


Reading Comprehension

Women are half the population but only 15% of board members at big American firms, and 10% in Europe. Companies that fish in only half of the talent pool will lose out to those that cast their net more widely. There is also evidence that mixed boards make better decisions.

Mindful of this, European countries are passing laws that would force companies to promote more women to the executive suite. A new French law requires listed firms to reserve 40% of board seats for women by 2017. Norway and Spain have similar laws; Germany is considering one. The European Parliament declared this month that such quotas should be applied throughout the European Union.

There are two main arguments for compulsory quotas. One is that the men who dominate corporate boards are hopelessly sexist: they promote people like themselves and ignore any female talent.

The second argument is more subtle. Talented executives need mentors(导师) to help them climb the ladder. Male directors mentor young men but are reluctant to get friendly with young women, lest the relationship be misinterpreted. Quotas will break this vicious cycle by putting lots of women at the top, who can then offer their sisters a leg up.

There may be something in both arguments, but in most rich countries sexism is no longer the main obstacle to women's careers. Children are. Most women take career breaks to look after them. Many care for elderly relatives, too. One study found that two-thirds of American women had at some point switched from full-time work to part-time or flexible time to balance work and family. Such choices make it harder for women to gain the experience necessary to make it to the very top.

What is more, big companies are increasingly global. Many want a boss who has worked in more than one country. Such foreign postings disrupt families; many women turn them down. And many, anticipating a career break at some point in the future, enter fields where their skills will not quickly become outdated, such as law or human resources. Some lawyers make good chief executives. But firms often want people with financial or operational experience for the top jobs, and these fields are still male-dominated.

Quotas are too blunt a tool for such a tangled problem. The women companies are compelled to put on boards are unlikely to be as useful as those they

place there voluntarily. Quotas force firms either to pad their boards with token non-executive directors, or to allocate real power on the basis of sex rather than merit. Enforcing quotas for women has led to large numbers of inexperienced women being appointed to boards, and seriously damaged those firms' performance.

1、 What will happen to a company if men dominate its executive board?

A. Its talent pool will dry out sooner.

B. Its competitiveness will be weakened.

C. Its women employees will complain.

D. It is bound to make unwise decisions.

2、 What seems to prevent women from becoming board members apart from sexism?

A. Many of them lack the courage to face the challenge in the board room.

B. Male directors are afraid of women's potential threat to their authority.

C. Few of them have the training and qualifications needed for executive duties.

D. Male directors refrain from giving them guidance to avoid misunderstanding.

3、 What does the author say is the real barrier to women's careers?

A. An apparent lack of necessary legislation.

B. Fierce competition from male colleagues.

C. The burden of taking care of their family.

D. The widespread sexism in the workplace.

4、 Why do many women choose to enter such fields as law or human resources?

A. They allow women career breaks if need be.

B. They can bring a woman's talent into full play.

C. They offer high salaries and attractive benefits.

D.They pave the way for women to become CEOs.

5、What does the author think of the practice of enforcing quotas for women executives?

A.It is a simple solution to a tangled problem.

B.It is an effective tool to combat sexism.

C.It helps fill the executive board with talents.

D.It adversely affects a firm's performance.

International governments' inaction concerning sustainable development is clearly worrying but the proactive(主动出击的)approaches of some leading-edge companies are encouraging. Toyota, Wal-Mart, DuPont, M&S and General Electric have made tackling environmental wastes a key economic driver.

DuPont committed itself to a 65% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in the 10 years prior to 2010. By 2007, DuPont was saving $2.2 billion a year through energy efficiency, the same as its total declared profits that year. General Electric aims to reduce the energy intensity of its operations by 50% by 2015. They have invested heavily in projects designed to change the way of using and conserving energy.

Companies like Toyota and Wal-Mart are not committing to environmental goals out of the good-ness of their hearts. The reason for their actions is a simple yet powerful realization that the environ-mental and economic footprints fit well together. When M&S launched its "Plan A" sustainability programme in 2007, it was believed that it would cost over $200 million in the first five years. However, the initiative had generated $105 million by 2011/12.

When we prevent physical waste, increase energy efficiency or improve resource productivity, we save money, improve profitability and enhance competitiveness. In fact, there are often huge "quick win" opportunities, thanks to years of neglect.

However, there is a considerable gap between leading-edge companies and the rest of the pace. There are far too many companies still delaying creating a lean and green business system, arguing that it will cost money or require sizable capital investment. They remain stuck in the "environment is cost" mentality. Being environmentally friendly does not have to cost money. In fact, going beyond compliance saves cost at the same time that it generates cash, provided that management adopts the new lean and green model.

Lean means doing more with less. Nonetheless, in most companies, economic and environ-mental continuous improvement is viewed as being in conflict with each other. This is one of the big-gest opportunities missed across most industries. The size of the opportunity is enormous. The 3% Report recently published by World Wildlife Fund and CDP shows that the economic prize for curbing carbon emissions in the US economy is $780 billion between now and 2020. It suggests that one of the biggest levers for delivering this opportunity is "increased efficiency through management and behavioural change"—in other words, lean and green management.

Some 50 studies show that companies that commit to such aspirational goals as zero waste, zero harmful emissions, and zero use of non-renewable resources are financially outperforming their competitors. Conversely, it was found that climate disruption is already costing $1.2 trillion annually, cutting

global GDP by 1.6%. Unaddressed, this will double by 2030.

6、 What does the author say about some leading-edge companies?

A. They operate in accordance with government policies.

B. They take initiatives in handling environmental wastes.

C. They are key drivers in their nations' economic growth.

D. They are major contributors to environmental problems.

7、 What motivates Toyota and Wal-Mart to make commitments to environmental protection?

A. The goodness of their hearts.

B. A strong sense of responsibility.

C. The desire to generate profits.

D. Pressure from environmentalists.

8、 Why are so many companies reluctant to create an environment-friendly business system?

A. They are bent on making quick money.

B. They do not have the capital for the investment.

C. They believe building such a system is too costly.

D. They lack the incentive to change business practices.

9、 What is said about the lean and green model of business?

A. It helps businesses to save and gain at the same time.

B.It is affordable only for a few leading-edge companies.

C.It is likely to start a new round of intense competition.

D.It will take a long time for all companies to embrace it.

10、What is the finding of the studies about companies committed to environmental goals?

A.They have greatly enhanced their sense of social responsibility.

B.They do much better than their counterparts in terms of revenues. C.They have abandoned all the out-dated equipment and technology.

D.They make greater contributions to human progress than their rivals.

If you asked me to describe the rising philosophy of the day, I'd say it is data-ism. We now have the ability to gather huge amounts of data. This ability seems to carry with it certain cultural assumptions—that everything that can

be measured should be measured; that data is a transparent and reliable lens that allows us to filter out emotionalism and ideology; that data will help us do remark-able things—like foretell the future.

