Touris m Eroding China’s Riches Lesson Two Beijing Dreams of 2008 Lesson Three Home at Last 第2单元American Affairs (I) Lesson Four Best Graduate Schools Lesson Five Is Harvard Worth It ? 第3单元American Affairs (II) Lesson Eight Judge Sees Politics in Los Alamos Case Lesson Ten Big Crimes, Small Cities Lesson Eleven Hollywood Demons 第4单元American Affairs (III) Lesson Thirteen Lobbyist Out Of Shadow Into The Spotlight Lesson Fourteen The Rich Get Richer and Elected ---1---


《英语报刊阅读》课程教学大纲 课程编码:30614003 学分:2 总学时:36 说明 【课程性质】 英语报刊阅读是全日制英语专业本科高年级阶段的一门专业任意选修课,开设时间为第五学期。 【教学目的】 1. 通过为学生提供一定数量的英美报刊阅读,使学生了解国际重大时事,获得最新信息,增加国际知识,提高独立阅读的能力。 2.通过课堂讲授,使学生了解世界主流英文报刊,了解英文报刊阅读常识,提高对信息分析、判断的能力。 3.通过课堂讲授与课后练习,提高学生阅读报刊文章并进行摘要写作的能力。 【教学任务】 此课程教学旨在使学生大致了解英美等英语国家报刊的基本特点,初步掌握阅读英语报刊的技能,学会运用各种工具书和各方面的知识,了解英语报刊的内容和实质,进而在提高学生语言能力的同时提高综合能力和知识水平。 【教学内容】 英语报刊阅读主要包括英语国家报刊简介、英语报刊中的术语、新闻的写作等报刊知识以及报刊文章选读,所选的文章主要来源于国内的21st Century 、China Daily 以及美国《读者文摘》、《今日美国》、《时代周刊》及《新闻周刊》等报刊以及部分互联网文章。选材注重思想性和代表性及学生的实际英语水平。 【教学原则和方法】 教学原则:在《英美报刊阅读》课程当中,强调学生思维能力的培养,我们要有意识地思维能力的培养有机地融合在英语专业技能、英语专业知识和相关知识课程的教学中。要努力为学生创造发表个人见解的机会,对不同的意见和看法要采取鼓励和宽容的态度。 教学方法:以讲授为主,辅以学生查阅相关资料,探究式学习。 【先修课程要求】 可以在第一、二、三、四学期开设了基础英语,以及第二,三学期的英语阅读课的基础上开设此课程。


Unit2 Gender Issues Men turn to jobs women usually do 1.HOUSTON - Over the last decade, American men of all backgrounds have begun flocking to fields such as teaching, nursing and waiting tables that have long been the province of women. 2."The way I look at it is that anything, basically, that a woman can do, a guy can do," said Miguel Alquicira, who graduated from high school when construction and manufacturing jobs were scarce and became a dental assistant. 3.The trend began well before the crash,and appears to be driven by a variety of factors, including financial concerns, quality-of-life issues and a gradual erosion of g ender stereotypes. 4.In interviews, about two dozen men played down the economic considerations, saying that the stigma associated with choosing such jobs had faded, and that the jobs were appealing not just because they offered stable employment, but because they were more satisfying. 5."I.T. is just killing viruses and clearing paper jams all day," said Scott Kearney, 43, who tried information technology and other fields before becoming a nurse in the pediatric intensive care unit at Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston. 6.An analysis of United States census data by The New York Times shows that from 2000 to 2010, occupations that are more than 70 percent female accounted for almost a third of all job growth for men, double the share of the previous decade. 7.That does not mean that men are displacing women - those same jobs accounted for almost two-thirds of women's job growth. But in Texas, for example, the number of men who are registered nurses nearly doubled in that time period. 8.The shift includes low-wage jobs as well. Nationally, two-thirds more men were bank tellers, almost twice as many were receptionists and two-thirds more were waiting tables in 2010 than a decade earlier. 9.Even more striking is the type of men who are making the shift. From 1970 to 1990, according to a study by Mary Gatta, senior scholar at Wider Opportunities for Women, an organization based in Washington, D.C., and Patricia A. Roos, a sociologist at Rutgers University in New Jersey, men who took so-called pink-collar jobs tended to be foreign-born, non-English speakers with low education levels. 10.Now, though, the trend has spread among men of nearly all races and ages, more than a third of whom have a college degree. In fact, the shift is most pronounced among young, white, college-educated men like Charles Reed, a sixth-grade math teacher at Patrick Henry Middle School in Houston. 11.Mr. Reed, 25, intended to go to law school after a


