




一, unit 1 谈论学习

i hear you have some problems in learning english . don’t

worry . i think there are three good ways to learn english well . first , i think you should , you can learn english by listening to english songs. second , you should practice more and learn from mistakes . practice makes perfect . don’t be afraid of making mistakes . for example ,alexander graham bell invented the telephone by trying many times and learn from mistakes . third , you should take notes in class. notes can help you

review what you have learned . you can take notes by writing down key words or by drawing mind maps. learning is a

lifelong journey . i believe you can improve your english if you work hard . yours tom 2, 你的英国笔友frank想学汉语,请你给

他写一封信,告诉他如何学习汉语。要求:1. 语句通顺,书写工

整。 2.可用所提示的词语,也可以适当发挥

3. 词数:60-80(提示词语:go to chinese classes, make friends, listen to the radio, dictionary, useful, read chinese stories, talk with, difficult, ask a chinese teacher for help…) dear frank, how’s it going? i miss you.

chinese stories. its good for your listening and speaking. if

you see some words , you can guess the words’ meaning by reading the sentences before and after it , or you can look

them up in the practice chinese more . don’t be afraid of

making mistakes . i hope you can learn chinese well.yours 二,unit 2谈论节日(写作思路: 1,节日地位。2,节日习俗。3,


(一),介绍你spring festival.

there are many traditional festivals in china. my favorite

festival is the spring festival . it comes in january or february . the spring festival is one of the most important festivals in china. before the spring festival people often prepare

something new and delicious food . on the eve of the spring festival , people often get together to have a big dinner .

chicken , fish and dumplings are special food . during the

spring festival, family often go to visit their relatives and

friends . children can get much lucky money . i like the spring festival because i can spend a

lot of happy time with my family .

( 二)介绍中秋节

there are many traditional festivals in china. i like the mid-autumn festival best . it’s one of the most important festivals

in china. it comes on lunar august 15th . family often get together for the festival .on the mid-autumn night family have

a big dinner ,then they enjoy the full moon and share the delicious mooncakes with their family . the mooncakes carry people’s best wishes to the family the love and miss . i like

this festival because i can spend a happy time with my family .三,unit 3 礼貌请求,询问

假如你是刚来江西某所学校教英语jeff green,想在国庆节期间去上





参考词汇:上海东方明珠塔the oriental pearl tv,tower of shanghai .预订一个标准间reserve a standard room.

dear miss yang

during the natio nal day holidays . i’m going to shanghai to

visit the oriental pearl tv tower of shanghai . i plan to reserve a standard room for myself in your hotel , so i want to get some information. first , could you please tell me how far your hotel

is from the oriental pearl tv tower of shanghai? will you please tell me if it is convenient to get there ? second ,could you tell

me how i can get to your hotel from the train station ? which

bus should i take and at which bus stop should i get off ?

third , i want to know if your hotel can get a taxi that will only serve me . finally , i plan to get back to nanchang by air ,and i wonder if you can reserve a plane ticket for me .

i’m looking forward to your reply . thank you.

jeff green

四,unit4 谈论变化

一),从你的好友wang lin的appearance ,

personality ,hobbies 等方面叙述他过去和现在的不同。

i have a friend. his name is wang lin .we haven’t seen each other for three years . he has changed a lot . he used to be

thin and short . he was a little shy when he was in the primary school . his face turned red when he talked to girls. but now he is tall and a little fat . he isn’t shy any more . he is outgoing . he often plays basketball with his classmates after school .he used to like playing pingpong , but now he likes playing basketball. he thinks playing basketball can make him grow taller and stronger .he didn’t use to like english , but now he is interested in it .now he is popular . look at the girls around him.


my life has changed a lot in the past few years . i used to have short hair , but now i have long hair . in the past i was quiet and shy . however , now i’m active and outgoing ,and l like talking with others.

the biggest change in my life was that i used to play computer games and did badly in english ,but now i have made great progress with the help of my english teacher .this is the most important change because a talk with her influenced me . if i want to play better , i should learn english better . now i am good at english . this makes my teacher and parents take pride in me now .

this summer vacation , i went back to the primary school . i studied there three years ago .

i find the school has changed a lot . in the past, the teaching buildings were old ,but now there are tall and new teaching buildings. we used to do some activities only in front of the teaching buildings, but now there are big playground with lots of trees around it . we can play there .we used to study in the classroom all day, but now there are computer classrooms, art classrooms, music classrooms and so on. i hope the school will become better and more beautiful .

四),(改自江苏省南通市中考题)请你按照下面表格的提示,写一篇题为“changes in my hometown








在选词方面,同学们可灵活运用本单元重点结构used to do/be 或there used to be/do,注

五,unit 5 介绍传统艺术,家乡特产

there are many traditional arts in china . a kite is one of the chinese traditional arts . a kite was made first in china . it was said that the kite was made by mo di first . it is made of sticks , paper and plastic . it has different colors . long long ago ,kites were used to send messages ,but now kites are used for fun . people like flying kites in the open air . in china , weifang is famous for the kites . the kite festival is held here every year . kites are popular all over 2,请根据提示介绍你家乡的特

产.(pancakes , wheat , flour , process , pack )

my hometown is known for pancakes . they are very popular now . i like eating . they smell

nice and taste delicious . they are made of wheat . some are made of rice . wheat or rice is sent to the flour factory and processed into flour . then the flour is made into pancakes with a pan at a very right heat . at last the pancakes are packed with plastic bags and sold in the stores and supermarkets. it’s said that pancakes were made first by zhuge liang . now many people can make pancakes in shandong . pancakes are used for making different delicious food . they are special because they are easy to make and convenient to take .

