豪华邮轮 酒吧部门面试英语

豪华邮轮   酒吧部门面试英语
豪华邮轮   酒吧部门面试英语





What’s your name? May I have your name?您贵姓?请问您贵姓大名?

Do you want some tea? Could you like some tea?您要喝茶吗?请问您想喝茶吗?

Over here, please. Could you come this way please?这边请。请您往这边走好吗?

* 不要说OK, Sure, Yeah等等,而要说Certainly, Sir.

* Hey, uh-huh, Hang on 等等,也不适合在酒店中使用。

* 别说“I don’t know.”回答“不知道”是非常不礼貌的说法。

可以说“just a moment, please. I’ll check that for you.”(请稍候,我来帮您确认),然后请有能力处理的人前来协助

* 对男性客人,尊称为Sir; 面对女性客人时尊称为Ms.

在招呼客人时,最好说“Excuse me, Sir(Ms)”, 不要直接称呼Mr.或Ms.

至于称呼小孩,可以直接使用Excuse me,但是不可以直接称呼boy或girl.

* 正视对方的眼睛,以显示出你的信心和诚意。但必须注意,注视对方的眼睛,并不是无理地盯着对方看。

* 在面对语言不通的外籍人士时,一定要多加利用手势和肢体语言。但是使用手势时要特别小心,因为对于不同国家、民族而言,手势的意义也大不相同。



1. May I ~

2. Could you ~

3. Would you ~

4. Shall I ~?


1.自己要做什么事时,就使用May I ~

May I have your name, please?请问尊姓大名

May I have your check-out time, please?请问您什么时候结帐离开?

May I see your passport, please?请让我看一下您的护照好吗?

May I know your nationality, please?请问您的国籍是什么?

2.麻烦客人时,可使用Could you ~

Could you fill out the form, please?请您填写这张表格好吗?

Could you write that down, please?请您写下来好吗?

Could you draft the fax, please?请您写下传真的草稿好吗?

Could you hold the line, please?请不要挂电话好吗?

3.询问客人的喜好或是做什么时,可使用Would you ~

Would you like tea or coffee?请问您要喝茶还是咖啡?

Would you like to take a taxi?请问您要搭计程车吗?

Would you mind sitting here?请问您介意坐在这里吗?

** 只要在疑问词后加“Would you ~”,就可以提出大部分的询问。

When would you like to visit Kunshan?请问您想要何时参观昆山?

Where would you like to have lunch?请问您想在哪里用餐?

What time would you like to eat?请问您想何时用餐?

Who would you like to contact?请问您想和谁联络?

Which kind of room would you prefer请问您喜欢哪一种房间?

How would you like to settle your bill?请问您的账单如何处理?

How long would you like to stay?请问您要逗留多久?

How many tickets would you like to buy?请问您要买几张票?

4.在提供建议协助、征求意见时,可使用Shall I ~ 或Would you like me to do ~?

Shall I draw the curtains?请问需要我把窗帘拉上吗?

Shall I draw you a map?请问要我为您画一张地图吗?

Shall I make the reservation for you?请问要我为您安排预约吗?


Good morning. (用于中午以前)

Good afternoon. (用于中午至下午六点以前)

Good evening. (用于下午六点过后)


Good morning, sir. Are you checking-out?早上好,先生,请问您要退房吗?

Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to LI JIA Hotel.中午好,先生,欢迎光临丽嘉酒店Good evening, Ms. May I help you?晚上好,小姐,请问我能为您服务吗?


Good morning, sir. This is the Front Desk. May I help you?




I see, sir.我明白了,先生。

Certainly, sir.好的,先生。


Just a moment, please.请稍等。

Thank you for waiting.您久等了,先生。

I am very sorry to have kept you waiting.很抱歉让您久等了。

Could you wait a little longer, please?请您稍候好吗?



