
















如果说古巴之行,让他"成了一些宴会和舞会争相邀请的嘉宾,并借此结识了不少名人" (《古巴之行》)的话,那么1899年的南非之行却让他成了南非战争中的传奇英雄。根据他对"战争的特殊敏感",预感南非战争即将爆发。他以记者身份进入南非,却没想到成了加上布尔人俘虏。历经艰难逃回英国后,直接参加作战,"创造了以少胜多的战例","还是最先攻入比勒陀利亚的英军部队中的一员"。比勒陀利亚就是当初他被关押的地城市。(《南非战争中的传奇英雄》)










温斯顿·丘吉尔,1874年11月,生于英国牛津郡伍德斯托克镇布伦海姆宫。丘吉尔未上过大学,他的渊博知识和多方面才能是经过刻苦自学得来的。他的头上戴有许多流光溢彩的桂冠,他是著作等身的作家、辩才无碍的演说家、经邦治国的政治家、战争中的传奇英雄。他一生中写出了26部共45卷(本)专著。1953年,他被授予诺贝尔文学奖。他在一生中多次经历的议员竞选中,在议会的辩论中,尤其是在第二次世界大战中的重要时刻,发表了许多富于技巧而且打动人心的演讲,给人们留下了极深的印象。他经历了许多次政治上的升沉起伏,每次都以不屈不挠的努力,从不畏惧的斗志战胜艰难险阻而达到自己的目的,在英国处于历史危机的严峻关头,成为众望所归的政治领袖。连他政治上的对手也说:"丘吉尔是大家一致认为永远不能成为首相的人,可是他同样也是在这危急关头获得大家一致欢迎,认为是唯一可能出任领袖的人。" 人们不能不喜欢他,他的才能与朝气是无与伦比的。"在第二次世界大战反对法西斯纳粹的战斗中,他在演讲中多次发出战斗到底的誓言,成为英国人民英勇不屈的斗争精神的集中象征。我们知道,丘吉尔是有名的顽固反共人物,但在第二次世界大战的关键时刻,在处理对苏关系问题上,他毫不犹豫地与苏联结为盟国,使不同意识形态下的反法西斯力量在特定的历史条件下结成了统一战线。斯大林称赞他是"百年才出现一个的人物"。温斯顿·丘吉尔,于1965年1月24日逝世,享年91岁。英国政府为他举行了国葬。


高尚、伟大的代价就是责任英国首相温斯顿丘吉尔 1874—1965 是在第二次世界大战期间 带领英国人民取得反法西斯战争伟大胜利的民族英雄 是与斯大林、罗斯福并立的“三巨头”之一 是矗立于世界史册上的一代伟人。他不仅是一代伟人 也是一代文豪 一生留下了无数精彩著作与演说 并最终被授予诺贝尔文学奖。”这是绝无仅有的。丘吉尔出身于英国传统贵族家庭。祖先的丰功伟绩、政治成就以及家族的荣耀 对丘吉尔的一生产生了巨大的影响 他们为丘吉尔提供了学习的榜样 树立了奋斗目标 也培育了他对祖国的历史责任感 成为丘吉尔一生孜孜不倦地追求和建功立业的强大驱动力。丘吉尔从小性格孤僻而且倔强 不擅长与人交流。他不感兴趣的科目成绩都很差,但是他在文学和历史方面成绩优秀。他从小就对军事有浓厚的兴趣。这也让他进入了一所军事院校并最终以军官的身份毕业 从而开始了他职业生涯的第一步。



1899年辞去军职的丘吉尔又以记者的身份前往南非采访英布战争。在随英军士兵行进途中被俘虏。丘吉尔虽然是随军记者 但是因其携带武器并参加战斗布尔人拒绝释放他。

1899年12月 丘吉尔极为大胆地独自一人越狱成功 在当地一个英国侨民的帮助下逃到了英国领事馆。这一事件使得他在英国的名声大噪

1900年3月 丘吉尔终于回到英国。通过越狱事件而闻名全国的丘吉尔决定抓住机会 踏入政坛。从此开始了他61年的政治生涯。一战后的英国迷漫着和平主义的气氛 从政党领袖到平民百姓都鼓吹裁军人民天真地相信 一战后将再也不会有一场如此残酷的战争了。丘吉尔是议会中极少数反对裁军并警告德国正在撕毁《凡尔赛条约》的人。丘吉尔警告希特勒的法西斯独裁将给欧洲带来灾难如果不立即阻止甚至可能导致文明的毁灭 他督促英国应当重整军备 并鼓励盟友法国加强军事势