六,unit 6 谈论发明

1, 计算机在我们的工作和生活中的作用越来越大,你知道计算机的起源和发展吗?请从计算机发明的时间(1946年),大小,用途等方面,谈一下它的变化,并说说对未来的计算机的畅想

computers are becoming more and more important in our daily life . do you know the history of computers? the computer was invented in 1946. at that time ,the computer was very huge .it was as large as the house , but now it is much smaller. (介绍了计算机的发展)

the computers are very useful in our life . for example , we can study and work on the computer. we can listen to music and watch videos on the computer . we can also play games on the computer. it can make us relaxed .(介绍计算机的功能。)

it’s hard to imagine what our life would be like without computers in our life . in my opinion , the computers will change our life in the future .(畅想计算机的未来)

most useful inventions . it plays an important role in our life . it was invented by an american reporter named john lord in 1888. (介绍它的历史)

the ballpoint pen is used in many fields . it is very useful . it can be used to write . and it helps us write faster and make our life easier. but sometimes it leaks . its price is low .(介绍它的功能)

the ballpoint pens will become smaller and lighter . i wish the ballpoint pen in the future can help us write much faster . when we meet problems , it will tell us what to do .(畅想它的未来)

3, 发明创造改变了世界。不少青少年都梦想成为一名发明家。你们应该怎样做才能实现这样的梦想呢?请根据下面的要点提示,以“how to become an inventor”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,谈谈你的观点。

要点提示:1. learn a lot. 2. have an interest. 3. be creative. 4. never give up.

everyone has own dreams . my dream is to be an inventor . as a student , i think we need to do the following things to become an inventor. first, we must study hard to get more knowledge. it’s impossible for us to invent anything without knowledge. second, we should have an interest in inventing. when we are interested in something, we can do it well. third, we need to be creative. we should always come up with new ideas. we should keep on and never give up.


中秋赏月是中秋佳节传统的庆祝方式。几千年来,中国人常把自己的喜怒哀乐(joy and sorrow)以及分分合合(parting and reunion)同月亮的圆缺(wax and wane)联系起来。夜幕降临之时,大地沐浴在银色的月光中。此时最幸福的事就是全家人团团圆圆共赏美月了。




appreciating the moon is a traditional celebration of the mid-autumn festival. for thousands of years, the chinese people have related their joy and sorrow, parting and reunion to the changes of the moon as it waxes and wanes. when night falls and the land is bathed in silver moonlight, it is the happiest thing for all family members to get together and appreciate the beautiful moon. family members sit around, chatting, enjoying tasty food. together, they enjoy the charming moonlight, which will naturally remind them of beautiful legends about the moon. those who go outside and can not return home will watch the bright moon and long for their family members at home.


中秋节 mid-autumn festival

农历 lunar calendar

灯笼 lantern

阖家团圆 family reunion

祭拜 worship

赏月 watch and enjoy / appreciate the moon

月饼 moon cake

传说 legend

后羿射日 hou yi shooting the sun

嫦娥奔月 chang e flying to the moon

吴刚伐树 wu gang chopping the tree

玉兔捣仙药 jade hare making heavenly medicine

民间故事 folk tales

粽子是端午节的特色传统美食。粽子通常是用竹叶(bamboo leaves)或苇叶(reed leaves)包以糯米(glutinous rice)再用细线扎好

做成的,经过蒸煮数小时后即可食用。粽子的馅儿因地区不同而不同。馅儿可以是甜的,比如枣(dates)、碎黄豆(mashed yellow beans)、花生、栗子等,也可以是咸的,比如猪肉、香肠、蘑菇、

咸蛋黄(salted yolk)等。有些粽子只用糯米,只是吃的时候蘸着糖吃。粽子通常包成金字塔形状。包粽子很费时间,一般全家都要参与。



zongzi is known as the traditional food unique to duanwu festival / dragon boat festival. it is usually made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves or reed leaves which are tied with a string. zongzi is ready for eating after being steamed or boiled for several hours. the fillings vary from region to region. they may be sweet, such as chinese dates, mashed yellow beans, peanuts or chestnuts, and may be salty including pork, sausages, mushrooms and salted yolk. some types of zongzi contain only rice, usually eaten with sugar. zongzi is usually in the shape of a pyramid.

zongzi-making is usually a family event with everyone helping out since it is time-consuming. of course, with the development of economy, people nowadays can afford ready-made zongzi from a nearby supermarket easily without taking trouble to make it themselves.

中国人过春节有拜年(pay a new year call / visit)的习俗。通常在新年的钟声刚刚敲响的时候,晚辈(the juniors)会向长辈(the seniors)拜年。拜年时,晚辈会对长辈说一些祝福(blessing)的话,以示对长辈的尊重。同时,长辈也会回以祝福之词,并给晚辈们红包,称作“压岁钱”(lucky money),以求他们健康、幸福和平安。不过,现在通信发达了,除了团聚在一起的一家人之间还使用这种方


it is customary for chinese people to pay a new year call on the spring festival day. when the new year’s bell rings, the juniors will pay a new year call to the seniors and send their blessing to show their respect to them. at this time, the seniors will return greetings of blessing to the young and give them gift money put in a red paper envelope, which is called lucky money, expressing a wish of good health, happiness and safety. however, modern people choose to say happy new year by making a telephone call or sending a mobile text message since developed communication makes it very easy. only the family members living together still pay a personal new year call to each other.

