2016届高考英语 120个经典替换词

2016届高考英语 120个经典替换词
2016届高考英语 120个经典替换词





1. Important=crucial a.至关紧要的(extremely important), significant (amount or effect large enough to be important)

2. Common=universal a.普遍的, ubiquitous adj.普遍存在的(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere)

3. Abundant=ample (enough and usually extra), plentiful (enough for people’s needs and wants)

4. Stick=adhere a.粘附, cling (hold on something tightly)

5. Neglect v.忽视=ignore. (Difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.)

6. Near=adjacent (two things next to each other), adjoin (the same as adjacent)

7. Pursue=woo (man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek (if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL)

8. Accurate=precise (precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact (correct in every detail)

9. Vague a.含糊的=obscure (unknown or known by only a few people)

10. Top=peak, summit

11. Competitor=rival, opponent (especially in sports and politics)

12. Blame n. /vt.责备,过失 =condemn (if you condemn something, you say it is very bad and unacceptable)

13. Opinon=perspective, standpoint (means looking at an event or situation in a particular way)

14. Fame=prestige (describe those who are admired), reputation

15. Build=erect (you can erect something as buildings, FORMAL), establish

16. Insult n. /vt. 侮辱,凌辱=humiliate (do something or say something which makes people feel ashamed or stupid)

17. Complain=grumble (complain something in a bad-tempered way)

18. Primary=radical (very important and great in degree), fundamental

19. Relieve=alleviate (alleviate means you make pain or sufferings less intense or severe)

20. Force=coerce sb into (coerce means you make someone do something s/he does not want to), compel

21. Enlarge=magnify (magnify means make something larger than it really is)

22. Complex=intricate (if something is intricate, it often has many small parts and details)

23. Lonely=solitary a. 孤独的 (if someone is solitary, there is no one near him/her)

24. Small=minuscule (very small), minute

25. Praise=extol (stronger than praise), compliment (polite and political)

26. hard-working=assiduous (someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly)

27. Difficult=arduous (if something is arduous, it is difficult and tiring, and involves a lot of efforts)

28. Poor (soil) =barren n.荒地, infertile (used to describe the soil is so poor that plants cannot be planted on it)

29. Fragile=brittle a.易碎的,脆弱的, vulnerable (someone who is vulnerable is easily hurt emotionally or physically)

30. Show=demonstrate (to demonstrate a fact means to make it clear to people.)

31. Big=massive (large in size, quantity, or extent), colossal (use this word, you emphasize something is large), tremendous (INFORMAL)

32. avoid=shun(if someone shuns something, s/he deliberately a.故意的 avoid that something or keep away from it.)

33. Fair=impartial (someone who is impartial is able to give a fair opinion or decision on something.)

34. Attack=assault (physically attack someone), assail (attack violently)

35. Dislike=abhor (abhor means you hate something to a extreme extent for moral reasons), loathe (dislike very much)

36. ruin v.使破产,使毁灭 n.毁灭=devastate(it means damage something very badly, or utterly a.完全的,彻底的 destroy it.)

37. Disaster=catastrophe (a catastrophe is an unexpected event that cause great suffering and damages)

38. finally=eventually(especially after a lot of delays), ultimately adv.最后,终于(after complicated series of events)

39. Always=invariably (the same as always, but better than always)

40. Forever=perpetual (a perpetual state never changes), immutable (something immutable will never change or be changed)

41. Surprise=startle (it means surprise you slightly), astound (surprise you to a large degree), astonish (the same as astound)

42. Enthusiasm n.狂热,热心=zeal(a great enthusiasm), fervency(sincere a.诚挚,真诚and enthusiasm)

43. Quiet=tranquil (calm and peaceful), serene (calm and quiet)

44. Expensive=exorbitant (it means too expensive that it should be)

45.luxurious=lavish adj.浪费的 vt.浪费,慷慨给与(impressive and very expensive), sumptuous(grand and very expensive)

