





3.通过帮助学习差的学生的学习从而使他们建立自信。 1.部分学习差的学生常常违反校规校纪,担心自己会受影响,养成坏习惯。




3.参考词汇:成绩差的学生:a slower student

dear mr. zhang,

we have held a discussion about whether it is good or not for a top student to share a desk with a slower student.

some are for the idea. as they know, everyone has strengths as well as weaknesses. although they are not good at lessons, they might do well in other fields like sports or arts. therefore, they can learn from each other, and they may develop a friendship. in addition, top students can help slower ones gain self-confidence by helping them with their lessons, which benefits them all.

however, others don’t hold the same view. they think some slower students are always making trouble, such as keeping talking in class, breaking school rules, which may lead to them forming the bad habits. besides, slower

students often ask top students questions, which has a bad effect on their studies.

in my opinion, i’d like to choose to share a desk with a slower student so that we can learn from each other and make progress together.


li ping

deae english teacher,

as a chinese student,studying english is a little difficult.but english is a very important language .it's closed to our daily life.so we should study english seriously.

and i meet many questions during the studying-day.like i couldn't speak english well. then i listened many english video tapes.and i was used to

talking with foreigner in enlish.it's helpful for me.and i also couldn't remember the words.so i read words seriously every day.so that i can spell words quickly now.

and i hope you can teach us more knowledge about how to do it and why to do so, not what to do. it means we can master those knowledge. and i'm weak in the present perfect tense and the past perfect tense .i hope that you can teach me in more details .

i will go on studying english more and more seriously in the furture.i must not live up to my expectations of you. wish you good health and everything goes well.

best wishes for you

your student:xxx


英文投诉信 【写法指要】 投诉信(letters of complaint)通常是写给厂家、商店、消费者协会、报界或厂家、商店的上级主管部门,揭发产品质量的低劣、服务态度的糟糕,抱怨不应出现的情况或问题等,以求得解决的信件。写投诉信要实事求是地把问题讲清楚,态度要冷静,做到有礼貌,不能恶言伤人。 这封信的作者用的是对比法,先写学校的地理位置和原先学校的优美环境,后写化工厂建起后对学校造成的污染,最后提请报界呼吁保护环境的问题。写得有理有据,令人信服。英文投诉信怎么写 投诉信结构公式 右上角:日期 左上角:称呼 正文: 第一段:表明自己的身份,说明写信目的,因何事投诉何人或机构。 第二段:具体阐述投诉的内容和投诉的理由。 第三段:提出解决建议并期望尽快解决,表示感谢。 右下角:署名 下面是一封日常投诉信的范例,请大家体会一下。 Dear Sir/Madam, Please send us a correction on part of our order WP-11. All the items we ordered arrived in excellent condition except for one model. It you refer to our original order (see the copy attached), you will note that we requested your fluorescent desk-lamps, Model 606. However, Model 608 reached us instead. For details, please see the inspection certificate issued by the Tianjin Commodity Inspection Bureau. Will you kindly take back those you sent out and substitute them with an equal quantity (120 items) of Model 606? We would appreciate your attention to this matter promptly. Yours faithfully 英文投诉信模板 Dear_______, I am ______ (自我介绍) .I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about_____. The reason for my dissatisfaction is _______(总体介绍). In the first place,_______(抱怨的第一个方面). In addition, ___________(抱怨的第二个方面). Under these circumstances, I find it ________ (感觉)_______(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果). I appreciate it very much if you could _______(提出建议和请求), preferably ______(进一步的要求),and I would like to have this matter settled by ____(设定解决事情最后期限). Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely Li Ming 英文投诉信格式


英语日记格式怎么写 英语日记的写作也是我们考试的一种重要习题型,下面以两个例子为您介绍英语日记格式怎么写,希望对您有帮助~ 英语日记格式及范文格式注意: 1. 日记必须包括所表现的主要内容,可适当增减细节,使其完整、连接; 2. 时间:20XX年5月4日,星期五;天气:阴; 3. 词数:100⑴20. may 4th,XXXX monday cloudy after school i went home for supper. when i got home, i found my mother lying in bed. she was ill. my father was away from home on business. "what shall i do? "i thought to myself. since mother was ill, i must take good care of her. so i decided to try cooking by myself. i did the cooking with great difficulty and it got burnt at last. i had thought mother would never like it. but i had to ask my mother to have supper. to my joy, mother praised me for the meal i had cooked. she said, "it tastes delicious. i'm very pleased with it. " i know that mother is encouraging me to do more by myself. 1. 通常以月、日、年为顺序,月份可以缩写,日和年用逗号隔开。