春节 the spring festival

农历lunar calendar

除夕new years eve

合家团圆 a family reunion

元宵节 the lantern festival

扫尘sweeping the dust

贴春联 pasting spring couplets

贴年画 pasting new year paintings

买年货 doing spring festival shopping

守岁staying up late on new years eve

吃团圆饭 having a big reunion meal/dinner

放鞭炮 setting off firecrackers

拜年pay new year’s visit

压岁钱 gift money / lucky money

红包 red envelope with lucky money in it

逛庙会 going to temple fair

舞龙舞狮dragon dance and lion dance

禁忌 taboo

去晦气 get rid of the ill-fortune

祭祖宗offer sacrifices to one’s ancestors

迷信 superstitions

春节联欢晚会 spring festival gala on cctv


筝上到处可见寓意吉祥的图案(auspicious images),如“福寿双全”、“龙凤呈祥”、“四季平安”等(“happiness and longevity”, “auspicious dragon and phoenix” and “safety throughout the year”)。这些图案无一不表现着中国人民对美好生活的向往(aspiration),形成了中国特有的风筝文化,折射出中国人的传统观念、伦理道德和审美情趣(traditional views, ethic system and aesthetic tastes)。山东省潍坊市被誉为“世界风筝之都”,每年四月

举办潍坊国际风筝节(international kite festival),吸引大批中外风


kites were invented by the chinese people over 2,000 years ago. auspicious images are everywhere on traditional chinese kites, such as “happiness and longevity”, “auspicious dragon and phoenix” and “safety throughout the year”. all these

images carry chin ese people’s aspiration for beautiful life, forming the unique chinese kite culture which reflects the traditional views, ethic system and aesthetic tastes. the city of weifang, shangdong province, known as “world capital of kites”, hosts the weifang inter national kite festival annually in

april, attracting great numbers of chinese and foreign kite fans and tourists to watch, compete and sightsee.








the 9th day of the 9th lunar month is the traditional chongyang festival, or double ninth festival. in ancient times, people believed that all natural phenomena could be explained by the theory of yin and yang. numbers were of no exception. even numbers belonged to yin and odd numbers to yang. so the number nine in both month and day created the double ninth festival, or chongyang festival. as double ninth was

pronounced the same as the word to signify forever, both are

jiu jiu, the chinese ancestors considered it an auspicious day worth celebration. in ancient china, it was a custom to ascend

a height to avoid epidemics. therefore, the double ninth festival is also called height ascending festival. people also wore

cornel to keep away from disasters. the double ninth festival is also a time when chrysanthemum blooms. so enjoying the flourishing chrysanthemum becomes a key activity on this festival. today, the double ninth day has been given a new meaning. in 1989, the chinese government decided the 9th day of the 9th lunar month as seniors day. the double ninth festival has become a time to respect, love and help senior citizens.






a poll commissioned by the china youth daily in april 2010 found that 83 percent of the 2,072 respondents admitted

having problems writing characters, forgetting how to write traditional chinese characters –literally, “take pen, forget character” or character amnesia. chinese scholars say that character amnesia happens because most chinese people use electronic input systems based on pinyin, which translates chinese characters into the roman alphabet. the user enters each word using pinyin, and the device offers a menu of characters. so users only need to recognize the characters and don’t need to write them any more.




及增加房产税等。目前,这些措施在部分城市已经取得了初步成效。 in the past seven years, chinas real estate industry has developed in a record high speed. for those who earn less but are eager to own a decent and comfortable place of their own

in a big city, the high housing price is a heavy burden that they cannot afford. for this reason, the government has taken a series of measures to prevent the housing price from rising

too fast, including raising interest rates and increasing taxes

on real estate etc. presently, these measures have achieved initial effects in some cities.








the tourism has been one of the fastest growing industries in modern times. indeed, the growth rate of tourism has generally exceeded the growth rate for the worldwide economy. the development of the tourism as s mass industry depends on modern means of rapid and inexpensive transportation. for example, the greatest growth in international tourism has

paralleled the growth of air transportation. tourism benefits not only airlines, hotels, restaurants and taxi drivers, among others, but also many commercial establishments and even

the manufacturers of tourist commodities. the tourist industry

is not a single entity, but one that consists of many different kinds of enterprises that offer different services to the tourists.上海是中国重要的经济、金融、贸易、科技、信息和文化中心。作






shanghai is chinas important center of economy, finance, trade, science and technology, information and culture. as a noted historic and cultural city, shanghai attracts millions of tourists from home and abroad with its unique charm.

shanghai is also a cherished paradise gourmets; its local cuisine enjoys particular popularity among overseas visitors. the most attractive architecture is no other than the oriental pearl tower standing by the bank of the huangpu river. mounting the observation floor and looking around, youll admire the view of the famous bund lined up with a dazzling exhibition of international architecture across the huangpu

river and charming skyline of the city in the distance, taking delight in the endless soothing vistas that youll find difficult to turn away from.



chinese civilization began with the two legendary tribes ruled

by yan di and huang di. after centuries, the two tribes merged into one by the time of the xia dynasty. chinese people, therefore, usually regard themselves as “the descendants of

yan and huang” or call themselves “hua xia people”.

the chinese nation created a glorious civilization in the early stage of mankind’s history. the compass, gunpowder, the art

of paper-making and movable type printing invented by the ancient chinese have contributed tremendously to the

progress of mankind in the world. the great wall, the grand

canal and other works built by the chinese people are regarded as engineering miracles in the world history.






china, the homeland of tea, is the first country to grow,

produce and drink tea. for thousands of years, the enthusiasm

of the chinese people in drinking tea has remained unchanged. this is due to the fact that tea is a natural and healthy drink.

tea plays an important role in chinese people’s social and emotional lives. it is



