

当年学英语,为什么没人这样教我一个driver, 掉进river, 生命over。太有才了。有空让小孩背背! 英文三字趣味经:我家dad,脾气bad,让我sad。有只cat,非常fat,专吃rat。放下plate,赶到gate,已经late。清晨wake,来到lake,钓上snake。撇下net,鱼没get,衣服wet。为捉pest,从不rest,本领best。一只pig,非常big,把洞dig。没给tip,把我lip,装上zip。一只kite,颜色white,被狗bite。学会ride,妈妈pride。清晨jog,带上dog,踩到frog。轻轻hop,跳上to p,唱起pop。把眼close,用我nose,去闻rose。喝着coke,听着joke,把腰broke。举着gun,瞄准sun,不停run。小小bug,把我hug。找个excuse,借车use,遭到refuse。假装mute,真是cute。开着car,向着star,路途far。想变smart,必须start ,学习art。一个driver,掉进riv er,生命over。一个robber,专抢rubber。穿上shirt,脱下skirt,扔进dirt。这只bird,总跑thi rd。个子short,喜欢sport,跑到airport。拿着fork,吃着pork。一个nurse,丢了purse。买只turtle,颜色purple。一只goat,穿件coat,上了boat。一片oat,卡在throat。燃烧oil,直到b oil,倒进soil。是否join,抛起coin。带上hook,来到brook,水面look。手拿book,一边look,开始cook。炎热noon,跳上spoon,飞到moon。一个fool,掉进pool,真是cool。西瓜round,长在ground,被我found。一只mouse, 穿件blouse, 走进house。天在snow,风在blow,树在grow。秋风follow,树叶yellow,落到pillow。不知cow,近况how,去问now。一座town,不停down,快要drown。一只bee,躲进tree,没人see。悬崖deep,开着jeep,莫要sleep。抱着Barbie,吃着cookie, 看着movie。被我niece,摔成piece。丢了glue,没有clue,脸气blue。手拿tissue,排好queue。一颗pea,掉进sea,泡壶tea。身体weak,爬上peak,无力speak。吞进lead,摸摸head,已经dead。吃着bread,报纸spread,开始read。不停train,没有pain,哪有gain。把手raise,老师praise。小狗paw,那根straw,把画draw。坐在lawn,学习law。被窝c ozy,床上lazy,真是crazy。抱着puppy,心里happy。如果shy,不敢try,无机会fly。不停cry,眼泪dry,下锅fry。很多day,没发pay,无话say。天空gray,无心play ,回家stay。顽皮mon key,捡起key,扔向donkey。为了honey,节省money。有个boy,玩着toy,心中joy。跳进so y,尽情enjoy。一只hare,居然dare,对我stare。困难share,互相care,赶走scare。天气fair,凉爽air,吹拂hair。崭新chair,滚下stair,需要repair。昨天fire,今天hire,后天retire。扑灭fire,真是tire。离我near,含着tear,叫我dear。一头bear,裙子wear,采摘pear。一只deer,举起beer,大喊cheers。这个engineer,事事pioneer。洗完face,系好lace,参加race。吃着r ice,加点ice ,口喊nice。听听music,变变magic,吃吃garlic。看完comic,野外picnic。动作quick,把只cock,藏进sock。脱下jacket,忘记ticket, 还在pocket。同学each,手拿peach,来到beach。观众watch,激烈match,球来catch。天气sunny,身无penny,感觉funny。最快r

unner, 成了wIinner, 享受dinner。拿起ink,不加think,仰头drink。敌人tank,装上bank,老天thank。一首song,歌词long,总唱wrong。山路along,跑步long,身体strong。像个king,插上wing,不停swing。美好spring,歌儿sing,鲜花bring。一头fox,躲避ox,藏进box。忘背t ext,绝无next。身体ill,买来pill,堆成hill。一根needle,掉进noodle。饭后hurry,书包carr y,迟到sorry。我家parrot,爱吃carrot, 做个dream,掉进stream, 大声scream, 穿着dress,下着chess, 结果mess. 一辆truck,满载duck,一路luck。碰到trouble,努力double。小小age,读读page,提高wage. 打开fridge, 端出porridge, 扔下bridge. 他很tough, 喝酒enough,从不la ugh。心中wish,钓到fish,做成dish。飞机crash,烧成ash,损失cash。一个youth,张开mou th,吹到south。洗完bath,学习math。我的mother, 生个brother, 想要another. 寒冷weather,身披leather, 头戴feather. 高高sky ,不知why,掉下spy。站在peak,对天speak。到了night,打开light,保护sight。方法right,坚持fight,前途bright。一只chick,动作quick,把我kick 。吃饭quiet,注意diet。猫吃mice,味道nice,想吃twice。这对twin,总是win!【转


1)年份用基数词,日期用序数词。例如:? 1988年5月1日可以写作May 1(st),1988,读作May the first,nineteen eighty-eight;也可以写作1(st)May,1988,读作the first of May,nineteen eighty-eight? 2)英语年份的读法:一般先读前两位数,再读后两位数。例如:? 1983→nineteen eighty-three?1700→seventeen hundred? 1870→eighteen seventy?1601→sixteen a one或sixteen hundred and one? 965→nine sixty-five 或nine six five 注意. ①日期可全用阿拉伯数字,但是英国人和美国人的写法不同。英国人先写日子,美国人则先写月份。例如:? 6,8,1988=1988年8月6日(英国)?=1988年6月8日(美国)? ②年份的后面不用year(年),但有时前面有用year的, 如in the year 1949(读作in the year nineteen forty-nine)。? ③公元前的年份后面加B.C.(采用before Christ的第一个字母,意思是公元前)。如221. B.C. 可读作two twenty-one B.C. (公元前221年)。公元后的年份一般在后面加A. D.(拉丁语Anno Domini的第一个字母,in the year of the Lord,意思是公元)。有时也有把A. D.加在前面的,如A. D. 1949(=1949.A. D.)。

3)年代用年份的阿拉伯数字加-’s 或-s表示。例如:? 十八世纪三十年代→1730’s/1730s?the seventeen thirties? 二十世纪六十年代→1960’s/1960s?the nineteen sixties? 八十年代初期→the early eighties?九十年代末期→the late nineties? 二十世纪六十年代中期→the mid 1960’s (1960s)/the mid nineteen sixties?

如果年份是四位数字,就从中间分开,两位两位说,如:2006,twenty and six;1856,eighteen and fifty-six 如果三位以下可以直接读出,如776,seven handred and seventy-six 公元为A.D.,公元前为B.C. A.D. 应该写在年数之前, B.C. 应该写在年数之后, 如: from 300 B.C. to A.D. 400 由公元英语时间通常用以下两种方法表达:1. 直接表达法A. 用基数词+ o'clock来表示整点,注意o'clock须用单数,可以省略。如:eight o'clock 八点钟,ten (o'clock) 十点钟B. 用基数词按钟点+ 分钟的顺序直接写出时间。如:eleven-o-five 十一点过五分,six forty六点四十2. 间接表达法A. 如果分钟数少于30分钟,可用分钟+ past + 钟点表示,其中past是介词,意思是“过”。如:twenty past four 四点二十eight past one 一点八分B. 如果分钟数多于30分钟,可用(60分钟-原分钟数)+ to +(原钟点数+ 1)表示,其中to是介词,意思是“差”。如:8:35 可表示为twenty-five to nine 差二十五分钟九点,即八点三十五(其中的分钟数twenty-five 是由60分钟减去35分钟得到的;钟点数nine是由8加上1得到的)。注:A. 当分钟数是15分钟时,可用名词quarter (一刻钟)表示。如:7:15可表示为a quarter past seven,12:15可表示为a quarter past twelve B. 当分钟数是30分钟时,可用名词half (一半)表示。如:9:30 可表示为half past nine,3:30可表示为half past three。C. 若想表明是上午,可在时间后加上am或a.m.。如:thirteen past six a.m. (上午六点十三分)等。若想表明是下午,可在时间后加上pm或p.m.。如:four o'clock p.m. (下午四点)等。D. 若表示的时间不够准确,可在时间前加上介词about。如:about eight (大约八点)等。E. 在时间前面应用介词at 来表示在的意思。如:at nine 在九点钟,at about five thirty-five p.m. 大约在下午五点三十五分等。1. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心!

2. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么回事?

3. I’m very disappointed. 真让我失望。

5. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!

6. Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话!

7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?

8. What’s your problem? 你怎么回事啊?

9. I hate you! 我讨厌你!

10. I don’t want to see you* **ce! 我不愿再见到你!

11. You’re crazy! 你疯了!

12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?

13. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。

14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。

15. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失!

16. Leave me alone. 走开。

17. Get lost.滚开!

18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。

19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。

20. It’s none of your business. 关你屁事!

21. What’s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思?

22. How dare you! 你敢!

23. Cut it out. 省省吧。

24. You stupid jerk! 你这蠢*!

25. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。

26. I’m fed up. 我厌倦了。

27. I can’t take it anymore. 我受不了了!(李阳老师常用)

28. I’ve had enough of your garbage. 我听腻了你的废话。

29. Shut up! 闭嘴!

30. What do you want? 你想怎么样?

31. Do you know what time it is? 你知道现在都几点吗?

32. What were you thinking? 你脑子进水啊?

33. How can you say that? 你怎么可以这样说?

34. Who says? 谁说的?

35. That’s what you think! 那才是你脑子里想的!

36. Don’t lo ok at me like that. 别那样看着我。

37. What did you say? 你说什么?

38. You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病!

39. You make me so mad.你气死我了啦。

40. Drop dead. 去死吧!

41. Don’t give me your ****. 别跟我胡扯。

42. Don’t give me your excuses/ No more excuses. 别找借口。

43. Nonsense! 鬼话!

44. You’re a pain in the ass. 你这讨厌鬼。

45. You’re an asshole. 你这缺德鬼。

46. You asked for it. 你自找的。

47. Get over yourself. 别自以为是。

48. You’re nothing to me. 你对我什么都不是。

49. It’s not my fault. 不是我的错。

50. You look guilty. 你看上去心虚。

51. I can’t help it. 我没办法。

52. That’s your problem. 那是你的问题。

53. I don’t want to hear it. 我不想听!

54. Get off my back. 少跟我罗嗦。

55. Give me a break. 饶了我吧。

56. Who do you think you’re talking to? 你以为你在跟谁说话?

57. Look at this mess! 看看这烂摊子!

58. You’re so careless. 你真粗心。

59. Why on earth didn’t you tell me the truth? 你到底为什么不跟我说实话?

60. I’m about to explode! 我肺都快要气炸了!

61. What a stupid idiot! 真是白痴一个!

62. I’m not going to put up with this! 我再也受不了啦!

63. I never want to see you* **ce again! 我再也不要见到你!

64. That’s terrible. 真糟糕!

65. Just look at what you’ve done! 看看你都做了些什么!

66. I wish I had never met you. 我真后悔这辈子遇到你!

67. You’re a disgrace. 你真丢人!

68. I’ll never forgive you! 我永远都不会饶恕你!

69. Don’t nag me! 别在我面前唠叨!

70. I’m sick of it. 我都腻了。

71. Don’t you dare come back again! 你敢再回来!

72. Stop screwing/ fooling/ messing around! 别鬼混了!

73. Mind your own business! 管好你自己的事!

74. You’re just a good for nothing bum! 你真是一个废物!/ 你一无是处!

75. You’ve gone too far! 你太过分了!

76. I loathe you! 我讨厌你!

77. I detest you! 我恨你!

78. Get the hell out of here! 滚开!

79. Don’t be that way! 别那样!

80. Can’t you do anything right? 成事不足,败事有余。

81. You’re impossible. 你真不可救药。

82. Don’t touch me! 别碰我!

83. Get away from me! 离我远一点儿!

84. Get out of my life. 我不愿再见到你。/ 从我的生活中消失吧。

85. You’re a joke! 你真是一个小丑!

86. Don’t give me your attitude. 别跟我摆架子。

87. You’ll be sorry. 你会后悔的。

88. We’re through. 我们完了!

89. Look at the mess you’ve made! 你搞得一团糟!

90. You’ve ruined everything. 全都让你搞砸了。

91. I can’t believe your never. 你好大的胆子!

92. You’re away too far. 你太过分了。

93. I can’t take you any more! 我再也受不了你啦!

94. I’m telling you for the last time! 我最后再告诉你一次!

95. I could kill you! 我宰了你!

96. That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard! 那是我听到的最愚蠢的事!(比尔·盖茨常用)

97. I can’t believe a word you say. 我才不信你呢!

98. You never tell the truth!你从来就不说实话!

99. Don’t push me ! 别逼我!

100. Enough is enough! 够了够了!

bullshit shoot shit的美用就像中国说SB的时候可以说傻波一样shirt 同上fuck 不用解释了son of bitch 狗娘养的suck for you SB stupid idiot 傻瓜get out 滚go to hell 去死

--- Good morning !

It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview,

I hope i can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now i will introduce myself briefly

I am 26 years old,born in shandong province .

I was graduated from qingdao university. my major is electronic.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2003.

I spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 . and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time.

In July 2003, I began work for a small private company as a technical support engineer in QingDao city.Because I'm capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job.

And in August 2004,I left QingDao to BeiJing and worked for a foreign enterprise as a automation software test engineer.Because I want to change my working environment, I'd like to find a job which is more challenging. Morover Motorola is a global company, so I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of company ennvironment. That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position.

I think I'm a good team player and I'm a person of great honesty to others. Also I am able to work under great pressure.

That’s all. Thank you for giving me the chance.


1.Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is ***, 24. I come from ******,the capital of *******Province. I graduated from the ******* department of *****University in July ,2001.In the past two years I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching *****in

NO.****middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you . I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare time,I have broad interests like many other youngsters.I like reading books, especially those about *******.Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.In addition ,during my college years,I was once a Net-bar technician.So, I have a comparatively good command of network application.I am able to operate the computer well.I am skillful in searching for information in Internet.I am a football fan for years.Italian team is my favorite.Anyway,I feel great pity for our country’s team. I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning .Of course, if I am given a chance to study ****** in this famous University,I will stare no effort to master a good command of advance ******.

2.Good afternoon .I am of great hornor to stand here and introduce myself to you .First of all ,my english name is ...and my chinese name is ..If you are going to have a job interview ,you must say much things which can show your willness to this job ,such as ,it is my long cherished dream to be ...and I am eager to get an opportunity to do...and then give some examples which can give evidence to .then you can say something about your hobbies .and it is best that the hobbies have something to do with the job.

What is more important is do not forget to communicate with the interviewee,keeping a smile and keeping your talks interesting and funny can contribute to the success.

I hope you will give them a wonderful speech .Good luck to you !

3.good morning, my name is jack, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september. now i will introduce myself briefly,i am 21 years old,born in heilongjiang province ,northeast of china,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing XX uni.my major is packaging engineering.and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in june.in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 with an ease. and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides, i have attend several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company. through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry. compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress since 1978,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard. but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still. i guess you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, i would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,i like my major packaging and i won't give

up,if i can pursue my master degree here i will combine law with my former education. i will work hard in thesefields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of p&p, my character? i cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident. sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online. through college life,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment. by the way, i was a actor of our amazing drama club. i had a few glorious memory on stage. that is my pride.

3. What is your greatest strength?(你最突出的优点是什么?)


I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I’d planned. I’ve set some high goals for myself. For example, I want to graduate with highest distinction. And even though I had a slow start in my freshman year, I made up for it by doing an honor’s thesis.

4. What is your greatest weakness?(你最大的弱点是什么?)


I'm such a perfectionist that I will not stop until a job is well done.





①I what is your major?

A My major is Business Administration. I am especially interested in〃Marketing〃.


②I Which university are you attending?

A I am attending×××University.

③I Have you received any degrees?

A Yes. First I received my Bachelor degree in English Literature and then an MBA degree.

④I What course did you like best?

A Project Management. I was very interested in this course when I was a student. And I think it’s very useful for my present work.

