牛津英语 A单词表 完整版

牛津英语 A单词表 完整版
牛津英语 A单词表 完整版


Unit 1

1. adj.金的;金色的golden

2. n.王冠crown

3. n.(pl.)奥运会Olympics

4. n.同意;应允agreement

5. n.证实;confirmation

6. n.罐pot

7. v.不能肯定;对……无把握doubt

8. adj.真的,正宗的real

9. n.真相;实情truth

10. v.好像;似乎seem

11. v.解决;处理solve

12. v.装满;注满fill

13. n.碗;盆bowl

14. v.取代;替代displace

15. det.(与不可数名词连用)较少的;更少的less

16. n.金属metal

17. adj.确定的;肯定的certain

18. n.监狱;牢狱prison

19. n.拳击(运动)boxing

20. n.赛马(运动)racing

21. n.摔跤运动wrestling

22. v.(用手或器具)击;打hit

23. adj.勇敢的;无畏的brave

24. n.标点符号punctuation

25. adj.准确无误的;正确的correct

26. n.错误mistake


27. (对某人或事物)满意的(be) happy with

28. 用……把……装满fill ..with…

29. 溢出run over

30. 把……关进监狱send…to prison

31. 确保;设法保证make sure

Unit 2

1. n.聪明人;富有才智的人mind

2. n.天文学家astronomer

3. n.天才genius

4. v.认为;觉得consider

5. n.理解力;判断力sense

6. n.幽默humour

7. n.邀请invitation

8. n.学说;论;说theory

9. n.(综合性)大学university

10. n.乐事;快事pleasure

11. v.避开;避免avoid

12. n.讲座;演讲lecture

13. adv.在今夜;在今晚tonight

14. n.观众;听众audience

15. v.信任;依赖trust

16. n.座位seat

17. n.鼓掌;喝彩applause

18. adj.苍白的pale

19. n.成就;成绩achievement

20. n.宇宙universe

21. n.哲学家philosopher

22. v.服从;遵守obey

23. v.减少;缩小reduce

24. adv.精确地;准确地exactly

25. n.(故事,戏剧等中的)情节action


26. 幽默感sense of humour

27. 使……失望let…down

28. 单凭记忆;能背诵by heart

29. 坐下take a seat

30. 轻而易举without difficulty

31. 参加;加入join in

32. 丝毫不知道have no idea

33. 倒霉;处于困境(be) in trouble

34. 跟某人开玩笑,捉弄某人play a joke on sb.