控制测试的考验 有人说,坐是命运。有人说这是没有意义的。它是否应该取消? 理查德·阿特金森不是典型的那些担心坐,然而,他是去年研读一堆准备手册,填充泡沫与2号铅笔。尊敬的认知心理学家,前美国国家科学基金会主席,现在著名的nine-campus加州大学系统,决定调查他的长期担忧美国最著名的标准化考试,他就怎样行了许多的130万名高中毕业生参加SAT考试每年都做。每天晚上或数周,71岁的阿特金森掏出他的手册和样品测试来检查和评估的青少年面对的是语言和数学问题。 阿特金森,测试专家,不就像他所看到的一切。有太多令人困惑的问题,模糊言语类比——那种要求学生找出“不真实的”“mendaciousness”“谨慎”是“谨慎。”也不是他快乐,当他去年访问加州北部一所私立学校,看到一个类的12岁练习SAT考试——考试年之遥。与许多坐批评,然而,阿特金森能够做些什么大学招生测试:在开创性的2月18日的一次演讲中,美国教育委员会,他呼吁废除坐在我(正式名称测试)在加州大学本科生招生的未来的决定。 他的建议是一个体面的机会来批准教师和评议在第二年,已经引起了巨大的轰动全国校园。事实上,它点燃了长期争论远远超出了加州的测试:是坐高估了作为大学入学的工具,预测性能?贫困和少数民族学生是不公平的(批评者称为测试“文化偏见”),特别是现在一些大学已经停止招生偏好给黑人和西班牙裔,平均SAT成绩远远低于那些白人和亚洲人吗?也许最基本,大学应该挑选学生根据他们获得知识而不是通用资质?阿特金森认为,加州系统应该只使用标准化考试直接相关的材料的学生在学校学习。 其他的机会。以斯帖墙将会很高兴看到坐去。大学辅导员在洛杉矶中南区的杰佛逊高中,她说她的低收入,拉丁裔学生通常不测试好坐,虽然他们很有能力。学校的明星之一,赢得了17岁的高级帕斯卡·拉莫斯的九个严格的跳级生课程。但是他只管理SAT分数总计1080——1019年高于全国平均水平,但远低于精英学校期待什么。他应用等加州大学学校以及私立大学康奈尔大学,卡内基梅隆大学,他的梦想——麻省理工学院的校园。“我要进入其中的一对,”他预测。“我只担心我的SAT成绩。” SAT的模糊性质,困扰许多对手。测试是一个“大灰蘑菇,”测试专家詹姆斯?波说加州大学名誉教授认为考试一个光荣的智商测试。大学委员会说,并非如此,赞助商的测试。但董事会没有帮助澄清问题通过执行几个修辞近年来翻筋斗。1994年,它改变了坐从学习能力倾向测验的名字,这个名字最早于1926年研制成功以来,学术评估测试。这些天的官方立场是,首字母缩写不代表任何东西。 测试但是没有什么神秘可言,Caperton大学理事会主席加斯顿说。三个小时的考试措施”的那种高阶数学和literary-reasoning技能学生需要大学,在以后的生活中取得成功,”他说。测试关联与freshman-year大学成绩,大学委员会说,尤其是用于结合高中成绩。Caperton坚称:“坐着工作。“迁怒坐不会提供更好的教学和学习在学校。” 最新的攻击坐在平权法案在几个州的消亡,在大学可以不再给少数申请人特殊招生优惠。继续依赖考试分数很难维持以前的水平的少数招生,所以无种族歧视的替代品有争夺。德州和加州大学系统已经采用了大学招生系统部分基于班级排名。不管考试分数,一个学生在他或她的高中类(前10%在德克萨斯州,在加州前4%)自动承认州立大学。新政策在政治上受欢迎,但批评人士担心,他们依靠高中继续隔离,可以降低录取标准,因为学校质量千差万别。 在短期内,阿特金森希望加州大学继续要求科目的成绩测试(统称为SAT II),测量等领域的知识写作,数学,历史,和外语。最终,他想看看新的测试联系更直接的加州大学的需要

英美报刊选读 阅读材料

Lesson Nine. Iraq: Who won the war? Not the 90,000 Iraqi civilians or the 4,200 US and UK troops killed since 2003. The big winners are the money men who have made billions. Raymond Whitaker and Stephen Foley report 1.Five years ago today, Britain stood on the brink of war. On 16 March 2003, United Nations weapons inspec-tors were advised to leave Iraq within 48 hours, and the "shock and awe" bombing campaign began less than 100 hours later, on 20 March. The moment the neocons around President George Bush had worked so long for, aided by the moral fervour of Tony Blair, was about to arrive. 2."I believe demolishing Hussein's military power and liberating Iraq would be a cakewalk," Kenneth Adelman, a leading neocon, had said a few weeks before, and so it proved. Within barely a month, Saddam's bronze statue in Baghdad's Firdaus Square was scrap metal. But every other prediction by the Bush administration's hawks proved wrong. 3.No weapons of mass destruction –Britain's key justification for war –have been found. The Pentagon acknowledged last week that a review of more than 600,000 captured Iraqi documents showed "no evidence that Saddam Hussein's regime had any operational links with Osama bin Laden's al-Qa'ida terrorist network". 4.In 2008, there are still more American troops in Iraq than during the invasion, with no exit yet in sight. Britain's Ministry of Defence has just admitted that it has been unable to withdraw as many British troops as it planned – there are 4,000 still based just outside Basra, instead of the projected 2,500. So far 3,987 American soldiers and 197 British troops have died in Iraq. 5.So, five years on, who can be said to have won the war? Certainly not Iraqi civilians, at least 90,000 of whom have died violently since 2003, at the most conservative estimate. Other studies have multiplied that figure by five or six. Two million Iraqis have fled the country, and at least as many again are internally displaced. Baghdad households suffered power cuts of up to eight hours a day in Saddam's time; now they can expect less than eight hours of electricity a day on average. The US troop "surge" has cut the number of murders, but there are still 26 a day in the capital. The list goes on. 6.Nor have the eager promotors of the war, such as Mr Adelman, fared well. (By October 2006 he was admitting: "We're losing in Iraq.") The most arrogant of them all, Donald Rumsfeld, the ex-secretary of defence, was reluctantly dropped by Mr Bush in his second term. His former deputy, Paul Wolfowitz, who famously said that WMD had been used as the excuse for war because it was the only topic Washington's bureaucracy could agree on, was forced to resign as president of the World Bank after arranging a pay rise for his girlfriend. The Senate refused to confirm John Bolton