⑤I Do you feel that you have received a good general training?

A Yes I have studied in an English train-ing program and a computer training program since I graduated from university. I am currently studying Finance at a training school. 介绍工作经验:显露实力,避免炫耀

①I Have you ever been employed?

②I Your resume says you have had one-year experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghai may I ask why you left?

A I worked in a foreign rep.office for one year.However I left there two years ago because the work they gave me was rather dull.I found another job that is more interesting.

③I Have you done any work in this field?

④I What qualifications do you have that make you feel you will be successful in your field?

⑤I What have you learned from the jobs you have had?

A I have learned a lot about business know how and basic office skills. In addition I learned at my previous job show to cooperate with my colleagues.

⑥I What’s you major weak point?

A I haven’t been involved in international business so I don’t have any

experience but I have studied this course in the International Business Training Center of the×××Company.

⑦I What are your greatest strengths?(实话实说好了,不必客气,但应注意语气和表情,不要给人炫耀之感。)

⑧I Please tell me about your working experience.

⑨I Does your present employer know you are looking for another job?

A No I haven’t discussed my career plans with my present employer but I am sure he will understand. 性格爱好:表现积极、合作的一面

①I How do you spend your spare time?

②I Are you interested in sports?

③I Do you think you are introverted or extroverted?

Qi shang Unit1 good morning Good morning!hi hello afternoon Good afternoon!evening Good evening! how are you How are you? I am fine thanks OK HB CD BBC Alice Bob Cindy Dale Eric Frank Grace Helen Unit2 what is this in English in English map cup ruler pen orange jacket key quilt it a that spell please NBA P kg Unit3 color red yellow green blue black white purple brown the now see can say my S M L UFO CCTV 正式篇Unit 1 name nice to meet too your Ms. his and her yes she he no not zero one two three four five six seven eight nine telephone number phone telephone first first name last last name friend China middle school middle school Gina

Jenny Brown Alan Tom Mike Jack Mary Miller Linda Jane Green Smith Unit2 sister mother father parent brother grandmother grandfather grandparent family those who oh these they well have day Have a good day ! bye son cousin grandpa mom aunt grandma dad uncle daughter here phoho of next picture girl dog Sally Kate Paul Unit3 pencil book eraser box pencil box schoolbag dictionary his mine hers excuse me excuse me thank teacher about What about……? yours for thank you for…help welcome You’re welcome .baseball watch computer game card ID card notebook ring bag in library ask ask…for…find found some classroom e-mail at call lost must set a set of Anna John David Unit4 where table bed bookcase sofe chair on under come come on desk think room their hat head yeah know radio clock tape player tape player

model plane model plane tidy but our everywhere always Unit5 do have tennis ball ping-pong bat soccer soccer ball volleyball basketball hey let us let’s=let us go we late has get great play sound interesting boring fun difficult relaxing watch TV watch TV same love with sport them only like easy after class classmate Bill Grammar Focus:what’s your name?Alan./I’m Alan./My name’s Alan.What’s his name? He’s Eric./His name’s Eric.What’s her name? She’s Mary./Her name’s Mary. Is he Jack? Yes,he is./No.he isn’t. His name’s Mike.Are you Helen? Yes,I am./No,I’m not.I’m Gina. || This is my friend Jane.That’s my grandfather. These are my brothers. Those are my parents. Who’s she?She’s my sister. Who’s he? He’s my brother. Who’re they? They’re my grandparents. || Is this your pencil? Yes,it is. It’s mine./No,it isn’t. It’s hers.Is this his green pen?Yes,it

is./No,it isn’t.The blue pen is his.Is that your schoolbag? Y es,it is./No,it isn’t.It’s his. Are these your books? Yes,they are. /No,they aren’t. They’re hers. Are those her keys?Yes,they are./No,they aren’t. They’re mine.||Where’s the map? It’s in your grandparents’room.Where’s his pencil box?It’s in his schoolbag.where’s your ruler?It’s under the chair.where are their keys? They’re on the table.||Do you have a baseball?Yes,I do,/No,I don’t.I have a ping-pong ball.Does she have a tennis ball? Yes,she does./No,she doesn’t.She has a baseball.Do he have a soccer ball?Yes,he does./No,he doesn’t.He has two ping-pong bats.Do they have a basketball?Yes,they do./No,they don’t.They have a volleyball.

四年级Unit 1.window 窗户board 写字板light灯;管灯picture画;图画door 门floor 地板classroom教室many许多的our 我们的classmate 同学have a look看一看seat 座位near 在……的旁边what 什么in 在……里面the这个;那个we 我们have (我们)有new新的go去where在哪里computer 计算机teacher’s desk 讲台wall 墙fan扇子;电扇clean 打扫;清洁;擦干净的good idea 好主意all right好吧;好的good job干得好you 你see 看见;看到me我(宾格)look at看……Unit 2.Chinese book 语文书English book英语书math book 数学书schoolbag书包story-book 故事书notebook笔记本colour 颜色fat胖的may 可以sure当然可以here you are 给你bag包pencil 铅笔pen 钢笔twenty-one二十一thirty三十thirty-one 三十一forty四十forty-one四十一fifty 五十too many 太多了heavy太重了what’s=what is sorry对不起book书ruler 尺子pencil-case铅笔盒Unit 3 long

hair长头发short hair短头发thin瘦的strong 健壮的quiet安静的friend(s) 朋友(们)Chinese 中国的like 喜欢his 他的photo 照片he’s=he is has (他/她)有name 名字he 他teacher教师student学生music 音乐science 科学sports体育运动computer game 电脑游戏painting绘画she’s=she is her 她的you’re=you are she 她right 对的,正确的boy 男孩girl 女孩friend 朋友Open the door .Turn on the light. Sweep the floor .Clean the window. Put up the picture .Clean the board.六年级上Unit1, by 经……;乘……foot脚bike自行车bus公共汽车train火车plane 飞机ship 船;舰subway地铁how怎样go to school 上学then 然后fifth 第五traffic 交通traffic light交通灯traffic rule 交通规则stop停;停车站wait 等;等待remember 记住get to 到达find 寻找;找到difference 不同;区别same 相同的every每个;所有的country 国家always 总是;一直mean 意思是drive驾驶right右边的side 边

England英国Australia澳大利亚however 但是left 左边的if 如果must 必须know知道Unit2 library 图书馆post office 邮局hospital 医院cinema电影院bookstore书店science museum 科学博物馆excuse me对不起where在哪里;到哪里please 请next to 与……相邻far 远supermarket 超市bank 银行after school 放学以后want 想要buy购买a pair of一双shoe store鞋店get off 下车minute分钟north 北south 南east 东west 西turn转弯right 右边left左边straight 成直线地then 然后twelfth 第十二party 聚会;晚会tell 告诉start 开始take乘坐look for寻找Unit 3 next week下周this morning 今天上午this afternoon 今天下午this evening今天晚上tonight今晚tomorrow明天take a trip 去旅行read a magazine 阅读杂志go to the cinema 去看电影theme park主题公园the Great Wall 长城busy忙碌的together一起地comic book漫画书post card 明信片newspaper报纸magazine 杂志dictionary

词典;字典shoe store 鞋店buy购买fruit stand 水果摊pet shop 宠物商店need 需要plant 植物else 其他;另外shop商店


2019小学二年级学生英语单词记忆儿歌大全 动物名词歌 动物名词歌,记住各种动物英语说法的顺口溜: Bird ,bird是小鸟,小鸟bird天上飞; dog ,dog是小狗,小狗dog汪汪叫; cat ,cat是小猫,小猫cat喵喵叫; monkey ,monkey是小猴,小猴monkey逗人笑; elephant ,elephant是小象,小象elephant鼻子长; zebra ,zebra是斑马,斑马zebra黑白纹;

panda ,panda是熊猫,熊猫panda胖乎乎;tiger ,tiger是老虎,老虎tiger真威武。 我们一起来牢记,保护动物爱自然。 色彩和颜色单词歌 颜色英语单词顺口溜1: 小黑熊,真顽皮,手里拿着大画笔。 画片天空是蓝色,blue,blue 是蓝色; 画片云彩是白色,white,white是白色; 画个太阳红彤彤,red ,red是红色;