46. Boring=tedious (if you describe something tedious, you mean it is boring and frustrating)

47. Respect=esteem (if you esteem someone, you respect and admire v.赞美him/her. FORMAL)

48. Worry=fret (if you fret about something, you worry about it)

49. Cold=chilly a.寒冷的(unpleasantly cold), icy (extremely cold)

50. Hot=boiling (very hot)

51. Dangerous=perilous (very dangerous), hazardous (dangerous, especially to people’s safety and health)

52. Nowadays=currently

53. Only=unique (the only one of its kind), distinctive a.与众不同的

54. Stop=cease (if something ceases, it stops happening or existing)

55. Part=component (the components of something are the parts that it is made of)

56. Result=consequence (the results or effects of something)

57. Obvious=apparent, manifest a.显然的 58. Based on=derived from 得自, 由来, 衍生

58.Awful=nauseous (if something makes you nauseous, you want to vomit)

59. Remarkable=conspicuous (if something is conspicuous a.显著的, people can see or notice them very easily)

60. Quite=fairly

61. Pathetic=lamentable (very uncomfortable and disappointing)

62. Field=domain (a particular field of thought, activities or interest)

63. Appear=emerge (come into existence)

64. Whole=entire (the whole of something)

65. Wet=moist (slightly wet), damp (slightly wet), humid (very damp and hot) 66. Difficult=formidable

66.Happy=jovial (if someone is jovial, s/he is happy and behaves in a cheerful way)

67. Sad=inconsolable (extremely sad and cannot be comforted)

68. Change=convert (change into another form)

69. Typical=quintessential (this word means represent a typical example of something)

70. Careful=cautious (very careful in order to avoid danger), prudent (careful and sensible)

71. Ability=capacity, capability (the same as ability)

72. Strange=eccentric (if some one is eccentric, s/he behaves in a strange way, or his/her opinion is different from most people)

73. Rich=affluent (if you are affluent, you have a lot of money)

74. Use=utilize (the same as use)

75. Dubious=skeptical (if you are skeptical about something, you have doubts on it.)

76. Satisfy=gratify (if you are gratified by something, it gives you pleasure and satisfaction)

77. Short=fleeting, ephemeral (if something is ephemeral, it lasts a short time)

78. Scholarship=fellowship

79. Angry=enraged (extremely angry)

80. Smelly=malodorous (used to describe an unpleasant smell)

81. Ugly=hideous (if something is hideous, it is very ugly or unattractive)

82. Attractive=appealing (pleasing and attractive), absorbing (something absorbing can attract you a great deal)

83. Diverse=miscellaneous (a miscellaneous groups consists of many different kinds of things)

84. Disorder n.杂乱,混乱 v.扰乱=disarray v.混乱, chaos n.混乱,混沌

85. Crazily=frantically (used to describe someone who behaves in a wild and uncontrolled way)

86. Rapid=meteoric (ATTENTION: meteoric is only used to describe someone achieves success quickly)

87. Ordinary=mundane (very ordinary and not at interesting or unusual)

88. Despite prep.尽管=notwithstanding (FORMAL)

89. Best=optimal (used to describe the best level something can achieve)

90. Sharp=acute (severe adj.严厉的,剧烈的and intense)

91. Unbelievable=inconceivable (if you deem something inconceivable, you think it very unlike to happen)

92. Puzzle=perplex (something perplex someone means it confuses and worries him/her because he/she does not understand it)

93. Method=avenue (a way of getting something done)

94. Famous=distinguished (used to describe people who are successful in their career)

95. Ancient=archaic (extremely old and extremely old-fashioned)

96. Decorate=embellish (embellish means make something look more attractive via decorating it with something else)

97. Possible=feasible (if something is feasible, it can be done, made or achieved)

98. So=consequently, accordingly

99. Rare=infrequent (does not happen often)

100. Greedy=rapacious (greedy and selfish) 短语

101. In my opinion=from my perspective

102. Very much=a great deal

103. For example=to give a demonstration

104. However=as a matter of fact, it is the other way around

105. Agree with=uphold (support and maintain v.维持,主张)

106. be full of=be saturated with (be filled with sth completely)

