





時效內完成客戶抱怨及RMA 處理,通過發掘問題真因並實施針對性矯正及預防,使客怨及RMA 需求得以及時有效處理並預防再發,以持續穩定產品品質,達成客戶滿意及持續改善。

To resolve a customer’s complaint or RMA request and prevent its recurrence, including completion of a thorough root cause analysis and the implementation of all corrective and preventive actions defined, within a defined time period that is no longer than our customer expects, so that continual improvement can be demonstrated and both product quality and the satisfaction of its customers can be maintained consistently high.


凡客戶對本事業單位(以下簡稱本公司) 於產品開發送樣階段及量產階段之產品品質、環境管理、交期及產品保固等方面所產生之抱怨處理作業及RMA 作業均屬之。

It is applicable to all customer complaints and RMA concerning product quality, environment

substances to be controlled (hereinafter referred to as the controlled substances), delivery date and product warranty during product development, sample submission, mass production and series production in our business unit (hereinafter referred to as our company).

3、參考文件(Reference Documents)







3.7《失效模式與效應分析作業程序》 FPR00-005


3.9 《Diagnosis on components-Warranty parts》GS 95004 (BMW客戶文件)


4.1 客戶:接受本公司產品、服務的組織或個人,包括外部客戶及鴻海集團內交客戶。

Customer: The organization or individual receiving our company’s product or service, whether an external customer or internal customer (within Hon Hai group).

4.2 重大客訴:由本公司產品品質、環境管理、交期及產品保固等問題造成以下情形之客戶


Critical customer complaint: Customer complaints caused by product quality, the

controlled substances, delivery date, product warranty, etc. expressed in the following


4.2.1 客戶停線或生產遭到延誤。

Customer production interruption or production delayed.

4.2.2 客戶產品因FOXCONN 責任導致被召回或退貨處理。

Customer product is recalled or rejected due to FOXCONN’s responsibility.

4.2.3 因FOXCONN 責任導致客戶開出購回通知。

Customer “PURGE” notice due to FOXCONN’s responsibility.

4.2.4 客戶將FOXCONN 從合格供應商除名或留單察看。

FOXCONN is deleted from customer’s AVL or left to be observed

4.2.5 因FOXCONN 責任致使樣品無法符合到客戶規格、應用及測試等需求,導致客戶


Sample can’t meet customer specification, application and test requirements and

customer can’t approve it due to FOXCONN’s responsibility.

4.3 客訴再發:

Customer complaint recurrence:

4.3.1 重復發生因FOXCONN 責任導致相同或不同客戶針對同家族產品或不同批送樣樣


Same or different customers report more than one complaint against the same defect of

the same product families or in multiple samples of the same part due to FOXCONN’s


4.4 產品保固:

Product warranty:

為對客戶承諾或承諾客戶要求之使用目標(或年限/次數等) 或法令法規要求企業必須履行服務項目等,產品保固處理為當以上承諾項目未滿足時,需依承諾之要求賠償客戶損失,其處理方式有折讓、重工、退款、補貨、補償及換貨等。

Promise to customer or the use target (year/times limit etc.) promised to customer or service items that the statutes and regulations require enterprises to carry out. Product warranty

disposition means that customer loss shall be compensated according to the promised

requirements when the above promise items failed. It includes discount, rework, refund,

complement, reimbursement, exchange, etc.

4.5 外部失敗成本:

External failure cost:

產品銷貨到客戶後,因產品品質、環境管理物質、交期及產品保固等問題而導致客戶抱怨、退貨、計劃外交付(含超額運費) 及訂單減少等一系列損失所發生的全部費用。

Total expense of a series of loss caused by customer complaints, product reject, delivery

beyond schedule (including premium freight) and order reduction due to inferior product

quality, the controlled substances, poor delivery date, product warranty, etc. after products

have been delivered to customer.

4.6 RMA:

Return material authorization


RMA means that the finished goods returned to factory by customer due to quality or other

customer complaint issues.


5.1 客服單位:


5.1.1 與客戶建立良好關係。

Establish good relationship with customer.