I am afraid I can’t do that.不好意思,我恐怕没办法那样做。

Excuse me, sir. Please let me pass.不好意思,先生,麻烦让我过一下。


如果是自己的错就说“I am sorry.”; 如果是公司的错,就说:“We are sorry.”。

I am very sorry for the delay.很抱歉延误了时间

I am very sorry for the inconvenience.很抱歉造成您的不便。

I would like to apologize for the mistake.为这个错误我深致歉意。

5.客人对自己说“Thank you.”时回答

You are welcome.不客气。

Thank you, sir.谢谢您,先生。

Thank you very much.非常感谢您。


Here you are.您要的东西在这里。

Here is your room key.这是您的房间钥匙。

Here it is. 这是您的东西。


Have a nice day.祝您有美好的一天。

Please enjoy your stay祝您住宿愉快。

We hope to see you again soon.希望不久能再次见到您。

Thank you for staying with us.谢谢光临。


面对客人的疑问,不要只是一味地傻笑,或是一直说Yes, Yes.如果听不懂事,要向客人提出疑问,或是先向对方说“Just a moment, please.”, 然后请求他人协助。

Pardon? 对不起?

Pardon me? 对不起?

I beg your pardon? 对不起请再说一遍好吗?

Could you repeat that, please?



Excuse me, sir. Do you mean you lost your room key?














(十二)奎宁或金鸡纳霜酒(QUININED WINE)




(十六)无泡葡萄洒(STILL WINE)





bar 酒吧counter 吧台bar chair 酒吧椅barman 酒吧男招待barmaid 酒吧女招待

bartender 调酒师;酒吧男服务员bottle opener 开瓶刀corkscrew 酒钻ice shaver 削冰器ice maker 制冰机ice bucket 小冰桶ice tongs 冰勺夹ice scoop 冰勺cocktail shaker 调酒器pouring measure 量酒器juice extractor 果汁榨汁机electric blender 电动搅拌机

water jug 水壶champagne bucket 香槟桶enamelled cup 搪瓷杯ceramic cup 陶瓷杯

straw 吸管decanter有玻璃塞的细颈酒瓶mixing glass 调酒杯beer mug 啤酒杯champagne glass 香槟杯measuring jug 量杯wine glass 葡萄酒杯brandy glass 白兰地杯tumbler 平底无脚酒杯goblet 高脚杯tapering glass 圆锥形酒杯


mineral water 矿泉水orange juice 桔子原汁orangeade, orange squash 桔子水

lemon juice 柠檬原汁lemonade 柠檬水soda water 苏打水coke, coca cola 可口可乐

pepsi cola 百事可乐sprite 雪碧milk shake 奶昔milk tea 奶茶

fruit punch 果汁喷趣酒(清凉饮料)


cappuccino 卡布其诺(咖啡混以或加上煮过的牛奶或奶油的浓咖啡)coffee latte 拿铁咖啡black coffee 黑咖啡white coffee 牛奶咖啡coffee with cream and sugar 加奶加糖的咖啡plain coffee 纯咖啡Blue Mountain 蓝山咖啡mocha 摩卡Viennese coffee 维也纳咖啡

Irish coffee 爱尔兰咖啡decaffeinated coffee 无咖啡因的咖啡Mesdames coffee 贵夫人咖啡espresso coffee 意大利特浓


light beer 淡啤酒draught beer 扎啤rice wine 黄酒appetizer 餐前葡萄酒

Martini 马提尼酒(一种由杜松子酒或伏特加酒和苦艾酒混合而成的鸡尾酒)

gin 姜酒;金酒(一种无色的烈性酒,由蒸馏的或再蒸馏的裸麦或其它粮谷加入杜松子或香料制成的,如大茴香、芷茴香子或白芷根作佐料)

Gordon's gin 哥顿金酒(英伦国饮)rum 郎姆酒Bacardi 巴卡第(一种古巴郎姆酒)vodka 伏特加Smirnoff 皇冠伏特加whisky 威士忌brandy 白兰地酒Calvados 苹果白兰地酒Bailey's 百利甜酒Budweiser 百威啤酒Foster's 福士啤酒Beck's 贝克啤酒Carlsbery 嘉士伯啤酒

Guinness 健力士啤酒claret 红葡萄酒(法国波尔多地区生产的干红葡萄酒)

cider 苹果酒champagne 香槟酒cocktail鸡尾酒liqueur 白酒,烧酒

bloody Mary 血玛丽(一种通常用伏特加、蕃茄汁和调味料制成的鸡尾酒)

Tequila Sunrise 龙舌兰日出gin tonic 金汤力(用金酒和汤力调制成的鸡尾酒)