107. By=via

108. According to=in the light of

109. When it comes to=in terms of

110. From a XXX perspective=in XXX sense

111. Find a job=land a job 112. Latest=up to date

112.Think over=contemplate (think carefully), ruminate on (think carefully)

113. Achieve a goal=attain an accomplishment

114. At the same time=simultaneously

115. At the start of=on the threshold of 在……的开头,在……的前夕

116. Certainly=to a certain extent

117. Without doubt=indubitably adv.无疑地118. In XXX means=via XXX avenue

119. Disagree with=be the last one to uphold 120. As fast as=apace with


高分作文必备 ①词汇篇 单词可以说一个人单词量的展现,如果总停留在使用very good 等小学词汇,那老师把你当成发育不完全也正常.所以要使用一些高级词汇(就象是给文章穿上了成人内衣),我不建议大家用考纲以外的词汇(当然你能用更好),下面教你用高级替换简单词汇~~ severe 替换掉serious(严重的)a severe water shortage严重缺水 wealthy 替换掉rich (富裕的) beneficial 替换掉good (有益的) undesirable 替换掉bad (不好的,不受欢迎的) nevertheless 替换掉however/but(然而,不过) fundamental / significant/vital /crucial 替换掉important(重要的) relevant 替换掉related (有关的)....is highly relevant to....... extraordinary/amazing 替换掉surprising (惊人的,非凡的) provided/providing (that)替换掉if (如果.....) on condition that 替换掉as long as promote /strengthen 替换掉improve (提高,加强) cope with 替换掉solve(解决) motivate 替换掉encourage(激励) pros and cons 替换掉advantages and disadvantage(s好处和坏处) --You must consider all the pros and cons of the matter before you


高考英语作文高级词汇替换 1.occur 替换think of Suddenly I had an idea that someone had broken into my house. → An idea occurred to me that someone had broken into my house. It occurred to me that someone had broken into my house. 2.devote替换spend He spends a ll his spare time in reading. → He devotes all his spare time to reading. 3.seek替换want / look for They sought ( wanted ) to hide themselves behind the trees. 4.average 替换ordinary I’m an average ( ordinary ) student. 5.but替换very The film we sa w last night was very interesting. → The film we saw last night was nothing but interesting. The film we saw last night was anything but boring. 6.seat 替换sit On his way to school, he found an old lady seated (sitting) by the road, looking worried. 7.suppose 替换should He is supposed to ( should ) have driven more slowly. 8.appreciate 替换thank


高考英语中高频近义词或同义词辨析 (1)grain; corn; crop grain:指稻、麦等谷类及其粒子。 corn:主要指大麦、小麦、燕麦、裸麦、玉蜀黍这5种谷物及其粒子。 crop:指谷物或果类等一年或一季的收成,也可指地里的农业作物或谷物。 Farmers grow grain and keep cattle. 农民种谷养牛。 He filled the barn to the roof with corn. 他将谷仓装满了谷物。 The main crop is wheat and this is grown even on the very steep slopes. 主要作物是小麦,就连很陡的坡地都种上了小麦。 (2)hurt; wound; injure; harm hurt:表示“肉体或情感上的痛苦,强调疼痛感”。 wound:表示“由于剑、刀、枪等锐器造成身体上较严重的外伤,特别是在战争中受伤”。injure:表示“指意外事故或偶发事件造成的伤害”。 harm: 表示“引起疼痛、痛苦或损失,其对象可以是自己,也可以是其他人或物”。Many people were hurt when a bus and a truck collided. 一辆公共汽车和一辆卡车相撞,许多人受了伤。 The soldier was wounded in the arm. 这个士兵的胳膊受伤了。 There were two people injured in the car accident. 有两个人在车祸中受了伤。 Getting up early won?t harm you! 早起对你没有坏处。 (3)affair; thing; matter; business affair:意为“事情、事件”, 含义较广,泛指已做或待做的事。复数affairs一般指商业事务及政府的日常事务,如财政管理、外交事务等。 thing:意为“事情、事物”,不管大事小事、好事坏事均称为thing,一般不能专指事务。复数things还可作“形势”解。 matter:重指须留心的要事或问题、难题。 business:作“事务、事情”解时,一般不能用复数,常常指所指派的任务、责任;有时说的是指派的工作或商业上的买卖活动。 (4)a great deal; a great deal of a great deal:用作名词,意为“大量”,“许多”,作主语、宾语;用作副词,意为“很”或“非常”,作状语,修饰动词或用来强调比较级。 A great deal has been studied and this is the best way. 经过大量研究后,这(被认为)是最好的办法。 a great deal of:意为“大量的”,“非常多的”,相当于much,作定语,后接不可数名词。 A great deal of time/money/energy has been spent on the project. 大量的时间/金钱/能源花在那个工程上了。 (5)at the time; at that time; at one time; at a time at the time:通常用于过去时句子中,指某件事情发生的“当时”、“那时” Many people saw the strange thing happen at the time.


