


小编给大家整理了GRE issue写作范文,希望大家可以借鉴里面的短语、句子或思路,给自己的写作找一些思路和灵感,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

GRE issue写作范文:冒险与计划


Success in any realm of life comes more often from taking chances or risks than

from careful and cautious planning.




The speaker asserts people are more likely to attain success when taking chances

or risks than planning carefully and cautiously. However, after comparing the characteristics of careful planning and taking chances, I strongly hold that they are

of the same importance in the pursuit of success.

In competitive sports, while making appropriate training plans and effective competition strategies constitute necessary conditions of winning the matches,

taking risks is almost inevitable when athletes or their coaches confront a sudden matter that might influence the course of a match and that has not been taken into consideration beforehand. In modern competitive sports, it is widely acknowledged that scientific and effective training contributes to athletes’ better performance

during matches. Good competition strategies, on the other hand, resulting in the better allocation of physical force, better use of skills or the higher rate in scoring, also play a vital role.

However, when the star players of a soccer team or a basketball team are off the game or fail to implement their chief coach's strategic intention, leaving the whole team in adverseness, the coach faces the choice whether to substitute he/she or not. No doubt substituting a star player with a bench player means taking risk because

the bench player may not perform as good as the star player and may make matters worse. If this happens, the substitution will incur discontentment of the players and critique from the team's fans, media and the boss. The capability of the coach may then be suspected and he/she may even be fired. Nevertheless, if the coach dares

not to take the risk to substitute a poorly performed star player, his/her team will probably lose the game. Taking chances and risks is reasonable when one is dealing with something that has not been taken into consideration previously. So, in competitive sports, planning and risking are both necessary.

In academic fields, careful and cautious planning is required for large projects and application disciplines while revolutionary scientific breakthroughs are almost impossible without taking chances or risks. Before starting the research project on human genome, scientists had already made plans on the content and method of the research. They did not have to take any chances or risks because all they should do have already been carefully planned. There were no technical obstacles that had not been solved. Therefore, they just followed the plan step by step and accomplished the project in the end. As for significant scientific breakthroughs, they are the important discoveries and theories that disaccord, at least to some extent, with established principles or our intuitions, such as the Theory of Relativity and quantum mechanics. One has no choice but to take chances because established theories may not be applicable on the boundary of what is known and what is unknown. Only after being examined through experiments, practices and observations, can they be confirmed or belied. In a word, planning and taking chances or risks are different means for different levels of academic researches.

In the business world, cautious planning contributes to the long-term development of a company and at the same time, risking is imperative for a company to survive, develop and thrive in the highly competitive society. Planning carefully on inquiring market, training stuff and manufacturing products ensure a company's long-term development by keeping its profit increasing or at least not declining. On the other hand, taking risks, such as incorporating with another company, involving in the market fields that have already been occupied by other enterprises or involving in the market fields that are not considered so profitable, is also necessary because these may save the company from the adversity or help to set foot in new businesses. Clearly,in the business field, planning and risking complement each other.

To conclude, success in any realm of life comes equally from taking chances or risks and from careful and cautious planning. In most cases, they complement each other and pave the way towards success.

GRE Issue写作优秀实例:达到目标的手段


If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it are justifiable.



The speaker claim that if a goal if worthwhile, then any means taken to achieve this goal is justifiable. Although the assertion makes sense when we consider the underlying of this implication is that whatever the conditions, the natures of the endings deserve our effort wholehearted. But if we examine the broad meaning that this claim carries, we find this threshold statement suffer deficiencies from many aspects of consideration.

First let define the worthiness of a goal. How worthwhile and valuable a goal is lies not only in the subjective meditation and evaluation of an individual, we must consider the interactive influence exerted by this goal on others. For example, a country may consider the goal of achieving economic success and well being of its citizens to be worthwhile, but if we know they exploit cheap labor forces in third-world country,utilize scarce natural resources that being exported from poor countries, or dump low-cost goods in these countries, our morals reveal us the dark side of the goal and make it less worthwhile than it seems to be to its home people. On a personal level, a person’s food might be the others’ poison, so did the goal. Consider the ambition of

Napoleon, his ambitious goal is to conquer the whole European Continent, which considered by himself and many of his follows to be the most glorious plan they have ever made. But by resorting to wars, killings, and blood shedding, their sweet dream turn out to be the nightmare of people habituating in this continent. In a word, since no goal is set from a pure disinterested, impartial perspective, it is necessary to bear the interwoven relationship in mind before targeting at a certain goal. Even if a goal is worthwhile agreed by majority of people, we should consider cost-and-benefit side of things in an effort to obtaining an nonbiased, all-around point of view. Most people today agree that the exploration of outer space is a worthy goal considering the valuable research materials we would get from for our physics and medial experiment and weather forecast. What is more, due to the limit longevity of earth and the ever increasing of populations, we see high calls to find another

habitat for our future generations. Even if all the advantages and benefits involved justify the worthiness of this goal, not all means taken would be considered as sensible and judicial. Since most pressing social problem such as AIDS prevention, poverty,environmental problems still in need of immediate attention and observation, we need to allocate most of our resources to tackle these problems. As a result, even if one way of achieving the breakthrough in out space exploration would be to devote all research staff and available resource to this project, we have to struggle a balance between the worthiness of a goal and the proper way to obtain this goal. The above statement is welcomed and readily embraced by the new trend of practicality since in a society where personal achievement is highly valued, we look more to ending than means. That is to say, people tend to neglect and forgive their own wrongdoings or others’ wrongdoings in a sense that their goals are goodwill–intending and worthwhile. For one thing, for a personal, a society, or even a nation,even they consider things from a totally isolated or functional perspective, no matter how great achievement they obtain, they are selfish losers with nothing to be accomplished from the physiological point of view. In the second place, we observe too many cases where good intention result in total chaos derive not from the dirty tricks they construe but out of the improper means they take. Since the founding of People’s Republic of China, under the leadership of Chairman Mao, China has undergone a reform in the area of economy, which is to implement planned economy. Mao’s intention is good, and his goal is to realize communalisms in this new country to short its economic gap with the western country in the shortest as possible. But without considering the properness of this means from the economic and social point of view, he threw china into years of economic regression and stillness. Ideas went contrary to our wills and intentions occasionally and thus make the consideration and full analyzes of the means to obtaining goals even pressing. To sum up, I am against the speaker’s assertion since he neglects one important aspect of how to evaluate goals. To devote to a worth goal is justifiable and the effort instilled in this process deserve our accolade since it is always this power that push the society forward. But by neglecting the means of how to obtain these goals, we put ourselves in an embarrassing place of functionalists and opportunists. As a result, it is highly resulted to look from different perspectives to figure our where the true value of a goal lies and how to achieve it.

GRE Issue写作优秀实例:礼节和典礼


Rituals and ceremonies help define a culture. Without them, societies or groups of people have a diminished sense of who they are.


Admittedly, rituals and ceremonies are very significant for a culture in that they can help define a culture. However, a culture’s essence lies not in some specific ceremony or ritual, which are just symbols yet can not stand for the whole, but in common people' daily life, though which one can have more profound and comprehensive understanding concerning a culture and a nation.