5.1.2 蒐集客戶抱怨及RMA 詳實資訊,並迅速通知品保及其他相關單位。

Collect the detailed information about customer complaint and/or RMA and inform QA

and other related dept. immediately.

5.1.3 主導執行客戶段庫存調查及不良品處理,客戶要求時提出客戶補交貨需求。

Predominate to execute customer inventory survey and nonconforming product

disposition and propose supplementation request when customer requires.

5.1.4 追蹤客戶對改善之認可狀況及是否結案確認。

Trace whether customer has confirmed the close verification for accepting FOXCONN

improvement status.

5.2 各產品事業單位主管:

Department head:

5.2.1 客怨與RMA案件確認及處理有效性與及時性之監督,指定改善團隊之領導人。

Take responsibility to validate customer complaint and RMA and monitor the

effectiveness and promptness of resolving customer complaints and RMA, designate the

task force team leader.

5.2.2 客戶抱怨及RMA 案件處理對策之裁決與廠內改善結案之核示。

Decide the resolution measures against customer complaint and RMA cases and make

approval for improvement close in plant.

5.3 品保單位:


5.3.1 客戶抱怨及RMA 案件受理、協調及回覆之內部作業窗口。

Act as the internal contact window of handling, coordinating and feeding back customer

complaint and RMA in the factory.

5.3.2 召集相關單位組建處理團隊,分析客怨及RMA 資料,檢討原因及判定責任。

Lead the relevant dept. to found customer complaint or RMA task force team, analyze

Customer Complaint or RMA, review the root cause and judge responsible department.

5.3.3 協助責任單位檢討真因並於時效內彙總完成改善對策報告回覆CQA。

Assist the responsible dept. to review the root cause and complete “Corrective Action

Report” (CAR) or 8D within a defined time period and feed them back to CQA.

5.3.4 監督責任單位實施改善對策,確認改善對策執行效果及標準化狀況。

Monitor the responsible dept. to execute the corrective action and confirm the

execution effectiveness and the status of standardization.

5.3.5 主導客訴或RMA 不良批及嫌疑批之確認及處理。

Predominate to confirm and resolve the nonconforming lot and suspect lot of customer

complaint or RMA.

5.3.6 會同相關單位定期檢討客訴及RMA 處理進度,跟催CQA 確認客戶段認可及結


Cooperate with the relevant depts. to periodically review the progress of disposing

customer complaint or RMA and follow up with CQA to confirm customer acceptance

and close information.

5.3.7 定期階段性檢討客戶抱怨及RMA 案件,分析客戶要求,監督內部持續改善。

Periodically review customer complaint and RMA cases by stage, analyze customer

requirement and monitor the internal continual improvement.

5.4 責任單位:

Responsible Dept.:

5.4.1 負責真因調查分析,提出改善對策報告並於時效內回覆品保單位。

Predominate root cause investigation and analysis, propose “Corrective Action Report”

and reply it to QA dept. within the defined time.

5.4.2 內部宣導並貫徹執行矯正及預防再發對策。

Give publicity to internal related personnel and execute the corrective and preventive


5.5 製造/工程單位:

Mfg./Engineering Dept.:

5.5.1 負責客戶抱怨及RMA 處理之技術支援及工程技術段異常原因分析。

Take responsibility to provide the technical support for disposing customer complaint or

RMA and defect cause analysis.

5.5.2 產品及過程變更時相關FMEA 之變更維護以及相關工程圖面與文件之ECN 標


When product or process change occurs, change and maintain the relevant FMEAs and

standardize ECN of the relevant engineering drawing & document.

5.5.3 協助執行客戶抱怨及RMA 處理過程中涉及之工程分析與檢測驗證作業。

Assist to make the engineering analysis and test verification concerned in dealing with

customer complaint or RMA.

5.5.4 工程分析報告及檢測報告之提出。

Propose the engineering analysis report and test report.

