

Syllabus for undergraduate of OUC

Course name: The Development and Management of Island Tourism Course time:36

Course teacher:Chen Juan

1.Course Overview:

The course includes the knowledge of the development and management of island tourism, guides students to think about the current situation and the future of island tourism and so on.

2.Student Learning Outcomes:

Students should understand relative concepts and theories of the development and management of island tourism. And then students can improve their abilities to solve problems.

3.Course Expectations:

Students must attend the class on time, participate in class discussion actively, hand in your paper on time finish your group work seriously.

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The first is the exordium. The second is island tourism resources. The next is the management of island tourism resources and scenic spot, the demand and development of island tourism market, the general situation of island tourism in the world, the general situation of island tourism in China, the development and management of uninhabited island tourism, the development and management of inhabited island tourism, the development and management of island ecotourism, the sustainable development of island tourism in turn.

5.Books To Purchase:

6.Grading Policy:

Regular grade accounts for 30%.

Course paper accounts for 70%.

7.Course Calendar:

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中英文论文参考文献标准格式 超详细

超详细中英文论文参考文献标准格式 1、参考文献和注释。按论文中所引用文献或注释编号的顺序列在论文正文之后,参考文献之前。图表或数据必须注明来源和出处。 (参考文献是期刊时,书写格式为: [编号]、作者、文章题目、期刊名(外文可缩写)、年份、卷号、期数、页码。参考文献是图书时,书写格式为: [编号]、作者、书名、出版单位、年份、版次、页码。) 2、附录。包括放在正文内过份冗长的公式推导,以备他人阅读方便所需的辅助性数学工具、重复性数据图表、论文使用的符号意义、单位缩写、程序全文及有关说明等。 参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识,具体如下: [M]--专著,著作 [C]--论文集(一般指会议发表的论文续集,及一些专题论文集,如《***大学研究生学术论文集》[N]-- 报纸文章 [J]--期刊文章:发表在期刊上的论文,尽管有时我们看到的是从网上下载的(如知网),但它也是发表在期刊上的,你看到的电子期刊仅是其电子版 [D]--学位论文:不区分硕士还是博士论文 [R]--报告:一般在标题中会有"关于****的报告"字样 [S]-- 标准 [P]--专利 [A]--文章:很少用,主要是不属于以上类型的文章 [Z]--对于不属于上述的文献类型,可用字母"Z"标识,但这种情况非常少见 常用的电子文献及载体类型标识: [DB/OL] --联机网上数据(database online) [DB/MT] --磁带数据库(database on magnetic tape) [M/CD] --光盘图书(monograph on CDROM) [CP/DK] --磁盘软件(computer program on disk) [J/OL] --网上期刊(serial online) [EB/OL] --网上电子公告(electronic bulletin board online) 很显然,标识的就是该资源的英文缩写,/前面表示类型,/后面表示资源的载体,如OL表示在线资源 二、参考文献的格式及举例 1.期刊类 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[J].刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号)起止页码. 【举例】 [1] 周融,任志国,杨尚雷,厉星星.对新形势下毕业设计管理工作的思考与实践[J].电气电子教学学报,2003(6):107-109. [2] 夏鲁惠.高等学校毕业设计(论文)教学情况调研报告[J].高等理科教育,2004(1):46-52. [3] Heider, E.R.& D.C.Oliver. The structure of color space in naming and memory of two languages [J]. Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 1999, (3): 62 67. 2.专著类


2015 级旅游管理专业人才培养方案 一、专业代码、招生对象与学制 (一)专业代码:640101 。 (二)招生对象:经全国普通高等学校招生考试,符合条件的普通高中毕业生。 (三)学制:三年。 二、培养目标本专业培养具有较高职业素养,熟悉旅游市场,掌握旅行社经营管理、导游讲解、接待服务、线路策划等职业技能,能够从事导游、计调、外联、旅行社管理、景区讲解、星级酒店服务与管理等工作的高端技术技能型人才。 三、人才培养规格 (一)素质结构 1 .基本素质 (1 )思想政治素质 热爱社会主义祖国,拥护党的基本路线,掌握马克思主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表” 重要思想以及科学发展观的基本原理,具有良好的思想品质。 (2)人文素质 对文学、哲学、历史、艺术等人文社会科学有一定了解,具有一定的文化品味、审美情趣和人文素养 3)心理素质