It is the fact that ceremonies and rituals are necessary for a nation or culture to distinguish itself from others. People display and pass down their important customs and traditions though ceremonies. The Spring Festival in China is just a case in point.The Spring Festival is the most important ceremony for most Chinese, even those who have settled in foreign countries. In our minds, this ceremony is a paramount symbol for our nation and culture. Though in this rapid-pace life, people would not spend a whole month to celebrate the ritual, most of them would choose

to go home to stay several days with their families and friends. And for western countries, it is undeniable that the most important ceremony is Christmas, which is also the mark of their culture.Santa-Clause, Christmas trees, presents in socks, all

of them help to define their culture. In a word, different rituals and ceremonies are symbols for different cultures and nations, though which people in the culture would have a clearer sense of who they are and people outside the culture would have a basic understanding of that culture, especially the positive aspects.

Yet the ceremonies and rituals are not the whole of a culture or nation. culture is a matter involved many facets and is not easy to have an accurate definition from only one or two events, say important ceremonies and rituals. To further understand and define a culture requires careful observation and deep thinking of people's daily behaviors in that specific culture. For example, how do people eat, dress, study, and make friends, all of which may be trivial things in some one's eyes, but they have essential functions to define a culture or nation. However, sometimes they can not display themselves very clearly in ceremonies and rituals. Therefore, if people wants

to define their own culture, they much do deep and careful investigation with respect to people's behaviors in their daily life. Moreover, in ceremonies and rituals, we always see the positive sides of a culture; but in fact, every culture has negative aspects as well. So, for individuals who want to have an all-round sense of who are they, they must possess a kind of objective and sharp mind which can see through the superficial phenomena in order to get the real nature, whatever positive or negative. For example,some art works, such as movies, novels, function as revealers of a culture's negative aspects. Simply put, one should receive as much information as possible to help him or her to define a culture.

To conclude, culture is such a complex matter that only some ceremonies and rituals can only help to distinguish one from other; and in most cases, they just show the positive aspects of a nation or culture. One who wants to define a culture objectively and have a profound and overall understanding of it should do careful and comprehensive observation with respect to the common people and think independently based on information from all sides of a culture.

GRE Issue写作优秀实例:孩子整体和局部的发展


Society should identify those children who have special talents and abilities and begin training them at an early age so that they can eventually excel in their areas of ability. Otherwise, these talents are likely to remain undeveloped.



I strongly agree with the author on the claim that gifted children should be identified and provided special education. Since such training can help better develop talented individual and greatly benefit the whole society, it is necessary to put this proposal into reality as soon as possible.

Both theoretical studies and experimental practices have indicated that gifted children would better develop themselves under circumstances specially designed for them.Starting with the observation of extraordinary children, teachers from kindergartens and elementary schools have long been reporting their being obsessed with certain "troublesome" kids by their unique behavioral patterns. For

example, while the whole class is learning basic arithmetic such as twelve plus thirteen is twenty-five, a math whiz, exercising multiplication on 4-digit numbers without awareness of what's going on in the classroom, may always draw the teacher's attention. So it is very often a headache for the teachers in that to punish this committed kid for not being attentive is so unreasonable. Actually letting him/her to stay in this class is an unreasonable thing itself since what is taught is far behind what is wanted. Hence the solution is to set up a special class or institution for all kids of this kind. I came to know one of these classes in China which mainly aims at academically promising stars. Some thirty talented children of ten years old from elementary schools are enrolled every two years and they will be sent to universities in various majors at the age of fourteen,since they are capable of learning much more and much faster. That is to say ------take the chemistry major as an example ------ some of them will be doing experiments in university chemistry curriculum with ease while others of the same age find it painful to understand the composition of water. It makes a great difference once their potentials are fully developed. Therefore one can see the necessity in providing the talented such institutions as the genuine nourishment they need.

Moreover, these specialized institutions are capable of preventing some unpleasant consequences. Needless to say without these institutions we will miss the chance to produce numerous experts on various fields, or at least their debuts have to be postponed. More importantly, the unbalanced development, that is indulgence in their field of interest and disregard on others, is a commonplace among gifted children. A young math whiz may find it hard to ask for direction when lost his/her way since he/she is poor at communication. Or a young poet with personality flaws frequently complains for his/her absurd demands not being fulfilled. This problem is particularly conspicuous in that they are unexpectedly superior in one field yet unbearably inferior in another. In this case, gifted children's class can better afford solutions than ordinary ones as their experts on psychology can put more emphasis on these points, while ordinary school teachers tend to overlook such problems. In these classes it is far more convenient to make distinct therapy for individual on

his/her own drawbacks, and produce genius with personality well-being and other necessary living skills. Thus the specialized institutions yield experts but not maniacs, which is a very satisfying outcome.

Last but not the least, establishment of these institutions is beneficial to the society.These kids with special training will generally work at an early age, and therefore produce more wealth for the society. Teenage university graduates can best support this thesis. The society spend less on their education yet gets back more once they get a job. Also it has been found out that people are usually more creative in their youth,as we recall those prominent figures like Goethe, or Mozart, or Einstein. On the behalf of the society it is advantageous for the talented spend his/her youth on research than on education. Therefore we can expect more inventions from them, be they scientific theory or painting masterpiece. Eventually we see how wise it is to invest in the special training programs.

In conclusion, I believe identification and special education for gifted children is necessary for the society. These projects should be carried out without hesitation, and the society will find it a strikingly wise decision as the talented make contributions in all aspects of life.


【导语】我们在课内外阅读了一些童话故事,学习童话的兴趣越来越浓了。现在让我们在写童话、讲童话、演童话的过程中,尽情体验童话带给我们的快乐吧。下面是整理分享的编写童话故事的优秀作文300字,欢迎阅读与借鉴。 【篇一】 秋天到了,冬天快要来了。看小动物们都在准备过冬呢!小松鼠找来松果当粮食,小青蛙加紧挖洞,准备舒舒服服的睡大觉它们都在准备过冬呢。 有几只小松鼠,它们在松树林里跑着,跳着。突然吹来一阵秋风,的松鼠"吱吱"的叫着,好像在对另外几只松鼠说:"秋天到了,冬天快要来了!我们赶紧去找松果准备过冬吧!" 那几只小松鼠听完,跟着大松鼠后跑了。它们真的去找松果了。 一天,小青蛙在池塘快活的游泳。突然,有几片落叶掉到水里,浮在水面上。小青蛙跳到岸上一看,面前的枫树林已经变成火红火红的,一些叶子掉到地上,铺成一条火红的地毯。小青蛙好像想起了什么,接着,他在草地上挖洞。哦!原来,他知道秋天来了,冬天快要到了,它正准备冬眠呢! 秋天到了,冬天快要来了,小动物们都准备好了食物和温暖的窝,它们即将度过寒冷的冬天再迎接春姑娘的到来。 【篇二】 有一次,小狗哥带着一个漂亮的绿铅笔盒。 一个小红狐狸问:"小狗哥,我能看看你的铅笔盒吗?"又来这一招,小狗哥和红狐狸一起跑起来了,狐狸的头上像烧了火一样。黑熊警察来了,看见小狗哥和红狐狸在抢一个漂亮而崭新的铅笔盒,黑熊警察很生气。 黑熊警察跑过去,说:"这个铅笔盒是谁的?"小狗哥又说:"是我的。"小狗哥垂头丧气的样子,熊警察看见小红狐狸笑嘻嘻的样子把它扔了出去,小红狐狸去找猴哥哥,小狐狸让猴哥哥的法力把它变成一位武林高手的小红狐狸,小狐狸说:"如果你能让我变成武林高手,我就给你一千万元的金币。"小猴用法力,算了算,算到小红狐狸在撒谎,它也算到了学会法力一定会回去攻击小狗的,小猴就把小狐狸送到了公安局。 森林中的小动物都知道:不要撒谎,像狐狸这样的一定不会有人跟它交朋友的。 【篇三】 上写字课时,小鸭写的字很不好,东倒西歪的。它看看小鸡写的字,啊!小鸡的字写得真好,它羡慕极了。 小鸭子想:"为什么小鸡的字写得那么端正,我却写不好呢?"忽然,它眼睛一亮,小鸡的新钢笔在阳光下闪亮。"啊!我明白了",小鸭子高兴地叫起来:"是小鸡的钢笔好,它的字才写得好呢。"小鸭子轻轻的对小鸡说:"请把你的钢笔错我写写,行吗?""你不是有笔吗?"小鸡奇怪的问。"我的笔不好,写出的字也不好看。"小鸭子说,小鸡把笔借给了它。 小鸭子拿着小鸡的笔写了起来,奇怪?怎么还是写不好?这时,老师走过来了,知道了这件事。老师对小鸭子说:"要想把字写好,关键不靠笔,要靠自己勤奋、认真地练习。"小鸭子这才真正明白了字写得不好的原因,决定好好练字。 【篇四】 刺猬听说乌龟在赛跑比赛中赢了兔子,决定去跟乌龟比一比。他们来到一个小山坡上。许多小动物也赶来了,像赶节日的盛会。他们请大象伯伯和小猴当裁判。 刺猬比乌龟"跑"得快。它来到山脚下,路旁有一棵非常大的苹果树,红艳艳的苹果压弯了大树的腰,一直垂到地上。几个熟透了的苹果落在地上,发出诱人的香味。刺猬打起了它的如意算盘。他想:冠军的金牌我是拿定了,何不趁现在背几个苹果到终点,庆祝庆祝自己呢。 于是,它就在苹果堆里打了个滚,背上刺了好几个苹果。接着,刺猬又开始爬坡了,可