力 而不是“裁减你的武器 增加你的义务”。但是多数人都将他的警告视为危言耸听。但此后事态的发展印证了这位伟人的高瞻远瞩和预见性。

1936年3月7日 阿道夫·希特勒在德国国会宣布德国军队已经重新占领了莱茵兰非军事区。对这一明确违反《凡尔赛条约》的行为 英法两国都未表示强烈的反对只有丘吉尔警告这么做不仅违反条约而且对荷兰、比利时和法国都造成威胁。丘吉尔再次呼吁英国应该向法国提供协助以维持欧洲大陆的权力平衡。

1938年9月 英法德意四国领袖到慕尼黑召开会议一直幻想避免战争的张伯伦喜出望外于次日赶到慕尼黑。丘吉尔认识到张伯伦有可能做出让步因此想提议由反对党人和保守党中持反对意见的人士发表一个联合声明敦促张伯伦坚持立场但是无人附议。9月30日慕尼黑会议结束英法两国接受了希特勒的要求迫使捷克从10月1日起撤军否则战争一旦爆发英法将不会支援捷克。张伯伦带着希特勒一份保证不会有进一步领土要求的声明回到伦敦以胜利者的姿态接受欢呼“在我国历史上这是第二次把光荣的和平从德国带回唐宁街。”然而此后仅仅5个月第二次世界大战就正式爆发。丘吉尔后来将二战称为“非必然的战争”认为这次战争原本在开始时就可以轻易制止但因英国人民的“不明智、麻痹大意和好心肠而让坏人重新武装”。战争初期形势对英国非常不利。尤其是当法国被入侵仅仅5周后就快速沦陷以及英国上空不断有来自德国的空袭让英国人民处于绝望和惶恐之中。此时的英国人民迫切需要一个政治强人站出来 而丘吉尔正是这个人。“永远 永远 永远不要放弃”“我没有别的 只有热血、辛劳、眼泪和汗水贡献给大家。”“我们将战斗到底 即便我们这个岛屿或这个岛屿的大部分被征服并陷于饥饿之中 我们要这样勇敢地承担 以便在英帝国和它的联邦存在1000年之后 人们也可以这样说 …这是他们最光辉的时刻?”。丘吉尔凭借着这些热血沸腾的演讲以及其后代表的一个政治家和反法西斯斗士的百折不挠的韧性和从不屈服的战斗意志不断的鼓舞着绝望的英国人民。在英国历史的严峻关头 面临法西斯主义的狂潮。他多次发出战斗到底的誓言 并最终带领英国人民取得了胜利。那么丘吉尔又是如何取得二战最后的胜利的呢 首先 丘吉尔有着无比的激情与历史责任感。祖先的荣耀激励着他 内心对功名的渴望驱动着他 给了他无比的动力与毅力。曾经有这么一个笑话 丘吉尔对新议员们说 “知道是什么让我登上首相宝座的吗 是虚荣心 赤裸裸的虚荣心,其次丘吉尔思路清晰手段有力。虽然不是个理论家 但他绝对是个战略家 他的眼光兼顾长远和眼下 宽广而又细致。二战期他的一系列举措就是有力的佐证。丘吉尔一生都是顽固的反共分子。但是在二战的关键时刻他从英国人民的根本利益出发,以一个杰出政治家高度的勇气和灵活性毅然与苏联结盟 确保了最后的胜利。同时它还是一位实干家 他在各个职位上都善于利用手中的职权充分利用各种资源实现自己的政治理念。