能正确面对困难、压力和挫折,具有积极进取、乐观向上和健康平和的心态。(4 )身体素质具有一定的体育运动和卫生保健知识,养成锻炼身体的习惯,掌握一定的运动技能,达到国家颁布的《学生体质健康标准》要求。 2.职业素质 (1)具有诚实守信、爱岗敬业的职业道德素质; (2)掌握旅游管理、导游服务、景区讲解和管理的基本知识和技能; (3)能胜任导游、旅游社管理、景区服务与管理工作,取得导游员资格证书。 (二)知识结构 1 .基础知识 (1 )掌握较扎实的科学文化基础知识; (2 )掌握马克思主义的基本理论和基本知识; (3)掌握人文、道德和法律基本理论和基本知识。 2.专业知识 (1)掌握计算机操作、管理信息系统的知识; (2)掌握经济学、管理学、市场营销等方面的知识; (3)掌握旅游法规方面的知识; (4)掌握旅行社经营管理的知识; (5)掌握导游接待和服务的知识。 3.专业拓展知识 1)掌握酒店前台、客房、餐饮相关的基础知识;


Asia 亚洲 The Himalayas 喜马拉雅山 Great Wall, China 中国长城 Forbidden City, Beijing, China 北京故宫 Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山 Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵 Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟 Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛 Borobudur, Indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠 Sentosa, Singapore 新加坡圣淘沙 Crocodile Farm, Thailand 泰国北榄鳄鱼湖 Pattaya Beach, Thailand 泰国芭堤雅海滩 Babylon, Iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹 Mosque of St, Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey 土耳其圣索非亚教堂Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山 Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵 Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟 Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛 Borobudur, Indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠 Sentosa, Singapore 新加坡圣淘沙 Babylon, Iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹 Africa 非洲 Suez Canal, Egypt 埃及苏伊士运河 Aswan High Dam, Egypt 埃及阿斯旺水坝 Pyramids, Egypt 埃及金字塔 The Nile, Egypt 埃及尼罗河 Nairobi National Park, Kenya 肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园


优秀英文个人简历模板范文 英文简历是求职者求职成功的开路先锋,那你知道英文简历该怎 么写吗?下面是由小编分享的英文版个人简历范文,希望对你有用。 英文版个人简历范文(一) Basic information Full name: xxx Height: 157cm University one is graduated from Jiangsu Normal University: Professional category: finance and Economics Contact telephone number: Gender: Female Weight: 47kg Graduation year: 20xx Specialty: Electronic Commerce Address: Xuzhou XX Road No. XX E-mail: age: 23 Marital status: single Highest level of Education: College Work experience: Graduates Job search intention job: civilian class (Assistant / Secretary / Administrative Assistant) Education experience

In 20xx -20xx year studying in Xuzhou Normal University Electronic commerce professional work experience no Internship experience Had the mobile phone sales, drinks promotions, campus agent and various forms of network of part-time. Accumulated certain experience, enhance personal communication. Training experience Skilled operation computer office software Self assessment Strong learning ability, good attitude adjustment. Honest, positive enterprising spirit and the team cooperation spirit, has the good communication skills, adaptable, eat bitter and difficult challenge. Optimistic and cheerful personality, interests, hobbies of dance and movement, friendly, has the certain organization management ability. To maintain the best condition in the work. 英文版个人简历范文(二) Name XXX mobil:139******** affiliation height Eductional systme degree of census register Professional secretary professional school graduate