Over the next year, I'm hoping to get a better grip on some of the questions raised by the data revolution: in what situations should we rely on intuitive pattern recognition and in which situations should we ignore intuition and follow the data? What kinds of events are predictable using statistical analysis and what sorts of events are not?

I confess I enter this in a skeptical frame of mind believing that we tend to get carried away in our desire to reduce everything to the quantifiable. But at the outset let me celebrate two things data does really well.

First, it's really good at exposing when our intuitive view of reality is wrong. For example, nearly every person who runs for political office has an intuitive sense that they can powerfully influence their odds of winning the election if they can just raise and spend more money. But this is largely wrong.

After the 2006 election, Sean Trende constructed a graph comparing the incumbent(在任者的) campaign spending advantages with their eventual margins of victory. There was barely any relationship between more spending and a bigger victory.

Likewise, many teachers have an intuitive sense that different students have different learning styles: some are verbal and some are visual; some are linear, some are holistic(整体的). Teachers imagine they will improve outcomes if they tailor their presentations to each student. But there's no evidence to support this either.

Second, data can illuminate patterns of behavior we haven't yet noticed. For example, I've always assumed people who frequently use words like" I", "me", and" mine" are probably more self-centered than people who don't. But as James Pennebaker of the University of Texas notes in his book, The Secret Life of Pronouns, when people are feeling confident, they are focused on the task at hand, not on themselves. High-status, confident people use fewer "I" words, not more.

Our brains often don't notice subtle verbal patterns, but Pennebaker's computers can. Younger writers use more negative and past-tense words than older writers who use more positive and future- tense words.

In sum, the data revolution is giving us wonderful ways to understand the present and the past. Will it transform our ability to predict and make decisions about the future? We'll see.

11、 What do data-ists assume they can do?

A. Transform people's cultural identity.

B. Change the way future events unfold.

C. Get a firm grip on the most important issues.

D. Eliminate emotional and ideological bias.

12、 What do people running for political office think they can do?

A. Use data analysis to predict the election results.

B. Win the election if they can raise enough funds.

C.Manipulate public opinion with favorable data.

D.Increase the chances of winning by foul means.

13、Why do many teachers favor the idea of tailoring their presentations to different students?

A.They think students prefer flexible teaching methods.

B.They will be able to try different approaches.

C.They believe students' learning styles vary.

D.They can accommodate students with special needs.

14、What does James Pennebaker reveal in The Secret Life of Pronouns?

A.The importance of using pronouns properly.

B.Repeated use of first-person pronouns by self-centered people.

C.Frequent use of pronouns and future tense by young people.

D.A pattern in confident people's use of pronouns.

15、Why is the author skeptical of the data revolution?

A.Data may not be easily accessible.

B.Errors may occur with large data samples.

C.Data cannot always do what we imagine it can.

D.Some data may turn out to be out-dated.

It is easy to miss amid the day-to-day headlines of global economic recession, but there is a less conspicuous kind of social upheaval (剧变) underway that is fast altering both the face of the planet and the way human beings live. That change is the rapid acceleration of urbanization. In 2008, for the first time in human history, more than half the world's population was living in towns and cities. And as a recently published paper shows, the process of urbanization will only accelerate in the densely to come—with an enormous impact on biodiversity and potentially on climate change.

As Karen Seto, the lead author of the paper, points out, the wave of urbanization isn't just about the migration of people into urban environments, but about the environments themselves becoming bigger to accommodate all those people. The rapid expansion of urban areas will have a huge impact on biodiversity hotspots and on carbon emissions in those urban areas.

Humans are the ultimate invasive species—when they move into new territory, they often dis-place the wildlife that was already living there. And as land is cleared for those new cities—especially in the dense tropical forests—carbon will be released into the atmosphere as well. It's true that as people in developing nations move from the countryside to the city, the shift may reduce the pressure on land, which could in turn be good for the environment. This is especially so in desperately poor countries, where residents in the countryside slash and bum forests each growing season to clear space for fanning. But the real difference is that in developing nations, the move from rural areas to cities often leads to an accompanying increase in income—and that increase leads to an increase in the consumption of food and energy, which in turn causes a rise in carbon emissions. Getting enough to eat and enjoying the safety and comfort of living fully on the grid is certainly a good thing—but it does carry an environmental price.

The urbanization wave can't be stopped—and it shouldn't be. But Seto's paper does underscore the importance of managing that transition. If we do it the right way, we can reduce urbanization's impacts on the environment. "There's an enormous opportunity here, and a lot of pressure and responsibility to think about how we urbanize," says Seto. "The one thing that's clear is that we can't build cities the way we have over the last couple of hundred years. The scale of this transition won't allow that." We're headed towards an urban planet no matter what, but whether it becomes heaven or hell is up to us.

16、 What issue does the author try to draw people's attention to?

A. The shaking biodiversity worldwide.

B. The rapid increase of world population.

C. The ongoing global economic recession.

D. The impact of accelerating urbanization.

17、 In what sense are humans the ultimate invasive species?

A. They are much greedier than other species.

B. They are a unique species born to conquer.

C. They force other species out of their territories.

D. They have an urge to expand their living space.

18、 In what way is urbanization in poor countries good for the environment?

A. More land will be preserved for wildlife.

B. The pressure on farmland will be lessened.

C. Carbon emissions will be considerably reduced.

D. Natural resources will be used more effectively.

19、 What does the author say about living comfortably in the city?

A. It incurs a high environmental price.

B. It brings poverty and insecurity to an end.

C. It causes a big change in people's lifestyle.

D. It narrows the gap between city and country.

20、 What can be done to minimize the negative impact of urbanization according to Seto?

A. Slowing down the speed of transition.

B. Innovative use of advanced technology.

C. Appropriate management of the process.

D. Enhancing people's sense of responsibility.

When Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg launched the face-book, corn in Feb. 2004, even he could not imagine the forces it would let loose. His intent was to connect college students. Face-book, which is what this website rapidly evolved into, ended up connecting the world.

To the children of this connected era, the world is one giant social network. They are not bound—as were previous generations of humans—by what they were taught. They are only limited by their curiosity and ambition. During my childhood, all knowledge was local. You learned every-thing you knew from your parents, teachers, preachers and friends.

With the high-quality and timely information at their fingertips, today's children are rising above the fears and biases of their parents. Adults are also participating in this revolution. India's normally tame middle class is speaking up against social ills. Silicon Valley executives are being shamed into adding women to their boards. Political leaders are marshalling the energy of millions for elections and political causes, All of this is being done with social media technologies that Facebook and its competitors set free.

