








..()13 嗜.()好14鹰隼.()15眩.晕.()16婆娑.()17栅.()栏18偏袒.()




























..()92修禊.()..()90 衍.()生91会稽















1生当yǔn()首 2、yǔn()身不恤 3、sī()守4暮ǎi() 5、àn()然失色6鲁mǎng()7、dùjì()8()chóu,chú满志9()liáo落10食不guǒ()腹11流shāng()曲水12和xié()13()fú法受诛14齐彭shāng()为妄作15青lài()16强hàn()17、zhù()藏18冥然wù()坐19sǒng,yǒng()20屠lù()21、bá()涉22、tì,tǎng()23洋yì()24、chōng()粮25、jǐnzǐ()26xǐdí()27()è耗28()nuè杀29斑lán()30()gū负31()yōng懒32苍qíong()33荒mìu()34diān()倒35kāngkǎi()36()xuàn涡37gēngyún()38miè()视39 cāng()桑40轮kuò()41沉nì()42浩miǎo()43蓬hāo()44tián()静45jī()取46zhàn()蓝47bō()落48pūfú()49qiènuò()50盘jù()51万lài()有声52如拾草jiè()53hún hún,èè()54()影相吊55()假()威56举()齐眉

57()燕分飞58()众生59 ()头微利60()角虚名61金榜()名62杯盘狼()63惊心动()


1 按(安)装26 迫不急(及)待51 萎糜(靡)不振76 迁徒(徙)

2 甘败(拜)下风27 既(即)使52 沉缅(湎) 77 洁白无暇(瑕)

3 自抱(暴)自弃28 一如继(既)往53 名(明)信片78 九宵(霄)

4 针贬(砭) 29 草管(菅)人命54 默(墨)守成规79 渲(宣)泄

5 泊(舶)来品30 娇(矫)揉造作55 大姆(拇)指80 寒喧(暄)

6 脉博(搏) 31 挖墙角(脚) 56 沤(呕)心沥血81 弦(旋)律

7 松驰(弛) 32 一诺千斤(金) 57 凭(平)添82 膺(赝)品

8 一愁(筹)莫展33 不径(胫)而走58 出奇(其)不意83 不能自己(已)

9 穿(川)流不息34 峻(竣)工59 修茸(葺) 84 尤(犹)如猛虎下山

10 精萃(粹) 35 不落巢(窠)臼60 亲(青)睐85 竭泽而鱼(渔)

11 重迭(叠) 36 烩(脍)炙人口61 磬(罄)竹难书86 滥芋(竽)充数

12 渡(度)假村37 打腊(蜡) 62 入场卷(券) 87 世外桃园(源)

13 防(妨)碍38 死皮癞(赖)脸63 声名雀(鹊)起88 脏(赃)款

14 幅(辐)射39 兰(蓝)天白云64 发韧(轫) 89 醮(蘸)水

15 一幅(副)对联40 鼎立(力)相助65 搔(瘙)痒病90 蜇(蛰)伏

16 天翻地复(覆) 41 再接再励(厉) 66 欣尝(赏) 91 装祯(帧)

17 言简意骇(赅) 42 老俩(两)口67 谈笑风声(生) 92 饮鸠(鸩)止渴

18 气慨(概) 43 黄梁(粱)美梦68 人情事(世)故93 坐阵(镇)

19 一股(鼓)作气44 了(瞭)望69 有持(恃)无恐94 旁证(征)博引

20 悬梁刺骨(股) 45 水笼(龙)头70 额首(手)称庆95 灸(炙)手可热

21 粗旷(犷) 46 杀戳(戮) 71 追朔(溯) 96 九洲(州)

22 食不裹(果)腹47 痉孪(挛) 72 鬼鬼崇崇(祟祟) 97 床第(笫)之私

23 震憾(撼) 48 美仑(轮)美奂73 金榜提(题)名98 姿(恣)意妄为

24 凑和(合) 49 罗(啰)唆74 走头(投)无路99 编篡(纂)