1945年战争结束后丘吉尔开始计划撰写第二次世界大战的回忆录。并多次提到建立一个统一的“欧洲合众国”的设想。1946年丘吉尔访问美国 在这次访问中他发表了著名的铁幕演说 “从波罗的海边的什切青到亚得里亚海边的的里雅斯特 一副横贯欧洲大陆的铁幕已经拉下。”在当时这篇演讲被媒体猛烈抨击 因为此时苏联和西方国家的关系还未破裂 很多人把丘吉尔看成战争贩子。但是今天丘吉尔的铁幕演说被认为是冷战开始的标志。丘吉尔也很早就提出要恢复德国的实力 共同抵御共产主义在欧洲的扩散。1956年4月 丘吉尔访问联邦德国 因其对推动欧洲一体化的贡献而被授予“查理曼奖”1958年11月 丘吉尔访问巴黎 获戴高乐总统授予“解放奖章” 1959年11月 丘吉尔继承了“下院之父”的称号。1963年4月 美国国会通过决议 授予丘吉尔美国荣誉公民称号 丘吉尔是第一个获此殊荣的人士。1965年1月24日丘吉尔因中风去世。丘吉尔活了91岁。英国政府为丘吉尔举行了国葬 议会也休会三天 大约有32万民众前来向丘吉尔致敬 包括几十位各国的国家元首和领导人。根据丘吉尔的遗愿 仪式结束后灵柩用游艇运到滑铁卢火车站 然后用火车把灵柩运到他的出生地布伦海姆宫附近的布雷顿教堂公墓中 与他的父母亲葬在一起。然而丘吉尔的声望 并没有因为他的去世而丝毫的暗淡。时至今日 丘吉尔依然被大多数英国人看作是最伟大的首相。在2002年由BBC主办的“最伟大的100名英国人”票选活动中 丘吉尔高居榜首。丘吉尔的人生内涵极其丰富 其人生历程有许多值得我们借鉴的地方。

一 首先 坚持多学习 多写作 多经历 多总结。在资历尚浅的时候 抓紧时间读书学习。从政后一旦赋闲在家就四处游历 广泛写作。年轻时他在印度军队中“每天阅读四小时或五小时的历史

和哲学著作”。在短短的时间内就从这些经典名著中吸收了丰富的思想营养也使他逐渐形成了某种人生信念。这些著作也影响了他日后的写作风格。他一生几经沉浮 最长一次在家赋闲十年之久。但在此期间 他完成了几部巨著 以至于“二十世纪没有人比他的稿费拿得更多”。当然他也从这些写作的过程中总结了一段时间以来的功过得失 为东山再起做好准备。

二 意志坚强 宽宏大度。丘吉尔曾几次竞选首相失败 但他毫不气馁 仍然像“一头雄狮”那样去战斗 最后终于取得了成功。他说过 “我想干什么,就一定干成功。”他不但意志坚强 而且待人十分宽厚 能够谅解他人的过失。包括那些曾强烈反对过他的人。虚怀若谷 使他摆脱许多烦恼。战争结束后 战时内阁也必须解散。5月23日丘吉尔辞职 并将大选定于7月5日举行。原本信心满满、认为凭借丘吉尔在战争中的功劳定能顺利当选的保守党 却在大选中惨败 工党领袖克莱门特·艾德礼当选首相。带领英国人民走向胜利的丘吉尔却被抛弃了他后来引用古希腊作家普鲁塔克的话说 “对他们的伟大人物忘恩负义 是伟大民族的标志。”其宽宏大度可见一斑。

三 开朗乐观诙谐幽默。丘吉尔被英国人称为“快乐的首相”。不论在公开场合,还是与家人在一起他的谈话总是充满幽默感。甚至在生命垂危之时,他也没有忘记幽默。

四 善于休息 兴趣广泛。丘吉尔的兴趣相当广泛:音乐、美术、文学、军事、政治等无所不通。在绘画上他也有很深的造诣。在文学上曾获诺贝尔奖金。如此广泛的爱好,陶冶了他的情操和博大的胸怀。





“如果纠缠于过去与现在 我们将失去未来。”

“精神上兴趣的选择和培植是一个很长的过程。为了在一旦需要的时候 这些能使痉挛的神经恢复的果实可以信手拈来 种子就必须仔细地加以挑选,必须撒在良好的土壤上,必须小心周到地加以照料。”

