

Good morning, dear teachers,

I’m number…It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my teaching ideas with is part A Let’s learn of unit 2 ,PEP primary English, book 4 for grade 4 student. The title is what time is it I divide it into 4 parts.

Part 1 Analysis of the teaching material and students:

1, function and position of this lesson.

This class is the first period of this unit. It includes two parts: let’s learn and let’s do .To learn how to( describe sth /talk about )ask and answer questions about time is important in this class.

2, teaching aims

According to the new national English curriculum, I set three aims.

(1)Aims on Knowledge:

Students are able to listen, speak, and read the important words: lunch, music lesson, English class, breakfast, etc.

(2)Aims on Ability:

Through this course, students are able to apply the key sentence: what time is it It is 9 o’clock .it is for lunch, and improve their abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

(3)Aims on Emotion:

Students can form spirit of cooperation.

3, Teaching importance and difficulties

Those are the listening, speaking, reading about the words: such as lunch, music lesson, English class, breakfast, etc. and application of the important structure: what time is it it is…. It is for ….

Part 2 Teaching and studying methods

The main instructional aims of learning English in Primary School are to cultivate students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of English language. So I choose CLT in my are the center of all teaching activities. They should take an active part in learning process.

Part 3 Teaching Procedure

Step 1 Warm up (5min)

(1) let Ss enjoy the song “it’s Twelve O’clock” of this unit

(2) I ‘ll have a free talk with Ss, such as “good morning, dear Ss, how are u”

The purpose is to form a better English learning surrounding and arouse students’ interest.

Step 2 Presentations (15 min)

1, I’ll show some pictures about class and meals, and elicit the new words: breakfast, lunch, dinner, music class, class, English class. Lead Ss try to read them out, and emphasize the pronunciation.

2, set a situation related to Qs about time and answer them. Such as what time is it It is 9 o’clock .it is time for English class. Elicit the structure

and practice the new words. Then ask and answer between T--S and Ss—Ss.

3,I’ll play the tape, Ss will listen and imitate. Ask them to pay attention to pronunciation and intonation.

[Purpose]: During teaching the new words, according to the pronunciation, lead the students to learn how to spell or read the words.

Step 3 Practice

1,Ss read the new words in pairs( group work) by themselves in a show, such as what time is it It is 9 o’clock .it is time for English class to have a check.

2, play a game: Sharp eyes. Show the words quickly, and encourage the students to say the words as quickly as they can.

3, do some actions ---Let’ do (have a group work ---let’s play / have a chant---let’s chant ) .play the tape .For the 1st time , Ss just listen .For the 2nd time, Ss listen and do (chant with clapping their hands).

[Purpose]: On the basis of mastering the new words, the students can remember them well after these practices.

Step 4 Production (15 min)

1, Let Ss make a survey between them using the learned words and structure.

2,A challenge for tSs:I ‘ll offer them a mini-dialogue with blanks, and ask Ss to talk in group ,then complete---三年级无。Here, I can emphasize their writing.

[Purpose]: The pupils are able to settle the real problems by using the knowledge they learned in this period.

Step 5 Summary (3min)

I ‘ll encourage Ss summarize what they have learned in this class by themselves.

Step 6 homework (1min)

I’ll give Ss assignments

1, listen to the tape twice, read and try to imitate.

2,to be a little teacher ,teach their parents what they have learned.

[Purpose]:the home work can consolidate what they have learned in this class.

Part 4 blackboard design

UNIT 2 what time is it Part A

New Words New structure

Lunch what time is it

Music class It is 9 o’clock

English class It is time for lunch

That’s all my teaching ideas. Thanks for your listening.