小学童话作文范文(精选8篇) 小学童话作文范文(精选8篇) 在学习、工作、生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?以下是小编为大家收集的小学童话作文范文(精选8篇),希望能够帮助到大家。 小学童话作文1春去冬来,动物王国里的动物们都忙着准备过冬的食物,小松鼠欢欢早就准备好了,原来是满满几袋欢欢最喜欢吃的松果。 虽然欢欢准备好过冬,但每天还是忙忙碌碌的。邻居小刺猬尖尖看到了,就疑惑不解的问他:“欢欢!你不是早都准没好了吗?咋还在忙碌呢?”欢欢欢快的说:“哈哈!我在收集阳光、颜色、童话呢!”“哦!我明白了,那你慢慢找啊!我先走了。”欢欢头也不抬的在一对金灿灿的树叶里翻找着。一天、两天……慢慢的,欢欢的家里多了许多的玻璃罐子,还有一些乱七八糟的东西。 北风呼呼的怒号着,寒冷的冬天来了,尖尖想念欢欢了。又想起欢欢说的什么收集阳光、颜色、童话,就披着大衣,

来到了欢欢家。尖尖对欢欢说:“欢欢,你收集的那些什么东西呢?拿出来让我瞧瞧吧!”欢欢大方地说:“没关系!这不,我正好也要用呢!一块分享吧!”说着,便拿出了他视如珍宝的收藏品。 欢欢首先拿出了阳光,打开盖子,屋里突然阳光明媚,亮如白昼,暖和极了!欢欢又拿出了颜色,一看!原来是用绳子串在一起的树叶,有火红的枫叶、翠绿的梧桐叶、金黄的银杏叶……五彩缤纷,接着拿出了童话,这更离谱,尖尖笑弯了腰:“什么嘛,分明是一大堆干枯的叶子,有的还裂开了呢!”欢欢笑着说:“不是那么简单的!你仔细看!”尖尖低头一看,啊!每片树叶上都密密麻麻的写满了童话,尖尖豁然开朗:每一天有了阳光才会开始,每一天有了颜色才不单调,每一天有了童话才不孤独。尖尖说:“欢欢!我终于明白了,你的生活为什么每一天都是欢快的了!以为你有阳光、有颜色、有童话陪着你。”欢欢微笑着:“还少了一个:还有朋友陪着我,我的每一天才有多姿多彩、有滋有味,谢谢你尖尖,我的好朋友” 他们坐在椅子上,仔细的读着那每一个童话,包括这个美丽的童话…… 小学童话作文2很久很久以前,在一个美妙的收稻的季节里,一位老奶奶又一次的怀着高心和盼望的心情来到了属于她的那块稻田里。


苦尽“美”来_新材料作文范文700字 【材料】 以“痛苦与美丽”为话题的作文 一、阅读下面材料,按要求作文: 有一只蚌对另一只蚌说:“我真是痛苦不堪,那又重又粗的砂粒在我体内滚来滚去,常常使我痛得不能休息。” 另一只蚌骄傲自得地回答说:“谢天谢地,我体内没有被砂粒折磨的痛苦,我里里外外都很舒服。” 此时有一只螃蟹经过,听到两只蚌的对话,便对那只骄傲的蚌说:“是啊!你是很舒服,但是却一无所得;而你的朋友忍受痛苦的结果,却将生出一颗非常美丽的珍珠。” 请以“痛苦与美丽”为话题,写一篇文章,不少于800字,文体不限。 【范文】 苦尽“美”来 蚌“制造”珍珠是一陈痛苦,一颗珍珠是一片美丽。农民春耕播种是一片痛苦,秋收是一片美丽。攀山涉水是一片痛苦,饱览名山大川是一片美丽。 “不是一番寒彻骨,争得梅花扑鼻香”。这句话对于学生是一句自勉的话。对于一个成绩不太理想的学生来说,尤为重要。回想自己这么多年来的学习排除一些客观因素,自己成绩不理想的主要原因是没有经过“一番寒窗苦”。一分耕耘,一分收获。“耕耘”确实是痛苦,但是痛苦“耕耘”之后的收获是如此的美丽。对于我们来说,应该“苦几年,不苦一辈子”。 春秋后期,吴、越两国是两个互相争霸的诸侯,双方互相混战多年,他们之间值得后人称赞的是勾践的臣薪尝胆。勾践被夫差打败之后,立志复国,不惜身为夫差马前卒,为夫差尝粪便治病,这对于当时的统治者来说,可谓是极大的耻辱和痛苦。正是因为这些痛苦,造就了勾践一雪国耻的美丽。南唐后主李煜整日吃虽