5.6 企劃單位:

Production Planning Dept.:

5.6.1 主導因廠內交期、工令排配、運輸過程出問題以及自然災害等原因導致的交期延


Predominate to handle customer compliant of delivery delay caused by delivery date

confirm, work order arrangement, transport and natural disaster.

5.6.2 確認廠內庫存及在製品、海外倉庫存及客戶端之不良品(或嫌疑品) 數量。

Confirm the nonconforming products (or suspect products) quantity of inventory in

plant, WIP, overseas hub, ON WAY and at the customer side.

5.6.3 會同品保單位處理客怨或RMA 不良品(或嫌疑品) 及安排不良品重工或報廢。

Cooperate with QA Dept. to handle the nonconforming products (or suspect products)

of customer complaint or RMA and arrange rework or scrap of the nonconforming


5.6.4 負責客戶抱怨或RMA不良品(或嫌疑品)之補(換)貨計劃擬定與安排生產補貨。

Take responsibility to draw up the supplementation (exchange) plan for nonconforming

products (or suspect products) of customer complaint or RMA and arrange the


5.6.5 客訴及RMA 相關不良處理費用評估,含重工/退運/報廢/索賠等費用。

Evaluate the expenses (rework/return/scrap/reimbursement, etc.) for handling the

relevant defects of customer complaint or RMA.

5.7 經管單位:

Cost Management Dept.:

5.7.1 必要時協助市場單位提供不良品(嫌疑品) 之失敗成本數據資料,配合執行索賠


When necessary, assist PM Dept. to provide the failure cost data of the nonconforming

products (or suspect products) and support to execute customer reimbursement.

5.7.2 定期彙總提供各單位外部失敗成本供各單位及高階管理層作為持續改善參考。

Periodically collect and provide the external failure cost of depts. to them and high level

management as the reference for continual improvement.

5.8 採購單位:

SCM Dept.:

5.8.1 協助處理客戶抱怨或RMA 中涉及供應商段之責任確認,要求供應商就客戶抱怨

及RMA 異常進行改善並追蹤成效。

Assist to confirm the responsibility of supplier concerned in dealing with customer

complaint and RMA and require supplier to make improvement for customer complaint

and RMA and trace the effectiveness.

5.8.2 協助處理由供應商交期延遲導致之客戶抱怨。

Assist to handle customer compliant caused by supplier delivery delay.

5.9 改善團隊領導人:

Task Force Team Leader:

5.9.1 提供改善團隊成員客訴或RMA 改善過程中所需資源。

Provide the task force team members resources which needed by the improvement

process for customer complaint or RMA.

5.9.2 統籌安排相關單位作業,找出問題真因,提出改善對策,並確保改善對策有效執


Coordinate with the relevant departments to find out root cause, propose corrective

action report, and ensure executing the action effectively.


7.1 客戶抱怨及RMA 處理程序包含以下階段:

Customer complaint and RMA handling procedure includes the following stages:

A 階段:客戶告知、回覆客戶已獲悉客訴或RMA通知及現狀,抱怨產品或RMA退回工廠。

Stage A: Customer's notice, reply to customer the information received and current situation, complaint product or RMA returned to factory from customer.

B 階段:問題判定,改善團隊建立,採行暫時對策。

Stage B: Confirm problem, setup task force team and take containment actions.

C 階段:確定真因及再發預防對策,廠內疑慮成品及在製品處理。

Stage C: Verify root cause and recurrence preventive action, internal NG finished goods and WIP handling.

D 階段:系統診斷及弱項分析。

Stage D: System diagnosis and weakness analysis.

E 階段:標準化。

Stage E: Standardization.

F 階段:執行追蹤。

Stage F: Implementation tracking.

7.2 A 階段:客戶告知、回覆客戶已獲悉客訴或RMA 通知及現狀,抱怨產品或RMA 退回


Stage A: Customer's notice, reply to customer the information received and current situation, complaint product or RMA returned to factory from customer.