Inventory management Inventory Control On the so-called "inventory control", many people will interpret it as a "storage management", which is actually a big distortion. The traditional narrow view, mainly for warehouse inventory control of materials for inventory, data processing, storage, distribution, etc., through the implementation of anti-corrosion, temperature and humidity control means, to make the custody of the physical inventory to maintain optimum purposes. This is just a form of inventory control, or can be defined as the physical inventory control. How, then, from a broad perspective to understand inventory control? Inventory control should be related to the company's financial and operational objectives, in particular operating cash flow by optimizing the entire demand and supply chain management processes (DSCM), a reasonable set of ERP control strategy, and supported by appropriate information processing tools, tools to achieved in ensuring the timely delivery of the premise, as far as possible to reduce inventory levels, reducing inventory and obsolescence, the risk of devaluation. In this sense, the physical inventory control to achieve financial goals is just a means to control the entire inventory or just a necessary part; from the perspective of organizational functions, physical inventory control, warehouse management is mainly the responsibility of The broad inventory control is the demand and supply chain management, and the whole company's responsibility. Why until now many people's understanding of inventory control, limited physical inventory control? The following two reasons can not be ignored: First, our enterprises do not attach importance to inventory control. Especially those who benefit relatively good business, as long as there is money on the few people to consider the problem of inventory turnover. Inventory control is simply interpreted as warehouse management, unless the time to spend money, it may have been to see the inventory problem, and see the results are often very simple procurement to buy more, or did not do warehouse departments . Second, ERP misleading. Invoicing software is simple audacity to call it ERP, companies on their so-called ERP can reduce the number of inventory, inventory control, seems to rely on their small software can get. Even as SAP, BAAN ERP world, the field of


个人简历| 各类奖学金、各种称号、各种职位中英文对照(一) 一、国家及校级奖项、称号 国家奖学金National Scholarship 国家励志奖学金National Encouragement scholarship 三好学生标兵Pacemaker to Merit Student 三好学生Merit Student 学习优秀生Model Student of Academic Records 突出才能奖Model Student of Outstanding Capacity 先进个人Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student 优秀工作者Excellent staff 优秀学生干部Excellent Student Cadre 优秀共青团员Excellent League Member 优秀毕业生Outstanding Graduates 优秀志愿者Outstanding V olunteer 先进班集体Advanced Class 优秀团干Outstanding League Cadres 学生协会优秀干部Outstanding cadres of Student Association 学生协会工作优秀个人Outstanding Individual of Student Association 精神文明先进个人Spiritual Advanced Individual 社会工作先进个人Advanced Individual of Social Work 文体活动先进个人Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities 道德风尚奖Ethic Award 精神文明奖High Morality Prize 最佳组织奖Prize for The Best Organization 突出贡献奖Prize for The Outstanding Contribution 工作创新奖Prize for The Creative Working 团队建设奖Prize for The Team Contribution 二、各系比赛与奖项 外语系(Foreign Language Department): 话剧比赛Drama competition 英语演讲比赛English Speech Contest 八系辩论赛Eight Departments Invitational Debate Competition 黑板报设计大赛Blackboard Poster Design Contest PPT设计大赛Courseware Design Competition 文明宿舍Outstanding Dormitory OK杯篮球比赛OK Cup for Basketball Game 我心飞扬歌唱比赛“My Heart Flies” Singing Competition 中文系( Department of Chinese Language and Literature): 诗歌朗诵比赛Poetry Recitation Contest 诗歌创作比赛Poetry Creation Contest

法国旅游景点英文 Paris

法国巴黎Paris 拉法叶购物中心Galeriers Lafayette 排水系统Sewer System 香榭丽舍大街Avenue des Champs Elysees 蓬皮杜艺术中心The Pompidou Center 击剑fencing swords 酿酒葡萄园vineryard 法国是一个浪漫迷人的国家,也是世界最多游客前往的国家,巴黎是世界最多游人的都市,那充满品味的花都令人百游而不腻,但如果你认识法国只是巴黎,那你会损失很多,穿梭法国,深入一些鲜为人认识而又迷人的胜景,隆河阿尔卑斯迷人的胜地令神仙也心驰神往,碧水丹崖的科西嘉、奢华的罗亚尔河谷、神秘的中央山地、碧水蓝天的蔚蓝海岸、充满原始美态的庇里牛斯山、酒香弥漫的美酒之乡、熏衣草之乡的普罗旺斯、热闹迷人的尼斯华及芒果柠檬节,更有法国名厨 英文名称:Eiffel Tower 法文名称:La tour Eiffel 别称:巴黎铁塔 设计者:亚历山大·居斯塔夫·埃菲尔(Alexandre Gustave Eiffel) 建设用途:餐厅、观景 建设地点:法国巴黎战神广场 开工时间:1887年1月27日 竣工时间:1889年3月31日