玩乐,荒废了对国家的治理,贪图了一时舒服,最后却成为亡国奴。痛苦往往造就美丽,而享受常常造成痛苦。 一个种麦子的农夫每天祈祷上帝年年不要有大风雨、冰雹、虫害。后来上帝答应了他一年的请求。农夫本以为麦穗会比平常多一倍。但是收获时麦穗竟是瘪瘪 的,没有什么籽粒…麦子之所以会变成这样,是因为它避开了所有的痛苦的考 验。一些风雨是必要性的,烈日是必要的,甚至蝗虫也是必要性的,因为它们可以唤醒麦子内在的灵魂。 人的灵魂也和麦子的灵魂一样,如果没有任何考验,人也只能是一个空壳而已。 每一个人,从出生分娩时,就开始面对各种痛苦考验所带来宝贵的人生特质。痛苦就是经历的任何考验,人生特质就是痛苦之后的美丽。只要我们能经受往痛苦的考验,不就会苦尽“美”来吗? 2 忍受痛苦,拥抱美丽_新材料作文范文700字 【材料】 以“痛苦与美丽”为话题的作文 一、阅读下面材料,按要求作文: 有一只蚌对另一只蚌说:“我真是痛苦不堪,那又重又粗的砂粒在我体内滚来滚去,常常使我痛得不能休息。” 另一只蚌骄傲自得地回答说:“谢天谢地,我体内没有被砂粒折磨的痛苦,我里里外外都很舒服。” 此时有一只螃蟹经过,听到两只蚌的对话,便对那只骄傲的蚌说:“是啊!你是很舒服,但是却一无所得;而你的朋友忍受痛苦的结果,却将生出一颗非常美丽的珍珠。” 请以“痛苦与美丽”为话题,写一篇文章,不少于800字,文体不限。 【范文】 忍受痛苦,拥抱美丽


二年级童话故事作文300字范文10篇 二年级童话故事作文1 一天,小猴子看见前面有一只小狗在玩骨头,小猴子也想和小狗一起玩。然后,小猴子拿起骨头往远处扔去,小狗飞快地跑过去。 突然,小狗和骨头一起掉进了很深的洞里,小狗痛得直流眼泪。小猴子来了,它往洞里一看,小狗在里面。 小猴子急得走来走去,小猴子发现自己有一条长尾巴。小猴拿定了主意,把尾巴放在洞里,让小狗抓着尾巴爬着上来。小狗对小猴说:“谢谢你,小猴。”小猴子说:“不用谢。”它们又开开心心地去玩了。 二年级童话故事作文2 院子里长着一棵小柳树和一棵小枣树。春天到了,小柳树长出了一片片绿色的嫩叶,而小枣树还是光秃秃的一点叶芽儿也没有。“喂,小枣树,你为什么不长叶子呀!”小柳树得意地问。小枣树沉默不语。 又过了好些日子,小柳树的嫩芽已经长成了长长的、细细的柳条。小枣树才长出小小的叶子…… 秋天,小枣树结了许多又大又红的枣子,人们把枣子打下来坐在院子里高高兴兴地吃起来,一副其乐融融的样子。小柳树看到此景,忧伤地想着:之前我总是说小枣树不好看,现在他该说我了。可是过了一天又一天,小枣树什么也没说。小柳树实在忍不住了,对小枣树说:“你为什么不向我炫耀呀?”小枣树不明白地说:“我炫耀什么呀?”小柳树低下头说:“炫耀你会结果子,而我不会结果子呗!”小枣树温柔地说:“你虽然不会结果子,可是你长得快啊,比我落叶晚

呀!你有你的优点,我也有我的优点,没什么好炫耀的。” 小柳树听了小枣树的话红着脸抬起头,不好意思地笑了。 二年级童话故事作文3 一天早上,小蚂蚁、毛毛虫、小蝴蝶在草地上快乐地玩鸡蛋壳。小蚂蚁说:“不如我们玩跷跷板吧!”于是,它们找来了一根竹条,做好了跷跷板,一上一下玩得可开心了! 过了一会儿,小蝴蝶说:“我带你们飞上天空看一看吧!”小蝴蝶的想法得到了大家的认同,它们找到了一块红色的布,又找来了四根绳子,做了一个大大的热气球,小蚂蚁、毛毛虫坐上了热气球,和小蝴蝶飞上了天空,它们看见了洁白如雪的云朵。 到了下午,突然下起了大雨,小蝴蝶说:“我们得找个地方躲雨。”它们看了看鸡蛋壳,想到了一个主意,它们躲在鸡蛋壳下面。 天黑了,它们玩累了,抱来一片大大的叶子当被子,然后在蛋壳里睡着了。 二年级童话故事作文4 俗话说得好,“兔子的尾巴长不了。”但是,有一只小兔子却有一条又大又长的尾巴。 一个阳光明媚的早晨,小兔子丹丹来到学校,一进校门,所有小动物都死死地盯着她,怎么回事?原来,大家都瞧见了丹丹的尾巴,她的尾巴翘得高高的,帮她挡太阳,好像一把巨大的遮阳伞。丹丹和好朋友小绵羊白白说笑着,顺便帮她遮阳,一点都不在意别的动物说什么。 上课铃声响了,小动物们回到自己的位置坐好,安安静静地等着花猫小花老师来。丹丹把自己的大尾巴垫在椅子上,舒舒服服自坐在上面,别的小动物看了

三年级人教版 童话写作讲解

童话作文指导 一、本次习作写什么呢? 小朋友,这次习作要求写什么呢?这个在我们的课本里写得十分清楚,翻开书我们一起来看看吧—— 我们已经读过不少童话故事。这次习作就来编童话故事。请你任选几种动物作为主人公,编一个故事。先想象一下它们之间可能会发生什么事,然后写下来。写好后读给大家听,看谁编的故事最有趣。 (现在,清楚了吧,本次习作的内容是——编写动物童话故事)(一)、本次习作的要求 亲爱的小朋友们,你已经知道了习作的题目,下一步要了解的就是本次习作有什么要求,这一点可是很重要的哦。通过前面几次的写作,小朋友们的写作能力都得到了很大的提高。这次,大家也同样要把握住要求,让自己的习作更加得精彩。让我们大家一起来看看本次习作的具体的要求吧!从我的分析来看,大体有以下一些要求:请小朋友们注意啦,本次习作有三点要求: 1.本次习作的题材是童话。 2.本次习作内容的主人公选择是一种动物或多种动物。 3.发挥想象力,想象动物之间可能会发生的事。 你明白了吗?! (二)、确定自己要写的内容:

亲爱的小朋友们,你听过《聪明的大公鸡》的故事吗?“公鸡在路上遇见了狼,狼想吃掉公鸡,假意称公鸡为‘好朋友’,还装作关心的样子问:‘你上哪去?’显然是在套近乎,同时也写出了狼的狡猾。公鸡识破了狼的诡计,并掌握了狼怕狗的弱点,声称与两只狗(在后面)去看朋友,把狼吓跑了。”还有《小马过河》、《小蝌蚪找妈妈》、《滥竽充数》、《会摇尾巴的狼》……这些形式多样的故事不仅读着有趣、生动、形象,还给我们学习生活以启迪。有的小朋友迫不及待地说了,这些故事都是童话。 是的!这些都是童话。那么童话是什么呢?了解这点很重要。童话是儿童文学的重要体裁,是一种具有浓厚幻想色彩的虚构故事,文章多数采用夸张、拟人、象征等表现手法来编写一些奇异、特别的故事情节。我们经常阅读的童话基本上都是属于拟人体童话,也就是童话的主人公多是人类以外的各种人格化的有生命或无生命的事物。例如猫、狗、鱼、虫、鸟、树、石、风…… 我们这次所要写的童话也是属于这样的童话形式。你准备选择哪一种动物或几种动物来写呢? 二、本次习作怎么写? (一)打开思路,注意方式 每当我们学习语文课本上那些精彩的童话的时候,大家的心都被深深地打动了,童话根据故事中主人公的不同,除了刚才上面说的一种拟人体之外,还有没有其他类型呢?