7.2.1 市場或客服單位接獲任何客戶抱怨或RMA 訊息時,客服單位應立即向客戶端確

認並調查客戶抱怨或RMA 之完整資訊(包括客戶名稱、客戶工廠所在地、抱怨

或RMA 料號/系列、不良率/數、不良批號、不良情形、客戶應用製程、使用或

測試方式、產品保固失效情形及競爭對手產品在客戶段使用狀況等) 以文字、圖

片及影像等形式填入“客戶抱怨及RMA 處理表”中,並以公司電子郵件等方式通






When PM or CQA receiving any customer complaint, CQA shall immediately contact

customer to confirm the complete information of customer complaint or RMA

(including customer name, customer plant location, complaining or RMA P/N or series, defect rate and quantity, defect date code, defect situation, customer application

process, use or test method, product warranty failure mode, using status of

competitors’ products at customer site, etc.) and input them in “Customer Complaint

and RMA Management Sheet” in the forms of letters, pictures and photos, and inform

the responsible QA dept. by E-mail instead of oral notice or concealing information

purposely or transmitting untrue information. If other dept. receives customer

complaint information earlier, the CQA should confirm the information with customer

and input the relative information into the “Customer Complaint Management Sheet”.

Remark: When the same customer complains again (about the same product’s same

defect type) before the prior complaint has not been closed, CQA can input the

repeated complaint info. together with the prior one and inform the related dept.

7.2.2 客戶抱怨或RMA 資訊如不完整時,品保單位應視需要要求CQA 單位協助調查或


If the information of the customer complaint or RMA is incomplete, QA dept. shall

require CQA to assist to investigate or provide further information upon actual

requirement. When necessary, PM shall visit customer personally for understanding and are forbidden to delay the efficiency by excuse or shift off responsibility by excuse to

handle customer complaint. For the delivery control problems (delivery delay, materials mixed or damaged during transport outside factory due to delivery date confirm, work order arrangement, transport and natural disaster, etc.) except quality defects, QA Dept.

shall notify planning/production management dept. in time for acknowledgement.

7.2.3 此階段資料輸入完整後,由產品事業單位主管確認後正式立案處理。

After completion of input the complete data into the database, the BU head will confirm prior to handle the customer complaint officially.

7.2.4CQA 單位應調查並了解客戶對客訴及RMA 處理特殊要求(如處理時效、改善報

告格式、提交資料內容、客戶對物料處理要求等),並將其特殊要求填入至客戶抱怨及RMA 處理表“客戶希望處理方式及意見” 欄位。

CQA shall investigate and understand customer specific requirements for resolving

customer complaint and RMA (e.g. the resolution efficiency, CAR format, contents of

submitted data, requirements for resolving materials, etc.), and input the specific

requirements in column “Detail Description” at stage A in “Customer Complaint and RMA

Management Sheet”.

7.2.5CQA 與客戶協調好以接收客戶抱怨產品或RMA 退回工廠

CQA should communicate with customer to receive the complaint product or RMA in

factory side.

7.3 B 階段:問題判定,改善團隊建立,採行暫時對策

Stage B: Confirm problem, setup task force team and take containment actions.

7.3.1 品保單位接獲客戶抱怨或RMA 資訊後,應主導會同相關單位(包括市場、生產製

造、工程、採購、生管及物流等相關單位) 組成改善團隊,針對客訴或RMA 信息

(被退回之不良樣品/產品、相關數據、影像資料與交期等) 進行失效分析檢討,並


並執行之,同時查找客訴或RMA 產生真正原因。


After receiving customer complaint or RMA information, QA dept. shall predominate to

cooperate with the relevant depts. (including PM, R&D/ME, manufacturing, engineering,

purchasing , planning and logistic dept.) to found a complaint or RMA task force team to

make FMEA review upon the customer complaint or RMA information ( returned

nonconforming sample/products, the related data photo, delivery date). QA dept. and

the task force team shall also determine the nonconforming lot and impact extent,

propose containment plan for nonconforming products and execute it, and investigate

the root cause of customer complaint or RMA.

Remark: The task force team leader should be responsible dept. supervisor or manager in principle.