25 侯(候)车室50 蛛丝蚂(马)迹75 趋之若骛(鹜) 100 做(坐)月子


Book 5 Words and expressions 1__________________ 特征;特性n.2__________________ 画家n. 3__________________提出4__________________ 科学的adj. 5__________________ 得出结论 6 __________________打败;受挫;使战胜vt.失败n. 7__________________熟练的;经验或知识丰富的adj.专家;行家n. 8 __________________照顾;护理;出席;参加vt. 9___________________贡献10__________________使显露;暴露vt. 11__________________治愈;痊愈n.治愈;治疗vt. 12__________________挑战n.向……挑战vt. 13__________________吸收;吸引;使专心vt. 14 __________________ 讲得通;有意义 15__________________ 热情的;热心的adj. 16__________________小心的;谨慎的adj. 17__________________ 拒绝;不接受;抛弃vt. 18__________________由……组成 19__________________省;行政区n. 20__________________把……分成 21___________________澄清;阐明vt. 22__________________完成;达到;实现vt. 23__________________不愿意(的);不乐意(的)adj. 24 __________________挣脱(束缚);脱离 25 __________________为……带来荣誉;值得赞扬;在……名下 26 __________________教育的adj. 27 __________________便利;方便n. 28__________________吸引;引起注意vt.


高二英语第五模块单词拼写专项测试 Unit 1 1. It was Thomas Newcomen not James Watt who invented steam e______. 2. He a______ the various factors and then made his decision. 3. Being e______ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin. 4. The country has come under s______ criticism for its human rights record. 5. The c______ of this bridge took six months. 6. I’ll phone him i______ I hear any news. 7. He c______ generously to the Red Cross. 8. Are you p______ that there’s been no mistake? 9.With common e______ all ages and classes rushed to the sea for health or pleasure. 10. She opened the door c______ so as not to wake the baby. Unit 2 11. This article can be d______ into four parts. 12. His explanation c______ the mystery. 13. It’s i______ to buy cigarettes in Britain if you’re under 16. 14. If it is c______ to you I’ll be with you next Tuesday. 15. I don't want to i______ you. You must decide for yourself. 16. Please a______ for a taxi to pick me up at six o’clock. 17. I’m sorry, sir, those shoes are not a______ in your size. 18. To their d______, their son was admitted into a famous university. 19. I only wear a tie on special o______. 20. They play for the t______ of it, not merely to win. Unit 3 21. A tractor is a powerful motor v______ with large wheels and thick tires used for pulling farm machinery. 22. They wanted to build a new school but they couldn’t find a suitable l_____for it. 23. The story r______ me of an experience I once had. 24. Tom’s mother died two days p______ to his arrival. 25. The house is situated in very pleasant s______. 26. She was o______ about the future of the company but the rest were pessimistic. 27. The program gives students the o______ to learn more about global warming. 28. James can i______ his father’s speech perfectly. 29. An Act was passed giving the army e______ power in time of war. 30. CIA stands for Central Intelligence A______.


b u高中英语人教版必修五第二单元单词拼写和 语法填空 文件排版存档编号:[UYTR-OUPT28-KBNTL98-UYNN208]

1.the whole country ________(团结)together and got through the horrible e a r t h q u a k e i n2015. 2.You have to _______(澄清) this problem to your classmates in public. 3.There was a ________(矛盾) between the accounts of the witness. 4.In the exhibition this painting painted by that famous painter _______(吸引)a lot of people. 5.To our great________(高兴),we will have seven days off this month. 6.There is no possibility that he will _________(完成)that work on his own. 7.According to his _______(描述),the scenery of the mountain is beautiful. 8.Have you noticed that all the statues in the temple are ________(辉煌的) 9.His father’s c______ of ancient coins will be displayed nationwide. 10.It is necessary for you to take some foreign________(货币)with you when you are abroad. 11.Who can take ________place of Mr Green in the company. 12.The team _______(consist) of six boys and three girls succeed in passing the volley. 13.He often complains _________too much work to do. 14.Tom suggested we _______(take) some cash with us. 15.His plan is consistent _________me.