三立教育, SAT写作范文推荐 写作对考生来说是一大挑战,下面小编就南北战争为大家带来写作范文 Civil War Ross K. In the Civil War, General Robert E. Lee of the United States of the Confederacy, was on a winning streak against the armies of the United States of the Union. At the battle of Gettysburg, in Pennsylvania, the Confederate armies outnumbered the Union soldiers barricading themselves inside the town. General Lee created battle tactics and strategies for the assault on Gettysburg. Through his extensive planning and military genius, Robert E. Lee was confident that his battalions would overtake the Union. However, during this decisive battle, Robert E. Lee's strategies failed the Confederacy, and the unexpected happened; Ulysses S. Grant and the Union armies defeated Lee. Even though General Lm planned thoroughly, Lee did not expect the Union to retreat to Cemetery Hill where they would have the advantage of elevation. Both sides suffered major casualties, but it was the Union that won the battle.


高二语文期中考试材料作文范例 【审读材料】 这是一段叙述性材料,注意分析事件的前因后果。要抓住记叙的要素概括材料的主要内容:邮差长年奔波在荒凉的路上,心情低落到极点,为改变这种境遇,他买野花种子播洒于路,结果收获了季季繁花(隐含结果:心情转变,快乐,幸福,充满了希望)。从中提炼出关键词:荒凉——心情低落——播种——繁花——心情快乐。从中可以发现前后的对照变化:荒凉与繁花、心情低落与心情快乐,这种变化存在因果关系,心情的变化是由于环境的变化,变化的关键在于邮差播种了野花种子而收获了繁花,这种变化趋向于积极向上,由此我们可以认识到,材料反映出的是追求积极向上的人生态度。 【立意分析】 对材料深意的把握,必须从整体上感知,不能只截取片段或词句忽视前因后果。 1.从事件因果关系角度分析: (1)良好的环境可以营造好的心态,创造美好(幸福、快乐)人生。 (2)播种美(快乐、希望、幸福等)收获美(快乐、希望、幸福等)。“播种”这一行为是心情(境)发生变化的转折点,正因为邮差的播种才能收获繁花。注意这里的播种与收获的事物必须是正面的能对人生起积极导向作用的,而且“播种”不能等同于付出,限定了面向群体性,在广大的范围内发挥广泛的作用。

2.从因素的对照关系角度分析: 人生境遇不顺时(荒凉——心情低落),要以积极的心态去改造生活、美化生活(播种野花——心情快乐)。常常听到不少人抱怨生活没有情调,抱怨工作枯燥无味,与单位里的同事很难相处,容易被别人排挤、孤立;在家里有时被老人训斥,连个笑脸都不给,总觉得生活和自己过不去;抱怨没有好的身世背景,没有聪明的头脑,没有好的运气;遇到困难挫折时,抱怨命运的不公等等。听到他们的抱怨时,同情之余,总觉得他(她)的人生光抱怨不行,消极等待不行,必须以积极的心态去设法改变这种种窘况。邮差孤独寂寞的走在荒路上近二十年,虽曾经心情低落,但他没有一味消沉,还是积极 主动地去寻求改变当前境况的途径,播种野花就是一种积极的心态,结果收获的是惬意的人生,工作、生活不再单调乏味。 3.从因素的比喻意义角度分析: 荒凉的路可比喻为:人生路上的逆境,包括挫折、困难、迷惑、苦闷、孤独等一切不顺。野花(种子)可比喻为:希望(梦想)、快乐、理想(信念)、乐观等一切积极向上的人生态度。 由此,可立意为:携着希望(快乐、理想等)走好人生之路,勇敢地迎接生活的挑战,走出人生的困境。

童话故事作文300字 (精选范文)

童话故事作文300字 篇一:童话>故事作文300字 在一座美丽的森林里有一只聪明的小猴,它是一个发明家,发明了许多好玩的玩具,动物们都非常喜欢它。 有一天,小猴发明了一台电脑,便把好朋友都请到家里。动物们看了很好奇,小猴告诉它们这是电脑,并且教它们怎么玩,大家玩得开心极了。 过了几个月后,小猴觉得有些厌烦了,心想:我这么聪明,电脑也是我发明的,为什么要和那些连电脑也不会发明的“笨蛋”一起玩呢?于是,从那天起,小猴把动物们都赶走了。

它把动物们赶走以后,就一个人独享起那台电脑,可时间久了它便觉得头晕眼花,更要命的是它觉得越来越冷,受不了了只好?在被窝里,心想:“为什么我的房间会这么冷呢?” 渐渐地,小猴的手和脸都冻僵了,喜鹊从它家经过时,看见小猴哆嗦的样子,赶紧用自己的身体给它保暖,小猴惭愧地对喜鹊说:“谢谢你,我现在好多了,我知道以前把你们这些好朋友赶走是不对的,你能把别的动物再请来我家玩电脑吗?”喜鹊点头答应了。 动物们很快又来到了小猴家,开心地玩起它们已有非常久没玩的电脑,小猴笑着,暗想:有好东西一定要和大家一起分享才会更加快乐啊! 从此,小猴让动物们一起玩电脑,动物们喜笑颜开。小猴生活欢乐的气氛中,也感到无比的>幸福! 篇二:童话故事作文300字

花果山顶上有一块石头,因为吸收了天地精华,有了灵气。一日迸裂产出一只石猴,石猴生活的自由自在每日夜石崖之下。 一天,众猴到泉水里嬉戏,并想知道泉水的源头。他们顺流而上源头直接大海。又有人提出要是谁进出自如不伤身者我等拜他为王。石猴说:“我进去,我进去石猴便直接跳入泉中。他睁眼一看原来是一座石桥。再看那有一块石碣上面刻着:”花果山福地,水帘洞洞天。“ 他便把众猴叫了进来。石猴坐在石椅上说:”人而无信,不知其可。“你们说:”谁能在瀑布中进出自如不伤身者。拜他为王。如今我已做到你们岂不拜我为王。“众猴听了序齿排班说:”万岁大王。“并把石字隐了,遂称”美猴王。“ 篇三:童话故事作文300字


Is the Vietnam War a wise choice? Martin Luther King Jr., the famous leader of the African-American Civil Rights Movement, stated his opinion that it was totally wrong to start that war. Meanwhile, in order to strengthen his opinion, rhetorical devices, such as parallel, contrast, irony, personal anecdote, quotation, were utilized in his speech, which made his speech more persuasive and evoked the audience to stand by his side Throughout the whole passage, the use of contrast presented two extreme opposite sides, which highlighted the difference and conflicts between what is shown on TV screens to the reality of the society; the rhetorical device of parallel showed strong artistic expression of contend, which strengthened the speaker’s point of view concerning how the miserable situation the poor are facing with; it is the personal anecdote illustrated an undeniable truth of his own experience of convincing angry young men that described his opinion