画片草地绿荫荫,green ,green是绿色; 画串香蕉是黄色,yellow ,yellow是黄色; 画只猴子是棕色,brown ,brown是棕色; 画个橘子是橙色,orange ,orange是橙色; 最后拿起黑色笔,black ,black是黑色。 对着镜子画自己,黑不溜秋不美丽,哭着喊着叫妈咪。颜色英语单词顺口溜2: red红旗随风飘,white白墙亮堂堂, black黑发披肩上,blue蓝天多晴朗, yellow香蕉黄衣裳,orange桔子桔皮上,

purple茄子紫衣裳,green绿草生命强, pink 粉花真漂亮,gray灰兔吃草忙,brown棕熊大又壮。颜色英语单词顺口溜3: red意思是红色,形容词、名词都能作; blue sky是蓝天,blue蓝色记心间; white意思是白色,作为姓氏是怀特; brown意思是布朗,也当棕色、褐色讲; purple紫色grey灰,black意思就是黑; orange意思比较多,橘子、橙子和橙色; pink意思是粉红色,yellow意思是黄色;

英文儿歌 顺口溜

动物儿歌 目的:能够说出常见小动物的英文名称;并用TPR肢体动作表演。适合年龄:托班、小班 动物儿歌(一) 动物园里真热闹, 老虎、狮子和大象, tiger、lion、elephant, 小兔rabbit蹦蹦跳, snake、wolf凶巴巴, 狐狸fox真狡猾。 动物儿歌(二) 小动物,真可爱 小兔rabbit蹦蹦跳 长翅膀,落枝头 pigeon、swan and owl 小燕子swallow 麻雀喳喳sparrow bird、bird飞呀飞 turtle、turtle慢吞吞 瞄、瞄是cat 小狗dog旺旺叫 duck走路摇一摇 小猴monkey真调皮 狐狸fox最狡猾 动物儿歌(三) 小猫cat 瞄瞄瞄,cat、cat是小猫 小狗dog旺旺叫,dog、dog是小狗 小鸭duck嘎嘎嘎,duck、duck是鸭子 小鸡chick叽叽叽,chick、chick是小鸡 公牛ox哞哞哞,ox、ox是公牛 小羊sheep咩咩咩,sheep、sheep是绵羊 动物儿歌之十二属相(四) 老鼠mouse吱吱叫 小牛ox尾巴摇 老虎tiger啊呜叫 兔子rabbit蹦蹦跳 大龙dragon天上飞 小蛇snake地上爬 木马horse跑的块 绵羊sheep爱吃草

猴子monkey想吃桃 公鸡cock起的早 小狗dog会看门 猪儿pig爱睡觉 动物儿歌(五) rabbit、rabbit 跳跳跳 bird、bird 天上飞 turtle、turtle 爬呀爬 fish、fish 水中游 动物儿歌(六) elephant、elephant大鼻子甩 turtle、turtle慢悠悠 goldfish、goldfish水中游 pig、pig拱拱拱 动物儿歌之十二属相(七) mouse 、mouse爱打洞 cow 、cow老黄牛 tiger 、tiger山中王 rabbit 、rabbit蹦蹦跳 dragon 、dragon天上龙 snake 、snake草中游 horse 、horse跑的快 sheep 、sheep是绵羊 monkey 、monkey尾巴长 cock 、cock晨起忙 pig 、pig拱拱拱 动物儿歌(八) bee、bee采花蜜 butterfly、butterfly穿花衣 mantis、mantis扛大刀 owl、owl圆眼睛 peacock、peacock爱开屏 woodpecker、woodpecker树医生 parrot、parrot学说话 动物儿歌(九) 小鸭duck左右摆 小鸡chick爱吃米 小鸟bird天上飞 蜜蜂bee采蜜忙


动词为纲“滚雪球” 难易编组抓循环 同类归纳印象深图示介词最直观 混淆多因形音义反义词语成对念 构词方法不可忘习惯用语集中练 词不离句法最好课外阅读莫间断 一、be 的用法口诀 我用am,你用are,is连着他,她,它; 单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。 变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记。 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。 二、时间名词前所用介词的速记歌 年月周前要用in,日子前面却不行。 遇到几号要用on,上午下午又是in。 要说某日上下午,用on换in才能行。 午夜黄昏须用at,黎明用它也不错。 at也用在明分前,说“差”可要用上to, 说“过”只可使用past,多说多练牢牢记, 莫让岁月空蹉跎。 三、记住f(e)结尾的名词复数 妻子持刀去宰狼,小偷吓得发了慌; 躲在架后保己命,半片树叶遮目光。 四、巧记48个国际音标 单元音共十二,四二六前中后。 双元音也好背,合口集中八个整。 辅音共计二十八,八对一清又七浊, 四个连对也包括。有气无声清辅音, 有声无气浊辅音,发音特点应掌握。 五、其他 非谓语动词的一些特殊用法后只接不定式作宾语的一些常用特殊谓语动词 动词后,不定式,want, hope和wish, agree, decide, mean, manage, promise, expect, pretend,且说两位算在此, 要记牢,要记住,掌握它们靠自己。 后接动词不定式做宾语补足语省略不定式符号“to”的一些常用特殊动词 一些动词要掌握,have, let和make, 此三动词是使役,“注意”“观察”“听到”se e, 还有feel和watch,使用它们要仔细, 后接“宾补”略去“to”,此点千万要牢记 除此之外,还可以掌握“八字言”, 一感feel,二听hear, listen to, 三让have, let, make,四看see, look at, observe, watch 后只接动名词做宾语的一些常用特殊动词 特殊动词接“动名”,使用它们要记清, “放弃”“享受”可“后悔”,


英语教学顺口溜 (共70首) 1、be 的用法口诀: 我用am,你用are,is连着他,她,它; 单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。 变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记。 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。 2、人称代词主格的顺口溜: I是我来we复数,你和你们都用you; he,she,it男、女、它,复数一律把they用。 3、时间名词前所用介词的速记歌 年月周前要用in,日子前面却不行。 遇到几号要用on,上午下午又是in。 要说某日上下午,用on换in才能行。 午夜黄昏须用at,黎明用它也不错。 at也用在时间前,说“差”可要用上to, 说“过”只可使用past,多说多练牢牢记, 4、巧记48个国际音标 单元音共十二,四二六前中后。 双元音也好背,合口集中八个整。 辅音共计二十八,八对一清又七浊,

四个连对也包括。有气无声清辅音, 有声无气浊辅音,发音特点应掌握。 5、巧记long before 和before long:long 在前(long before),“很久前”,long在后(before long),“不久后”。 6、巧记以-o结尾加-es的词 有生命的加es,无生命的加s. 7、介词顺口溜 in 在……里,out 在……外, 在旁边的是 beside,靠近的为 by。 on 在……上,under 在……下, above 在上头,below 在底下。 8、英语分数巧记 英语分数不费事,母序子基四个字 分子若是大于一,分母还须加-s. 9、基数词变序数词歌 基变序,有规律 词尾加上-th(fourth,sixth) 一、二、三,特殊例, 结尾字母t,d,d(first,second,third) 八去t,九去e,(eighth,ninth) ve要用 f替;(fifth,twelfth)


用顺口溜来学习英语,至少有三大好处:一是节省了时间。死记硬背效果差不说,还费时间,而利用顺口溜,效率又高又省时;二是培养了自己的概括思维能力。把一些词语编成顺口溜,看似容易,其实也难;三是使人觉得学习英语还是饶有兴趣的。 既然顺口溜有这么多好处,那么,何乐而不为呢? 学英语的口诀 动词为纲滚雪球,难易编组抓循环 同类归纳印象深,图示介词最直观 混淆多因形音义,反义词语成对念 构词方法不可忘,习惯用语集中练 词不离句法最好,课外阅读莫间断 be 的用法口诀 我用am,你用are,is连着他,她,它; 单数名词用is,复数名词全用are. 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃 变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑 时间名词前所用介词的速记歌 年月周前要用in,日子前面却不行 遇到几号要用on,上午下午又是in. 要说某日上下午,用on换in才能行 午夜黄昏须用at,黎明用它也不错 at也用在明分前,说差可要用上to, 说过只可使用past,多说多练牢牢记,