Pink Lady 红粉佳人(一种鸡尾酒,由杜松子酒、白兰地、柠檬汁或石榴汁、鸡蛋蛋白和石灰水带碎冰摇匀并过滤后形成)Gibson吉布森鸡尾酒

screwdriver 伏特加橙汁鸡蛋酒amaretto sour 杏仁酸酒

margarita 玛格丽塔鸡尾酒;一种用龙舌兰酒、桔香酒和柠檬或莱母汁混合而制成的鸡尾酒egg nog 蛋酒whisky sour 威士忌酸酒

gimlet 琴蕾;一种由伏特加和杜松子酒制成的鸡尾酒,加入柠檬汁使之甜些,有时加入苏打水并饰以一片柠檬

grasshopper 绿色蚱蜢;一种由薄荷甜酒、可可香草甜酒和冰淇淋组成的鸡尾酒

kir Royal 皇家基尔(基尔酒一种用无味白葡萄酒和黑茶藨子甜酒调制的饮料)

Martini Rosso, Blanco, Dry 马丁尼红/干/白

vodka 伏特加cognac 法国白兰地gin 琴酒gin flzz 杜松子酒





编号: 面试酒店的英语自我介绍 甲方: 乙方: 签订日期:年月日 X X公司

自我介绍只是短短的几句话,却要讲述一个人的很多个方面,那么你知道面试酒店的英语自我介绍要怎么说吗?下面为你整理了面试酒店的英语自我介绍,欢迎阅读。 面试酒店的英语自我介绍篇【1】 My name is XXX. I graduated from XXX Hotel University management. I am a serious and responsible work, proactive, good team work; critical thinking; rich work experience in hotel management, office organized various large-scale reception, delicacy Festival, banquet sales and management organization of large banquet is one of my work strengths. Comprehensive management ability, has the high star hotel catering field coordination ability, operation ability and innovation ability; good to develop high star hotel construction until the hotel normal operation experience; familiar with the use of various types of hotel management system software. Strong work on catering financial management and cost control Ability, according to the actual situation of the enterprise, make practical and effective food


酒店面试的英语问题及答案 导语:酒店的英语问题有哪些?以下是精心为大家的有关酒店面试的英语问题及答案,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读。 1、你喜欢和什么样的人/经理一起工作? What kind of people/manager do you like to work with? 这个问题主要是看你能否融入这个团队,同时,你喜欢一起工作的人通常往往是你本身性格的一个折射,意思就是你喜欢一起工作的人往往性格和你相似,所以这个时候面试人也想要知道你是如何看自己。如果你面试国际性的酒店,往往可以说I like working with people who are open-minded, active and easy-going(这只是一个例子),也可以按照自己的性格以及你面试的岗位回答。 2、如果我酒店雇用你,你觉得可以为酒店带来什么样的贡献? What kind of value/contribution will you bring in if you join our hotel? 可以大胆谈谈自己的优势,尤其是根据自己的。可以说:If I get chance to join XXX hotel, I believe that my rich

experiences in XXX(擅长的方面) can bring extra value to XXX hotel. Because/Since...(因为...谈自己以前的经历). 这个问题的关键是你能说出个一二来,而且面试官想要知道你是否知道自己的优势在哪。 3、How would you handle difficult or fussy customers? 你是如何应对麻烦或者挑剔的客人的? 这个问题算是酒店面试最常见问题之一了。其实关于应对挑剔麻烦的客人,你的回答可以遵循以下6个关键词来组织自己的语言,然后还可以举一个以前发生过的例子,来证明你指导如何应对麻烦和挑剔的'客人。 *Respect/尊重 *Empathy/同理心,站在客人的角度思考(I will put myself in the customer's shoes, and try to see the situation from his/her perspective) *Listen/倾听


酒店面试问题思路 酒店面试问题思路问题一:请你自我介绍一下 很多求职者面试时必考课题,一般的人都会回答非常的平淡,姓名、年龄、爱好、工作经验、学历等等,其实考官看了你的简历,基本上都了解这些,最好省略,考官最想听的是你的能力是否能胜任目前应聘的工作?,其中包含以下几点你应该告诉他的: 1、你的最强的技能是什么? 2、你最深入研究什么领域? 3、个性中最积极的部分是什么? 4、你做过什么成功的事? 以上就是你自我介绍中该回答的,可以提前准备下答案,同时要回答的合情合理,不能乱说夸大,记得要注意礼貌,每一个回答后说声“谢谢”,考官是喜欢有礼貌的应聘者。 问题二:说说你个人的优缺点 这个问题也是必考之一,当考官出了这个问题以后,不要紧张,先微微点下头示意明白,然后不卑不亢的回答,可以参考下面答案,也可以自己事先整理下思路。 1、优点:乐于助人、团结同事,尊重上级,立场坚定、适应力强,工作经验丰富等等。 2、缺点:这个问题回答是相当有讲究和艺术性的,不能直接回答自己心眼小、爱妒忌、没创新等那样自爆就会直接被k掉。