人教版新课标英语必修五单词拼写练习 1.He is easy-going and has never had a q________ with anyone. 2.She f________ the letter and put it in an envelope. 3.He hurt his legs. There is no p________ that he will win the match. 4.It was of course a d________ for them to meet again after such a long separation. 5.The twin brothers are a________ in appearance but differ greatly in character. https://www.360docs.net/doc/c1290617.html,oshan would be one perfect place for you to visit. It has around 200 ________ (观光) spots. 7.I plan to make a speech at my friend's ________ (婚礼). 8.My mother ________ (安排) an appointment for me with the dentist. 9.Eleanor moved into a small ________ (带家具的) apartment. 10.The work of an engineer requires intelligence ________ (加上) experience. 11.He felt g________ after he was caught for cheating Xu yuyu,a girl who had died because of being cheated. 12.He is e________ to see his daughter who has been abroad studying for two years. 13.Can you turn the TV down, please? I can't c________ on my reading. 14.You should buy a good piano for your son, for he is a g________ musician. 15.The company mainly p________ books for children, which are sold at large bookstores nationwide. 16.We were ________ (高兴的) at the good news that Mary was admitted to a top university in Hong Kong. 17.The plan will be ________ (上交) to our boss next week, so we are checking the details carefully now. 18.Exams are not the only means of ________ (评估) a student's ability. We should take many other aspects into consideration. 19.In order to complete the project in advance, I will go there to ________ (协助) him in doing the work. 20.It was an unusually hot summer and air conditioners were in great ________ (需求). 21.My parents a________ of my trying to earn some money during the summer holiday. 22.My shoes are so dirty that they need to be p________. 23.Please make an a________ with the dentist to treat your toothache.


Learning to learn assessment /??sesm?nt/ n.评估 self-assessment n.自我评估 strength /stre?θ/ n..长处,优势 weakness /?wi:knis/ n. 弱点,缺陷 gain /ɡein/ vt. 获得,增加appropriately / ??pr?uprieitli/ adv.适当地 passive / ?p?siv/ adj.被动的,消极的 phrase / freiz / n.短语,词组concentrate / ?k?ns?ntreit / vi.集中(思想、注意力等) previous / ?pri:vi?s / adj.以前的,过去的 positive / ?p?zitiv/ adj.积极的 associate / ??s?u?ieit/ vt. 联想,联系 mental / ?mentl/ adj.内心的,精神病的 lawyer / ?l?:j?/ n.律师senior / ?si:nj?/ adj.高级的 senior high 高中 physicist / ?fizisist/ n.物理学家 Unit 13 Warm-up beard / bi?d/ n.胡须

*blond / bl ?nd/ adj.淡黄色 的,毛发及皮肤浅色的 sunglass / ?s?n?gl?s/ n.墨镜 uniform / ?ju:nif?:m/ n.制服 moustache /m?s?tɑ:?/ n.长在嘴唇上的小胡子 heel / hi:l/ n.鞋跟 sleeve / sli:v/ n.衣服袖子facial / ?fe???l/ adj.面部的 expression / iks?pre??n/ n.表情,词语 connection / k??nek??n/ n.联系,连接 chain /t?ein/ n.链条,一连串的事物Lesson 1 aircraft / ???krɑ:ft / n.飞机,航空器 emergency / i?m?:d??nsi/ n.紧急情况 pray / prei/ vt..& vi.祈祷,祷告 gifted / ?g?ft?d/ adj.有天赋的 accurately / ??kjur?tl?/ adv.精确地,准确地 draw up 起草 description /dis?krip??n/ n.描述,形容 academic/??k??demik/ adj.学术的 predict / pri?dikt/ vt.预言,