“你能看到多远的过去 就能看到多远的未来。


英文原文 Blood, Sweat And Tears Winston Churchill May 13, 1940 On Friday evening last I received from His Majesty the mission to form a new administration. It was the evident will of Parliament and the nation that this should be conceived on the broadest possible basis and that it should include all parties. I have already completed the most important part of this task. A war cabinet has been formed of five members, representing, with the Labor, Opposition and Liberals, the unity of the nation. It was necessary that this should be done in one single day on account of the extreme urgency and rigor of events. Other key positions were filled yesterday. I am submitting a further list to the King tonight. I hope to complete the appointment of principal Ministers during tomorrow. The appointment of other Ministers usually takes a little longer. I trust when Parliament meets again this part of my task will be completed and that the administration will be complete in all respects. I considered it in the public interest to suggest to the Speaker that the House should be summoned today. At the end of today's


丘吉尔英语名人名言大全1、劫富无法济贫。 Rob the rich to poor. 2、成功总需要更多努力。 Success requires more effort. 3、美德与伟大不能兼得。 Great virtue and can't have it all. 4、要求不高,只求最好。 Request is not high, only the best. 5、怀疑只能由行动来回答。 Doubt can only be answered by action. 6、永不,永不,永不屈服。 Never, never, never give in. 7、钱就像肥料,广施才有效。 Money is like manure, wide ShiCai effectively. 8、爱祖国的人不会憎恨人类。 The one who is, won't hate human love motherland.

9、我们是主人,公仆是仆人。 We are master and servant is servant. 10、我"吃"文字从来没反胃过。 I "eat" word never nausea. 11、高尚、伟大的代价就是责任。Responsibility is a noble, great price. 12、成功就是不断失败不失信心。 Success is a progressive failure do not lose confidence. 13、如果事情运转良好,让它转着。 If things work well, let it turn on. 14、热爱祖国的人绝不会憎恨人类。 Who loves the country would never hate humans. 15、越是往后反省,越看得清前方。 The more backward reflection, more see clearly ahead. 16、美德的软弱就是对邪恶的支援。 Virtue is the weak support for evil. 17、就算你要杀人,礼貌也伤不着你。 If you want to kill people, polite also can not hurt you.


丘吉尔英语名人名言大全 国外的名人名言不知道你们有了解多少?以下是小编给大家整理的丘吉尔英语名人名言大全,希望可以帮到大家 1、劫富无法济贫。 Rob the rich to poor. 2、成功总需要更多努力。 Success requires more effort. 3、美德与伟大不能兼得。 Great virtue and can't have it all. 4、要求不高,只求最好。 Request is not high, only the best. 5、怀疑只能由行动来回答。 Doubt can only be answered by action. 6、永不,永不,永不屈服。 Never, never, never give in. 7、钱就像肥料,广施才有效。 Money is like manure, wide ShiCai effectively. 8、爱祖国的人不会憎恨人类。 The one who is, won't hate human love motherland. 9、我们是主人,公仆是仆人。 We are master and servant is servant. 10、我"吃"文字从来没反胃过。 I "eat" word never nausea. 11、高尚、伟大的代价就是责任。 Responsibility is a noble, great price. 12、成功就是不断失败不失信心。 Success is a progressive failure do not lose confidence.

13、如果事情运转良好,让它转着。 If things work well, let it turn on. 14、热爱祖国的人绝不会憎恨人类。 Who loves the country would never hate humans. 15、越是往后反省,越看得清前方。 The more backward reflection, more see clearly ahead. 16、美德的软弱就是对邪恶的支援。 Virtue is the weak support for evil. 17、就算你要杀人,礼貌也伤不着你。 If you want to kill people, polite also can not hurt you. 18、我们靠赚钱生存。我们靠给予生活。 We live on to make money. We make a life by giving. 19、没有永远的恶人,只有永远的恶行。 There is no eternal the wicked, only forever. 20、成功就是不断失败,而不丧失热情。 Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. 21、最可怕的事情就是不容忍的乌托邦。 The most terrible thing is not tolerated utopia. 22、欲求新,则求变。欲求完美,求常变。 For the new change. Desire perfection, and often change. 23、我们都是小虫。但我是发着光的小虫。 We are all worms. But I am sending the bug of light. 24、如果你感觉自己在走过地狱。走着别停。 If you feel you in the past to hell. Don't stop walking. 25、你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。 The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you will see. 26、求和者就是希望鳄鱼最后一个吃自己的人。 Supplicant is hope the last person to eat their own. 27、虽然我准备好成仁了,但这事赶晚不赶早。