As does every advancing technology, social media has created many new problems. It is commonly addictive and creates risks for younger users. Social media is used by extremists in the Middle East and elsewhere to seek and brainwash recruits. And it exposes us and our friends to disagreeable spying, we may leave our lights on in the house when we are on vacation, but through social media we tell criminals exactly where we are, when we plan to return

home, and how to blackmail(敲诈)us.

Governments don't need informers any more. Social media allows government agencies to spy on their own citizens. We record our thoughts, emotions, likes and dislikes on Facebook; we share our political views, social preferences, and plans. We post intimate photographs of ourselves. No spy agency or criminal organization could actively gather the type of data that we voluntarily post for them.

The marketers are also seeing big opportunities. Amazon is trying to predict what we will order. Google is trying to judge our needs and wants based on our social-media profiles. We need to be aware of the risks and keep working to alleviate the dangers.

Regardless of what social media people use—one thing is certain: we are in a period of accelerating change. The next decade will be even more amazing and unpredictable than the last. Just as no one could predict what would happen with social media in the last decade, no one can accurately predict where this technology will take us. I am optimistic, however, that a connected humanity will find a way to uplift itself.

21、 What was the purpose of Facebook when it was first created?

A. To help students connect with the outside world.

B. To bring university students into closer contact.

C. To help students learn to live in a connected era.

D. To combine the world into an integral whole.

22、 What difference does social media make to learning?

A. Local knowledge and global knowledge will merge.

B. Students will become more curious and ambitious.

C. People are able to learn wherever they travel.

D. Sources of information are greatly expanded.

23、 What is the author's greatest concern with social media technology?

A. Individuals and organizations may use it for evil purposes.

B. Government will find it hard to protect classified information.

C. People may disclose their friends' information unintentionally.

D. People's attention will be easily distracted from their work in hand.

24、 What do businesses use social media for?

A. Creating a good corporate image.

B. Anticipating the needs of customers.

C. Conducting large-scale market surveys.

D. Minimizing possible risks and dangers.

25、 What does the author think of social media as a whole?

A. It will enable human society to advance at a faster pace.

B. It will pose a grave threat to our traditional ways of life.

C. It is bound to bring about another information revolution.

D. It breaks down the final barriers in human communication.


Reading Comprehension


[解析] 题目询问若执行董事会由男性主导会发生什么情况。第1段第2句表明,只使用半边人才库的公司必然会输给(lose out)广泛使用人才的企业。第3句进一步巩固这种说法,男女混合的董事会所做的决策更加英明。由此推断,男性主导执行董事会的公司的竞争力会相对弱一些。B项是同义表述。


[解析] 题目询问阻止女性员工进入董事会的另一因素。第3段首句提到理由有两种,其一是性别歧视(sexism),其二是第4段的内容,即男性主管不愿与年轻女性走得太近,唯恐别人误会他们的关系。这与D项“男性主管为了避免误会而不给她们提供指导”的表述一致。注意题干中的apart from 意为“除了”。


[解析] 题目询问作者认为阻止女性职业生涯的真正绊脚石是什么。第5段一开始便说性别歧视不再是女性职业生涯的主要绊脚石,孩子才是。第3、4句提到,大多数的女性选择离职来照顾孩子或长辈。可见家庭才是女性职业生涯的最大负担,选C项。


[解析] 题目询问许多女性选择律师或人力资源行业的原因。第6段第4句提到,很多女性预料在未来的某个时候会从工作中抽出身来(a career break),因而选择技能不会迅速过时的领域,比如律师或人力资源。A项是这句话的同义表述,正确。


[解析] 题目询问作者对定额制度的看法。作者在最后一段首先说这种做法太鲁莽(too blunt),


affects...performance与文章中的seriously damaged...performance意思完全一致,



[解析] 本题询问一些走在前沿的公司的情况。第1段第1句提到在对待可持续发展的问题上,各国政府的行动并不积极(inaction),而处于前沿地位的公司却主动出击(proactive);第2句则举例


废弃物”正确。其中take initiatives in handling environmental wastes是原文tackling environmental wastes的同义替换。


[解析] 本题询问丰田和沃尔玛履行环境保护的动机。第3段第2句直接说明丰田和沃尔玛采取行动(即committing to environmental goals)的原因是它们意识到环境和经济足迹相辅相成。据此可以推断这两大公司保护环境的初衷是经济利益,因此C项“创造利润的欲望”是对原文的同义推断。


[解析] 本题询问很多公司不愿创立环境友好业务体系的原因。第5段第2句说到,仍有很多公司推迟创立精益绿色的业务体系,并以分词短语(arguing that...)说明其原因:它们认为这种体系会

费钱或者需要大量的资金投入。题目中的reluctant to对应原文的delaying;而精益绿色的业务体系指的是环境友好业务体系。C项“建立这样的系统太贵”是对原文所提及的原因(it will cost money or require...)的同义复述。


[解析] 本题询问关于精益绿色业务模式的相关信息。第5段在讲述那些不愿践行环保行动的公司时,首次提及了lean and green system;该段最后一句讲到,如果公司采取新的精益绿色模式进行管理,它们实际上在产生利润的同时也能节约成本。A项“它帮助企业节约成本并且获益”是对第5段



[解析] 本题询问关于履行环保目标的公司,研究发现了什么。最后一段第1句提到那些履行诸如零

废弃等雄心目标的公司在经济上都胜过它们的对手(financially outperforming their competitors)。B项“它们在收益上比对手好很多”是对该句的同义转述,其中do much better than与原文的outperforming的同义,而counterparts是competitors的同义替换,



[解析] 本题询问数据主义者认为他们能做什么。第1段第1句,作者提到现在的流行哲学是数据主义,接着第2、3句具体说明在能够收集到大量数据的时代,数据被赋予某些文化假设。题目中assume与原文assumptions为同根词,答案可在破折号后面的内容中查找,其中提到的一种假设是数据能让我们过滤掉情感主义(emotionalism)和意识形态(ideology),D项“消除感情上和意识形态上的偏见”是这句话的同义转换,选项中Eliminate与原文filter out近义。


[解析] 本题询问竞选政治职务的人认为他们能干什么。第4段第1句提到。当人们对现实的直觉判断产生错误时,数据擅于揭露真相。第2句具体举例说明这一观点,该句提到竞选政治职务的人以为只要募集并花更多的钱就能影响竞选的结果,B项中的raise enough funds和原文raise and spend more money意思相同。


[解析] 本题询问为什么教师们赞同因材施教的观点。第6段第1、2句提到很多教师都意识到学生的学习风格不同,因此他们认为如果能因材施教,很可能会取得好的学习结果。由此可以判断,教师赞同该观点的原因在于学生的学习风格不同,C项“他们认为学生的学习风格不同”是原文have different learning styles的同义转述,C项中的vary与原文different同义。