7.3.2 CQA 單位應針對此產品在客戶段之不良模式及客戶要求提出說明。

CQA shall propose explanation of the nonconformance and customer requirements for

this product.

7.3.3 針對產品品質不良,由生產製造、品保及採購等單位針對不良模式從設計及製造




排配、運輸過程出問題以及自然災害等原因導致的交期延遲客訴、廠外運輸過程中混料及損壞等):由生管單位召集運籌與物流等單位主導提出可能導致問題模式產生之原因,完成B~C 階段處理。

For product quality defects, R&D/ME, manufacturing, QA dept. and purchasing dept. shall propose the possible causes for the defects from design concept and manufacturing

factors. For the delivery delay due to quality defects, QA, planning, logistics and sales

dept. shall propose the possible causes for the defects from delivery date confirm,

transport, hub storage. For the delivery control problems (delivery delay, materials mixed or damaged during transport outside factory due to delivery date confirm, work order

arrangement, transport and natural disaster, etc.), planning/production management

dept. shall call logistics dept. to propose the possible causes for the problems and

complete the stage B~C.

7.3.4 品保單位應會同相關生產製造單位依據《產品鑑別與追溯程序》,對抱怨或RMA

產品相關製程管制資料(4M1E 管理及製程異常處理記錄等) 及相關品質履歷(初件、巡迴、入庫、出貨品質檢驗記錄及不良樣品/留樣品品質及特採記錄等) 進行確認,以找出初步原因,確定受影響範圍,鎖定不良批,並制定臨時對策。

QA dept. shall cooperate with the relevant manufacturing depts., according to

“Identification and Traceability Control Process”, to confirm the related process control data (4M1E management, process nonconformance disposition record) of the

complained or RMA product and the relevant quality history file (FAI, IPQC, FQC, OQC

record, nonconforming sample/conforming sample quality and waiver record, etc.) to

find out preliminary cause of the nonconformance, determine impact scope, control the nonconforming lot and make the containment actions.

7.3.5 若為供應商交貨品質問題,則由SQE 單位會同相關供應商進行檢討確認,鎖定不


If it is due to incoming quality issues of supplier, SQE dept. shall cooperate with the

relevant responsible supplier to make review and confirmation to control the

nonconforming lot and require the supplier to propose corrective action report to avoid recurrence.

7.3.6 品保單位應會同處理團隊依據以上分析結果判定責任:

QA dept. shall cooperate with the complaint resolution team to decide the responsibility of nonconformance according to the above analysis result:

A.非本公司問題、NTF (假性不良/No Trouble Found)、KFG (No Fault Found,BMW

客戶用語) 或責任歸屬為客戶時:

When it is not our company’s responsibility, or it’s NTF (No Trouble Found), KFG (No Fault Found) or due to the customer’s responsibility:

如經判定非FOXCONN 問題、客戶退回不良品經驗證為NTF/KFG (退回不良品需回流產線進行所有外觀檢查及功能測試,若有客戶指定之高低溫測試或其他高負載測試,也需通過,且經品保之最終出貨查核,例如FQC、OQC 或OBA,皆正常才可判定為NTF/KFG,關於假性不良的情況發現應依「NTF 處置規範」進行處置或責任歸屬為客戶端時,則由品保單位會同處理團隊檢討提出“缺陷分析報告” 說明廠內調查狀態、結果判定及建議事項,由客服單位婉轉向客戶說明(必要時品保單位應協助說明),使其滿意分析結果並接受。當客戶撤銷抱怨或RMA 時,客服單位應及時通知責任品保單位,並將客戶端銷案證明資料填入“客戶抱怨及RMA 處理表” 客戶判定欄位中,經產品事業單位主管及品保主管審核確認無誤後方可結案。若客戶索回NTF/KFG 產品時,需對產品做清楚之標示。當NTF/KFG 產品可返回客戶端上線,於客戶端上線後再度發現不良而退回,則定義為“二次退回”。