一、单项选择题(共 80 题)


a 商朝

b 春秋

c 唐朝

d 宋朝


a 墨子

b 韩非

c 鲁班

d 韩信


a 淄博

b 潍坊

c 济南

d 临沂

7.下列风筝分类中,不正确的是( d )

a 板子类

b 硬翅类

c 软翅类

d 钢类

8.“风筝”这一叫法源自哪个朝代( b )

a 宋朝

b 唐朝

c 汉朝

d 秦朝

9.在什么时期才开始用纸做的风筝( b)

a 唐朝

b 汉朝

c 明朝

d 宋朝

10.下列那种类别的风筝不是按地域划分的( c )

a 潍坊

b 天津

c 硬翅

d 南通


a 避雷针

b 无人机

c 整流罩

d 无线电

12.风筝在何时才逐渐由军用转化为民众娱乐之用( d )

a 宋代

b 明代

c 元代

d 唐代

13.下个哪个不属于潍坊风筝的三大派别( b )

a 传统民间派

b 传统艺术派

c 传统艺匠派

d 现代创新派


a 风筝

b 纸鸢

c 望秋

d 秋景

15.风筝上天的两个条件( b )

a 线足够长

b 扬力作用

c 材料轻盈

d 筝面有弧度

16.下列著名艺人中,跟风筝有关的是(b )

a 费玉清

b 孙永春

c 杨丽萍

d 李炳淑

17.下列城市中不属于风筝之都的是(c )

a 潍坊

b 南通

c 南京

d 天津

18.风筝何时开始成为传递信息的工具(b )

a 宋朝

b 南北朝

c 春秋

d 汉朝

19.中国的风筝在什么时候传入欧洲( a )

a 14 世纪

b 17 世纪

c 12 世纪

d 15 世纪

20.中国最早的风筝是用什么材料制作的( d )

a 纸

b 布料

c 竹子

d 木材

21.在中国的哪个朝代风筝被作为一项锻炼身体的体育运动( a )

a 宋代

b 汉代

c 元代

d 唐代

22.世界最大的风筝产自哪个国家( c)

a 英国

b 巴西

c 荷兰

d 波兰

23.曾利用风筝监视潜水艇的是哪个国家( a )

a 英国

b 美国

c 日本

d 法国 a )(

24.浮世绘画风的风筝是哪个国家独特的风格(b )

a 意大利

b 日本

c 波兰

d 梵蒂冈

25.风穴风筝是哪个国家的代表性作品( a)

a 韩国

b 日本

c 荷兰

d 意大利

26.被授予“全国风筝之乡”的是中国的哪座城市( c)

a 潍坊

b 南昌

c 阳江

d 青岛

27.在第七届国际风筝会上,被评为“世界十绝风筝”之一的阳江风筝参赛名字是( a )

a 灵芝

b 凌风

c 仙云

d 雪莲

28.有性别的风筝是哪个国家(d )

a 文莱

b 印度

c 马来西亚

d 泰国

29.在 2014 年的粤港澳风筝锦标赛上一只被放飞的风筝刷新的世界吉尼斯纪录,这只风筝的名字( c)

a 中国

b 雄鹰

c 中国结

d 灯笼

30.风筝制作时骨架一般选用什么材料( b )

a 树木

b 竹子

c 钢条

d 布条

31.下列工具中哪些不是制作风筝所需的( d )

a 剪刀

b 纸

c 浆糊

d 锤子

32.最早的风筝是由我国哪个古代名人制作的( d)

a 鲁班

b 蔡伦

c 道子

d 墨翟

33.风筝诞生最初被用于什么( c)

a 娱乐

b 运输

c 传递信息

d 装饰品

34.下列哪项不符合风筝的文化寓意( d)

a 长寿

b 吉祥

c 求福

d 灾难


( a)

a 2006.5.20

b 2007.5.12

c 2008.3.12

d 2010.1.14

36.2009 年 10 月,广东汕头放飞一只百米多长的蜈蚣风筝,并把一个小学生送上了空中,实现了风筝载人,该风筝的制作人是( c)

a 魏元泰

b 陈善庭

c 陈旺松

d 杨万善

37.世界风筝之都是哪做城市( c)

a 南昌

b 青岛

c 潍坊

d 厦门

38.第一届国际风筝会在中国的哪座城市举行( c )

a 北京

b 天津

c 潍坊

d 青岛

39.至 2015 年,国际风筝会已经举办了多少届( a )

a 32

b 31

c 30

d 29

40.国际风筝联合会的总部设在哪里( c )

a 荷兰

b 布鲁塞尔

c 潍坊

d 青岛

41.软体风筝是在什么时候被发明的( a )

a 1956 年

b 1948 年

c 1927 年

d 1964 年

42.美国相当流行的特技风筝设计灵感源自哪里( d )

a 麻雀

b 老鹰

c 滑翔机

d 靶机

43.英国海军把风筝作为防卫空中攻击的装置装在了( c )

a 航空母舰

b 潜水艇

c 驱逐舰

d 坦克

44.下列不属于风筝具体分类的是( c )

a 软翅风筝

b 硬翅风筝

c 钢翅风筝

d 龙型风筝

45.风筝在什么时候开始有军用转变为民间娱乐之用( a )

a 唐代

b 宋代

c 春秋

d 元代

46.中国风筝发展的鼎盛时期是( c )

a 战国

b 春秋

c 明清

d 唐宋

47.在什么季节放风筝对身体健康最有益( a )

a 春季

b 夏季

c 秋季

d 冬季

48.下列哪项不属于放风筝的好处( b )

a 消除眼肌疲劳

b 有益血液循环

c 调节和改善视力

d 预防近视和弱视

49.下列哪个不属于风筝起源的传说( d )

a 斗笠、树叶说

b 飞鸟说

c 帆船、帐篷说

d 战争说

50.创造共同放风筝人数最多的世界吉尼斯纪录的具体人数是( a )

a 10465

b 10000

c 10487

d 12000

51.国际风联第三次代表大会在潍坊举行,谁当选主席( a )