[解析] 本题询问詹姆士·彭尼贝克在《神秘的代词》一书中揭示了什么。第7段第3句提到,他在书中指出人们自信时更关注眼前的任务而不是他们自己;第4句进一步提到,地位高、自信的人更少使用第一人称代词。D项“自信之人使用代词的模式”与该段第3、4句吻合。故选D项。


[解析] 本题询问作者为什么对数据革命持怀疑态度。第2段作者提到数据革命带来的一些问题,即什么时候应当依靠直觉,什么时候可以用数据来预测某些事件。第3段作者接着说,他承认自己是带着怀疑的心态(in a skeptical flame of mind),认为将一切简化为可量化事物的这种渴望往往会让我们迷失,言外之意是作者认为数据并非万能。接着作者在肯定了数据的两个积极作用之后,在最后一段提到“对于理解现在和过去方面。数据革命可以给我们提供极好的方法”,但是对于数据革命预测未来的能力,作者的答案是we'll see。由此可推断出C项“数据所能做到的并不总是和我们想的一样”为本题答案。


[解析] 本题询问作者设法让人们关注什么问题。首段第1句为并列句,由转折词but连接,因此作者表述的重点在后半句,指出人类正在经历一场会改变我们星球面貌及我们的生活方式的隐秘剧变。第2句指出这种剧变就是the rapid acceleration of urbanization。最后一句提到这种剧变会给生物多样性和气候变化带来巨大的影响。接下来的第2、3段都是围绕着快速城镇化的影响展开,因此城镇化急剧加速带来的影响就是作者想要人们关注的问题,故选D“快速城镇化的影响”。选项动名词accelerating对应原文中的名词acceleration。

[解析] 本题询问人类在何种意义上被认为是最大的物种入侵者。第3段第1句明确指出人类是最大的物种入侵者,其后紧随一个破折号,根据破折号的功能,可知其后内容用于解释说明前面的句子,因此C项“他们迫使其他物种离开他们的领地”为答案,选项C中的force other species out of their territories是对原文displace the wildlife的同义改写。


[解析] 本题询问在何种程度上贫穷国家的城镇化对环境有利。第3段第3句提到在发展中国家,当人们从乡村迁往城市时会降低土地的压力,从而对环境有益。紧接着第4句说到,这种情况在极度贫困的国家尤其如此。因此B项“耕地的压力会被减轻”为答案。题干中的urbanization对应原文的move from the countryside to the city。选项B将原文的主动语态改为被动,lessen对应原文的reduce。


[解析] 本题询问作者对城市舒适生活有何评论。第3段第5句指出,人们从乡村迁往城市的同时,收入增加了,继而食物与能源的消耗也相应地增加了,从而导致碳排放增加。本段最后一句就此做出评论,指出尽情享用丰盛的食物、享受安逸的生活当然是好事,但确实也付出了环境代价。因此A项“导致高昂的环境代价”为正确答案。原文中的名词性短语comfort of living在本题题干中被改写成动词短语living comfortably。原文中的on the grid(地理坐标)指代上句提到的人们迁入的cities,与题干中的in the city对应。


[解析] 本题询问Seto认为怎么做才能将城市化的不良影响降到最低。第4段第2句指出Seto在她的文章中强调了管控(从乡村迁往城市)这种变迁的重要性。第3句进一步指出如果我们能恰当地管理这种变迁,我们就可以降低城市化对环境的影响。因此C项“对这种进程的恰当管理”为答案。该选项中的management of the process对应原文中managing that transition。


[解析] 本题问的是Facebook在创建之初的目的。第1段第3、4句明确指出“他的本意是想用它来方便大学生们相互联络,而现在该网站迅速发展成Facebook,成为联络全世界的工具”。由此可知Facebook最初被创建的目的是方便大学生相互联络,B项“为了使大学生联系更加紧密”,与该段3句是同义表述,故正确,其中题干的purpose对应原文中的intent。


[解析] 本题问的是社交媒体在学习知识方面带来了哪些不同。第2段将如今互联网时代的小孩与过去的人们在如何获取知识方面进行对比。过去所有的知识都是在周围的环境中获得,如通过父母、老师、牧师和朋友来获取。而现在的小孩突破了这种局限(are not bound),他们只局限于他们的求知欲和野心。紧接着第3段描述信息时代知识的获取,“随着各种高效及时的信息信手拈来,今天的孩子们正在超越恐惧和父母的偏见。”也就是说,因为社交媒体的出现,孩子们不再受限于在周遭环境中获取知识,各种信息通过社交媒体大量涌现,因此,D项“信息来源大大扩大了”是对原文第2、3段部分内容的高度概括,故正确。

[解析] 本题问的是作者对社交媒体最大的担忧是什么。第4段第1句明确指出,就像所有超前的技术一样,社交媒体也带来了许多新问题。后面提到各种问题,例如青少年容易上瘾,极端分子用社交媒体来招募新成员,个人信息曝光给间谍、罪犯等等,A项“个体和组织会利用它行恶”,是对各种问题的概括和总结。


[解析] 本题问的是企业利用社交媒体来做什么。第6段开头提到营销商们也看到了社交媒体的巨大商机。接下来以亚马逊和谷歌为例,亚马逊用它来预测人们会在网上订购什么,谷歌用它来判断人们的需求。这两大公司都是利用社交媒体来了解客户的需求,因此B项“预估顾客的需求”是正确答案。


[解析] 本题问的是整体上作者是如何看待社交媒体的。最后一段第1句明确指出我们处于一个加速变化的时代。紧接着讲到,没有人能准确预测这些科技会把我们带到哪儿,但是作者很乐观,认为人们将会找到一种方法来提升自我,由此可看出,作者认为社交媒体将会使人类更加进步,A项“它将加快人类社会前进的步伐”,符合原文。


2015年6月英语六级考试真题试卷附答案和解析(第1套) 六级写作 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying"Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it. " You can give an example or two to illustrate your point of view. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 听力选择题 Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After

each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A., B., C. and D ), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 1. A. Prepare for his exams. B. Catch up on his work. C. Attend the concert. D. Go on a vacation. 2. A. Three crew members were involved in the incident. B. None of the hijackers carried any deadly weapons. C. The plane had been scheduled to fly to Japan. D. None of the passengers were injured or killed. 3. A. An article about the election.