★形容词: 1. 贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken .) 2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off 3. 优秀的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding 4. 积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous 5.消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental=evil= baneful =undesirable =harmful=inhumane(无人道的) 6. 明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest 7. 健康的: healthy = robust = sound = wholesome 8. 惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous 9. 美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching 10. 有活力的: energetic = dynamic = vigorous =animated 11. 流行的: popular = prevailing = prevalent= pervasive 12. 普遍的: everywhere=widespread=prevalent=overflow=rampant 13. 富有的: rich=wealthy=affluent 14. 贫穷的: poor=impoverished 15. 严重的:serious=severe (严厉的) 16. 便宜的:cheap=economical=inexpensive 17. 重要的:key=crucial=critical=important=significant=vital=substantial= indispensable=imperative 18. 急剧地:dramatically=drastically=sharply=hugely=enormously=steeply =substantially=considerably=significantly=markedly=surprisingly=strikingly=radically= remarkably=vastly=noticeably 19. 平稳地:steadily=smoothly=slightly=slowly=marginally=gradually=moderately= mildly 20. 有益的:useful=helpful=beneficial= profitable= rewarding= advantageous 21. 明显的:clear=obvious= evident= self-evident= manifest= apparent= crystal-clear ; ★动词: 1. 提高,加强:improve = enhance= advance=promote = strengthen = optimize 2. 引起:cause = trigger = endanger 3. 解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with=tackle=address(*)=handle 4. 拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate 5. 培养: develop = cultivate = foster = nurture=agriculture 6. 激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur 7. 认为:think = believe=insist=maintain=conclude=deem=assert= hold = claim = argue =be convinced=be firmly convinced=be fully convinced 8. 完成:complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve 9. 保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold= conserve 保护资源 10. 有害于,破坏,损害:destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize= break=damage=hurt=injure=harm=jeopardize=devastate (抽象)


高考英语作文高级词汇替换 英语作文的提高是个难点,如何让同学们在高考考场发挥出自己的英 语作文水平,写出较符合要求的佳作,需要平时的点滴的积累。下面,是高三小 编为你整理的高中英语作文高级词汇替换,希望对你有帮助! 1英语作文高级词汇替换1.occur替换thinkofSuddenlyIhadanideathatsomeonehadbrokenintomyhouse.Anideaoccurredto methatsomeonehadbrokenintomyhouse.Itoccurredtomethatsomeonehadbrokeninto myhouse.2.devote替换 spendHespendsallhissparetimeinreading.→Hedevotesallhissparetimetoreading.3.s eek替换want/lookforTheysought(wanted) tohidethemselvesbehindthetrees.4.average替换ordinaryI’manaverage(ordinary) student.5.but替换 veryThefilmwesawlastnightwasveryinteresting.→Thefilmwesawlastnightwasnothin gbutinteresting.Thefilmwesawlastnightwasanythingbutboring.6.seat替换sitOnhiswaytoschool,hefoundanoldladyseated(sitting) bytheroad,lookingworried.7.suppose替换shouldHeissupposedto(should) havedrivenmoreslowly.8.appreciate替换thankThankyouverymuchforyouhelp.→Weappreciateyourhelpverymuch./Yourhelpi smuchappreciated.9.thecase替换trueIdon’tthinkitisthecase(true).10.on替换assoonasAssoonashearrived,hebeganhisresearch.→Onhisarrival,hebeganhisresearch.. 1英语作文高级词汇替换连词篇:(介词,副词)