52.潍坊风筝在哪一届奥运会上被放飞( c )

a 北京

b 悉尼

c 伦敦

d 汉城

53.我国风筝在世界上久负盛名,有“南鹞北鸢”两大流派,则南派风筝的主要产地是( b )

a 南昌

b 南通

c 潍坊

d 广州

54.中国风筝的历史有多少年了( b)

a 1000 多年

b 2000 多年

c 500 多年

d 1500 多年


a 徐谓

b 高骈

c 陆游

d 郑板桥


a 红楼梦

b 聊斋志异

c 西游记

d 水浒传


a 寇准《纸鸢》

b 高鼎《村居》

c 吴友如《题画诗》

d 陆游《观村童戏溪上》



a 板子类

b 软翅类

c 硬翅类

d 龙类


a sweep

b flight

c kite

d balloon


a 1964 年 1 月

b 1978 年 1 月

c 1987 年 1 月

d 1992 年 1 月

61.以下四个图案中,哪个是潍坊国际风筝会会徽?( a )。

62.( b )是潍坊最具影响力、最具价值、最具代表性的城市名片,是潍坊文化之魂。




63.第一届潍坊国际风筝会于(b)年 4 月 1 日隆重举行。




64.国际风筝联合会是经国务院批准的国际性民间社团组织,于(c)年的 4 月 1 日在潍坊市正式成立。




65.截止 2014 年潍坊市城区中小学生风筝节已成功举办(c )届。

a. 7













地区风筝协会负责人,一致推举潍坊市为“世界风筝都” 。






b.鲁台会 c。文展会



b. 潍坊风筝博物馆


71. 1989 年 4 月,我国第一座大型风筝博物馆——潍坊世界风筝博



b. 8100




b. 潍坊


73.在潍坊世界风筝博物馆正门对面,矗立着一尊人物塑像,他就是被公认为发明风筝的“鼻祖” ( c)。



c. 鲁班

74.(b)年 5 月潍坊风筝制作技艺被国务院列为国家第一批非物质文化遗产名录。








76.2010 年上海世博会期间,潍坊国际风筝会办公室与(a)合作,成功举办了潍坊精品风筝展。




77.2010 年第 27 届潍坊国际风筝会龙舟表演赛实现了天上放飞龙头蜈蚣风筝,地上舞龙舞狮,水上龙舟竞渡的“三龙会” ,表演赛地点是在





78.2010 年 8 月在(d)举办了第二届国际风筝冲浪邀请赛。 a.坊子区 b.奎文区 c.寒亭区 d.潍坊滨海经济开发区

79.1987 年,在中国吉林省发现了有古代放风筝图案的一件文物是(a)。




80.潍坊国际风筝会办公室与( c )联合举办风筝设计与制作高级研修班。





重阳节英语作文高中英语作文 "The 9th day of the 9th lunar month is the traditional Chongyang Festival or Double Ninth Festival. It usually falls in October in the Gregorian calendar. In an ancient and mysterious book Yi Jing or The Book of Changes number 6 was thought to be of Yin character meaning feminine or negative while number 9 was thought to be Yang meaning masculine or positive. So the number nine in both month and day create the Double Ninth Festival or Chongyang Festival. Chong in Chinese means double. Also as double ninth was pronounced the same as the word to signify forever both are Jiu Jiu the Chinese ancestors considered it an auspicious day worth celebration. Thats why ancient Chinese began to celebrate this festival long time ago." The custom of ascending a height to avoid epidemics was passed down from long time ago. Therefore the Double Ninth Festival is also called Height Ascending Festival. The height people will reach is usually a mountain or a tower. Ancient literary figures have left many poems depicting the activity. Even today people still swarm to famous or little known mountains on


国庆节英语作文【八篇】 国庆节 The National Day October 1st is the national day of our country,which is a public holiday for the whole country.It’s an important day that marks the beginning of PRC.On that day,there are plenty of celebrations holding throughout the country,from the central government to the general people.And public places,including big squares,parks are decorated in festive theme.In recent years,the national holiday means the golden week as well,which is a short holiday that all people expect to.With the improvement of living standards,people have more money and desire to travel and the golden week is a good chance for them.Besides,for those people who would not go out,it’s a good time to have a good rest as well.Therefore,the national day means a lot to the Chinese. 10月1日是我国的国庆节,这是全国的共同节日。这一天是中华人民共和国开始的标志。在那天,全国到处都有很多庆祝活动,上至中央政府到普通老百姓。公共场所,包括大的广场和公园,都装饰成节日主题。近年,国庆节同样也是所有人都期待的短假黄金周。随着生活水平的提高,人们又更多的钱和渴望去旅游,黄金周对他们来说是一个很好的机会。除此之外,对于那些


圣诞节的英语作文和翻译 圣诞节已经成为了一个全世界性的节日,下面我整理了四篇关于圣诞节的英语作文,来看看小朋友们是怎么过圣诞节的吧! 圣诞节的英语作文篇1 Today is Christmas, up in the morning I order after I have been think: old daddy load would bring me what gift? When I washing a face, ready to brush their hair, suddenly discovered that a fairy straight bar stand on my desk, I'm a wink, it is still there, I grabbed it, really! I look and see, fondle admiringly. I think: Christmas grandpa really spirit, still, and know my heart! I got a Christmas gift today, I am so happy! 今天是圣诞节,我早晨起订之后就一直在想:圣诞老爸爸载会给我带来什么礼物呢?等我洗完脸,准备梳头的时候,忽然发现一根直直的仙女棒挺立在我的书桌上,我眨眨眼,它还在,我一把抓住了它,真的啊!我看了又看,爱不释手。我想:圣诞老爷爷真灵,还知道我的心思呢! 我今天收到圣诞礼物了,我好开心呀! 圣诞节的英语作文篇2 Yesterday, the school organized the English carnival activities, because Christmas day is on Sunday, so they