北京市2019年中考数学真题与模拟题分类汇编 专题08 函数之填空题(25道题)(解析版)(1)

专题08 函数之填空题 参考答案与试题解析 一.填空题(共21小题) 1.(2019?北京)在平面直角坐标系xOy中,点A(a,b)(a>0,b>0)在双曲线y上,点A关于x轴的对称点B在双曲线y,则k1+k2的值为0. 【答案】解:∵点A(a,b)(a>0,b>0)在双曲线y上, ∴k1=ab; 又∵点A与点B关于x轴的对称, ∴B(a,﹣b) ∵点B在双曲线y上, ∴k2=﹣ab; ∴k1+k2=ab+(﹣ab)=0; 故答案为:0. 【点睛】考查反比例函数图象上的点坐标的特征,关于x轴对称的点的坐标的特征以及互为相反数的和为0的性质. 2.(2019?昌平区二模)“五一黄金周”期间李师傅一家开车去旅游,出发前查看了油箱里有50升油,下面的两幅图分别描述了行驶里程及耗油情况,行驶130公里时,油箱里剩油量为37升. 【答案】解:由图象可知:当用时1小时时,油量剩余45升,行驶了30公里; 当用时在1﹣2.5小时之间时,可得: 每小时行驶的里程为公里,每小时耗油量为升 ∴当用时1+1=2小时时,此时刚好行驶了130公里,

此时油箱里的剩油量为:45﹣8×1=37升, 故答案为:37. 【点睛】本题考查了函数的图象,解答本题的关键是正确理解函数图象横纵坐标表示的意义,理解问题的过程,就能够通过图象得到函数问题的相应解决. 3.(2019?通州区三模)已知二次函数y=ax2+bx﹣2(a≠0)的图象的对称轴在y轴的左侧,请写出满足条件的一组a,b的值,这组值可以是a=1,b=1. 【答案】解:∵二次函数y=ax2+bx﹣2(a≠0)的图象的对称轴在y轴的左侧, ∴满足条件的一组a,b的值是a=1,b=1, 故答案为:1,1.(答案不唯一,只要a≠0,b≠0且a,b同号即可) 【点睛】本题考查二次函数的性质,解答本题的关键是明确题意,利用二次函数的性质解答.4.(2019?朝阳区二模)世界上大部分国家都使用摄氏温度(℃),但美、英等国的天气预报仍然使用华氏温度(℉),两种计量之间有如下的对应表: 由上表可以推断出,华氏0度对应的摄氏温度是℃,若某一温度时华氏温度的值与对应的摄氏温度的值相等,则此温度为﹣40℃. 【答案】解:(1)设摄氏温度为x(℃)与华氏温度为y(℉)之间的函数关系式为y=kx+b,由题意,得 ,解得, 即y=1.8x+32. 当y=0时,1.8x+32=0,解得. 故答案为:; (2)当y=x时,x=1.8x+32, 解得:x=﹣40. 因此当华氏﹣40度时,摄氏也是﹣40度. 故答案为:﹣40


2017年6月大学英语六级考试真题及答案解析(第一套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend a vocational college or a university, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 【参考范文】 Whether to Attend a Vocational College or a University? It’s an undisputable truth that virtually all high school graduates will encounter the choices between a vocational college and a university. And when it comes to this question, students’ ideas are not cut from the same cloth. In point of which to choose and what to be taken into consideration, my advices are as follow. In the first place, we should be conscious of the fact that both of the two choices have its own superiorities. For instance, a vocational college specializes in cultivating human resources with practical capabilities; while a university serves as the cradle of academic researchers in different fields. Then it does follow that high school graduates should have a clear picture of themselves. That is to say, they should know their merits and demerits and their choices must give play to their strengths whilst circumvent weaknesses. In addition, interest is the best teacher and it’s also the premise of learning on one’s own initiative. Thus interest must be taken into account because it can not only decide how far one can reach academically and professionally but also how happy and fulfilled one will be. In brief, all above just goes to show that there really is no one-size-fits-all answer for the question. The key lies in a clear cognition, accurate self-positioning and the interest of oneself. Only then can every one find a right path that works best for us. Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) He would feel insulted. B) He would feel very sad. C) He would be embarrassed. D) He would be disappointed. 【答案】A 【解析】题目问如果男士在二手书店中发现了自己写的书,那么男士会感觉怎样。男士说到:如果他在二手书店发现了自己的书,他会认为这是种侮辱。因此选A。 2. A) They are worthy of a prize. B) They are of little value. C) They make good reading. D) They need improvement. 【答案】B 【解析】题目问男士的妻子认为他的书怎么样。男士说到:他最新的一本书是在2004年写的,当时在写的时候给他妻子看了一小部分。妻子认为他写的内容是垃圾。这表明他的妻子认为他写的书毫无价值。因此选B。 3. A) He seldom writes a book straight through. B) He writes several books simultaneously. C) He draws on his real-life experiences. D) He often turns to his wife for help. 【答案】A


2020年中考语文模拟试题分类汇编---作文 01、(二)根据题目,按要求写作。(40分) 22. 请在下面的两道题目中任选一题,将答题卡上所选题号后的涂黑,然后完成写作。 题一:等待 题二:春日正当时 要求: (1)将题目抄写在答题卡上。 (2)不限文体(诗歌除外)。 (3)字数在600-800字之间。 (4)作文中不要出现所在学校的校名或师生姓名。 02、(二)根据题目,按要求写作。(40分) 23.从下面两题中任选一题作文。 [文题一]采集记忆的几个片段,可以合成完整的故事,这故事中的人、景、事便浮现在眼前。片段就像一滴水,它可以映出七彩的阳光。滴水成溪,汇成河流,便会流向远方。请以“片段”为题写一篇文章。 [文题二]与自然为友,会让人心胸宽广;与书籍为友,会让人睿智聪慧;与艺术为友,你会觉得生活充满阳光;与贤人为友,你会越来越走向高尚。请以“与为友”为题写一篇文章。 要求: (1)如选择[文题一],将题目抄写在答题卡上;如选择[文题二],将题目补全后,再抄写在答题卡上。 (2)不限文体(诗歌除外)。 (3)字数在600-800字之间。 (4)作文中不要出现所在学校的校名或师生姓名。 03、(二)根据题目,按要求写作。(40分)