埃菲尔铁塔120岁生日亮灯 埃菲尔铁塔从1887年起建,分为三楼,分别在离地面57.6米、115.7米和276.1米处,其中一、二楼设有餐厅,第三楼建有观景台,从塔座到塔顶共有1711级阶梯,共用去钢铁7000吨,12000个金属部件,259万只铆钉,极为壮观。编辑本段文化象征 1889年5月15日,为给世界博览会开幕式剪彩,铁塔的设计师居斯塔夫·埃菲尔亲手将法国国旗升上铁塔的300米高空,由此,人们为了纪念他对法国和巴黎的这一贡献,特别还在塔下为他塑造了一座半身铜像。 巴黎: 跨塞纳河两岸,为法国第一大城市和举世闻名的旅游大城。 1)巴黎圣母院(Notre Dame de Paris) 巴黎圣母院始建1163年,前后历时四百年才完工,是哥德式教堂的代表,精雕细凿,颇有鬼斧神工之能,尤其是正门三个大拱门上的浮雕,共有千余人物,非常细致。巴黎圣母院内部装璜,严谨肃穆,但以彩色玻璃窗的设计最吸引人,其中有长有圆有长方,但以其中一个圆形为最,它的直径有九公尺,俗称「玫瑰玻璃窗」,第二次世界大战期间,巴黎人很怕德国人把它抢走,所以拆下来藏起来了。自巴黎圣母院完工之后,屡经风霜、战争与破坏,目前见到的已是几度重修了。不过它的传奇几乎等同于巴黎的盛名,雨果的「钟楼怪人」就是以它为舞台,脍炙人口的小说人人爱看,连迪士尼也把它改拍成卡通,卡通里把圣母院的飞扶壁及怪兽出水口画得唯妙唯肖呢。 巴黎圣母院始建于1163年,完成于1345年,是世界上哥特式建筑中最庄严、最完美、最富丽堂皇的典型。它不仅以其庄严和谐的建筑风格著称,且因其内部有关《圣经》故事的雕刻和绘画及彩色玻璃装饰等引人入胜。其中有亚当、夏娃的塑


云南旅游景点英文介绍 本文介绍了云南景点:西双版纳(Xishuangbanna)以及香格里拉(Shingri-La)两个云南景点,作文地带还在进一步完善当中,请关注… 云南旅游-香格里拉英文(英语)导游词(旅游景点介绍) In the year 1893, James Hilton described an eternally peaceful and quiet place among mountains in the East—— "Shangri-La" in one of his novels for the first time. In the novel "Lost Horizon", an English diplomat Conway and his brother Gorge scattered the English citizens and helped them leave the dangerous region. On their way home, their plane was hijacked and fell down into the mountain in the Tibetan region. Some lucky survivors were taken to Shangri-la where Conway found lots of fantastic things in such a state founded nearly 200 years ago, in which the local people lived up to more than one hundred years old and lived peacefully and harmoniously with the other people, animals and everything here. The place was called "Shangri-La" by the local folks. James Hilton located "Shangri-La" in a mysterious valley which was surrounded by snowcapped mountains; near where there were snow-clad peaks, blue lakes, broad grassy marshlands, and lamaseries, Buddhist nunneries, mosques, Catholic Church, the human beings and the nature were in perfect harmony, several religions and varies of nationalities exited at the same time; the temples looked splendid in green and golden; though people contacted the outer world by caravan for a long time, many foreign experts and scholars had come here to investigate and remained much relics…… Obviously, that is not only a beautiful scenery, but also a kind of artistic conception. From Joozone_com. With the novel and the film coming out, Shangri-La became very famous in western countries. Later, a Chinese named GuoHuonian used the name of this place and set up "Shangri-La" Hotel Group which has become one of the most successful hotel group in the world. At the same time, people didn’t give up looking for the legendary Shangri-La. Up to the end of this century, they finally have found……。 After inspecting and proving on many aspects, people found that Diqing Prefecture, the only Tibetan region in Yunnan, China, has striking similarity with what’s described in the tale regarding either on natural scenery or people’s way of living. Therefore, the name of "Diqing Shangri-La" spreads worldwide. 云南景点介绍:XishuangbannaXishuangbanna is the southernmost prefecture of Yunnan Province. The prefecture is nicknamed Aerial Garden for its luxuriant and multi-layered primitive woods and tropical