When it is judged that it is not due to Foxconn’s responsibility, NTF/NFF (The return NG products should be sent back to production line to go through all cosmetic inspection and function check stations, and also go through all function check stations under stress conditions if customer requires, and pass all QA check, for example, FQC, OQC, or OBA. Then, the return NG products can be judged as NTF/NFF) or it is due to the customer’s responsibility, QA Dept. shall cooperate with complaint task force team to propose “Defect Analysis Report” to describe the investigation status in plant, result judgment and suggestion items, CQA shall explain it politely to customer (if necessary, QA dept. shall assist to explain it.) and make the customer satisfied with the analysis result and accept it. When customer withdraws the complaint or RMA, CQA shall inform the responsible QA dept. timely and input the withdrawal evidence of customer in “Customer Complaint and RMA Management Sheet”, after approved by BU head and QA head, the case can be closed. If customer request NTF/KFG back to them, the returned product shall be marked indelibly. The NTF/KFG products which are supplied back to customer side and are then sent back again as defect are referred to as “second-time return”.

B.判定為本公司責任(含供應商交貨品質責任) 時:

When it is judged to be responsibility of our company (including responsibility of


B1.當屬供應商交貨品質責任時,SQE 應要求供應商提出正式改善對策報告,品保單位應結合供應商改善對策報告及廠內相關物料使用記錄提出廠內處


When it is due to the delivery quality responsibility of supplier, SQE dept. shall

require the supplier to propose official corrective action report, QA dept. shall

combine with the corrective action report of the supplier and the relevant records

of using the related material in plant to propose resolution measures in plant.

C.廠內各相關責任單位依臨時對策執行不良批(含嫌疑批) 追查確認,生管單位


品) 已流至客戶處,客服單位應及時針對受影響之客戶給予通知,並與客戶協


The relevant responsible depts. in plant trace and confirm the nonconformance lot

(including suspect lot) according to the containment action, planning/production

management dept. cooperate with QA dept. to confirm the inventory and outgoing

status of the related product. If the nonconforming product (or suspect product) has

been delivered to customer, CQA shall inform the affected customer timely and

consult with the customer to make resolution plan.




CQA shall reply the containment actions supplied by QA dept. to customer timely and

discuss with customer to propose remedial actions, when necessary, CQA shall

cooperate with QA dept. to make explanation to customer so as to maintain

customer’s continuous production and achieve customer satisfaction.

7.3.7 客戶抱怨及RMA 相關不良品(或嫌疑品) 之追蹤確認、處理與主動召回

Tracing, confirmation, disposing and recalling of the nonconforming product (or suspect product) of customer complaint and RMA:

A.廠內於客戶抱怨或RMA 發生後需對不良品(或嫌疑品) 進行追蹤確認時,品


處(含已出貨之其他客戶,下同) 庫存數量及疑慮範圍,並立即通知各相關對應市場人員及時對不良品(或嫌疑品) 進行全面品質確認。

When the plant need to trace and confirm the nonconforming product (or suspect product) after customer complaint or RMA has occurred, QA dept. and planning dept.

and the responsible dept. shall confirm the quantity of the plant inventory, on way, overseas hub and customer’s (including has been delivered to other customer, the same as below) and suspect scope and immediately inform each related overseas hub and the corresponding PM to timely confirm the quality of nonconforming

product (or suspect product) completely.

B.廠內及海外倉的不良品(或嫌疑品) 應依據《不合格品管制程序》進行處理,

已交貨給客戶的不良品(或嫌疑品) 則由客服向客戶委婉說明已交貨不良品之異常情形,並協商具體補救措施以消除該異常對客戶所造成的不利影響,以期達成客戶滿意,並將公司損失降至最低。

The nonconforming product (or suspect product) in the plant or overseas hub shall be disposed according to “Nonconforming Product Control Procedure” and “Rework

Process”. For the nonconforming product (or suspect product) that has been

delivered to customer, CQA shall explain to customer agreeably the defective status of the delivered nonconforming product and consult with customer to find out the remedial measures to eliminate the harmful impact on customer caused by this

defect to achieve customer satisfaction and minimized the loss of our company.