新材料作文范文3篇 新材料作文是指比传统材料作文提供更广阔材料的,便于考生多角度立意的,给考生留更大发挥空间的作文。新材料作文范文应该怎么写? 缺口,不是成功的绊脚石,而是成功的动力,成功源于寻找缺口。 缺口是我们追求成功路上所遇的荆棘,如同路人在采摘玫瑰时所遇的刺儿;缺口是我们奔赴成功彼岸的风浪,如同大海上的帆船远航所遇的惊涛拍岸。缺口能激起我们的斗志昂扬。[金无足赤,人无完人。我不能说缺口是什么,只能像什么。没缺口的成功不是精彩的,没有缺口的成功不是真正的成功。如果没有缺口,那么这个世界就完美,可是太多的完美会褪变为平庸,只会成为人生的遗憾。 缺口能提醒追梦者怎样追求成功,巴尔扎克总是只用缺口的杯子,他为何如此奇怪,原来,他用有缺口的杯子,是指引、提醒自己,无论写了多少作品,这些作品上都有一个缺口,以此来激励自己写下一部,将这个缺口补上去。不断地寻找自己的缺憾来勉励自己让巴尔扎克在文坛享有盛名。出guo的确如此,如果我们能清醒的认识到缺口并不断改进,缺口也能化为成功的动力。寻找缺口是为一个成功找突破口,如果说通往成功有捷径,我觉得寻找缺口就是其基础,寻找缺口是通向成功的基石。 不断寻找缺口,不遗留遗憾。沉香的尊贵源于人们对沉香的美丽外表的迷惑,渴望在其内部找到缺口,人们在沉香树上砍出缺口,

让他有缺憾,可树脂顺着伤口溢出……形成沉香这一高级香料。这样的缺口也是一种美与内涵,这样的缺口有时候会造就另一类成功。大仲马轻狂年少时总是自卑且无为,可是他在突破自己缺口时发现了自己在写作方面的优点,并树立自信,最终名享世界,如果不寻找缺口那不就落得遗憾终身了。项羽虽是一代枭雄却不反省其身,不正视自己的缺口,最终未能展示其雄风,成就霸业。所以,如果我们寻找缺口并突破它,我们将看到成功的光芒,如果我们淹没缺口,我们就只会一厥不振,惨遭失败。 扬鞭寻找缺口奔赴人生的每一个成功,带着缺口而非遗憾迎接一个个挑战吧! 人创造了社会,所以什么样的社会取决于人。有人说这个社会需要相互间的关爱,有人说是信任支撑这个时代,但我觉得要将视角缩小到个人,我们便会发现个人的责任之于时代犹如灵魂之于人类,不可或缺。坚守责任,让生命变得厚重。 20世纪初,美国的弗兰克开办了一家银行,却不幸遭到抢劫导致破产,但他决定带着妻子和女儿偿还那笔天文数字的债务。我想义务是一个无形的圆,圆之外的伟大便是责任结出的果实。弗兰克的决定出于他强烈的责任心,虽然法律并不要求他偿还,但他认为在道德上应该给储户们一个交代。从弗兰克的身上,我们看到的是良知、责任和伟大。 抚今追昔,无论是历史故人,还是当今社会的普通人,他们之中总有一些在无声地坚守着责任。北宋文学家范仲淹在《岳阳楼记》


编童话故事作文范文-童话作文 很多人的童年都是在童话故事中慢慢长大,童话故事给我们难忘的回忆。下面小编给大家整理了编童话故事作文范文,仅供参考。 篇一:望鸡成鸭在一个炎热的夏天,有一只胖胖的母鸡和一只瘦瘦的小鸡。在一个阳光明媚的早晨来到河边散步,母鸡停了下来。 母鸡对小鸡说:“你去跟鸭子伯伯学游泳吧!”小鸡全身颤抖的说:“我……不……下下……去!会死……的的。”母鸡温柔的说:“水里面可凉快了!学会了就不会这么热了。”小鸡的眼睛睁的像鸡蛋一样大,小脸气的通红,牙齿咬的咯咯响,大声的说道:“不,我不下去。会死的!”母鸡火冒三丈用手指着小鸡说:“你这是什么口气,跟老娘说,你不想活了吗?”说完母鸡把小鸡一下子推下了水,小鸡在水里扑腾了几下,嘴里还在大喊:“救命!救命!救命啊……,后来鼓了几个水泡就沉下去了。” 小鸡死了,母鸡大叫着说:“乖孩子快上来,乖孩子快上来……”鸭伯伯听到母鸡的大叫,赶过来说:“怎么了?”母鸡说:“我把小鸡推下水游泳,它沉下后一直没上来,不知道是怎么回事儿,我的孩子该不会有事吧?请你快救救我的孩子呀?”鸭伯伯听了,把小鸡的尸体推上了岸。 母鸡亲眼见到小鸡死了,它一下扑倒在小鸡身上,悲伤的哭了,还说是我的不对,我错了啊!怎么会这样呢?我可怜的孩子它就这样死了,是我的错,我可真糊涂啊!……说着说着鸡妈妈哭的更伤心了! 不要违背了自己应该做的事,不然就会受到伤害,并适得其反。

篇二:小毛驴过河夏日的一天,小毛驴驮着沉甸甸的盐口袋赶路,累得浑身是汗。 小毛驴一边走一边嘀咕:“口袋怎么这么沉,累死我了!”他吃力地迈着步子。小毛驴驮着盐走到一条河边,想喝水解渴。他看见河里有几条小鱼在水中游玩,很有趣。他只顾看鱼,一不小心踩在鹅卵石上,前蹄一滑,摔倒在河里。幸亏河水浅,毛驴扑腾了几下就站了起来。他抖了抖身上的水,继续赶路。咦!奇怪,身上怎么变轻了?盐袋子还在呀,是不是这条河魔力呢?小毛驴高兴地想。 几天后,小毛驴驮着棉花又经过那条河,想起上次过河的事,他想再试一次。他走到河中央,还在水里浸了一会。没想到,站起来后背上反而变沉了!小毛驴想:这是什么河水呀?能让盐变轻,却让棉花变重。 回到家里,小毛驴把他这几次过河的经历告诉了妈妈。妈妈笑着说:“盐遇到水会溶解在水中,棉花却会吸水的。” 小毛驴恍然大悟,心里想:以后做事要勤勤恳恳,不要投机取巧! 篇三:霸道的小老虎森林里住着小狗、小熊和小老虎。小老虎很不合群,总是不和小狗、小熊它们一起玩。 有一天,小狗、小熊一起去集市上买了些好吃的,回来后,它们坐在小河边高兴得吃起来。小老虎躲在树林里看见了,便冲到它们面前,抢走了骨头和蜂蜜,小狗气得坐在地上哭了起来,小老虎若无其事地走了!小狗和小熊气坏了,决定想办法教训一下小老虎。 第二天,小狗找到小老虎,对它说:“我们发现了一头小狮子,