优秀英文简历范本|英文简历范文 RESUME Kelly Wang Sex: Female Born: Oct.18, 1982 English:TEM8 Computer: Level-3 Nantong University Major: English Mob: 013055686022 Graduated: July, 2004 kellylighting@sohu Excellent Health EDUCATION 2000.9----2004.7 English Major in Nantong University Vice president of Student Union, Vice president of Singing Association of Foreign Language Department LANGUAGE LEVEL Good command of English, effective written and oral communication AWARD TEM 8----Band 8 certificate, BEC vantage -----Business English of Cambridge Award in the oral English competition in Nantong University. COMPUTER LEVEL Proficient in the operation of Excel, Word and such kind of office software effectively WORKING EXPERIENCE Sept 2003Feb, 2004 Jiangsu Provincial Publishing House Job title: Interpreter ( part time Job) Mar 2004Oct, 2005 ZheJiang Yongkang Vehicle CO.,LTD Job title: Senior Merchandiser Responsible for exploring export market, handling the whole project of exporting mini motorcycles, Establishing good business relationship with my foreign customers by e-business, Canton Fair and other channels Handle shipping documents and tax refund of all orders in export department Contracted with 2 new clients successfully after Canton Fair in October


英语毕业论文引用和参考文献格式 英语专业毕业论文引用和参考文献格式采用APA格式及规。 一、文中夹注格式 英语学位论文引用别人的观点、方法、言论必须注明出处,注明出处时使用括号夹注的方法(一般不使用脚注或者尾注),且一般应在正文后面的参考文献中列出。关于夹注,采用APA格式。 (一)引用整篇文献的观点 引用整篇文献(即全书或全文)观点时有两种情况: 1.作者的姓氏在正文中没有出现,如: Charlotte and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of inspiration for writing (Taylor, 1990). 2. 作者的姓氏已在正文同一句中出现,如: Taylor claims that Charlotte and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of inspiration for writing (1990). 3. 如果作者的姓氏和文献出版年份均已在正文同一句中出现,按APA的规不需使用括号夹注,如: In a 1990 article, Taylor claims that Charlotte and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of inspiration for writing. 4. 在英文撰写的论文中引用中文著作或者期刊,括号夹注中只需用汉语拼音标明作者的姓氏,不得使用汉字,如:(Zhang, 2005) (二)引用文献中具体观点或文字 引用文献中某一具体观点或文字时必须注明该观点或者该段文字出现的页码出版年份,没有页码是文献引用不规的表现。 1.引用一位作者的文献 (1)引用容在一页,如: Emily Bronte “expressed increasing hostility for the world of human relationships, whether sexual or social” (Taylor, 1988:11). (2)引用容在多页上,如: Newmark (1988:39-40) notes three characteristically expressive text-types: (a) serious imaginative literature (e.g. lyrical poetry); (b) authoritative statements (political speeches and documents, statutes and legal documents, philosophical and academic works by acknowledged authorities); (c) autobiography, essays, personal correspondence (when these are personal effusions).