高考英语常用同义词辨析汇总 1. a good/great many(of)/a number of/a large quantity of/plenty of/a large amount of/a great deal of 2. a number of/numbers of/the number of. . . 3. abandon/desert

4. abolish/cancel 5. above all/first of all/at first 6. accuse/charge/blame/scold

7. acquire/obtain/gain/win/earn 8. adjust/adapt 9. adopt/adapt 10. agreement/contract/bargain

11. also/too/either/as well/besides/moreover 12. anxious/eager/keen 13. apart from/except/except for/except that/besides

14. argue/debate/discuss/quarrel 15. ashamed/shameful/shame 16. at ease/with ease

17. attempt/try/manage 18. attend/join/join in/take part in/participate in 19. average/common/ordinary/general/usual


英语六级写作常用词的高级词汇替换 一:许多 一提到“许多”,无数童鞋的脑海中第一时间浮现了一个词:"many",于是,阅卷老师心中可能如千万只神兽奔腾而过,初中词汇拿来糊弄我! 所以,为了避免阅卷老师的愤怒,我们可以用以下的词汇替换。 替换词NO.1:numerous 栗子:Scientific development meant the growth of numerous professions ancillary to medicine. 科技发展意味着许多医学衍生职业的增长。 替换词NO.2:a host of 栗子:The new e-books will include a host of Rough Guide titles. 新电子书将包括大量的简明指南。 替换词NO.3:a multitude of 栗子:There are a multitude of small quiet roads to cycle along. 有很多可以骑车的宁静小路。

二:不同的 提到“不同的”,别跟小编说你没想到"different"一词。。。这个词无形中把你的词汇量拉低,可能让阅卷老师暗中发出“英语(精品课)智障”的感叹。 所以为了减少阅卷老师对你智商的无限怀疑,请看下列几个替换词。 替换词NO.1:various 栗子:They've been living and working peacefully with members of various ethnic groups. 他们和不同民族的人们一起和睦地生活和工作。 替换词NO.2:a variety of 栗子:West Hampstead has a variety of good shops and supermarkets. 西汉普斯特德有各种各样不错的店铺和超级市场。 替换词NO.3:diverse 栗子:people from diverse cultures 不同文化背景的人 三:普遍的


.增补(Addition) in addition另外, furthermor e此外, again, also, besides, moreover此外, similarly, finally最后2.比较(Comparison) in the same way, likewise同样地, similarly, equally, in comparison比较起来, just as同样地3.对照(Contrast) whereas然而, in contrast与此相反, on the other hand, instead同样, however然而, nevertheless然而, unlike, even though即使, on the contrary, while 4.因果(Cause and effect) because, because of, for, since, due to, owing to, thanks to, as a result(of), accordingly, hence, so, thus 5.强调(Emphasis) certainly, above all, indeed, of course, surely, actually, as a matter of fact, chiefly, especially, primarily, in particular, undoubtedly, absolutely, most imprtant 6.让步(Concession) although, though, after all, in spite of, nevertheless, still, provided, while it is true.... 7.例证(Exemplification) for example, for instance, that is, namely, such as, in other words, in this case, by way of illustration. 8.总结(Conclusion) to sum up, to conclude, in a word, in short, in brief, all in all, in all, to put it in a nutshell, in summary 9.推断(Inference) therefore, as a result(of), consequently, accordingly, so, otherwise 10.时间和空间(Time and space) afterward, after, first, later, then, soon, outside, near, beyound, above, below, on the right(left), in the middle, opposite, in front of 11.启承转合 1)、启 A proverb says...... At present....... As the proverb says.... Currently..... Generally speaking, .... Now,.... In general, ..... On the Whole.... It is clear that.... Recently..... It is often said that.... Without doubt, ....... 2)、承 First(of all), ...... Moreover, ......... Firstly, ............ No one can deny that.... In the first place, ......... Obviously..... To begin with, ......... Of course, ......... Also, ....... Similarly,......... At the same time...... Therefore, we should realize that..... Certainly...... There is no doubt that....... In addition,..... What`s more, .......... In fact........ It can be easily proved that...