英语日记带翻译范文大全 写日记相信很多人都有这个习惯,记录着生活中的点点滴滴,那么关于英语日记我们该如何写?以下是给大家的英语日记带翻译,希望可以帮到大家 Some of us always spend Sundays aimlessly. We can seldom derive profits from the valuable hours (time) of Sundays. This is indeed a great pity. Though Sundays are set aside as a day for rest, we must make good use of them.We know that our school lessons are usually not sufficient. We should often utilize Sundays to read reference books. In this way we will increase our knowledge. Besides, we must be engaged in sports or outing so as to strengthen our bodies. 我们许多人终是把星期日毫无目的地消度掉。这确实是十分可惜。我们很少能从星期日的宝贵时光中获得益处。虽然星期日是被指定为一个休息的日子,但是我们却应好好利用它。我们知道我们学校的功课通常是不够的。我们应时常利用星期日来阅读参考书。如此我们的知识就会增加了。此外,我们必须从事运动或郊游以便强壮我们的身体。

There is an English proverb which says (saying) “Honesty is the best policy.” It signifies the importance of honesty. What are the benefits of honesty? If you are honest to others, they will be honest to you in return. When you are sad, they will fort you. When you are in trouble, they will help you. There is no enumerating the evils of dishonesty here. In a word, a dishonest man will be looked down upon by others and (be) regarded as a public enemy. 英国有一句谚语说“诚为上策”。它说明了诚的重要性。 诚的益处是什么?如果你对他人诚实,他们也会对你诚实作为报答。当你忧悉的时候,他们会安慰你。当你是处在困难中的时候,他们会帮助你。 无法在这里数述不诚实的害处。一言以蔽之,一个不诚实的人会被人看轻的而且被看作为一个公敌。


(一) 英文书信的组成部分 英文书信一般由六部分组成。即:信头(Heading)、信内地址(Inside Address), 称呼(Salutation),正文(Body of Letter)、结束语(Complimentary Close)、署名(Signature), 有时在书信后面还有附言(Postscript)、附件(Enclosure),这得视具体情况而定。下面将分别说明。 1. 信头(Heading) 信头是指写信人的地址和写信日期,一般写在或打在第一面信纸的右上角,先写地址再写日期,地址的写法是从小到大,先写门牌号、路号,再写区名、市名、省名,最后写国名。时间的写法对英国人和美国人而言是不同的。英国人习惯按日、月、年的顺序写, 而美国人习惯按月、日、年的顺序写。例如: 英式:1st October,1999 美式:October 1,1999 在使用前一种形式时,月和年之间的逗号可用可不用,但是在后一种形式中,必需要使用逗号。 信头的写法有缩进式和齐头式。缩进式每行开头向右缩进一两个字母;齐头式左边对齐排列,如下所示: 缩进式 Wang Ming Dept. of Chemical Engineering Dalian University of Technology Dalian 116023 Liaoning Province P. R. China 齐头式 Wang Ming Dept. of Chemical Engineering Dalian University of Technology Dalian 116023 Liaoning Province P. R. China 2. 信内地址(Inside Address) 信内地址要写出收信人的姓名和地址。一般给比较生疏的亲友的信和公事信件要写出信内地址,而熟悉朋友可以省去这一步骤。信内地址写出在日期下一两行的左上角,第一行写收信人的称呼姓名,然后写出地址。地质也是从小到大写出,分缩进式和齐头式两种。例如:缩进式 The President Oxford University England 齐头式 Jiang Bin