24. 任选一个题目,写一篇字数600—800字的文章。不限文体(诗歌除外),作文中不要出现所在学校的校名或师生姓名。 (1)一杯鲜果汁,一盘清蒸鱼,一碗白米饭,一盆鸡蛋汤……这些看似简单的食物,总能不断地刺激着我们的味蕾,让我们品尝到家的味道。 请以“舌尖上的家”为题目,写一篇文章。 (2)我们的生活充满了活力。合作探究的课堂,飞腾跃动的操场,热烈尽兴的联欢,呼朋引伴的郊游……我们在充满活力的生活中成长。 请以“充满活力的”为题目(将题目补充完整),写一篇文章。 04、(二)根据题目,按要求写作。(40分) 22. 请从下列两个题目中任选一个,按要求写作。 题目一:夸夸我们的__________ 题目二:微笑不仅是一种表情,更是一种力量。跌倒时,微笑是良药,给受创的心灵疗伤;苦闷时,微笑是春雨,滋润干涸的心房;成功时,微笑是阳光,带来赞许和嘉奖……请以“微笑”为题,写一篇文章 要求:(1)请将题目写在答题卡上。 (2)若选题目一,须先把题目补充完整。 (3)文体不限(诗歌除外),不少于600字。 (4)作文中不要出现所在学校的校名或师生姓名。 05、 (二)根据题目,按要求写作。(40分) 23.请在“学会”中的横线上填写词语“坚持”或“放弃”,构成你的作文题目,写一篇字数600—800字的文章。不限文体(诗歌除外),作文中不要出现所在学校的校名或师生姓名。 06、(二)根据题目,按要求写作。(40分) 23.从下列两个题目中任选一题,写一篇不少于600字的文章,不限文体(诗歌除外)。注意文中不得出现所在学校的校名和师生的真实姓名。 题目一:日久见人心


2018年英语六级考试试题及答案 PartⅠWriting 1.【题干】For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of building trust between business and consumers. You can cite examples to illustrate your views. 150-200 words. 【答案】Without a doubt, a mutually-trusted relation between businesses and consumers is important for the two parties. First of all, though business is objective, cooperation is relatively subjective. Only when a consumer believe in what a businessman is selling, he or she could decide to buy something from the man. In reality, I have seen too many consumers purchase or refuse one commodity only because they like or dislike the salesman who they meet, especially when they are in a bad mood. Secondly, when one businessman consider that a customer trusts him, he would feel honored and satisfied thereby giving more preference to the customer. Naturally, when one businessman offers the best quality goods and the best prices to a customer, the customer has no excuse to refuse the businessman. Once such relation informed, both the two parties gain profit from it Hence, both businesses and consumers should work together to form a reciprocal relation. PartⅢReading Section A


2019年高考真题分类汇编 第一节 集合分类汇编 1.[2019?全国Ⅰ,1]已知集合{} }2 42{60M x x N x x x =-<<=--<,,则M N ?= A. }{43x x -<< B. }{42x x -<<- C. }{22x x -<< D. }{23x x << 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】 本题考查集合的交集和一元二次不等式的解法,渗透了数学运算素养.采取数轴法,利用数形结合的思想解题. 【详解】由题意得,{}{} 42,23M x x N x x =-<<=-<<,则 {}22M N x x ?=-<<.故选C . 【点睛】不能领会交集的含义易致误,区分交集与并集的不同,交集取公共部分,并集包括二者部分. 2.[2019?全国Ⅱ,1]设集合A ={x |x 2-5x +6>0},B ={ x |x -1<0},则A ∩B = A. (-∞,1) B. (-2,1) C. (-3,-1) D. (3,+∞) 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】 本题考查集合的交集和一元二次不等式的解法,渗透了数学运算素养.采取数轴法,利用数形结合的思想解题. 【详解】由题意得,{}{} 2,3,1A x x x B x x ==<或,则{} 1A B x x ?=<.故选A . 【点睛】本题考点为集合的运算,为基础题目,难度偏易.不能领会交集的含义易致误,区分交集与并集的不同,交集取公共部分,并集包括二者部分. 3.[2019?全国Ⅲ,1]已知集合{}{} 2 1,0,1,21A B x x ,=-=≤,则A B ?=( ) A. {}1,0,1- B. {}0,1 C. {}1,1- D. {}0,1,2 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】 先求出集合B 再求出交集. 【详解】由题意得,{} 11B x x =-≤≤,则{}1,0,1A B ?=-.故选A . 【点睛】本题考查了集合交集的求法,是基础题. 4.[2019?江苏,1]已知集合{1,0,1,6}A =-,{} 0,B x x x R =∈,则A B ?=_____. 【答案】{1,6}.


图7 图象信息与跨学科型问题 一、选择题 1.(淮安市启明外国语学校2010-2011学年度第二学期初三数学期中试卷)《几何原本》的诞生,标志着几何学已成为一个有着严密理论系统和科学方法的学科,它奠定了现代数学的基础. 它是下列哪位数学家的著作( ) A .高斯 B .欧几里得 C .祖冲之 D .杨辉 答案:B 2.(2011年浙江省杭州市城南初级中学中考数学模拟试题)如图,一束光线与水平面成?60 的角度照射地面,现在地面AB 上支放一个平面镜CD ,使这束光线经过平面镜反射后成水平光线,则平面镜CD 与地面AB 所成角DCB ∠的度数等于 ( ) A .?30 B .?45 C .?50 D .?60 答案:A 3.(2011年北京四中模拟28)下图描述了小丽散步过程中离家的距离s (米)与散步所用时间t (分)之间的函数关系.依据图象,下面描述符合小红散步情景的是 ( ) (A )从家出发,到了一个公共阅报栏,看了一会儿报,就回家了; (B )从家出发,到了一个公共阅报栏,看了一会儿报后, 继续向前走了一段,然后回家了; (C )从家出发,一直散步(没有停留),然后回家了; (D )从家出发,散了一会儿步,就找同学去了, 18分钟后才开始返回. 答案:B 4、(2011浙江杭州模拟15)如图所示,半径为1的圆和边长为3的正方形在同一水平线上, 圆沿该水平线从左向右匀速穿过正方形,设穿过时间为t ,正方形除去圆部分的面积为S (阴影部分),则S 与t 的大致图象为( ) s t O A s O B s t O C s t O D 第4题

答案:A 5.(2011北京四中二模)设A,B,C 表示三种不同的物体,现用天平称了两次,情况如上图所示,那么A,B,C 这三种物体按质量从大到小的顺序排应为( ) (A)A,B,C (B)C,B,A (C)B,A,C (D)B,C,A 答案:A 6.(2011年黄冈浠水模拟1)如图,三个天平的托盘中形状相同的物体质量相等.图(1)、图(2)所示的两个天平处于平衡状态,要使第三个天平也保持平衡,则需在它的右盘中放置( ). A.3个球 B.4个球 C.5个球 D.6个球 答案:C 7.(2011年浙江杭州28模)如图,一束光线与水平面成 ?60的角度照射地面,现在地面AB 上支放一个平面镜CD ,使这束光线经过平面镜反射后成水平光线,则平面 镜CD 与地面AB 所成角DCB ∠的度数等于 ( ) A .?30 B .?45 C .?50 D .?60 答案:A 8.(浙江杭州靖江2011模拟)在物理实验课上,小明用弹簧称将铁块A 悬于盛有水的水槽中(如图),然后匀速向上提起,直至铁块完全露出水面一定高度,则能反映弹簧秤的读数y (单位:N )与铁块被提起的高度x (单位:cm )之间的函数关系的图象大致是 ( ) (根据金衢十一校联考数学试题改编) 答案:C C C C C B A B (第5题图) O y x O y x O y x O y x A. B. C. D. (第8题)