2015年1月新SAT官方新样题第一时间解读:满分写作范文解析 本次官方给出了两道样题,北京新东方张卉老师针对第一篇样题(节选自Paul Bogard 于2012.12.21发表在《洛杉矶时报》的“Let There Be Dark.”)的满分作文进行了官方得分理由的第一时间解读。 满分作文(阅读部分4分,理解部分4分,写作部分4分) 阅读理解部分---4分:这篇作文通过熟练的间接引用--转述技巧(paraphrases)和直接引用技巧(direct quotations)展现出了对材料文章全面充分的理解能力。作者用简洁的语言概括了Bogard’s piece这篇文章的主旨,即(natural darkness should be preserved; we must preserve true, unaffected darkness),并从材料文章中找寻证据来说明作者如何支持主旨:如提及作者用个人轶事来开篇;提及Bogard对Paris’ reputation as “The City of Ligh t”这一历史典故的引用。考生并未直接引用大段的作者原文,而是用自己简洁精确的转述语言来全面解读Bogard 的这篇argument,考生能够清晰有条理的说明Bogard如何使用细节来支持主旨。这篇文章没有对材料文章事实的误读或曲解。总而言之,此文反映出了考生优秀的阅读理解技巧。 分析能力部分—4分:北京新东方张卉老师通过结合官方理由解读,这篇满分文章展现了考生深刻透彻的分析能力并展现出考生对分析技巧这一要求的深刻理解。考生认真全面地解释了Bogard如何通过使用个人轶事,艺术和历史引喻,修辞手段等方法来展开他的议论。例如:考生分析了Bogard为何采用个人轶事这一手段来进行开篇,并描述了作者采用这一方法对读者产生的整体效果,如(In telling this brief anecdote, Bogard challenges the audience to remember a time where they could fully amass themselves in natural darkness void of artificial light. By drawing in his readers with a personal encounter...the author means to establish the potential for beauty, glamour, and awe-inspiring mystery that genuine darkness can possess.... This ane cdote provides a baseline of sorts for readers to find credence with the author’s claims. ) 括号 中这一有说服力的逻辑链表明了考生从手段功能性和读者效果性两个方面,全面地理解了Bogard采用个人轶事这一方式开篇的作用。这种深刻的分析在通篇都展现得非常明显,此文反映出了考生优秀的分析技巧。 写作能力部分—4分:这篇文章行文连贯结构紧密,展现出考生极高的语言运用掌握能力。这篇文章有清晰明确的主旨,即:(He effectively builds his argument by using personal anecdote, allusions to art and history, and rhetorical questions),篇章的主体段紧密围绕着Bogard的原文的三个主要主体部分进行结构展开。每一段的段落内部的观点递进也清晰严谨。考生开头段和结尾段的写作技巧纯熟简明,并很好的概括了Bogard的主旨及其全篇分析结构。考生全篇用词准确和措辞得当,(the natural magnificence of stars in a dark sky is definite, our world consumed by unnatural, vapid lighting, the affecting power of an untainted night sky). 文章句式 变换多样,且使用了很多高级的复杂句(By doing this, Bogard creates a dichotomy between Paris’ traditionally alluded-to name and the reality of what Paris is becoming –no longer “the city


2019高考新材料作文范文 新材料作文也叫题意作文、后话题作文,命题人给出写作的材料,要求考生全面理解材料,选择一个角度构思作文。下面是橙子为您整理的关于20xx年高考新材料作文的范文,希望对您有所帮助! 20xx高考新材料作文篇一去黄山旅游,总会对那怪峰孤松遐想万千,等到我亲眼见识到了,不免心潮澎湃,大呼壮丽——那孤松,曲曲折折,似老者的脊背;那危峰,亦崎岖险峻,有欲倾之势。两个个体本身都算不得美,却在相融中构造出了清雅高绝的图景! 一些个体,它们本身或许有特点,略有不足,但他们未曾勾心斗角过,未曾针锋相对过,在如斯的统一中,倘若你以总体之角度观之,竟是别样和谐。走下黄山,我不禁陷于了思考。 是的,如果你是求个体的方正,那么最终所得可能仅仅只是一潭死水,茫然而无趣。君不见,明清王朝盛行的八股文吗?八股文根本不讲求相融,不讲求文章总体的韵味,它只求圣人之气,只求体制规范,每一字的方方正正,这种是偏安一隅的排他性,最终让文字失去了它原有的重量与美感,更让明清王朝裹足不前。 我想,真正的大美,绝不应该如此!它应当是支点的寻觅,是元素的交融,是单一的颠覆,更是和谐的统一。 个体的波澜不惊,甚至旁逸斜出,却是在同一后成就整体的云蒸霞蔚,别样风采。郑板桥先生曾说:“意在笔先者,定则也;趣在法1 / 5

外者,化机也。”他也正是这样诠释自己的书法。用隶书参以行楷,成就了和谐的同一,成就了“板桥体”的艺术高度。这样的例子还有很多,以前读何立伟先生的《日月盐水豆》一文,不仅为他文章中的文白兼用所叹服。文言,精巧而意赅;白话,又不失抒情之美。也许仅取一者,会令文章或大腹便便,或词肥意瘠,但两者的兼用却令整篇文章彰显了别样的韵致。 非独文学如是。荣格说:“文化最终沉淀在人格上。”我想,我们的内心中或许也要依靠无数不调和因素的融合,才能更为饱满。“我的心里又猛虎在细嗅蔷薇。”这是诗人萨松的诗句。猛虎不免生猛,蔷薇过于柔韧,倘若两者并参,方为丰满而浪漫的人性啊!就像李易安,既有“争渡,争渡,惊起一滩鸥鹭”的女儿情态;亦有“至今思项羽,不肯过江东。”的气贯长虹。她的人格,非婉约,非雄健,而是两者兼具的浪漫,是令人怀想千年。 道与万物参,万物的和谐统一,方早就世间大美。回首,我再看向那抹遒劲的孤松,再看向那面绝然的峭壁,在夕阳下它们长久地融为一体,错落有致。我释然。 20xx高考新材料作文篇二纪念是内心情感的涌动,但又不是感情的无节制挥霍;纪念需要行动来升华,但又需要理性的引导。 真正的纪念是心灵的回响,是历史的回音;它审视过去,启迪未来…… 黑格尔曾经自夸德国人天生就是哲学家。然而就是这样一个天生2 / 5


童话故事作文怎么写 童话故事作文怎么写呢?下面是XX收集整理的童话故事作文范文,希望对您有所帮助!如果你觉得不错的话,欢迎分享! 篇一:小兔救公鸡 一个风和日丽的早上,小兔和公鸡在河岸边的草地上玩“捉迷藏”的游戏。当它们玩的正欢时,公鸡不小心掉进了河里。 “救命啊,救命啊……”这时,河对岸一只狐狸听见公鸡的喊叫声,就流着口水赶忙向公鸡跑去。狐狸不怀好意地说:“美丽的公鸡,快游到我这边来,我拉你一把。” 公鸡正要向狐狸方向游去时,小兔戳穿了狐狸的诡计,她赶忙大声说:“公鸡,不要上了狐狸的当,狡猾的狐狸想吃你呢!”小兔想把公鸡救上来,可是自己也不会游泳,怎么救公鸡呢?正当小兔为此发愁时,它看见身边有几根木头,灵机一动,立刻想出了主意…… 小兔马上行动起来,它用绳子紧紧系住了木头,把木头推进河中,让公鸡抓住木头,然后使劲一拉绳子,公鸡像坐着小船一样漂浮到了岸边。小兔伸出友爱之手把公鸡拉了上来,公鸡得救了!看到快到手的美餐没了,河对岸狡猾的狐狸气的直瞪眼。 被救起的公鸡拍打着翅膀,仿佛对小兔的帮助鼓起掌来,而小兔也为自己帮助了朋友感到高兴。 篇二:狐狸的药品店