高中英语日记的写作方法及例文 要学好写英语短文,就必须经常练习写作。记日记是提高书面表达能力的有效方法之一。日记是每日生活的记载,是一种记事文体。 一、日记的格式 英文日记通常由书端和正文两个部分组成。日记常以第一人称记下当天生活中的所见、所闻、所做或所想的事情。中、英文的日记三格式大致一样。英语日记的书端是专门写日记的日期、星期和天气的。左上角是日期(年、月、日)、星期。右上角写上当天的天气情况,如:Sunny,Fine,Rainy,Windy,Snowy,Cloudy等。 1、日期表达有多种形式。年、月、日都写时,通常以月、日、年为顺序,月份可以缩写,日和年用逗号隔开。例如: A)September 1,2004或September 1st,2004也可省略写成Sept. 1,2004或Sept. 1st,2004;the 1st of September in 2004(月份不可以缩写)B)只有月、日:September 1或September 1st(月份可以缩写) C)只有年、月:September 2004或the September of 2004(月份不可以缩写)以上的1或1st都应读作the first. 2、星期也可以省略不写,可将其放在日期前或后,星期和日期之间不用标点,但要空一格,星期也可缩写。如: Saturday,October 22nd,2004;October 22nd,2004 Saturday 3.天气情况必不可少。天气一般用一个形容词如:Sunny,Fine,Rainy,Snowy 等表示。写在日期之后,用逗号隔开,位于日记的右上角。如: Saturday,March 4,2004,Windy;1st January,2004,Fine 二、日记的要求 日记的正文是日记的主要部分,写在星期和日期的正下方,可以顶格写,也可以内缩3至5个字母的空间。由于记载的内容通常已经发生,谓语动词多用一般过去时。但也可根据具体情况,用其它时态。如:记叙天气、描写景色,为了描写生动,可以使用现在时,以表现当时的情景。再如文后发表感想或评论可用现在时态或将来时态。记日记力求简单明了,有连贯性。若有文字提示,则应重视提示,把握要点。在句式上尽量使用简单句,以防繁杂,造成语法、句型错误。 三、日记的类型和训练 日记分为记事型、议论型、描写型和抒情型。建议大家在学习写日记的过程中,可按以下步骤进行: ①将一天所经历的主要事情和过程依次简要地记下来,不附加任何感情色彩,这是最简单的记日记的方法;


英语投诉信范文 Directions: You found something wrong with the telephone bill you have received from the local post office. You made a call to inquire about this; however the person who answered the call was very rude. Write a letter of complaint to the manager of the post office, explaining the situation and giving your suggestions for improvement. Your letter should be no less than 100 words. You do not need to write the address. Don’t sign your own name at the end of the letter, use Donna instead. 英文投诉信模板 Dear ______, ①I am ______(自我介绍). ②I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about. ③The reason for my dissatisfaction is ______(总体介绍). ④In the first place, ______(抱怨的第一个方面). ⑤In addition, ______(抱怨的第二个方面). ⑥Under these circumstances, I find it ______(感觉)to______(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果). ⑦I appreciate it very much if you could ______(提出建议和请求), preferably ______(进一步的要求), and I would like to have this matter settled by ______(设定解决事情最后期限). ⑧Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 范文 Dear Sir I am writing to let you know the deplorable attitude of one of your staff member. I received my telephone bill for the previous month from you and thought there were some errors in calculation: I had been overcharged for two overseas calls. However, when I called your Complaints Department, the girl who answered my phone was very rude. For one thing she interrupted me continually, for another she even said that the fault was my own. Needless to say, such a way of dealing with customers is unacceptable. I would like to suggest that the girl in question should be disciplined, and instructed on the proper way to deal with clients. And I hope she can make formal apology to me. An early response will be appreciated. Sincerely yours,


英语日记格式 Friday Feb.15th 2006 sunny 星期和日期写在左上角,天气写在右上角 日期格式用月日年(美式)或日月年(英式)都可以 1. 年、月、日都写时,通常以月、日、年为顺序,月份可以缩写,日和年用逗 号隔开。例如:December 18, 2003或者Dec. 18, 2003。 2. 如果要写星期,星期要紧挨日期,它既可以放在日期前面,也可以放在日期 后面,星期也可以省略不写。星期和日期之间不用标点,但要空一格,星期也可 缩写。例如:Thursday Dec. 18, 2003或Dec.18,2003 Thursday 3. 天气情况必不可少。天气一般用一个形容词如:Sunny, Fine, Rainy, Snowy等表 示。天气通常位于日记的右上角。 下面列出了一篇日记的开头,有兴趣的同学可以回忆一下,再接着往下写。 Mon.Sept. 1, 2003 Sunny Today is the first day of my senior high school life ... Tuesday January 13 2009 It was the first day of our winter holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free. Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleep and eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least, I will have a good rest. Wednesday January 14 2009 It was the second day of our winter holiday. I felt good. I felt I’m free. I had a lo time to do things I like. My parents are in Beijing. So I live alone but I don’t feel lonely. But I didn’t do something special. I stayed at home and watched TV. Oh! I wrote an English daily composition. It was my homework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours. I thought Iwas very tired. It was time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry. Thursday January 15 2009 It was the third day of our winter holiday. Today, there are many business in my mother’s company. So my mother told me to help my uncle who is the manager of my company. I sat in my mother’s office and help her answer the telephone. mother’s While I was free, I was writing my homework. Although I also have a lot of time to