處理的不良品應由廠內主動召回。當不良品已對客戶製程造成損失(包括已造成客戶產品品質異常、客戶斷線及客戶遭受客訴等情形) 而導致客戶索賠時,相關賠償作業也應與補救措施一併執行。

The remedial measures usually include: discount, exchange, local rework, re-delivery, complement, etc. For the nonconforming product that can’t be reworked at local site, the plant shall recall them back. When the nonconforming product has caused the loss of customer process (including caused customer’s product quality defect,

production disruption, customer suffered complaint, etc.) to bring the customer claim for reimbursement, the related reimbursement action shall be executed together with the remedial measures.

C1. 折讓:


當不良品(或嫌疑品) 經協商後客戶同意克服使用或降級使用時,可採取折讓方式進行處理。在此情形下,應由市場單位會同經管單位檢討可折讓之成本價格後,由市場人員與客戶協商折讓條件,依公司簽核權限之正式授權主管核准後執行折讓處理。

When customer agrees to concessive or degrade use for the nonconforming

product (or suspect product) after consulting, it can be handled by discount, under this situation, after PM and cost management dept. review the discounted cost, sales dept. consults with customer the discount condition, and the discount shall be executed after approved by the authorized head.

C2. 換貨、重新交貨及補貨:

Exchange, re-delivery and complement:



When customer agrees or requires to deal with the nonconforming product (or

suspect product) by exchange, re-delivery and complement, PM shall immediately contact QA, planning/production management and other relevant dept. to confirm the delivery date, quantity, etc., after customer approves, to arrange production and delivery.

C3. 當地重工:

Local rework:

當不良品或RMA (或嫌疑品) 可採當地重工方式處理時,客服人員應立即協調廠內生產或品保單位,進行不良品或RMA (或嫌疑品) 重工。

When the nonconforming product or RMA (or suspect product) can be reworked at local site, CQA shall immediately coordinate with QA dept. of plant or local office to take rework according to “Rework Process”.

C4. 召回(含主動召回):

Recall (including active recall)

無法採當地重工方式(包括因客戶端重工費用較高需召回於廠內實施重工)處理的不良品(或嫌疑品) 由品保單位以“銷貨異常召回申請單” 提出召回申請,會生管/市場/經管等相關單位意見後,經權責主管核准後實施主動召回。當數量較少或召回成本高於產品本身成本時,經產品事業單位權責主管


When the nonconforming product (or suspect product) cannot be reworked at

local site (including those need to be recalled back to the plant for rework due to

higher cost of rework at customer side), QA dept. shall apply for recall in the

format of “RMA Application”, after cosigned by the related dept. such as

planning/production management, cost management, PM and approved by

authorized head, to execute active recall. When the nonconforming product is of

less quantity or the recall cost is higher than the cost of the product itself, after

approved by BU head, they can be scrapped at local site.

C5. 索賠:

Claim for reimbursement:




When customer claims for reimbursement, PM dept. shall cooperate with cost

management dept. to handle the reimbursement according to the relevant

regulations, after approved by the authorized responsible head of BU according

to the authority regulations of our company, to execute reimbursement.

7.4 C 階段:確定真因及再發預防對策,廠內疑慮成品及在製品處理。

Stage C: Verify root cause and recurrence preventive action, internal NG finished goods and WIP handling.

7.4.1 改善團隊之領導人應統籌相關單位,結合客戶應用需求,確認客戶規格、廠內規



By combining customer application request, the task force team leader shall coordinate

with the relevant departments to confirm customer spec, our spec, make analysis and

verification of customer process and our process, and find out root cause by simulation

verification and defect recurrence.