森林里有很多小动物因没有药品而死,善良的小狐狸欣欣看见了,十分伤心,就在森林里开了一家药品店。 牧羊犬汪汪看见了,就对小动物说:“各位动物朋友们,狐狸是阴险狡诈的,所以请大家千万不要去欣欣的药品店买药,说不定他在药里面投了毒呢!”大家听见了,吓得看见欣欣的药品店就绕路走。 有一年冬天,因为在丰收的季节里天天下大雨,本来过冬的粮食不是被雨冲走就是被淋湿了,不能吃了,仅剩一点粮食留了下来。刚进入冬天不久,粮食便吃完了。许多动物都饿死了,幸存下来的也生病了。 有一天,欣欣出去散步。突然,他看见了一个手脚都冻得发紫的小兔子,他急忙把小兔子抱回家放在床上,正想准备药品,一看,草药因为长期不用,再加上放的时间太长了,都烂了。欣欣只好去山上采药,呦!悬崖上有一株草药,刚放进背包,便狠狠地摔了下来……欣欣采齐了草药,给小兔子熬了药汤,喂她喝了下去,喝完药汤,小兔子的病全好了。小兔子非常感谢欣欣,对他说:“欣欣,你不用担心,我会让大家都来你的药品店的。” 第二天,药品店里便挤满了人,当然,汪汪也来了。 篇三:小马上山 从前,草原里住这一只淘气可爱的小马。 在一个风和日丽的下午,小马大摇大摆地走在街道上,小马一边走一边看着那连绵起伏的山峰,山中优美的景色。小马脸上


轻盈飞舞 4年7班王士嘉 一棵蒲公英长在山谷里,一天从山外飞来了一只小鸟,住在了它的身旁。 那是一个夏日里炎热的早晨,那只美丽的小鸟从睡梦中醒来,它站在鸟窝旁高声鸣叫着,自由地呼吸着早晨还有着淡淡湿意的空气。这时这只美丽的鸟透过树叶之间的空隙看见了长在地上的蒲公英,这只鸟拍打着白色的翅膀,向下飞去…… 它站在蒲公英的面前,仔细的打量着这个绿色的东西,拿爪子轻轻碰碰蒲公英的叶子。这蒲公英抖了抖身上的露珠说:“你干什么?为什么打我?我的叶子都被你弄破了!”那只小鸟傲慢无比地说:“你呀你,有什么资格和我说话!你的身材有我的好吗?身上的颜色有我多吗?你有我美丽吗?如果没有就不要跟我说话,我怕你会玷污我那纯洁的话语!” 蒲公英听到这,气得两眼瞪得溜圆,绿色的叶片在发抖,愤怒地说:“你,你这可恶的家伙,你美丽又能怎样?你多彩又能怎样?到时候你还不是尘归尘土归土罢了!”小鸟又说:“你就是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸,就连野花都比你美丽,牡丹、玫瑰你更是高不可攀,你只不过是一个没用的家伙罢了!”这时蒲公英冷冷的说:“我既然活在世上就有生存的意义,虽然我的花不美丽,但也有开放的意义!” 时间一点一点过去了,蒲公英那金黄色的小花变成了白色的毛球,微风吹过,满山的蒲公英都把种子放了出去,白色的毛绒绒的种子轻盈飞舞着,鸟儿看了惊呆了,倒在了白色的海洋里…… 山谷里的悄悄话 四年七班孙竞洋 一棵蒲公英长在山谷里。一天,从山谷外飞来了一只小鸟,住在了它的身边。 这天,小鸟出去散步,一下子发现了那棵蒲公英,它一蹦一跳地跑了过来:“咕咕,你是谁呀?”蒲公英挥了挥叶子:“嗨,朋友,我是一棵蒲公英!你又是谁呢?”小鸟伸了伸脖子:“咕咕,我是一只小鸟!”“那你有名字吗?”蒲公英追问道。“哼,咕咕咕,你抢了我的台词,那好吧!我告诉你,我叫咕咕。那你的名字叫什么呢?”蒲公英乐了:“我叫小英。不是我说,你这名字也有点太俗气了,嘻嘻,你呀,叫小飞侠还不错,咯咯咯!”蒲公英乐地前仰后合。“咕咕咕,人家可是一个女生呀!”不久,他们成了无话不谈的好朋友。 过了些日子,蒲公英开花了,金灿灿的花儿,可好看了。小鸟围着蒲公英飞来飞去:“小英,你的花真是太美了,我什么时候也能像你一样开花呢?”蒲公英笑了:“小鸟,你不用羡慕我的花儿,你那身漂亮的羽毛就是你最美丽的衣裳,你还能一直穿着它,我的花过些时候就会凋谢的。”小鸟怔怔看着蒲公英,似乎还在想:为什么花会凋谢呢? 这时,一只蜜蜂飞过来,在蒲公英的花上跳起舞来,小鸟以为它要破坏蒲公英的花呢,于是,他飞过来,要赶走小蜜蜂,蒲公英说:“小鸟,你误会小蜜蜂了,它是在叫它的同伴来采蜜。”果然,不一会儿,好多的小蜜蜂飞来了,他们在蒲公英的花朵上飞来飞去,忙得不亦乐乎!小蜜蜂带着采好的花粉飞走了。 这样一天天过去了,当小鸟来找蒲公英时,发现蒲公英的花不见了,小鸟可伤心了,它对蒲公英说:“小英,你的花呢?”蒲公英安慰小鸟说:“小鸟,你别伤心了,我的花虽然凋谢了,可是,我的种子却成熟了,他们是我的孩子,他们会带着自己的梦想飞向远方的。”一阵风儿吹过,小英的孩子们展开翅膀,随着风儿飞走了…… 他们边飞边唱:我是一颗蒲公英的种子,谁也不知道我的快乐和悲伤,爸爸妈妈给我一把小伞,让我在广阔的天地间飘荡,飘荡,小伞儿带着我飞翔,飞翔,飞翔…… 第二年的春天,漫山遍野开满了金灿灿的花朵。小鸟在天空中欢快的飞舞着。每天,蒲公英都和小鸟聊天,外面精彩的见闻,让蒲公英充满了理想,想飞出山谷到外面看一看。 终于有一天,蒲公英的小绒毛粘到了小鸟的爪子下,小鸟飞翔的时候,找到了一个大花园落下来,从此,花园里的蒲公英让孩子们很好奇,每天都来看它,赞美它。蒲公英幸福


GET经典做题答题模式, 稳拿基础分! 新SAT的短文涉及阅读一篇原文,然后写篇短文对原文进行分析。得分包括阅读理解(reading)、分析(analysis)和写作(writing)三部分。每部分满分四分。考试时间50分钟。 第一部分:阅读技巧(萃取材料) 1.先读短文后作文题目,标出关键词句,搞清楚靶子在哪里; 2.阅读原文标题,标出作者和原文标题,以备引用; 3.标出原文中的引句、反问句; 4.在每个段落旁边注明此段落属性:话题、论据、风格、说服方式、写作技巧; 5.标出中心思想或话题(main ideas or claim)的句子; 6.标出可以引用的句子。 第二部分:分析和构思(组合材料)

步骤(一):把论据分组,整理出一组最合适作文题目的论据(Evidence)和要说明的议题(Claim),建立逻辑关系; 步骤(二):在这组的论据里,提出所用的风格、说服方式、写作技巧(Stylistic, persuasive elements : word choice, appeals to emotion)的具体应用和达到的效果; 步骤(三):对原文的诉求和具体论述方法作个总结: 作文的中心思想。 具体做法: 1.把原文中的论据分类,分出可分类的论据和通用的论据; 2.取出最有力的一类论据(evidence)和通用论据建立与中心思想或某个话题(Main idea 或Claim )的关系。用线条把它们连接起来; 3.理出原文的开头、结尾或某一段落的具体方法和技巧。标记在段落旁边。标出可以引用的原文句子; 4.深入分析原文中要用的一组证据和Claim 的关联和逻辑,所用的风格、说服方式、写作技巧(Stylistic, persuasive elements : word choice, appeals to emotion)的具体做法和效果。标记在旁边。同时标出准备引用的原文句子;