英语作文范文英语作文书信格式范文 一,英语作文书信格式: 1,最上面顶格写你要把信写给谁。 2,第二段写你要对这个朋友要说的话。 3,写完后最后的一行写上你自己的名字。 二,范文: Dear Mike, I am glad to introduce my family to you. My family is a warm and happy family.There are 5 people in my family, my grandpa, my grandma, my father, my motherand I. My grandparents are both teachers, they are still teaching in a university.Grandpa is for maths, and Grandma is for English, sometimes their students eto our home to send their greetings to them. My father is working in an American factory,he is very busy. Every evening he is doing his work in the midnight. At weekend he alwaysgoes to

factory for his work. My mother is a nurse. Her hospital is near my home. I am a student in Junior high school. I hope you will introduce your family to me yours sincerely Tom 拓展资料:英语写作文的注意事项: 英语书信的常见写作模板 开头部分: How nice to hear from you again. Let me ___ you something about the activity. I’m glad to have received your letter of Apr. 9th.


英语日记的格式、日期、天气 篇一:英文日记格式 一、英文日记格式 二、英文日记通常由书端和正文两个部分组成。日记常以第一人称记下当天生活中的所 见、所闻、所做或所想的事情。中、英文的日记三格式大致一样。英语日记的书端是专门写日记的日期、星期和天气的。左上角是日期(年、月、日)、星期。右上角写上当天的天气情况,如:Sunny, Fine, Rainy, Windy, Snowy, Cloudy等。1.日期表达有多种形式。年、月、日都写时,通常以月、日、年为顺序,月份可以缩写,日和年用逗号隔开。例如: December 18, 2003 或者 Dec. 18, 2003A) September 1, 2004或September 1st, 2004也可省略写成Sept. 1, 2004或Sept. 1st, 2004;B)the 1st of September in 2004(月份不可以缩写)B)只有月、日September 1或September 1st(月份可以缩写)C)只有年、月September 2004或the September of 2004(月份不可以缩写)以上的1或1st都应读作the first。2.星期也可以省略不写,可将其放在日期前或后,星期和日期之间不用标点,但要空一格,星期也可缩写。如:Saturday, October 22nd, 2004;October 22nd, 2004 Saturday3.天气情况必不可少。天气一般用一个形容词如 :Sunny, Fine, Rainy, Snowy 等表示。写在日期之后,用逗号隔开,位于日记的右上角。如:Saturday, March 4, 2004, Windy;1st January,


英文投诉信模板以及范文 一、英文投诉信模板 Dear ______, ①I am ____(自我介绍). ②I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about____. ③The reas on for my dissatisfaction is __(总体介绍). ④In the first place, ___(抱怨的第一个方面). ⑤In addition, ___(抱怨的第二个方面). ⑥Under these circumstances, I find it ______(感觉)to______(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果). ⑦I appreciate it very much if you could ______(提出建议和请求),

preferably ______(进一步的要求), and I would like to have this matter settled by ______(设定解决事情最后期限). ⑧Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Ming ^

二、英文投诉信范文 (Letters of Complaint) 【例一】 ; Dear Sir: With reference to our order No. W 98, the 120 computer sets supplies to the above order were delivered the day before yesterday, but