旅游管理专业个人简历表 个人基本信息 姓名:国籍:中国 目前所在地:广州民族:汉族 户口所在地:广东省身材:175cm64kg 婚姻状况:未婚年龄:27岁 培训认证:诚信徽章: 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型:普通求职 工作年限:1职称:无职称 求职类型:全职可到职-随时 月薪要求:面议希望工作地区:广州 2005.4在广东迎宾馆实习。实习期间主要任西餐厅服务员和相关翻译工作。 2004.7担任旅游管理系惠东三下乡服务队宣传副队长,组织完成下乡调研宣传组相关工作。 最高学历:本科毕业-2006-07-01 所学专业一:旅游管理所学专业二: 受教育培训经历:2002.9-2006.7华南师范大学旅游管理系 1999.9-2002.7电白县第一中学 1996.9-1999.7电白县广南中学 主修课程:

获奖情况: 2003-2004年度华师范大学校文体活动积极分子 2004-2005学年度华师范大学大学优秀学生干部称号 语言能力 外语:英语优秀 国语水平:良好粤语水平:良好 工作能力及其他专长 英语水平: 能熟练的进行听、说、读、写。能够撰写和回复英文信函,能运用网络查阅相关英文资料并能及时予以翻译。 其他特长: 详细个人自传 本人为人坦诚,认真,善于思考,具有很好的团队精神和沟通协调能力;虚心好学,能吃苦耐劳,学习能力强,乐于接受新的信息并勇于创新。乐观向上、积极进取,有很好的客户沟通和服务能力。 月薪要求:2500-3000元 个人联系方式 姓名:朱xx 性别:女 学历:大专 工作年龄:1年 出生年月:1994-3 民族:汉族

籍贯:xx 登记时间:2015/8/1717:03:29 最高学历:大专 毕业学校:xx职业技术学院 所学专业:旅游管理(酒店方向) 掌握外语:英语(一般) 教育经历: 2012年九月至2015年六月,xx职业技术学院,旅游管理专业偏向酒店方向工作年龄:1年 能力与专长: 吃苦耐劳。 工作经历: 个人简介: 本人性格双向。意向于文职类的工作。具有责任心,工作积极认真。 希望工资待遇:2000-3000元(¥)希望工作类型:全职希望工作地点:xx镇意向提交时间:2015/9/25 其它工作要求: 上班时间固定。国家法定节假日通休的。有保险 我的自荐书: 对工作认真负责。 希望工作类型贰:行政/人事文员 希望工资待遇:2000-3000元(¥)希望工作类型:全职希望工作地点:xx镇意向提交时间:2015/9/18


法国旅游心得 法国是全世界的游客都想去的国家,在法国旅游感受普罗旺斯的浪漫,是人生一大幸事。想要知道有什么关于法国的攻略心得吗?以下为你带来法国旅游心得分享,希望对你有所帮助! 法国旅游心得分享篇1 我的法国旅游心得,要从那天的尖叫中开始写起。 刺猬游乐园,对法国来说,是很有名气的游乐园。不论男女老少,都适合来这边玩耍。但是,可能有的人会有疑惑了,怎么老人也适合在游乐园玩耍?那不是一件特别危险的事吗?刚开始的时候,我也是同样的不理解。但是去过那边以后,我的问题就不再是问题了,而且我还会鼓励一家老小一起去呢。在刺猬游乐园,确实玩的很开心,很高兴。里面有很多刺激性的节目和活动,对于身体健康的成年人来说,是再好不过了。可以自由的享受刺激感带来的超越自我的感觉。 无论是在高空中自由的坠落,还是三百六十度的大旋转,都会让你嗨到最高点,你甚至会感觉自己就是在一个神奇世界的高空中行走。这种感觉,会不断的带着你去"冒险",不断想要尝试不同的活动。对于小孩而言,也是可以玩的很高兴的地方。他们设计很多不同的游戏,对于小孩子们玩得来说,自然惊险度肯定是大大降低了的。有些甚至是,没有任何惊险的,这样也可以满足那些想要玩耍但是胆子又比较小的小朋友。问题是,去了以后,恐怕家里的小孩就不愿意回家了,就像一直不停的玩。我们家的小孩是我费力九牛二虎之力,才还不容易把他从刺猬游乐园拉出来的。