1.the whole country ________(团结)together and got through the horrible earthquake in 2015. 2.You have to _______(澄清) this problem to your classmates in public. 3.There was a ________(矛盾) between the accounts of the witness. 4.In the exhibition this painting painted by that famous painter _______(吸引)a lot of people. 5.To our great________(高兴),we will have seven days off this month. 6.There is no possibility that he will _________(完成)that work on his own. 7.According to his _______(描述),the scenery of the mountain is beautiful. 8.Have you noticed that all the statues in the temple are ________(辉煌的) 9.His father’s c______ of ancient coins will be displayed nationwide. 10.It is necessary for you to take some foreign________(货币)with you when you are abroad. 11.Who can take ________place of Mr Green in the company. 12.The team _______(consist) of six boys and three girls succeed in passing the volley. 13.He often complains _________too much work to do. 14.Tom suggested we _______(take) some cash with us. 15.His plan is consistent _________me. 16.When i got home, i found my money _______(go). 17._________his credit, he gave away much of his fortune to the poor. 18.He remained __________(wait) for the bus for about twenty minutes. 19.He had all his money _______(steal) on the crowded bus. 20.Mr green made _______clear to finish the task on time.


必修五单词拼写练习 【请务必复习好单词再做该练习,切忌边查词汇表边做 练习】 第一单元 1.Urban citizens have to live with the characteristic(典型的,特有的) noises of cities. 2.We must take a scientific(科学的) approach to the problem. 3.The debate did not come to a conclusion(总结、结论) until midnight. 4.I was very much pleased by your analysis(分析) of the situation. 5.The old man was totally absorbed(吸引) in the book. 6.We are suffering from a severe(严重的) shortage of fuel. 7.I turned the handle(手柄) and opened the door. 8.The vote was completed. The chairman announced(宣布) the result. 9.He instructed(指示、要求) me to deliver it to a customer. 10.The scientist often contributes(做贡献)to an academic journal. 11.He is an engineer trained in highway construction(建筑). 12.He is very enthusiastic(严格的) with his students. 13.David is very strict(有激情的) about the plan. 14.The board rejected(拒绝) all our ideas. 15.The boss is cautious(谨慎的) about making promises. 16.The police are watching the movements(行踪、动作) of the suspect carefully. 17.But he became inspired(受鼓舞的) when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. 18.The map gave a valuable clue(线索) about the cause of disease. 19.It seemed the water was to blame(责备) 20.His wound became infected(感染) with a new virus 21.They analyzed (分析) the data and then decided which to choose. 22.After eight years of fighting, the Chinese people finally defeated(打败) the Japanese enemies. 23.I don’t like to live in the neighbourhood(邻近地区) of a train station because it’s so noisy. 24.The old man couldn’t have seen anyone enter the victim’s(受害者的) room because he’s blind. 25.I don’t know who sent the gift, but I’ll make some inquiries(询问). 26.No one suspected(怀疑) that there might be someone else on the farm besides Bonnie.


必修五单词拼写练习 Unit 1 Great Scientists 一、单词拼写: 1.We are suffering from a ________ (严重的)shortage of fuel. 2. We must take a _________(科学的)approach to the problem. 3. The doctor _________(检查)the boy and found there was nothing the matter with him. 4. The debate did not come to a ________ (结论)until midnight. 5.Would you please _________(分析)the situation in details. 6. He __________ (出席)last Saturday …s ceremony. 7. The vote was completed. The chairman _____________ (宣布)the result. 8. The scientist often _________(做贡献)to an academic journal. 9. He is an engineer trained in highway _________(建设). 10. He is very ________ (严格)ith his students. 11. David is very ___________ (热情的)about the plan. 12.The board _________(拒绝)all our ideas. 13.The boss is _________(小心谨慎的) about making promises. 14.It seemed the water was to ________(责备) 15.He knew it would never be _________ (治愈)until its cause was found.16. Unit 2 The United Kingdom 一.单词拼写: 1. The __________ (收集))of these stamps took ten years. 2. A golden _________(婚礼)is the fiftieth anniversary of a marriage. 3. Some people like to lie on the beach, but I prefer __________(观光). 4. England is the largest of the four countries and it is ________ (分成)into three zones. 5. He enjoyed the _________(喜悦) of New York's night life. 6. Students in No.2 middle school should wear school _________(制服). 7.The king was wearing a _________(辉煌的) golden crown. 8.The (塑像)________ of Liberty stands in New York Harbor. 9. She was t________ (胆战心惊)with terror when she saw the scene of the murder. 10.There's an _________(错误)in your calculation. 11.Warm weather has _________(吸引)the flat fish close to shore. 12.He was happy to make a detour(绕道)for her ___________(便利). 13.Delivery times are __________(安排)at a convenient time for customers. Unit 3 Life in the Future 一.单词拼写: 1 The doctor told me to take two ________ (药片)with water before meals. 2 My car got stuck in the ________ (泥泞)and couldn?t get out. 3 If you don’t like this channel, just ________(转换)to another one. 4 I received my _________(硕士)degree for economics in Beijing University.