小学生英语日记范文(六篇) 导读:本文小学生英语日记范文(六篇),仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 On Thursday afternoon, one of our family had finished the melon seeds, and I saw grandma taking the broom to sweep the melon seeds. I took the broom from my grandmother and said, "grandma, I'll sweep it!" "No," she said. I didn't give my grandmother, and I started to sweep it. I swept up with a broom and I didn't let go of any corner. Sweeping and sweeping, I felt a little tired. After a while, I swept the ground, and swept the melon skin to a place. I thought: after the sweep, it should be taken with a dustpan and then poured into the trash can. Thinking about it, I took the dustpan and collected the melon seed skin and poured it into the garbage bin. Grandma saw me clean up the floor and said excitedly, "grandson, you are so sensible. You are really grown up!" After listening to what grandma said, I laughed happily. I will do more to help grandma do what she can. 【篇二】


英语写信的格式范文给朋友写信英语范文4篇 英文书信是应用文中常见的书信。我们给自己的朋友写英文信,应该怎样写呢?下面了给朋友写信英语范文,欢迎阅读。 Dear Peter, How are you doing? I'm writing to tell you that my uncle Li Ming is going to your city for a conference, and I've asked him to bring you the Chinese painting you've asked for before. Also, I'd like you to do me a favor. Would you please meet my uncle at the airport and take him to his hotel since this is his first visit to the U.S.? Thank you in advance! His flight number is CA985, and it will arrive at 11: 30am, August 6. My uncle is tall and he is wearing glasses. And he will be in a blue jacket. Looking forward to your reply.

Yours, Li Hua Dear Rufs, Hello!Thank you for your letter.I live in Ke Dong with my mum and dad,but I don't have any brothers.I study in No 2 Middle School.It's far from my house. I'm in Grade Eight,too.I work hard,my mum is strict with me.I mustn't break the school rules as well.Junjun is my best friend.She is in the same grade as me and we are in the same class. We often play together.My favorite sports is running.I also like playing piano. Best wishes, Yangyang Dear peter, I am very glad to knowyou"re ing to Qingdao on vacation.Now ,Let me tell you something about the weather in


英语投诉信范文_投诉信英语范文写作 外贸员对于英语投诉信想必处理的比其它人还要多,毕竟接触的比较多。下面是小编给大家整理的投诉信英语范文,供大家参阅! 投诉信英语范文1 Dear Mr。Chang: On September 10,our order for 280 women s cotton sweaters was duly received,but we regret to say that 40 cotton sweaters in white color were seriously soiled。 We had the case investigated immediately,and the result shows the damage was due to improper packing,for which the suppliers are definitely responsible。 Needless to say,we have suffered a great loss from this,as we cannot sell the sweaters in this condition to our customers。We ask you to conduct investigation at your end and reply to us。 Sincerely yours, Sunny Lee 投诉信英语范文2 Dear Sir: With reference to our order No。W 98,the 120 puter sets supplies to the above order were delivered the day before yesterday,but we regret that 20 sets were badly damaged。 The packages containing the puter sets appeared to be in good condition and we accepted and signed for them without question。We unpacked the puter sets with care and can only assume that


英语日记日期的格式 导语:要学好写英语短文,就必须经常练习写作。记日记是提高书面表达能力的有效方法之一。日记是每日生活的记载,是一种记事文体。 一,基本要求 用英语写日记应注意哪些方面的问习题呢? 1. 注意日期、星期和天气的书写位置 英语日记日期和星期要写在正文的左上角,其顺序多是“星期 + 月、日、年”(也有把星期放在后面的),如“ 20XX 年 11 月 22 日,星期一”可写为“Monday November 22, 20XX 或November 22,20XX Monday ”。天气情况应写在正文的右上角,如:Fine,Rainy,Cloudy,Windy 等。 2. 关于题目的书写 在日期和天气的下一行中间可以写上日记小题目,也可以不写题目。 3. 关于正文的书写 正文是关于一天生活的记载,也是日记的主习题。在书写正文时要做到: 1 )要选择当天感受最深刻、最有意义的事件来描述,不要写成简单的流水帐;