最正确的方法是,先从优点讲起,引带出一点小缺点,最后在把话题引入到自己的优点上,突出优点考官会满意的,企业都喜欢聪明人的,看例子。 答:我个人的缺点就是在工作方面有点小妒忌心理,看到别的部门业绩如果超过了我,心理就羡慕妒忌,就会想尽办法,努力奋斗不辞辛劳的超越别人的业绩。在生活中我是一个开朗平和的人,和同事相处都非常乐观友善互助。 问题三:你为什么选择我们酒店? 思路:1、面试官试图从中了解你求职的动机、愿望以及对此项工作的态度。 2、建议从行业、酒店和岗位这三个角度来回答。 答:我十分看好贵酒店所在的行业,我认为贵酒店十分重视人才,而且贵公司某某项目出类拔萃受到一致好评,领导领航精明,公司上下一心,同时公司市场竞争力强大,能在这样的公司下成长学习,使我一定受益匪浅,我愿意为公司付出我的一份力量。 问题四:你是应届毕业生,缺乏经验,如何能胜任这项工作? 如果招聘单位对应届毕业生的应聘者提出这个问题,说明招聘单位并不真正在乎“经验”,关键看应聘者怎样回答。对这个问题的回答最好要体现出应聘者的诚恳、机智、果敢及敬业。 答:作为应届毕业生,在工作经验方面的确会有所欠缺,因此在读书期间我一直利用各种机会在这个行业里做兼职。我也发现,实际工作远比书本知识丰富、复杂。但我有较强的责任心、适应能力和学习能力,而且比较勤奋,所以在兼职中均能圆满完成各项工作,从中获取的经验也令我受益非浅。请贵酒店放心,


酒店应聘英文自我介绍 酒店应聘英文自我介绍范文 酒店应聘英文自我介绍(一) Good morning/afternoon everyone! It is my honor to be here and I really appreciate you offer me the chance of interview .Now I will introduce myself first .My name is……from Xiangfan in Hubei province. I’m an honest, responsible, and warm-hearted person. I can adapt different environments quickly .Second I like this kind of field very much and I take it as my career .Till now I have one year experience in this field. As a 21 years man, I’d like to experience more to enrich myself and then it can help me

to laid good foundation for my future career .There is no use doing what we love ,we must love we do just like the field. At the same time, I am really proud of myself applying for this job. I hope you can give me a chance and I will try my best to do it better. Finally , I hope your hotel can become the best one among hotel industry. Thanks for your time. 酒店应聘英文自我介绍(二) “When I left college, I wanted to go into hotel and cateringwork so I took up a position as a receptionistto learn some front of house skills. Working for a chain of hotels opened up opportunities and I was accepted as a junior manager after 2 years and was promoted


[酒店面试英文自我介绍]五星级酒店英语面试 对于酒店来说,它所设立的面试是为了寻找适合在酒店工作的优秀的员工。下面是为大家的酒店面试英文自我介绍,仅供参考。 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview. I hope I can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can sueed. Now I will introduce myself briefly. I am 26 years old. I was graduated from Shenyang University, majoring in hotel management. After graduation, I began working in a 3-star hotel as a Room Attendant. After one year’s hard-work, I had the chance to work in Inter Continental Shenyang Hotel as a bellboy. This is a five-star hotel located in the center downtown of Shenyang, with 24 floors and 297 luxury suits, this hotel is highly influential in Shenyang with high oupancy rate. During this 2-year working experience in this hotel, I have gained a lot. But I want to change my working environment, I'd like to find a job which is more challenging. So I e here to pete for this position. I think I'm a good team player and a person of great honesty to others. Also,I am able to work under great pressure.


酒店管理专业实习面试英 语自我介绍 Final approval draft on November 22, 2020

酒店管理专业实习面试英语自我介绍模板 问候致意:问好+表示荣幸(客套一下 \(^o^)/~) Hello / Good morning / Good afternoon, everyone. (各位好。) It is my honor to be here of this interview. It is my honor to be here and I really thank you offer me the chance of interview. It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview. (很荣幸有机会参加这次面试) 开始介绍: ①寒暄一下 Now I’d like to introduce myself first. (首先,我想向各位介绍一下自己。) Firstly, I want to give you a brief introduction of myself. Now I will introduce myself briefly ②真实情况~(@^_^@)~ My name is . ×× years old. My hometown is . / I come from . I study in Hainan College of Vocation and Technique and major in Hotel management. / I study in Hainan College of Vocation and Technique and my major is Hotel management. My hobbies are playing basketball and playing badminton. ③吹捧自己O(∩_∩)O I'm an honest, responsible, and warm-hearted person. 俺人可好 了,诚实,有责任心,还特热心。 I can adapt different environments quickly. 俺能在短时间内适应各种环境。(⊙_⊙) I have lots of interests, such as singing, dancing, photographing and so on. (尽量绕开喜爱睡觉啊狂热于各种电脑游戏啊这些最爱~) My favorite pastime is reading, playing cards or surf online. (我最喜欢的娱乐是读书、玩扑克牌,上网。) 表达意向: ①对于职位的偏爱 According to what I have learned in my College, I wish I could have a chance to work in your hotel. (从我大学所学知识来看,我希望我有机会您酒店工作。 ②拍马屁,表决心 a)(酒店名称) is a top hotel in the world (您的酒店是世界 级顶尖酒店), / is a great hotel in our country (您 的酒店在国内很优秀),so I feel I can gain most from working in this kind of working environment. (所以我觉得我在这样的 工作环境中可以获益匪浅。)


酒店英语面试自我介绍范文6篇 自我介绍是向别人展示你自己的一个重要手段,下面是小编收集整理的酒店英语面试自我介绍范文,希望能帮到你。 酒店英语面试自我介绍范文1Hello, everyone, I am glad to have the opportunity to interview your hotel! My name is ...., 24-year-old, professional tourism management. I have done in the home front as the manager on duty, respect Hyatt done after room foreman, I have a wealth of management and customer service experience, my outgoing, cheerful, I like the hotel industry. I want your hotel to a display platform, I will work harder and learning. 酒店英语面试自我介绍范文2Good morning afternoon everyone! It is really nice to meet you all here. Let me introduce myself first. My name is I am graduated from College。I am 22 years old now and my hobbies are During the school year, I joined Tourist Association. Because of this, I improved greatly on my communication ability. I am an outgoing, honest, responsible, and warm-hearted person. I can adapt different environments quickly. I love your hotel, at the same time, I am really proud of myself applying for this job, I hope you can give me a


酒店面试的英文自我介绍 i am . i was born in . i graduate from senior high school and major in english. i started learning english since i was 12 years old. my parents have a lot of american friends. that’s why i have no problem communicating with americans or others by speaking english. in my spare time, i like to do anything relating to english such as listening to english songs, watching english movies or tv programs, or even attending the activities held by some english clubs or institutes. i used to go abroad for a short- term english study. during that time, i learned a lot of daily life english and saw a lot of different things. i think language is very interesting. i could express one substance by using different sounds. so i wish i could study and read more english literatures and enlarge my knowledge.


面试酒店中英文自我介绍 面试时的面试自我介绍非常重要,拥有一篇好的中英文自我介绍的范文可以让你在应聘多一分成功的希望,下面是WTT收集整理的面试酒店中英文自我介绍,欢迎阅读借鉴,更多资讯请继续关注自我介绍栏目。 面试酒店的英文自我介绍 本人22岁,旅游管理本科毕业,性格开朗热情,做事认真负责,团队意识强且具有协作和组织能力。以上是我的基本情况,希望大家帮忙,帮我写个大概3分钟的英文自我介绍,要求迎合五星级酒店应聘规则的,要附带中文翻译。 (看着面试官自信的微笑.) I am me and nobody else. (有个性,吸引别人注意) 我就是我 Hello,My name is ***,university graduated,with Tourist Management major.你好,我叫***,大学本科毕业,专业是旅游管理 (眼神交流很重要.不能一直盯着别人,也不能不看着对方.适当看对方). Business morality of me is ,honesty, loyalty, dedicate to work, warm-heartedness and open-mindedness are essential. 我的性格外向、为人热情、开朗、诚实,工作主动,恪守职业道德 Also i have the coordination, and management skill, client service and communication skill, and strong Chinese Mandarin and and written language skills. 具备团队协作能力,组织管理沟通能力强,客户服务意识强,具有完善的中文语言口头和书面表达能力 That’s me . 这就是如此一个我 If you feel that I am suited for the job.please inform me .I do hope to hear from you in the near future.And to work for you 假如贵酒店认为我适合此工作,请通知我,我真的希望能得到你们的答复,为你们工作.


酒店英文面试常见问题及回答整理的《酒店英文面试常见问题及回答》希望能帮到你! Q:Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Go for it. (你能在两分钟内自我推荐吗?大胆试试吧!) A:With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible and diligent in any project I undertake. Your organization could benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills.(依我的资格和经验,我觉得我对所从事的每一个项目都很努力、负责、勤勉。我的分析能力和与人相处的技巧,对贵单位必有价值。) Q:Give me a summary of your current job description. (对你目前的工作,能否做个概括的说明。)

A:I have been working as a computer programmer for five years. To be specific, I do system analysis, trouble shooting and provide software support. (我干了五年的电脑程序员。具体地说,我做系统分析,解决问题以及软件供应方面的支持。) Q:Why did you leave your last job?(你为什么离职呢?) A:Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity knocks, I will take it.(我希望能获得一份更好的工作,如果机会来临,我会抓住。) A:I feel I have reached the glass ceiling in my current job. / I feel there is no opportunity for advancement. (我觉得目前的工作,已经达到顶峰,即没有升迁机会。) Q:How do you rate yourself as a professional?(你如何评估自己是位专业人员呢?)



酒店面试英语自我介绍(一) good morning/afternoon everyone! it is my honor to be here and i really appreciate you offer me the chance of interview .now i will introduce myself first .my name isfrom xiangfan in hubei province. im an honest, responsible, and warm-hearted person. i can adapt different environments quickly .second i like this kind of field very much and i take it as my career .till now i have one year experience in this field. as a 21 years man, id like to experience more to enrich myself and then it can help me to laid good foundation for my future career .there is no use doing what we love ,we must love we do just like the field. at the same time, i am really proud of myself applying for this job. i hope you can give me a chance and i will try my best to do it better. finally , i hope your hotel can become the best one among hotel industry. thanks for your time. 酒店面试英语自我介绍(二) good morning ! it is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview, i hope i can make a good performance today. im confident that i can succeed. now i will introduce myself briefly.i am 26 years old,born in shandong province . (general introduction) i was graduated from qingdao university. my major is electronic.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of XX. during university, i spent most of my time on study so that i have passed cet4/6 . and acquired basic knowledge of my major.(education background) in july XX, i began work for a small private company as a technical support engineer in qingdao. because im capable of more responsibilities, so i decided to change my job. and in august XX,i left qingdao to beijing and worked for a foreign enterprise as an automation software test engineer. because i want to change my working environment, id like to find a job which is more challenging. moreover


酒店管理面试题 单招面试自我介绍范文: 各位老师,早上好(中午好,下午好)非常荣幸有机会站在这里参加顺德职业技术学院酒店管理招生面试。我喜欢酒店管理这个专业,是因为我喜欢生活在一个有严格管理秩序的环境里。我对我的专业充满自信和希望,只要努力,就会有收获,这是我的座右铭。既然我选择了这个专业,就会沿着我这条路,努力的,坚持不懈的走下去。 1.为什么要报这个学校? 在很久以前,就知道顺德职业技术学院,我们学院还是国家骨干高等职业院校建设单位,坐落在珠三角腹地佛山顺德,占地面积117公顷。学校先后获得“全国职业教育先进单位”、“全国绿化模范单位”等等荣誉称号或奖励。学校为区域经济和社会发展培养“踏实做事、诚信做人、人格健全”的技术技能人才。学校环境优美、设施良好、制度先进、管理科学,是莘莘学子求学成才的理想之地,所以报考这个学院,我想这是每个学子都有的愿望。 2.为什么要报这个专业? 酒店管理在我们国家一直是个热门专业,随着经济的发展和社会的进步,企业单位和事业单位对酒店管理专业的人才要求与日俱增,就业形势一直不错,市场也比较欢迎。我的性格也比较适合这方面的工作,觉得比较适合自己的发展,也乐于从事这方面的工作。 3.你了解高职单招吗? 这是高考前的一次录取机会,弥补了高中生继续求学的梦想,使更多的学生有机会到大学深造,况且有这么多专业和学校面向我们高中生,且同样的分数高考有可能选择不到这个专业而单招就可以,所以是一次不错的机会,应当全力以赴准备考试争取进入院校。

1、请列出目前国内较为知名的经济型连锁酒店名称(包括民族品牌及国际品牌),并进行简单比较。请说明一般酒店管理公司的组织架构,酒店管理公司如何对下属各单体酒店进行监控。 01、一般酒店管理公司组织架构:董事会—总裁-—副总裁—行政办公室、专家组—酒店管理部、猎头部、财务部、培训发展部 02、组织专家组暗查,检查财务报表,了解客户反馈。 2、你认为如何才能成为一名合格的酒店管理公司总经理(或者酒店管理公司总经理应该具备哪些方面的条件或素质),酒店管理公司的总经理与单体酒店总经理的区别在哪里。 01、我认为:高尚的职业道德及工作作风、专业的管理技能、丰富的管理经验、灵活的管理思路以及快速的应变能力为一名合格的酒店管理公司总经理应具备的基本素质。 02、我认为:单体酒店总经理以自身酒店效益最大化为主要目标;酒店管理公司总经理除考虑单体酒店效益最大化外,还要考虑自身酒店管理公司的宏伟发展。 3、请从经济型酒店综合管理角度出发,论述经济型酒店在经营管理方面有哪些特点,与传统星级酒店有何不同? 01、经济型酒店围绕着“小而全、小而精”的特色发展思路,充分利用周边环境的特点,进行运作管理。 02、经济型酒店价格相对便宜、环境整洁舒适以及安全有保障,与一般的星级酒店不同的是,经济型酒店并没有宽敞的大堂,也没有游泳池、酒吧、娱乐室等一些配套设施。前台、客房、餐厅是组成经济型酒店的三要素。复印、传真、打字等一些商务活动由前台代劳。 4、假如您作为一家新创立的经济型连锁酒店管理公司总经理,谈谈您将从哪些方面入手,打造品牌及推广网络,或如何更好地管理好酒店,使企业的经营管理效益最大化?


面试英语:英语面试中老板最爱问的五个问题实用英语考试 问题一:Please tell me your work experience.(请告诉我你的工作经验。) 如果尚未开始工作,就可以回答“Right now I'm still a student.”(现在我还是个学生。)或者说“I'm a recent grad and I haven't started working yet.”(我刚刚毕业,还没有开始工作。)“recent grad”是“recent graduate”的缩写,意思是刚刚毕业。) 问题二:What's your greatest weakness?(你最大的缺点是什么?)西方老板特别爱问这个问题,让面试者感到很紧张。事实上,他问这个问题是看你对棘手问题的反应。你没必要如实回答你的弱点,因为那有可能让你得不到这份工作。相反,你可以告诉他们一些与工作职位不直接相关的事情。 问题三:Why do you feel you are qualified for this job?(你为什么觉得自己胜任这份工作?) 这时候你要充分发挥你的“自夸”本领。你可以讲述一些简历资料里面没有包括的技能;或者是再详细强调一下你的特长。 问题四:What kind of salary did you have in mind?(你期望的薪水是多少?) 回答这个问题时,最好说出一个大致范围,而不是一个确切的数字。如果你能说出这个工资范围,那就说明你对此行业非常了解。 问题五:If hired,when could you start work?(如果被雇佣的话,你

什么时候开始工作?) 回答这个问题时一定要注意,不要说我马上就可以工作。那会让对方认为你非常迫切地需要这份工作。一个非常保险的回答可以是“我下月初可以开始上班。” 问题六: What kind of work does the position involve? You can ask this to clarify exactly what kind of work you’ll be doing. 这个职位包括哪些工作?通过问这句话,你可以清楚地了解到你的工作内容。 面试的时候,面试官都会针对你的简历提出一些问题。下面就为大家提供一些应对此类问题的对策。 1. Why haven''t you found a new position before now? 对策:Finding a job is easy; finding the right job is more difficult. Stress that you are being selective, and are looking for the right "fit". 2. Had you thought of leaving your present position before? If so, what do you think held you there? 对策:Explain that your job is no longer challenging and that you feel your talents are best used elsewhere. 3. What do you think of your boss? 对策:Be as positive as you can, even if you don''t really believe it. 4. Would you describe a situation in which your work was criticized?