万圣节一天的英语作文 万圣节是儿童们纵情玩乐的好时候。下面就是小编整理的万圣节一天的英语作文,一起来看一下吧。 万圣节一天的英语作文1: Daysanddayspast,I’mnotachildanylonger.ButIstillrememberthatHalloween,31st October2001.ThatwasSaturday.IwenttostudyEnglishwithanAm ericangirlnamedDebbyasusual. Wehad5studentsaltogether.Beforethatweek,Debbyhadalready toldustolearnsomethingaboutHalloweenourselves.Onthatday ,DebbyspentanhourdescribingthisAmericanfestivalforus,su chas“trickorcheat”,pumpkinandeven,shetookapumpkinwith her.Firstshetookoutafinishedpumpkinlantern. Thatwasreallybeautifulandugly,welikeditsomuch.Thensheta ughtushowtomakeapumpkinlanternbyourselves.Weeachheldasm allknife,learnttocutanddrawsomethingonthatpumpkin.Final ly,wemadeitandputashortcandleintoit.Thatwastrulyhappy.A ndthemostsurprisingthingwasthatthelanternwasapresentfor thatday’ssuperstudent.Whowillthatbe?Mygod!Thatwasme!


【篇一】 Nine nine Chongyang, as with the "long" is a homonym, in the nine figures is the largest number, the meaning of life for a long time. In 1989, our country the annual September 9 set as a festival for the elderly, cleverly combining traditional and modern, become respect for the elderly, and love for the elderly, help the elderly Festival. This year the festival is coming. For you, Chung Yeung Festival plan how had it? If you are a young person and Chung Yeung Festival this day you may gave the mom and dad a gift, or to travel, relax mood; or make a phone call to the home, let the warm greetings, a heart warming gift. If you are an old man, you may have been a group of sympathy, or be invited to participate in activities. Then Festival ended, but we do not like meishiren as the how how lead, must continue to show respect for the elderly, care for the elderly, care for the elderly. Countries of the provisions of the Chung Yeung Festival this day is a festival for the elderly, the purpose of which is to use this to carry out activities to allow people to set up the consciousness of respecting. The country has established a general acceptance of the festival, the important purpose is to remind the whole society for a certain thing, and not the only thing to do is to do. Any activity that wants to be able to get the effect to be able to maintain a long enough time to show its significance. In fact, the elderly are very simple, the park for a walk with the company, the weekend to go home for dinner, the phone call, can make them feel very satisfied and happy. Parents should not only on this day, but also to remind himself, usually elderly care enough. It is a year the Double Ninth Festival, from now let us more to care for the elderly, it is meaningful to the festival. 九九重阳,因为与“久久”同音,九在数字中又是数,有长久长寿的含意。1989年,我国把每年的九月九日定为老人节,传统与现代巧妙地结合,成为尊老、敬老、爱老、助老的老年人的节日。 今年的重阳节即将来临。对于你来说,重阳节计划怎么过呢?如果你是年轻人,重阳节这天你可能是送给了爸爸妈妈一份礼物,或者带


介绍国庆节英语作文关于国庆节的英语作文国庆节 National Day Holidays National Day is ing,and we can have a seven-day。My family are going to Hainan。It's a good seaside city。We are staying there for a week。 We are going to the beach and going swimming in the sea。We're visiting Tianya Haijiao,Wanquan River and many other beautiful places。I think we'll have a good time there。 国庆节来了,我有七天的假期。我们一家去海南。那是一个美丽的海滨城市。我们在那里待上一个星期。我们去沙滩,还在海里游泳。我们游览“天涯海角”,菀泉河还有别的许多好地方。我想我们在那里会玩得很开心。 An annual one National Day long vacation finally arrived,I go out with my father and mother, visit places of interest,enjoy the great culture of the motherland。 Stores the door hung balloons and colorful flags, red,yellow, green。。。

Is permeated with a festive atmosphere。 Inside is buzzing, carried out a series of promotional activities。 The street people mountain people sea, riding car also want to be a long queue for tickets。 Scenic visitors like a long dragon, countless。 .men, women, and children should enjoy, people took advantage of the holiday e out to play。 The parking lot, hotel, shopping mall must be very considerable。 National Day is a happy day, peoples living standards improve really fast。 In our motherland mothers arms。


高中圣诞节英语作文 Merry Christmas It was one of the last days before Christmas, and the as sistants in the large store had their hands full serving eager Christmas shoppers. At one counter an old lady was choosing gloves red ones for her daugher in law, light blue ones for her niece, pink ones for her grand daughter, green ones for her sister and by the time she had found what she wanted, the counter was covered with pairs of all colors and sizes. When the salesgirl had finally written out the bill and was about to turn to the next customer with a tired voice. "Thank you very much, madam," the old lady suddenly cried out, "Oh, I almost forgot..."——"Anything else, madam?" said the girl, "Yes," began the old lady, "I'd like to buy another pair, but I' m not quite sure about what exactly I should cloose. I wonder if you could help me." "Certainly, madam", was the girl's reply. The old lady then went on to explain that what she was looking for was a pair of gloves for a girl of her age. She was not at ail sure what color to choose, and the design was a problem too. The tired girl did her best to help the old lady make up her mind, showing her ail kinds of gloves. At last the chosen pair of gloves were wrapped up and paid for as well, and as the girl was about to turn to the next customer, the old lady handed her a little parcel and