35. 转折点turning point

36. 一系列 a series of

Unit 3

1. n.一顿饭meal

2. v.把自己的想法(或经历,感情)告诉


3. n.决定;抉择decision

4. n.[pl.]个人财产;私人物品possessions

5. v.要求;指望expect

6. adv.在国外;到国外abroad

7. n.商务;公事business

8. adj.个人的,私人的personal

9. v.安排;确定;决定set

10. n.女儿daughter

11. v.介意mind

12. adj.流行的;时髦的fashionable

13. n.流行款式;时兴式样fashion

14. adj.过时的out of date

15. v.(用熨斗)熨;烫平iron

16. n.公开活动event

17. v.(根据所知)认为suppose

18. adv.(用于否定词组后)也either

19. n.关系;联系relationship

20. v.邀请invite

21. v.需付费;价钱为cost

22. n. 类型;种类type


23. 帮着做help with

24. 出差(be) on business

25. 对……没有have no interest in unit 4

1. adj.在线的online

2. n.模特儿model

3. n.规定饮食(为健康或减肥等目的)diet

4. conj.虽然;尽管though

5. adj.很坏的;极讨厌的awful

6. v.懊悔regret

7. adj.惭愧;羞愧ashamed

8. n.情况;状况situation

9. n.[pl.](儿童)牙箍braces

10. v.厌恶;憎恶hate

11. n.优势advantage

12. adj.窘迫的;尴尬的embassassed

13. v.建议;提议suggest

14. adj.很生气;气愤mad

15. n.杂乱;不整洁mess

16. adj.使恼怒的;使生气的annoying

17. v.不及格fail

18. adj.粗心造成的careless

19. n.评论comment

20. n.要求;请求request

21. adj.有礼貌的polite

22. pron.没有一个;毫无none

23. n.考试exam


24. 节食(be) on a diet

25. 嘲笑;讥笑laugh at

26. 对……感到惭愧fell ashamed of

27. 让某人受不了drive sb. mad

28. 搞得一塌糊涂make a mess

29. 格格不入out of place

30. 与某人无关none of one's business

31. 收到某人的信件(或电子邮件,电话等)hear from

unit 5

1. n.赞扬;称赞praise

2. v.看,观看view

3. n.广播(或讲话等)稿script

4. n.导演director

5. n.化妆make-up

6. n.艺术家artist

7. n.演播室studio

8. n.比赛者contestant

9. prep.在……上upon

10. prep.在……中among

11. prep.向;朝onto

12. adv.向前forward

13. n.秒(时间单位)second

14. adj.放松的;冷静的relaxed

15. prep.领先ahead of

16. v.赢;打败(某人)beat

17. adj.平静的;安静的still

18. adj.仅有一个的;单个的single

19. n.胜利;成功victory

20. n.英格兰England

21. adj.幸运的;运气好的lucky

22. n.新闻报道news

23. n.民意调查survey


24. 楼层平面图floor plan

25. 达人秀talent show

26. 昏迷;失去知觉pass out

27. 保持静止;保持不动(的状态)keep still

28. 紧急出口emergency exit

29. 在工作日(周一至周五)on weekdays

unit 6

1. n.偏爱;喜爱preference

2. n.评价;评论review

3. n.豆;豆荚bean

4. n.牛肉beef

5. n.产品;制品product

6. n.蛋白质protein

7. n.汉堡包hamburger

8. n.一杯(或一罐,一瓶)可乐cola

9. n.三明治sandwich

10. n.色拉salad

11. adj.医疗的medical

12. n.脂肪fat

13. n.食糖sugar

14. v.说明state

15. adj.必需的;必要的necessary

16. n.研究;调查research

17. pron.大量,充足plenty

18. adj.通常的;寻常的usual

19. n.咖啡coffee

20. v.买(可享受的东西)treat

21. n.顾客customer

22. n.标题;题目title

23. v.提供serve

24. n.英镑pound

25. n.果馅饼;果馅派pie

26. n.炸薯条chip

27. n.服务service

28. v.(使)就座seat


29. 均衡饮食 a balanced diet

30. 乳制品dairy product

31. 离开;不接近stay away from

32. 油炸食物fried food

33. 软饮料(不含酒精)soft drink

34. 体格检查medical examination

35. 减肥lose weight

36. 大量;充足plenty of

37. 通常;大体上in general

38. 给自己买某物treat oneself to sth.

39. 愿意做某事(be) prepared to do sth. unit 7

1. n.冒险;冒险经历adventure

2. n.(长篇)小说novel

3. n.蛙;青蛙frog

4. n.[pl.]祝贺;恭贺congratulations

5. n.同情sympathy

6. n.汽船;轮船steamboat

7. n.蒸汽动力;蒸汽steam

8. n.作家writer

9. adj.滑稽有趣的;有幽默感的humorous

10. n.栅栏;篱笆fence

11. n.任务;工作task

12. n.码(长度单位)yard

13. n.木板board

14. v.查看;审视survey

15. n.进展progress

16. n.休息时间rest

17. n.遗憾;可惜pity

18. n.沉默;缄默silence

19. n.一段时间;一会儿while

20. adj.小心;谨慎careful

21. n.交易deal

22. n.涂料层;覆盖层coat

23. adj.著名的;闻名的celebrated

24. n.铅lead

25. n.故事情节plot

26. adj.懒惰的lazy

27. v.假装;佯装pretend


28. 休息一下have a rest

29. 想像到think of

30. 出现come along

31. 真可惜what a pity

32. 不停地做go on doing

33. 沉默地in silence

34. 过了一会儿after a while

35. 使翻转turn sth. Over

36. 诱使某人做某事trick sb. into doing sth. unit 8

1. n.礼物gift

2. n.毕业典礼graduation

3. n.分;分币cent

4. v.计算(或清点)总数count

5. v.买得起afford

6. n. 礼物present

7. n.膝,膝盖knee

8. n.招牌;标牌sign

9. n.[pl.]商品;货品goods

10. v.搜寻;查找search

11. n.链子chain

12. n.帐单bill

13. n.脚步声step

14. v.掏出draw

15. n.一套;一组set

16. n.(作为装饰物的)发插;梳子comb

17. v.控告;控诉accuse

18. n.美洲America

19. n.妻子wife

20. n.相册;影集album

21. n.笔记;记录note


22. 寻找;寻求look for

23. 终于;最终at last

24. 集中(目光,注意力等)于……fix…on

25. 递出hold out

26. 被控告……, 被指责……(be) accused of

27. 用……名字;以……假名under the name (of)教材p140页词汇:

1. 愚人节April Fool's Day

2. 母亲节Mother's Day

3. 木星Jupiter

4. 奥运会Olympics

5. 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》Romeo and Juliet

6. 土星Saturn

7. 《汤姆.索亚历险记》The Adventures of Tom


8. 元老院the Senate

9. 状语adverbial

10. 让步状语从句adverbial clause of


11. 选择疑问句alternative question

12. 补足语;补语complement

13. 直接宾语direct object

14. 形式主语empty subject

15. 感叹号exclamation mark

16. 句号full stop

17. 间接宾语indirect object

18. 宾语从句object clause

19. 问号question mark

20. 附加疑问成分question tag

21. 定语从句relative clause

22. 句子成分sentence element

23. 反意疑问句tag question