丘吉尔名言选录 01 "Never, never, never, never give up." 永远,永远,永远,永远都不要放弃。 02 "The whole history of the world is summed up in the fact that, when nations are strong, they are not always just, and when they wish to be just, they are no longer strong." 世界历史可以总结为:当一个国家强大的时候,它并不总是公正的。而当它试图去变得公正时,它就不再强大。 03 "Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm." 勇气就是不断失败,而不丧失热情。 04 "This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." 这不是结束,这甚至不是结束的开始。但,这可能是开始的结束。 05 "I like a man who grins when he fights." 我喜欢微笑着战斗的人。 06 "True genius resides in the capacity for evaluation of uncertain, hazardous, and conflicting information." 真正的才华体现在对未知、危险和矛盾的信息的判断之中。


丘吉尔演讲英文 It was the evident will of Parliament and the nation that this should be conceived on the broadest possible basis and that it should include all parties. I have already completed the most important part of this task. A war cabinet has been formed of five members, representing, with the Labor, Opposition and Liberals, the unity of the nation. It was necessary that this should be done in one single day on account of the extreme urgency and rigor of events. Other key positions were filled yesterday. I am submitting a further list to the King tonight. I hope to complete the appointment of principal Ministers during tomorrow. The appointment of other Ministers usually takes a little longer. I trust when Parliament meets again this part of my task will be completed and that the administration will be complete in all respects. I considered it in the public interest to suggest to the Speaker that the House should be summoned today. At the end of today’s proceedings, the adjournment of the House will be proposed until May 2l with provision


对丘吉尔的英文评价 丘吉尔两度出任英国首相,被认为是20世纪最重要的政治领袖之一,领导英国人民赢得了第二次世界大战。下面是为大家带来对丘吉尔的英文评价,相信对你会有帮助的。 Churchill Winston, British Prime Minister, politician, speaker and writer. Churchill, the prime minister in 1940-1945 and 1951-1955, was considered one of the most important political leaders in twentieth Century, leading the UK to win the Second World War. In November 30, 1874, Churchill was born in Oxford County, the town of Woodstock British Blenheim palace. When he was young, he was very poor, although his father sent him to the best school. After graduation he entered the army, from being a war correspondent gradually began to enter politics. October 1900, representing the British Conservative Party candidate Churchill successfully elected members, from the beginning of 61 years of political career. The Sunday Times said: "Today, Winston Churchill is not only the spirit of the United Kingdom, but also our strong leadership. Not only the British, the whole of the free world to him very trust."

丘吉尔著名演讲:Never Give Up (英语原文)

丘吉尔著名演讲:Never Give Up (英语原 文) Never Give Up October 29, 1941 Harrow School When Churchill visited Harrow on October 29 to hear the traditional songs again, he discovered that an additional verse had been added to one of them. It ran: "Not less we praise in darker days The leader of our nation, And Churchill's name shall win acclaim From each new generation. For you have power in danger's hour Our freedom to defend, Sir! Though long the fight we know that right Will triumph in the end, Sir! Almost a year has passed since I came down here at your Head Master's kind invitation in order to cheer myself and cheer the hearts of a few of my friends by singing some of our own songs. The ten months that have passed have seen very terrible catastrophic events in


丘吉尔英语名人名言大全 导读:本文是关于丘吉尔英语名人名言大全,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、劫富无法济贫。 Rob the rich to poor. 2、成功总需要更多努力。 Success requires more effort. 3、美德与伟大不能兼得。 Great virtue and can't have it all. 4、要求不高,只求最好。 Request is not high, only the best. 5、怀疑只能由行动来回答。 Doubt can only be answered by action. 6、永不,永不,永不屈服。 Never, never, never give in. 7、钱就像肥料,广施才有效。 Money is like manure, wide ShiCai effectively. 8、爱祖国的人不会憎恨人类。 The one who is, won't hate human love motherland. 9、我们是主人,公仆是仆人。 We are master and servant is servant.