介绍万圣节的英文资料 篇一:中英文对照:万圣节的介绍 中英文对照:万圣节的介绍 中英文对照:万圣节的介绍 Halloween Halloween is an autumn holiday that Americans celebrate every year. It means "holy evening," and it comes every October 31, the evening before All Saints' Day. However, it is not really a church holiday, it is a holiday for children mainly. Every autumn, when the vegetables are ready to eat, children pick large orange pumpkins. Then they cut faces in the pumpkins and put a burning candle inside. It looks as if there were a person looking out of the pumpkin! These lights are called jack-o'-lanterns, which means "Jack of the lantern". The children also put on strange masks and frightening costumes every Halloween. Some children paint their faces to look like monsters. Then they carry boxes or bags from house to house. Every time they come to a new house, they say,"Trick or treat! Money or eat!" The grown-ups put treat-money or candy in their bags. Not only children, but most grown-ups also love Halloween and Halloween parties because on this day,they can disguise themselves as personages or ghost as their imaginations will lead them. This bring them the satisfaction of being young. 万圣节前夕 万圣节前夕是美国人年年都会庆祝的秋季节日。它的意思是“神圣的夜晚”,在每年的 10 月 31 日, 也就是万圣节前夜。 但实际上这不是一个真正的宗教节日, 而主要是孩子们的节日。 每年秋天蔬菜成熟可以食用的时候,孩子们就会挑出大个儿的橙色南瓜。然后在南瓜上 刻上一张脸,把一根点燃的蜡烛放在里面。看起来就好像有人在向南瓜外面张望。这些灯就叫 做“iack-o'-lantems”,意思也就是“杰克的灯”。 每年万圣节前夕孩子们还戴上奇怪的面具,穿上吓人的服装。有些孩子把脸刷成怪物。 然后他们拿着盒子或袋子挨家挨户串门。每来到一个新房子他们就说:“不款待就捣乱!给钱还 是吃的!”大人们就会把用来招待的钱或糖放在他们的袋子里了。 不仅孩子,许多成年人也喜欢万圣节前夕和万圣节前夕晚会。因为这一天 他们可以根据自己的想象把自己装扮成名流或幽灵。这会带给他们年轻的快感。 篇二:万圣节的英文介绍 11 月 1 日万圣节英文:Hallowmas,南瓜是万圣节的代表。 10 月 31 日是万圣夜英文:Halloween,华语地区常将万圣夜称为万圣节。 1 / 8


关于重阳节的英语作文(带翻译) 【篇一】 Nine nine Chongyang, as with the "long" is a homonym, in the nine figures is the largest number, the meaning of life for a long time. In 1989, our country the annual September 9 set as a festival for the elderly, cleverly combining traditional and modern, become respect for the elderly, and love for the elderly, help the elderly Festival. This year the festival is coming. For you, Chung Yeung Festival plan how had it? If you are a young person and Chung Yeung Festival this day you may gave the mom and dad a gift, or to travel, relax mood; or make a phone call to the home, let the warm greetings, a heart warming gift. If you are an old man, you may have been a group of sympathy, or be invited to participate in activities. Then Festival ended, but we do not like meishiren as the how how lead, must continue to show respect for the elderly, care for the elderly, care for the elderly. Countries of the provisions of the Chung Yeung Festival this day is a festival for the elderly, the purpose of which is to use this to carry out activities to allow people to set up the consciousness of respecting. The country has established a general acceptance of the festival, the important purpose is to remind the whole society for a certain thing, and not the only thing to do is to do. Any activity that wants to be able to get the effect to be able to


一篇关于国庆节的英语作文 Among so many festivals, National Day is a vital special one. It is a festival to memorize the state itself, in other words, it is the birthday of China, so it is also the birthday of every Chinese. In October 1, 1949, our nation announced to be independent officially. Thus, since then we start to make October 1 be our National Day. As we mentioned, National Day is a festival for the whole people. Everyone will have a- seven days off from work or study, except for some special industry, because we can’t mak e everything stopped. This special holiday makes everyone remember this special day. Meanwhile, the purpose of this festival to show the power, confidence, cohesion, and patriotism of the whole Chinese citizen achieve. How to celebrate this festival is an important part. For the nation herself, she is not only gives us a-seven days off, but also does many things for us. Such as, hold the huge ceremony-military review; encourage people from all areas to hold ceremonies; issue highway free policy; open some scenic spots to the public and so on. Anyway, enjoy this festival beyond to everyone! Happy National Day! 【翻译】 在众多的节日中,国庆节是非常特殊的一个节日。这是一个纪念国家 本身的节日,换句话来说,这是中国的生日,所以这也是每个中国人 的生日。我们国家在1949年10月1日正式宣布独立。所以,从那时 起我们就开始把10月1日定为国庆节。 正如我们提到的,国庆节是一个全民性的节日。所以除了一些 特殊行业的人之外,因为我们不可能使所有的事情的停滞的,所有人