高中英语同义词100组 因为because, since, as, for 除了(还)besides, as well as, in addition to ,apart from 位于lie in, be located/situated in 分发hand out, give out, distribute 独自alone, by oneself, on one's own 经历undergo, experience, go through 优点advantage, strong points, strength 感激appreciate, be grateful/thankful to sb 免费for free, for nothing, free of charge 容纳admit, accommodate, contain, hold, seat 适合be suited to, be suitable for, be fit for 处理deal with, do with, cope with, handle, dispose of 记住keep/bear sth. in mind, leam sth. by heart 充当act as, serve as, work as , function as 确保see to it that, make sure that, ensure that 当心watch out, look out, take care, be careful 提前ahead of time, ahead of schedule, in advance 表明indicate, suggest, show, imply, make clear 大约about, some, around, or so, approximately 依靠depend on, rely on, be dependent on, count on 总计total to, come to, amount to, add up to, reach 熬夜stay up, sit up, be up late/far/deep into the night 考虑take account of, take sth. into account/consideration 建立establish, found, build, create, set up, put up 缺点disadvantage, weak points, weakness, drawback 说服talk/persuade sb. into doing sth., persuade sb. to do sth. 沮丧depressed, discouraged, blue, down, disappointed, upset 厌烦be bored with, be fed up with, be tired of, be sick of 偶然by chance, by accident, accidentally, once in a while 鉴于seeing that, given (that) , considering sth/that, in view of sth 发生happen, occur, come about, take place, go on, break out 控制keep/bring sth under control, take control of, have power over 立即in no time, at once, right away, straight away, immediately 替代replace, stand for, substitute for, take the place of, represent 尽管although, though, even though, while, despite, in spite of, as(倒装) 再三repeatedly, again and again, over and over (again), time and again, 如果providing (that),provided (that),on condition that, supposing that, given that 只要as long as, so long as 区分identify, tell/distinguish...from..., tell/distinguish the difference between... and... 首先first, firstly, first of all, in the first place, to begin/start with, for one thing 总之in short, in conclusion, to conclude, in a word, to sum up, on all accounts 完成fulfill, accomplish, finish, complete, get through with sth., go through with sth. 重视pay more attention to, lay/put/place emphasis on,attach importance/significance to