莫让岁月空蹉跎 可数名词的复数变化规律[1]: 名词复数有规律,一般词尾加s; 辅音字母+y型,变y为i,es; ch,sh真有趣,s,x,es; f,fe真小气,字母v来把它替,es在后别忘记; 字母o来真神奇,有生命来es,没有生命+s. 可数名词复数特殊变化规律[2]: 中日好友来聚会, 绵羊、鹿、鱼把家回。 男士、女士a变e; 牙(齿)、脚双o变双e; 孩子们想去天安门, 原形后面r、e 、n; 老鼠本来爱大米, mice,ice和rice. 注:中Chinese,日Japanese,好友people. 绵羊sheep,鹿deer,鱼fish (这些单词单复数一样)man--men woman--women tooth--teeth foot--feet child--children mouse--mice 一般现在时态 (一)



脸部五官英语单词顺口溜1:Face脸蛋儿红又红, 眼睛eyes亮晶晶, Head脑袋大又灵, 鼻子nose像山峰, Mouth小嘴把歌唱, 耳朵ears仔细听。 脸部五官英语单词顺口溜2:Head脑袋圆又圆, 头发hair长上边, Face脸儿像圆盘, 鼻子nose像小山。 Ear耳朵听明白, 鼻子nose,眼睛eye。 脸部五官英语单词顺口溜3:head头,face脸, ear耳朵挂两边。 eye眼睛像葡萄, 高高的nose在中间,mouth 头部五官记心间。

交通工具英语单词顺口溜1: plane plane 天上飞, ship ship 水中游, 爬山路jeep 强, 建筑工地truck 忙, 奔驰car 真气派, 城市运输bus强, bike 虽然体积小, 锻炼身体又环保。 交通工具英语单词顺口溜2: truck、truck大卡车,南来北往忙运货;bus、bus公交车,上班上学把它坐;car、car小轿车,美丽舒适我爱坐;jeep、jeep吉普车,背个车轮乐呵呵;bike、bike自行车,不怕下坡怕上坡;train、train是火车,长长铁轨唱着歌。多学几个交通工具英语单词: taxi 出租汽车 underground, tube, subway 地铁 train 火车 boat, ship 船 plane, aircraft, airplane 飞机


英语学习顺口溜经典汇总一、be 的用法口诀: 我用am,你用are,is连着他,她,它 单数名词用is,复数名词全用are 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃 变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑 二、时间名词前所用介词的速记歌 年月周前要用in,日子前面却不行 遇到几号要用on,上午下午又是in 要说某日上下午,用on换in才能行 午夜黄昏须用at,黎明用它也不错 at也用在明分前,说差可要用上to 说过只可使用past,多说多练牢牢记 莫让岁月空蹉跎 三、可数名词复数的变化规律 名词复数有规律,一般词尾加s 辅音字母+y型,变y为i 再加es ch,sh真有趣,s,x,es f,fe真小气,字母v来把它替,es在后别忘记 字母o来真神奇,有生命来es,没有生命+s 特殊变化规律: 中日好友来聚会, 绵羊、鹿、鱼把家回;(复数不变) 男士、女士a变e, 牙(齿)、脚双o变双e; 老鼠本来爱大米, mice, ice和rice。

注: 中Chinese,日Japanese,好友people。 绵羊sheep,鹿deer,鱼fish (这些单词单复数一样) man—men woman--women tooth—teeth foot--feet child—children mouse--mice 四、记住f(e)结尾的名词复数 妻子持刀去宰狼,小偷吓得发了慌 躲在架后保己命,半片树叶遮目光 九个以-f(e)结尾的名词:wife(妻子)、knife(刀子)、wolf(狼)、thief(小偷)、shelf(架子)、self(自己)、life(生命)、half(一半)、leaf(树叶) ~ 1 / 6 ~ 注: 文中点出了七个,即thief、wife、knife、leaf、wolf、half和life。 这些名词以-f(e)结尾变复数时,将-f(e)变v再加es。还有以-self结尾的反身代词复数用法相同,如: myself-ourselves. yourself-yourselves。 例外的有serf(农奴)、chief(首领)、belief(信仰)、safe(保险柜)、gulf(海湾),它们以直接加-s变为复数形式,另外handkerchief可用两种复数形式:handkerchiefs或handkerchieves。 五、巧记48个国际音标 单元音共十二,四二六前中后, 双元音也好背,合口集中八个整, 辅音共计二十八,八对一清又七浊, 四个连对也包括有气无声清辅音, 有声无气浊辅音,发音特点应掌握。 六、非谓语动词的一些特殊用法 后只接不定式作宾语的一些常用特殊谓语动词: want,hope和wish, agree,decide,mean,manage,promise,


幼儿英语单词顺口溜 1:动物名词歌 Bird , bird是小鸟,小鸟bird天上飞;dog ,dog是小狗,小狗dog汪汪叫;cat ,cat 是小猫,小猫cat喵喵叫;monkey ,monkey是小猴,小猴monkey逗人笑;elephant ,elephant 是小象,小象elephant鼻子长; zebra ,zebra是斑马,斑马zebra黑白纹;panda ,panda 是熊猫,熊猫panda胖乎乎;tiger ,tiger是老虎,老虎tiger真威武。我们一起来牢记,保护动物爱自然。 2:颜色歌 小黑熊,真顽皮,手里拿着大画笔。画片天空是蓝色,blue,blue 是蓝色;画片云彩是白色,white,white是白色;画个太阳红彤彤,red ,red是红色;画片草地绿荫荫,green ,green是绿色;画串香蕉是黄色,yellow ,yellow是黄色;画只猴子是棕色,brown ,brown是棕色;画个橘子是橙色,orange ,orange是橙色;最后拿起黑色笔,black ,black是黑色。对着镜子画自己,黑不溜秋不美丽,哭着喊着叫妈咪。 3:水彩笔, 真漂亮, 色彩丰富又鲜艳 yellow yellow 是黄色, blue blue 蓝又蓝red red 是红色, green green 绿油油orange orange 是橙色, white white 白又白brown brown 像咖啡, black black 黑黑黑4:水果歌 Apple ,apple是苹果,苹果apple大又红;orange ,orange是橘子,橘子orange圆又扁;banana ,banana是香蕉,香蕉banana黄澄澄;grape ,grape是葡萄,葡萄grape一串串;peach ,peach是桃子,桃子peach像心红;pineapple ,pineapple是菠萝,菠萝pineapple多小孔;mango ,mango是芒果,芒果mango人人爱;watermelon ,watermelon是西瓜,西瓜watermelon似蜜甜;pear ,pear是鸭梨,鸭梨pear脆又甜。小朋友们都喜欢,水果富含维生素,大家吃了身体棒。 5:果园里的水果成熟了 香蕉banana 软又香,苹果apple 红又甜桔子orange酸又酸,桃子peach甜又鲜芒果mango有营养,梨子pear 水分多西瓜watermelon 大又甜,菠萝pineapple香香香6:我的一天 叮铃铃, 闹钟响,get up, get up 快起床,背上书包go to school,go home , go home 快回家,Bye bye, bye bye,See you, see you是再见Good night道晚安! 7:文具用品类 新学期里真热闹,文具兄弟来开会。pencil box 往里瞧一瞧,ruler小尺,knife刀,ball pen ,ball pen圆珠笔,它们的用处都挺多.rubber橡皮擦错字,钢笔pen也很重要,pencil sharpener削铅笔,pencil铅笔,book书,全是我的好朋友。整理发布 8:说儿歌,记快餐 快餐店真方便,tea,tea茶水,茶水tea真解渴;hamburger,hamburger汉堡包,汉堡包hamburger吃得饱;coffee,coffee咖啡,咖啡coffee有点苦;cake,cake蛋糕,蛋糕cake 软又黄;milk,milk牛奶,牛奶milk白又香;egg, egg鸡蛋,鸡蛋egg有营养;ice cream,ice cream冰淇淋,冰淇淋ice cream冰又甜;juice,juice果汁,果汁juice品种多;你也来,我也来,偶尔品尝还可以,经常吃变胖,(fat)不奇怪。