10、我"吃"文字从来没反胃过。 I "eat" word never nausea. 11、高尚、伟大的代价就是责任。 Responsibility is a noble, great price. 12、成功就是不断失败不失信心。 Success is a progressive failure do not lose confidence. 13、如果事情运转良好,让它转着。 If things work well, let it turn on. 14、热爱祖国的人绝不会憎恨人类。 Who loves the country would never hate humans. 15、越是往后反省,越看得清前方。 The more backward reflection, more see clearly ahead. 16、美德的软弱就是对邪恶的支援。 Virtue is the weak support for evil. 17、就算你要杀人,礼貌也伤不着你。 If you want to kill people, polite also can not hurt you. 18、我们靠赚钱生存。我们靠给予生活。 We live on to make money. We make a life by giving. 19、没有永远的恶人,只有永远的恶行。 There is no eternal the wicked, only forever. 20、成功就是不断失败,而不丧失热情。 Success is going from failure to failure without losing

2018年Churchill’s Speech丘吉尔的演讲英语作文-word范文 (2页)

2018年Churchill’s Speech丘吉尔的演讲英语作文-word范文 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == Churchill’s Speech丘吉尔的演讲英语作文 I have nothing to offer but blood, toil , tears, and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory. Victory at all costs - Victory in spite of all terrors - Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival. Let that be realized. No survival for the British Empire, no survival for all that the British Empire has stood for, no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall move forward toward his goal. I take up my task in buoyancy and hope. I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men. I feel entitled at this juncture , at this time, to claim the aid of all and to say, "Come then, let us go forward together with our united strength." 我所能奉献的没有其他,只有热血,辛劳,眼泪和汗水。我们所面临的将 是一场极为残酷的考验,我们面临的将是旷日持久的斗争和苦难。你若问我们 的目标是什么?我可以用一个词来概括,那就是胜利,不惜一切代价去夺取胜利,不畏惧一切恐怖去夺取胜利。不论前路再长再苦也要夺取胜利,因为没有 胜利就无法生存。 我们务必认识到,没有胜利就不复有大英帝国,没有胜利就不复有大英帝 国所象征的一切,没有胜利就不复有多少世纪以来的强烈要求和冲动:人类应 当向自己的目标迈进。 我精神振奋、满怀信心地承担起我的任务。我确信,大家联合起来,我们 的事业就不会遭到挫败。 在此时此刻的危急关头,我觉得我有权要求各方面的支持。我要说:“来吧,让我们群策群力,并肩前进!” 1.toil n.苦工, 难事;劳苦, 辛苦 例句:


The Sinews of Peace(丘吉尔的铁幕演说1946.3.5) Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri I am glad to come to Westminster College this afternoon, and am complimented that you should give me a degree. The name "Westminster" is somehow familiar to me. I seem to have heard of it before. Indeed, it was at Westminster that I received a very large part of my education in politics, dialectic, rhetoric, and one or two other things. In fact we have both been educated at the same, or similar, or, at any rate, kindred establishments. It is also an honour, perhaps almost unique, for a private visitor to be introduced to an academic audience by the President of the United States. Amid his heavy burdens, duties, and responsibilities - unsought but not recoiled from - the President has travelled a thousand miles to dignify and magnify our meeting here to-day and to give me an opportunity of addressing this kindred nation, as well as my own countrymen across the ocean, and perhaps some other countries too. The President has told you that it is his wish, as I am sure it is yours, that I should have full liberty to give my true and faithful counsel in these anxious and baffling times. I shall certainly avail myself of this freedom, and feel the more right to do so because any private ambitions I may have cherished in my younger days have been satisfied beyond my wildest dreams. Let me, however, make it clear that I have no official mission or status of any kind, and that I speak only for myself. There is nothing here but what you see. I can therefore allow my mind, with the experience of a lifetime, to play over the problems which beset us on the morrow of our absolute victory in arms, and to try to make sure with what strength I have that what has been gained with so much sacrifice and suffering shall be preserved for the future glory and safety of mankind. The United States stands at this time at the pinnacle of world power. It is a solemn moment for the American Democracy. For with primacy in power is also joined an awe-inspiring accountability to the future. If you look around you, you must feel not only the sense of duty done but also you must feel anxiety lest you fall below the level of achievement. Opportunity is here now, clear and shining for both our countries. To reject it or ignore it or fritter it away will bring upon us all the long reproaches of the after-time. It is necessary that constancy of mind, persistency of purpose, and the grand simplicity of decision shall guide and rule the conduct of the English-speaking peoples in peace as they did in war. We must, and I believe we shall, prove ourselves equal to this severe requirement. When American military men approach some serious situation they are wont to write at the head of their directive the words "over-all strategic concept." There is wisdom in this, as it leads to clarity of thought. What then is the over-all strategic concept which we should inscribe today? It is nothing less than the safety and welfare, the freedom and progress, of all the homes and families of all the men and women in all the lands. And here I speak particularly of the myriad cottage or apartment homes where the wage-earner strives amid the accidents and difficulties of life to guard his wife and children from privation and bring the family up in the fear of the Lord, or upon ethical conceptions which often play their potent part. To give security to these countless homes, they must be shielded from the two giant marauders, war and tyranny. We all know the frightful disturbances in which the ordinary family is plunged when the curse of war swoops down upon the bread-winner and those for whom he works and contrives. The awful ruin of Europe, with all its vanished glories, and of large parts of Asia glares