2016英语六级阅读模拟试题及答案(3) Passage One Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage. Caught in a squeeze between the health needs of aging populations on one hand and the financial crisis on the other, governments everywhere are looking for ways to slow the growth in health-care spending. Increasingly, they are looking to the generic-drugs (普通药物) industry as a savior. In November Japan's finance ministry issued a report complaining that the country's use of generics was less than a third of that in America or Britain. In the same month Canada's competition watchdog criticized the country's pharmacies for failing to pass on the savings made possible by the use of generic drugs. That greed, it reckoned, costs taxpayers nearly C$1 billion a year. Then on November 28th the European Commission issued the preliminary results of its year-long probe into drug


中考数学模拟试题分类 大全二次函数 LG GROUP system office room 【LGA16H-LGYY-LGUA8Q8-LGA162】

二次函数 一、选择题 1.(2010年山东宁阳一模)在平面直角坐标系中,先将抛物线22-+=x x y 关于x 轴作轴对称变换,再将所得抛物线关于y 轴作轴对称变换,经过两次变换后所得的新抛物线解析式为( ) A .22+--=x x y B .22-+-=x x y C .22++-=x x y D .22++=x x y 答案:C 2.(2010年江西省统一考试样卷)若抛物线y =2x 2向左平移1个单位,则所得抛物线是( ) A .y =2x 2+1 B .y =2x 2-1 C .y =2(x +1)2 D .y =2(x -1)2 答案:C 3. (2010年河南中考模拟题1)某校运动会上,某运动员掷铅球时,他所掷的铅球的高 与水平的距离 ,则该运动员的成绩是 ( ) A. 6m B. 10m C. 8m D. 12m 答案:D 4.(2010年河南中考模拟题4)二次函数 2y ax bx c =++(0a ≠)的图象如图所示,则正确的是 ( ) A .a <0 B .b <0 C .c >0 D .以答案上都不正 确 答案:A 5.(2010年河南中考模拟题3)已知二次函数y=ax 2+bx+c 的图像如图所示,则下列条件正确的是( ) A .ac <0 -4ac <0 C. b >0 D. a >0、b <0、c >0 答案:D

–1 3 3 第9题 1 6.(2010年江苏省泰州市济川实验初中中考模拟题)抛物线y =ax 2+bx +c 上部分点的横坐标x ,纵坐标y 的对应值如表所示. 给出下列说法:①抛物线与y 轴的交点 为(0,6); ②抛物线的对称轴是在y 轴的 右侧; ③抛物线一定经过点(3,0); ④在对称轴左侧,y 随x 增大 而减小. 从表中可知,下列说法正确的个数有( ) A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .4个 7.(2010天水模拟)二次函数y=ax2+bx+c 的图像如图所示,则关于此二次函数的下列四个结论①a<0②a>0③b 2-4ac>0④ 0++=a c bx ax y 的对称 轴是直线 1=x , 且经过点P (3,0),则 的值为 A. 0 B. -1 C. 1 D. 2 答案:A 10.(2010年杭州月考)已知二次函数y =ax 2+bx +c(a ≠0)的图象 如图所示,给出以下结论: ①0

2014高考真题+模拟新题 地理分类汇编:F—J 5份 纯word版解析可编辑

2014高考真题+模拟新题之地理分类汇编:G单元自然环境对人类活动的影响.DOC 2014高考真题+模拟新题之地理分类汇编:H单元人口的变化.DOC 2014高考真题+模拟新题之地理分类汇编:I单元城市与城市化.DOC 2014高考真题+模拟新题之地理分类汇编:J单元产业活动.DOC 2014高考真题+模拟新题之地理分类汇编:F单元自然地理环境的整体性与差异性.DOC F单元自然地理环境的整体性与差异性 自然地理环境的整体性 [2014·福建卷] 图2示意1972—2011年我国西北地区某流域不同朝向冰川面积的变化(单位:平方千米)。读图回答3~4题。 图2 3.造成该流域冰川面积变化的主要原因是() A.气候变暖B.地壳抬升 C.流水搬运D.风力侵蚀 3.A[解析] 从图上可以看出,该流域南部、东南部冰川面积大大缩小,而东部、偏北部冰川面积增大,这是因为气候变暖,使得偏南部流域冰川融化,造成冰川面积缩小,故A项正确。冰川面积变化与地壳抬升无关,也不是受流水搬运、风力侵蚀作用导致,故B、C、D项错误。 4.若该流域冰川面积变化趋势不变,将导致() A.冰蚀作用增强B.绿洲面积增大 C.干旱程度加剧D.流域面积扩大 4.C[解析] 西北地区气候干旱,河流的水源补给主要是依靠高山冰雪融水,冰川面积减小,河流的流量将减少,地方小气候变得更加干旱,加剧了西北地区的干旱程度,故C 项正确。冰川面积减小,冰蚀作用减弱,绿洲的面积将缩小,流域面积缩小,故A、B、D 项错误。 2014·江苏卷索科特拉岛曾经与非洲的索马里半岛相连,岛上有许多奇特的动植物。图7是索科特拉岛位置图。读图回答13~14题。


2016年12月英语六级听力模拟试题及答 案第二套 SectionA 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。 11.A)Take her to another hike. B)Go hiking again next week. C)Plananother rally for next week. D)Go to the rally when it takes place again. 12.A) He is looking for a better employment in New York.B1 He’slooking forward to working in New York. C)Hehopes to work in the same place. D1 Heexpects his company to move to New York.13.A)Seeing a doctor. B)Having the dinner. C)Givinga lecture. D)Studying in some place. 14.A)The man will be punished for his lateness.

B)ProfessorLee is always punctual. C)Thewoman thinks that the man is playing a joke on her. D)Thewoman suggests the man give a watch to Professor Lee. 15.A)Have a sound sleep right away. B)Try something less sweet. C)Visitthe College Board. D)See the campus.doctor. 16.A)They are a bargain worth buying. B)They are of poor quality. C)Theyare available everywhere. D)They are over priced. 17.A)He decided not to sell the piano. B)He found a place to store the piano. C)No onehas bought the piano. D)He'll post notices at local stores. 18.A)It is going to be sunny with breeze. B)It is going to be cloudy with heavy wind. C)It isgoing to be hot,humid and gloomy. D)It is going to be very cold. Conversation One 19.A)The one with the lowest price.