交通工具英语单词顺口溜 truck、truck大卡车,南来北往忙运货;bus、bus公交车,上班上学把它坐;car、car小轿车,美丽舒适我爱坐;jeep、jeep吉普车,背个车轮乐呵呵;bike、bike自行车,不怕下坡怕上坡;train、train是火车,长长铁轨唱着歌。 动物英语单词顺口溜 Dog dog汪汪汪 Cat cat喵喵喵 Duck duck嘎嘎嘎 Monkey monkey尾巴长 Panda panda是国宝 Rabit rabit跳一跳 Pig pig睡懒觉 Bird bird展翅飞 Bear bear高又壮 Elephant elephant鼻子长 Mouse mouse偷油吃 Squirrel squirrel会爬树 小猫cat喵喵喵,mouse听了拼命逃; 小狗dog汪汪汪,把门守得牢又牢; 小鸟bird叽叽叽,飞来飞去真欢喜; 鸭子duck嘎嘎嘎,河里鱼虾随便抓; 青蛙frog呱呱呱,池边小虫害怕它; 公鸡rooster喔喔啼,每天它都早早起;狮子lion吼声大,非洲草原它老大。

脸部五官英语单词顺口溜 Face脸蛋儿红又红,眼睛eyes亮晶晶,Head脑袋大又灵,鼻子nose像山峰,Mouth小嘴把歌唱,耳朵ears仔细听。 Head脑袋圆又圆,头发hair长上边,Face脸儿像圆盘,鼻子nose像小山。Ear耳朵听明白,鼻子nose,眼睛eye。 head头,face脸,ear耳朵挂两边。 eye眼睛像葡萄,高高的nose在中间,mouth 头部五官记心间。 交通工具英语单词顺口溜: plane plane 天上飞,ship ship 水中游,爬山路jeep 强,建筑工地truck 忙, 奔驰car 真气派,城市运输bus强, bike 虽然体积小,锻炼身体又环保。 身体部位英语单词顺口溜: 脑袋Head圆又圆 鼻子Nose站中间 Eye, 眼睛黑又亮 Ear, 耳朵长两边 Mouth, 嘴巴会说话 Face, 小脸白又白 Hand, 小手拍一拍 Arm, 胳膊真结实 Finger, 手指会数数 Foot, 小脚跳一跳 Leg, 小腿踢踢腿 Body, 身体摇一摇 身体部位英语单词顺口溜2: 小朋友,起得早,大家快来做做操, 张开mouth深呼吸,揉揉nose 吸吸气,洗洗face提提神,脖子neck扭一扭, 手臂arms伸一伸,小手hands拍一拍,腿儿legs踢一踢,膝盖knees蹲一蹲,小脚feet跳一跳,天天锻炼身体好, 眼睛eyes大又亮,耳朵ears听得清, 脑袋head更聪明,做个新世纪小主人。


小朋友,起得早,大家快来做做操, 张开mouth深呼吸,揉揉nose 吸吸气,洗洗face提提神,脖子neck扭一扭,手臂arms伸一伸,小手hands拍一拍,腿儿legs踢一踢,膝盖knees蹲一蹲,小脚feet跳一跳,天天锻炼身体好, 眼睛eyes大又亮,耳朵ears听得清,脑袋head更聪明,做个新世纪小主人。 关上window 关上door 拎起basket合上box tap tap 要关好,节约用水很重要 light light 要关上,用电安全最重要听一听walkman看一看TV 事情做好心情好 小宝宝可真乖,' 自己从bed上坐起来, 自己的jacket自己穿, 自己的gloved自己戴。

太阳公公咪咪笑,小朋友们起得早。 洗洗face, 刷teeth, 再喝milk身体好。 聪明可爱小画家,一张paper手中拿。神奇pencil画一画,美丽picture人人夸。 Grandpa年纪大, 爱吃banana,Grandma年纪大,爱吃watermelon,我的年纪小, 爱喝“娃哈哈 幼儿园里朋友多,Brother,sister, 做游戏笑呵呵, 拍拍hand唱唱歌。

哥哥tall个子高, 弟弟short个子矮, 姑姑fat想变瘦, 爷爷old真长寿。 plane plane 天上飞, ship ship 水中游, rr爬山路jeep 强, 建筑工地truck 忙, 奔驰car 真气派, 城市运输bus强, bike 虽然体积小, 锻炼身体又环保. 水果歌 strawberry是草莓,又红又大长得美。orange是个大蜜桔,吃不着可真着急。apple,apple红苹果,吃上一个不上火。melon,melon大西瓜,口渴解谗就吃它。banana是黄香蕉,样子弯弯像小桥。grapes是紫葡萄,又酸又甜特可口。


幼儿英语顺口溜 Fruit 红苹果青苹果,apple apple 苹果 大桔子小桔子,orange orange桔子 黄黄的梨子pear,梨子梨子pear 长长的香蕉banana,香蕉香蕉banana 芒果的名字最简单,mango mango是芒果 菠萝苹果有点像,pineapple pineapple大菠萝 孙悟空偷桃子,peach peach是桃子 八戒的肚子像西瓜,watermelon watermelon大西瓜 color yellow yellow 是黄色,黄色的小鸭水中游;black black 是黑色,黑色的蚂蚁在搬家;green green 是绿色,绿色的小草在发芽;white white是白色,白色的雪花满天飞;red red 是红色,红色的国旗在我心;blue blue是蓝色,蓝色的天空白云飘;brown brown是棕色,棕色的巧克力我爱吃;orange orange是橙色,橙色的桔子挂满枝 3AUnit 9 open open 打开close close关上turn on ;turn on 打开turn off;turn off关上两组反义词要分清用电用水用turn on 注意节约turn off 盒子书篮子等打开用open 关上close Chants for Book 3A 《牛津小学英语》 Unit 1 Hello, hello, I’m Mike. What’s your name? What’s your name? I’m Yang Ling. I’m Yang Ling. Hello, David. Hello, Nancy! What’s your name? What’s you r name? I’m Liu Tao. I’m Yang Ling! 动物园里真热闹, 让我们过来瞧一瞧


英语语法顺口溜,太有用了!(家长为孩子赶紧收藏) 原文阅读 英语虐我千百遍,我待英语如初恋。关注每天学点英语,开始每天5分钟英语学习计划!只要你能坚持,一定就能学好英语!!!

be的用法口诀 我用am,你用are,is连着他,她,它; 单数名词用is,复数名词全用are. 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃 变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑 时间名词前所用介词的速记歌年月周前要用in,日子前面却不行 遇到几号要用on,上午下午又是in. 要说某日上下午,用on换in才能行 午夜黄昏须用at,黎明用它也不错 at也用在明分前,说差可要用上to, 说过只可使用past,多说多练牢牢记, 莫让岁月空蹉跎 可数名词的复数变化规律 名词复数有规律,一般词尾加s; 辅音字母y型,变y为i,es; ch,sh真有趣,s,x,es; f,fe真小气,字母v来把它替,es在后别忘记; 字母o来真神奇,有生命来es,没有生命s.

可数名词复数特殊变化规律 中日好友来聚会, 绵羊、鹿、鱼把家回。 男士、女士a变e; 牙(齿)、脚双o变双e; 孩子们想去天安门, 原形后面r、e、n; 老鼠本来爱大米, mice,ice和rice. 注:中Chinese,日Japanese,好友people. 绵羊sheep,鹿deer,鱼fish(这些单词单复数一样)man--menwoman--women tooth--teethfoot--feet child--childrenmouse--mice

一般现在时态(一) I、we、you、they作主语, 动词原形后面跟; 否定句,更容易, 动词前面加don't; 疑问句,别着急, 句首Do,来帮你, 后面问号别忘记; 肯定回答用Yes, I、we、you、they加上do; 否定回答要用No, I、we、you、they加don't.