必修五 Unit 1单词拼写

高二必修五Unit 1考前单词拼写 1. The need to communicate is a key _____________ (特征) of human society. 2. She is not only a famous scientist in the world, but also a gifted ________ (画家). 3. They are carrying out a ___________ (科学的) experiment to look for a cure for the disease. 4. We c_________ the party by singing the popular song:“Yesterday Once More.” We finally reached the__________ (结束) that parents are the best teachers of their children. 5. The teachers were busy ____________(分析) how to improve the students’ spoken English. 6. After eight years of fighting, the Chinese people finally ________(打败) the Japanese enemies. 7. Some________(专家) think that language learning is much easier for children as their tongues are more flexible. 8. About 3000 students from our school _____ (出席) the lecture given by the famous professor. 9.It is unwise to leave children __________ (接触) to violence on the Internet. 10. That accident ___________ (治愈) him of carelessness. 11. The role will be one of the biggest ____________ (挑战) of his acting career. 12. The writer was so________(专心于) in her work that she didn’t notice Jim enter the room. 13. He _________ (怀疑) that the woman staying in the flat above was using heroin. ______________ (怀疑) nothing, he walked right into the trap. 14. She grew up in a quiet _______________(街区,社区) of Boston. 15. His injuries were __________ (严重的) and he was rushed to hospital. 16. Many disasters such as earthquakes cannot be _________(预知). 17. He got _________ (责备) about losing the money. 18. _________ (污染) water and air are harmful to our health. 19. I turned the ________(把手) and opened the door. We think that the affairs of a country must be ________(处理) by its own people. 20. The ____________(通告) came as no great surprise. The spokesman of the Foreign Ministry __________ (宣布) the news to the reporters waiting in the hall. 21. When you take this medicine,you should follow the ___________ (说明) on the bottle. Greater effort is needed to ___________(教导) children in road safety. 22. Work has been begun on the ___________ (建设) of the new airport. 23. It was generous of her to _________(捐助) such a large sum of money. China has made a great c__________(贡献) to global economic recovery. 24. They're encouraged to think _________(积极地) about themselves and their future. 25. She grabbed Norm’s arm and _________(使旋转) him around to face her. 26. All the staff are ____________(热情的,热衷的) about the project. 27. The government has been _________ (谨慎的) in its response to the report.. 28. He asked me to lend him more money, but I __________ (拒绝) his request.


1. You must be c__________. You mustn’t take any unnecessary risks until you are quite sure. 2. I called him by the wrong name yesterday, for which I a__________ to him. 3.What he said impressed me so much, so when I wrote, the words just f__________ from my pen. 4. It is commonly believed that one or two good friends are better than 100 a__________. 5. The air hostess was accused of i__________ bringing the goods into the country. 6.Between 2000 and 2010 the __________(经济)of this country grew at an average of about 3 percent per year. https://www.360docs.net/doc/c1290617.html,rge __________(数量)of land here are used for growing apples, which farmers here depend on to support their families. 8.He __________(发誓)to his boss that he had not taken the money. 9.Human activities are to a large degree responsible for the serious __________(环境的)problems. 10.She makes the most __________(荒谬的)claims about her past achievements.