I would like to say something about his life。When Winston · Churchill (Winston Churchill,1874-1965) was a child, his academic record was not good, and only liked the history, the literature and the military game. When he in the army, he is not only a soldier but a journalist and write reports for London journalist. His main work include The Story Of the Malakand Field Force,The River War,The second world war,A History Of The English-Speaking Peples,THE World Crisis and so on。In 1953 ,the Unnecessary War won the nobel prize。Although Churchill's life mainly engaged in the political activity, but his historical writings and the biographical literature achievement is also outstanding. Painting was a huge and lasting passion for Winston Churchill. It played a prominent role in the last 40 years of Churchill's life though there is little to indicate from Churchill's early life that he had any particular talent for art."I know of nothing which, without exhausting the body, more entirely occupies the mind" Wrote Churchill on painting. 马尔巴罗的生平与时代MARLBOROUGH: HIS LIFE AND TIMES


We shall never surrender Nevertheless,our thankfulness at the escape of our army and so many men, whose loved ones have passed through an agonising week, must not blind us to the fact that what has happened in France and Belgium is a colossal military disaster. The French army has been weakened, the Belgian army has been lost, a large part of those fortified lines upon which so much faith had been reposed is gone, many valuable mining districts and factories have passed into the enemy's possession, the whole of the Channel ports are in his hands, with all the tragic consequences that follow from that, and we must expect another blow to be struck almost immediately at us or at France. We are told that Herr Hitler has a plan for invading the British Isles. This has often been thought of before. When Napoleon lay at Boulogne for a year with his flat-bottomed boats and his Grand Army, he was told by someone, "There are bitter weeds in England." There are certainly a great many more of them since the British Expeditionary Force returned. I have, myself, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once more able to defend our island home, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for years, if necessary alone. At any rate, that is what we are going to try to do. That is the resolve of His Majesty's government every man of them. That is the will of parliament and the nation. The British Empire and the French republic, linked together in their cause and in their need, will defend to the death their native soil, aiding each other like good comrades to the utmost to their strength. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the new world, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.

丘吉尔著名演讲:never give up (英语原文)

丘吉尔著名演讲:never give up (英语原文)丘吉尔著名演讲:Never Give Up (英语原文) Never Give Up Otober 29,41 Harro Shool When Churhill visited Harro on Otober 29 to hear the traditional songs again, he disovered that an additional verse had been added to one of them. It ran: "Not less e praise in darker das The leader of our nation, And Churhill's name shall in alaim From eah ne generation. For ou have poer in danger's hour Our freedom to defend, Sir! Though long the fight e kno that right Will triumph in the end, Sir! Almost a ear has passed sine I ame don here at our Head Master's kind invitation in order to heer mself and heer the hearts of a fe of m friends b singing some of our on songs. The ten months that have passed have seen ver terrible atastrophi events in the orld - ups and dons, misfortunes - but an anone sitting here this afternoon, this Otober afternoon, not feel deepl thankful for hat has happened in the time that has passed and for the ver great improvement in the position of our ountr and of our home? Wh, hen I as here last time e ere quite alone, desperatel alone, and e had been so for five or six months. We ere poorl armed. We are not so poorl armed toda; but then e ere ver poorl armed. We had the unmeasured menae of the enem and their air attak still beating upon us, and ou ourselves had had experiene of this attak; and I expet ou are beginning to feel impatient that there has been this long lull ith nothing partiular turning up! But e must learn to be equall good at hat