幼儿英语顺口溜大全 篇一:幼儿英语单词顺口溜 幼儿英语单词顺口溜 1:动物名词歌 bird,bird是小鸟,小鸟bird天上飞;dog,dog是小狗,小狗dog汪汪叫;cat,cat是小猫,小猫cat喵喵叫;monkey,monkey是小猴,小猴monkey逗人笑;elephant,elephant是小象,小象elephant鼻子长;zebra,zebra是斑马,斑马zebra黑白纹;panda,panda是熊猫,熊猫panda胖乎乎;tiger,tiger是老虎,老虎tiger真威武。我们一起来牢记,保护动物爱自然。2:颜色歌 小黑熊,真顽皮,手里拿着大画笔。画片天空是蓝色,blue,blue是蓝色;画片云彩是白色,white,white是白色;画个太阳红彤彤,red,red是红色;画片草地绿荫荫,green,green是绿色;画串香蕉是黄色,yellow,yellow是黄色;画只猴子是棕色,brown,brown是棕色;画个橘子是橙色,orange,orange是橙色;最后拿起黑色笔,black,black是黑色。对着镜子画自己,黑不溜秋不美丽,哭着喊着叫妈咪。 3:水彩笔,真漂亮,色彩丰富又鲜艳 yellowyellow是黄色,blueblue蓝又蓝redred是红色,greengreen绿油油orangeorange是橙色,whitewhite白又白brownbrown像咖啡,blackblack 黑黑黑

4:水果歌 Apple,apple是苹果,苹果apple大又红;orange,orange是橘子,橘子orange圆又扁;banana,banana是香蕉,香蕉banana黄澄澄;grape,grape 是葡萄,葡萄grape一串串;peach,peach是桃子,桃子peach像心红;pineapple,pineapple是菠萝,菠萝pineapple多小孔;mango,mango 是芒果,芒果mango人人爱;watermelon,watermelon是西瓜,西瓜watermelon似蜜甜;pear,pear是鸭梨,鸭梨pear脆又甜。小朋友们都喜欢,水果富含维生素,大家吃了身体棒。 5:果园里的水果成熟了 香蕉banana软又香,苹果apple红又甜桔子orange酸又酸,桃子peach 甜又鲜芒果mango有营养,梨子pear水分多西瓜watermelon大又甜,菠萝pineapple香香香6:我的一天 叮铃铃,闹钟响,getup,getup快起床,背上书包gotoschool,gohome,gohome快回家,byebye,byebye,seeyou,seeyou是再见goodnight道晚安! 7:文具用品类 新学期里真热闹,文具兄弟来开会。pencilbox往里瞧一瞧,ruler小尺,knife刀,ballpen,ballpen圆珠笔,它们的用处都挺多.rubber橡皮擦错字,钢笔pen也很重要,pencilsharpener削铅笔,pencil铅笔,book书,全是我的好朋友。整理发布 8:说儿歌,记快餐 快餐店真方便,tea,tea茶水,茶水tea真解渴;hamburger,hamburger


少儿英语词汇:常见小动物英语单词顺口溜 Dog dog汪汪汪 Cat cat喵喵喵 Duck duck嘎嘎嘎 Monkey monkey尾巴长 Panda panda是国宝 Rabit rabit跳一跳 Pig pig睡懒觉 Bird bird展翅飞 Bear bear高又壮 Elephant elephant鼻子长 Mouse mouse偷油吃 Squirrel squirrel会爬树 动物英语单词顺口溜2: 小猫cat喵喵喵,mouse听了拼命逃; 小狗dog汪汪汪,把门守得牢又牢; 小鸟bird叽叽叽,飞来飞去真欢喜; 鸭子duck嘎嘎嘎,河里鱼虾随便抓; 青蛙frog呱呱呱,池边小虫害怕它; 公鸡rooster喔喔啼,每天它都早早起; 狮子lion吼声大,非洲草原它老大。 更多常见小动物英语单词: horse马 ox牛 bull公牛 cow母牛 pig,swine猪 sheep羊

goat山羊 zebra斑马 deer鹿 reindeer驯鹿 giraffe长颈鹿 camel骆驼 elephant象 cat猫 kitten,kitty,pussy小猫lion狮 leopard豹 tiger虎 yak牦牛 dog狗 wolf狼 bear熊 rabbit兔子 rat鼠 mouse家鼠 monkey猴子 gorilla大猩猩 bat蝙蝠 whale鲸 dolphin河豚 seal海豹 eagle鹰 cock公鸡 hen母鸡 turkey火鸡 peacock孔雀 duck鸭

goose鹅 swan天鹅 dove鸽woodpecker啄木鸟parrot鹦鹉 crow乌鸦blackbird乌鸫magpie喜鹊swallow燕子 robin知更鸟 lark百鸟,云雀penguin企鹅 owl枭,猫头鹰snake蛇 cobra眼镜蛇walllizard壁虎turtle龟 seaturtle海龟 frog青蛙 bullfrog牛蛙 dog狗


小学英语记忆词汇顺口溜及口诀总结 be 的用法口诀 我用am,你用are,is连着他,她,它; 单数名词用is,复数名词全用are. 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃 变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑 时间名词前所用介词的速记歌 年月周前要用in,日子前面却不行 遇到几号要用on,上午下午又是in. 要说某日上下午,用on换in才能行 午夜黄昏须用at,黎明用它也不错

at也用在明分前,说差可要用上to, 说过只可使用past,多说多练牢牢记, 莫让岁月空蹉跎 可数名词的复数变化规律: 名词复数有规律,一般词尾加s; 辅音字母+y型,变y为i,es; ch,sh真有趣,s,x,es; f,fe真小气,字母v来把它替,es在后别忘记; 字母o来真神奇,有生命来es,没有生命+s. 可数名词复数特殊变化规律: 中日好友来聚会,绵羊、鹿、鱼把家回。 男士、女士a变e;牙(齿)、脚双o变双e; 孩子们想去天安门,原形后面r、e 、n; 老鼠本来爱大米,mice,ice和rice. 注:中Chinese,日Japanese,好友people. 绵羊sheep,鹿deer,鱼fish (这些单词单复数一样)man--men woman--women tooth--teeth foot--feet child--children mouse--mice 一般现在时态 I、we、you、they作主语,动词原形后面跟; 否定句,更容易,动词前面加don't; 疑问句,别着急,句首Do,来帮你,

后面问号别忘记;肯定回答用Yes, I、we、you、they加上do; 否定回答要用No,I、we、you、they加don't. 主语三单他、她、它,动三形式后面压, 词尾一般s加;辅音字母+y型, 变y为i,es;ch,sh真有趣, s,x,es;三个特殊那里去? has、goes和does;否定句,记住它, 动词前面doesn't;疑问句,别着急, 句首Does,来帮你;肯定回答用Yes, he、she、it加does;否定回答要用No, he、she、it、doesn't;does、doesn't来帮你,后面动词定注意,恢复原形要切记。 记住f(e)结尾的名词复数 妻子持刀去宰狼,小偷吓得发了慌; 躲在架后保己命,半片树叶遮目光