7.4.2 各責任單位結合真因分析結果提出永久改善對策給品保單位(當影響因素不止一


合各責任單位改善對策後提出正式“Corrective Action Report” (或依客戶指定格



BMW 客戶之客訴及RMA原因分析及對策回覆則以BMW其制式8D 報告回覆。

Each responsible dept. shall propose permanent corrective actions by combining the

cause analysis and send them to QA department. (if the impact factors are more than

one, each responsible dept. shall execute the corrective action according to the impact

extent of each factor and the sequence and levels of execution. ) QA dept. shall propose

official “Corrective Action Report” (or according to customer designated format), after

approved by QA top head, transmit the “CAR” to CQA for replying to customer. When

the actions proposed by different responsible departments are conflicted or can’t be

linked up, the team leader shall predominate over coordination to ensure executing the

action effectively. The formal BMW 8D report format shall be used and replied to BMW

customer for BMW’s customer complaint and RMA issues.

7.4.3 C 階段相關資料應由相關責任單位填入“Corrective Action Report” 中,品保單位

確認其正確性及完整性,當發現 C 階段資料不正確/完整時,需退件至責任單位。

Relevant data of stage C shall be input in “Corrective Action Report” by the responsible

dept. and QA dept. shall confirm its correctness and completeness. If finding incorrect

or incomplete data, QA dept. shall return them to the responsible department.

7.4.4 改善團隊需針對廠內疑慮成品及在製品擬定處理方式並實施。

The task force team should work out the handling way for the factory internal NG

finished goods and WIP, and implement it.

7.5 D 階段:系統診斷及弱項分析

Stage D: system diagnosis and weakness analysis.

7.5.1 品保單位應會同改善團隊成員依真因分析結果,回饋至產品開發相關階段進行分

析,並將分析結果填寫於“客戶抱怨及RMA 處理表” 系統診斷及弱項分析。

QA dept. shall coordinate with the team members to return to product development

stage to make analysis according to the root cause analysis result, and fill the analysis

result in “Customer Complaint and RMA Management Sheet”, section: system diagnosis

and weakness analysis.

7.5.2 若為非品質異常導致交貨過程控制問題(廠內交期確認、工令排配、運輸過程出


等),由生管單位塡寫”客戶抱怨及RMA 處理表” 系統診斷及弱項分析。

For the delivery control problems (delivery delay, materials mixed or damaged during

transport outside factory due to delivery date confirm, work order arrangement,

transport and natural disaster, etc.) except quality defects, planning/production

management dept. shall fill in “Customer Complaint and RMA Management Sheet”,

section: system diagnosis and weakness analysis.

7.6 E 階段:標準化

Stage E: Standardization

7.6.1 各責任單位(生產製造、品保、研發及生管等) 應依改善對策,完成標準化文件檢



Each responsible dept. (R&D/ME, QA, part development, automatic equipment, and

planning /production management dept., etc.) shall finish standardization review, bring

the corrective actions into the relevant controlling documents and standardize them

upon actual request. The effective corrective actions by verification shall be spread to

other relevant products/processes.

7.6.2 涉及產品及過程變更之改善對策應返回FMEA 文件中進行分析,必要時應對

FMEA 及相關工程/品質管制文件(如工程圖面、產品品質計劃、作業規範、檢驗

規格及包裝規範等) 進行修訂,作為品質系統持續改善之參考依據,以利經驗之


應依據《設計變更管制程序》之相關規定辦理ECR/ECN 變更、驗證、會簽及發


When the corrective action is related to product and process change, it shall be

returned back to FMEAs to make analysis, when necessary, the FMEAs and the relevant

engineering/quality control documents (such as engineering drawing, PMP, SOP, SIP,

packaging specification, etc.) shall be revised to act as the reference of continual

improvement of quality system and benefit for experience succession. If appropriate,

the improvement experience shall be spread out to the same series or similar product

and process. Product and process change shall be taken ECR/ECN change, verification,

cosign and issue and the ECR/ECN shall be submitted to customer and obtained

customer approval according to the relevant regulations of “Engineering Drawing &

Document Change Notification (ECN) Process”

7.6.3 汽車業產品及過程變更應重新檢討PPAP,相關作業依據《生產性零組件核准程


For automotive product and process change, the related PPAP shall be more necessary

to be reviewed according to the relevant regulations of “Production Part Approval