2017年高考试题分类汇编(集合) 考点1 数集 考法1 交集 1.(2017·北京卷·理科1)若集合{}21A x x =-<<,{}13B x x x =<->或,则 A B = A. {}21x x -<<- B. {}23x x -<< C. {}11x x -<< D. {}13x x << 2.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ·理科2)设集合{}1,2,4A =,{}240B x x x m =-+=.若 {}1A B =,则B = A .{}1,3- B .{}1,0 C .{}1,3 D .{}1,5 3.(2017·全国卷Ⅲ·理科2)已知集合{}1,2,3,4A =,{}2,4,6,8B =,则A B 中元素的个数为 A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 4.(2017·山东卷·理科1)设函数y =A ,函数ln(1)y x =-的定义域为B ,则A B = A .(1,2) B .(1,2] C .(2,1)- D .[2,1)- 5.(2017·山东卷·文科1)设集合{}11M x x =-<,{}2N x x =<,则M N = A.()1,1- B.()1,2- C.()0,2 D.()1,2 6.(2017·江苏卷)已知集合{}1,2A =,{}2,3B a a =+,若{}1A B =,则实数a 的值为______. 考法2 并集 1.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ·文科2)设集合{}{}123234A B ==,,, ,,, 则A B = A. {}123,4,, B. {}123,, C. {}234,, D. {}134,, 2.(2017·浙江卷1)已知集合{}11P x x =-<<,{}02Q x x =<<,那么P Q = A. (1,2)- B. (0,1) C.(1,0)- D. (1,2) 考法3 补集


宁夏期末模拟试题分类汇编 数列 一.选择题 1.(宁夏09期末模拟考试)已知等比数列{n a }中,n a >0,955,a a 为方程016102=+-x x 的两根,则805020a a a ??的值为( ) A .32 B .64 C .256 D .±64 答案:( D ) 2(宁夏09期末模拟考试)在各项均为正数的数列{n a }中,n S 为前n 项和, 1221)1(++++=n n n n a a a n na 且π=3a ,则4tan S =( ) A .-33 B .3 C .-3 D .3 3 答案:( B ) 3.(宁夏09期末模拟考试)已知{}n a 为等差数列,),(,2,042n f S a a n =-==则)(n f 的最大值为 ( ) A .89 B .49 C .1 D .0 答案:( C ) 4.(宁夏09期末模拟考试)等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若20,442==S S ,则数列{}n a 的公差=d ( ) A .2 B .3 C .6 D .7 答案:( B ) 5.(宁夏09期末模拟考试)已知等比数列}{n a 的前三项依次为4,1,1++-a a a ,则n a =( ) A .n ??? ???234 B .n ??? ???324 C .1234-??? ???n D .1324-??? ???n 答案:( C ) 6.(宁夏09期末模拟考试) a,b,c 成等比数列,则方程02=++c bx ax 有 ( ) A .有两不等实根 B .有两相等的实根 C .无实数根 D .无法确定 答案:( C ) 7.(宁夏09期末模拟考试)已知{}n a 是等比数列,22=a ,415= a ,则公比q =( ) A .21- B .2- C .2 D .2 1 答案:( D ) 8.(宁夏09期末模拟考试)一个等差数列的前4项是a ,x ,b ,x 2,则 b a 等于


2014年12月大学英语六级CET6考试 模拟试题及答案 2014年12月大学英语六级CET6考试模拟试题及答案(3)Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section C (复合式听写调整为单词及词组听写,短文长度及难度不变。) Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. There is growing dissatisfaction toward rich people, according to a new online poll. The poll by the China Youth Daily 26__________ https://www.360docs.net/doc/c12172596.html, has highlighted the apparent 27__________ over the country’s widening income gap. Nearly 8,000 people filled in online 28__________ last week, and when asked to use three words to describe the society’s rich, the top 29__________ were “extravagant”,“greedy” and “corrupt”. About 57 percent of those 30__________ said that “extravagant” was the best word to d escribe the rich, followed closely by “greedy”. 31__________ , despite their dissatisfaction, 93 percent of those polled wished they could be rich too, and that richer people should be “socially 32__________ ”. Some 33__________ percent of respondents also praised rich people for being “smart”. Nearly 90 percent of respondents agreed that most people in society, including themselves, 33 speak up for the poor but were 34__________ to take action and actually do something for them. The survey comes on the heels of a heated debate over comments made by renowned economist Mao Yushi, who said a couple of days ago that he was speaking for the rich and working for the poor. A report released by the Asian Development Bank last Wednesday revealed that China’s Gini co efficient—an indicator of the wealth divide—rose from 0.407 in 1993 to 0.473 in 2004. An earlier Chinese Academy of Social Sciences report said that the richest 10 percent of Chinese families now own more than 40 percent of all private assets, while the poorest 10 percent in the country share less than 2 percent of the total wealth. The country’s income gap is close to that of Latin America, the report which 35__________ in January said.

2017年全国高考英语试题分类汇编(共23份) (1)

2017年全国高考英语试题分类汇编(共23份) 目录 2017全国高考汇编之定语从句 (2) 2017全国高考汇编之动词+动词短语 (13) 2017全国高考汇编之动词时态与语态 (30) 2017全国高考汇编之非谓语动词 (47) 2017全国高考汇编改错 (68) 2017全国高考汇编之交际用语 (82) 2017全国高考汇编之介词+连词 (96) 2017全国高考汇编之名词性从句 (112) 2017全国高考汇编之完型填空 (187) 2017全国高考汇编之形容词+副词 (330) 2017全国高考汇编之虚拟语气+情态动词 (341) 2017全国高考汇编阅读之广告应用类 (355) 2017全国高考汇编阅读之广告应用类 (375) 2017全国高考汇编阅读之科普知识类 (409) 2017全国高考汇编阅读之人物传记类 (456) 2017全国高考汇编阅读之社会生活类 (471) 2017全国高考汇编阅读之文化教育类 (552) 2017全国高考汇编阅读新题型 (658) 2017全国高考汇编阅读之新闻报告类 (712) 2017全国高考汇编之代词+名词+冠词 (740) 2017全国高考汇编之状语从句 (761)

2017全国高考汇编之定语从句 The exact year Angela and her family spent together in China was 2008. A. When B. where C. why D. which 【考点】考察定语从句 【答案】D 【举一反三】Between the two parts of the concert is an interval, _______ the audience can buy ice-cream. A. when B. where C. that D. which 【答案】A 二I borrow the book Sherlock Holmes from the library last week, ______ my classmates recommended to me.. A.who B. which C. when D. Where 【考点】考察定语从句 【答案】B 【举一反三】The Science Museum, we visited during a recent trip to Britain, is one of London’s tourist attractions.