动物名词歌, 记住各种动物英语说法的顺口溜, 另外整理动物名词歌里不包括的其它常见小 动物的英语说法。 Bird , bird 是小鸟,小鸟 bird 天上飞; dog ,dog 是小狗,小狗 dog 汪汪叫; cat ,cat 是小猫,小猫 cat 喵喵叫; monkey ,monkey 是小猴,小猴 monkey 逗人笑; elephant ,elephant 是小象,小象 elephant 鼻子长; zebra ,zebra 是斑马,斑马 zebra 黑白纹; panda ,panda 是熊猫,熊猫 panda 胖乎乎; tiger ,tiger 是老虎,老虎 tiger 真威武。 我们一起来牢记,保护动物爱自然。 更多小动物的英语说法: Bear 熊 ant 蚂蚁 bee 蜜蜂 cock 公鸡 cow 奶牛 duck 鸭子 fish 鱼 fox 狐狸 frog 青蛙 giraffe 长颈鹿 goat 山羊 hen 母鸡 pig 小狗

horse 马 panda 熊猫 mouse 老鼠 sheep 绵羊 rabbit 兔子 spider 蜘蛛 snake 蛇
颜色英语单词顺口溜 1: 小黑熊,真顽皮,手里拿着大画笔。 画片天空是蓝色,blue,blue 是蓝色; 画片云彩是白色,white,white 是白色; 画个太阳红彤彤,red ,red 是红色; 画片草地绿荫荫,green ,green 是绿色; 画串香蕉是黄色,yellow ,yellow 是黄色; 画只猴子是棕色,brown ,brown 是棕色; 画个橘子是橙色,orange ,orange 是橙色; 最后拿起黑色笔,black ,black 是黑色。 对着镜子画自己,黑不溜秋不美丽,哭着喊着叫妈咪。 颜色英语单词顺口溜 2: red 红旗随风飘,white 白墙亮堂堂, black 黑发披肩上,blue 蓝天多晴朗, yellow 香蕉黄衣裳,orange 桔子桔皮上, purple 茄子紫衣裳,green 绿草生命强,


小学英语顺口溜记忆大全 元音a,e,i,o,u及其字母组合 我家dad(爸爸),脾气bad(坏),让我sad(伤心难过) 有只cat(猫咪),非常fat(肥胖),专吃rat(鼠) 放下plate(盘子),赶到gate(门口),已经late(晚了) 清晨wake(醒),来到lake(湖边),钓上snake(蛇) 撇下net(网),鱼没get(得到),衣服wet(湿了) 为捉pest(害虫),从不rest(休息),本领best(最棒) 一只pig(猪),非常big(大),把洞dig(挖) 没给tip(小费),把我lip(唇),装上zip(拉链) 一只kite(风筝),颜色white(白色),被狗bite(咬)

学会ride(骑车),妈妈pride(自豪) 清晨jog(慢跑),带上dog(狗),踩到frog(青蛙) 轻轻hop(跳),跳上top(顶部),唱起pop(流行音乐) 把眼close(闭上),用我nose(鼻子),去闻rose(玫瑰) 喝着coke(可乐),听着joke(笑话),把腰broke(扭伤) 举着gun(枪),瞄准sun(太阳),不停run(跑) 小小bug(虫),把我hug(环抱) 找个excuse(借口),借车use(用),遭到refuse(拒绝) 假装mute(哑巴的),真是cute(聪明的) 元音a,e,i,o,u+r的组合发音

开着car(车),向着star(星星),路途far(遥远) 想变smart(睿智),必须start(开始) ,学习art(艺术) 一个driver(司机),掉进river(河里),生命over(结束) 一个robber(强盗),专抢rubber(橡胶) 穿上shirt(衬衫),脱下skirt(裙子),扔进dirt(污垢) 这只bird(鸟),总跑third(第三) 个子short(短小),喜欢sport(运动),跑到airport(太空) 拿着fork(叉),吃着pork(猪肉) 一个nurse(护士),丢了purse(钱包) 买只turtle(龟),颜色purple(紫色) o及其字母组合的发音


[标签 :标题 ] 篇一:小学常用单词顺口溜 动物名词歌 Bird , bird 是小鸟,小鸟 bird 天上飞; bee bee 是蜜蜂,蜜蜂 bee 采蜂蜜; butterfly 是蝴蝶,蝴蝶 butterfly 真美丽; Fly fly 是苍蝇,苍蝇 fly 真讨厌; spider spider 是蜘蛛,蜘蛛 spider 把网织; cow cow 是奶牛,奶牛 cow 黑白花; horse horse 是小马,小马 horse 跑得快; sheep sheep是绵羊,绵羊 sheep 真可爱; goat goat 是山羊,山羊 goat 尖尖角; cock cock是公鸡,公鸡 cock 报晨时; hen hen 是母鸡,母鸡 hen 下鸡蛋; duck duck 是鸭子,鸭子 duck 嘎嘎叫; dog ,dog 是小狗,小狗 dog 汪汪叫 ;cat ,cat 是小猫,小猫cat 喵喵叫 ; rabbit rabbit 是兔子,兔子 rabbit 来回跳; mouse mouse是老鼠,老鼠mouse 可真坏; ant ant 是蚂蚁,蚂蚁 ant 知晴雨; frog frog 是青蛙,青蛙 frog 雨天现; snake snake是毒蛇,毒蛇 snake 把人伤; monkey ,monkey 是小猴,小猴monkey 逗人笑 ;elephant ,elephant 是小象,小象 elephant 鼻子长 ;giraffe giraffe 长颈鹿,长颈鹿 giraffe 个子高; zebra ,zebra是斑马,斑马胖乎乎 ;Bear Bear 是狗熊,狗熊威武;zebra 黑白纹 ;panda ,panda 是熊猫,熊猫 panda bear 可真壮; tiger ,tiger 是老虎,老虎 tiger 真 fox fox 是狐狸,狐狸 fox 最滑头; Crocodile crocodile 是鳄鱼,鳄鱼crocodile 真丑陋;我们一起来牢记,保护动物爱自然。 小猫 cat 喵喵喵, mouse 听了拼命逃 ;小狗 dog 汪汪汪,把门守得牢又牢 ; 小鸟 bird 叽叽叽,飞来飞去真欢喜 ;鸭子 duck 嘎嘎嘎,河里鱼虾随便抓 ;


一、冠词基本用法 【速记口诀】 名词是秃子,常要戴帽子, 可数名词单,须用a或an, 辅音前用a, an在元音前, 若为特指时,则须用定冠, 复数不可数,泛指the不见, 碰到代词时,冠词均不现。 【妙语诠释】冠词是中考必考的语法知识之一,也是中考考查的主要对象。以上口诀包括的意思有:①名词在一般情况下不单用,常常要和冠词连用;②表示不确指的可数名词单数前要用不定冠词a或an,确指时要用定冠词the; ③如复数名词表示泛指,名词前有this,these,my,some等时就不用冠词。 二、名词单数变复数规则 【速记口诀】 单数变复数,规则要记住, 一般加s,特殊有几处: /s/结尾,es不离后, 末尾字母o,大多加s, 两人有两菜,es不离口, 词尾f、fe,s前有v和e; 没有规则词,必须单独记。 【妙语诠释】①大部分单数可数名词变为复数要加s,但如果单词以/t蘩/、/蘩/、/s/发音结尾(也就是单词如果以ch,sh,s,x等结尾),则一般加es;②以o结尾的单词除了两人(negro,hero)两菜(tomato,potato)加es外,其余一般加s;③以f或fe结尾的单词一般是把f,fe变为ve再加s;④英语中还有些单词没有规则,需要特殊记忆,如child—children,mouse—mice,deer—deer,sheep—sheep,Chinese—Chinese,ox—oxen,man—men,woman—women,foot—feet,tooth—teeth。

三、名词所有格用法 【速记口诀】 名词所有格,表物是“谁的”, 若为生命词,加“’s”即可行, 词尾有s,仅把逗号择; 并列名词后,各自和共有, 前者分别加,后者最后加; 若为无命词,of所有格, 前后须倒置,此是硬规则。 【妙语诠释】①有生命的名词所有格一般加s,但如果名词以s结尾,则只加“’”;②并列名词所有格表示各自所有时,分别加“’s”,如果是共有,则只在最后名词加“’s”;③如果是无生命的名词则用of表示所有格,这里需要注意它们的顺序与汉语不同,A of B要翻译为B的A。 四、接不定式作宾语的动词 【速记口诀】 三个希望两答应,两个要求莫拒绝; 设法学会做决定,不要假装在选择。 【妙语诠释】三个希望两答应:hope,wish,want,agree,promise 两个要求莫拒绝:demand,ask,refuse 设法学会做决定:manage,learn,decide 不要假装在选择:petend,choose 五、接动名词作宾语的动词 【速记口诀】 Mrs. P Black missed a beef bag. (P·布莱克夫人丢了一个牛肉袋。) 【妙语诠释】该句话中每个字母代表了一个动词或短语,这些动词要求后面跟动名词作宾语。这些动词分别是:
