Unit 4 What can you do A Let's talk 全英文说课稿

Unit 4   What can you do    A  Let's talk  全英文说课稿
Unit 4   What can you do    A  Let's talk  全英文说课稿

Unit 4 What can you do?

section A Let’s talk

Good morning judges,I’m candidate No.1. Today I’m going to talk about PEP primary school English book 5 Unit 4 What can you do? section A Let’s talk!

Today my topic is “What can you do?”. It’s my great hon or to present my lesson here. I’ll describe my lesson in the following 6 parts: analysis of teaching materials, analysis of students, teaching methods, learning methods, teaching procedures and blackboard design. Now, I’m going to present them one by one.

The topic is the second period of unit 4 in book 5 PEP. The main idea is talking about abilities. The content relates to students daily life, so it will make students study happily and positively. What’s more , it can arouse students’ learning interest and help them form the habits of self-study.

Based on the new curriculum standard, the teaching aims consist of knowledge aims, ability aims and emotion aims.

The knowledge objectives are to help ss master the new sentences, such as“What can you do? I can… and so on

The ability objectives are to help ss use the new sentences in daily life and train students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing ability

The emotional objectives are to cultivate students’ learning interest and help them develop the teamwork spirit.

Based on the teaching objectives, I conclude the important and difficult points as follows. The key points are the new sentence ; the difficult point is to help ss use them in students’ daily life.

After the analysis of teaching materials, now, let me analysis the students, with the growth of age, students in grade 5 have studied English more than two years and they’ve had certain skills in English, They are all like acting and showing in the class.

According to the new curriculum standard and situation of students in this class, I will adopt TPR method, communicative teaching method and situational language teaching , I will design some activities, make the students learn to play and play to learn.

As to learning methods, the students can study English independently and cooperatively. For example they can make preparation before class. During the class, they can study by cooperative learning through the discussion in pair or group .then they can put the new knowledge into communication gradually.

OK, so much for the teaching methods and learning methods. Next comes my most important part, the teaching procedures. Based on students' characteristics, in this class ,I will stick to the theory" students are the masters in the class, while teachers act as the directors" "Learning by doing, learning by using" "Learn to play, play to learn ",

I design the following procedures.

Step1: Warm-up and Leading in

In this step I will show a chant first, lets the student feel relax in the English class, let students to review the content we learned before, at the same time to prepare for the new lesson.

Then show some pictures to review the content we learned before, On one hand, it can relax ss, on the other hand, it can review the language.

Step2 presentation:

In this step, I will show some abilities , leads to the key sentences: First I will do some kungfu,then lead in the key sentences:” I can do some kungfu” Teach the sentence .Ask the students to read it after teather for three times.

Next,I will sing an English song,in this way,I can lead the key sentence;I can sing English songs. Teach it and ask ss to read it , I will write the key sentences in the blackboard.To practice the sentences.Then

Then the teacher draw a picture and ask “I can draw pictures,

what can you do?:Thus lead to the key question, What can you do? Read the sentences.I will write the key sentence , such as“what can you do? ,I can 。。。.?”on the blackboard, and ask students to read after me for several times.

Step 3 practice

Pair work:In this step ,first, I will let ss ask and answer according to the pictures.Then give a chant.On one hand, it can relax ss, on the other hand, it can review the language.

Step4 consolidation:

This step ,I will set a situation,we'll have an English party next Tuesday,then ask ss to do group work:What can you do for the party? Four people a group, one student ask and another ss answer.make record and report the results ).I will make a model and Teach the ss Try to be a helpful child!

Step5 summary

I will ask students to sum up what they have learned today by themselves, At last, I will stress the importance of words, phrases and sentence patterns.Ask ss to open the book and look at the video.then answer the two questions. Next ,read after the tape.

Step6 homework

According to teaching points and difficulties , I design two tasks. task 1, Listen and read the dialogue. Listen to the tape and read the text aloud.Act the dialogue. Recite the dialogue. (Recite the dialogue)

dear judges, please look at the blackboard, this is my blackboard design, on the top ,I write the title, on the left is the new words, new sentences are in the middle and the right is the homework.

That’s all my teaching design, thank you for your listening.

May I clean the blackboard.

what can you do教案(共案)

what can you do教案(共案) 临高三小罗小暖 ( Part A Let’ learn let’ try let’s talk) 教学目标: 1.掌握新词: dance sing English songs do kung fu draw cartoons play the pipa. 2.掌握句型:What can you do? I can… 3.能在实际情景中用所学语言谈论某人是否会做某事。 教学重难点: 1.重点:本课新词、句型。 2.难点:We’ll have…的理解及读音。 情感目标:了解琵琶、武术等具有中国特色的文娱活动, 培养学生的跨文化意识。 学习能力:培养学生的观图猜测能力和小组合作能力。 教学过程: 一.Warm-up and revision. 1.Greeting. 2.I say, you do.

3.Let’s chant: Swim.swim.I can swim. Cook,cook,I can cook. … 二.Presentation 1.Learn the new words and phrases. T:What can you do? S:I can… (学习新词:dance sing English songs do kung fu draw cartoons play the pipa) 2.Practice the new words (1)I say , you do. (2) Let’s chant. What,what,What can you do? Dance,dance,I can dance. … 3.Pre-listening (1)Look and guess: What can Mike do? (2)Listen and tick.

What can you do教学设计

Part B Unit 4 of PEP Primary English Book for Grade Five What can you do? Period 4 教学设计 荆门市东宝区教学研究室廖士新 I Teaching contents(教材分析): 本课时是PEP Primary English五年级上册第四单元第四课时的内容,课文以图文并茂的形式呈现了五个有关家务劳动的词组、一个交际句型和一段chant。与生活贴近,具有较强的交际性。 II Students analysis(学情分析): 本课时的教学对象是五年级的学生,他们已经学过两年的英语,有一定的听、说、读、写能力,能就自己喜爱的话题提出相应的问题,能够积极的进行自主学习、合作学习完成学习任务。 III Teaching aims and requirements(教学目标): 1. Knowledge and abilities(知识技能目标): 1) 学习有关家务劳动的表达法:wash the clothes, set the table, make the bed,do the dishes,put away the clothes,并能用交际句型“Can you do housework? Yes, I can. I can….”在实际生活情景中熟练地运用。 2) 掌握四会词语:wash the clothes, set the table, make the bed,do the dishes 3) 能吟诵chant。 2. Emotion and tactics(情感态度目标): 1) 热爱学习,在学习中能集中注意力。 2) 热爱家庭生活,学会做简单的家务劳动。 3. Learning strategy target(学习策略目标): 同学之间积极合作,共同完成学习任务。 IV Key points and difficult points(教学重难点): 1. Key points: 掌握四会词语:wash the clothes, set the table, make the bed和do the dishes, 并能在情景中自然的加以运用。 2. Difficult points: 正确拼写四会词语,特别注意指导clothes的发音和拼写。


《What can you do? A Let’s learn》教学案例与反思 一、教材分析 新人教版小学五年级英语上册Unit4 What can you do ?第二课时,包括Part A的Let’s learn和Do a survey两部分内容,是一节词汇课。主要教学五个动词短语:dance, sing English songs, play the pipa,do kung fu ,draw cartoons.并能运用What can you do? I can...的句型,在实际的教学情景中表述自己会能做的事情及询问别人会做什么。本单元话题的功能是介绍自己在聚会上能做的事情及询问别人能做的事情,与学生日常生活息息相关, 学生特别感兴趣。加之这五个动词短语在以前的学习过程中少数也以出现,它们本身又不难,学生很容易理解。 二、学情分析 五年级学生活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维和抽象思维相结合,对游戏、表演、竞赛等活动很感兴趣。也已具备了一定的英语基础,初步掌握了运用所学语言进行交际的能力。同时大部分学生对英语有着较浓厚的学习兴趣,但也有少数学生由于遇到困难,学习兴趣会随之减弱。因此,在设计课堂教学活动时我利用媒体出示图片,肢体动作,Flash动画等创设直观的教学情景,采用看、听、说、做、玩、演、唱等灵活多样的教学方法来吸引学生的注意,让他们在丰富多彩、针对性强的活动中来学习英语。努力营造玩中学、学中玩的教学氛围。同时课堂上尽量以鼓励表扬为主,鼓励学生开口说英语、特别是给差生创造机会,让他们尝试成功的喜悦。 三、教学目标: 知识目标: 1、能听、说、读、写:dance, sing English songs, play the pipa,do kung fu ,draw cartoons五个动词短语,并能结合所给句型在实际情景中运用。 2、能够用句型What can you do?询问别人会做什么。并能做出相应的回答。如I can draw cartoons等。 3. 能听懂、会唱歌曲“What Can You Do?”。 能力目标: 1、能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What can you do?”“I can …”。 2、能在组内完成“Do a survey”部分的对话任务。运用句型“What can you do?”“I can …”询问他人会做的事情。 情感目标: 培养学生小组合作学习,相互沟通和交流的能力。

Unit 4 What can you do第一课时教学设计

Unit 4 What can you do第一课时教学设计 Unit 4 what can you do

Unit 4 What can you do第一课时教学设计前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校 选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。英语教学涉及多种专业理论知识,包括语言学、第二语言习得、词汇学、句法学、文体学、语料库理论、认知心理学等内容。本教案根据 英语课程标准的要求和针对教学对象是小学生群体的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定 合适的教学方案的设想和计划、并以启迪发展学生智力为根本目的。便于学习和使用,本 文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 一、教学重点 本课时的教学重点是Let’s learn部分五种家务劳动的表 达方法,要求学生做到四会,并能在情景中自然的加以运用。 二、教学难点 本课时的教学难点是如何利用所提供的对话和情景,以旧引新,让学生进入学习状态。 三、课前准备 1.教师准备教学过程中所需要的图片、英文卡片、声音、 课件。 2.教师准备录音机及录音带。 四、教学过程 1.Warm-up(热身)

(l)Let’s chant ① 教师播放start部分Let’s chant的录音,让学生边听边看图并能理解歌谣的意思。 ② 反复听2-3遍后,可带领学生小声重复。 ③ 拍手掌握节奏,教师将Mike变成本班同学的名字进行提问:Tom, Tom, what can you do?可提问3-4人。 (2)口语练习谁的本领大: ① 男、女生进行比赛,分别用I can…来介绍自己会做的事,看看谁的本领大。 ② 请同学边说边用动作表示,重复不加分,哪组说的最多即为获胜组。 2. Presentation(新课呈现) (l)Start ① 教师出示图片请同学们观看,Oh, so many animals! What can they do? ② 角色扮演:教师提问,Bird, bird, what can you do?请学生挑选自己喜欢的动物边说边做动作。 (2)Let’s learn

七年级英语下册 Module 2 What can you do教案

Unit 1 I can play the piano. Ⅰ.Teaching Aims: Knowledge aims: 1.能听、说、读、写本单元单词:play, tennis, ride, term, would like, all, that’s all, worry, worry about, teach, then(见课本P104) 2.学生掌握课本P8-9出现的短语和重点句型、情态动词can; Can you…? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. Which club can…? I can’t…. Ability aims: 学生能够听懂关于参加学校社团等的对话;能够交流各自会干什么与不 会干什么。 Feeling aims: 培养学生认识自我和肯定自我的能力,增强自信心以及助人为乐的精 神。 Ⅱ。Teaching Important Points: 情态动词can 的用法。 Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult points: 情态动词can 的用法。 Ⅳ.Test points: 情态动词can 的用法和零冠词的用法。 【学法指导】仔细阅读课本P92-93关于情态动词can的用法。 一、Self-study(自主学习): 1.自学自读本单元单词(结合词汇表的音标),把不会读的单 词在书上画出来并整理在导学案上。 3.思考:I’d like to join the Music Club because I can play the piano. (英译汉) “can ”是情态动词,在这里,他的意思是。 can没有人称和数的变化,否定式都用cannot(can’t)。详看P92

what can you do 精品公开课教案

人教版PEP 小学英语五年级上册 Unit4 What Can You Do ?第二课时教学设计 1.整体设计思路、指导依据说明优化教学活动设计,发挥活动设计的最大功效。紧密联系学生的生活实际,体现语言的交际功能,贯彻语言运用的基本原则,把知识和技能目标融会在完成任务的过程中,从而体现了教材提出的把话题——功能——结构——任务结合起来的总思路。根据学生的年龄特点,精心设计教学活动,让学生在有节奏的说唱、游戏中体验语言,在有韵律的歌唱中感受语言,在轻松愉快的行动中输入语言,让他们在做中学,在唱中学,在表演中学(Learning English by doing/singing/acting…)从而为培养他们用英语进行顺利的交流打下坚实的基础。 2.教学背景分析教学内容分析:(注:含本课时在本单元的教学定位分析)能够听、说、认读句:Are you helpful at home Sure.What can you do I can....Great You’re helpful.让学生更好的掌握和运用“做家务”这个主题的语言项目,并学会调查对方能干什么以及回答,让全班学生能“动”起来,“活”起来,并促进了学生的发展。 3.教学目标分析: (一)知识目标 1、通过自主学习与小组合作探究,能够听懂、会说、并能准确翻译: Are you helpful at home ? What can you do ? I can sweep the floor. You’re helpful ! 2、通过创设情境,通过小组合作练习,能够询问别人能做什么:What can you do ?会用I can….进行回答。 3、关心父母,树立热爱劳动,体贴父母的观念。 (二)能力目标 1、能简单介绍自己能做哪些家务劳动,如:I can clean the bedroom. I can cook the meals. 2、能询问别人能做什么家务劳动,如:What can you do? 3、能运用在实际中运用教材中的句型。 (三)情感、策略、文化目标 1、情感态度:养成讲究卫生、热爱劳动的好习惯,懂得为社会贡献自己力量, 培养乐于助人的优秀品质。 2、学习策略:注重小组合作学习,培养相互沟通和交通的能力。 4.教学重点、难点分析教学重点、教学难点:句子“Are you helpful at home ”以及在实际情景中正确运用所学对话。 5.教学过程设计 步骤 1:Warm up (2 分钟) 1、Greeting. 设计意图:(分四大动物组:dog,


Unit 4 what can you do? 课题第四单元第一课时 课型新授时间 学习目标 1. 能听、说、读、写单词“sing”,“song”,“kung fu”,“dance”和词组“sing English songs”,“play the pipa”,“do kung fu”,“draw cartoons”。 2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What can you do?”,“I can …”。 3. 能听懂、会唱歌曲“What can you do?”。 4. 能完成“Do a survey”部分的对话任务。 5. 鼓励学生了解身边同学的能力,做生活中的有心人。 学习重难点 1. 能听、说、读、写单词“sing”,“song”,“kung fu”,“dance”和词组“sing English songs”,“play the pipa”,“do kung fu”,“draw cartoons”。 2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What can you do?”,“I can …”。教学难点 1. 新词汇和词组的学习。 2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What can you do?”,“I can …”。教学过程二次备课 一、课前热身(Warm-up) 1. Free talk T: Good morning, everyone. Welcome back to school. How are you today? Ss: Fine, thank you. And you? T: I’m fine, too. Are you ready for our class? Ss: Yes. 2. 热身活动 T: Now let’s do some warming-up practice. All of you, listen to me, please. Stand up and follow me. Run, I can run (read, jump, swim, fly, clean, draw …). 二、课前预习(Preview) 学习歌曲“What can you do?” T: You can jump, run, swim … You’re so great. Now let’s learn a song ca lled “What can you do?”. 第一次播放歌曲录音,全班学生跟着录音唱歌曲。 第二次播放歌曲录音,全班学生分男女比赛唱歌曲。 三、新课呈现(Presentation) 1. A. Let’s learn (1) 学习新单词和词组。 创设“考艺校”情景:“明星艺校”来学校招生啦!很多学生报名参加考试,让我们来看看同学们都表演些什么才艺吧! 教师用课件依次出示跳舞、唱英文歌曲、弹琵琶、练功夫和画漫画的情景,引出新单词和词组,并将其写在黑板上。 dance sing English song play the pipa do kung fu draw cartoons (2) 教师带领学生读几遍新单词和词组,然后让学生分组读、分男女生读。

What can you do教案

《What can you do?》教案 新天学区刘平 教学内容: Pep版小学五年级上册Unit4《What can you do?》Part A 教学目标: 1、能力目标: a、让学生使用What can you do? I can …这两个句型。 b、并让学生掌握表示做家务的五个短语,从而让他们在生活中使用英语进行交流。 2、知识目标: a、掌握五个表示家务劳动的短语:wash the windows、cook the meals、water the flowers、sweep the floor 、clean the bedroom b、学会使用What can you do? I can …并运用此句型进行日常交流。 3、情感目标: a.教育学生热爱劳动、多做家务,为父母亲做一些力所能及的事情。 b.同学之间互相帮助,善于与人相处。 c.做一个对社会、对家庭有用的人。 d.培养学生自我评价的能能力。 教学重点: 1、wash the windows、cook the meals、water the flowers、sweep the floor 、clean the bedroom五种家务劳动的表达方法。 2、让学生使用What can you do? I can …这两个句型,并让学生掌握表示做家务的五个短语。 3、生活中使用英语和老师、同学、亲人进行交流,实现英语课程的最

终目标:培养学生综合语言运用的能力。 教学难点: 运用所学的英语知识,在生活中进行英语交流。 教学过程 一、热身导入: 1、教师播放英语歌曲colour song。 2、反复听2-3遍后,可带领学生轻声跟唱。 3、拍手掌握节奏,师生一起用手打节拍演唱英语歌曲colour song来集中学生的注意力。 二、新知; (1)Presentation(新课呈现) 老师:Boys and girls,do you like this song? 学生:Yes. 老师:What do you do on Sundays? 学生:I often do my homework ,watch TV and do housework. 老师: Who can tell us what can you do at home? 老师: What can you do? 学生:我能浇花、扫地、做饭、打扫卧室…I can…(sweep the floor、cook the meals、 clean the bedroom、 water the flowers、wash the windows)老师: Oh! You are helpful. Today we are going to learn some new phrases with screen. (2)Let’s learn 1、老师布置任务,出示Let’s learn 的图片问:What can you do? 2、学生在小组内自学五个词组,然后再分别找学生来教学五个短语,让学生

pep Unit 教案 What can you do教案

第一课时 一、教学重点 本课时的教学重点是Let’s learn部分五种家务劳动的表达方法,要求学生做到四会,并能在情景中自然的加以运用。 二、教学难点 本课时的教学难点是如何利用所提供的对话和情景,以旧引新,让学生进入学习状态。 三、课前准备 1.教师准备教学过程中所需要的图片、英文卡片、声音、课件。 2.教师准备录音机及录音带。 四、教学过程 1.Warm-up(热身) (l)Let’s chant ①教师播放start部分Let’s chant的录音,让学生边听边看图并能理解歌谣的意思。 ②反复听2-3遍后,可带领学生小声重复。 ③拍手掌握节奏,教师将Mike变成本班同学的名字进行提问:Tom, Tom, what can you do?可提问3-4人。 (2)口语练习谁的本领大: ①男、女生进行比赛,分别用I can…来介绍自己会做的事,看看谁的本领大。 ②请同学边说边用动作表示,重复不加分,哪组说的最多即为获胜组。 2.Presentation(新课呈现)

(l)Start ①教师出示图片请同学们观看,Oh, so many animals! What can they do? ②角色扮演:教师提问,Bird, bird, what can you do?请学生挑选自己喜欢的动物边说边做动作。 (2)Let’s learn ①学生观看教材的背景图,教师指图,用夸张的语气介绍:She’s Lucy. This is her room. She’s helpful! Are you helpful? What can you do? ②然后播放课件或动画,带领全班一起反复跟读5个词组,提醒学生注意语音语调。 ③让学生在练习本上写一写单词和词组。 3.Let’s play (趣味操练) (1)Let’s play (猜一猜) ①教师准备好英文卡片,每组的第一个同学上前来任选一张。 ②抽卡片的同学只能做出一个动作,如扫地,请本组的同学猜一猜并说出英文sweep the floor,这时前面的同学就可以说:Right! I can…哪组用的时间最快、说的最准确,就可加一分。教师可对优胜组进行奖励。 (2)Let’s play (接龙游戏) ①将学生分成5组,每组发一个单词,如:clean, cook, floor, flower, empty,也可以用图片代替。 ②请本组同学配合,看词或是看图来说出一句完整话。如:I—I can—I can water—I can water the—I can water the flowers.说的又快又正确小组,教师可予以奖励。 4.Consolidation and extension(巩固与扩展) (l)练一练

WhatCanYouDo教案 (2)

UNIT 4 What Can You Do? 单元教学目标:(Unit teaching objectives:) 1、能力目标(Ability to target) (1) A brief introduction to what they can do household chores. (2) Can understand what they can do household chores. (3) Be able to understand and sing songs “I Can Help”。 2、Knowledge Goals (1) Master A, B part of the Let's learn Read and write in the four would be the word and sentences. (2) To listening, speaking, recognizing and reading, A, B part of the Let's learn Let's talk in the white body words and sentences. (3) Able to understand Pronunciation some letter combinations or, all, pl, pr hair Sound rules. (4) Can understand Let's chant part of the content. (5) Able to understand Story time, Good to know and some other content. 3、Affective, strategic, cultural and other relevant targets (1) Emotional attitude: develop particular about health, love of labor, the good habits, be happy qualities to help others. (2)Learning Strategies: emphasis on cooperative learning groups to foster interaction and communication capabilities. (3)Cultural objectives: to understand something about the lives of safety and environmental sense. Unit teaching hour’s arrangements: Period one: Main scene Let’s start A let’s learn Let’s play L et’s chant Period two: A Let’s try Let’s talk Group work C Let’s sing Period three:A Read and write Let’s play C Pronunciation Story time

Unit 4 What can you do教案

Unit 4 What can you do ? 一.教学目标与要求: 1.能够听、说、读、写:What can you do ? I can sweep the floor. 2.能够听、说、认、读Mother Goat is ill.We can help .Just do it . 3.培养学生乐于助人的良好品德. 二.教学重难点分析 1.本课重点是掌握四会句型:What can you do? I can ... 2.本课难点是书写四会句型。 三.教具准备 1.本课的录音机录音带 2.Let's learn 部分的动词卡片 3.对话中相关头饰 四.教学步骤: 1.会话练习: T: What day is it today ? S: It's Thursday. T:What do you have on Thursdays? S: We have math and English. T:What is your favorite day? S:It's Sunday. T:What can you do on Sundays? S: I can watch TV. 2.Warm up (P44 Let's chant.) (1).say it together. (2).Teacher ask you answer,and do actions.

3.复习 (1) Teacher do actions,you say the words. (2) 看音标拼单词.(小黑板出示音标) (3) 读动词短语 4.新课呈现 Read and write (1).由以上短语引出问句“Can you empty the trash ?""Oh,you are helpful. The animals are helpful too.Mother Goat is ill,the animals are helping her.Let's go and have a look. (2)打开书自读,并找出不认识的单词。 (3)通过音标学习新词。 (4)听录音 (5)再次读句子并试着完成练习题。 (6)听录音,模仿语音语调。 (7)小组练习,将对话表演,然后各组展示。 Let's play (1).游戏.将动词卡片放桌上,叫一名同学到前面,其他学生问"What can you do ?" 前面的学生回答并道桌上拿卡片,如果拿对其他学生就说“Yes,you can ."否则说”You can't."拿对的学生得一分。 (2)翻开书,读Let's play.自编歌谣。 5.谈收获.

what can you do教学设计

Unit4 What can you do? Part B Let’s learn and Let’talk 一、教学目标 ①、知识与技能目标: 能够听、说、读、写动词词组:wash the clothes、 set the table、make the bed、 do the dishes 及听、说、认读put away the clothes,能够听懂和熟悉运用句型“can you …? Yes, I can.\No, I can’t.” 并能在情景中自然的加以运用。 ②、情感态度与价值观目标:教育学生养成讲究卫生,热爱劳动的好习惯,培养乐于助人的优秀品质。注重小组合作学习,培养相互沟通和交流的能力。 二、教学重、难点 本节课的教学重点是:要求听、说、读、写的动词词组:wash the clothes、 set the table、make the bed、 do the dishes教学难点是三会动词词组:put away the clothes和灵活运用句型can you …? yes, I can.\No, I can’t.进行问答。 三、教学思路 整堂课以谈论会做什么家务吗为主线,通过chant,游戏等有方式使知识简单化,充分调动学生的积极性,通过听、说、读、演、练的方式使学生获取知识,达到交际的目的。 四、教学内容

本节课的主要内容是pep小学英语第五册第四单元的第四课时,要求学生能听、说、读、写短语wash the clothes、 set the table、make the bed、 do the dishes和听、说、读put away the clothes及应用句型can you 、、、? Yes, Ican.\No, Ican’t.进行问答。通过听、读、演等一系列教学活动,使学生获得最基本的英语听说能力,并在教学中充分激发学生强烈的学习愿望。 五、教学媒体 ppt、词组卡片和图画、奖励贴纸 六、教学步骤 Step1. greetings step2. warming up 1Chant Dog ,dog what can you do? I can run after you. Panada panada,what can you do ? I can eat so much bamboo. Mouse mouse ,what can you do ? I can hide in the shoe. Mike Mike ,what can you do ? I can draw animals in the zoo. Boys and girls, I’m helpful at home. I can sweep the floor, cook the meals, clean the bedroom, water the flowers and so on .I can draw with my two hands? He is our new friend ---ROBOT.Now he gives us a gift,Let’s listen.today robot will take us to the old people’s home ,what can you do ?(ask some students to answer)


PEP小学英语五年级上册Unit 4 What can you do? Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk 教学设计 教学内容: 本节课的教学内容是PEP修订版版小学英语五年级上册第四单元第一课,课型是交际型听说课,课文以派对为背景,通过听力活动和对话教学学习核心句型:What can you do for the party? I can…并能理解语言和运用语言的情境。 教学目标: 1.能够理解听力材料并完成听力活动。 2.能够理解对话大意,正确的朗读对话并进行角色表演。 3.能够运用核心句型进行问答活动。 4.能够理解为举行派对所要准备的活动。 5.能够在情境中运用句型What can you do for the party? I can…创编对话。 教学重点: 能对句型What can you do for the party? I can sing English songs. I can do kung fu. 真正理解,并将句型What can you do for the party? I can …灵活运用到真实情境中。 教学难点: 1.能理解句子We’ll have an English party next Tuesday. 2.能运用句型完成任务。 3.能了解派对所包含的内容,并形成自我举办派对的能力,丰富课余生活。 教学准备: Cards,pictures, PPT 教学过程: Step1.热身(Warm-up)

Enjoy a song “What can you do?” T:First,let’s enjoy a song. Please sing and do follow it. [设计意图]通过歌曲和TPR活动,营造活跃的课前气氛,使学生带 着积极的情绪投入到学习活动之中,并且歌曲整体呈现了本课的核 心句型:What can you do? I can …为下一步学习新知做好准备。Step2. 最强大脑(Brainstorm) The teacher do actions, pupils guess the verbs. T:Guess,What can I do? I can (draw pictures / clean the room / wash the clothes / dance / make jiaozi / play ping pong) Ss guess the actions. T:I often play ping pong on Saturdays. What do you often do on Saturdays? S:I often play soccer. [设计意图]通过游戏——头脑风暴,使学生集中注意力,做好课堂 准备。与此同时,老师做动作学生猜测,可唤起学生的对已知动词 的记忆。引出在星期六做某事,为下一环节铺垫。 Step3.新知呈现(Presentation) 1.创设情境,习得生词。 T: What day is it today? S: It’ s Thursday. T: Yes, this Thursday and this is the next Thursday. (教师利用课件呈现日历教授next Thursday,并引导学生说出next Tuesday / Wednesday / Friday / week) T:I have a good news. We’ll have an English party next Tuesday. 教师将party单词图片贴于白板。 T: The party is funny. What can we do for the English party?

Unit4 What can you do教学设计

Unit Four What can you do ? 第二课时教学设计 刘睿吴忠市红寺堡区柳泉中心小学

一、教学内容 PEP 小学英语五年级上册Unit Four What can you do ? Part A Let’s try , Let’s talk. 二、学情分析 学生三年级学过情态动词can句型How many kites can you see ? I can see…对它们的表述有印象,相对而言,有一定的知识储备,故可以在复习的基础上将知识面拓展开一些,容量稍大点。本单元的教学内容与学生的实际生活息息相关,因而本课时的教学内容对学生来说不难理解。关键是日常交际用语在实际生活中的准确运用,而且小学生有着爱模仿,好表现的特点,只要在教学时,通过创设情景,游戏等形式提高反复率,从而就能帮助学生准确表达。 三、教材分析 这个单元主要围绕情态动词can展开话题,重点是使学生掌握能做的一些事情的英语表达,并就此展开相关讨论。学生三年级学过情态动词can.句型How many kites can you see ? I can see…因此我们可以借助学生已有的知识来引出我们的新知识,从而利于教学的开展,对学生来说要掌握句型并不是难点,难点应该是综合运用已学过的句型进行交流。本课时是《义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语(PEP)》(供三年级起使用)五年级上册第四单元第二课时的教学内容,这部分内容有Let’s try , Let’s talk两个部分,重点要掌握句型We’ll have an English party next Tuesday ! What can you do for the party ? 并能根据问句进行回答。为学生进入初中阶段与此类似的话题的学习打下扎实的基础。并在此基础之上培养学生英语表达能力,能够对自己能做的事情进行自如表达。因此,在教学过程中,教师应尽量运用直观教学手段,比如:图片、动画、歌曲等方式帮助学生进行学习。注意新旧知识的衔接并努力做到通过听力练习、对话练习、小组活动等形式来突破重点,以利于学生发展语言技能,提高实际运用语言的能力。 (一)教学目标 新课程标准倡导的教学思想为我们提供了处理教材和教学设计的基本理念:倡导体验、实践、参与、交流与合作的学习方式,强调学生能用英语做事情。提倡任务型教学思想,把语言综合运用能力的培养落实在教学过程中。小组合作、探究在课堂教学中起着尤为重要的作用。面向全体学生,突出“以人为本”的素质教育思想,使语言教学的过程同时成为提高人文素养、增加实践能力、培养创新精神的过程。针对这一教学理念,并结合教学内容和学生的实际情况,把教学


Unit 4 What can you do? 教学设计 (A .Let’s learn) 第一课时 一、教学目标: 1. 能听、说、读、写单词“sing”,“song”,“kung fu”,“dance”和词组“sing English songs”,“play the pipa”,“do kung fu”,“draw cartoons”。 2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What can you do?”,“I can …”。 3. 鼓励学生了解身边同学的能力,做生活中的有心人。 二、教学重点: 1. 能听、说、读、写单词“sing”,“song”,“kung fu”,“dance”和词组“sing English songs”,“play the pipa”,“do kung fu”,“draw cartoons”。 2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What can you do?”,“I can …”。 三、教学难点 1. 新词汇和词组的学习。 2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What can you do?”,“I can …”。 四、教学准备: 教师准备多媒体课件、词卡。 五、教学过程: (一)、课前热身(Warm-up) 1. Free talk T: Hello, everyone. Welcome back to school. How are you today? Ss: Fine, thank you. And you? T: I’m fine, too. Are you ready for our class? Ss: Yes. 2、热身活动 T: Now let’s do some warming-up practice. All of you, listen to me, please. Stand up and follow me. Run, I can run (read, jump, swim, fly, clean, draw …). T: You can jump, run, swim … You’re so great.

what can you do 教案

日 期: 授课人: 使用者: 设 计 要 素 Part B let`s learn 教学 内容 分析 本单元的话题是“What can you do ”,家务劳动与学生日常生活联系密切,是大部分学生乐于学习和接受的,而且在A 部分学生已经学会了一部分家务劳动的单词,相信他们对本课的学习充满信心。 学习者 特征分析 学生要想完整生动地描述会做的家务劳动主要障碍在于词汇量的掌握不足,因此,教学活动设计要以此为突破点。 教学目标 知识与技能:(1)能听、说、认读动词短:put away the clothes 和句子“Can you do housework?” 以及回答:“Yes, I can./ No, I can ’t.” (2) 能听、说、读、写动词短语wash the clothes, make the bed, do the dishes, set the table. 过程与方法:通过做动作,让学生体验劳动的辛苦,提高对知识的理解能力,培养学生的思维、想象力 情感态度价值观:通过评价,帮助学生树立学习的自信心,调动学生的学习积极性。 课时 4课时 教学 重点 掌握四会句型: wash the clothes, set the table, make the bed 和do the dishes ,并能在情景中自然的加以运用。 教学 难点 put away the clothes 的正确发音和四个动词的书写及运用。 教学 策略 创设情景法, 教学过程 修补内容 第一版块:导入新课 1、Let`s chant 播放44页的歌谣,师生边拍手边说。

完成后教师评价:Well done! 2、Free talk简单的日常对话,熟悉学生。 第二版块:出示目标 (1)能听、说、认读动词短:put away the clothes 和句子“Can you do housework?”以及回答:“Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.” (2) 能听、说、读、写动词短语wash the clothes, make the bed, do the dishes, set the table. 第三版块:自学指导,合作探究 1、根据音标四人一组自学单词,找出不会读的单词。 2、组长领读。 第四版块:展示交流,点拨提升 出示喜羊羊自我介绍Hello, I’m Xiyangyang, I’m helpful at home. I can do housework. I can wash the clothes. I can set the table. I can make the bed. I can do the dishes. I can put away the clothes. 3、提问:What he do?学生能答就答。 4、利用Can you…? 的句型, 按学生回答的教授五个动词短语:set the table, make the bed, do the dishes, wash the clothes, put away the clothes。do the dishes, wash the clothes, put away the clothes,用简笔画的方式出现。在教授wash the clothes 时用wash the face的动作引出,引导学生回顾身体部位单词和衣物单词。 每教一个短语,都以下面的方式练习: (1)以小组one by one 的方式拼读短语,纠音。 (2)读后书空短语 第五版块:达标测评,巩固反馈 1Play games: lucky numbers. 2 Let’s chant 3 Listen to the tape