2 )日记的内容多是亲身经历和耳闻目睹的事情,所以要用第一人称来写; 3 )日记多是在当天晚上来记述当天发生过的事情,因为动词时态常使用过去时,但使用时必须灵敏掌握并且要简明扼要,层次清楚,写出真实感。 二,主要格式 英文日记通常由书端和正文两个部分组成。日记常以第一人称记下当天生活中的所见、所闻、所做或所想的事情。中、英文的日记三格式大致一样。英语日记的书端是专门写日记的日期、星期和天气的。左上角是日期(年、月、日)、星期。右上角写上当天的天气情况,如:Sunny, Fine, Rainy, Windy, Snowy, Cloudy等。 1.日期表达有多种形式 英语日记年、月、日都写时,通常以月、日、年为顺序,月份可以缩写,日和年用逗号隔开。例如:December 18, 20XX 或者Dec. 18, 20XX A) September 1, 20XX或September 1st, 20XX也可省略写成Sept. 1, 20XX或Sept. 1st, 20XX;B)the 1st of September in 20XX(月份不可以缩写) B)只有月、日 September 1或September 1st(月份可以缩写) C)只有年、月 September 20XX或the September of 20XX(月份不可以缩写)


Social Correspondence 社交书信 Letter of Congratulations Dear Mr. Smith, I am writing to convey my warm congratulations on your appointment to the Board of Asia Industries Ltd. My colleagues and I are delighted that the years of service your have given to your company should at last have been rewarded in this way and we join in sending you our very best wishes for the future. Yours sincerely 敬爱的史密斯先生: 欣闻你获任命为亚洲实业有限公司董事会成员,我谨向你致以热烈的祝贺。 我和我的同事都感到很高兴,你为贵公司服务多年终以这一方式得到应有的奖赏。我们大家祝你前程远大。 Letter Thanks Dear Mr. Smith, I am writing to you just to tell you how very much I appreciate the warm welcome you extended to my wife when she visited your country last week. The help and advice you gave to her, and the introductions you arranged for her, have resulted in a number of very useful meetings and I should like you to know how very grateful I am for all you have done to make them possible. I realized the value of time to a busy person like you and this makes me all the more appreciative of the time you so generously gave to her..敬爱的史密斯先生: 我写此信是想告诉您我是多么感激您在我太太上周访问贵国时给予他的热情款待。 你给予她的协助和宝贵意见,以及为她安排的情况介绍,使她有机会开成几次十分有用的会议,这一切都得助于您才得以办成,我对此真是感激不尽。 我深知时间对于像您一样忙的人是多么宝贵,而您如此慷慨地拿出时间接待她,我为此要向您表示无限的感谢。


英语日记格式 要学好写英语短文,就必须经常练习写作。记日记是提高书面表达能力的有效方法之一。日记是每日生活的记载,是一种记事文体。 一、日记的格式 英文日记通常由书端和正文两个部分组成。日记常以第一人称记下当天生活中的所见、所闻、所做或所想的事情。中、英文的日记三格式大致一样。英语日记的书端是专门写日记的日期、星期和天气的。左上角是日期(年、月、日)、星期。右上角写上当天的天气情况,如:Sunny,Fine,Rainy,Windy,Snowy,Cloudy等。 1、日期表达有多种形式。年、月、日都写时,通常以月、日、年为顺序,月份可以缩写,日和年用逗号隔开。例如: A)September 1,2004或September 1st,2004也可省略写成Sept. 1,2004或Sept. 1st,2004;the 1st of September in 2004(月份不可以缩写)B)只有月、日:September 1或September 1st(月份可以缩写) C)只有年、月:September 2004或the September of 2004(月份不可以缩写)以上的1或1st都应读作the first. 2、星期也可以省略不写,可将其放在日期前或后,星期和日期之间不用标点,但要空一格,星期也可缩写。如: Saturday,October 22nd,2004;October 22nd,2004 Saturday 3.天气情况必不可少。天气一般用一个形容词如:Sunny,Fine,Rainy,Snowy 等表示。写在日期之后,用逗号隔开,位于日记的右上角。如: Saturday,March 4,2004,Windy;1st January,2004,Fine 二、日记的要求 日记的正文是日记的主要部分,写在星期和日期的正下方,可以顶格写,也可以内缩3至5个字母的空间。由于记载的内容通常已经发生,谓语动词多用一般过去时。但也可根据具体情况,用其它时态。如:记叙天气、描写景色,为了描写生动,可以使用现在时,以表现当时的情景。再如文后发表感想或评论可用现在时态或将来时态。记日记力求简单明了,有连贯性。若有文字提示,则应重视提示,把握要点。在句式上尽量使用简单句,以防繁杂,造成语法、句型错误。