作为大人而言,实在对小孩于心不忍,但是出去玩也是没有办法的啊。对于老人而言的话,来这边也是可以的。因为刺猬游乐园的环境很好,空气清新。在游乐园里种了很多的绿树,而且还有很多的大树是很有年纪了的。赶上夏天炎热的时候,坐在树下乘凉,别提多舒服呢。老人家在这边休闲是很不错的选择。而且,这里会安排有表演,老人不想到处跑着玩,当然也不能去玩,可以去看这边专门安排的表演,也是很不错的一种享受哦。 而且这里也有很多人性化的涉及,能够让老人家参与进来。刺猬游乐园确实是一个很不错的地方。我庆幸自己把这里选择了我在法国旅游的第一站。 让家里的人都能感受到法国游玩的乐趣。也是啊,你看我在回忆我的法国旅游心得,单单的这个刺猬游乐园就占据了我心里这么重要的位置,所以它的好也是可以看出的。下次再去法国,一定会再去刺猬游乐园玩的。 法国旅游心得分享篇2 我觉得傍晚时刻的普罗旺斯是最美丽、最浪漫的时候。因为那里有遍地的薰衣草,人们都知道薰衣草这种花,但是当我站在漫山遍野的薰衣草钱,我被眼前迷人的景象深深地吸引着。那时我就觉着世界上最美丽的地方应当就是此处了。望着眼前寂静的峡谷,蜿蜒曲折的山脉,苍凉而又沧桑的古堡,无不在这片南法大地上演绎着他独有的风情。点击查询法国旅游攻略。 那时候是八月份,正直薰衣草迎风绽放,展现他那独特的魅力的


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J——期刊文章 N——报纸文章 M——专著 更多请看下面: 参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识,具体如下: M——专著C——论文集N——报纸文章J——期刊文章D——学位论文R——报告S——标准P——专利A——文章 对于不属于上述的文献类型,采用字母“Z”标识。 常用的电子文献及载体类型标识: 〔DB/OL〕——联机网上数据(database online) 〔DB/MT〕——磁带数据库(database on magnetic tape) 〔M/CD〕——光盘图书(monograph on CDROM) 〔CP/DK〕——磁盘软件(computer program on disk) 〔J/OL〕——网上期刊(serial online) 〔EB/OL〕——网上电子公告(electronic bulletin board online) 参考文献著录格式 1 期刊作者.题名[J].刊名,出版年,卷(期):起止页码 2 专著作者.书名[M].版本(第一版不著录).出版地:出版者,出版年.起止页码 3 论文集作者.题名[C].//编者.论文集名.出版地:出版者,出版年. 起止页码 4 学位论文作者.题名[D].保存地点:保存单位,年份 5 专利文献题名[P].国别,专利文献种类,专利号.出版日期 6 标准标准编号,标准名称[S] 7 报纸作者.题名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次)

8 报告作者.题名[R].保存地点:年份 9 电子文献作者.题名[电子文献及载体类型标识].文献出处,日期 二、文献类型及其标识 1.根据GB3469 规定 ①期刊[J] ②专著[M] ③论文集[C] ④学位论文[D] ⑤专利[P] ⑥标准[S] ⑦报纸[N] ⑧技术报告[R] 2.电子文献载体类型用双字母标识,例如: ①磁带[MT]②磁盘[DK]③光盘[CD]④联机网络[OL] 3.电子文献载体类型的参考文献类型标识方法为:[文献类型标识/载体类型标识 例如:①联机网上数据库[DB/OL]②磁带数据库[DB/MT]③光盘图书[M/CD]④磁盘软件[CP/DK]⑤网上期刊[J/OL]⑥网上电子公告[EB/OL]