今天为大家推荐一篇关于圣诞节起源的英语作文,附有中文翻译,供参考—— The name Christmas is short for "Christ's Mass". A Mass is a kind of Church service. Christmas is a religious festival. It is the day we celebrate as the birthday of Jesus. There are special Christmas services in Christian churches all over the world. But many of the festivities of Christmas do not have anything to do with religion. Exchanging gifts and sending Christmas cards are the modern ways of celebrating the Christmas in the world. The birth of Jesus had a story: In Nazareth, a city of Galilee. The virgin's name was Mary was betrothed to Joseph. Before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. Joseph her husband was minded to put her away secretly. While he thought about these things, Gabriel, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and told him did not be afraid to take Mary as wife. And Mary will bring forth a Son, and he shall call his name, Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. Before Jesus births, Joseph and Mary came to Quintus was governing Syria. So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city. Joseph also went up out of Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and of the lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 万圣节的英文单词 篇一:万圣节英语词汇 mummy木乃伊witch巫师devil恶魔bat蝙蝠blackcat 黑猫ghost鬼spider蜘蛛pirate海盗vampire吸血鬼skeleton骷髅clown小丑fairy精灵 万圣节:halloween 南瓜:pumpkin 糖果:candy 妖精:goblin 骨头:bones 巫婆:witch 巫师:warlock witch女巫 halloweencostume万圣节服装 skeleton骨架 bat蝙蝠 mask面具

grimReaper死神 spiderweb蜘蛛网 treatortrick不请吃就捣蛋"(指万圣节孩子们挨家逐 户要糖果等礼物,如不遂愿便恶作剧一番的风俗。) Jack-o-lantern在十月三十一日爱尔兰的孩子们用土 豆和罗卜制作“杰克的灯笼”,他们把中间挖掉、表面上打洞并在里边点上蜡烛。为村里庆祝督伊德神的万圣节,孩子们提着这种灯笼挨家挨户乞计食物。?这种灯笼的爱尔兰名字是“拿灯笼的杰克”或者“杰克的灯笼”,缩写为 Jack-o-lantern?在拼写为jack-o-lantern。 万圣节了,虽然是西方的节日,不过我们也不妨凑凑热闹,开个halloweenparty!party上当然有很多装饰挂件,那么这些万圣节装饰物的英文你是否知道呢? jack-o-lantern 南瓜灯 spider 蜘蛛 bat 蝙蝠 fog 雾 witch

女巫 broom 扫帚 blackcat 黑猫 ghost 鬼魂 moon月亮owl猫头鹰 candle蜡烛 candy糖果 skeleton骷髅 vampire吸血鬼 werewolf狼人 demon魔鬼 篇二:万圣节相关英语词汇 大家普遍认为10月31日是万圣节,实际上这并不是完全正确。更确切地说,10月31日的晚上称作万圣节前夜(TheeveofAllhallows)或是万圣节之夜(TheeveofAllsaintsDay),因为11月1日是天下圣徒之日(AllhallowsDay),只不过为了方便,逐渐演变成了万圣节(halloween)。最近几年,万圣节在国内变得流行起来,但是有些有关万圣节的小知识,却并没有很多人知道。我们来


关于重阳节英语作文带翻译5篇 一年一度的九九重阳节马上就要到了,下面小编为大家提供了重阳节的英语作文,希望对你有帮助。 重阳节的英语作文一: In ancient times, people called the six Yin number, nine known as Yang number. September 9 this day, two together called Double Ninth Festival, the day also called festival for the elderly, is our country a long history of the festival. After this afternoon, I and my classmates are on duty, 43 bus ride home. The car is very crowded, I can not easily find a seat, a bottom seat, you can have a good rest for a while. However, the car just after a stop, there is a old man on the train, he probably slightly hunched, over sixty. I immediately thought to give seats to the old, but thought, he managed to sit down, let the pity. How do ah? In the end is to let do not let? I think, as a young pioneer, if lets me not, then how to the front of my red scarf?? cant think, I must let. So I stood up and said: Grandpa, you come to sit! I saw my grandfather smiled, then slowly sat down, and said to me: really good boy!. Although I lost a seat for me to rest, but I got the words of


关于国庆节的高中英语作文 "Celeberate The 55TH National Day Chinese people will welnete the 55th National Day two days later,October 1th.In Beijing,the Tiananmen square is decorated by more than 300,000 pots of flowers,the Chairman Maos old icon is changed by a new one hanging on the Tiananmen Building.In Nanjing,sweet-scented osmanthus festival,misty rain culture festival in Mochou Lake,barbecue festival in Gulin Park will be held during the National Day.In Chongqing,more than 2,000 of lights on bridge are renewed to welnete the National Day.During the National Day period,Raising the national falg ceremony,a concert of national music and an exhibition of patriotic films will be held in Hangzhou,Zhejing Province." Happy National Day! National Day It is known to everyone:Oct,1st is our National Day.At this day I went to street and saw something.Now I will tell you! At 8:00 I got up and went bus station with my mother .O my god there were so many people!With difficult we got up the bus and felt very crowed.The traffic was so bad too!I cost nearly 1 hour that we arrived the center of street. " What were worse there were even more people!In my opinion it was not very interesting to nete out at this day!Nest time


圣诞节的英语作文范文4篇 That was the first time that I celebated Christmas Day、 My friend aksed me to take part in Christmas party、 At the party we danced and celebrated with carols、 I knew some new friends、 We exchanged gifts and said best wishes to each other、 I had a pleasant time、Christmas is the biggest festival in the western world, which people all over the Christian countries celebrate、 It is on the25th day of each December、Christians consider it as the birthday of Jesus Christ、But now many customs and habits are beyond religious meaning, The Christmas season begins five or six weeks before the exact holiday、 There is always a shopping boom during this period、So it’s really a happy season for shop owners、 bout foreign culture、 it was christmas day yesterday、 we had a christmas party at school、 many friends of mine came to the party、after we said”merry christmas”, we began to sing christmas songs, such as edelweiss, andso on、 then we told some christmas stories, such as christmas father、 then i danced and laughted with my friends、 we