一、问题 1、能用英语自我介绍吗? Could you introduce yourself in English? 2、您是如何培训本部门员工的? How do you train the staff of your department? 3、如果酒店正式录取您,您上班第一件事是做什么? If you are employ by the hotel , what will you do firstly? 4、请画出西餐banquet流程图。 Please illustrate the procedure of western restaurant banquet。 5、您如何理解服务行业的“服务意识”? How do you comprehend the “service consciousness” of service trade? 6、您是如何理解职业道德的? How do you perceive the morality of career? 7、请举例您在工作中遇到的几件困难,而您是如何克服的? Could you list some difficulties during your work? And how did you conquer them? 8、您对您以前的直属领导有何看法? How do you like your senior leader who led you directly before? 9、您的人生观是什么? What is your philosophy? 10、您对自己未来五个的计划是什么? What are the five plans for yourself in the future? 11、您都用业余时间学习些什么? What are you studying in your spare time? 12、你的期望待遇是什么? What kind of treatment do you expect? 13、请介绍你的家庭。 Would you mind introducing your family? 14、请你用英文介绍目前服务的公司。 Could you introduce the company which you are serving in English? 15、如果我酒店雇用你,你觉得可以为部门带来什么样的贡献? What could you make a contribution to our hotel if you are employed by our hotel?


星级酒店面试常问问题 星级酒店面试常见问题 第一部分: 考官您好,我叫***,我已经准备好了,请开始Dear sir, my name is ***, I’m ready. Please start the interview. 1 请简单做一下自我介绍Please introduce yourself. 我叫张三,来自***,毕业于***,今年22岁,我身高180,体重75公斤,单身。 my name is ***,I come from *** Province. I graduated from *** college/u niversity. I’m 22 years old now,180 centimeters tall,75 kilog rams weight. I’m single. 2 请介绍一下你的家庭情况Please say something abou t your family. 我家三口人,我父亲,母亲,还有我I have only my father and mother in my family. I’m the only child. 3 你了解新加坡吗Do you know anything ab out Singapore? 是的,我从网络上看到了,知道新加坡治安比较好,环境美。。。。。。 4 你想申请什么职位What kind of position are you looking for? 我计划申请(服务员)职位I am thinking ab out the (waiter/waitress) position. 5 你知道这个职位的薪水是多少吗?Do you know the salary of this position? 是的,我知道,大约在****新币左右Yes, I know that. It’s abou t **** dollars. 6 你有工作经验吗Do you have any working experience? 是的,我在上学期间利用业余时间兼职在某某大酒店做过相关的工作,大约是半年 Yes, I took a part time position when I was in college/university. I was doing the *** job, It’s abou t half a year. 7 酒店的工作非常的辛苦,你能接受吗W orking in HOTEL is really hard, can you accept that? 是的,我作为年轻人,不怕吃苦,我会珍惜酒店给我的这个机会,锻炼自己 Yes, I can. I’m still you ng, I think its very good to have an opportu nity like this. I do hope you can give me this job. I pr omise I will work hard and satisfy you. 8 你为什么想到酒店工作Why do you want to work on HOTEL? 首先我喜欢酒店这项职业,希望结交世界各地的朋友,了解不同国家的文化,同时也学习英语,赚钱养家 First, I love this job, I hope to see people from all over the world, to know the cultures and learn English at the same time. Also, the salary is g ood, I can save some money. 最后谢谢考官 Thanks. 第二部分:其他面试相关英语提问 1、How do you do? How are you? 你好吗? 2、C ould you introduce yourself? 你可以介绍你自己吗? 3、Can you say something abou t yourself in English? 你可以用英语说一下你自己吗? 4、C ould you tell me your name? 你能告诉我一下你的名字吗? 5、Do you have English Name? 你的英文名字 6、Who gave you the English name? 谁给你起的英文名字? 7、Do you know the meaning of your English name? 你知道你英文名字的意思吗? 8、How to spell your name? 该如何拼你的名字? 9、How old are you? 你多大?When/where were you born? 你在哪里什么时候出生的? 10、What is you r age?你的年龄