高考英语作文高分秘诀之高级词汇替换 免费版

在高考作文阅卷过程中,老师会对一些“高级”词汇尤为偏爱。但是,大多数同学根本不具备单词升级意识,一想到“好”,就是“good”;一想到“坏”,就是“bad”;一想到“美丽”就是“beautiful”。当老师一天批阅上千份“内容相同、语言低龄”的作文时,她的痛苦感受可想而知。 因此,你一定要避免这些“低能词汇”,让自己的词汇升级、升级再升级! 那么,什么样的单词最能够吸引阅卷老师的好感? 【原则一:晚词优先】 老师偏爱“学得晚”的单词,因为使用学得比较晚的单词,可以体现一个人“学以致用”的意识。如果一个意思既可以用初中单词来表达,又可以用高二、高三单词来表达,那尽量选择高 二、高三的单词,如: (1)Adj.困难的黯然低分词:difficult 闪光高分词:challenging 有挑战性的 (2)Adj.重要的黯然低分词:important 闪光高分词:vital 至关重要的;essential 必不可少的;significant 有重要意义的; (3)Adj.美丽的黯然低分词:beautiful 闪光高分词:appealing动人的;attractive吸引人的;charming迷人的;fascinating 迷人的注:以上五个词既能修饰人,又能修饰物,非常好用,务必记熟! 【原则二:短语优先】 在阅卷老师看来,活用短语是一个考生能力的体现。因此,我们可以掌握一些将某些常见单词转化为短语的用法,如: (4)v. 参加黯然低分词:join 闪光高分词:take part in (5)v. 使用黯然低分词:use 闪光高分词:make good use of (6)v. 拜访黯然低分词:visit 闪光高分词:pay a visit to 【原则三:“具体化”单词优先】 请先对比以下几组句子: 【例句1】I go to school everyday. 【例句2】I ride to school everyday. 在课堂上,笔者经常以这两个句子为例,讲解“具体化”的重要性。很多同学都能感觉到例句2要比例句1好。究其原因,是例句2中的rode比例句1中的went更加具体:went只表达了“去”的意思,而rode不但表达出“去”的意思,还能表达出具体的交通方式。也就是说,例句2表达的信息量比例句1更加丰富。


高考英语写作中高级词汇的替换 1.occur 替换think of Suddenly I had an idea that someone had broken into my house. → An idea occurred to me that someone had broken into my house. It occurred to me that someone had broken into my house. 2.devote替换spend He spends all his spare time in reading. → He devotes all his spare time to reading. 3.seek替换want / look for They sought ( wanted ) to hide themselves behind the trees. 4.average 替换ordinary I’m an average ( ordinary ) student. 5.but替换very The film we saw last night was very interesting. → The film we saw last night was nothing but interesting. The film we saw last night was anything but boring. 6.seat 替换sit On his way to school, he found an old lady seated (sitting) by the road, looking worried. 7.suppose 替换should He is supposed to ( should ) have driven more slowly. 8.appreciate 替换thank Thank you very much for you help. → We appreciate your help very much. / Your help is much appreciated. 9.the case替换true I don’t think it is the case ( true ).


A band of= a herd of=a flock of 一群 A range of=an array of= a list of= a collection of=a series of= a set of 一系列 Accelerate=speed up加速 Accomplishment=achievement 成就,完成 Accomplish=achieve (V)完成,达成,成就 Attend=participate in 参加 Achieve=obtain=gain=access to sth 得到、获得 Adapt to=integrate into使适应、融为一体 =objective=goal 目的 Aim at=focus on=concentrate on=emphasize on 集中、强调 An array of=a list of =a set of=a series of 一系列 Attempt to do=try to do=intend to do尝试作,想要作 Approximately=roughly=about=some=around 大约 Appreciation=interest 欣赏 As a result=consequently=as a consequence=hence因此、从而 As well as=and和 As well=too也 Associate with=connect with=link with=relate to=involve in与……相关联Attach to=connect to=link to=serve与……相连接、附着在……上 At will=at random=by chance=by accident=accidentally随意地Automatically ensure=guarantee确保