外研版必修五单词拼写 1.He was wearing dark glasses to p__________his eyes from the sun. 2.He was planting roses, and __________(同时) she was cutting the grass. 3.We should pass on the spirit of hard __________(奋斗) from generation to generation. 4.A(n)__________(理想的) life is the kind of life that is encouraged by love. 5.The hens are not __________(下蛋) well at the moment. 6.The __________(焦点) of the news is the earthquake happening in Sichuan. 7.Oil shortage has brought on an __________(能源) crisis. 8.This means that there will be less and less space for ___________(野生动物). 9.Keepers said the pandas were in good c__________ after the earthquake. 10.Thousands of people poured into the s__________ to watch the football match. 11.With pyramid as its s__________, Egypt is one of the most ancient countries all over the world. 12.He works day and night to earn enough money to p__________ the house. 13.Her fluent English gave her an a____________over the other interviewees. 14.Many fans thought Argentina would be the c____________,but Spanish won the game. 15.Many people complain about the increase in the ____________(退休) age. 16.It is a good year for films , in terms of quantity and q_____________. 17.Before long , the news of ___________(胜利) spread all over the country. 18.He was a good student and __________(得分) above average in most subject. 19.We have _____________(保证) that any faulty parts will be replaced free of charge. 20.Spraking outside Ten Downing, she __________(宣布) she would fight on. 21.The Festival of Asian Arts & music will include two days of ____________(演出). 22.The Chinese people love peace and __________(自由). 23.When you feel tired and nervous you can listen to r__________music . 24.I can’t p__________ I understand these technical terms, for I have no idea of them at all. 25.The boy has a good m__________, and he always remembers all that the teacher has told them. 26.Can I __________(延长) just a few hours to check out ? 27.They have nothing to do ,but w__________ about in the street. 28.The open-air ____________(庆祝)won’t be put off in spite of the bad weather. 29.This book is about the __________(起源) of life on earth. 30.There are many bad customers and laws that ought to be __________(废除)。 31.The team c__________of five doctors and ten nurses at present.


Unit1 1. Only if you put the sun there did the m__________ of the other planets in the sky make sense. 2. His friends were very __________(热情的)about his plan . 3. The island is l__________ to the mainland by a new bridge. 4. The Christian Church r__________ his theory, saying it was against God’s idea. 5. His friends encouraged him to publish his ideas , but Copernicus was c__________ because he didn’t want to be attacked by the Christian Church.. 6. The water companies were i__________ by the government not to expose people to polluted water any more. 7. With this extra evidence John Snow was able to a__________ with certainty that polluted water carried the virus. 8. In two particular streets , the cholera outbreak was so s__________ that more than 500 people died in ten days . 9. John Snow s__________ that the second theory was correct but he needed evidence. 10.He immediately told the astonished people in Broad Street to remove the h__________ from the pump so that it could not be used. 11.Look! Another new teaching building is under c__________.(=is being constructed ) 12.Finally “King Cholera” was d__________ and John Snow won the battle. 13.China has made a great c__________ to global economic recovery. 14.Copernicus suggested that the earth was s__________as it went around the sun . 15.It seemed that the water was to b________ for the outbreak of the disease. 16. The men in black suits were e____________ in children and early education, so if you have any questions in this field you can ask them. 17. We were shocked by the a_________ that the mayor was retiring. 18. A great many people of the n____________ gathered to play music and dance along the streets. 19. Though society is developing fast, the scientists haven’t been able to find a c____________ for such a disease. 20. At the end of the discussion he c____________ that they would sign an important agreement that afternoon. 21. The meeting was a_______ by 90% of shareholders. 22. Children who are often e_________ to classical music when they were young will have a better taste later. 23. Teaching young children is a c_________ but rewarding job where you’ll face great difficulties but also learn a lot. 24.The fertilizers and pesticides used on many farms are p_______ the water supply. 25. It is the government that must take tough measures to reduce levels of environmental p_______. 1 movements 2 enthusiastic 3 linked 4 rejected 5 cautious 6 instructed 7 announce 8 severe 9 suspected 10 handle 11 construction 12 defeated / beaten 13 contribution 14 spinning 15 blame 16 experts 17 announcement 18. neighborhoods 19. cure 20. concluded 21. attended 22. exposed 23. challenging 24. polluting 25. pollution