1. 贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken 2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off 3. 优秀的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding 4. 积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous 5. 消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental= baneful =undesirable 6. 明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest 7. 健康的: healthy = robust = sound = wholesome 8. 惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous 9. 美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching 10. 有活力的:energetic = dynamic = vigorous =animated 11. 流行的:popular = prevailing = prevalent= pervasive 1.Everywhere 普遍的Widespread、Prevalent、Overflow、Rampant 2.Good 好的Beneficial、Advantageous 3.Harmful 有害的Inhumane、Detrimental、Baneful 4.Rich 富有的Wealthy、Affluent 5.Poor 贫穷的Impoverished 7.Serious 严重的Severe 8.Obvious 明显的Manifest、Apparent、Evident 9.cheap 便宜的Economical、Inexpensive ★动词: 1. 提高,加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize 2. 引起:cause = trigger = endanger 3. 解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with 4. 拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate 5. 培养: develop = cultivate = foster = nurture 6. 激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur 7. 认为:think = assert= hold = claim = argue 8. 完成:complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve 9. 保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold 10. 有害于:destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize 11. 减轻: ease = alleviate = relieve = lighten 1.Improve 提高:Promote、Advance、Enhance 2.change 改变:Transform 3.Emphasize 强调:Highlight、Stress、Address(这是个9星级用法) 4.Develop培养:Agriculture、Cultivate、Nurture 5.Break 破坏:Impair、Undermine这两个词指的是抽象意义上的破坏Jeopardize、Devastate 6.Keep 保存Preserve、Conserve 保护资源 7.deal With解决Tackle、Address(这也是高难度用法,很牛)、Resolve 8.need 需要Require、necessitate、call for ★名词: 1. 影响:influence= impact 2. 危险:danger = perils =hazard


英语高级词汇的替代 =crucial ,significant The way you and I approach today, and each day, is crucial. 我们对待今天以及每一天的方式都是至关重要的。 Whether at work or at home, the goal is to engage in activities that are both personally significant and enjoyable. 无论在工作中还是在家里,目标都是从事个人重大的并且令人愉快的活动。 =universal, ubiquitous Music has been called the universal language. 人们称音乐为世界的语言. Happiness is ubiquitous, may fall short of demand. 幸福无处不在,可还是供不应求. =ample, plentiful He has received ample praise for the work he did. 他所做的工作,使他获得了广泛的赞美。 This place has plentiful material resources. 这地方的物质资源是丰富的。 =adhere, cling We adhere to the principle that everyone should be treated fairly. 我们必须坚持人人都应该被平等对待这一原则。 The children cling to their father for more pocket money. 孩子们粘着爸爸,要他再给些零花钱。 =adjacent to His house is adjacent to mine. 他的寓所与我的相毗连。 =woo, seek He wooed and won her. 他向她求爱成功而结婚。 Older people may seek their own friends rather than become too emotionally dependent on their children. 老年人可以找自己的朋友而不会在情感上太依赖他们的子女。 =precise We need to make precise estimate beforehand. 我们需要事先作出准确的估计.


问题Problem: issue, dilemma 会议Meeting: conference, discussion 学习Study: application, consideration 好处Advantage: benefit, dominance , profit 坏处Disadvantage: inconvenience, drawback ,harm , bad side 男子 male ,man, guy 女子 female , woman , lady 注意力 eyes ,attention, fame 目的 purpose , intention , goal , aim 规则 principle,rule, 形容词/副词 重要的Important: essential, significant, play a pushing role, fundamental 大的Big: massive, enormous 许多many: numerous, infinite 永远forever (adv): everlasting, undying 小的Small: minimum, diminutive 好的Good: marvelous, gorgeous, awesome 坏的Bad: awful, terrible, imperfect 聪明的Clever: brilliant, knowledgeable 开心地Happy: delightful, delectable 漂亮的Beautiful: charming, attractive, engaging 快的Fast:swift, rapid, speedy 容易的Easy: simple, effortless 清楚的Clear: obvious, apparent 困难的Difficult: complicated, complex 生气的Angry: annoyed, displeased 危险的Dangerous: perilous, breakneck 特别的 special , particularly , stand out, 基本的 basic , essential 昂贵的 expensive ,not cheap , costly 特别的 special , unique , main feature , particular, stand out 尴尬的 awkward, embarassing 逐渐地 slowly , gradually , not rapidly , not sharply , not quickly 满意的 content ,satisfied 支持的 supportive, positive , approving , backing , in favor of , stand by 不确定的 uncertain , unclear 怀疑的 doubtful, puzzled 反对的 disapproving , negative , disappointed , unfavorable , opposed to 焦虑的 worried , anxious , trembling 连词篇:(介词,副词) 首先Firstly: previously, beforehand, fundamentally, to begin with 其次Then: afterward, what is more, furthermore
